Cessation of thought process is Meditation. Make the mind free from scattered thoughts. Intelligence quotient is one of the oldest and well known measure of human intelligence .Regular meditation lubricates the mind to be more efficient and reflective. A Crystal-clear Mind Our mind is a mirror of our thoughts, experiences, expectation and present interactions. Meditation clears out the junk, tune out the talents, and connect you with own self. Regular meditation will make you feel less burdened and make you see the things with greater perspective. Increase focus and Concentration At one point of time we all have felt the powerful source of unlimited energy within own self. Practicing regular meditation helps in keeping the mind sharp by endowing with ample of focus. "The quality of our life depends on the quality of our mind”, Control the quality of thinking through meditation. The Intuitive Mind "Gut feeling", intuition is regarded as a blessing to the human mind. Research supports that an intuitive mind helps in to be thoughtful, astute, and incisive. Meditation act as a fuel to our ability to think.