Tips from a neurologist on getting better sleep

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Tips from a Neurologist on Getting Better Sleep

Sleep is a condition of body when nervous system is inactive, eyes are closed and muscles are relaxed. It is natural occurring process which is periodic and recurring. Every person is not blessed with good and healthy sleep. Why we need Sleep?  One of the important reason why we need sleep is to consolidate and modify our memories.  During sleep body repairs and renews itself, thus it’s the reason we feel energized after having even short nap.  Body regulator system solely depends on sleep, if person don’t get proper sleep then other organs might not work accurately.  If you don’t sleep you might experience  Lazy day  Short temper  Demotivated  Impaired memory. In order to get better sleep at night, simply follow these tips given by Neurologist.  Don’t Nap: It might seems crazy but that’s fact. An afternoon nap can make falling asleep at night even harder. Extra amount of sleep on weekends or holidays also affect your daily schedule of sleeping.

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