DriveWay 61 - 70

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Audited 13,688 as at Sep 30,2008

Distribute 22,000 from July 18, 2008 onward in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

16-01-09 No. 99 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

One step closer to fully automated driving experience Ռଢ଼ᎽᎻάᗚ໌ѪΙএ१ौ‫ޟ‬٨แ

Volkswagen Tiguan

Car News: Hyundai Genesis named 2009 North American Car of the Year Mazda6 adds value and slashes running costs



Drive-way ٙൢ

16-01-09 No. 99

One step closer to fully automated driving experience Volkswagen Tiguan When Volkswagen introduced the Tiguan, I had a vague memory about its auto park system as it was briefly mentioned at an Australian motor show last year. One of the reasons why I noticed its auto park system was that Lexus LS600hL also had an auto park system as well, that was launched not long ago before the Tiguan. Hence, when VW has got a new car equipped with auto park system, I would definitely like to have a test drive. I have actually been waiting for the car to come down to Melbourne. I have driven the Tiguan for the third time last year. But due to various reasons, I could only get hold of the “Park Assist” version shortly before the 2008 Christmas. It was a wonderful car to drive and worth the wait. As you may agree with me, it is probably the second kind of auto park system in the world but with a much affordable price tag. Well, with reference to pricing, the two systems are about A$190,000 apart in monetary term. The Lexus LS600hL is priced around A$240,000 and the VW is just around $50,000. The real difference is not between the Lexus and Tiguan. The Tiguan has put in a strong case for the fierce competition against the best selling compact four wheel driver sector in Australia such as Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV-4, Subaru Forester, Hyundai Santa Fe and KIA Sportage. Some people may even argue it has put a real threat to the European premium sector as well. This sector consists of the Land Rover Freelander 2, BMW X3, and the new compact 4 wheel drive from Volvo with its front collision avoidance braking device, which was just launched in Sydney Motor Show 2008.

26 Drive-way

The way that the auto park system works is just brilliant. It is very simple and straight forward. Personally, it is easier to use than the Lexus. It has a sensor located on the far (left and right) sides of the front bumper (near to the front wheel guard). Similar to any parking sensors, the dedicated sensors detect a possible space available for parallel (street) parking. When the driver decides to park the car, the driver will have to press “Park Assist System” button located at the central console near to the “ESP” control. The button will then be lighted up. The system is only activated between a travelling speed of 10 to 45kms. The driver will have to decide which side of the road to park. For example, if the driver wants to take the right car parking space in between two cars, the driver will use the indicator (turn signal lever), as normal, to signal to the left. However, it has to be under 45 kms. If not, it will display “Park Assist Finished”. At this stage, the system, by using the front senor on the right will be able to sense a possible space. At the same time, the combo instrument display located on the dashboard will display the symbol of a car driving with forward arrow. This means that the system is looking for a space. Once the system has detected a suitable parking space, it will indicate a blank space on the right parking block on the display. From my experience with the Tiguan, the driver has to drive forward until a blank space has been indicated. The display will then, show the car shaped

16-01-09 No. 99

Drive-way ٙൢ! Ռଢ଼ᎽᎻάᗚ໌ѪΙএ१ौ‫ޟ‬٨แ Volkswagen Tiguan

symbol with a reverse arrow back into the blank space. Then, the driver will have to stop the car, put it into reverse. The system will also show that "Steering interv. Active! Monitor area around vehl". You can now let go of your hands. Trust the system with full faith and respect. It really works. Once you get to this stage, you will be surprised to realize how clever the Tiguan can be. The driver just has to control the speed and braking of the car. The steering wheel is very agile and smooth. The car does all the steering. In less than 20 seconds or so from you put the car into reverse gear, the car will be parked. I have video taped the actions and put it on You Tube. The link is or just key in "Sameway Volkswagen Tiguan". Imagine, the auto park system is also to be equipped with the Volvo obstacle auto braking system, then, we will have one of the safest cars in the world. Not only that, one day, the car is able to drive itself via satellite system just like having a similar GPS navigation system. Then, you can do other things with your hands, or just sleep! What a wonderful world it will be.

I believe the Tiguan Park Assist system is not only meant for any gender specifically such as men or women; or any age group of people, such as inexperienced drivers or elderly drivers. But, it has its advantage on helping people to park safely on busy streets, giving them extra confidence to park the car. It can actually help them to park the car when they just happen having a stiff neck or something like that. Isn’ t it clever? And it is so affordable as well. Enjoy. Geoff Fickling ࿋ Volkswagen σಀ‫ء‬ٙЕ໌ Tiguan ‫ޟ‬ਢঐȂ‫ܻר‬Ιএ‫ء‬ٙ৤។ོΰෆ‫ٷ‬ใ଄ ுσಀ‫ٱီޟ‬ᖂင౩ඪЅ Tiguan ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙђ૖ȂՄ Lexus ঞ‫ ޟס‬LS600hL һܻσಀ௰ю Tiguan ࠉଲυ௰юΟ᏿ԤՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ђ૖ȄӰԪȂ࿋σಀࡇᆎѺ һԤՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ђ૖ਢȂ‫ۡ޻ר‬ौӑ࿝࣏‫פ‬Ȅ ‫ר‬ঈෆငӑࡣ้࡟Ο಑έᎄ TiguanȂϗၐ‫ڗ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙђ૖Ȃ‫ܚ‬оȂ༉༉ܻ ўԑထ፛࿽ਢϗџо‫ڥ‬ு၆ΰՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ ޟ‬TiguanȂ௃Մሴ౱‫ڗ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬ᓺᘈȂ൐൐ Ιᎄ Tiguan ߯࢐ΙᎄԁٙȂ‫ר‬ঈһϐൢᏲΟȂՄҬࠉ‫ޟ‬ΙᎄȂ‫࢐؁‬ԃߏ఺ᖎ ȂӰ࣏ȂѺ࢐жࣨΰ಑ΠᎄՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ཱིޟ‬ٙȂՄѺ‫ޟ‬ቋᓀ‫؁‬ӫ౩ ፙЅቋᓀȂ∪‫ס‬Ѕσಀ‫ޱڍ‬Ϟ໢‫ޟ‬ϷտӓԤ 19 ࿲ȂӰ࣏Ȃ∪‫୵ޟס‬ቋҥ 24 ࿲ ᐬ⭿ଔȂՄσಀघ୵ 5 ࿲Ȃ‫ڏ‬ᄂȂ‫ޟޱڍ‬ᄇЙ഍ѪԤտΡȂσಀ Tiguan ‫ޟ‬ю ౪Ȃх‫ڗ‬ӣ઻‫ޟ‬Рᗺ‫ء‬ٙю౪Οᝒ१‫ࢅޟ‬ᏽȂҏҤ‫ ޟ‬CR-VȂᙴҤ‫ ޟ‬RAV4Ȃ൲ ρ‫ ޟ‬ForesterȂ౪ф‫ ޟ‬Santa Fe Ѕ KIA ൉໯‫ ޟ‬Sportage ഍एณ໢७ᄇΙএ १໔઻‫ޟ‬ᄇЙȂՄᄇܻዉࢸ‫ޟ‬ᄇЙȂѺһᄺԙѪΙএᏽጣȂԃ Land Rover ‫ޟ‬ Freelander 2ȂBMW X3ȂࣥՍཱི௰ю‫ޟ‬൲ᇺ Volvo XC60( ଩ΰራᛤ‫ސ‬Ռଢ଼మ ٙ၆ည ) һσ‫ڧ‬ኇ៪Ȅ



