What ayurveda says about Surya Namaskar?
The ancient Rishis of India said that the different parts of the body are governed by different Devas. The solar plexus is connected with the Sun and it is the reason why the Rishis suggested Surya Namaskar. The regular practice of it can increase creativity and intuitive abilities of a person. Surya Namaskar is a combination of 12 various yoga postures. Performing it on daily morning will heal Body, Mind and Soul. Healthy Heart Surya namaskar improves the blood circulation as breathing can bring the fresh oxygen in body and also removes the carbon dioxide. Inhalation and exhalation during surya namaskar will strengthens the heart and respiratory system. Digestive Problems A person need to do repeat stretching of abdominal organs in surya namaskar that will regulates the blood flow to organs and boosts the functioning. It will aid in digestive problems like constipation, indigestion, bloating and acidity. Weight Loss The starches of Surya Namaskar are the perfect workout for the body it will burn the calories and promote the weight loss by reducing the belly fat. The best thing is it is much safer than the gym exercises.
Vitamin D Performing Surya namaskar involves movement of every bone of the body. Body can easily absorb the Vitamin D from the morning sunlight and it will aid in better eye sight and healthy bones. Tone the Muscles Surya namaskar is a comprehensive exercise that involves almost all the muscles, joints and helps in toning up and improving the flexibility of the muscles. It can improve the body posture and strengthen the limbs, chest and shoulders. Insomnia The yoga will give mental peace reduce anxiety and benefited in sleep related problems. Performing it daily will provide physical and mental relaxation and easily replace sleep promoting medicines. Anti Ageing Regular performance of surya namaskar will promote youth and agility by improving blood circulation, which also prevents premature skin ageing and wrinkles.
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