Natural Remedies for Prickly Heat Rashes
Natural sweating during summer is very common as the weather is hot and humid. Miliaria commonly known as Prickly Heat Rash will develop when a person sweats more and the sweat glands get blocked. Prickly heat creates an itchy rash followed by prickling or stinging sensation. These rashes mostly appear on back, neck, chest, under the belly, etc the areas of the body that are prone to more sweating. Try these simple yet very soothing and natural remedies to get relief from that sensation. Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Vera is beneficial for lessening different types of skin rashes including that are caused by prickly heat. Apply Aloe Vera gel onto the infected portion of the body. It will ease the irritation and redness. Sandalwood Powder Mix 2 tbsp of sandalwood powder and coriander powder. Add some rose water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste over the affected areas and leave it to dry. Rinse off with cold water. Ice Cubes Ice cubes give nice cooling effect and ease the sensation. Rub small ice cubes over the rashes to reduce inflammation.