16-01-09 No. 99

Ռଢ଼మٙ‫ޟ‬ђ૖ᙏ‫࢐ޢ‬ЈϗϞհȂᙏ൐Մৠܾ‫ٺ‬ҢՄи‫ޢ‬௥Ο࿋ȂএΡՄِȂ Ѻ Ш∪‫فޟס‬ಛ‫؁‬ԁȄՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ف‬ಛ᏿ԤΙᄇཐᔖᏢȂ՝ܻѾѡࠉᎈࡿ‫ޟ‬՝ညȂᇄ ල೽‫ހޟ‬ٙឌൢཐᔖᏢࣺխȂѺ‫ޟ‬հҢ࢐டߞ୎ᄆၯ᜞‫ހ‬՝‫ުޟ‬໢(ᙏᆎS՝)Ȅ ࿋ᎽᎻ‫ؚۡޱ‬ौ‫ހ‬ٙਢȂтѫौࡸή՝ܻϛѵ‫ޟ‬௡‫ڙ‬Ѯ(“ESP”)ਠ᜞‫ޟ‬டҢࡸ໖Ȃ ٥ࡸ໖߯Ռଢ଼߫ଔȂѫ࢐Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙѫܻٙഀ10Ս45ϴ٨ϞϱҡਝȂᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬௥๿߯ ौ‫ؚۡ‬ୄܻٙѾ‫ܖ‬ѡ‫ޟ‬ၯ᜞Ȅ ‫ٽ‬ԃȂᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ौୄٙ‫ڗ‬ѡ᜞‫ڍ‬ٙϞ໢‫ޟ‬ୄٙ՝Ȃт߯ौԃல‫ޟ‬ኦଢ଼ࡾථᐷ‫ޟ‬௰జ ȂхՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ف‬ಛཐᔖѡ୏‫ުޟ‬໢ȂՄ࿋ณٙഀһᔖճܻ45ϴ٨ȂषٙഀႆଽȂ 》Ꮋৰ‫ޟ‬ᡗҰࡎོ߯ᡗҰ“Park Assist Finished”Ȃཎࡦ࢐‫ف‬ಛϚ૖ஈ՗ձ‫ࡾޟ‬х Ȅ ԪਢȂ‫ف‬ಛོ߯‫ٺ‬Ңѡ᜞‫ޟ‬ཐᔖᏢў୎ᄆΙএџ૖‫ހޟ‬ٙު໢ȂӣਢȂ》Ꮋৰ‫ޟ‬ ᡗҰࡎһོᡗҰΙএөࠉ‫ءޟ‬ٙყ‫ל‬Ȃཎࡦ࢐Ȃ‫ء‬ོٙӵѡ७൶‫ުײ‬໢Ȃ࿋൶‫ײ‬ ‫ڗ‬ਢȂᡗҰࡎོ߯ӵѡ᜞ю౪Ιএު໢Ȅ ௃‫ޟר‬ငᡛ‫ܚ‬ுȂ‫ר‬ौᎽٙՍᡗҰࡎ‫ުޟ‬໢ю౪ȂѪΙএࡾөইࡣ‫ޟ‬ყ‫ל‬ю౪Ȃ ϗџоୄٙȂᙽΣইࡣᔬȂՄ‫ف‬ಛһྥരԁȂ้࡟ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬,ᙽইࡣᔬȂ࿋ᎽᎻ‫ᙽޱ‬Σ ইࡣᔬਢȂᡗҰࡎོ߯ю౪“Steering interv. Active! Monitor area around vehl” Ȃཎࡦ࢐ඪᒺᎽᎻ‫੼ޱ‬ཎ໊൜‫ޟ‬Һ೽௑‫ݷ‬Ȅ௃ԪȂձ߯џоܹ໠ᚖЙȂ‫ٺ‬Ңձ‫ޟ‬ ߬ЖЅཱཎȂ‫ڧٴ‬೻এ‫ۉ‬੫‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻငᡛȄ ࿋ձࣺ߬Tiguan‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼ђ૖Ȃձོ߯ငᡛ‫ڗ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬ᐿ੫‫ܒ‬૖Ѕ೩ॎৱ‫ޟ‬ഺഅΨȂՄ ‫ހ‬ٙȂ௃ԪϞࡣȂѫ࢐੼ή௡‫ڙ‬ٙഀЅమٙΟȄ Пөዺ‫ޟ‬Іᔖ࿲Ϸః௦Ѕ໷ᄱȂՄ௃ᙽΣইࡣՍୄԁTiguanѫҢΰЍܻ20ऌម ‫ޟ‬ਢ໢Ȅ

28 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ! ‫ר‬ϐ‫ܯ‬Ο၎ࢲ฻аȂՄܹΰYou TubeȂ‫ר‬ঈ‫ޟ‬೿๖࢐; ୅षȂTiguan‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙȂӣਢёΰΟ൲ᇺ‫ء‬ٙ‫ࠉޟ‬ራᛤ‫ސ‬Ռଢ଼మٙ‫ف‬ಛȂ٥ቄȂ ‫ר‬ঈџ૖ϐ᏿ԤжΰശԊӒ‫ءޟ‬ٙȄά୅षȂԤΙЈȂཱིΙф‫ءޟ‬ٙϐ၆ΰΙ‫ٲ‬ ᜸խፏ࢑Ᏺ૞‫فޟ‬ಛՄџоՌ՗ᎽᎻȂ٥ਢȂ‫ר‬ঈ߯џоԔܻ‫ڏ‬т‫ސٱ‬Ȃ‫ܖ‬џоܻ ٙΰӻᆃΙᘈȂ٥ਢжࣨ஠ོ‫؁‬छԁȄ ‫ࣺ߬ר‬Tiguan‫ހޟ‬ٙ‫فف‬ಛ‫ٮ‬Ϛ൐൐ࡾᄇӈџ൐Ι‫ܒޟ‬տȂ‫ܖظ‬τȂ‫ܖ‬ӈդ‫ޟ‬ԑ ឭಢտȂԃᎽٙငᡛ฻఻‫ܖ‬ԑឭଽ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻΡρȂծ޻ۡȂѺџоᔓօӈդᎽᎻΡ ρȂܻᖅԔ‫ޟ‬ၾၯΰȂшᅖՌ߬ЖӴ‫ހ‬ήтঈ‫ءޟ‬ٙȄά‫ܖ‬ԤΙЈȂᓛฮϚ૖ӱᓞ ఖࡣПȂծάौୄ‫ءހ‬ٙȂ٥ਢѺོ߯σᲾҢൟȂΪϷᖑ݂?ՄѺһቋཇ‫ސ‬छȂԁ ԁ‫ڧٴ‬Ρҡጫ! Edmund Chow


