Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
06-11-09 No. 141 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Test Drive Report BMW Group Dominates 2009 Wheels Gold Star Car Awards
F1 News F1ԢತΡඹ!!!ᆰ੫ᅭॵጙ
Drive-way ٙൢ
06-11-09 No. 141
ܜݲցOne-to-OneএܒϽۡڙҬ ࣏ӒཱིOne-to-OneএܒϽۡڙடਰත७ળܜݲޟց612 Scagliettiᒊ ӫΟΙفӖ໌؏ȂшϷІࢎΟܜݲցϚᘞ௰ങюཱིޟ೩ॎ౩܈Ȃ ᚖߞເٙޟᎪᐂܒڷᇺਡເٙޟᓺࠢ፴ׇछᒊӫȄᏵᙤΙ فӖӒཱིϱৠоЅOne-to-OneএܒϽۡڙடਰඪޟټӨৈПਰȂݲ ܜցमΨܻᡱ612 Scagliettiؐޟ՝ϯࡊИࡸྱՌϏޟདྷԁڷሯؑ ҈അΙׇӒ឴ܻՌϏޟདྷٙȄ ᐃொȂܜݲցϴѧϐӵܜϱᛳώኅ៦ΟΙএடߞܜݲޟցώհࡉ ȂӪ࣏ AtelierȂڏϛҰΟҬࠉܚඪޟټಀӻхΡᑹᏭޟএܒϽۡ ڙኺࠢȂټٙк໔٘ۡڙட឴ܻՌϏޟ612 ScagliettiເٙȄӵAtelier ώհࡉȂٙкԃӣ٘ଽ݈ۡڙ၆۹Ȃтঈџоᇄܜݲցடড়ᒚၚ ڞ୦ȂࢅᒵՌϏܚሯޟӨӇڷਟȄ۩ਢԤடߞܜݲޟցۡڙ டਰ୰ඪټΙમԒ݈ȂᔓօࡊИࢅᒵءٙညȂ࣏ڏ༊Ψ҈അΙ ᐿΙฒΠࠢྃޟເٙȄ ࿋ณȂᏑᆓᒵᐅኺԒᖅӻȂծܜݲցᄯູٙࠢڟޟ፴ᇄഅ੫Փ ߳ࡻϚᡐȂӈդএܒϽۡڙሯؑ๘ϚԤཬᇬ“ܒ៚”ޟ ԊӒܒᇄџᎬܒȄ ٲᐿΙฒΠޟ612 Scagliettiཱིເٙӵܜϱᛳώኅடߞޟ၆ୢ ໌ಢ၆Ȅ
28 Drive-way
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions and Weight Overall length Overall width Height Wheelbase Front track Rear track Dry weight Kerb weight Fuel capacity
4902 mm 1957 mm 1344 mm 2950 mm 1688 mm 1641 mm 1725 kg 1849 kg 108 l
(193.0 in) (77.0 in) (52.9 in) (116.1 in) (66.5 in) (64.6 in) (3803 lb) (4056 lb) (24 UK gal)
Brakes Front Rear
345 x 32 mm 330 x 28 mm
(13.6 x 1.3 in) (13.0 x 1.1 in)
Engine Type Stroke Unit displacement Total displacement Compression ratio Maximum power Maximum torque
65 degree V12 89 x 77 mm (3.50 x 3.03 in) 479 cc (29.2 cu in) 5748 cc (350.8 cu in) 11.2:1 397 kW (540 CV) @ 7250 rpm 588 Nm (434 lb ft) @ 5250 rpm
Performance Maximum speed 0/100 km/h (0-62 mph) Gearbox 0-400 m 0-1000 m
320 kmh 4.20 s Man/ F1 12.30s/ 12.25s 22.00s/ 21.95s
Fuel consumption Combined
20.7 l/100km
Carbon Dioxide Emission Combined
475 g/km
(199 mph)
06-11-09 No. 141
Drive-way ٙൢ
Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano Fiorano ΙనӪؽޟᕊᗉၾޟӪԅȂܜݲցӵ㠰ᑑጛՌϏޟF1ᗉٙڷϴ ၯގເٙȇGTB“Gran Turismo Berlinetta”ޟᕻቸȂѺܜݲցᐣѬΰശӪ ޟΙᚖߞເٙȇ599ѺരޟV12ีଢ଼ᐠ௶ޟ໔ଶо10оࡣுޟڗኵȄ ܜݲց 599 GTB Fiorano രΟپՌܻEnzo຺ເٙޟ611ϾΨ5,999యЀ V12ีଢ଼ᐠȂѺޟ0Ս100 km/hёഀਢ༉࣏ᡙΡޟ3.7ऌȂശଽٙഀ຺ႆ330 km/hȄଶΟߨٲγܒޟኵоѴȂཱིٙᗙԤΙفӖശӑ໌ޟȂ ٽԃཱིΙфF1ᡐഀȂѺޟ᐀ਢѫԤ100యऌȂᗙԤᆠޟF1-TracЕΨ ڷᛧۡܒفڙಛȂ၎فಛ߳ᜌΟσᙽޟөߣΨȂоЅmagnetorheological ȞMRȟశᔆ௮فಛȂ၎فಛඪټΟฒоগШޟٙ٘ڙȄ ܜݲց599 GTB Fioranoҥᇽѻݲց٥೩ॎȂΙྃ൲ຜឈፐᔞΨڎޟԤᓏ ༭ཐޟເٙȄѺޟഅԃԪӻ࠼ȂؐΙএُཱི࡙ޟོี౪ཱིޟຜឈ߫ᘈ ȄѺޟጣనߝਢॳࢾกၐ҈അюޟറհȂڎԤޟູڟήᔆΨڷᓺުޟؾ ߢΨ੫ܒȄ
᐀՝ᒵᐅȟҁ໌ȂՄϚоޟ܁໌וȂՄ᐀ਢᕻڗѫԤ 100యऌȄ ཱིีޟF1-TracЕΨڷᛧۡܒفڙಛȂڏڙᡝஊඪࠉຟեߣΨ ݷޑȂඪټΟޟٹᐇٮܒΟᙽ᠉ਢߣޟΨȂᇄ༈ಛفޟಛࣺШȂѺ ٺٙᎄᎻю᠉ၾਢޟഀ࡙ඪଽΟ20%ȄӣኺӴȂSCMȞMagnetorheological ௮ڙȟ௮فಛζΙԩᔖҢӵଽܒເٙΰȂѺ߳ᜌΟޟפӱᔖȂӣ ਢ६ճΟٙ٘ޟᘛоЅڙଢ଼ڷёഀਢю౪ॽޟፐڷ᜕Ӆ౪ຫȄ ҥܻ௴ҢΟܜݲցӑ໌ޟӒۻዺڷӒٙ٘๖ᄺȂٙᎄՌ१ᡗ६ճȄᏑᆓ 599 GTB FioranoШ575M MaranelloٙσΟ೨ӻȂծѺޟՌ१६ճΟ40 kg ȂѫԤ1,580 kgȄ
ငႆުଢ଼ΨᏰᓺϽ೩ॎޟٙ٘ήݖۻȃࡣഋᘗඹᏢࡿॴڷ๖ᄺȞӵѺޟᔓ օήȂࢺЕᏲՍࡣഋᏲࢺݖȟȂٺٙᎄӵо300 km/hޟഀ࡙Ⴛਢஊ ҡ160 kgޟήᔆΨȄଶΟΙᓺޟኵоѴȂٙᎄߢޟΨ߽ኵζ६ճڗѫ Ԥ0.336Ȅ 599 GTB FioranoരΟپՌEnzo຺ເٙޟ611Ψ5,999యЀV12ีଢ଼ᐠȂ Ѻ௶ڷ໌ޟяᎈӒഋளԤ៉џᡐߞޟғਢȂ՝ђଽႀؐЀ103 ΨȄӵ5,600 rpmᙽޟഀήȂџоඪټ608 NmޟശσׯઐȂ ีଢ଼ᐠᙽഀஊ Ιޢႀڗ8,400 rpmޟऔՓጣȄ 599 GTB FioranoᗙരΟΙفӖॶԩᔖҢޟӑ໌ȄཱིΙфF1ᡐഀ๖ӫ ശཱིีޟF1-SuperfastفಛȂџоٺ᐀ႆแϛޟӨএࢲȞᚔӫᏢᐇհڷ
Ferrari California ܜݲցCaliforniaڗڧΟྃσޟᢙҬȂѺΙྃڎഺཱིޟܒເٙȂڏཐྛՌ ܜݲցᐣѬΰΙငڐເٙ1957 250 CaliforniaޟᆠડڷᎽᎻפཐȄ၎ཱིເ ٙ Ϛ ༉ ڎԤ 8च فӖ ྃ ޟଽ ܒ Ȃ ӣ ਢ ζ ᄇ GT فӖ 12च ᄯ ເ ٙ 612 ScagliettiޟԤઉ၄шȄ ܜݲցCaliforniaΙᗉၾᒊܻՖశޟເٙȂஊᅖٗശԤᠧտΨࡊޟИޟ ఖȂඪټ๘ּޟᎽᎻפཐڷዅ፸Ȃ຺γޟࣀܒоЅٙϱᎌ࡙Ȅ ၎ٙߨலಒӫܜݲցޟ༈ಛȂٮшᅖഺཱི੫ȄଶΟџ᠒ߜ឴ٙഥڷন ഺޟ2+྅܈Ȃ၎ཱི៚ເٙᗙԤȈཱིޢቢԒ8चีଢ଼ᐠȃ7ഀᡐഀȃ
Ԋ၆ӵПөዺΰޟF1ॳਿޟᔬܦаȃᚖᚔӫᏢȃཱི௮فಛȞࠉᆒޟᚖξ ଼ࡣڷᆒޟӻȟȃཱིีޟF1-TracЕΨفڙಛڷྥޟᆇഝ౮Ȟ CCMȟBremboڙଢ଼ዺȞ࿋ࠉفӖڏޟтٙζԤࡣΙ੫ȟȄ پՌҏӴٙޟѪΙన१ौੑࡇշOne-to-OneএܒϽۡڙடਰᘗڗ599 GTB FioranoȄϬԑ3Тବᄇ612 Scaglietti௰юޟএܒϽ݈ۡڙσᕕԙђȂᠧ ܻԪȂܜݲցؚۡ၎݈ᘗڗҬࠉࠢفӖϛଢ଼Ψശσޟ12चٙȄ 599 GTB FioranoࡊИ౪ӵџо୰՝ܻܜϱᛳޟώհࡉȂᇄܜݲցޟ୰Ι ଔഺഅட឴ܻтঈՌϏءڙۡޟٙȄ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
13-11-09 No. 142 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Car News Belt Up: VACC Urges Motorists to Check the Safety of Seatbelts and Restraints
13-11-09 No. 142
Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
I remembered that we reported the Type R in 2007, when it first arrived from its factory in Swindon, England. A rather unusual arrangement for a Japanese brand imported to Australia. Nevertheless, its heart and soul are still from Japan, just carefully assembled in England. We tried to capture the essence of the cult and fun Type R. Therefore, we took some night photos in a famous laneway near the Parliament in inner city Melbourne. Two years later, the Type R is still a popular and famous hot hatch. It has its update, amongst its competitor, Golf GTi, Focus XR5, Holden Astra Turbo; the Type R has a forever increasing fan club population. The price is around A$39,990 plus on road. It is not a cheap hot hatch, but the driving quality is just not too far away from its famous stable mate Honda S2000. The naturally aspirated 2.0Litre 4 cylinder i-VTEC engine pumps out 148kW of power at 7,800rpm and 193Nm of torque at 5,600rpm. The weight of the car is just not that heavy, that gives a better weight to power ratio to its advantage. Hence, the magical i-VTEC engine can sprint freely towards 8,000rpm. It hits 100km/h in just 6.6seconds and can go a top speed of 235km/h. Fuel consumption is 9.3litres per 100km on premium unleaded petrol. A high rev range is normally where the fun comes from. It is lively, eager and engaging. Labelling it as a “pocket rocket” is not a taboo to the Type R at all. In terms of suspension, it uses McPherson struts in the front and torsion beam at the back. It seems to be agile and complimented seamlessly with the go fast character of the futuristic styling of Type R. However, such kind of
