Simple home remedies to beat sinus
Sinus pain causes a dull, deep, throbbing pain in the front of head and face. To unclog the congested sinus try these simple home remedies: Steam Inhalation Take some Peppermint oil in hot water. Let your face down over the water. Drape a towel over the back of the head and inhale the steam. Apple Cider Vinegar Add Two to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of hot water and drink it daily that will help in relieving congestion and sinus pressure. For better taste add few lemon drops and honey. Hot Shower Take a hot water shower. Let the hot water run onto your forehead and nose. It will help drain all the mucus in your sinuses. Head Massage:
Apply gentle pressure on the forehead, bridge of the nose and cheek bones with index and middle fingers to get relief from the sinus headache. For extra relief use some Ginger oil for massaging the sinus area. Vitamin C Eat the food high in vitamin c as it fight against the infection and sinus pain Eat fruits like oranges, kiwi, pineapple, strawberry, gooseberry, pomegranate etc. Precautions Dust, smog, and car exhaust are some common irritants; wear a mask whenever you are going to be exposed to that. Food allergies such as of dairy products, sugars can cause sinus so avoid these foods from the diet.
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