Itchy ear remedies

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It is an Irritating; tickling sensations that just makes us want to persistently scratch the ears. The source of the itch can include yeast infection, dermatitis, excessive wax buildup, allergy or atypical dryness. To get some relief from the itchiness caused due to mild-to-moderate ear infections, try some of these home remedies before resorting to prescription drugs. Warm Oil  One of the most well-known home remedies for itchy ear involves using drops of hot oil for relief.  Select any oil make it little warm and insert few drops in the ear can give quick relief from itchiness  For the fungal infection doctor will suggest the anti fungal drops Water  If itchy ear is because it is clogged or maybe because an insect got to it, use some water to wash it out  Mix a bit of rubbing alcohol with water and use a syringe to drop the solution into the ear. Hydrogen Peroxide  Research suggest that it melts away the excess ear wax, and cleans the ear, without removing the thin protective layer of ear wax

 Put a few drops in the affected ear, let the solution work for a few seconds (until the bubbling noise stops) and then allow it to drain outside. Apple cider vinegar  The antiseptic properties of apple cider vinegar will promote the inner and outer ear health. This home remedy reportedly works wonderfully for preventing yeast infections or other types of fungus from causing an itchy ear Aloe Vera  3-5 drops of Aloe Vera gel in the ear will cool and soothe ear to stop itching  Aloe Vera helps in restoring pH levels in ear and also reduces any inflammation. If you are noticing the itching accompanied by bleeding, draining or hearing loss, see a health care professional.

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