28 Drive-way
suspension will wear you down for extended driving especially on second grade country road. Steering is fantastic. As it is electrically assisted but still passes on the road information to the driver. In addition, telescopic reach and tilt adjustment will ensure a perfect driving position to enjoy the ride. The Alcantara bucket seats are ready for 4 points seat belt. It is a just a suction fit for my body, but, it is extremely comfortable and supportive. In terms of safety issue, it is equipped with dual front and dual side airbags, curtain airbags and Front seat pre-tensioner seat belt. ABS brakes with Honda’s VSA vehicle stability assist and EBS – electronic brake force distribution and brake assist. Hence, safety is pretty well looked after. I’ve mentioned the ride of the Type R is just a short distance from Honda’s renowned S2000 sports car. My reason was its engaging close slot 6 speed gear box. The engine is flexible enough for almost every gear to explore the powerful engine. Although the actual power of the outgoing Type R and the current 2.0litre I-VTEC is just a minimal increase of 1kW. However, the engine, power train and the manual gear box are just where the fun is. Even if you put in 1st gear, the car will sprint to 8,000rpm. Obviously, I do not recommend this, but you can sing along with such a fantastic car. Would I recommend it, yes, if you are thinking of getting a GTi, XR5 etc. It is fun to go along with the Honda magic I-VTEC engine. But, the rear vision is
Drive-way ٙൢ
13-11-09 No. 142
limited by the two tier rear windscreen. Finally, the price may be a deterring factor for some young drivers, but most perspective owners are cash strapped. So why wait, go for a test drive. It is a go kart type of fun driving. רுӵ2007ԑȂ࿋ҏҤ Civic Type Rശߑҥ՝़ܻSwindonޟώኅၼܰᐬ ࢸϞਢȂרෆငൢၾႆѺȄᄇܻРٙࠢถՄِȂኺ໌οڗᐬࢸޟПԒᡗு Шၶ੫տȄณՄȂѺޟਯЖڷቀϫณྛՌРҏȂѫϚႆڗΟ़໌ ᆠЖӴಢ၆ጫΟȄרঈၐყਐਔ၎ٙشዥԤ፸ޟҏ፴੫ᘈȂӰԪᒵᐅӵᏎᅭ ҏѿୢོߣߖޟΙএӪࡓޟၾីܯΟΙۇٲශࣺаȄ ਢႤڍԑȂҏҤType RϫณΙᎄӪȃര௸ޟߔ᠍ڧधເٙȄӵڏᝯތᄇ ЙԃଽᅭЉGTiȃᆋ੫XR5ȃႳ Astra TurboޟᕗᙓήȂѺԤΟ໌Ι؏ཱིޟ ȇ၎ٙޟདྷԁޱΡኵζӵϚᘞӴΰЀȄቋਿσघ$39,990ѴёΰၯາȂኺ ޟቋਿϚᆗۣ߯ȂϚႆڏᎽᎻܒϐϚܻٳҏҤശӪޟS2000Ȅ ၎ٙരՌณ֜2ϴЀ4चޟi – VTECЕᔝȂڏശσଢ଼Ψ࣏148kW/7,800 rpm ȂശσׯΨ࣏193Nm/5,600rpmȄءٙՌ٘ޟ१໔ؠٮԤ٥䈥ؖ१ȂѺޟᓺ༖ ӵܻඪټΟၶޟٹ१໔ڷђШȄёएюޟȂшᅖ៳Ψޟi – VTECЕᔝџ оՌҥӴፐږՍ8000 rpmȄѺ㴕ଢ଼ѫሯ6.6ऌ൷џоႀڗ100ϴ٨ޟਢഀȂശ ଽਢഀџႀ235ϴ٨/ωਢȂٞౡޟഀ࡙Пџᡝ౪ᎽᎻޟዅ፸ȇՄૉݶ໔࣏9.3 ϴЀ/ؐ100ϴ٨Ȟᓺ፴ฒ႗ݶءȟȄ၎ٙଢ଼ٞ௦ȂхΡఖ֜ڎྃٮЕΨȂ ᆎڏȶοೡЬጐȷΙᘈζϚ࣏ႆȄ ӵ௮၆ညП७Ȃ၎ٙࠉ࢜௴Ңഫ߆Ջᖗ؋Ȃࡣ࢜௴ҢׯΨᖗ؋Ȅኺ ޟ೩ॎٺுٙυӵᎽᎻޟႆแϛഀ࡙ٞౡࠓՌณࢺᄱȂׇӒಒӫType Rё
ଢ଼ཱིޟዘࢺএܒȄϚႆȂኺޟਗ਼೩ॎӵձߝഊਡᎻܻΠ໐؆ϴၯ ਢȂོᡱձཐឈפڗौዛȄ ၎ٙᙽޟө၆ညࣺ࿋—ޟႫυሄօȂծϫณџоၯݷၥଉ༈ሎᎽᎻޱȄ ԪѴȂيԁޟժᕻڷܒ༊ఇ፡ᐌጂׇ߳छޟᎽᎻॸֲڧٴȄఝԒ৴ාരѲ ᘈԒԊӒளȄѫΙএᎌ࡙оЅᄇΡᡝޟЛࡻߨலڗ՝ȂᇄרՄِȂ ۥԃΙএׇӒಒӫ٘רᡝᎈᄐ֜ޟᐠȄ ӵԊӒܒП७ȂѺരΟᚖࠉ՝Ȃᚖ७ԊӒ᠄ȂๅᛨԒ᠄௶ࠉڷႱ ᆧᎈԊӒளȄABS㧣ٙفಛѴёҏҤᐿԤޟVSAٙᎄᛧۡڞܒօڷႫυҺف ಛ—Ⴋυڙଢ଼ΨϷڷ㧣ٙሄօȄӰԪȂԊӒࣺܒ࿋ϚᒿޟȄ רϞࠉϐငඪЅႆType RޟᎽᎻཐڧӣҏҤӪޟS2000ເٙϐࣺ࿋ޟߖ ΟȂר䈥ᇳޟ౩ҥڏሳ֜ڎЕΨޟᆧ6ഀᡐഀȄ၎Еᔝࣺ࿋ࣀȂඁ нؐΙ᐀џоีଢ଼ڏσޟଢ଼ΨȄᗶณType Rᄂሬភܹюޟଢ଼Ψڷਢήޟ2 ϴЀI – VTECࣺШȂѫඪЀΟ1kWȄծีଢ଼ᐠȂଢ଼Ψ༈ଚڷЙଢ଼ᡐഀᎽ Ꮋޟዅ፸ϞܚӵȄ։ٺձѫٺҢΙᔬȂ၎ٙޟፐږΨ໔ႀڗ8000ᙽȄᡗณ ȂרϚඪኺᎽᎻȂծԤኺΙᎄჲВૡޟᗉٙձџоΙၯᅈ୮Ȅ ԃݎձՃኌᗊີGTi, XR5ϞȂ٥䈥ོר௰ᙨҏҤٙȂшᅖ៳ΨޟҏҤI VTECЕᔝོளௌᑹᏭޟᎽᎻཐڧȄϚႆȂࡣПຜഏོڧ३ܻࡣПᚖቹ᐀ॳ ࣠ይȄശࡣȂᄇܻ࢚ٲԑሆޟᎽᎻپޱᇳȂቋਿП७џོхтঈХ؏Ȃσӻ ኵႱޟٙкོᡗுਔᜆَنȄࢋณԃԪȂ㻽դᗙौ้ڹȉሂᆧўၐᎽ֑ ȂོԃӣᎽᎻଽњٙ٥ૡږޟᐭԤ፸Ȅ
175/70/R13 $60 175/65/R14 $65 205/65/R15 $85 ΜЈᕊཾ 757 Station St. Box Hill VIC 3128
Ⴋၗ ༈ઍ
03 9899 1388 Drive-way
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
20-11-09 No. 143 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Straight Six Beemer
BMW 530
Test Drive Report The new Discovery 4 reigns Supreme at the Scottish Car of the Year Honda Civic Hatch is UK's Most Reliable Fleet Car The New Jetta Range
20-11-09 No. 143
Straight Six Beemer BMW 530 i Straight Six Beemer BMW 530i A friend of my mine bought a BMW 530i M series recently. At first, I was a bit surprised about her choice. For example, why would she like a mid to large size car? Why not getting a more popular 3 series? However, when we had test-driven the BMW 530i, I think I know the reason why. It is fresh and elegant in comparing to its competitors. New headlights in the front, a better back lights and a slightly different grill as well. From its fresh outlook, nothing will tarnish the reputation of BMW and people’s perception about a fine motoring machine such as the 5 series. wanted the car. These days, we have to constantly aware about different time zones in schools and various form of suburban streets. Once you get accustom to use the head on display, you would feel the different of not having one. You will somehow feel insecure. The interior decoration and trimming of the car is highly impressive. The level of fine craftsmanship is demonstrated nicely. The company is persistent on its safety and caring side that it is very comfortable and economical for creating a best driving position. Accompanying with the comfortable and supportive seats, there is the latest the 17 x 7.5-inch. Bridgestone Potenza RE050, 225/50 run-flats tyres, matched with stunning looking alloy wheels. The suspension has been upgraded to improve on a better setting for soak up pot holes and bumps for the rather different local road conditions. After driven the X5 3.0d recently, we found the 530i has also been updated with the joy stick like 6 speed gear box with sophisticate switches on the stick.
