Mental health includes your overall psychological well-being, such as the way you feel about yourself and others, as well as your ability to manage your feelings and deal with everyday difficulties and overcome them. Below are ten things which can be done in order improve mental health by Psychiatrist Talk about your feelings: Talking about your feeling can help you to stay in good mental health and deals with time when you want to share with someone. Talking about feelings is not sign of weakness but just a way to boost your mental stress. Talking and sharing is other way to cope up with your problems that you are carrying in your head, which cause mental stress. Keep in Touch: Sometimes strong family and friends bonding is what helps you to deal with stress of life. They are the one which will make feel you how important you are for them, help in solving your doubts and problems. There’s nothing better than catching them face to face or drop text or talk through call. Take a break and go for outing: