Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
02-10-09 No. 136 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
xDrive 30d X5 SAV with a go BMW
Car News Barnstorming M Models Get Set for Australian Debut Upgraded Lexus IS F
F1 News ࠛछႳཱིёۃថۇᏽ Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ
02-10-09 No. 136
SAV with a go – BMW X5 xDrive 30d We have seen the updated New BMW X5 for a short while. It is hard to pinpoint its difference. On the outside, the new panels and better design are to make it a bit fresh. It is still a luxury all-wheel drive Sport Activity Vehicle (SAV); a wagon with a new twin turbo diesel engine line up as well. However, that particular engine will perhaps change your perception upon the BMW X5 Diesel series Unlike other companies that make four wheel drive, BMW knows exactly what people want. The BMW X5 is manufactured in USA and Germany. The work ethics and culture of both nations are that practicality is paramount. Either you succeed or fail without any grey area or grace in that matter. Since 2004, the then new X5 stroke an unprecedented success then, the rest was history. The ethnos of BMW is speed, drivability and ultimate driving experience. Well, with safety and luxury in mind as well. The X5 has several engines line up. For petrol engine, it has in-line six-cylinder or V8. As for its renowned diesel engines, they can now offer either a single turbo or a twin turbo of its 3.0 litre diesel. BMW knows that people need choices. Go fast or even faster, therefore the twin turbo X5 xDrive 35d 3.0 litre diesel is that sort of sport sedan in a SAV body. Officially, 70% of customers who bought the X5 would opt for diesel engine. Unofficially, sales personnel down at the South Yarra dealership said that 98% of their customers would choose diesel engines. Well, that’s perfectly
Edmund Chow
understandable. Gone are the days for smelly and rattling diesel engine. In addition, with BMW’s advance engine making technology, the diesel engines are perhaps the most fuel efficient and very environmental friendly against its petrol counterparts. Instant acceleration from the traffic light may become a little drag race for some people who want to entertain themselves with. However, do think about the other road users and legal limit. On the contrary, no one wants to drive a big bulk of car that takes forever to climb up to the legal speed as well. The 173kW 3.0d goes reasonably fast, 0-100kms just takes 8.1seconds. The new addition, twin big brother, twin turbo diesel version, 3.0sd will just take 7.0 second. However, if your driving behaviour is similar to mine, I would rather enjoy more luxury items in the car rather than just speed. 8.1seconds is a very high standard or even benchmarking for most other new cars on the road. 520Nm of torque is all available from just a low 2,000rpm. From memory, the accelerator is just the right weight for me to interact with the accelerating system. For some other brands, which I thought are based on pure mechanical leverage; it could take me a harder determination and physical effort to step on the throttle to get them going. The 6 speed ZF gearbox is complimented brilliantly with a new electronic joystick-alike gear selector. The left hand shift gate allows interactive but semi automatic gear changing at your own pleasure. While the right hand shift gate controls drive (D), Neutral (N), and Reverse (R). The Park (P) can now be
3.0ݶ෴Еᔝ ӻђᡗҰࡎ
ٙഀᡗҰ ϛѮᙏघᄂҢ
26 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ!
02-10-09 No. 136
ȞM1 Motorsȟ
ኵڗܻዉࢸٙᆰও߳Ꮄޟடড়Ȃȶҗႀওٙȷ)M1 Motors*џᒝ࿋ϛߒޟ ߒޱȄᐃޣȂԪ۹॒ޟΡങᔮᎃJoe ChanȂᏵтӵॷ෫Ϧׅওٙώհё ΰӵᐬࢸBMWٙᐊӈᆰওഋಢߝޟӻԑওٙငᡛȂॶӑӵBox Hill ޟ Cambridge StreetтޟওٙҡཎȂࡣپ᎐ՍStation StreetȂڗശߖᘗ ᎐ՍNunawadingୢ៉ีтওٙཾٱޟдȄ M1 MotorsҗႀওٙȂኅܘႀ8000ӻȂଶΟԤӎౡᐌዓޟᆰওᕗცѴȂ ٮരԤ6ѮءٙЀ६Ѯȃӻӑ໌ቈᏢڷᆰওၥଉȂ࣏ءٙᅸᜲȂྥጂЅפ௦ ӴᡛюЩޟӴПЅ՝ညȂٮџ։ਢൢቋᇄٙкȂхӨٙкԊЖᅖཎȄ M1 MotorsҗႀওٙඪټΙમԒЅפ௦ׂ࿋ޟᆰও݈Ȉҥᐠݶȃ߳Ꮄ ݈ȃӨᆰওٽԃЕᔝȃफ़ΨȃվȃႫᏢȃࣥՍᎈपȃႫԱȃюᡛ ٙાȃᗊٙࠉᔮᡛ݈ȃءٙЈณ၆ȃछৠᙚཱིȃٙ٘ওғЅቢݶȂ้ ΙᔖӒȄ M1 MotorsҗႀওٙΙޢԈȶடཾءٙᆰওȃᅾЖ࣏ௌ݈ȷ۠ޟԟȂ ߬ѫԤΙޢоࡊ࣏ӑȂٮඪټடཾȃଽ፴શءޟٙᆰও݈ϗमഽϞၾȄ ݈གछӨσনኅȂׇӒᆎுΰȶ߬ЖϞᒵȷȄ࣏ΟᓺඏӨ՝ٙкȂM1 Motorඪټоήൖ᎐ᇬኊσᓺඏȈ ᎈपۡ՝$19.90 ءٙ߳Ꮄᆰ$70.00ଔȞԪᓺඏՍҏԑထȟ җႀওٙ ႫၗȈ9873 3668/0402 799 038 Ӵ֭ȈUnit 3, 50 Rooks Road, Nunawading 3131
Ӵ֭ȈUnit 3, 50 Rooks Road, Nunawading 3131 ႫၗȈ03 9873 3668
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Drive-way ٙൢ
02-10-09 No. 136
activated with the “P” button just on top of the gear selector. It is quite unique and practical as well. Talking about road handling and safety: I like the new xDrive system. It helps to maintain perfect traction control on virtually all kinds of road conditions. A smart sensor system can detect and distribute optimum power when most needed. This will ensure best possible road holding and forward thrust. On the other hand, its advance adaptive drive system provides greater agility and suppresses any nasty roll over tendency. I felt the car was more balanced and my rear passengers did not feel any road sickness and enjoyed a more comfortable ride. In addition, with a safety first mission statement at the back of BMW’s mind, no active and passive safety will be compromised in all X5 series. Yet, the X5 put on a sports kit such as alloy side steps and a set of 19 inches premium Continental rubber tyres with a set of dazzling alloys. So, it matches its outstanding style as a sport activity vehicle. BMW knows that 99% of people will not take their premium off-roader to the bush or four wheel drive track. So, the X5 will not go off-road. It does not compromise its functionality; rather, it enhances its performance and ability to deal with speed and handling. It was an amazing experience for us to test drive the X5 for a week. Yet, it is something that we appreciate amongst our past experience with Range Rover and Mercedes Benz ML class. No matter, whether you like it or not, it is such an important and popular vehicle that is proven to be one of the best in its class.
