Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
21-08-09 No. 130 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Volvo C70 a car simply to enjoy life with Car News ଔݧٳၥีᕗ߳ءٙ
21-08-09 No. 130
Volvo C70 a car simply to enjoy life with Some 50 years ago, an engineer from Volvo invented safety belt for cars and he did not keep the patent for himself. 50 years onwards, it would have saved at least 1 million passengers from agony and possible death. Well, the safety aspect of Volvo grows bigger and wider. I was invited to the C70 launch some years ago. C70 still holds a strong place in my motoring journalism experience. I was working with something before the C70 launch; out of safety reason the project manager of C70 drove the car on our first leg to the Great Ocean Road. You would not say something like this, but I took that opportunity to ask and speak freely to the project manager; hence, I knew the C70 as were my own car. C70 is safe, stylish and energetic. We even request a C70 for my friends’ wedding two years ago. Its recent upgrade only has made things a little bit more perfect. As a journalist, I have sampled some of the fine motor cars in Australia. Unlike other European brands, the C70 is very down to earth. I believe Volvo has a motto about putting passengers’ safety in front of everything else. Frankly, safety is everyone’s major concern. With the introduction of “Lane Departure Warning system plus Driver Alert Control” it helps drivers to be fully aware of any vehicle activities beyond the blind spot of the side mirrors. There are sound and light flashing near them. How it works is that a camera or radar would keep capturing information underneath the side mirrors. Then, on relaying information to the sound system, and light will also flash if there is any movement. It is simple, but logical and very useful. However, the real beauty of this system is that if the
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow
driver fails into fatigue and does not activate the indicator before leaving the lane, a message will come asking the driver to take a break, at the same time warning lights and sound will alert the driver. Volvo believes this will save lives. Another upgraded feature is Volvo's renowned Dynamic Stability Traction Control (DSTC). A yaw sensor monitor for both anti-lock braking (ABS) and traction control systems to determine whether the vehicle is staying on the line. In addition, once the system senses any irregularities, it will apply brakes to all of the four wheels to keep the car stable and pointing in the right direction. The system will also help with regulating any over steer movements or reduce the engine output on the front wheels if required. Another main feature of the C70 is its powerful Turbo 5 cylinder engine, which is being used in Ford Focus XR5. The engine is still very lively and full of energy. The concept of Turbo 5 cylinders is perhaps one way of showing the European way of thinking. Sufficiency is beauty. There are V8 engines in the Volvo range but the company prefers balanced thinking rather than following others blindly for over indulgence in speeding. If you ask me, would I buy C70 hard top convertible sports car? As a previous Volvo owner, my answer is definitely yes. It is a fine car and you can enjoy plenty of sunshine from a flick of the switch. Why would you go for anything else, apart from having one of the safest cars in the world? Arrive alive and enjoy it.
21-08-09 No. 130
Drive-way ٙൢ!
If you ask me, would I buy C70 hard top convertible sports car? As a previous Volvo owner, my answer is definitely yes. It is a fine car and you can enjoy plenty of sunshine from a flick of the switch. Why would you go for anything else? apart from having one of the safest car in the world. Arrive alive and enjoy it.
