Vaccinations – a boon more, a curse less

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VACCINATIONS – A boon more, A Curse less

Medical Technology has advanced in the time span of last 100 years and even more so. Since, the time of having Vaidya’s (Ayurvedic Doctors) Indian Medical has been developed. The touch of western culture has also given their contribution for the advancement. We try to live our life disease free & vaccinations have contributed much in making it happen. But, despite of the facts of advantages of vaccinations, people still have questions & concerns. So, let’s take a road path of Vaccinations & its story. In 1798, Smallpox was killing hundreds of thousands of people every year. It had become a Life Threatening disease, having no cure. Edward Jenner, who is today known as the creator of world’s first vaccinations, saw that Milkmaids

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