Why you should take a brisk walk every single day!
So many research has supported how walking can improve your health in the long run. Walking can give you much more and also improves your health and adds years of your lifespan. Here are some health benefits that you'll get from walking:
Reduces your risk heart disease: Regular walking reduces your risk heart disease and stroke. Studies suggests that older adults who are physically active have a lower risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and death from cardiovascular disease.
Control blood pressure: Regular walking lowers blood pressure, slashes the risk of type 2 diabetes, asthma and some cancers.
Reducing stress and anxiety: Walking boosts your mood by releasing feel-good endorphins while reducing stress and anxiety.
Increase strength of Bones and Muscles: Regular brisk walking strengthens your bones and muscles. As people age, muscle strength declines, but studies show that exercise can keep them stronger and leaner. Walking also improves balance and reduces falls in the elderly.
Help to lose weight: Walking is one of the easiest ways to lose weight, even without a diet. It is said that brisk walking of 30 minutes daily can help you burn about 150 more calories a day.
Walking is free, simple and it's one of the easiest methods to stay healthy and fit. Just get started, even if it's only a few minutes per day.
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