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
It is easy to use and make sense in the computer age. Just the flick of a thumb will control the gear selection. At first, you may feel a little bit plastic and queer, yet, when accustom to it, you will feel the different, quicker and less effort. We all know speed is critical in a racing car bleeded machine. A more simplified and easy to use iDrive system will help drivers to access different function of the car. There are eight extra favoured buttons to help the driver to accessing their favoured choice. Under the bonnet, the updated 530i get 10kw of extra power. Currently, it is a 3.0-litre, DOHC, 24 valve six cylinders with 200kW at 6,650 rpm and 315 Nm at 2,750 rpm. Fuel usage as claimed by BMW is just 9.3L per 100km. The famous in line 6 cylinders petrol engine is as smooth as butter. It partnered with the 6 speeds ZF gear 便box and cruising smoothly on all road conditions, while pushing hard to its limit, its power build up is very creamy but sporty. It screamed nicely to its limit but with a sweet note that make it matches it fame for being an ultimate driving machine. The standard variable ratio steering system is a little bit funny to get used to. However, when accustomed to its unique character, it is exceptional precise and fun to drive. In terms of active and passive safety equipments, it has 8 air bags (twin front, front/rear side and curtain); stability/traction control; Ventilated discs , ABS with EBD and BA., . As mentioned earlier, the lane-change warning system and active cruise control are added bonus to effective and intuitive to safe motoring and put a peace of mind to your beloved driver. Well, BMW has a unique way of creating a sport motoring culture, with that
20-11-09 No. 143
ultimate driving machine in mind, the 530i will not let you down. It may even surprise you with its high-end technologies such as the optional night vision assistance and the standard head up display, the joy stick like gear stick and the i-Drive. There is even a S.O.S. alarm button to call the 000 emergency call centre. I accidently rang them twice one evening. It was embarrassing but helpful. All this technology brings the BMW into a highly creative motoring machine than the others. When you think about it, you will know a BMW is quite different and enjoying a better character than the rest. ശߖȂԤΙ՝݉ЄີΟΙഋBMW 530i M seriesȇଔߑȂרԤΙᘈᡙȂٽԃ Ȉ࣏դϚີΙഋಠЍΙᘈޟ3فՄᒵΰΙഋШၶσޟ5ܘفٙڹȉ࿋ ΰཱི5فਢȂ݂߯רҩႆϛΙΠȄ ఼ཱིގଢ଼ϞࡣȂхѺޟछᢩޟแ࡙ၭᄇЙџᒝᓺཐЅ֜ЕΨȄٙࠉ ޟσᐷЅٙޟᐷ՝ԤཱིȇΰငሆཌওޟޟওȂٙᓞޟഅёΰΙᘈ ᘈࠉޟፏଢ଼ཐȄ౪Ϭѿ७ΰΰ৯ϚӻײϚڗџоၭᓍޟᄇЙȂ࿋ณȂհ ࣏ஆஆΙএоᗉٙЅᎽᎻዅ፸࣏кءޟٙҡኅ୦ȂһϚሆܾо౸ೲўཬྒ ՌϏޟᖐៗȄ ࿋ֲΰֲාਢȂרΙਢ߯ݧཎڗѺৢޟԒቈȂџ٥߯݉רЄޟ ઍғጢӰȄߖРȂרঈငலݧཎڗѿϱЅᏰਮୢޟഀ࡙ԤϚӣޟ३ڙȂӰ ՄȂѫሯಬᄛٺҢٙഀᏢȂձོ߯ཐڗӋѴሆᚬȄՄᎽᎻڏтءٙਢІՄ` ЍΟΙᘈԊӒཐȄ ٙշޟങ೩Ѕ၆Ⱆᡗю೩ॎৱޟЖࡦȂՄᇧٙޟЙђҰΟޟӞ ЖᐿၼȂ৴ාܥܛΨᙴ൲ȂхߝഊᎽᎻᡐுሆᚬቸཎȂՄёΰ17ӧӫߜᎈ ޟٙपȂ௮ЅᗗᎪџоׇӒᎌᔖᐬࢸޟᐿ੫ၾၯᕗცȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
ࠉΙଲυᎽᎻΟޟX5 3.0dȂี౪Ο530iһΰΟႫသԒݰᙽޟజȂӰՄ ȂѫሯҢσҔࡾ߯џоᙽڙᔬՍNȃRЅPȂЙଢ଼ёݰਢȂሆሆ௰߯ܜܖ џоȂଔߑٺҢਢȂձོԤΙᘈϚಬᄛȂծоޟᗉٙऋ࣏१ޟᆠડȂ ࣸΟٲޟཌᙽݰਢȂ߯џоؚഽ॒Ȅ ΙএৠܾٺҢޟi-DriveفಛȂџоᡱᎽᎻޱȂП߯ٺҢӨ፡ఀȂՄཱིё ΰޟ8এ௦৷ࡸ໖ٺᐇհሆᚬቸཎȄ ӵЕᔝᑻϛȂЕᔝᒯюቨёΟ10kWȂоՍо3.0ϴЀ24氣閥Ȃଢ଼Ψܻ6,650ϴ ᙽਢџоีю200kWȂՄׯΨһԤ315Nm。ẑݶ໔һѫ9.3ϴЀٖ100ϴ٨ ȂѺޢޟϲЕᔝһฒడџᔞȄΰ݂ޟZFኅᇧഅޟϲࠉഀݰȂѺᙽޟ ᔬ࢙࡙ԤовݶૡᄱȂՄࢊёΙᘈᔆΨਢȂѺ߯ۖีΨоՍԌѩȂѺភ ܹޟΨ࡙ȂӫΟЕᔝޟଢ଼ཐ੫ՓȂёΰvariable ratio steeringӻᡐԒᙽޟө فಛȂଔߑٺҢਢԤΙᘈޟȂծҢΟϞࡣ߯ཐڗѺᙽޟөΪϷᆠጂȂхᎽ Ꮋᡗዅ፸Ȅ оԊӒޟкଢ଼Ѕೝଢ଼ޟ೩ࢊ࣏ٽȂ530iџᒝᔖԤᅾԤ(8ءೡ)ȂٙᛧۡЅඉ ၬ၆ညȂѪёΰࠉࡣॳԒྷٙᆅȂABSȃEBDЅBAȄࠉМඪЅᙽٙጣ Ѕкଢ଼Ԓޟ٠فಛٺᎽٙޱԊЖᎽᎻȄ ጂԤΙЙўഺഅѺޟᗉٙЅᇺౝޟၼଢ଼ཐМϽȂо၎ϴѧࢋԤޟತྃᎽᎻ ዅ፸࣏кޟஅᙃȄ530iȂΙᘈؠԤхרڗঈѶఖȇІՄȂо၎ϴѧޟଽ ऋޟ೩ॎԃȈۇຜ೩രȂৢԒቈߒȂႫသၽᔛᐇᖃਛݰޟෙЅ݂ޟ i-DriveفಛȂՄٙΰ೩Ԥൢឌࡸ໖Ȃࡣࠉרฒཎញଢ଼ΟឌൢᏢȂоम഼ྮΟ 000ൢឌϛЖȂԤᘈᔍȇࠓઍ݂ޟҩڗޟಠЖȂӰՄȂ٥ٲଽऋІՄ пءޟٙഽΡΙᝰȂхᎽٙΡρᇯӣޟᐿ੫ܒਿȄ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
27-11-09 No. 144 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Car News All-new Kia Soul awarded 2010 'Top Safety Pick'
27-11-09 No. 144
Volkswagen Touareg R50
Drive-way ٙൢ Geoff Fickling Translate: Driveway Team
At just under $135,000, it sounds expensive, but when you consider the opposition, which includes the Porsche Cayenne Turbo S and the Mercedes ML63, it’s actually a lot of vehicle for the money.
some doing to induce a slide of any kind. Electronic Stability Program is standard fitment anyway if you ever happened to overdo it or needed to avoid something.
Let’s start with the heart of the matter, a huge 10-cylinder turbo diesel. You have probably seen the ad on TV where the Tourareg tows a jumbo jet – well, once you drive one you will understand how. 258kW of power and - get this a gigantic 850Nm of torque through all four wheels. That’s not just ‘stump-pulling’ power, that’s the whole forest!
This is supposed to be 4WD with off-road capabilities, and VW has added ABSplus, which has been developed to reduce braking distance on loose surfaces by 20%. Amazingly, for a vehicle that will probably never go off the highway, it also has low and high range and an electronic centre differential lock for slippery off-road conditions. I did not take it off the road, but from what I hear, it is a formidable performer in rough conditions.
The twin turbo diesel V10 is the most powerful engine VW has ever made. It’s a very impressive piece of engineering and you never tire of it. It’s lucky we have our speed limits really because in this car it is difficult not to put your foot down just to hear that wonderful engine note and feel that grunt. It’s all harnessed through Volkswagen’s 4MOTION system and a super smooth 6-speed Tiptronic gearbox. The R50 looks the part too, very purposeful and sporty. The wheels, massive 21 inch items, look great, and the air suspension helps give the car impressive grip and no-fuss cornering, with three different settings, from 140 to 280mm in height and Normal, Comfort and Sport settings. It’s not easy to find a piece of road to really test a car like this, but on my test route with some off-camber corners and tight turns, the front end wanted to break away first and the rear never came close. This is preferable in any vehicle, but it took
28 Drive-way
The VW comes with a mind-boggling array of gadgets and add-ons and is a genuine luxury high performance SUV. From the ‘R’ logos on the headrests to the supportive and huge Napa leather seats to the aluminium pedal covers, polished metal features and a great dash display, it shouts ‘special’. Everything is in easy reach and typically German design, so much so that you find yourself saying over and over, ‘that makes sense!’ Satellite navigation is an option, but has a premium sound system as you would expect complete with MP3 capability and 10 speakers. The feeling you get from the R50 is one of invincibility, probably not a great thing for some drivers. However, I would choose this accomplished beast over other contenders in the same class, the BM’s, the Mercs and yes, even the Porsche.