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50ӻԑࠉȂVolvo൲ᇺޟΙ՝ءٙώแৱี݂ΟءٙԊӒளȂՄтٮҐԤԪ டցຝыȂоՍڏтءޟٙϴѧџоӵѺঈءޟٙΰٺҢȄ50ԑϐႆўȂт ޟฒޟؽ࣏ȂџϐٺΙԻΡջڧฮवЅԫιࡄޟȂՄ൲ᇺءܻٙء ٙԊӒޟଓᝦؐРቨȄ
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רෆೝᗜёC70ཱིޟٙีշོȂC70ϐငӵרհ࣏ޟޱҡిϛլԤΙএ १ौӴ՝ȄܻีշོࡣȂӰ࣏٘ᡝϚᎌȂܚоר൲ᇺޟҬင౩࣏רᎽᎻ ᓞΙࢲၯȂҏᔖؠԤࣥቄџቸޟӴПȂџȂװࠓרණᐠོ୰Ο၎Ҭင౩ ΙٲΣޟ୰ᚠȂӰԪȂרᄇC70џᒝᕣԃࡾඡȄ ѺϫณԤ൲ᇺޟᐿ੫፴ЅᏄΨȂרঈࣥՍौؑΟΙഋC70հ࣏݉Єޟ๖ ஔ߆ٙȇ౪ਢཱིޟҬѫོٺѺᓆΰ߆Ȅհ࣏ΙএޱȂרෆᎽᎻฒ ኵᓺءؾٙȂՄ൲ᇺޟ੫፴ᄂඏȂࣺ߬רѺঈޟҬоᎽᎻΡρЅॸࡊ ޟԊӒ࣏৴ѡሜȂڏᄂһಀΡޟᓺӑԩוȄ
षกڗю౪ΙٲኺȂѺڏϛΙᎈོՌଢ଼ࠆٙȂхءڗٙϫณࡸΙۡޟП өᎻȂՄ၎فಛһོਗΙٲٙ٘ѶޟݷȂЅࡸ࿋ਢޟሯौȂЍЕᔝ ޟଢ଼ΨᒯюȂءٺٙᛧۡήپȄ ѪΙএкौޟҬ൲ᇺC70ޟࠐϤءचᎈቨᔆЕᔝȂѺһೝᆋ੫ϴѧҢ ܻᆋ੫Focus XR5٘ΰȂЕᔝߒ౪юՓٮҡᓸࣀߏȂٺҢϤءचЕᔝޟ྅܈џ ѫԤዉࢸΡϗԤ၎ᆍࡦᆰПԒȂٗஊ߯छኈȄ൲ᇺԤV8ЕᔝȂծϴѧ १ҁᒋٮϚོᓍݰംࢺȂϚོҏґইညӴޡҬଡؑഀ࡙ՄןٙԊӒȄ षձ୰רȂོϚོີC70ഥԝᕻԒፀເٙȂհ࣏൲ᇺࠉޟٙкȂོרȂ ՄѺΙᎄᐿ੫ءޟٙȂѫሯࡸήΙএࡸ໖Ȃձ߯џоڧٴӎЅ఼ॳȂձᗙ ሯѪհтᒵ༝ȉџжࣨΰശԊӒءޟٙȂԊӒᎽᎻЅڧٴҡ֑ڼȊ
ശཱིёΣޟԊӒ೩ࢊԤȈᙽጣԊӒឌ֙فಛЅᎽᎻޱឌൢفಛȂѺџоᔓօ ᎽᎻΡсёཎӵߞᜢਠࣀޟଢ଼ȂՄџоҢឌ֙ଉဴЅߞޟᐷဴᡗҰ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
28-08-09 No. 131 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Cruze CDX Car News Land Rover's Double Delight At The Auto Express 2009 New Car Awards Land Roverᚖዩᖝߞ
F1 News ȶ༃ࡔȷᆰও!!Б٨ѷ१ྣ5ԑჲ Drive-way
28-08-09 No. 131
Holden Cruze CDX It is so much easier to write about something that has just scored something grand. According to New South Wales RTA (Victorian version of VicRoads), Holden Cruze scored 35.04 marks from a maximum of 37 points from ANCAP. The class also includes Ford Focus, Ford Fiesta, Mazda 2 and Hyundai i30SLX. From a safety perspective, this is the most affordable car yet it brings you a lot of assurance about its safety credential. This makes the Holden Cruze a winner in the 5 stars rating. Please see the enclosed rating from RTA of NSW. The Cruze was first seen in the March 2009 Melbourne International Motor Show. A lot of people show interest in it as it is a small to medium size car. The recent petrol price hike and global financial crisis have brought people’s attention about affordability in the car price and day to day running of a most affordable car. Toyota Corolla is amongst the most popular cars in terms of affordability, reliability and functionality. Hence, it is the best seller in its class. Cruze was seen as an under dog deserving the public’s attention. Cruze is now an imported model from South Korea under the wider General Motors Global production plan. However, it will be a locally manufactured model from as early as next year in Adelaide. This brings the Cruze into a new segment where by it will be the only Australian made small to medium size car. Currently, the smallest Australian made production car is a Toyota Camry, and then come the Holden Commodore, Ford Falcon and Territory. This production schedule will give the Australian community an important decision to support the Holden Cruze as a better choice against all imported models.