ϲࠉഀޟZFՌଢ଼௶ᔬᇄႫυၽᔛᐠޟڙᏢΪϷࣺխݰޟෙȂٺҢП७ȂѾЙ ७џоҢјՌଢ଼௶ޟПݲўᒵڥձ᠍ࢲݰޟȂՄѡЙ७ޟڙџоᒵҢࢋۡޟD (ࠉᎽᎻ)ȃN(ުᔬ)ȃR(ইٙ)ЅP(ୄ)ހȂџоѫࡸήӵᐇᖃజޟഥᆒࡸޟ໖Ȃ٥ ᆍ೩ॎᐿ੫ЅᄂҢȄ ፙЅၾၯΰߒޟ౪ЅԊӒП७ȂרདྷBMWޟxDriveفಛȂѺхڗBMW X5৯Ϛ ӻџоӵӈդޟၯ७ΰႀׇڗछޟඉၬЅӴђȂѺޟᖑ݂กᏢџо㺵กڗ Ѕӣਢټᔖശޟٹଢ଼ΨȂӰՄȂӴЅࠉޟፐږଢ଼ΨϚོཬѶȄѪΙП७Ȃ Ѻޟӑ໌ཐᔖޟᎽᎻفಛඪټΟః௦ޟၯ७౩ЅӣਢᔆΟᙚᅌޟ༊өȇཐ ឈΰȂBMW X5ޟٙߒ౪Шၶҁ֯ޟȂоՍࡣר৴ࡊॸޟϚৠܾཷٙȇ џошϷڧٴΙএᇺᎌޟਡแȄӔޱȂBMWԊӒՍΰ۠ޟԟȂкଢ଼Ѕೝଢ଼ޟ ԊӒ೩ࢊϚོհюӈџڞׂޟȄ Մёΰၼଢ଼Ӈޟٙ٘ယȃ၃ယȃ19ӧӫߜᎈоЅΰྃࠢContinentalޟᎈ पȂхΡᄇBMW X5ቨёΟΙᘈ़ޟཐឈȇٺѺяᡗΟ࠲ѿၼଢ଼৴Ꮍ(SAV) ॳޟਿȄBMWኅП݂ԻϷϞΞΪΞޟٙкོདྷтঈޟᇺ৴ᎽȂՄϚོڗ όݓЅѲၯΰऄόഏၯ৷ȇӰԪȂBMW X5ؠԤᙚόູᔐޟђȂѺࠓᄇഀ ࡙ЅᎽᎻߒ౪ΰయϚׂڞȄ ᎽᎻBMW X5ޟငᡛޟּۉȇרঈӣਢݠ፬ႆўᎽᎻRange Rover ູഏၯ ЅMercedes Benz ҁی(ݽႻ)ޟMLٙفȂฒ፣ձӣཎᇄ֏ȂBMW X5ϫ ณΙᎄ१ौЅࢺءޟٙȂՄרџоᇳȂѺڏϛശ१ौϞΙষȄ ࡣ௶ॸࡊடҢު፡
ӵၯ७ΰȂӒཱིޟX5ϏΰѿԤΙࢲਢȂጂᄂ࡞ᜲўࡾюѺঈޟϷտȄѴ ߒΰȂཱིޟѴЅ೩ॎўٺѺёΰΙᘈ఼ཱིޟཐឈȂѺॹฒᅸ୰ϫณΙᎄᇺ ޟѲٙȂоۡޟ՝ȂѺٙкޟၼଢ଼৴ᎽSport Activity Vehicle (SAV)Ȅ ӣਢȂѺһΰӒཱིޟᚖ਼ݶᎈቨᔆЕᔝȇӰՄȂཱིЕᔝһོхձΙᄇ BMW਼ݶЕᔝޟᢎཐȄ BMWࡊޣИޟઍғሯौȂBMW X5ӣਢӵछЅኈᇧഅȂՄޟڍώհ ౩܈ЅМϽоᄂ࣏१ȂܚоѫԤԙђܖѶఁȂ๘ᄇؠԤԸՓӴளڐܖџ ِȄՌBMW X5юȂѺڗڧѬฒࠉߔ᠍ޟٽȂڏтٱޟϚႆᐣѬΰ ޟᘈᅎȂޟᇧٙհॳоഀ࡙ȂᎽᎻॳਿЅᎽᎻޟငᡛ࣏σࠉᚠȇ࿋ณȂһ ӫԊӒЅᇺᎌޟ౩܈Ȅ BMW X5ԤኵϚӣЕᔝџᒵᐅȇџоᒵޢϲءचܖV8的ݶءЕᔝȂ਼ݶП७ࠌ џоᒵܖӒཱིޟᚖ਼ݶᎈቨᔆЕᔝȄBMWᡱࡊИџоᒵפഀЅџפഀΙ ᘈޟЕᔝȂӰՄȂX5 xDrive 35d 3.0਼ဴݶȂ߯ܤΰѲٙ٘ޟເܘٙȄ ۢПޟኵᐃᇯ࣏ԻϷϞΜΪޟBMWȁX5ࡊᒵᗊ਼ݶЕᔝȂՄਲ਼ᐃΙ՝ӵSouth Yarraф౩୦ޟBMW୵݉ЄߒҰȈԻϷϞΞΪΤࡊޟᗊີΰ਼ݶЕᔝޟ X5Ȅ٥๘ᄇџоΟ၌ޟȇႆўޟଆვڨݶ਼ޟЅ٘ีޟᎪଢ଼ٙ٘ෆх ᎽٙΡρఖՄࠓ؏Ȃ౪ӵёΰBMWӑ໌ޟЕᔝᇧഅऋȂBMWݶ਼ޟЕᔝџ ശԤਝЅᕗ߳ءޟٙȂᇄݶءЕᔝࣺШȂݶءЕᔝџࣺܭَלȄ ԤഋӋᎽᎻΡρоҺᐷ՝հ࣏ທᓞШᗉȂծᖂौЅΡЅڏтޟၾၯٺҢޱ ޟԊӒȄѪΙП७ȂᎽᎻΙᎄಏ१ءޟٙȂоνԑϗџоёഀՍӫޟݲഀ࡙Ȃ һϚڨၾȄBMW X5о173 kW 3.0ϴЀޟଢ଼ΨȂѫҢΰ8.1ऌ߯ႀڗ100ϴ٨ޟ ഀ࡙ȂՄരᚖᎈޟ3.0sdȂΰΙቹዂȂѫҢ7ऌȄԃȂձޟᎽᎻಬᄛᇄר ࣺߖޟၗȂձџШၶڧٴٙϱޟӨᆍᇺ೩ࢊȄѪΙП७Ȃ8.1ऌޟёഀߒ౪ Ȃᄇ࡞ӻཱིءٙՄِȂϐྃޟٹྥȄBMW X5ޟᛁσ520 NmׯΨܻ2,000 ϴᙽਢϐџоӒഋюȄᏹܚЅȂѺޟёഀယޟཐᔖޟΨ࡙ΰٹȂՄڏтޟ ࠢถӰоӒᐠడޟڙёഀȂࠓৠܾхΡཐڗາΨЅಣȄ
28 Drive-way
ᙏघޟϛѮ ٙޟߞՌଢ଼ᜰڙ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
20-11-09 No. 143 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Straight Six Beemer
BMW 530
Test Drive Report The new Discovery 4 reigns Supreme at the Scottish Car of the Year Honda Civic Hatch is UK's Most Reliable Fleet Car The New Jetta Range
20-11-09 No. 143
Straight Six Beemer BMW 530 i Straight Six Beemer BMW 530i A friend of my mine bought a BMW 530i M series recently. At first, I was a bit surprised about her choice. For example, why would she like a mid to large size car? Why not getting a more popular 3 series? However, when we had test-driven the BMW 530i, I think I know the reason why. It is fresh and elegant in comparing to its competitors. New headlights in the front, a better back lights and a slightly different grill as well. From its fresh outlook, nothing will tarnish the reputation of BMW and people’s perception about a fine motoring machine such as the 5 series. wanted the car. These days, we have to constantly aware about different time zones in schools and various form of suburban streets. Once you get accustom to use the head on display, you would feel the different of not having one. You will somehow feel insecure. The interior decoration and trimming of the car is highly impressive. The level of fine craftsmanship is demonstrated nicely. The company is persistent on its safety and caring side that it is very comfortable and economical for creating a best driving position. Accompanying with the comfortable and supportive seats, there is the latest the 17 x 7.5-inch. Bridgestone Potenza RE050, 225/50 run-flats tyres, matched with stunning looking alloy wheels. The suspension has been upgraded to improve on a better setting for soak up pot holes and bumps for the rather different local road conditions. After driven the X5 3.0d recently, we found the 530i has also been updated with the joy stick like 6 speed gear box with sophisticate switches on the stick.