Drive-way ٙൢ
27-11-09 No. 144
σಀTouareg R50घ$135,000ᐬᄌϚڗȂቋਿ䘧ΰўШၶ݁ິȂϚႆԃݎௌ рಠՃᄆΙήᇄ၎ܻٙӣΙᝯތӴ՝ڏޟтࠢถٙԃ߳ਢ௦ഷঢ়Turbo Sڷ یႻML63Ȃௌོี౪ڏᄂԤϚЍٙӵএቋ՝ѾѡȄ
ϚႆौᇯઍୈڗΙᘈሯौпю࡞σޟֆΨȄႫυᛧۡفಛޟȂӵௌ ႆᓞޟਢঐܖሯौᗗΙٲራᛤޟސਢঐ൷ᡗுਿѴ१ौΟȄ
ᡱרঈӑࣼࣼپٙޟਯЖ—Ѽσޟ10चᎈቨᔆ਼ีݶଢ଼ᐠȄௌџࣼ ڗΟ٥ࠌႫຜኄ֙—ΙᎄTouraregܴσቢԒࡊᐠࠉȂࣼΰўԤᘈၓ ȂϚႆௌԃݎԤᐠོკၐᎽᎻѺޟၗȂௌ൷ོ݂ҩڏϛޟၾ౩ΟȄ258kW ޟଢ଼ΨѴёѲএᎈυΰȞѲȟҡޟᛁσޟ850NmׯΨȂϚ༉༉ܦ ਲ਼٥ૡޟΨ໔ȂڏᄂΨᙏޢџоᐌএිݓਲ਼ܦଔȊ
၎ٙঙڎѲٙᇄູഏٙޟଢ଼ΨܒڷȂӣਢσಀӵ၎ٙΰቨёΟ٩ᚇԫڙ ଢ଼فಛȞABSplusȟȂ၎၆ညفಛೝีᔖҢܻӵϚޟھၯ७ΰџоЍ 20%ޟ㧣ٙຽᚔȄхΡᡙޟȂᄇܻኺΙᎄζ೨җሉϚོᚔଽഀϴၯ ޟٙᎄՄِȂѺӣኺڎരଽճጒ൜ᒵᐅоЅႫυϛѵ৯ഀᏢᚇоᔖпᜲоᎽᎻ ྦྤޟၾၯȄؠٮרԤკၐႆູഏȂϚႆᐃޣܚרȂӵඌӛޟᕗცనӇήȂ၎ ٙ๘ᄇԤσޟᏽାߒ౪ΨȄ
V10ᚖᎈቨᔆ਼ีݶଢ଼ᐠσಀءٙԤѬоپശ㻽σޟЕᔝȂѺΡޟ ӟຫԃԪړޟоՍௌΙҍΰΟ൷җሉϚོვॾѺȄுኊ۷ޟᐬ ࢸޟҺݲೣԤٙഀ३ڙȂӰ㻽ΙҍᎽᎻᎄٙȂ൷ᡱΡϚՌӴདौװ ߞݶۻڗȂԤਢѫϚႆ㻽Οಯ᠙٥ᐭଢ଼ΡЖޟЕᔝ㴕ଢ଼ᖐȄႆٮ ցҢσಀޟ4MOTIONӒᎈଢ଼فಛࢺ຺ڷᄱޟ6ഀЙ/Ռଢ଼ΙᡝᡐഀȂ ΙᎽᎻפཐϗுоׇछޟᡝ౪Ȅ
σಀءٙඪټΙفӖхΡᜲоည߬ޟωಠߣڷё೩രȂઍғޟᇺଽܒ ູഏٙȄ৴ාᓞΰޟRᇬڗቶσޟ៖धઽ۴ઍҪ৴ාȂӔڗӫߜݖ ဋȂߜ឴ӎᐩޟ੫ܒȂࣺ࿋ԁޟቈᒼᡗҰዺȂฒϚᡗҰڏᐿ੫ॳޟਿȄڐ ޟኈ೩ॎॳጒȂܚԤޟΙϸញЙџЅȂߨலৠܾඡȂоՍܻௌོี౪Ռ ϏΙႇάΙႇӴᇳȈȶࣺ࿋݂සȊȷፏᏲџᒵညȂϚႆڏளMP3 ђڷ10ᖐၾޟଽॱᡝಛ๘ᄇಒӫௌޟఖȄ
ଶўЕᔝϞѴȂR50ӵڏтП७ζ࡞ڗ՝Ȃ၎ٙޟӨএഋϷڎԤ࡞ޟବᄇ ڷܒၼଢ଼ܒȄ21़ӧޟσٙᎈࣼΰўࣺ࿋ϚᒿȂު௮၆ညȞଽ࡙џ፡ ጒ൜140Ս280యԽȂԤලȃᎌڷၼଢ଼έᆍϚӣޟ೩ညȟ፭ϠΟءٙ юՓޟӴΨȂٺுᙽ᠉џоሆՄܾᖞȄདौڗײΙџоઍғกၐᎄٙ ܒޟၾၯΙӇሳ࣏ϚৠܾٱޟȂӵޟרၐᎽၯ㣶ϞϛԤΙ᠉לࡿߨٲၾ ᠉ᙽࡨڷၾȂ၎ٙࠓᎻுࣺ࿋ҁᛧȄᄇܻӈդٙᎄپᇳ࡞ሯौޟȂ
ᎽᎻR50ܚᕕுڷڧٴޟᡝᡛᐿ੫иฒኳޟȂᄇܻ࢚ٲᎽᎻپޱ䇣ζ೨ᆗ Ϛΰϧ䈥ȂϚႆᇄרՄِȂࣺᄇܻڏڷܻӣΙ้ڏޟтࠢถٙȞϚ፣䖐 ᗙیႻȂ߳ܐਢ௦ȟȂרོᒵᐅԙዣޟนԃౡᛚૡޟR50Ȅ
175/70/R13 $60 175/65/R14 $65 205/65/R15 $85 ΜЈᕊཾ 757 Station St. Box Hill VIC 3128
Ⴋၗ ༈ઍ
03 9899 1388 Drive-way
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
04-12-09 No. 145 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Test Drive Report Cruze Tops Independent Bumper Test Mazda6 Crowned Best Medium Car at 2009 Drive Car of The Year Awards
04-12-09 No. 145
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
We have test driven the second generation Toyota Prius a little bit more than a year ago. My comment back then was that I felt like driving a super Corolla but a miser at the browser. The only improvement needed about that car was its too comfortable soft suspension system. Earlier in the Melbourne Motor Show in March 2009, the third generation arrived with an important mission. Its arrival was to cement the leading status of Toyota’s Hybrid technology, which was once remarked as gimmick by other world leader car manufacturers. But now, the Toyota Prius camp has succeeded in claiming its hybrid car as the world’s leading platform for fuel saving and environmentally friendly.
well laid out, but it is quite shallow. However, there are still some under floor storage around the spare wheel area.
The Third generation Prius comes with a better and more refined preposition. A more space age outfit. It has some of the most interesting features such as air conditioning powered by its roof solar panel to save power from the engine and battery. There is also the head up windscreen display for the techno figures. Auto parking and reverse camera for the high end iTech specification. Other safety features such as 7 airbags including knee protection, ABS, traction control, smart seat belt and pre-crash safety system to even apply the brakes when needed. Improved fuel economy was down by 0.4litre per 100km to a very impressive 3.9litre per 100 kms, self parking system and leather seats.
Transmission is done through a CVT setting, though smooth in most cases, it can be engaging when the driver decides to step on the throttle for more responsive driving. Suspension is still a little bit biased to the soft setting, as the car was designed for a rather comfort and inner city travelling in mind. Sound deadening materials need to be used for improving noise disturbance in exchange for weight reduction.
The size of the Prius is contained at its more functional mid size pear drop shape, thanks to its 5 doors hatch presentation. Seats are very flexible, split fold at the back, in making room for long and odd objects. The cargo bay is
What is different? Recent figures revealed that the battery for Prius being used as a taxi in Queensland finished only after a run of 550,000kms. It is far superior to earlier
28 Drive-way
Thanks to its famous electric and petrol combination power train. The Prius pumps out 100kw of power (60kW from its electric motor and using a bigger 1.8litre 4 cylinder petrol engine) and produces 142 Nm at 4000rpm. Fuel efficiency is around 4.0litre per 100kms, reduced from 4.4litre. Its uses mainly the electric motor for pulling the car from a stand still and can still use the electric motor on the EV mode under 35km/h. Such kind of arrangement helps to cut harmful carbon emission and fuel consumption.
Wheel turning can be more interactive, however, the electric steering was not as responsive as I first experienced, but it can be fun to see the car park itself nicely.
04-12-09 No. 145
expectation. However, local production of the Hybrid Camry will commence in 2010, so people who prefer a mid to larger size family car but still want the Hybrid fuel saving and reduced carbon emission may have another option. It’s your choice, the technology is here, but the price of the base model starts from $39,900 and the iTech model from $53,500. To a certain extent it could be twice as much as a normal small to mid size car. This pricing factor may perhaps be the only issue that drives some potential family customers away. But, think about saving the world – priceless.
Drive-way ٙൢ
Priusϫณ߳ΟѺޟϤߞ௸धޟ೩ॎȂ৴՝џоಋଢ଼ȂӰՄџоԊܹၶߝޟ ࠢސȂᑻһԤٗஊޟ՝ညȇџӰ࣏ԊܹႫԱЅരҢᎈະȂܚо฿࣏Ο ΙᘈȂծӵӴѮήȂһԤٗஊޟᓽུސਿȄ жࣨӪݶءޟЅႫଢ଼ଢ଼فಛȂѺџีю100kw ޟଢ଼Ψ (60kWҥႫଢ଼ኞԜ ܖႀӫΙএШᙟσޟ1.8ϴЀݶءЕᔝ) ՄׯΨࠌԤᛁσޟ142 NmȂ ૉݶघ4.0ϴЀׇٖ100ϴ٨ȂࣸΟघ0.4ϴЀȄѺޟӫଢ଼հॶӑоႫ ଢ଼ଢ଼ءٙȂՄоݶءሄօȂӵέᆍޟଢ଼೩ۡϛȂѺџоӵਢഀ35ϴ٨ή оႫΨଢ଼ᎻȂӰՄȂЍ௶ܹΠϽ࣓ЅσൽЍૉݶȄ
ўԑෆၐᎽΠфޟToyota PriusȂޟרཐߨڧலϞ֜ЕȇૉߨݶலϞճȂ ՄרএΡᇯ຺࣏ޟCorollaȂ୲ΙሯौݧཎޟѺޟ௮ᗗᎪөᎌЅ ฿࣏࢙ȄҏԑέТȂᏎᅭҏءٙ។ܤܚ៩ޟέфToyota PriusȂڗڧӨ ࣨݧޟຜȂՄѺپޟᖝџоᇳᙴҤءٙྒྷۡΟѺሴᏲжࣨݶءޟЅႫΨ ޟऋӴ՝ȄՄႆўȂᙴҤޟऋѫೝءٙώཾᇲຟ࣏Ιܣ߆ٲ Մؼȇ౪ӵᙴҤޟӴ՝Ȃϐԙ࣏ڏтءٙώኅॼܚਝޟᄇຫȂٮԙ࣏ૉ ݶЅᕗ߳ޟжࣨሴᏲȄ
ᙽଢ଼П७ȂѺоџᡐݰޟଢ଼ȂӰՄȂᙽᔬΪϷᄱȂһџоӰᔖᎽᎻޱ ޟौؑՄᡐுІᔖః௦Ȅ௮ϫณө࢙ծӰ࣏Ѻкौᔖп࠲ѿᎽᎻȂ ӰՄһฒџࠔߨȂٙϱޟႤॱސਟџӰ࣏ौྱٙ٘१໔ޟጢ࢈ȂӰՄȂ੫ տоݶءЕᔝᎻਢȂԤᘈនॱȄᙽөП७ȂѺџоԁΙᘈȂծএΡᇯ࣏Ӱ ࣏ѺᒵҢΟႫଢ଼ሄօЅӫՌଢ଼ހٙȂӰՄȂᙽөԤΙᘈϚ఼ȂџоȂѺ ޟՌଢ଼ހٙђһџΙђȄ
έфޟPriusȂٴԤޟޟٹѴߒЅϱొȂЅшᅖЊުऋВޟѓ၆Ѕڨၾ ȂԃѺѓࢂΟΙএЊ֜ޟԝݖоଢ଼ٙϱުޟ፡ȂڏԩȂѺৢޟԒ᐀ ॳ࣠ይഀ࡙ߒȂџоᡱᎽᎻΡсடЖᎽᎻȂᙴҤᐿড়ีޟՌଢ଼ހٙЅࡣຜ فಛΪϷ֜Еٮϐѓࢂӵଽऋৈ၆ϛ(iTech)ȂڏѺޟԊӒ೩രѓࢂȈ7এ ԊӒೡȃABSȃඉၬᎽᎻفಛȃᖑ݂ԊӒளЅኡႱกԊӒ၆ညȂ၎၆ည џоӵӠࡨϛՌଢ଼ࠆٙ. ՄૉݶП७ȂѺϐՍ3.9ϴЀׇٖ100ϴ٨Ȃڏт П७ȂࡊџоᒵᐅઍҪ৴ාȄ
ѺԤࣥቄԁ ߖԤൢᏲࡾю݀ρ៌ࣸޟΙءٙϴѧԤΙᎄPriusٖΟ55ϴ٨ϗሯौ ءٙႫԱȂӰՄ၎юՓߒޟ౪ȂШႱ౩དȄѪΙП७Ȃᆰࣸҡޟ Hybrid Camryܻ݂ԑȇӰԪӨ՝הఖџоᎽᎻσܘٙ݉ޟЄџоϫ ณݶࣸڧٴЅᕗ߳ޟዅ፸ȄଽऋϐႀڗԙዣޟࢲȂծ୵ቋࠌҥ$39,900 Ս ଽऋޟގ$53,500ȄࣺᄇΙٲලٙȂPrius୵ޟቋџѺঈޟᚖॻȂӰԪ Ȃ୵ቋџ୲Ιޟ୰ᚠȇџоᕗ߳ўࢁжࣨڹȉฒቋȊ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
11-12-09 No. 146 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Mercedes Benz
11-12-09 No. 146
Mercedes Benz E350
Drive-way ٙൢ Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
You don’t simply get in and drive this car, which is a little frustrating. For example, it did not have the gear shift in the centre console. You select D, R, N and P via a stalk on the right of the steering column. I am sure you would get used to it quickly but I did wonder what the point of it was. It has the choice of manual paddle shifting also.