Audited 13,688 as at Sep 30,2008

Distribute 22,000 from July 18, 2008 onward in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

23-01-09 No. 100 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

έ๽ ௸ध‫ܘ‬ٙ



Car News: Star cars line up for Melbourne Motor Show Lexus debuts world's first dedicated luxury hybrid



Drive-way ٙൢ

23-01-09 No. 100

έ๽ ௸ध‫ܘ‬ٙ

MITSUBISHI LANCER Comparing to the Evolution (EVO) 10, a cult car and at the same time a dream car for young drivers, there is somewhere in between — A Ralliart Lancer. This version is just nearly half price comparing to the top model EVO 10, the price starts from just A$42,000. When you look at the price, it may seem to be a little bit too much, think twice. From a safety point of view, it has seven airbags, all the goodies (brakes, ABS and traction control) to stop the car. It goes fast and a good chassis body structure that endures Australian crash ratings and brought home with a 5 star safety badge. It addition, it has one of the most advance transmission gear box (SST) around town that makes Mitsubishi proud of. In terms of power, it is not as fast as the EVO 10, but think about it as an EVO 7 or 8. They are fast, but with a more relaxed turbo system that gives you adequate adenine when overtaking in a split second. We have talked just about everything on the EVO 10 then, last October 2008. Mitsubishi launched the sportback version of the Lancer series. It comes with the Ralliart version as well. It terms of technical specifications, it is as good as the EVO but obviously the All wheel drive system and the stronger engine system are not there. It is

24 Drive-way

VRX SPORT BACK priced for the everyday use of a normal Lancer. As named VRX Sport back, the main focus is at the back of the car. Obviously, a hatch back version of an original sedan will give you extra luggage space. Yes, it does help. Lowering the back seats, which also has a 40/60 split, will give you extra space for all the odd sizes of luggage that you can imagine. It folds pretty flat as well. On the other hand, it comes only with a space saver spare tyre. I think I can put in a regular full size spare in that space. But, the manufacturers may be right. I have no recollection of having a tyre puncture in the past 13 years in Australia, hence, a space saver may be just what I need against my want. However, as an everyday bread and butter car, the Lancer VRX can give you a different perspective on your image. It is much cheaper and more affordable. The car has a very individualistic styling that makes people guessing what are the make and model. An aerodynamic that is different to the others, and it is practical in terms of cabin and luggage space. When comparing to an EVO 9 or the superseded normal Lancer, it is much larger. On a continuating note, the Sport Back gives the Lancer a different identity. A more practical car in terms of handling all kinds of luggage, but just targeted to the convenience of a more multi-purpose and simple practicality. A car of striking styling with a set of 17” alloy wheels that would create a more speed going look. A top rear spoiler sits perfectly and matching the flow of the car, that is hard to imagine how the designer can brilliantly change a sedan to a sport back. The “C” pillar is wider thus creating a more dynamic flow. On the

23-01-09 No. 100

other hand, rear vision is good but not excellent. I think the best rear vision will have to be a cabriolet with its top down. I hope it will come one day. Inside the car, you will get all the goodies from a normal Lancer sedan plus, steering wheel, audio and cruise control. The VRX sport back comes with a pedal shift with a slightly smaller pair of shift pedal in comparing to the EVO 10 auto. The transmission is responsive and it has 6 gears for you to play around with.

Mitsubishi Lancer ‫ ޟ‬ᚊ ό Ϟ ᝘ȂEvolution (EVO) 10Ȃ࢐ ࿋Ϭശ៪࿋࿋‫ࠐޟ‬ΨѲ៮ເ‫ܘ‬ٙȂՄ Ralliart Lancer һ࢐ ΙᎄჲВϞٙȂѺ࢐ӻЍ‫ٳ‬၂ߧԑ‫ޟ‬Жᓞ༞ȂՄቋᓀП७ ȂRalliart Lancer ‫؁‬ᡗѺᒑҕ‫ޟ‬੫ՓȄ Ralliart Lancer ቋᓀ৯Ϛӻѫ࢐ EVO 10 ‫ޟ‬јቋȂ୵ቋघᐬ༫ 42,000Ȅձџ૖ о࣏ິΟΙᘈȂџ࢐Ȃ‫ސ‬Ԥ‫ܚ‬঄Ȅ௃ԊӒ‫ޟ‬኿ྥհюีᘈȂѺԤΜএԊӒ‫ء‬ೡȂ һѓ֤Ο‫ܚ‬Ԥ‫ޟ‬మٙᆠࠢ ( ੫ᆍ‫ޟ‬మٙњ႒ȂABSȂඉၬ‫ف‬ಛ้ )ȄѺёഀΨ஼ Ȃٙ࢜ҏ٘һΪϷত฽ȂоՍȂѺџоሆܾᕕுᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬Ϥ࢑઻ٙ඄ԊӒσዩȄ Ѻһࡸ၆ΰέ๽‫ޟ‬ுཎϞհȂSST ‫ڏ‬ϛΙএശԁ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼௶‫ف‬ಛȄᐌᡝΰѺҐ Ԥଡΰ EVO 10 ٥ૡ‫פ‬Ȃџ࢐Ѻၭ EVO 7 ‫ ܖ‬8 ࠓΪϷ௥ߖȂѺϫณ஼ࠐȂѫ ࢐෼ᎈቨᔆ‫ف‬ಛ๝፡ᄚΟΙᘈᘈȂһٗо๝ձΙᘈᆧ஻‫ږ‬ᐭ‫ޟ‬ཐ‫ڧ‬Ȅ

