During cold winter season not only skin but hair also becomes dry. Dry hair prone to breakage and increase hair fall try these simple home made remedies to prevent the hair fall. Curd and lemon Squeeze few drops of lemon in curd and apply as a hair mask. Rinse after it dry completely. Curd and lemon act as natural conditioner for hair and reduce the hair fall. It also cures winter dryness of the scalp that is the cause of dandruff. Hot oil massage: Massaging with the scalp with hot oil during winter will nourish the scalp skin and prevent itchiness. Oil will help in regaining the strength and shine of your hair and also protect the scalp against winter winds. Ginger Juice Dandruff is the primary cause of hair fall during winter ginger is proven remedy for dandruff. Extract the ginger juice and apply the juice on scalp thoroughly. Wash it off after an hour with water. Follow this twice a week and the hair fall will reduce gradually Oil and camphor
For preventing hair shedding keep the head and hair cool. Mix small amount of camphor in the oil and apply it on the scalp. It reduces dandruff and the itchiness on the scalp. Avocado Avocados are rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish the hair deeply and also help in preventing dryness and hair fall. Apply the avocado mask on the hair. Wash after 45 minutes. Repeat this weekly.
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