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
It is easy to use and make sense in the computer age. Just the flick of a thumb will control the gear selection. At first, you may feel a little bit plastic and queer, yet, when accustom to it, you will feel the different, quicker and less effort. We all know speed is critical in a racing car bleeded machine. A more simplified and easy to use iDrive system will help drivers to access different function of the car. There are eight extra favoured buttons to help the driver to accessing their favoured choice. Under the bonnet, the updated 530i get 10kw of extra power. Currently, it is a 3.0-litre, DOHC, 24 valve six cylinders with 200kW at 6,650 rpm and 315 Nm at 2,750 rpm. Fuel usage as claimed by BMW is just 9.3L per 100km. The famous in line 6 cylinders petrol engine is as smooth as butter. It partnered with the 6 speeds ZF gear 便box and cruising smoothly on all road conditions, while pushing hard to its limit, its power build up is very creamy but sporty. It screamed nicely to its limit but with a sweet note that make it matches it fame for being an ultimate driving machine. The standard variable ratio steering system is a little bit funny to get used to. However, when accustomed to its unique character, it is exceptional precise and fun to drive. In terms of active and passive safety equipments, it has 8 air bags (twin front, front/rear side and curtain); stability/traction control; Ventilated discs , ABS with EBD and BA., . As mentioned earlier, the lane-change warning system and active cruise control are added bonus to effective and intuitive to safe motoring and put a peace of mind to your beloved driver. Well, BMW has a unique way of creating a sport motoring culture, with that
20-11-09 No. 143
ultimate driving machine in mind, the 530i will not let you down. It may even surprise you with its high-end technologies such as the optional night vision assistance and the standard head up display, the joy stick like gear stick and the i-Drive. There is even a S.O.S. alarm button to call the 000 emergency call centre. I accidently rang them twice one evening. It was embarrassing but helpful. All this technology brings the BMW into a highly creative motoring machine than the others. When you think about it, you will know a BMW is quite different and enjoying a better character than the rest. ശߖȂԤΙ՝݉ЄີΟΙഋBMW 530i M seriesȇଔߑȂרԤΙᘈᡙȂٽԃ Ȉ࣏դϚີΙഋಠЍΙᘈޟ3فՄᒵΰΙഋШၶσޟ5ܘفٙڹȉ࿋ ΰཱི5فਢȂ݂߯רҩႆϛΙΠȄ ఼ཱིގଢ଼ϞࡣȂхѺޟछᢩޟแ࡙ၭᄇЙџᒝᓺཐЅ֜ЕΨȄٙࠉ ޟσᐷЅٙޟᐷ՝ԤཱིȇΰငሆཌওޟޟওȂٙᓞޟഅёΰΙᘈ ᘈࠉޟፏଢ଼ཐȄ౪Ϭѿ७ΰΰ৯ϚӻײϚڗџоၭᓍޟᄇЙȂ࿋ณȂհ ࣏ஆஆΙএоᗉٙЅᎽᎻዅ፸࣏кءޟٙҡኅ୦ȂһϚሆܾо౸ೲўཬྒ ՌϏޟᖐៗȄ ࿋ֲΰֲාਢȂרΙਢ߯ݧཎڗѺৢޟԒቈȂџ٥߯݉רЄޟ ઍғጢӰȄߖРȂרঈငலݧཎڗѿϱЅᏰਮୢޟഀ࡙ԤϚӣޟ३ڙȂӰ ՄȂѫሯಬᄛٺҢٙഀᏢȂձོ߯ཐڗӋѴሆᚬȄՄᎽᎻڏтءٙਢІՄ` ЍΟΙᘈԊӒཐȄ ٙշޟങ೩Ѕ၆Ⱆᡗю೩ॎৱޟЖࡦȂՄᇧٙޟЙђҰΟޟӞ ЖᐿၼȂ৴ාܥܛΨᙴ൲ȂхߝഊᎽᎻᡐுሆᚬቸཎȂՄёΰ17ӧӫߜᎈ ޟٙपȂ௮ЅᗗᎪџоׇӒᎌᔖᐬࢸޟᐿ੫ၾၯᕗცȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
ࠉΙଲυᎽᎻΟޟX5 3.0dȂี౪Ο530iһΰΟႫသԒݰᙽޟజȂӰՄ ȂѫሯҢσҔࡾ߯џоᙽڙᔬՍNȃRЅPȂЙଢ଼ёݰਢȂሆሆ௰߯ܜܖ џоȂଔߑٺҢਢȂձོԤΙᘈϚಬᄛȂծоޟᗉٙऋ࣏१ޟᆠડȂ ࣸΟٲޟཌᙽݰਢȂ߯џоؚഽ॒Ȅ ΙএৠܾٺҢޟi-DriveفಛȂџоᡱᎽᎻޱȂП߯ٺҢӨ፡ఀȂՄཱིё ΰޟ8এ௦৷ࡸ໖ٺᐇհሆᚬቸཎȄ ӵЕᔝᑻϛȂЕᔝᒯюቨёΟ10kWȂоՍо3.0ϴЀ24氣閥Ȃଢ଼Ψܻ6,650ϴ ᙽਢџоีю200kWȂՄׯΨһԤ315Nm。ẑݶ໔һѫ9.3ϴЀٖ100ϴ٨ ȂѺޢޟϲЕᔝһฒడџᔞȄΰ݂ޟZFኅᇧഅޟϲࠉഀݰȂѺᙽޟ ᔬ࢙࡙ԤовݶૡᄱȂՄࢊёΙᘈᔆΨਢȂѺ߯ۖีΨоՍԌѩȂѺភ ܹޟΨ࡙ȂӫΟЕᔝޟଢ଼ཐ੫ՓȂёΰvariable ratio steeringӻᡐԒᙽޟө فಛȂଔߑٺҢਢԤΙᘈޟȂծҢΟϞࡣ߯ཐڗѺᙽޟөΪϷᆠጂȂхᎽ Ꮋᡗዅ፸Ȅ оԊӒޟкଢ଼Ѕೝଢ଼ޟ೩ࢊ࣏ٽȂ530iџᒝᔖԤᅾԤ(8ءೡ)ȂٙᛧۡЅඉ ၬ၆ညȂѪёΰࠉࡣॳԒྷٙᆅȂABSȃEBDЅBAȄࠉМඪЅᙽٙጣ Ѕкଢ଼Ԓޟ٠فಛٺᎽٙޱԊЖᎽᎻȄ ጂԤΙЙўഺഅѺޟᗉٙЅᇺౝޟၼଢ଼ཐМϽȂо၎ϴѧࢋԤޟತྃᎽᎻ ዅ፸࣏кޟஅᙃȄ530iȂΙᘈؠԤхרڗঈѶఖȇІՄȂо၎ϴѧޟଽ ऋޟ೩ॎԃȈۇຜ೩രȂৢԒቈߒȂႫသၽᔛᐇᖃਛݰޟෙЅ݂ޟ i-DriveفಛȂՄٙΰ೩Ԥൢឌࡸ໖Ȃࡣࠉרฒཎញଢ଼ΟឌൢᏢȂоम഼ྮΟ 000ൢឌϛЖȂԤᘈᔍȇࠓઍ݂ޟҩڗޟಠЖȂӰՄȂ٥ٲଽऋІՄ пءޟٙഽΡΙᝰȂхᎽٙΡρᇯӣޟᐿ੫ܒਿȄ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