The seats are great, firm but exceptionally comfortable with an electrically operated feature that allows personal tailoring to your body. This is disconcerting at first, as it squeezes into your sides but once you find the right position it is very good. Rear seat space is also excellent as it should be in a car this size.
Things in a car should fall to hand easily, so when you have to read several different information booklets, owner manuals and a DVD to be able to simply drive around the block, maybe they’ve gone too far. Just trying to insert a CD proved to be complicated so I gave up and wrestled with the radio/sat nav system for a while, and eventually found a station by accident.
Handling wise, it is as solid as a rock, which you would expect. It is designed for rapid touring, and seems to swallow up corners and bends. And you simply cannot shake it loose no matter how you try. Normally, you would feel a trait like understeer in a large car like this, but there was nothing. It has the now obligatory stability control systems of course to look after driver mistakes but usually you at least feel some slippage first. Not with this car.
Anyway, when you eventually get going, the Merc feels like a Merc should, very solid and safe. This car is big, and feels it. There is a lot of metal around you and you are aware of it all the time, it’s quite imposing. Although it is heavy, the engine does a commendable job and there’s an abundance of power and torque. At first, it feels underpowered but this is because it is so smooth and quiet - you don’t notice you’re going fast until you check the speedo!
Previous models I have driven have had that typically Mercedes accelerator pedal – where you have to push down hard on a very long travel pedal to get the engine to respond. This was not the case with the E350, the response was immediate, so this is a vast improvement. Geoff Fickling
The steering is very direct, almost racecar like. It’s very good, it just takes some getting used to. On a winding road, it pays to concentrate, because it will go exactly where you point it. Massive brakes pull the car up extremely well, and you can feel the brake assist system kicking in if you brake hard, which is reassuring.
28 Drive-way
Just like what Geoff has said. I found the gear shift a little bit interesting. Our photographer does not like the idea as well. However, I found it very handy if you get use to it. It is similar to the ML series. On the other hand, I accidentally
Drive-way ٙൢ
11-12-09 No. 146
got it into neutral gear the other day, when, I just wanted to indicate for a left hand exit turn. I am sure people will get use to it very quickly. I am amazed by the finishing and interior design of the E350. It is worth whatever you pay. It is classy and elegance. I like the air suspension. It gave me a lot of comfort and assurance. In terms of driver’s aid, I like the blind spot assist that glows red to a small triangle shape at the far bottom side of the mirrors when it comes to some approaching cars. Nine airbags including a knee airbag are available just in case. In addition to that it has all the usual brake and stability programs, plus the pre-safe crash system to get any one out of trouble. I feel the E350 is very special to enjoy. It is quite different to the Jaguar XK and obviously different to the BMW 5 series. It’s the elegance and unique style that the Mercedes-Benz heritage inherits to this new model. Although the V6 engine is pretty much the same, it is near perfect for 99% of people. Enjoy!
Edmund Chow ᎽᎻیႻE350,ձฒݲᎽᎻڏтٙ٥ኺȂֲ໌ў൷٥ૡᙏሆᚬȂΙ ᘈ฿฿хΡԤݸٲൊȄٽԃȂѺ௶ޟᔬٮϚӵϛѵڙѮޟ՝ညȂՄӵПө ዺޟѡЙԤΙএኦ؋ȂџоᒵᐅDȃRȃNڷPȄϚႆࣺ߬רձ࡞פ൷ಬᄛٮ ΰЙȂѫרϚ࡞౩၌Ѻኺ೩ॎޟ౩ҥȄձџоᒵᐅӣਢڎരኦаԒ௶ᔬȄ
ءٙٺޟҢᔖ࿋ᙏዓ݂ᕣȂৠܾΰЙȂԃݎձሯौᎧኵএϚӣޟၥਟыȃཾ кЙыٮDVDϞࡣϗϚႆஊ໌࣏ྃᙏ፝ԃড়ߣߖޟᎽᎻȂ٥ߒҰ೩ ॎڷᇳ݂џፒᚕႆᓞΟȄרϚႆདܹΙCD᠙᠙ȂࠓӰ࣏ЊႆፒᚕՄܹణ ȂᇄႫѮڷᏲفಛޭ๖ΟјЈȂϗശತӵฒཎϛڗײΟΙএѮȄ Ϛႆฒ፣ԃդȂ࿋ձശತಬᄛٮΰѺࡣپȂձ൷ོཐیڗႻۻڗϚཛྷیႻ ȂߨலϞᄂڷԊӒȄٙ࡞σȂཐឈࣺ࿋ԁȄฒਢฒړϚཐឈڗ٥ᆍೝߜ឴ ߳ፏޟ፴ཐȂхΡӟຫړȄᗶᇳٙՌ٘࡞१ȂϚႆЕᔝߒޟ౪ுᢚ፬Ȃඪ ټшٗޟଢ଼ΨׯڷΨȄଔߑȂձོឈுଢ଼ΨϚٗȂڏᄂϚႆӰ࣏ѺԃԪ ޟҁᛧڷԊᓗȂଶߨձᄆࣼٙഀȂ֏ࠌձ๘ฒݧݲཎڗѺԤӻפ௦Ȋ ПөዺޟПөܒΙࢺޟȂඁнӣᗉٙΙኺȄ࿋ณ࡞ԁȂϚႆሯौΙٲਢ پᎌᔖȄӵԢޟၾၯΰᎻਢȂѺࣺ࿋ுᜰݧȂӰ࣏ձࡾѺ൷ོЅྥڏ ጂӴᎻөࡾۡޟПөȄ၎ٙࠆޟٙܒ๘ᄇԁȂԃݎձౡࠆٙޟၗȂձџоཐ ࠆڗٙሄօفಛΪϷԤਝӴٺٙୄ՞ȂхΡݠኑȄ ٙϱޟ৴՝ࣺ࿋ԁȂᄂࠓϚмᎌϞཐȂٮиڎരႫଢ଼ђџоਲ਼ᐃϚӣޟ ΡᡝԢጣ፡এΡᎌ࡙ȄΙۖٺҢޟਢঐџԤٲᔍڷϚಬᄛȂོឈ ு৴ාᔠᔆձ٘ޟᡝȂϚႆΙҍڗײΟғጂޟ՝ည൷ོࣺ࿋ϚᒿȄࡣ৴ުޟ ζڗԁȄ ԃݎᎽᎻு݂සޟၗȂѺ൷ོԃӣձޟܚ٥ኺᛧԃጇүȄѺ੫࣏ࡨഀਡ Մ೩ॎȂฒ፣ُܬᗙ᠉ၾȂሆՄΙᖞӴᎻႆȄՄиฒ፣ձԃդკၐȂ ձฒݲᐂଢ଼ѺȄலȂձོឈுኺޟσءٙ܁܁ԤᙽөϚٗޟ੫ᘈȂ
175/70/R13 $60 175/65/R14 $65 205/65/R15 $85 ΜЈᕊཾ 757 Station St. Box Hill VIC 3128
Ⴋၗ ༈ઍ
03 9899 1388 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ
11-12-09 No. 146
ծܻیႻE350ՄِȂΙݷϚԆӵȄԃϬ၎فӖٙ҆രᛧۡفڙಛȂо ޭғᎽᎻܚޱқޟႆᒿȂϚႆڏтءٙலོԤ۽ޟᒶྤڷଢ଼לӵیႻ E350٘ΰׇӒϚོю౪Ȅ רϞࠉෆᎽᎻႆیޟႻᙟԤဴȂԤیޟڐႻߞݶ——ݖձ҆ԫࠐ ϗஊంଢ଼ЕᔝȄϚႆE350݂ᡗϚӣȂڏІᔖٞഀȂџᒝѼσ؏໌ޟȄ Geoff Fickling ғԃGeoffϞࠉܚᇳޟ٥ኺȂרζឈுیႻE350௶ޟᔬ՝ညШၶԤཎࡦȄីኇ ৱٮϚ᠍ኺޟ೩ॎȂծࠓרᇯ࣏ԃӣMLفӖΙኺȂΙҍಬᄛΟޟၗ൷ོ ឈு࡞ԁٺȄϚႆၗᇳӱپȂԤΙЈרӵюοདौѾᙽȂሯौ҈ᐷᡗҰȂࠓ ཎѴӴȞಬᄛܒӴȟኦڗΟN௶ᔬȄԁӵרጂ߬Ρঈོ࡞פಬᄛѺޟȄ
Οࣺר࿋ԁޟᎌཐڷԊӒ߳ራȄӵᎽᎻሄօ೩രП७Ȃר᠍ޡᘈڞօفಛ Ȃ࿋ڏтءٙᖝߖਢȂ൷ོӵᜢυѴޟۻ՝ည߫ଔऔՓޟωέُלȄ9এԊ Ӓ᠄ȞѓࢂΙএጱഋ᠄ȟџо٩ΙޟሯؑȄԪѴѺڎരܚԤலَޟ㧣ٙ ȃႫυᛧۡԊӒفಛٮѴёႱኡԊӒفಛȂџоӵᎌ࿋ޟਢঐᔓօᎽᎻޱᘛ ಳџᎏႄޟཎѴȄ רᇯ࣏ᎽᎻE350Ιᆍᐿ੫ޟᡝᡛڧٴڷȄѺᇄJaguar XKࣺШԤܚϚӣȂᇄ X5فӖࠌ݂ᡗϚӣȄѺӒཱིޟȂଽິޟȂᐿΙฒΠޟȂިࡻΟیႻޟ ༈ಛȂᗶᇳV6ЕᔝؠԤϧቄЊσޟଢ଼ȂϚႆᄇܻ99%ޟΡတپᇳȂᡗณ ߨலᅖཎڷӫᎌޟȄ Edmund Chow
Ӵ֭ȈUnit 3, 50 Rooks Rd, Nunawading 3131 ႫၗȈ03 9873 3668 / 0402 799 038
ᄇܻE350ޟᐌᡝѴל೩ॎڷٙϱ೩ॎȂרཐࣺڗ࿋ӴᎪᡙȂᓺڷଽິޟȶ ٘࠼ȷȂ๘ᄇސԤܚȄѺΪϷϛཎѺުޟ௮၆ညȂӵၐᎽޟႆแϛ
ങᔮᎃ Joe
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!ᆠও! !ᎈपۡ՝! !ཱིٙ߳Ꮄᓃᛩᆰও݈ !ᎈप݈! !ءٙЈณ၆!! !юᡛٙા (R.W.C) !ዉࢸӑ໌ႫသᔮกቈᏢ !ᗊٙࠉᔮᡛ݈
ᑹ ܿ ٙ ٘ ও ౩ ϛ Ж 30 Drive-way
HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre டওኡȂႫသ፡Փቢݶ ቨ೩ڍএӑ໌≎ܘݶ
фൢܚԤ߳ᓎ டΡڞօ၌ؚ߳ᓎᜲᚠ
ও౩ϱȂඪټջາվȃॳݶᬠфҢٙ* ငᡛᙴ൲ȃቋᓀϴၾȃᓺ፴݈ γඏ֯џᕕҗδ߳Ң
*ߣளనӇ 24ωਢܴ݈ٙ
ᆠဃᇭȃᇭȃዘᇭ ߜᇭȃ़ᇭ
Ӵ֭Ļ15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 ႫၗĻ!9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
15-01-10 No. 147 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
IS250C Car News Hyundai Records Best-Ever Yearly Sales Results
15-01-10 No. 147
Lexus IS250C The first thing you notice with the interior of the IS250 is that it is beautifully laid out. Everything naturally falls to hand. After driving an overly-complicated German car for a few days prior, this was very welcome. Speaking of German cars, and in particular BMW, it is obvious who Lexus is rivalling here, and when you compare pricing, you cannot go past the IS250 convertible. Having driven a hard top version, I was keen to sample how the convertible felt. The three piece metal top folded away in record time, and was very smooth. The only downside is the boot space is compromised to make way for the folding roof, but it is not by any means small. On the plus side, with the roof down and the windows up, there is little wind buffeting. On the road, the car feels taut and you can feel most of the bumps on an uneven road, however it is not uncomfortable and really, it adds to the open air experience. Steering is excellent and precise, and I noticed the steering wheel is the perfect size and shape. Handling wise, it is very predictable, but fun. It’s good that Lexus has stayed with rear wheel drive. The front end bites the tarmac with no hint of a loss of adhesion, and a testament to the engineers is the way the rear end is in total harmony with the front. Turn off the Electronic Stability Program and the rear will move around a little but it’s all very predictable and safe. The seats were terrific, supportive yet comfortable, and it was easy to find a
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ! Geoff Fickling Translate: Driveway Team
position that suits your personal preference. In fact, I would have been happy in several different configurations, which shows just how well thought out the Lexus is for the driver. Rear seat room is not great, but again people who want and enjoy a car like this will be aware it is not designed to be a people-mover. The heart of the matter is the well-proven and reliable 2.5 litre V6. It is sweet and extremely smooth, with 153Kw and an abundance of torque, propelling the drop-top with minimum fuss. Apparently there is a 3.5 due out soon, and although I would prefer the sort of power this will offer, the 2.5 litre is absolutely fine, even with the additional 130 kilograms the convertible carries over than the sedan. There is automatic or paddle shift modes for the beautiful six-speed gearbox, which is great because it actually allows the driver to select the gear he wants rather than the computer stepping in to spoil things. This is a car for genuine enjoyment, and on a not-too-hot sunny day there is nothing better than letting the top down and heading out of town away from the traffic. The way Lexus are going, they will be luring in a lot more customers in the next few years. I give it 9 out of 10.