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Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow
The price will be from $20,990 for 1.8 petrol, 2.0 litre diesel from $23,990 and a top of the range petrol manual model – CDX will be $23,990 as well. A six speed automatic gear box will cost $2,000 to all models. This price range is very much in line with KIA Cerato and Hyundai i30 hence; it is very much a practical decision in regard to its after sales service network and its standard, brand name loyalty and cost of spare parts. Ford Focus is another car that I like in the segment. So it is your choice whether you support the Oval Blue (Ford) (Mazda 2 is a close cousin of Ford) or the Red Lion (Holden) or Hyundai i30SLX from South Korea as well. Coming back to safety under this price segment; Cruze has a lot to offer such as Electronic Stability Control, electronic brake assist system, dual active head restraints, dual front airbags, side or curtain airbags and seatbelt pre-tensioners. It also has ABS that gives people a safety mind. A few short notes before we go 1. Appearance is something different, dynamic and pleasant; it fits its pricing and Holden image. I feel the up market elements in its exterior and interior. 2. Sound insulations should improve over harsh surface, but I trust that will be addressed when it is made locally early next year. 3. Engine is a healthy 1.8 litre or 2.0 litre diesel. Holden claims that the 104kW
28-08-09 No. 131
petrol engine will bring a 7.0 per 100 km for the manual and an extra 0.5litre for the automatic. As for real fuel savings, the diesel will bring 5.7 and 6.8 litres for the manual and auto gear box respectively. 4. The petrol model that we test drove gave us a pretty good impression but the 6 speed automatic gear box tends to run on higher gear ratio then, it got whiny under moderate acceleration. I like the option of 6 speed automatic; however, I believe the car can run on 5 speed plus an overdrive option at the press of a button for the 6th gear. In this way, there will be a better balance of the actual acceleration and real fuel savings on top gear. 5 Steering and chassis are strong and solid in wilfully following my commands We have yet to test the diesel model; but the petrol CDX is a luxury with both front seat warmer and almost all accessories that we can get. Will I buy it? Yes, if I have to make a decision now. For a Red Holden factor or something? I think Holden deserve a serious look at and support, for bringing a very high quality model line up and production line back to Australia where petrol price is high, and where someone prefer a small to medium size car rather than a big V6 or V8. Don’t you agree with me? Drop in a Holden dealership and see for yourself.