22-01-10 No. 148 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
BMW 135i Car News First Look: The New BMW 3 Series Coupe and Convertible Australia To Receive Five Lexus IFA Supercars Discovery 4 Named Best 4x4 at the What Car? Awards 2010
22-01-10 No. 148
BMW 135i I must say I was not impressed with the 1 series styling when I first saw one last year. However, the coupe version 135i with its big wheels and low stance is a big improvement in my opinion. I also thought these cars were a bit boring, but again, having driven this little number I have had a re-think! The combination of a light, taut chassis and large, willing engine puts this car well into a different, way more exciting category. The body shape does actually grow on you and you begin to appreciate the thought that has been put into it. The interior, typically for BMW, is designed for functionality and purpose, with a definite leaning toward the driver. The driving position will not be to everyone’s taste, but like the car as a whole, it is geared to toward sportier driving. The only negative I could find, apart from the strange tan leather colour of the seats, was the centre tunnel on the driver’s side, it seemed to bulge out too much and rob leg room. The steering wheel is just the right size and everything came to hand easily. There are handy buttons for audio and cruise control etc. on the wheel also. I did not have enough time to investigate the sat-nav and audio system properly via the central control button, so it remained a mystery but it all looked good. The engine is the same twin-turbo as the larger 335i and Z4, however the 135i is way less complicated and purposeful. On a track day, I would opt for the 135i for a more satisfying time. Yes, this is a twin-turbo, coupled with a 3.5 litre 6 cylinder. This produces blistering performance. If I owned this car, I would probably lose my licence within a week because it is difficult not to test it
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ Geoff Fickling Translate: Driveway Team
because it does it all so well. The manual gearbox was a delight, just right in terms of being fast, yet nice and tight and user friendly. I am getting very tired of paddle shift automatics, and it was refreshing to change gears manually, especially in such a well engineered car as this. I was keen to test this cars handling, so I found some twisty roads that were above the average speed limit. This car seemed more assured and easier to throw around than the M3. It felt tighter and gave you more confidence throwing it into corners. I could not detect any front wheel slip at all, and I tried as hard as you can on the road. If you turn off the DSC (stability control) the rear end just danced around a bit and a quick correction brought it back. There was never a hint of it all going wrong and I would have loved to get this car on the track to test its real limits. The brakes are massive and slowed the scenery down beautifully, the pedal being very firm at all times and with just the right amount of feel before the ABS kicked in. All in all, if you are looking for a smallish, sporty car with big grunt and great handling, this should be on your list.
