ABCDE’s of Skin Cancer Symptoms
Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. There are five key symptoms from A to E that will help in diagnosis and cure at early stage. Doctors generally recommend regular head-to-toe check up as precautions is better especially in case of Cancer. A (Asymmetry): Draw a line through the middle of the mole on skin and if the one half doesn't match the appearance of the other half it can be the sign B (Border): Non-malignant tumours typically have a smooth, regular border. While the borders of the early melanomas tend to be uneven the edges are ragged, notched, or blurred. C (Color): A tumor of one color is a good sign but having a variety of color is another warning signal. A number of different shades of brown, tan or black could appear. A melanoma may also become red, white or blue. D (Diameter): Moles usually have a small diameter approx Âź inch and the melanomas are usually large still they may sometimes be smaller when first detected.
E (Evolving): Be alert if the mole starts to evolve or change and if any new symptom likes bleeding, crusting, itching arise then it could be dangerous. Not necessarily all the Melanoma cancer have these signs only so it is important to take note of any new skin spots or growths, and consult it with the doctor for any moles, freckles or spots that seem different from the normal.
Standard Skin Cancer Treatments The National Cancer Institute recommends 5 different types of standard skin cancer treatments:
Surgery Radiation therapy Chemotherapy Photodynamic therapy Biologic therapy
Natural Treatments for Skin Cancer The side effects of these therapies can be dangerous even in many cases the patients die due to the side effects of the treatment rather than cancer. Here are the natural skin cancer treatments that help in fighting various skin cancers: Black Raspberry seed oil Fruit seeds rich in antioxidants contain anticancer properties. Black raspberry seed helps in overcoming cancer because of its immune boosting properties also target the tumor. This makes raspberry seed oil a potent alternative for prevention and treatment. Myrrh oil Since history time myrrh has been used to treat a wide range of diseases. Studies show that myrrh can kill the cancer cells! Rich in sesquiterpenoid and curzerene, myrrh essential oil is generally safe for all skin types for direct application. For sensitive skin apply it with coconut oil, directly on tumors. Frankincense oil
Like myrrh, frankincense has been used for thousands of years and is one of the rare natural healing agents on the planet. Several clinical studies prove its ability to help combat various cancers, including breast, bladder and skin tumors. How to Apply Take 5 ml of frankincense oil, myrrh oil and black raspberry oil and apply on affected area twice a day or as needed. For sensitive skin, or allergies first test a small drop of each oil on the inside of arm and let sit overnight.
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