Shoulder paintry these easy exercise at home

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Shoulder pain is quite common and can be occurred by lifting heavy weight or due to poor sleeping posture. Though it will limit the range of motion, one can get some relief by rest and with using ice compression. Once the movements of arm become less painful try these mild exercises at home: Hands against the Wall  Straighten your neck and back and place hands on wall. Now bend the elbows and bring yourself towards the wall with straightened back.  Hold the position for 5 seconds.  It will help in strengthening the back as well as the biceps and triceps muscles. Shoulder Shrugs  Shoulder shrugs are the easiest exercises that give flexibility and endurance to the shoulder muscles.  Simply Stand straight and elevate both shoulders towards ears and hold for five seconds. Do it for 5 to 6 times a day. Hand behind Neck  Stretching is proved effective in case of muscle injury and hand behind neck is a great stretch. Put hands behind neck.

 Raise the elbow high above shoulder line. Repeat for about 10 times each morning. Prone Horizontal Abduction  Before you wake from the bad or going to bed, let the paining shoulder hang off the bed.  Slowly raise your arm to your shoulder height but not above shoulder height. Slowly lower it down and do it for 10 times. These exercises will relieve the minor pain while the severe injury followed by swelling and deep pain requires the attention of a Health practitioner.

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