Drive-way ٙൢ
22-01-10 No. 148
҆ܛᇯޟȂӵўԑרശߑࣼڗΙفӖޟٙਢȂؠٮԤή࡞ޟӟຫ ȄϚႆᡗณȂӵپࣼרȂԤσٙᎈȂճ՝ޟ䖐135iᚖ৴ωٙԤΟ ࡞σޟȄרឈுΙޟٙཐឈΰў࡞ࠐؠȂϚႆȂ࿋רᎽᎻႆᎄȶ ωϚᘈȷϞࡣȂޟרཐڧԤΟ࡞σޟᡐϽ——ሆᆧۻޟዺȂѴёσ ᗩཎޟЕᔝȂࣺޱڍ๖ӫܚளׇޟپӒϚӣޟȂхΡᑹᏭுཐڧȄᓍ ϚᘞӴᎽᎻȂձູູོپ᠍ѺޟѴᢎڷٙ೩ॎȂོٮҡюᄇΙ೩ॎ ޟҥ૿Ӵᢚ፬Ȅ ٙϱഋޟ೩ॎ၆ⰖޟڐԒ——ޟடܻђڷܒӻҢഊܒȂԤ ட࣏ᎽᎻޱՄ೩ॎޟᡗ༊өȄ࿋ณȂᎽᎻ৴՝ޟ೩ॎܖ೨ฒݲᅖٗܚԤΡ ޟοڨȂϚႆ൷ᐌᡝཐՄِȂѺᗍөܻເٙޟᎽᎻᡝᡛȄӵپࣼרȂଶў ৴ා٥ޟۉፑՓҪ८ՓѴȂ୲ΙޟϚٗϞ൷՝ܻᎽᎻޱᇀഋުޟ ϚஊȄПөዺޟσωӫᎌȂΙϸ٥ቄுЖᔖЙȄПөዺΰԤџоॱڙ ᓜ೩രڷ٠ࡸޟ้ڙ໖ȂߨலП߯ȄؠרԤٗஊޟਢўंـ٥ٲڙ ፏᏲॱڷᓜفಛޟϛѵᐇࡸ໖֏এএၼيԁȂӰԪѺᇄרՄ ِϫณΙএᖼȂծΙϸࣼΰў࡞ϚᒿȄ
ᓺؾȄרΪϷვॾՌଢ଼ኦаԒᔬȂЙଢ଼ᔬхΡཐឈՆҬΙཱིȂЎڏӵ ᎽᎻኺΙᎄԤׇछޟЕᔝءޟٙϞਢȄ רఖกၐԪٙܒޟȂܚоרᒵᐅΟΙ຺ٲႆҁ֯ਢഀ३᠉ޟڙԢޟၾၯȄ ٙխнШM3хΡܹЖȂӵᙽ᠉ޟႆแϛζҁᛧȂᡱձӵᙽ᠉ޟႆแ ϛቨӻޟՌ߬ЖȄӵᎽᎻޟႆแϛȂר๛యؠԤᄆឈࠉᎈԤӈդΙᘈ҈ྤ ޟၬຫȂᏑᆓӵձџоདޟጒ൜ϱרᅾΨўၐΟȄԃݎௌᜰഖᛧۡفڙಛ Ȃࡣᎈӵᙽ᠉ࠆܖٙਢོԤሆཌྤޟଢ଼Ȃծ࡞ሆܾޟ൷ೝ፡ᐌႆپȂձџо ׇӒӴඡՄϚ҆ᐊЖԤӈդཎѴีҡȄԃݎӵᗉၾΰᎽᎻᎄٙٮઍғก ၐѺྃޟ३ȂᄇܻپרᇳΙӇΪϷᘐٱޟ܁Ȅ ࠆٙΪϷԤΨиࣺ࿋ׇछȂฒ፣դਢȂݖ࡞ᄂȂӵABSفಛంଢ଼Ϟࠉޟ ཐឈڗԁȄᖂՄِϞȂԃݎձғӵײ൶Ιᎄᖐȃྃԁᐇޟၼଢ଼ ωءٙޟၗȂ٥ቄ135i๘ᄇᔖ၎ӵձޟཪષӪϞΰȄ
၎ٙޟЕᔝᇄσޟٙ335iڷZ4ࣺӣޟȂ࣏֯ᚖᎈቨᔆЕᔝȂ3.5 Ѐ6चȂҬ݂ጂиࣺᄇϚ٥ቄፒᚕȂܒࣺ࿋ுԁȄषӵᗉၾΰȂོר ᒵᐅ135iȂӰѺ࣏רᅖཎޟᎽᎻᡝᡛȄԃרݎஊԤᎄٙȂרџ ོӵΙ໊Ϟϱ൷ѶўᎽྱȂӰ࣏ѺЊᡱΡЖଢ଼ΟȂΙϸ٥ቄȂᡱΡע Ϛ՞൷དกၐѺྃޟ३Ȃ๖ݎՌณ຺ഀႂണᎽᎻೝӤᎽྱȄЙଢ଼ᡐഀ ࣺ࿋хΡᅖཎȂ൷פഀՄِΪϷϚᒿޟȂଶԪϞѴᗙ࡞ܾΰЙȂᆧиܒ
Ӵ֭ȈUnit 3, 50 Rooks Rd, Nunawading 3131 ႫၗȈ03 9873 3668 / 0402 799 038
ങᔮᎃ Joe
Chan к౩
31Րᚳනژ၃ᢚ ཱི σᓺඏ
ᎈप ۡ՝
߳Ꮄ ݈
ᡛٙ ݈
!ᆠও! !ᎈपۡ՝! !ཱིٙ߳Ꮄᓃᛩᆰও݈ !ᎈप݈! !ءٙЈณ၆!! !юᡛٙા (R.W.C) !ዉࢸӑ໌ႫသᔮกቈᏢ !ᗊٙࠉᔮᡛ݈
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
19-03-10 No. 156 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
BMW Geoff Fickling This is a design you either love or hate and based on the looks we got, parked or on the move, most observers seemed to love it. It certainly grabs your attention, especially that long nose, which, from the very low driver’s seat, seems to go on forever. On a couple of occasions I had to get out and check how much room I had going in to parking spots. I liked the design the first time I saw it, then it began to wear off, I think because of its awkwardness. I say awkward because it is not easy to get in and out of. I could not imagine living with this car too long, especially if you were on the go all day, popping in and out of it. I mentioned this to a friend of mine however and she said she could definitely live with it, because she fell in love with it. The car is very low, and you therefore sort of drop into the seats. I don’t know if its because I’ve been driving a people mover for a few months, but I also
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found the cabin claustrophobic, but this again is probably personal taste. The seats are however very good and supportive and you can get the driving position to where you want it. Everything fell to hand as per usual BMW standards, but the gearshift lever in this 6-speed manual I found a little hard to get used to. You had to twist your arm to shift from first to second. The shift itself was great however, with just the right firmness. Engine wise, I was a little disappointed – its a straight six of 3 litres capacity and apparently, 170 kW, didn’t seem to have enough grunt to warrant its sporty looks. It took off well enough, but just didn’t have that neck-snapping performance you expect. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by the M3! It pulled well in higher gears at low speeds though, showing some decent torque. And as expected, very smooth with a lovely engine note. Handling-wise, this was far better. The car feels very solid on the road, quite Drive-way
19-03-10 No. 156
