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as at Mar 31,2009
04-06-10 No. 167 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
A memorable “Journey” for a few lucky ones
Dodge Journey R/T V6 petrol Edmund Chow I like the Dodge Journey R/T. It is totally a different kettle of fish from the Japanese, Korean and the local manufacturers. The styling is very much North American with a strong emphasis on the powerful chrome front grille and its heritage from Dodge. It is just like a strong cross bow with enormous force loaded and ready to fire. Building on the Dodge mid-sized Sebring sedan but stretched its chassis, the Journey banks on two boxes structure to capture the modern family of the all important school run, as it is an important urban journey. It has five very comfortable seats plus a fold away bench seat at the back good enough for teenagers. There is the electric height adjustable driver’s seat but no back adjustment. Just good enough to be qualified for a modern day mum taxi. Although the theme of the Journey is leaning towards muscularity, meaning a keen four wheel drive explorer outlook. However, it does not promise anything to do with all terrain control and path finding ability. It is a very competent SUV
28 Drive-way
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or an urban explorer for 7 people. The Journey R/T that I had has been my favour for that week. It has a very powerful 2.7L DOHC 24V V6 petrol engine. Delivering 136kW@5,550 rpm, Torque is 256Nm@4,000rpm. The diesel engine comes with a dual clutch 6 speed auto transmission gear box. Fuel tank has a 77L capacity with locking fuel filler cap. I felt it was very annoying to get a key from the remote to unlock it. On the other hand, the 2010 petrol model can run on E85 petrol. Meaning it accepts any kind of petrol fuel combination. It saves a lot of money. When I subsequently had to refuel the car after running 500kms from the original tank of petrol, I did not notice any power or torque drop. Fuel consumption as claimed by Dodge on a combined country and city run is 10.3s per 100kms. Diesel version is just 7 litres per 100 kms.
04-06-10 No. 167
The sound of the engine is very healthy, keen and excited; just like a very competent sprinter on a 100m track race. On the other hand, noise dampening is excellent for a quiet conversation in the cabin. Having said that, roll on acceleration is not its strength because it is simply not a very high powered four wheel drive. Instead, it is an excellent front wheel drive. Similar to its stable mate the Voyager, it is meant for highly enjoyable journey with good family siblings and friends. The luggage space, when carrying 6 passengers, is very limited because of the relatively short wheel base design of the car. It is a tokenistic 167 litre for a couple of day packs. However, when stowed, the folded away third bench can accommodate quite an outstanding volume of luggage space of 784 litres. Storage space, as pointed out by PR Manager of Chrysler Jerry S, was exceptionally thoughtful and generous. Who would think of a handy hard tray that is a storage bin cleverly placed underneath from the front passenger’s comfy leather seat? Two storage bins underneath the floor of the mid row. Even more Incredible is that each bin can store 12 cans of 375ml of drink with ice cubes in there as well. Moreover, how thoughtful of having two booster seats for young children on the mid row seat? It is just remarkable and enjoyable for young children. In terms of in car entertainment, it has a multi functional in - dash audio/nav/comms system which smartly features a 30GB hard drive for all your electronic media such as photos, music and video. Also an optional roof mounted DVD player with 10 inches screen. That should help the kids to settle down for long journey.
Drive-way ٙൢ As I have said, it is a gorgeous looking SUV with a serious four wheel drive outlook. When evaluating with the whole package, I strongly believe that it is a right choice for an all too important mum’s taxi for multi purpose travelling. It just ticks all the options for a good and reliable car that has an all very important attitude – a unique North American theme. Enjoy a safe JOURNEY.
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Drive-way ٙൢ
04-06-10 No. 167
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