15-01-10 No. 147
൷∪סIS250ޟϱഋ೩ॎ၆ႺՄِȂΡޟΙཐឈࣺ࿋ޟԤᏄΨȂׇछฒ ࿃ޟշȂΙϸᡗு٥ቄுՌณᔖЙȄӵᎽᎻᎄٙϞࠉޟඁЈϱΙޢ ޟ٥ᆍ೩ॎႆܻፒᚕޟኈٙȂӰԪஊᎽᎻѺΙӇ࡞ٱޟߔ᠍ڧȄፙ ڗኈءٙȂЎڏ——∪ޟסᝯތᄇЙȂ࿋ձШၶቋਿࡣȂձ๘ᄇϚ ོདᒿႆIS250බᕱٙȄ ϞࠉרෆᎽᎻႆΙٙޟഥގҏȂܚоרዥ૿ܻკၐබᕱٙޟཐឈȄ έ༵ߜ឴ٙഥӵശޟਢϱࣺ࿋ցࢺᄱӴ᠒ଔپȄ୲Ιޟીᘈҥ ܻौ՝᠒ଔߜޟپ឴ഥȂࡣരުޟڗڧΙۡӴ߭լȂծ๘Ϛࡾ ުڏ੭ωȄғ७ՄِȂᗶณٙഥೝ᠒ଔپՄٙๅϚೝήȂࠓؠཐڗ ԤϧቄॳΨᎪଢ଼Ȅ ΰၯᎽᎻޟਢঐȂ၎ٙΡޟཐឈᖀᆧޟȂ࿋ձӵϚҁޟۄၾၯΰᎻޟ ਢঐȂձོཐڗԤٲᛪȂ࿋ณߨٮઍڗޟΟᡱΡϚ݈ޟแ࡙Ȃᄂሬΰ ȂѺџоቨձ៩ЈᎽٙޟཐឈڷငᡛȄձџоཐڗڧӵΙএϚҁޟۄၾၯ ޟᛪശȂծѺϚϚ݈ȂઍޟȂѺёڗ៩ЈޟငᡛȄПөዺᙽө࡞ ԁȂࣺ࿋ྥጂȂٮиีר౪ѺޟσωޑלڷԃԪׇޟछȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
ᎽᎻ࠼༖ȄٱᄂΰȂᄇܻڏΙٲϚӣޟညȂרཐ࡞ڗЖȂߒ݂Ο ∪סӵ೩ॎΰ࣏ᎽᎻޱՃኌுࣺ࿋ڗںȄࡣ৴ުϚ࡞σȂծӣኺޟȂདौ ڧٴኺޟٙޟΡޣၾබᕱٙޟ೩ॎ๘Ϛװၼၷ໔հ࣏ΙՃኌޟȄ ၎ٙޟਯЖׇԙዣٮиџᎬޟ2.5ЀV6ЕᔝȄѺΡඛਇϞཐȂၼߨல ҁᛧȂശσଢ଼Ψ࣏153KwȂѴёσׯޟઐΨȄߒ७ΰԤΙএ։ิൟޟ3.5 ЀЕᔝȂᏑᆓר٥ኺޟଢ଼ΨȂϚႆҬࠉޟ2.5ЀЕᔝࠓࣺ࿋——ޟ։ ٺᇄٙޟЕᔝࣺШȂබᕱٙޟौ१130ϴОȄׇछޟϲഀᡐഀȂԤՌଢ଼ܖ Йଢ଼௶᐀ڍᆍᒵᐅȂࣺ࿋ޟȂӰ࣏Ѻᄂሬΰϰ೨ᎽᎻষՌкᒵᐅтהఖ ޟȂՄϚҥႫသϭΣཤઓཐឈȄ ΙএџоઍғᡱձڗڧٴЖડඛਇءޟٙȂӵӎᕌេȃϚЊއዥޟРυ 㠰ȂؠԤϧቄШΰබᕱٙሉᚔ࠲ѿҺўॡѴᡱΡϛཎٱޟΟȄ൷∪סٙ ҬࠉีޟПөȂࣺ߬רӵҐޟپඁԑ㠰Ѻ֜ЕӻޟᎽᎻޱȂΪϞΤΞȊ
ᐇ౩ΪϷ݂සȂџоႱਟޟڗȂϚႆшᅖዅ፸ȄԁٱȂ∪ס ࡣᎈଢ଼ޟђ߳ΟήپΙӇԁٱȄࠉᎈߣ⋀ޟΨ࡞Ȃџоᆧຮࢧݶ ၯ७Ȃώแৱᄂሬᜌ݂ࡣᎈᇄࠉᎈӵᖂᡝΰΪϷڞ፡ȄԃݎᜰഖႫυᛧۡแ ԒȂࡣᎈࡣޟПོԤٲಋଢ଼ȂծΙϸӵཎਟϞϛȂиΪϷԊӒȄ ৴ාޟ೩ॎࣺ࿋ȂԤٗஊޟЛࡻ࡙ڷᎌ࡙Ȃٮи࡞ৠܾڗײᎌӫՌϏޟ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
22-01-10 No. 148 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
BMW 135i Car News First Look: The New BMW 3 Series Coupe and Convertible Australia To Receive Five Lexus IFA Supercars Discovery 4 Named Best 4x4 at the What Car? Awards 2010
22-01-10 No. 148
BMW 135i I must say I was not impressed with the 1 series styling when I first saw one last year. However, the coupe version 135i with its big wheels and low stance is a big improvement in my opinion. I also thought these cars were a bit boring, but again, having driven this little number I have had a re-think! The combination of a light, taut chassis and large, willing engine puts this car well into a different, way more exciting category. The body shape does actually grow on you and you begin to appreciate the thought that has been put into it. The interior, typically for BMW, is designed for functionality and purpose, with a definite leaning toward the driver. The driving position will not be to everyone’s taste, but like the car as a whole, it is geared to toward sportier driving. The only negative I could find, apart from the strange tan leather colour of the seats, was the centre tunnel on the driver’s side, it seemed to bulge out too much and rob leg room. The steering wheel is just the right size and everything came to hand easily. There are handy buttons for audio and cruise control etc. on the wheel also. I did not have enough time to investigate the sat-nav and audio system properly via the central control button, so it remained a mystery but it all looked good. The engine is the same twin-turbo as the larger 335i and Z4, however the 135i is way less complicated and purposeful. On a track day, I would opt for the 135i for a more satisfying time. Yes, this is a twin-turbo, coupled with a 3.5 litre 6 cylinder. This produces blistering performance. If I owned this car, I would probably lose my licence within a week because it is difficult not to test it
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ Geoff Fickling Translate: Driveway Team
because it does it all so well. The manual gearbox was a delight, just right in terms of being fast, yet nice and tight and user friendly. I am getting very tired of paddle shift automatics, and it was refreshing to change gears manually, especially in such a well engineered car as this. I was keen to test this cars handling, so I found some twisty roads that were above the average speed limit. This car seemed more assured and easier to throw around than the M3. It felt tighter and gave you more confidence throwing it into corners. I could not detect any front wheel slip at all, and I tried as hard as you can on the road. If you turn off the DSC (stability control) the rear end just danced around a bit and a quick correction brought it back. There was never a hint of it all going wrong and I would have loved to get this car on the track to test its real limits. The brakes are massive and slowed the scenery down beautifully, the pedal being very firm at all times and with just the right amount of feel before the ABS kicked in. All in all, if you are looking for a smallish, sporty car with big grunt and great handling, this should be on your list.
