Natural treatment for dry hands

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There are many reasons behind dry hands harsh soap, dry air, cool weather and even frequent washing of hand can make the skin dry. Lack of moisture makes the skin dry, creates parches and followed by itchiness too. Try some of the natural remedies to get the soft hand back: Oil Massage  Massage the dry hands with warm oil for 5-10 minutes daily.  Massage with coconut oil/olive oil or any other oil. Sugar  Make a scrub using 1 tbsp of each sugar and olive oil. Massage with it for 10 minutes  Olive oil moisturizes and hydrates the skin cells of dry rough hands while sugar exfoliates off the rough dead skin cells giving the healthier new cells. Honey  Honey is a natural moisturizer which will make hand moist and soft.  Apply it on hand and wash with warm water after 10 minutes to get back the softness. Yogurt  The lactic acid in yogurt works as a natural cleanser and exfoliating agent that will remove the dead skin from hands.  Massage with handful of yogurt for five minutes than wash it with warm water.

Apple cider vinegar  Soak the hands in the mixture of a cup of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp of olive oil and 2 cup of warm water.  It will help in retaining the moisture plus exfoliate skin to help slough off rough dead skin cells.

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