Drive-way ٙൢ
ൢᏲΙٲԤӪఖޟࠢΙԑ፬ЖዅٱȂਲ਼ᐃཱིࠒࡄᅭࣸޟၾၯีޟշȂ ܻࠒᗺҡޟႳHolden CruzeڥுΟܻ25,000༫оήޟശٹኡᔞกၐȂڥ 37Ϸ࣏ᅖϷϛޟ35.04ϷȄӰՄȂԙ࣏ശߒޟٹ౪ޱȾᎧཱིࠒࡄᅭࣸޟ ၾၯޟШၶߒȿȄ CruzeॶӑܻҏԑέТӋਢॶَܻᏎᅭҏሬءٙ។ོϛȂ࡞ӻΡᄇѺཐ ڗΪϷࢺࠔޟᑹ፸ȇӰ࣏ȂѺΙᎄϛωءޟٙȂശߖݶءޟቋਿଽӌȂ ՄσӻኵΡהఖџоᎽᎻΙᎄШၶࣸءޟݶٙȄՄ౪ਢȂToyota Corolla ശءޟߔ᠍ڧٙȂฒ፣ӵቋᓀȃџᎬЅђΰߒ౪юՓȇӰՄ౩ԙണӴԙ ࣏ശٹ୵ءٙȄՄCruze߯ԙ࣏ശࢅޟٹᏽޱȂӰԪȂһᔖுσಀݧޟཎȄ Cruze౪ਢΙᎄҥࠒᗺΣοဴޟȂՄ݂ԑߑོ߯ӵछҢءٙღޟӒ ౨ҡҁѮϛܻٙࠒᐬࢸߡޟኈႪுҡȇһӣਢԙ࣏୲Ιӵᐬࢸюޟϛω ءٙȄᐬࢸӨࣨఖCruzeޟю౪оЛࡻҏӴءޟٙᇧഅཾ。 Cruze୵ޟቋҥ20,990༫ۖȂџоີڗ1.8ϴЀޟЙଢ଼௶ᔬȄՄ2.0ϴЀޟ ਼ݶЕᔝࠌҥ23,990༫ଔȇϲഀޟՌଢ଼௶Ѫё2,000༫ȄѺ୵ޟቋᇄKIA Cerato Ѕ౪фHyundai i30ࣼቆȂӰԪ Ȃᒵᐅ၎έٙ џຟեѺ݈ࡣ୵ޟ ȂྥЅࠢถ܆ޟЖݷȇ࿋ณһѓࢂΟႭӇ୵ޟቋȄFordᆋ੫ ޟFocusһ ݠܚר፬ޟȄձޟᒵᐅџᙢՓޟᆋ੫ЅѺߖޟᒑٱுMazdaȃऔՓޟ ྾υႳHoldenࠒܖᗺޟHyundai i30SLXȄ ࿋רঈӱ୵ࡸڗቋՄຟեءٙԊӒޟਢঐȂCruzeඪټΟ࡞ӻޟԊӒ೩രԃ ٙᛧۡᏢESCȃࠆٙሄօȃᚖԊӒᓞȃϲএԊӒءೡЅႱષԒԊӒளȂՄ ࿋ณѓࢂΟABSٙᎈ٩ᚇ೩രȄ Ιٲᙏޟौٱ 1. ѴΰȂCruzeԤѺޟ੫ᘈȂшᅖଢ଼ཐЅҁџᒑȂѺ୵ޟቋЅΪϷ ӫႳHoldenȂרһཐڗڧ೩ॎৱߒܚႀޟΰࠢ፴ޟϱѴ၆ႺȄ 2. ႤॱП७Ȃӵಗᕹޟၯ७ΰᎻਢȂѺԤޟᎷӴȄծࣺ߬רȂ࿋ӵᐬ ࢸᇧഅਢᔖ၎џоΙᘈޟȄ 3. Еᔝ1.8ϴЀܖݶء2.0ϴЀݶ਼ޟЕᔝȂݶءЕᔝџีю104 kWޟଢ଼Ψ ȂՄџоுڗ7.0ϴЀЅѪё0.5ϴЀ(Ռଢ଼௶)߯џׇԙ100ϴ٨ȂՄ਼ݶЕᔝ ࠌϷտ5.7Ѕ6.8ϴЀџоׇԙ100ϴ٨Ȅ 4.רঈܚกၐݶءޟЕᔝȂϠרঈΙএ࡞ԁޟӟຫȂծϲഀޟՌଢ଼௶ӵҁல ޟᄱԒёഀਢȂԤᘈࡧᄚޟཐឈȄӰԪרᇯ࣏о5ࠉഀёΰ6ݰհ຺࣏Ш ݰЅоӵݰෙΰёࡸ໖ਢΙএШၶᄂሬޟᒵᐅȂһџоϫณٺCruzeӵ٠ഀ ࡙ਢڥுശݶࣸޟٹਝݎȄ 5. ПөዺЅٙ࢜רᇯ࣏࡞ಜᄂȂٮ᠙ࡾޟרڼථȂߒ౪Ϛ߹Ȅծרঈϫהఖ џоกၐ਼ဴݶȂծܚกၐޟCDXဴശᇺޟԒȄӰԪȂһёΰΟ ёዥԒ৴ාȄӵьЈਢȂ࡞དӻᗂHolden ޟಠЖȂՄܚԤޟᇺӇϐ၆ΰ ΟȂџᒝѓᛳԤȄ ີ֏ོרѺ? ԃȂ౪ӵौרհΙএؚۡȇີོרѺȂӰ࣏Holdenޟጢ࢈ȂџጫȄ רឈுHoldenᔖ၎ڗڧ१ຜЅσಀޟЛࡻȇӰ࣏ѺளپΟ࡞ଽ፴શޟ ࠢȂՄғ࿋ݶءቋਿଽ݁ޟਢঐڏܖтΡ᠍ШၶಠωءޟٙȂՄϚཎᎽ ᎻσޟV6 ܖV8ЕᔝءޟٙȂԃձϚӣཎޟר፣ᘈȂձσџڗф౩୦Ιࣼ ၎݂ٙ߯ҩޟרཎࡦȄ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
04-09-09 No. 132 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Range Rover Sport TDV8 with
Stormer Pack F1 News F1Шցਢમܜଽগᓎഽ
04-09-09 No. 132
Range Rover Sport TDV8 with Stormer Pack
When we were test driving the Range Rover Sport some two years ago, we were amazed at its functionality. Up till now, we are still interested to talk about its extraordinary capabilities. It is just the benchmark of modern four wheel drive vehicle. It climbs and descents without any trouble. It corners like no others do. It accelerates like a sport car, with more than 2 tons of weight. We were confused why such a good car exits on this earth. Well, back to reality, it is not an ordinary car. It requires the owner to have a healthy and wealthy bank account and can easily pay around A$110,000 for the luxury and privilege to own it. Recently, Range Rover wants to give more to the most favour “Sport”. I like the Vogue of its sheer