Drive-way ٙൢ

࿋‫ר‬ঈϐ஠ࣥቄԤᜰ EVO 10 ഍ϭಝ‫ׇ‬౳ਢȂўԑ 10 Тέ๽Ӕ௰юѪΙᡙ൉ ȂѺ௰ю☠ध ( ௸ध ) ‫ޟ‬෡ԒȂӪ࣏ Sportback. Մтһёΰ Ralliart ‫ގޟ‬ҏȄ Ralliart ‫ގ‬ҏ‫ܚ‬ѓࢂ‫ޟ‬၆രȂၭ EVO ৯ϚӻȂծ݂ᡗӴȂΙϷᓀΙϷೲȂ๿Ӫ ‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮‫ف‬ಛЅ஼ࠐ‫ޟ‬ЕᔝࠓϚَΟȂՄѺ‫ޟ‬ॏቋࠌᇄල೽‫ގ‬Шၶ௥ߖȄ ғԃ‫ڏ‬ӪȂVRX Sport back ‫ޟ‬१ᘈӵܻѺ‫׎ޟ‬ഋȂ݂ᡗӴȂѺၭ‫ܘ‬ٙ‫ޟގ‬Ϸտ ӵܻඪ‫ټ‬Ο‫؁‬ӻ‫ޟ‬՗‫ު؃‬໢Ȅ஠ࡣ৴‫ޟ‬ᎬधܹήȂѺ‫ޟ‬ၷॸ՗‫؃‬໔‫؁‬ӻ‫؁‬σȂ ՄᎬधܹήࡣһࣺ࿋ҁ‫ۄ‬ȂѺџоϷտо 40 Ѕ 60 ‫ޟ‬Ш‫ܹٽ‬ήȂӰԪȂ‫ڥ‬Ԇ՗ ‫ֲॸܖ؃‬Ι՝ॸࡊ้​้഍ΪϷП߯Ȃ՗‫؃‬ᑻӴѮШၶଽȂܹ߯‫ڥ‬Ԇ՗‫؃‬ᚕ‫ސ‬Ȃ ࠌ࡞П߯ȂӴѮ‫ۻ‬ήϱᙠΟΙএࣸ՝‫ޟ‬രҢٙप Space saverȂӰՄԤᘈ‫܏ۉ‬ Ȃծ୰ЖՄِȂҏΡႆўΪӻԑӵᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻငᡛȂ‫ר‬഍Ґෆ‫؁‬඲ΙএരҢٙ पȂ‫ܚ‬оȂരҢٙप‫ޟ‬ᄂҢ‫ܒ‬Ϛଽጫһџо௥‫ڧ‬Ȅ VRX Sport back ࢐έ๽‫ޟ‬ѪΙк҈෡ԒȂၭ‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬ኅড়ϚΙኺ‫࢐ޟ‬ȂVRX Sport back ѪഺΟΙএॳਿȂΙএᐿҳ‫לޟ‬ຫȂ࿋ณȂ࢐ቋཇ‫ސ‬छȄѺ‫ޟ‬ᐿ੫ ॳਿலலхΡ৯དѺ࢐٥୽‫ޟ‬ଽ઻౰ࠢȂѺ‫ࢺءޟ‬ଢ଼ΨᏰһѪഺଽ৫ȂшᅖΟ ཆࠐЅᄂ‫ޟٱؑٱ‬੫፴Ȃӵ‫ء‬ٙՄِȂࠌфߒΟџᎬЅञҢȂՄ VRX Sport back ‫ޟ‬՗‫؃‬጑‫؁‬଩ӫѺᄂ୛ΰ‫ܒޟ‬ਿȄ ᐌᡝΰȂཱིΙф‫ ޟ‬Lancer ‫ف‬Ӗ‫ܖ‬তᙽ෡‫ ޟ‬Lancer ӵᡝᑖΰ࢐‫؁‬σ‫؁‬ቶබȂՄ ཱི‫ ޟ‬Sport Back ࠓ‫؁‬૖ีථٙк‫ޟ‬ഺཎȂЅ଩ӫРல‫ޟ‬ᎽٙሯौȂLancer VRX Sport Back ଩ΰΟ 17 ӧ‫ޟ‬ӫߜᎈ୼ ( ٙ◷ )ȂᕊഅΟΙএ‫פ؁‬ഀ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ ཎభȄ



Drive-way ٙൢ

23-01-09 No. 100

ٙध‫ޟ‬᐀ॳ࣠ይΰёΰΟΙএΪϷᆠᙏࠓଽ໯‫ॳۡޟ‬ᖎȂӰԪȂഺ࡚ΟΙএॳ ႻႫሬ‫ݥ੉ޟ‬Ȃ݂ᡗӴ೩ॎৱ‫ޟ‬ӔഺഅђΨ౏ࠔȂ஠ VRX Sport Back ௰‫ڗ‬Ѫ Ιଽ৫Ȃ‫؁‬ฒడџᔞȂёᗯΟ‫ ޟ‬C ࢘‫ٺ‬ᐌᡝΰ‫ޟ‬೩ॎΰ‫؁‬ΙᡝϽȂณՄȂࠓ฿ ཌែࣘΟࡣຜ‫ُ࡙ޟ‬Ȃ‫ר‬དശ‫ׇ‬छ‫ࡣޟ‬ຜُ࡙Ȃѫོӵබᕱٙ٘ΰϗџо‫ڗײ‬ ȂӰԪȂһฒ༌σ໯Ȃζ೨ȂԤΙЈබᕱ‫ ޟ‬Lancer ོᎽᖝᐬࢸȄ

ijııĺ Ꮞᅭҏ ୽ሬ‫ء‬ٙ৤ ȮӣၯΡȯ஠ོଚю 2009 Ꮞᅭҏ୽ሬ‫ء‬ٙ৤ Σൟ‫ڔ‬Ȃ၏௑፜੼ཎ ή෈ Driveway ٙൢ

ٙ඄ϱȂ௃ Lancer ‫ޟ‬ПөዺΰȂձ഍џо‫៪ॱڗײ‬௡‫ڙ‬Ѕ٠૞‫ف‬ಛ้​้ȂՄ ӵПөዺ‫ޟ‬ध७ȂѺܹΰΟΙᄇ‫ᙽޟ‬ᔬኦаȂᡝᑖШ EVO ಠЍΟΙᘈȂՄϫ ณП߯ԁҢȂ‫ݰ‬጑ІᔖᕡഀȂՄѺһѓ֤Οϲࠉഀ‫ࢲݰ‬ȂӰԪȂᎽᎻዅ፸ฒጏ . ശࡣȂॱ៪‫ف‬ಛһϚӣγ៪Ȅ

BOORAN SUZUKI ‘08 CLEARANCE SALE! 2WD HATCH ■ A/Cond, Power Steering/Windows ■ ABS/EBD/EBA Brakes ■ Dual Airbags




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26 Drive-way

[03] 9584 3333

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Audited 13,688 as at Sep 30,2008

Distribute 22,000 from July 18, 2008 onward in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

30-01-09 No. 101 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151


How good is the all new KIA Cerato? ཱིٙีൢོ฻෈ၐٙ

KIA Cerato ൉໯Ԥӻԁ ?