hard but not ridiculously so. Over bumps there was no bad behaviour, and it handled undulations and sudden changes beautifully. Through bends, it was absolutely fantastic, rock solid at both ends. You are sitting virtually over the rear axle, so you certainly know what is going on and this inspires confidence. All the clever safety gear is there of course – ESP and ABS. However it also has Dynamic Traction Control, which you can activate via a button, which allows you to throw the car around a bit without the fun police (ESP) intervening. It has some other clever gear, including a Sport button which increases the electronic accelerator’s responsiveness. The wheel and tyre package is great, with large 225/45 tyres, but being so close the ground you really hear them. And there’s no spare, they are the run flat variety, which again, some people like and others not. The best part are the brakes, very powerful, progressive and with a nice hard pedal. The ABS only comes in when you give the pedal an almighty push, which is how it should be. All in all, a well engineered sports car that looks and feels like a sports car should. It’s not everyone’s taste however. Z4ޟ೩ॎོᡱΡܖདྷܖȄϚႆȂ൷ѴᢎՄِȂฒ፣ୄٙᗙເၯȂ σഋӋޟΡխн࡞དྷᎄٙȄ੫տ၎ٙޟٙᓞഋӋၶӣٙߝȂ࿋ ձֲӵߨலճޟᎽᎻ৴ΰਢȂܹಁࠉఖȂҽգԤΙᆍฒᅾᓞޟཐឈȄԤԁඁ ԩȂרӵހٙਢȂϚுϚٙ㠰юўҬก֏ԤٗஊުޟᡱހרٙȄ רΙԩَڗѺޟਢঐ൷᠍ΰΟѺޟ೩ॎȂϚႆᆍዥംᅚۖੑଝȂ Ӱ࣏ӵ࢚ٲП७Ȃኺޟ೩ॎᜲջԤᘈᔍȄᇳѺᔍȂӰ࣏ѺྃϚৠܾ
30 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ ໌юȂרณࡣѺۖੑଝȂרӰ࣏ѺᔍݲࣼޟȄרᇳᔍȂӰ㻽ѺϚৠ ܾ໌юޟȄרฒݲདЈЈߝਢᎽᎻᎄٙႆРலҡࣀȂ໌໌ююᄂӵ࡞ ബྮȄ࿋װרΙᘈӣޟרΙ՝݉ЄᇳଔޟਢঐȂԂᇳԂۡџоڧעኺ ޟϚ߯ȂӰ࣏ԂདྷΰΟᎄٙȄ ٙޟӴዺߨலճȂӰԪ࿋ձֲ໌ўޟਢঐȂձོཐឈᐌএΡҽգഞ໌Ο৴ ා㠰ȂٙΡޟཐឈζԤࡗٲඎᔆȂרϚޣၾོרԤᆍཐឈ֏Ӱ ࣏ඁএТоרپᎽᄛΟ٥ᆍቶබޟড়ҢٙȂ࿋ณѫרএΡޟᢎᘈȄϚ ႆȂ৴ාޟ೩ॎ࡞ԤЛࡻܒȂᎌӫϚӣޟᎽᎻڷޱᎽᎻ࠼༖Ȃ፴ཐܒڗ ࡞ԁȄܚԤޟΙϸᐇ೩ࢊಒӫΙೱޟྥȂϚႆ6ഀЙଢ଼ᡐᔬޟ ᔬ՝೩ॎᡱרཐڗԤΙᘈᜲоᎌᔖȂ੫տ࿋ձ1ᔬᙽө2ᔬޟਢঐȂᆿ ШၶᄓׯȄϚႆᡐഀҏ٘ޟђΪϷيԁȂΙϸڗԁޟᛧھȄ
05-03-10 No. 154 ЕᔝП७ȂרཐڗԤᘈѶఖ——ޢϲ3ЀޟЕᔝџоีю170KWޟଢ଼ΨȂծᄇ ܻڏເٙޟ੫፴ՄِࠌᡗுԤٲϚஊȄంଢ଼يԁȂծીЍ٥ᆍΡঈӵᎽᎻເٙ ਢܚఖཐޟڗڧፐᔞΨȄ೨Ӱ࣏רೝM3ޟଽܒᛀᚽΟȄ࿋ձ ӵճഀਢᙽڗଽ௶ᔬȂџоᡗҰю࡞ϚᒿׯޟઐΨȂԃႱਟޟ٥ૡࢺᄱȄ ᐇП७ौԁுӻȄӵၯΰᎽᎻਢޟཐឈΪϷᛧھȄӵᛪޟၯ७ΰᎻȂߒ ౪يԁȂᄇܻᛪڷᖝਢएณᡐөׇछޟඡȂӵႆ᠉ၾޟਢঐȂࠉࡣٙ ᎈᆧຮӴ७ȂؠԤ҈ྤޟ౪ຫȂΡоٗஊޟՌ߬ЖȄԊӒ೩ര࿋ณϚ џીЍޟȂ၎ٙരESPڷABSȂӣਢѺᗙڎരଢ଼ᄘЕ(ڙDynamic Traction Control)Ȃ߳ᜌٙᎄϚོ҈ྤȄ၎ٙᗙԤѪѴΙٲᆠ݂ޟ೩ॎȂڏϛ ѓࢂΙএџоቨёႫυёഀᏢᔖޟၼଢ଼ࡸ໖Ȅ ٙᎈڷᎈޟपಢӫࣺ࿋ԁȂ225/45σᎈपȂӰ࣏ٙυۻዺճޟጢ࢈ȂٙᎈΪ ϷຮߖӴ७Ȅᎈप࣏߳ݵҢᎈपȂ࿋ณȂ൷ΙᘈՄِȂԤٲΡ࡞ᗩཎȂԤ ٲΡࠌϚ᠍ȄശԁޟഋϷᔖ࿋ᆗࠆٙȂᅔ߫ޟݖѴёߨலσܒޟ Ȅӵࠐٺޟݖ㥒ήABSώհيԁȄ ᖂՄِϞȂيԁޟѴᢎ೩ॎڷଢ଼ཐᡱձཐڗڧΙᎄເٙᔖ၎Ԥޟ੫፴Ȃᗶณ ԐฒݲᅖٗܚԤΡޟοڨȄ
HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre 1 Unit 3, 50 Rooks Rd, Nunawading 3131
32 ԑᙴ൲ওٙငᡛ ങᔮᎃ Joe
Chan к౩
Σഡᆍ $70 ଔ *
ءٙۡ߳Ꮄ $70 ଔ * Ѫё HTU
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9873 3668 / 0402 799 038
* 24 15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
17-09-10 No. 182 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
xDrive 2.3d Edmund Chow
Translate: Driveway Team
A Post Modern City Jungle Warrior that drinks diesel rather than latte. It is extremely easy to write something about the X1. From the start, it has a new signature double kidney grille that makes you think that it is bigger. With an all new design, the exterior manages a better drag coefficient of just 0.33 that is 0.01 better than the current BMW X3, given the fact that it is a rather tall boxy SUV. It has a 4 cylinder 16 valves twin turbo engine. Power is 150kW at 4,400 rpm Torque is 400Nm at 2,000 to 2,250 rpm. Comparing to the X3 xDrive 2.0d Lifestyle, the X1 xDrive 23d is 20kW more powerful and is 50Nm more in torque. Interesting enough, they have the same engine capacity (cc). In that case, I would reckon that the additional turbo has a pretty good impact on the performance on the X1 xDrive23d.