Drive-way ٙൢ
22-01-10 No. 148
҆ܛᇯޟȂӵўԑרശߑࣼڗΙفӖޟٙਢȂؠٮԤή࡞ޟӟຫ ȄϚႆᡗณȂӵپࣼרȂԤσٙᎈȂճ՝ޟ䖐135iᚖ৴ωٙԤΟ ࡞σޟȄרឈுΙޟٙཐឈΰў࡞ࠐؠȂϚႆȂ࿋רᎽᎻႆᎄȶ ωϚᘈȷϞࡣȂޟרཐڧԤΟ࡞σޟᡐϽ——ሆᆧۻޟዺȂѴёσ ᗩཎޟЕᔝȂࣺޱڍ๖ӫܚளׇޟپӒϚӣޟȂхΡᑹᏭுཐڧȄᓍ ϚᘞӴᎽᎻȂձູູོپ᠍ѺޟѴᢎڷٙ೩ॎȂོٮҡюᄇΙ೩ॎ ޟҥ૿Ӵᢚ፬Ȅ ٙϱഋޟ೩ॎ၆ⰖޟڐԒ——ޟடܻђڷܒӻҢഊܒȂԤ ட࣏ᎽᎻޱՄ೩ॎޟᡗ༊өȄ࿋ณȂᎽᎻ৴՝ޟ೩ॎܖ೨ฒݲᅖٗܚԤΡ ޟοڨȂϚႆ൷ᐌᡝཐՄِȂѺᗍөܻເٙޟᎽᎻᡝᡛȄӵپࣼרȂଶў ৴ා٥ޟۉፑՓҪ८ՓѴȂ୲ΙޟϚٗϞ൷՝ܻᎽᎻޱᇀഋުޟ ϚஊȄПөዺޟσωӫᎌȂΙϸ٥ቄுЖᔖЙȄПөዺΰԤџоॱڙ ᓜ೩രڷ٠ࡸޟ้ڙ໖ȂߨலП߯ȄؠרԤٗஊޟਢўंـ٥ٲڙ ፏᏲॱڷᓜفಛޟϛѵᐇࡸ໖֏এএၼيԁȂӰԪѺᇄרՄ ِϫณΙএᖼȂծΙϸࣼΰў࡞ϚᒿȄ
ᓺؾȄרΪϷვॾՌଢ଼ኦаԒᔬȂЙଢ଼ᔬхΡཐឈՆҬΙཱིȂЎڏӵ ᎽᎻኺΙᎄԤׇछޟЕᔝءޟٙϞਢȄ רఖกၐԪٙܒޟȂܚоרᒵᐅΟΙ຺ٲႆҁ֯ਢഀ३᠉ޟڙԢޟၾၯȄ ٙխнШM3хΡܹЖȂӵᙽ᠉ޟႆแϛζҁᛧȂᡱձӵᙽ᠉ޟႆแ ϛቨӻޟՌ߬ЖȄӵᎽᎻޟႆแϛȂר๛యؠԤᄆឈࠉᎈԤӈդΙᘈ҈ྤ ޟၬຫȂᏑᆓӵձџоདޟጒ൜ϱרᅾΨўၐΟȄԃݎௌᜰഖᛧۡفڙಛ Ȃࡣᎈӵᙽ᠉ࠆܖٙਢོԤሆཌྤޟଢ଼Ȃծ࡞ሆܾޟ൷ೝ፡ᐌႆپȂձџо ׇӒӴඡՄϚ҆ᐊЖԤӈդཎѴีҡȄԃݎӵᗉၾΰᎽᎻᎄٙٮઍғก ၐѺྃޟ३ȂᄇܻپרᇳΙӇΪϷᘐٱޟ܁Ȅ ࠆٙΪϷԤΨиࣺ࿋ׇछȂฒ፣դਢȂݖ࡞ᄂȂӵABSفಛంଢ଼Ϟࠉޟ ཐឈڗԁȄᖂՄِϞȂԃݎձғӵײ൶Ιᎄᖐȃྃԁᐇޟၼଢ଼ ωءٙޟၗȂ٥ቄ135i๘ᄇᔖ၎ӵձޟཪષӪϞΰȄ
၎ٙޟЕᔝᇄσޟٙ335iڷZ4ࣺӣޟȂ࣏֯ᚖᎈቨᔆЕᔝȂ3.5 Ѐ6चȂҬ݂ጂиࣺᄇϚ٥ቄፒᚕȂܒࣺ࿋ுԁȄषӵᗉၾΰȂོר ᒵᐅ135iȂӰѺ࣏רᅖཎޟᎽᎻᡝᡛȄԃרݎஊԤᎄٙȂרџ ོӵΙ໊Ϟϱ൷ѶўᎽྱȂӰ࣏ѺЊᡱΡЖଢ଼ΟȂΙϸ٥ቄȂᡱΡע Ϛ՞൷དกၐѺྃޟ३Ȃ๖ݎՌณ຺ഀႂണᎽᎻೝӤᎽྱȄЙଢ଼ᡐഀ ࣺ࿋хΡᅖཎȂ൷פഀՄِΪϷϚᒿޟȂଶԪϞѴᗙ࡞ܾΰЙȂᆧиܒ
Ӵ֭ȈUnit 3, 50 Rooks Rd, Nunawading 3131 ႫၗȈ03 9873 3668 / 0402 799 038
ങᔮᎃ Joe
Chan к౩
31Րᚳනژ၃ᢚ ཱི σᓺඏ
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Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
29-01-10 No. 149 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
KIA Sorento
7 seats Turbo Diesel
Car News Hyundai's 2.35 litres per 100km Hybrid Concept Displayed At Detroit
Drive-way ٙൢ!
29-01-10 No. 149
KIA Sorento Platinum 7 seats Turbo Diesel
Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
I regret not attending the Australian launch of the KIA Sorento. But that was another story. I was going to a gold mine and into the great wilderness of Western Australia. How could I resist?
money well spent. The careful uses of staunch fender and blister further enhance the sporty feeling of the car. Unlike other manufacturers, it is very original and creative.
The fun thing of going to a new car launch is that the manufacturer shows you everything you need to see and experience.
As for the mechanical set up, it has an all new 2.2 litres double overhead 16 cams with a variable-geometry turbo diesel engine on common rail injection, thus producing one of the strongest 145kW and 436Nm, in its class. On the fuel consumption, it is just 7.4 litres per 100 for the 6 speed automatic gear box where as the manual could cut to 6.7 litres per 100 kms.
I had been invited by a few manufacturers. They are all marvelous cars. Incidentally, when we booked the KIA Sorento, the Hyundai Santa Fe was also available. We had the rare opportunity to evaluate both of them. Then, we discovered some secrets between both of them. In case you don’t know, Hyundai and KIA both belong to one big family, a little bit like Audi and Volkswagen. But I like to use the Toyota and Lexus example. It is because the quality of the recent products such as the KIA Soul, Cerato, Cerato Koup and the Sorento represent a major improvement from the KIA clan. It is extremely fantastic and wonderful. From the start, Sorento picks up the fresh corporate grille designed by Peter Schreyer, the corporate chief designer. It integrates very well with the headlight indicator units to form a forceful display of positive energy and determination like most other beautiful European manufacturers. I have to remind you that Peter Schreyer designed the first generation Audi TT and 2nd generation VW Beetle. From the all round presentation of the Sorento, it is
28 Drive-way
Worth mentioning is the incoming 6 speed auto gear box. If the 6 speed auto could have come in early last year with the Soul, Cerato and Cerato Koup, it will certainly help sales and improve performance The new Sorento is slightly longer than the outgoing model; there is just a slight increase of 95mm in over all length. While adding on 10mm from wheelbase, it is just a 15mm growth in height. Safety is Euro NCAP 5 stars but should be 4 stars locally, until an additional attention for installing front passenger seatbelt reminder. That might have cost KIA dearly in the short run. Other things you may like to know, it has double wish bone front suspension and sub frame mounted multilink suspension with coil springs at the back.
29-01-10 No. 149
Front ventilated discs and solid disc brakes at the back, making it both capable of both rough and city cruising . How is its driving performance? Well, quite American basically, as it uses mechanical foot brake instead of hand brake for a start. It is a SUV so it is an occasional wilderness adventurer rather than an all time bush explorer. Having said that, it has hill descent control and hill climb assist for adding morebetter confidence in handling those awkward situations. Response for kicking down the turbo diesel Platinum is quick. Steering is just perfect for a car of this size. Interior appointment has been well designed., with good air con outlets for the second and third rows. Most importantly, it has 7 seats capacity. Hence, it is an extremely strong market competitor against Ford Territory, Holden Captiva and the alike. Will I buy it? Definitely, for more European image and built quality. In addition, the actual competency on mechanical set up and reliability is on par with most European brands. Finally, it is cheaper than the, you know what, “L” brand. ࡞רᒸᏺؠԤёᐬࢸଔٳષ៌ԜޟΰѿቈԒȄϚႆ٥Ӱ࣏ѪΙӇٱȈ ўڗΙএߜᝪٮΣՙᐬ٥ኄ⌾ޟনഏȂרԃդஊܢ๘ϚўȉȊёཱིٙ ΰѿቈԒޟԁ൷ᇧഅ୦ོҰձΙϸձདौࣼٮڗᡝᡛݍޟڗՙȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
רϐငԝڗΟΙٲᇧഅ୦ޟᗜȂܚौҰءޟࣺٙ࿋ϚᒿȄ࿋רঈႱۡၐᎽ ଔޟٳષ៌ԜਢȂୋณϞᎷȂ౪фޟထႀζӣਢџоၐᎽȄӰԪȂרঈ൷ԤΟ ᜲுޟᐠོپӣਢШၶຟቋѺঈȂܻȂרঈี౪ΟڍٙϞޟΙٲફȄ ࣏٩ձϚ఼ཿȂרӑᇳΙήȂ౪фڷଔٳџоᆗுΰپՌӣΙএσড়৳ȂԤ Ιᘈխ༹ज़ڷσಀȄծרདҢᙴҤپס∪ڷୈٽυȄӰ࣏ଔٳശߖཱིю ޟٙࠢڏ፴фߒΟଔٳড়ఊΙفӖ१σيޟȂԃଔٳSoulȂCeratoȂ Cerato Koupڷષ៌ԜȂΪϷᆠிڷछԁޟȄ ΙۖȂષ៌Ԝ൷ᔖҢΟҥϴѧॶৰ೩ॎৱ܄ு•ࢊᒦᅭܚ೩ॎޟӒཱིޟᐌ ᡝඹዥਿ࢞ȂѺ࡞ԁӴᇄHIDࠉσᐷᒊӫԙΙᡝȂΙᘈԤΨӴᡝ౪Οଔޟٳ ΙᆍᑖྃޟΨ໔ؚڷЖȂҽष٥ڎྃٲᏄΨޟዉࢸءٙᇧഅ୦Ȅרौඪᒺձޟ Ȃ܄ு•ࢊᒦᅭෆ೩ॎΙф༹ज़TTڷΠфσಀҦ෦ᙫȄષ៌Ԝޟᐌᡝ ѴᢎΰՄِȂᓀ߆ுுȄ၎ٙӵ೩ॎΰᗙΪϷᙱབӴٺҢΟޟھ᐀ݖݫ Ȃ໌Ι؏ඪЀΟءٙޟၼଢ଼ཐȄᇄڏтءٙᇧഅ୦ࣺШȂଔٳӵΙᘈΰॶ ഺȂࣺ࿋ԤӑَϞ݂Ȅ ՍܻᐠడП७Ȃષ៌ԜڎരΙএӒཱིޟ2.2Ѐᚖഥည16яᎈџᡐඁդᎈٮଽ ᔆӓॗቢৢऋݶ਼ޟᎈቨᔆЕᔝȂᇄڏӣࣺٙШȂѺᛖีюശσ ޟ145kWђڷ436NmׯઐΨȄ൷ᐽݶП७ՄِȂѺᗙࣺ࿋ࣸޟݶȂԃݎ о6ഀՌଢ଼ᔬᎽᎻȂᎻ100ϴ٨Ϛႆૉݶ7.4ϴЀȇՄष࣏6ഀЙଢ଼ᔬᎽ ᎻȂࠌᎻ100ϴ٨Ϛႆૉݶ6.7ϴЀȄ ήॲ
Drive-way ٙྡྷ
29-01-10 No. 149
௼ΰ༲ ྡ‍Ú?‏ԊӒ‍ܒ‏ՄŮ?ȂӾዉࢸŕŁ?NCAP 5ŕ˘‘Č‚Ďšá‚†ŕŹśß¨ÔŠá †Î&#x;ŕ ‰ŕŻśŕĽ¸ŕĄŠÔŠÓ’ŕŽłŕśŞá’ş ೊരȂÖ?ŕ ŒÓľá?Źŕ˘¸Ň?πэᔖ࿋ᆗհŕ˘?4ŕ˘‘ŕŞťČ„ÔŞŃ´á ŽŮ™á—™â€ŤÚŽâ€Źŕ´°ŕ´ŤŇ…áˆ‹Ô’ŕ ‰á?šŕŻŽ ‍ڡ‏ӝ೿؋Ԓॣá?šŕŻŽČ‚ÖŻŕŽłÔ¤á–łŕ°‹áŠ†á™‹Č„ŕ ‰áŽˆâ€ŤÚ™â€Źŕ?ዺȞ೽༳ᆅČ&#x;â€ŤŕĄŁÚˇâ€ŹáŽˆâ€ŤÚ™â€Źŕ?á‹ş ȞᄂЖᆅČ&#x;Ȃೝ‍ٺ‏௠ฒá?Łŕ˘?ŕ ˛ŃżáŽ˝áŽťá—™ŕ˘?ŕť?؆ບŕ´?ŕ´?ŕŤ–ŕŽŠáˆ†Ő„Üžá–žČ„
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Hyundai's 2.35 litres per 100km Hybrid Concept Displayed At Detroit Offering 2.35 litres per 100km fuel economy, Hyundai Motor Company's Blue-Will Plug-In Hybrid, the fourth in a series of innovative concept vehicles from Hyundai's Namyang Design Centre, has made its U.S. debut at the 2010 North American International Auto Show in Detroit. Blue-Will serves as a test-bed of new ideas, ranging from roof-mounted solar cells to drive-by-wire steering, lithium polymer batteries and touch-screen controls. It foreshadows future focused hybrid production vehicles from Hyundai, and promises an electric-only driving distance of up to 64.4 kilometres on a single charge with an amazing fuel economy rating of more than 2.35 litres per 100 km (42.5 km per litre).