Car News: New Kia cee'd ISG (Idle Stop & Go) models offer up to 15% fuel savings



Drive-way ٙൢ

30-01-09 No. 101


How good is the all new KIA Cerato? KIA is world known for being the main sponsor of the Australian Tennis Open for a number of years. As for their product line up, they are class and volume selling leader for their 8-seater Grand Carnival people mover. Also, excellent value for their Rio 5 door hatch or sedan. The launch of the all new Cerato is targeted towards class leading small to medium size car market, namely the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, Mazda 3, Ford Focus, Holden Astra and Mitsubishi Lancer. It is not an easy task. Hence, the newly appointed (in 2006) Chief Design Officer Peter Schreyer has put his weight in the corporate design of the new face KIA. Well, not just the face but everything. Peter is renowned for his master pieces such as designing the first generation Audi TT and the second generation Volkswagen Beetle. The look of the new Cerato is simply impressive. I like Peter’s notion of “Simplicity of the straight line”. In addition, KIA starts to create a corporate image and identity of a unique KIA front grill. This will help customers to embrace for a new identity. For example, the BMW, Audi, Mercedes Benz, Saab and Volvo. When Peter transformed a Volkswagen Golf sized TT into a

24 Drive-way

legend, no one could image how he had changed the idea of corporate identity, practicality and engineering excellence. Obviously, the Cerato is the first KIA member to adopt the Schreyer’s corporate grill. It is fresh and innovative. The car bears all the characteristics of a master piece. Its high waist line and wedge-like character lines give the Cerato a more streamlined and sporty but aggressive profile. The result is a very European product despite of being assembled in South Korea. In terms of overall presentation, engineering and road handing it is an European creativity and waiting to be inducted to the hall of fame in the coming years. Make no mistake, it is created for everyone who enjoys a large car comfort but just paying for a small and medium sized car. It is purely clever design by a master in automotive engineering and designing. As I have a chance to have a closer look at the engine during the road test, it has one of the most powerful natural aspirated engines in its class. It generates 115kW of power @ 6,200 rpm and 194 Nm of torque @4,300 rpm, generated by a twin-cam, four-cylinder 2.0litre “Theta II” petrol engine with Continuously variable Value Timing (CVVT). The engine is also being used on the KIA Rondo small people mover and proven to be an extremely reliable and economical engine. The Theta II engine is mated to a four-speed automatic gear box or a five speed manual. 0-100 km/h acceleration can be achieved with 10.5 seconds and reaching a top speed of 200km/h.

30-01-09 No. 101

Drive-way ٙൢ


KIA Cerato ൉໯Ԥӻԁ ? Fuel consumption is 7.8 litres/100 kms with the manual gear box and just adding 0.1 litre with the 4 speed tiptronic styled automatic. Yet, the price difference is commanded for an extra A$2,000.

it leaves minimal carbon foot print onto the environment. According to KIA, Cerato will score about 4.0 to 5.0 stars in their coming crash test with ANCAP in the not too distant future.

What attracts my attention is its emphasis on passive safety protection. Cerato has 6 airbags come as standard equipment with ABS and EBD. However, ESP, traction control and cruise control only come as standard on the higher specification SLi, but it can be ordered as a safety pack for an extra A$1,000 on the base model “S”. The safety pack also includes active neck restrain protection.

I look forward to driving it again soon and try to compare it with Toyota Corolla. May be it is time for us to change our mind set that Korean cars are not just only value for money, as they are reliable and very innovative as well. The model line up starts with A$18,990 for the manual to the full optioned SLi automatic at A$24,990. I hope you will agree with me that the Cerato is simply a fresh breeze in a boring world.

With a five year unlimited mileage factory warranty, I think it is time to give up your used car which does not equipped with 6 airbags, ABS and traction control. During the 5 hours (300 kms) or so road testing the car in Melbourne’s Outer East such as Healesville, Kinglake, Gembrook via the Monash Freeway, I also came across some cleverly selected gravel road area. The ESP and traction control worked perfectly that make travelling a bliss. I have a better understanding about the Cerato. The design brought in freshness, innovations, practicality, smoothness and tranquillity in the cabin. The engine and gear boxes (both auto and manual) work seamlessly together. The result is an agile and responsive swift car that ticks all boxes of stylish and efficient design. In addition, Cerato has scored a 4.5 stars green car rating, in which,

KIA ࢐жࣨᆸӪ‫ޟ‬ᐬࢸϴ໠ᆩ౨ᗉкौᜓօ୦ȂӣਢȂѺ ঈһԤᆸӪ‫ءޟ‬ٙԃ Grand Carnival ΤΡϞٙȂһԤቋ ཇ‫ސ‬छ‫ ޟ‬Rio Ϥߞ௸धٙ‫ܘܖ‬ٙȄ Cerato ߞҍ಩࣏୫ᅆҹߞទਧҾඞᅆјՂЈ֌К࡭ߞ٠‫ژ‬Ղ Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, Mazda 3, Ford Focus, Holden Astra ф Mitsubishi LancerȄ ഺЙ࣏ਟ‫ߞݽ‬ԇசȂྲϯԇߞᗁЍ຀ന঍ਰ Peter SchreyerȂ௟ҁߞԩ᠖ൌ ‫ݪ‬ϯϞഺᏃྲ‫ژ‬ϯȂPeter ѽҁฅന঍ߞླྀ㣩 Audi TT фЂಿߞྲࠛᔸ‫ژ‬փԩ ᇷ‫ژ‬ᐪȄ