luxury, but Sport is my favour. It is down to earth and practical. The “Stormer” pack features a pair of newly designed front and rear bumpers. Matching the energy storming theme, a rear spoiler has also been added as well. New chrome decorated exhaust pipes plus a front parking distance safety control. The Range Rover Sport has a top of the range TDV8. I like diesel engines. From my experience in driving mini buses, they are reliable and tough. However, the beauty of the engine is that it produces 640Nm of massive torque at a low speed while also generating 200kW of power at 4,400 rpm. A Holden Commodore or Toyota Aurion can produce like 200kW, but the 640Nm torque is extremely useful for low speed crawling and hauling stuff in nearly all kinds of terrain. The TDV8 is also responsible for quick acceleration that makes other drivers feeling a little bit surprised.
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow
Apart from the “Stormer” pack, the car is pretty much the same as with ordinary Range Rover Sport. The Range Rover Sport Stormer Pack gives potential customers a fresh look about the legendary Range Rover Sport. However, I believe the Sport will be phrasing out as soon as the Discovery 4 is making its way to Australia. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Range Rover Sport with the Stormer pack. It is a nice car to drive, in particular with the display of its four wheel drive system on the console screen. Also, the in-car audio visual DVD and TV system is just sensational. Whenever I drive a Range Rover, I have to put on a particular DVD for its story and sound effect. But that promptes me to talk about another area. The 6 stack DVD system needs some upgrade to match up with the forever increasing widely use of iPod and iPhone products. People have been talking about the mighty four wheel drive system that Range Rover and Land Rover enjoyed having since its release some years ago. It is perceived as the best four wheel drive system that includes smart control with its simple pictured terrain control dial to provide exceptional automated assistance for the car to carry out its job. No matter what, where the driver wants to go, it will obey. For example, sand, gravel, grass, snow and mud, it will conquer the road like no others.
