The sensitive skin of baby gets rubbed by Diaper and it creates red rash on the skin. Avoid using wipes when the rash is present on skin instead use plain water and let it dry naturally. Rather than concerning the doctor try some of these natural remedies to treat the diaper rash: Coconut Oil Apply coconut oil on the bottom area of baby. Coconut has moisturizing and anti-fungal properties that will soothe the irritation caused by diaper after applying let it soaked completely. For more severe rash add few drops of tea tree oil in that and apply on the affected area. Baking Soda Take 4 cups of water in a small vessel mix 2 tbsp of baking soda with it dip a cloth in this and wash baby’s skin with this. Also clean the skin with washcloth to pet the skin dry. Olive Oil
Olive oil has the moisturizing properties which soothes the skin and helps in curing the diaper rashes. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil in 1 teaspoon of water. Apply it to the infected area. Oatmeal Oatmeal is a natural way to treat diaper rash. Oatmeal is rich in protein and bathing with that soothes baby’s skin. Grind 3/4th cup of oatmeal and prepare the powder. Add it to lukewarm water soak baby in it for 10-15 minutes. Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Gel has been used since many years to treat burns and soothe all kind of skin irritation. Clean the bottom area with wipe or with damp cloth. Apply the layer of aloe gel on rash it will soothe the rash also prevent it to be worsen. If the rash doesn’t get better in 3-4 days or the baby can’t bear the pain, it’s high time to concern the Child Specialist.
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