In terms of stand still acceleration performance, the X1 is doing a 0 to 100km from just 7.3 seconds and the X3 2.0d is 9.2 seconds. It is even faster than the X3 xDrive 30d Lifestyle for 0.4 second. As for fuel consumption, as claimed by BMW, it is 6.0 and 6.5L/100km for a combined city and highway consumption. C02 emission is 158 g/km or 167g/km for the manual and automatic gear box respectively. From an assorted outstanding performance on engine power, fuel consumption and CO2 emission statistics, the X1 clearly has an enormous winning factor. Undoubtedly, it will be a hot seller in the niche market. It is easy to be carried away by the performance factors, but what makes the X1 stands out is the usable space inside the cabin. It has 1,439mm of Elbow room, 6mm more than the X3. It also has 1,048mm of Head Room for the Drive-way
01-10-10 No. 184
front, that is 51mm more than the X3. Head room at the back is 1,008mm, that is 6mm more than the X3. Credits should be given to the multi-direction adjustable electric seats. It can easily cater for a whole variety of body shapes and sizes. As for the back seats, there is a 40:20:40 split function with limited reclining adjustment as well. What impressed me most, I would say is the “Stop Start” button. Although I still have to put the key into a slot which is sitting just next to the stop start button, it is very easy to turn on and off the engine for saving fuel. It wouldn’t let you down or embarrass you if you are going the good thing to save the world. The second thing that I like most about the X1 is its rather unique shift paddles. It is designed to be an integral part of the steering wheel. Either paddle is doing the same job, so it doesn’t discriminate whether you are a left hander or not. Push the paddle either from the left or right, it will gear down for a lower gear for more powerful overtaking. Push it back towards you, it will gear into a higher gear for fuel economy. This design is by far the best design for gear shifting. If you want to play manually, push the gear shift from the central “D” position to the far left for a manual gear up or down, manual adjustment. Or you can leave it there for a Sport automatic mode. However, I found the Sport Automatic mode in the “D” a little bit intrusive. It is much noisier and seems to hunt for the next available gear. I would rather leave the gear stick in the D mode for a more comfortable and quiet environment. One last word about the gear box, I would highly recommend BMW to put a Steptronic gear stick in the X1, then it will have more fun to play with it rather than the more traditional gear stick.
28 Drive-way
