The flaking and splitting of nails can be due to dehydration. Brittle nails can be the sign of ageing. Avoid biting the nails and start using the given home remedies to treat damaged nails. Coconut oil Brittle nails can be caused due to lack of moisturize to nails Apply few drops of oil on each nail and massage gently for 2-3 minutes. It will soften the cuticle and improves blood circulation to the nails. Apple cider vinegar Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 2-3 cups of warm water. Dip cotton in this mixture and apply on nails. The apple cider vinegar moisturizes the nails and prevents breaking of the nails. Olive oil Take 2 tbsp of olive oil in a bowl and soak your fingers in the oil for around 10 minutes or massage nails with this oil. Olive oil promotes the calcium absorption that can repair and strengthen the nails. Lemon juice Squeeze the juice from a lemon, apply it gently on the nail with the help of cotton ball wash your nails with warm water then after.
Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and fights free radicals and prevents further worsening of the nails. Vaseline Dehydration can be the cause of brittle nails and due to the use of nail polish nails dry out quickly. Apply Vaseline on nails at night, it will keep the nails hydrated and prevent splitting. Consult a Dermatologist if the condition worsens with time.
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