Ó´ÖČˆUnit 3, 50 Rooks Rd, Nunawading 3131 á‚Ťá —Čˆ03 9873 3668 / 0402 799 038
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Blue-Will's designers created the centre stack with a simple and clean look, incorporating high-tech touch-screen control technology. The focal point of this display is the revolutionary 'Eco-Coach', which promotes fuel-saving habits by providing continuous feedback on fuel consumption and driving efficiency.
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"Blue-Will's bold character lines and fluidic sculpture design language give the perfect expression to the advanced eco-friendly technologies found beneath the skin," said Oh Suk-Geun, executive vice president of design, Hyundai Motor Company."At a time of rising concern about the environment and our energy future, Blue-Will demonstrates to eco-conscious car buyers everywhere that Hyundai has practical hybrid solutions destined to appear on the next generation of vehicles."
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Unit 1, 2 - 4 Meriton Place, Clayton South Vic 3169 Tel: (03) 9543 3053 Mobile: 0433 180 517
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
05-02-10 No. 150 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
The new Audi
The sportiest sedan in the luxury class
Car News New Mazda6 Facelift Confirmed For Australia
Drive-way ٙൢ
05-02-10 No. 150
The new Audi A8 - The sportiest sedan in the luxury class
Translate: Driveway Team
The new flagship demonstrates the brand's clear Vorsprung durch Technik with its light aluminum body, its powerful and highly efficient engines, the improved MMI control system featuring a number of innovations and an elegant interior with a craftsman’s level of fit and finish.
They give the luxury sedan an unmistakable appearance even in daylight and even more so after the fall of darkness. The revolutionary optics used in these headlights mean a departure from the tubular light modules commonly used today. The full LED headlights herald a new chapter in the history of lighting technology.
The A8 also sets new standards of efficiency. The fuel consumption of each of the engines available has been substantially reduced by as much as 22 percent. The 3.0 TDI with front-wheel drive to follow later emits only 159 grams of CO2 per kilometer (255.89 g/mile), and with 6.0 liters of fuel per 100 km (39.20 US mpg), it boasts the best fuel economy in the luxury segment.
The interior enchants with new, even lighter lines, uncompromising quality of fit and finish and extraordinary attention to the smallest of details. The comfort on board is first class – from new, emotionally charged ambient lighting to the luxurious adjustable rear seats.
“The new Audi A8 is the sportiest sedan in the segment,” says Rupert Stadler, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG. “It combines numerous functions in a new and intelligent way. And it is unmatched in the stylistic elements and impression of the interior.” The new luxury sedan, to arrive at dealerships in early 2010, is a technical work of art combining sportiness and progressiveness. Its elegant and powerful body is an aluminum Audi Space Frame (ASF), weighing about 40 percent less than a comparable steel structure. The new full LED headlights, which use light emitting diodes for all light functions, are a completely exclusive high-end solution on board the new A8.
The Audi A8 combines a new level of technical intelligence with exemplary and easy operation. When combined with the optional navigation system, its Multi Media Interface MMI includes a pioneering innovation: the MMI touch. This MMI touch system enables the driver to control many functions intuitively; for example, the navigation destination can be entered by tracing the letters on the pad with a finger. MMI navigation plus is networked in a novel fashion with the advanced driver assistance and safety systems. It reads the road ahead in the navigation data and provides this information to the control units for the automatic transmission, the headlights and the intensely refined Audi adaptive cruise control with stop & go function. The improved intelligence of these systems allows them to recognize
28 Drive-way
05-02-10 No. 150
complex scenarios and make anticipatory decisions to support the driver. In many situations, the new Audi pre sense safety system can mitigate accidents and their consequences. Other novel additions are a night vision assistant that highlights detected pedestrians and, coming in the course of 2010, a speed limit indicator. Up to 22 percent less fuel consumption: engines The new A8 will initially be offered with either of two engines, a 4.2 FSI with 273 kW (372 hp) and a 4.2 TDI, packing 258 kW (350 hp). These will be followed a short time later by a 3.0 TDI with 184 kW (250 hp), which is a completely new design. The output and torque of all engines have increased, while fuel consumption has decreased considerably – by as much as 22 percent thanks to intelligent efficiency technologies such as the recuperation system and the innovative thermal management.
Drive-way ٙൢ
– the extremely convenient 8-speed tiptronic finely graduates its eight gears while achieving a large overall spread. Its control system is purely electronic, operated with an elegant selector level and rocker switches at the steering wheel. The quattro permanent all-wheel drive has a distinct sporty and rear-end character. On request, the sport differential dynamically distributes the forces between the rear wheels; on the A8 4.2 TDI this feature is standard. The new A8 also documents its standing as the sportiest luxury sedan on the market in the chassis sector. The wheel control arms are made of aluminum. The adaptive air suspension with controlled damping is standard equipment and is integrated into the Audi drive select dynamics system. The optional dynamic steering is a supplementary component. Audi also offers a number of attractive multimedia modules, from rear seat entertainment to advanced multimedia services.
A second variant of the 3.0 TDI will follow at a later date. It provides 150 kW (204 hp) of power, drives the front wheels and consumes only 6.0 liters per 100 km (39.87 US mpg) in the EU driving cycle. That corresponds to a CO2 emission rate of 159 grams per km (255.89 g/mile) – a value hitherto unattained in the luxury segment.
A grand tradition: luxury sedans from Audi Audi can look back on a rich history in the luxury segment. Audi and Horch, which was later to become its sister brand and at the time was based in Zwickau, Saxony, were already building large cars with eight-cylinder engines in the late 1920s. One of these was the Audi Type R, also known as the Imperator. Its 4.9 liter inline eight-cylinder engine generated 74 kW (100 hp) and 275 Nm (202.83lb-ft) of torque.
The standard new transmissions also play a large role in increasing efficiency
In 1988, Audi undertook a new and successful attempt to establish itself in the
Drive-way ٙൢ
05-02-10 No. 150
Ӓཱི༹ज़ A8 ᇺၼଢ଼ٙ luxury class. The large sedan with the name V8 was equipped with an eight-cylinder engine initially produced 184 kW (250 hp), which was increased to 206 kW (280 hp) in the second version. quattro permanent all-wheel drive – a first in the premium segment – was already standard.
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The first-generation A8 (1994) marked the first use of the aluminum ASF body – a technological breakthrough – in a series-produced vehicle.
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Audi further extended its lead with the second-generation A8 (2002) with the adaptive air suspension and the innovative MMI control system. The single-frame radiator grille – the new face of the brand – followed in 2003. The 2.8 FSI with the Audi Valvelift System for the variable control of valve lift improved efficiency even further. This version of the A8 set new standards, with its CO2 emissions of 199 grams/km (320.26 g/mile) being best-in-class. Audi has been aggressively driving progress in the luxury class for many years now.
ϱഋ೩ॎ ཱི༹ज़A8ޟ೩ॎ൲ਢфऋཐȃีଢ଼ᐠଽਝȂཱིٮቨ፝ӻᇺᎌܒ ၆രȄԙܻٙϱ ޟMMIӻ൬ᡝҺϣفಛѽּӴᒊӫΟܚԤၥଉዅഋӇޟ ᐇհȂ੫ԤޟΡЅញᄥแԒٺுᎽᎻޱџоޢᢎӴᐇٙϱޟӨᆍђȂӑ ໌ޟᏲแԒџоႱӑࠉڥПၯ७ٮݷޑၥଉ༈ሎՌଢ଼ᡐᔬفڙಛȂ ᄂ౪Οᐇհᙏ߯ȃۡ՝ׇछڷၼᄱޟ౩܈Ȅࠉࡣ௶৴ාџਲ਼ᐃΡࡾޟ ໌এܒϽ፡ȂшϷᎌӫ࠼ֲڏȄএܒΪٗޟ፴ᄂУϱႺएюڏᇺॳ ਿᇄၼଢ଼፴Ȅ
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ਯЖ೩ര——ЕᔝȞࠐଢ଼Ψ+ࣸݶђਝȟ ༹ज़A8ีޟଢ଼ᐠᒵᐅᙴ൲Ӓ७Ȃӵ߳ࡻငޟڐӣਢӻݧΣ౪фଽऋϯશ ᇄᐌٙଽਝ౩܈Ȃӵ࣏ᎽᎻޱඪټᙴ൲ᎽᎻዅ፸ޟӣਢႀڗΟᝯތᄇЙᜲо ӌЅޟᐽݶငᔼܒȄҬࠉڍџӈᒵЕᔝȈ4.2 FSIȂڏശσᒯюђႀ ڗ273νҟȞ372Ψȟޱܖ4.2TDIȂڏശσᒯюђႀڗ258νҟȞ350Ψ
1 Unit 3, 50 Rooks Rd, Nunawading 3131
32 ԑᙴ൲ওٙငᡛ ങᔮᎃ Joe
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30 Drive-way
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