MEDBOXTM – A Mobile App for your Health In today’s digital world, people need every information and services at their fingertips. Be it ordering of groceries or traveling to somewhere; be it managing finance or managing own health. That’s the reason, various mobile applications came into spot-light of the masses. A mere window on a smart phone, which works like more than a website using internet.
Due to increase in population & affordability to spend more, Healthcare Industry has been growing in terms of increasing health services, revenue & employment generation. Thanks to the technological advancements because of which the use of medical digital devices are increasing day by day. People in today’s digital world need more & more information on their smart phones. Currently in case of accidents & at times of emergencies, it is very difficult to get the right information about the right medical services providers, people generally rely on the information & references provided by their friends, neighbors & other family members. For this, though, there are numerous applications and websites available on the internet but due to insufficient data, the information provided cannot be verified if they are true. Moreover, they are not complete & integrated from users point of view. MEDBOXTM - a product of b2c digital pvt ltd., has introduced a complete & integrated healthcare solution to provide complete information of all healthcare services provider like nearby doctors, Hospitals, testing laboratories, pharma stores and, least to talk about , provides best of the health tips to manage your health.