Driveway ٙൢ I am not complaining about the car. But it seems to me that the steering is slightly heavy especially during slow speed. There is heap of reasons for a heavier steering; for example, a sure and sharp steering for high speed maneuver etc. On the other hand, it doesn’t have a seat warmer. Apart from that everything is excellent. The ride is comfortable with its adaptive driving dynamics to work with the chassis. Surely, BMW has put in a lot of effort in making the X1 a sure winner. On the other hand, there isn’t a class competitor from the M-Benz. People may check about the Volvo XC60 or Volkswagen Tiguan. But, I think the X1 has a leading edge. The size is superb for the city jungle, complimented by a very useful view vision camera for easy parking and guidance. The electric seat has an excellent height adjustment range if you need to check something in the front. After playing around with it for a week, I would say it has all the virtues of the X3, but much zest, much sportier. X1ഽΙᝰBMW X1 xDrive 2.3dȂࡣ౪ф࠲ޟѿܥᏽρ ቸΙٲᄇBMW X1 xDrive 2.3dཐڧሆՄܾᖞٱޟȄۖѺԤΟΙ এӒཱིޟᚊόϞޟᚖޟל៖࢞ȂՄѺޟЏጆσωԤΙᘈхձᖒདڗѺΙ ѮσΙᘈޟX5ءٙȄѺޟӒཱིഅȇӵѴᢎΰȂѺഅюΟΙএ0.33فߢॳޟ ኵٹᕼȂШޟX3ഽΙᝰȂծӨ՝݂ҩȂѺϫณଽᓞσޟഅȄ X1 ҢΰΟ4ءच16ረёΰᚖᎈቨᔆЕᔝȂଢ଼Ψܻ4,400ϴᙽ150kWȂ ׯΨܻ2,000 Ս2,250ϴᙽਢ400 NmȂߨலϞଢ଼ΡЖ۾Ȅ
Driveway ٙൢ
01-10-10 No. 184
ᇄX3 xDrive 2.0d LifestyleޟШၶȂX1ቨёΟ20kWޟଢ଼ΨȂՄһёΟ50Nmޟ ׯΨȄڍѮЕᔝޟৠᑖШၶȂڍѮࣺӣޟ1,996ccȄӰԪȂר௰ᘞѺঈ ࣺӣޟЕᔝȂՄёΰΙএᚖᎈቨᔆᏢȂхڗҏޟپЕᔝҡᓸࣀߏȄ
џᙽᔬȂӰՄȂϚོຜѾᄡυޟᎽᎻΡρȂٺҢП७Ȃࡸήኦа߯џоᙽ ճΙএᔬȂџٺЕᔝቨёσޟଢ଼ΨȂџоሆ຺ܾٙ. ࡸήѺޟधഋ௰өՌϏ Ȃ߯џоᙽଽΙএᔬȂٺѺݶࣸ. רኌ࣏Ιএശޟٹ೩ॎȄ
ҥᓗХՍ100ϴ٨ѫሯ7.3ऌȂՄX3 2.0d9.2ऌȂхΡᡙޟȂX1ᗙШ X3 xDrive 30dȂޢ6਼ݶЕᔝפΟ0.4ऌȄ
ԃձདҢ༈ಛПݲҢᡐഀజўЙଢ଼ᙽᔬȂᎽᎻޱџоᔬజӵD՝ညሆሆ ӴөѾ௰ȂᎽᎻΡρ߯џሆܾӴҢࠉ௰ࡣޟܜПݲўᙽᔬ。ଶԪϞѴȂᎽᎻޱ ࿋ณһџоѺୄܹӵ٥এѾ७ޟD՝ȂѺ߯ӵഀ࡙ᒼတᡗҰ࣏DS。ӰՄȂ Ѻ߯ԤΙএၶ੭બޟᔬ՝ୢȂߒ౪һШၶҡᓸࣀߏ. ծרШၶདྷҁషȂһ ี౪ၶ੭બ௶ޟᔬШٽၶ࣏უᚕȂһӰԪȂЕᔝலலԁў൶ײήΙএᔬ՝ ўᙽᔬȂרჿѺܹӵDᔬ՝Ȃў៉ڧٴჿᓗᎌޟᎽᎻݥȄശࡣΙ ѯȂרᇯ࣏Ȃ࣏X1ΰSteptronicޟᡐഀజོхڗX1ߒޟ౪௰ՍѪΙএცࣨ ȇӰ࣏ȂSteptronicᡐഀజᙽޟᔬІᔖЅЙཐഽΙᝰȄᄇԑߧΡՄِȂ ԤᐇᖃႫသၽᔛޟऋВཐȂӰՄᔖ࿋֜ЕȄ
ՍܻૉݶП७ȂѺޟѿୢЅଽഀϴၯޟӫߒ౪6ϴЀȾЙ௶ȿЅ6.5ϴЀȾ Ռ௶ȿȄᕗ߳ߒޟ౪ؐϴ٨158պ(Й௶ȿЅ167պ(Ռ௶ȿޟΠϽᆇ௶ޟ ܹ໔Ȅ Ιএᆣӫُ࡙ޟўຟ፣X1ȂЕᔝޟଢ଼ΨȂૉݶ໔Ѕኀ௶้ܹޟၥਟȂX1 ݂ᡗΰΙএσថড়Ȅ ԤਢȂюՓߒޟ౪ٮϚфߒΙϸȂծхX1एᡗюՓࠓޟٙޟϱഋ೩ॎȂ ѺԤ1,439ॹԽن)ޟഋުȂՄࠉ৴һԤ1,048ॹԽޟᓞഋުȂШX3ӻΟ51 ॹԽȂࡣ৴һԤ1,008ॹԽȂШX3ӻΟ6ॹԽȂר੫տᇯ࣏ࠉႫଢ଼ޟ৴՝ᔖۨ ђՍσȂӰԪȂѺޟ৴՝Ԋ௶һӋྱΟॸࡊ٘ޟσωЅᆍ;Մࡣ৴ џоࡣӉΙᘈȂхॸֲᎌΙᘈȂ৴՝џоҢ40/20/40ޟϷസҁܹԊ௶. о ߔӫϚӣޟၷၼሯؑȄ ശхרήЖړӟຫѺޟɆୄɇࡸ໖ȄᏑᆓרϫณौඨΣልᏢȂџ ȂཐឈΰȂᐇհЕᔝޟᜰђߨலϞৠܾȂܚоȂӵҺᐷࠉᜰΰЕᔝ ሆՄܾᖞϞٱȂרΟΙȂҐႄΰӰۖЕᔝՄхרཐڗϚԁཎࡦޟ ݷȄ ΠȂרШၶ᠍X1ᐿ੫ޟኦаᙽᔬȂѺѓ֤ӵПөዺΰȂՄڍএኦа
ᑹ ܿ
Accident Repair Centre டওኡȂႫသ፡Փቢݶ ቨ೩ڍএӑ໌≎ܘݶ
фൢܚԤ߳ᓎ டΡڞօ၌ؚ߳ᓎᜲᚠ
ও౩ϱȂඪټջາվȃॳݶᬠфҢٙ* ငᡛᙴ൲ȃቋᓀϴၾȃᓺ፴݈ γඏ֯џᕕҗδ߳Ң
࿋ณȂܹΟ࡞ӻޟΨўхڗX1ԙ࣏ѪΙএࠅॖࠢᆍȂծѪΙП७Ȃ ኈیޟႻءٙٮҐԤӣࠢޟᆍȂՄ࿅آڐᅭآȾ൲ᇺȿXC60Ѕኈσಀ TiguanџټՃኌȂՄרᇯ࣏X1ӵ࢚แ࡙ΰၶഽΙᝰȄ X1ޟᡝᑖσωయฒᅸ୰ᄇྥ࠲ѿිޟݓᎽᎻПԒȂՄѺё၆Οࡣຜីف ಛЅӵϛѵᒉӎᄍᡗҰԤጣనࡾᏲȂՄႫଢ଼৴՝һԤшϷ݇ޟ६ൽ࡙ȂӰՄᔮ ࢥٙࠉޟᚕސਢȂхᎽᎻЅୄހ၎ٙுЖᔖЙȄרᎽᎻΟX1ΜЈϞࡣȂᖂ ᡝΰཐڗѺШX3ః௦ȂዥΨѲีৢȂଢ଼ཐΪٗȄ
Ӵ֭Ļ15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 ႫၗĻ!9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
ٙᙽЙ!!ᔮࢥᐠӇ!!፴໔߳ᜌ!!ቋᓀϴၾ!!פ௦џᎬ ջາඪ ټΔওٙԁੑ! Δᓺרफ! ΔࣸਢϚາΨ ႫသႫԱ Δӣᖐάӣ! Δׂ࿋άџᎬ! Δٱԁ୦໔ ᔮࢥ݈ ȞᆠȈဃᇭȃᇭȃ़ᇭູڷᇭȟ
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Cantex Auto Centre
Box Hill
Middleborough Rd
ٙ ٘ ও ౩ ϛ Ж
ٮרϚວX1ȂծרѫཐڗȂ࿋ѺᄚٙޟਢঐȂПөዺሯौӻΙᘈࠐϗџ оᙽөȂ࿋ณȂШၶ१ޟПөዺ፡ఀȂᓺᘈӻϚഽኵȂԃଽഀٙЅᙽө ᆠྥ。ѪΙП७ȂѺٮҐԤ၆ΰ৴՝߳ྣᏢȂଶԪϞѴȂרཐڗѺޟᗗᎪЅٙ ࢜Ԥΰॸߒޟ౪ȂоमցٙᄱᎌȄ
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