Treat common summer illness with this natural remedies

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Common Summer Illness and home remedies

Treat Common summer illness with these natural remedies Sunburn  The Harmful UV rays of sun can burn the skin. Sun burn is painful and Make the skin red, itchy and hot to the touch.  Apply yogurt to all sunburned areas. Rinse it off after sometime with the cool water. Drink lots of water that will give drying effects to the burn  Do not apply Soap as it can dry and irritate skin with a sunburn. Wear protective long sleeves clothes. Prefer cotton clothes. Wear Hat and stall. Food Poisoning  Harmful bacteria and toxins can create food poisoning which leads to vomiting, nausea, dizziness and stomach pain  Mix a tablespoon of lemon with pinch of sugar and sip it, repeat this remedy for two to three times in a day. Drink ginger tea post lunch. Chew 1-2 garlic cloves.  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables also wash before eating. Keep the cooked food in refrigerator after 2 hours. Avoid reheating cooked foods more than once. Heat Stroke  Long exposure to sun can cause over heating of the body referred as heat stroke or sun stroke sometimes it can be life threatening.  Massage coconut oil on the scalp to normalize the body temperature. Drink 8 glasses of water. Take cool bath 2 times in a day.  Eat fruits like watermelon, grapes, Pineapple, Orange to stay hydrated. Drink buttermilk 2-3 times in a day.

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