Why early risers tend to be healthier

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Why Early Risers Tend to Be Healthier

Early to bed and early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy and wise. We have all heard this age old adage since time immemorial. Yet, how many of us actually adhere to it? Staying up late and waking up even later has become a lifestyle problem that many of us have succumbed to. It has become common to hear people complaining that they simply cannot make it out of bed on time. This can lead to various health problems in the long run. So what are the health advantages of rising early? Read on to find out more! Healthier Appetite: When you wake up early, you have given your body a six to eight hour period of fasting time, which has been recommended by doctors for ages now. This basically helps the body in asking for the right food at the right time, which creates a healthy appetite and healthy food intake as a consequence. When you wake up early, you eliminate healthy eating because you end up grabbing whatever it is that can quell the ravenous hunger that you feel after prolonged hours of sleep. Depression: People who wake up early are generally less prone to depression. A medical study has also shown that there are definite links between the tendency to hit the bed late and depression. It is a well-known fact that a lack of routine can lead to a state of imbalance in the mind and body. This can also have an adverse effect on the hormonal balance of the person and lead to depression and mental conditions along the same lines.

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