Drive-way ٙൢ!
04-09-09 No. 132
Yet, its off road ability is pretty much tied up with its approach and departure angels of both ends. Hence, we were worried about wrecking the car by bigger, taller and more aerodynamic front and rear bumper. But, the Stormer design is nice and lively. Frankly, how many four wheel drive owners will use their four wheel drives to beat the brush? I dare to say perhaps just 1%. Therefore, the refreshing “Stormer” kit is just what we need in the urban jungle. In particular, to our neighboring suburb – Toorak. That is why all Four Wheel Drive cars are called Toorak Tractor.
ޟٹ೩ॎȂоϛѵޟఋׯПԒЅᙏܾޟყߒᡗҰӻᆍޟၾၯݷȂоՌଢ଼ޟ፡ ੫ۡޟၯўׇԙӈȂӰԪฒ፣ؓӴȃүӴȃ૩ӴȃഡӴЅݫӴȂѺ ོሆՄܾᖞӴΙΙ݈܂Ȅ ծσড়ོ݂ҩȂѺޟᓺѲູഏΨȂڷѺޟΰόЅήόޟᛇُ࡙ྃދ ϞԤᜰȂרঈ୲ৼོᄩྒ၎ٙȂӰԪѫԤᜋ़१़ȂѫԤಠЖݠ፬ՄϚў ΡϞᜲȇѺޟ೩ॎΪϷᓺؾЅਣޟȄ ՂᄂՄِȂԤӻЍᎽᎻѲٙޟΡོٙڗѲၯ৷ȉרσᖚՄِȂσघѫԤ ԻӋϞ൦ȇӰԪȂרᇯ࣏ႪᎩ໙ޟѓ၆ശӫרঈএ࠲ѿිݓȂ੫տ࣏ ڗ᎑ୢ݉ޟЄȂӰԪѲٙһӪ࣏Toorakୢܜܴޟٙ
ڍԑࠉ࿋רঈกၐRange Rover Sport TDV8ਢȂרঈϐငཐڗѺޟञσߒ ᡙȊޢՍҬࠉȂרঈϫณᢚნѺޟ੫юߒ౪ȇרঈᇯ࣏ѺᙏޢѲٙޟ ྒྷஆ៧кȂѺџоሆՄܾᖞӴދόЅή৶ఇޟόۃȃᙽ᠉ُܡԤоҁၯȂᗶ ณٙ१຺ູڍᏠȂࠓёഀਢԤԃ຺ເٙȂרঈཐڗ၎ᆍԁٙѫᔖԆӵܻડ ၗ࢈ٱϛȇծӱڗ౪ᄂȂѺޟԤޱሯौԤΙএ࿋ԤޟሚԆȂӰ࣏Ѻޟ ୵ቋघ11ᐬ༫ȂձϗџоԤ۷ԤЅᎽᎻѺȂശߖȂRange Rover`ଡёΙ ຺ٲເٙڨޟၾȂёΰΟၼଢ଼ޟȂӰՄѹىΟRange Rover Sport TDV8 ёΰޟႪᎩѓ၆ Stormer PackȄ ႪᎩѓ၆ Stormer Packѓ֤ࠉࡣശཱི೩ॎޟ٩ኡᄹܖᆎ ߳ᓎᄹȂӫႪᎩ ໙ޟкᚠȂٙһёΰտጝॳۡޟᖎȂӒཱིޟሞሚኀ൙ȂѪёΰࠉހٙཐ ᔖᏢȂרঈܚกၐޟRange Rover SportΰΟV8ءचݶ਼ޟᎈቨᔆЕᔝȄ רདྷ਼ݶЕᔝȂӰ࣏ᎽᎻωࡊٙਢȂݠ߯ר፬ѺޟञҢЅџᎬȂՄѺ ޟᓺᘈӵܻѺџоีю640 NmׯޟΨȂՄܻ4,000ᙽഀਢһԤ200 kWޟଢ଼Ψ Ȃѿ७ΰޟႳHolden Commodore ЅᙴҤ Toyota Aurionџҡ200 kWȂ ծѺޟ640Nm߯џоٺRange Rover Sportӵ৯ϚӻӵӨᆍၾၯΰоճഀϛދ Ѕܜଢ଼१ސȂ၎ЕᔝޟёഀᓾһٗоٺਠΡΡߒᡙȄ ଶΟႪᎩ໙Ϟ༖ޟѓ၆ȂѺஅҏΰᇄලޟRange Rover SportฒȂཱིѓ ၆ϏхཱིࡊᕕுѴޟΙ఼ཱིٲཐڧȂӰ࣏רᇯ࣏ӒཱིޟDiscovery 4һ։ ܰႀᐬࢸȄ ϚौᇲོȂרདྷႪᎩ໙Ϟ༖ѓ၆ཱིޟٙȂѺΙ ᎄᆎЖԃཎޟԁٙȂ ੫տᎽᎻޱџоᢎࣼѺޟѲᎈޟଢ଼հȂՄиȂѺޟٙΰኇॱЅႫຜ೩ര੫ տюՓȂؐഇרᎽᎻRange RoveȂרΙۡौኬܹרЖ“ޟЅдυ”ȂӰ࣏ ȂѺٱ࢈ޟЅॱ੫տюՓȄһӰ࣏ԃԪȂרདፙፙٙΰॱޟȂרདѺޟ ॱһሯӫРઉ१ौޟគ ݎiPod Ѕ iPhoneࠢȄ σӻኵູޟഏᎽᎻདྷԁޱོ᠍ູഏၯޟᓺ፴ѲفಛȂѺೝᇯ࣏ശ
ҍழԧᇌ ๕ЄᏇ३ 175/70/R13 $68 175/65/R14 $75 205/65/R15 $85 ΜЈᕊཾ 757 Station St. Box Hill VIC 3128
Ⴋၗ ༈ઍ
03 9899 1388 Drive-way
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
