Simple tips for skin and allergy treatment by allergist

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Simple tips for Skin and Allergy Treatment by Allergist

Skin - body’s sensitive part that defense against the elements of the outside world, but what happens when your skin becomes too irritated and sensitive , care is not taken“Skin Allergy” . In medical it is known as “Contact Dermatitis”. Disrespect to what kind of skin you have, person who suffers from skin allergy get red rashes, irritation, swelling, peeling and cracking of skin, blister that oozes out fluids. The most common irritants includes:      

Jewellery Soaps and cleaning products Detergents Hair colouring Medical lotion-Antibiotics Fragrance added to deodorants and perfumes.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a skin allergic reaction treatment, including the severity of the symptoms, the frequency of the rash, and the location of the rash on your skin. If you notice allergy reaction follow these simple tips suggested by Allergy Specialist to cure skin allergy.  Take a bath twice a day. Whenever we come back home its ideal to take shower in order to avoid skin disease. If you are not able to take bath, remember to wash body parts which are exposed thoroughly. This will keep allergy at bay.

 There are several herbal treatments that one can do in order to avoid skin allergy. One can add Neem, Tulsi, Aswagandha and many more along with water, this can give coolness to skin as well as protect skin from allergies.  Allergies are related to immune system also. Try to eat healthy food like fresh fruits, juices, green leafy vegetables, cereals, grains, dairy products, etc.  Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory which protects and cure skin infections. Regular application on skin can promotes healing and reduce redness of rashes.  Itching and swelling are common symptoms of skin allergy, which can be reified by applying cold compress (ice cubes wrapped under cotton cloth) on affected area.  Make paste of mint leaves (pudina) and apply gently on rashes for about 15 minutes and wash with tape water. Repeat this every day.  One of the ancient remedy to heal allergy is to mix baking soda along with water and mix well. Apply this paste on affected area to avoid irritation and inflammation around affected area.

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