30-01-09 No. 101

ԑྲߞ Cerato ࢝‫כ‬єϠȂ‫ا‬ඈᡌҹߞѹ௺Ȃ“ᚎጒߞߡ።”ȂҩϘўবȂPeter ѹঋԇச࣏ᕒׄ KIA ࢙ӲϘৎ౻෽ߞгҦ‫؛‬໪ȂփӤϘৎ୿ব၊ ( ব‫ޕ‬ൄ࡭ ) Ȃփഺৎᑾપߞൄ࡭௟ᕒׄ KIA фࢉϠҝඵ‫ر‬Ϙৎྲ࡭໪ȄӒՂភ୺Ȃླྀ㣩 Ȃ‫܋‬ჺ ( Ӏ޼ )ȂೠភфනሹຈȂည Peter ௟ϘᏃЂಿ୼න Golf ߞ٠‫ڗྭژ‬Ϙ ᢏփ՘ऎϘᏃ࿒௅ߞྲࡡᇌ੡Ȃ๑Ϡ‫ށ‬ӨҁЏ൹இϞϘৎ‫ڧ‬຀Ȃҁ‫ؼ‬ᢏϞϘ ৎྲߞгҦࡡ๕Ȃᅁӡфᐾգ٠‫ژ‬Ѝ຀ᐯߞᇌᇌᔹᙇȄ ‫ށ‬ᢖԳȂCerato ࣏঵Ꮓ٠‫ژ‬ႅϯϞ Peter ߞгҦ‫؛‬໪ф٠‫ژ‬ൄ࡭Ȃҹ࣏౻ྲ ф൹ྲߞ . ႍ‫ژ‬Џ‫ށ‬ᢖԳҒ‫ף‬ϞЂਰૺߞપወȂՂ୼ߞၕ።Ȃ࿁ϢՑߞ።౧ൌ Џ‫؛‬ൄϞϘৎ‫ࣹـ‬።‫؛‬Ȃ‫ـ‬ஜྏф‫ـ‬་ۤߞҳ‫؛‬Ȅ൵ೣ࣏Ϙৎገࣷࡡۧߞಯ ࡡȂփԴࡑᘹ་֖ႅ୨ȄᑋᢜϯȂ๑Ꭲ࣏ႍ‫ߞژ‬ᎱहȂЍ຀ᐯϯȂфႽႮߞ ᑆఠўবȂҹຜПᏼᏺ߰Ϙৎገ൙ߞ൹ൄྏះȂփ‫ྐا‬ҹ࢝‫࠮أ‬Ҟѽє་ۖ Ђਰૺߞ࿒௅ႆȂ֭ЙঋሱྻȂҹ࣏ϘᏇҞѽຜϠ‫ߞۦڳ‬٠‫ژ‬ȂփҪቮѾϯ ೟ьфК࡭‫ߞژ‬ኊᓿȂ࠮ҞѽఀۖЂ‫ۦڳߞژ‬фັᏋྏȂԯթȂҹߞ՘ґԴ ‫ݺ‬ҹ࣏ҍ֋Ϙ֜٠‫ژ‬ന঍фЍ຀ЂਰߞјຊȄ ည‫ا‬գᑟྻҝணᣍҹߞєᕜȂҹ௄ӎ࣏Դႍૺ‫־‬Кߞ൵௻ࡏߞϘ৶ȂփҹҞ ѽಯӠ 115KW ߞஜϧ ( ‫ ݺ‬6,200 гᚼ੡ )Ȃփ 194Nm ߞ‫خ‬ϧ‫ ݺ‬4,300 гᚼ੡ Ȃփ ُ ৎ ٠ ख़ ൌ գ ‫ ی‬ৎ ઈ ቧȂփ ੡ ༡ ф ஜ ϧ ᇒ ನ ൌ ӡ ϯ Continuously Variable Value Timing (CVVT) ߞॊ‫ث‬ȂєᕜЪ๒Դྲภߞ Rondo ϯᕕӡȂ Ӻгሮ࣏ϘৎҞᏫढ़ӡߞࡡᎳȂєᕜሃұിߞ֋ஜవфУിߞјవТह୨Ԫ ȂҐിӤ 0-100 г‫ڧ‬Ҫӡϯ 10.5 ोȂӺҞѽႿۖ൵୼੡ി 200 г‫ڧ‬Ȅ јవ࡭ၳߞଈ޵༓ُ࣏ 100 г‫ ڧ‬7.8 гпȂփ֋ஜవӺҪ࣏Ґϯ 0.1 гпȂ ԯփ࣏ྋЙ‫ږ‬ႽȂԴЍ຀ᐯϯߞࠑ಩࣏ທᅆߞᔹ‫ٽ‬ȂփԴழኊϯߞж‫֋࣏־‬ ஜవҩҐ $2,000Ȅ

26 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ ൵҄‫ا‬েۖᒸᐬ‫ݕ‬ᄁህߞ࣏ȂKIA ऻদ٠‫ߞژ‬ՉԑȂCerato ߞዾ࿤ႅ൯ЏҒ ࣁϞбৎՉԑ٠ഠȂӺҒࣁϞ ABS ф EBDȂփ ESP ֖‫ژ‬ᜦ‫ܠ‬ф traction control ෈Ⴋᜦ‫ܠ‬Ȃф‫ڟ‬ଝ‫ڀ‬೚ࡋҪԴ൵୼ߞ࡭ၳϯȂ֭ࡒҞѽҩѾඥҖཪ࠮ ҞѽՉႅϯȄփՉԑߞҒႅКӺҒࣁϞᔚൊߞ࠲᠕‫ݑ‬ᔝ‫ދ‬Ȅ ዄў‫ݙ‬෩‫ߞڻ‬УՐ๑ন‫ڧ‬ዴ࠲ቪȂᅁቫϯ࣏Ϙৎ࢝Հߞᑟྻҝ໴ KIA ߞྲ‫ژ‬ Ȃ‫ڭ‬ѷ‫ݸ‬ౢ֋ЎٟգઈഠȂABS ф෈Ⴋᜦ‫ߞܠ‬᚞‫ژ‬Ȅ Ҫ ‫ ݺ‬๺ ๺ ߞ У ৎ Ј ੡ КȂ‫ ا‬༟ ‫ ۖ ژ‬Ϟ ᐍ ᆬ ӎ ߞ ‫ ތ‬ব ঠ ஡ȂՂ Healsville, Kinglake, Gembrook ф Monash Freeway ຈȂ‫ا‬Ӻฅ༟ۖϘ‫ڱ‬ЂྻՉవߞဤ ӮႮϯȂփ‫ژ‬ϯߞ ESP ф traction control ൌ҄ۖ‫ݺا‬ᏼᏺ੡ྏۖ࢝ቅ᛫ф࢝ գՉԑྏȄ‫ـا‬Ϟႋᝯ‫ ݺ‬Cerato ߞЂЈґକфપ‫ݑ‬Ȃєᕜф‫ی‬ᇌޯፐൌ࢝љ ᅁӺн୨ఀч֗๑፿Ȃന঍ਰє་Ϟూథߞхᕕф೑ԪϞҍಿߞҳ࡭ф୼ੜ ತߞપᎳȂ֣޶ȂCerato Џۤఀ 4.5 ࣐ߞᖖᄩ࠲᠕ߞໞ֤ȂԯփȂᅆᖖᄩߞ ཋਚЏิ֌൵ֲȂੲᑂ KIA ߞ๴‫ڏ‬ϠࠑӯȂҹߞዠᕝໞ֤Ȃ‫ࠕݺ‬งаȂҞѽ ࢝գࠫѕႿۖ 4 ֌ 5 ࣐ૺȄ ‫ౕॆا‬Ҟѽԓѿ೟ߞԓᏼᏺҹфሃ Toyota Corolla हѧႵȂփ಩Դ࠮࣏‫ؼ‬ᢏ ᅆᘹ஼‫ߞژ‬ᣍྏȂҹেЏ໹ҍϞ྆ኊ‫ߞژ‬ຄੰߏग़࿁ϢȂփ་ۖҞᏫҞ൹ྲ ߞ֜၉Ȃփ Cerato ߞழኊҪ࣏Ӥ $18,990( јవ ) ֌ $24,990 ߞ൤ૺ࡭ၳȂ ԯթȂӺ࣏࿂නឮߋକϧȂ‫ྐا‬ЂਛൌྻԢྍ‫ߞا‬ᣍᙇȂԑྲߞ Cerato ࣏Ϙ ѯଣᆐϯߞ౻লȄ


