Stop eating these 8 foods that cause cancer

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Stop Eating These 8 Foods That Cause Cancer – Oncologists Warn You!

In ancient time no one was aware about food causing cancer. As such technology developed so are the research regarding it. There are many food which are good for health as well as cause harm to body. So make a proper choice in selecting food which may not harm your body. Here are 8 food suggested by Oncologist not to have it which can causes cancer. 1. Canned Food:  Cans are lined up with product known as “BPA (Bisphenol A) which is used to make certain plastics. Many plastic goods, thermal paper, water lines, and many dental composites also contain BPA.  As per the research it’s been proved that BPA is responsible for cancer in human body. Protect your body by not consuming food that are available in canes. 2. Microwave Popcorn  Microwave popcorn bags are lined up with perfluorooctanoic acid which is linked to cause cancer like liver cancer, pancreatic cancer and many more.  Make your own organic popcorn at home which tastes better, doesn’t release toxins and would be healthy. 3. GMO (Genetically Modified Food)

 GMO stands for Genetically Modified Foods means food that are not ripen through natural process but are processed by artificial method. Most of food like corn, soya, vegetables (tomatoes), fruits (Mango, Banana) are GMO which cause harm to body.  Make sure there is GMO –free labels on food that you are purchasing. 4. Soft Drinks/Soda Pop  We drink soft drink/ Soda pop just to make our digestive system quicker. At the same time it is also harmful to body. Soda is packed with sugar, calories artificial ingredients and no proteins/nutrients.  Research has found that drinking two soda per week nearly double the risk of “pancreatic cancer”. There are plenty of alternatives out there, so next time you’re craving something sweet, think about what you’re putting into your body. 5. Refined Sugar  Tumors uses “Sugar” to feed themselves and increase their size. It is also one of the dangerous ingredient included in our diet. Cancer cells love refined sugars, which spike insulin levels and promote cancer growth  As per the studies and research it is found that “sugar feeds breast cancer cells”. Most of them uses sugar in their daily diet but can reduce it in order avoid risk of cancer. 6. Hydrogenated Oils  Hydrogenated oils when processed cause poison. They are used to preserve processed foods, to give them an appealing look for a long as possible. One can replace this by coconut/palm/olive oil.  By research it has been found that “these oil can effect cell membrane structure which may lead to cancer”. This oil also contain omega 6 fatty acid which can cause heart disease and can also increase risk of “skin cancer”. 7. Salted, Smoked or Pickled food  They may be delicious, but many salty, pickled and smoked foods are processed with the preservative nitrate, which changes in our bodies to N-nitroso composites, which are associate with high cancer-developing risks.  When smoked foods are cooked at high temperatures, the nitrates are converted to the much more dangerous nitrite. The additives used in processed foods can accumulate in

your body over time. Eventually, such toxins cause damage at the cellular level and lead to diseases like cancer. 8. Refined White flour  When flour is refined, all nutritional value is removed. This is then bleached with chlorine gas to make it more attractive to consumers.  These days many foods are made with this flour. But, refined flour has too much carbs and this is unhealthy. One can replace flour with quinoa, whole wheat, barley, etc.

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