Shoot of stress

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It is not stress that kills; it is the reaction to it. Stress affects each of us in different ways. It may have: Physical signs such as tense or sore muscles Emotional signs such as feeling helpless or depressed or both Stress is a fact of life but being stressed out is not, here are some effective ways to manage the stress. Learn to say NO  Saying “yes” can be easy, but it may also lead to overcommitment.  Both in Professional and Personal relationships, never take more than you can handle as this will be a definite recipe for stress. Social Connection  Share your stress

 Spend time with friends and family, talk to them about problems and find time to laugh together.  Simply talking and interacting with others can help relieve stress and boost self-esteem. Relaxation Time  Include some relaxation time in daily schedule  Relaxation isn't just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby.  Giving some time to your passion will make the stress burst out  Relaxation is a process that decreases the effects of stress on your mind and body. Eat a Healthy Diet  What we eat can influence what we feel  On a stressful day eat little and often, it will keep metabolism ticking over all day also minimize the peaks and troughs in energy levels  Also try to minimize the negative effects creator like Caffeine (Coffee, tea), Alcohol, Sugar, Salt and Nicotine (Smoking) as it will undo the work of a healthier diet. Take Enough Sleep  Less sleep will result into bad mood and lack of focus and make a person grumpy  Stress causes hyper arousal, which can upset the balance between sleep and wakefulness. So make sure of getting enough and quality sleep.

Exercise  Even some gentle exercise can help to reduce stress levels.  Physical activity helps bump up the production of the brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins.  Aerobics, swimming can help in reducing stress and tension If you are experiencing a lot of stress over a long period of time, or are at all worried about how stress is affecting you, then seek help. See your doctor who may recommend a counselor or some alternative stress relief techniques such as massage, acupuncture or alternative medicine.

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