Audited 13,688 as at Sep 30,2008

Distribute 22,000 from July 18, 2008 onward in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

06-02-09 No. 102 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

HONDA JAZZ Car News: Ferrari goes Solar-powered Toyota not the enter rally championship Lexus RX 350 to make debut at Melbourne Drive-way


06-02-09 No. 102

Drive-way ٙൢ

HONDA JAZZ Jazz has grown slightly bigger in size, width and length; its interior space has also improved as well. The result was simply better travelling comfort for shoulder and head room complimented with a better driving position with height adjustable seat, reach and tilt steering wheel. The big concept of a small car and multi-purpose functionality haven’t change much. It is still comparatively small and highly functional. For example, the passenger doors can be swinged open for a fantastic near 90 degrees to help with loading stuff in and out. Jazz or FIT, as called in the Japan, Hong Kong or other parts of the world, is faithfully served as a small car that is functional for small and tight road conditions such as back yard alleys, old Tokyo lane ways, cramped Hong Kong side streets and other interesting places in Asia. Those cities still command for innovation, driving comfort, low fuel consumption and most importantly a car which has the ability to carry odd size stuff…such as an Australian surf board maybe,or even a tall indoor plant or some tiny bonsai plants. I would not comment the Jazz as a delivery van, because this is not Honda’s intention. But, clearly, the fuel tank is located beneath the bottom part of the front seats, as inherited from the previous model, which means, people can

24 Drive-way

utilize their imagination for ferrying stuffs that they need rather than waiting for a taxi, delivery van or going back home to tow a trailer. The original Jazz can accommodate a mountain bike inside. The seating and loading arrangement is very creative, that is the reason behind that makes the Jazz can now carry a surf board with front passenger seat lowered. Improved design for the second row, 60:40 split, helps owners to accomplish their task in a much easier way and relaxed way as well. In terms of the overall design, it is basically using the same successful formula: a tiny but stylish station wagon with a hatch door at the back. Honda Jazz is still the most popular around the world. It has been produced in 5 countries and selling in 115 countries for over 2.5 millions Jazz / FIT in its first generation production model. Why change if it is a success? May be that was the case with second generation Jazz. Hence, the Jazz is basically a refinement rather than a clean slack of ground up creation. While driving the Jazz, I noticed that it had a class leading 5 speed automatic gear box, which responded quite well to the Australian driving condition that the car could give you a sportier driving feeling. However, the Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT), which has 7 gears, was dropped from the specification list. Fuel consumption is quite good but not excellent, as it returns 9.7litres per 100kms around town in acute travelling condition, lower fuel consumption for around 6.5 litres per 100kms can be achieved in highway travelling.

06-02-09 No. 102

Base model 1.3 litre GLi engine system has been upgraded from i-DSi to iVtec. This makes the 1.3litre base model capable to increase its much needed power range considerably by 12kw to a healthy 73kW by simply adding 2 valves on each cylinder head. Steering and suspension have been improved by a newly designed front suspension. Due to increased weight distribution, electric steering assistance capacity was increased by 50% to cope with the increased weight. This steering and suspension re-design were targeted for improving directional stability and road handing by using coil-spring strut and the acclaimed Honda A-arm. The steering feeling and responsiveness have been addressed; yet, more feedback from the steer system on road conditions would be nice Around town, the tight turning circle makes the Jazz a delight to drive. Near silent idling of the engine was very impressive. The gear box complained slightly when engaged in the wrong selection or when the gear box was still cold. The ride was acceptable, as the 1,115kg Jazz was designed to expect some load at the back, be it passenger(s) or load; hence, it can be bumpy and unsettled a little bit if it is empty at the back. In terms of safety equipment, it was extremely generous with 6 airbags with full length curtain airbags for the higher specs model; but for the base model, it is just a pair of front airbags. Upon researching into overseas technical data, the Australian Jazz was not equipped with VSA Vehicle Stability Assist (ESP

Drive-way ٙൢ

for the Australian terminology). But, it will come once final calibration on the Australian road condition is done. As safety awareness is being heavily promoted by Government agencies and even Korean car manufacturers as well; Jazz as a class leader should take up the challenge. Apart from this, Jazz is a funny and functional car to drive and to own. Enjoy Jazz in music and enjoy Jazz as a cue enjoyable small car.

ҏҤᕒρ Honda Jazz ߝσΟΙᘈᘈȂฒ፣ӵٙߝЅٙᗯ ΰѺ഍ᡐσΟȂٙ඄ϱഋ഍ቨёΟު໢Ȃ๖‫ࣺ࢐ݎ‬ᔖඪଽ ΟᎽٙਢ‫޸ޟ‬ഋЅᓞഋ‫ުޟ‬໢ཐȄՄᎽᎻৰ‫࠼ֲޟ‬һӰ࣏ ПөዺџоΰήЅժᕻ‫ޟ‬፡࿽ӰՄџоᕕு‫ޟٹ؁‬ᎽᎻ՝ ညȂծωٙࠓџӻᡐ‫ޟ‬੫Փࠓ๛ॹ‫ؠ‬ԤଝՓȄ Ѻϫณ࢐ωٙȂࠓϫณνᡐ࿲ϽȄ‫ٽ‬ԃȈѺ‫ࡊॸޟ‬՝ٙߞџо௥ߖ 90 ُ࡙‫ޟ‬ ৤໠оП߯၆‫ڣ‬ѓᇥЅᚕ‫ސ‬ȄJazz ‫ ܖ‬FITȂ࢐жࣨ‫ޣ‬Ӫ‫ޟ‬બၯᆋ࢑ȇ੫տ࢐ ࡣࡓω৷ȂѺ഍џоΙΙᔖпԤᎷȊ‫ٽ‬ԃ‫ޟٵݍ‬ωࡓȂॷ෫‫ޟ‬બၯЅ‫ڏ‬тӴ ୢ‫ޟ‬ωၯ഍ٖு​ுЖᔖЙȂ٥‫ٲ‬σ࠲ѿ഍ϫณሯौΙ‫ٲ‬ഺཱི‫ޟ‬ωٙȂᎽᎻਢ ๲ᎌቸཎȄՄճૉ‫ݶء‬ȂՄശ१ौ࢐џо၆ၷΙ‫ࠢސޟޑ܏לۉٲ‬Ȅ ၗᗶԃԪȂѺጂ࢐νᡐ࿲ϽȂԃѺ‫ޟ‬ᐽ‫ݶ‬጑࢐ᙠܻࠉ৴‫ۻޟ‬ഋȂJazz ‫٘ࠉޟ‬ һ࢐ΙኺȄӰԪȂٙкσџо஠ՌϏ‫ޟ‬ഺཎ଩ӫ Jazz ‫ޟ‬ᛁσৠ໔оԝᙠ‫ސ‬Ӈ



