Nutritional and Homeopathic Tips for Back Pain
Back pain is very common complain which is been observed in people who are continuous working in front of laptops/computers, old age people. If you want to heal back pain you should be aware about the causes which are as follow:
Poor posture Obesity Strain Emotional stress Work load Constipation
Foods that cause back pain are: Alcohol, Excess calories, Caffeine, Sugar, Processed food, eggs, meats, etc. The foods which can lower your back pain are: High fiber foods, Water, Proteins, grains, cereals, potassium rich food, etc. Here are some nutritional and Homeopathic tips for back pain suggested by Homeopathic doctors. It is important to select right homeopathic remedy to cure back pain Arnica: When the cause is back pain, Arnica is the one of the best remedy. It cures back pain because of travelling, due to over exertion or minor pain due to injury. People
who face problem like moving around, stiffness in back muscles should prefer this remedy. Bryonia: This remedy is used to treat back pain. It is used when person is suffering from violent back pain, lower back stiffness. The pain will feel better from lying on a hard surface, resting, and when the lower back is rubbed. Nux Vomica: It is used to cure back pain caused due to muscles cramps. It get worsened by cold but will improve by warmth given to body. It get worsened when constipated.
Aesculus hipocastinum: This treatment is use to cure back pain when person feels difficulty to stand from sitting position. The pain get worsened by walking, moving or lying down. Person suffer from pain in right hip or legs feel heavy. Aesculus is great for those who suffers from hemorrhoids. Rhux toxicodendron: Rhus toxicodendron is considered a useful pain relief remedy especially for a stiff back that feels worse from initial movement, cold, dampness, and sitting. Kali Carb: In case of females, when back pain starts after delivery, kali carb is best way to reduce pain. Due to this females suffer from weakness in back muscles. Backache get better by motion. Sulphur: It is used to cure the person who have slouching posture while doing work. Due to this back becomes week and person face difficulty to stand for longer span of time.
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