The main cause of kidney stones is lack of water. Other common causes can be excessive consumption of vitamin D, imbalance of mineral, dehydration, gout and an improper diet. Try the below given remedies to treat the kidney stone and get relief from severe pain. Water Drinking lots of water helps flush out toxins that accumulate in the kidney. It is an excellent preventive measure to avoid formation of kidney stones. Drink water at regular intervals to prevent dehydration and formation and growth of kidney stones. Basil Take a mixture of basil juice and honey for six months. Basil has a strengthening effect for kidney stones. Pure basil juice can helps in inducing stone expulsion from the urinary tract. Grapes Take Grapes in raw form to get the best results.
Alternatively juice extracted from the fruit can also be helpful, if taken twice daily. Grapes have high contents of water and potassium salt and has very good diuretic value make it very effective cure for kidney stones. Coconut water Consume coconut water 2-3 times a day to treat kidney stones Continue to drink it at least for a week for better results as it can break and flushes out the kidney stones from the body. Apple Extract juice from apple by crushing it and drink it don’t add any sweetener. Apple is the best oxidant for effective dissolution of kidney stones and also helps against new stone formation
Limit the salt intake as sodium can aggravate kidney stone. Strictly avoid pickles, carbonated water, alcohols cucumber, radish, spinach, asparagus and meat. Consult the Doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of kidney stone.
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