Reasons to eat more garlic everyday!
Garlic is one of the world's favorite foods. It can be found in almost every major cuisine, lending its signature pungent flavor and aroma. Though it leads to bad breath one should include garlic in daily diet because of the following Health Benefits: Keep colds away Mince 2 cloves garlic and stir them into a glass of water, drink daily to get rid of cold. Garlic has antiseptic properties that help the immune system protect against the cold virus. It also contains allicine, a powerful antibacterial anti-oxidant that kills the cold virus. Helps in preventing cancer Research suggests eating between one and two servings of garlic a day can be effective in protecting against cancer. Studies found that eating garlic and onions can increase enzymes that help to remove toxins, preventing damage to DNA that could cause cancer. Fight food poisoning Eat one fresh garlic clove, swallowing it with water.
Garlic is very effective in fighting food poisoning due to its strong antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It also relieves symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. Garlic is great for skin Take two cloves of raw garlic regularly with warm water early in the morning. Works as a blood cleanser and clean the system internally, make your skin glow and it will look beautiful and shiny. Rub garlic on the affected area to get rid from black head, acne, pimples and also for smooth, rash-free skin. Garlic promotes hair growth Crush two garlic cloves, peel, and then mince them, enjoy them with lots of water. Copper in garlic promotes hair growth, thickens the hair, and intensifies hair color. Crush garlic and apply the juices directly to scalp and hair. Leave it on for a few minutes before washing with shampoo and conditioner. Garlic can be a flavorful addition to different food dishes and also double as a valuable aid to the health. A clove a day keeps the diseases away!
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