06-02-09 No. 102

Drive-way ٙൢ ȂՄࣸࠓ้࡟‫ޟ‬ρȂωೲٙ‫ࣥܖ‬Սӱড়‫ܴܜ‬ٙȂՄ Jazz ‫٘ࠉޟ‬ՄϐџৠઽΙᎄ‫ދ‬ό൐ٙȄӰՄȂ‫ي׽‬Ο৴՝ ೩ॎ‫ ཱིޟ‬JazzȂџоৠઽΙ༵ྤ੏‫ݖ‬ᄂϚ࣏‫ۉ‬ȂՄࡣ৴џо 60 Ѕ 40 ‫ޟ‬Ϸ໠ȇ‫ܚ‬оȂԆܹ‫࢐ࠢސ‬ΪϷሆᚬቸ ཎȄ ᐌᡝ‫ޟ‬೩ॎՄِȂJazz ϫณ‫ٷ‬ᐃѺ‫ޟ‬ԙђ੫ᘈȂоΙএωѽࠓଽ࡙ᓺ໯‫ޟ‬ਡ՗ٙПԒ‫ٮ‬о௸ध‫ޟ‬ПԒўഺഅ ‫ᙺۉ‬ȄJazz ϫณ࢐жࣨᄱ᎛‫ޟ‬ωٙȄՄѺܻϤএ୽ড়ᇧഅȂܻҡ౰෈໢ȂѺܻ 115 ୽ড়ี୵ȂՄᖂ౰໔຺ႆ 250 ࿲Ȃσ྅ԙђ‫ޟ‬П‫ݲ‬џоΙҢӔҢȄӰԪȂ಑Πф Jazz ѫџоᆗ࢐ശ‫ގي׽ޟٹ‬ȂՄϚ࢐ΙএӒཱི‫ޟ‬ഺ അȄ ܻᎽᎻѺਢȂ‫ีר‬ឈѺ၆ΰӣ઻ٙ‫୲ޟف‬ΙϤࠉഀՌଢ଼௶‫ݰ‬጑ȂՄᎽᎻਢџоᕕுΪϷ‫פ‬௦‫ޟ‬ІᔖȂծΰ෡၆ ΰΜࠉഀՌଢ଼௶‫ݰ‬጑ࠓೝ‫ڥ‬ੑΟȄૉ‫ݶ‬П७ȂѺܻ࠲ϛᖅԔၾၯΰ࢐ؐ 100 ϴ٨ 9.7 ϴЀȂՄܻଽഀϴၯਢ Ȃࠌѫ࢐ 6.5 ϴЀȄ அᙃ‫ ޟ‬GLi ‫ޟ‬Еᔝᆓ౩‫ف‬ಛҥ i-DSi ‫ ࣏׽‬iVtecȂՄਝ‫ݎ‬ё఺Ο 12kW ࠌЀ࣏ 73kWȄПөЅ᝚௮П७ȂѺ௴ ҢΟΙএ‫ޟي׽‬П‫ݲ‬ў‫׽‬๡ᗗᎪਝ‫ݎ‬ȂӰՄٙ٘१ΟȂ࣏Ο‫ي׽‬೻এ௑‫ݷ‬ȂኅПҢΰΙএཱི‫ޟ‬Ⴋଢ଼ᙽөኞԜ (motor)Ȃоඪ‫ټ‬᚞Ѵ 50% ‫ׯޟ‬ΨȄՄᑪ௮П७ȂኅП๿Ӫ‫ ޟ‬A ࠮᝚௮ᖗЅኆᙋ഍џо‫׽‬๡၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ᐇ௡ཐȄ࿋ ณȂѺџоඪ‫ޟٹ؁ټ‬Пөཐ߯‫؁‬౩དȄ ܻ࠲ѿϱᎽᎻਢȂѺ‫ޟ‬ଟᙽُ࡙ಠЍȇӰԪȂᎽᎻਢџоᒝ፬ЖዅཎȄՄ‫ݰ‬጑‫ޟ‬Іᔖΰ‫ٹ‬Ȃ୅षᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ȂΣᒿ ‫ݰܖࢲݰ‬጑ϫณҐዥ٘ਢȂѺ഍ԤΙᘈཎَ‫׹ܖ‬ວȄॸֲཐ࢐ΰॸ‫ޟ‬Ȃ৴՝೩ॎᓺ‫ي‬ȂՄџ૖ҥܻٙҏ࣏٘Ο ၷ१‫ޟ‬ጢ࢈Ȃ‫ܚ‬оȂ၎ٙषҐၷ१ਢȂٙ໠ΰ‫پ‬ਢԤΙএሆ‫ޟ܇‬ཐឈȄ ٙ٘‫ޟ‬ԊӒП७ȂѺ‫ޟ‬ଽ઻࠮ဴѓࢂΟȈϲ੉ೡȃѓࢂӒߝ࡙‫ࡣޟ‬৴ॸࡊๅᛨԒ੉ೡȃՄΣߞ‫ގ‬ѫԤࠉ৴ᚖԊ Ӓ੉ೡȂՄ՗ٙᛧۡᏢȃVSA ࠓϚѓࢂӵ೻࠮࠮ဴϛȂՄኅПࡇᆎघ 2010 ߯џ‫ٺ‬ҢȄҏҤ࢐ಠٙ‫ޟ‬ሴᏲ‫ޱ‬Ȃ ՄҏӴࢇ‫ۺ‬Ѕᗺ୽ኅড়഍෈ఖӨᎽᎻ‫؁ޱ‬๿१‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬Ө໶ԊӒ၆രȄӰԪȂҏҤᔖ௥‫ࢅڧ‬ᏽσΨ௰՗ (VSA ‫ܖ‬ ESP) ЅሴᏲዘࢺȂՄᐌᡝՄِȂѺ࢐νᡐ࿲Ͻ‫ޟ‬ᄂҢ‫ء‬ٙȂ‫ڧٴ‬೻ᎄٙጫȂԤԃ๿Ӫ‫ޟ‬ᕒρॱዅΙኺȄ

26 Drive-way

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