11-09-09 No. 133 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Car News ொѻོԤࡩኺޟᡐ@ ཱིဴӵᐬࢸॶ ঞ סIS Fႆกၐ ёΣឌٙޟӖ
11-09-09 No. 133
Jaguar XKR Being a motoring journalist wasn’t my plan of life. However, driving dream cars are. From memories, I love a Jaguar Type E. It has to be red and convertible. People can still get a good second hand for $50,000. The next one that I love is the car that I am about to talk about, yet it is at least five times as expensive. I tried to link both of them together. It has all the bells and whistle that I need. It sprints from 0-100kms in just 4.9seconds. A speed that normal people would only experience when a jet liner takes off. I love the XKR so much that I have to travel to Sydney to try it. I had other experience with a XK. Comparing to the XKR, the normal XK behaves just like a pussy cat. The XKR has a big supercharged 4.2 litre V8 engine that makes it so responsive and sprints like a V12, but without the weight. It sprints easily. However, speed is not the only thing that Jaguar cares about. It is the way that people can enjoy driving a great GT super car that matters. Comparing to XK, it has 30% more power. A total of 313kW at 6,250 revs and 560Nm at 400 revs. It was tempting to speed. Everyone may have that experience before. Yet, the fiercest force will only comes out if you want it to be as brutal and savage as you like it to be. Normally, when you put it on the 6 speed ZF automatic gear box, you would just enjoy the cruising and elegance of the great luxury sports car. Or you could put it into a very interactive automatic sports mode at the
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow
gearshifts. Another thought about an entire manual control can also be done with the wheel-mounted paddle shifts. The all aluminium chassis is so strong that it helps to cut weight. It was also cleverly configurated into an ideal weight balance for taking on the extra force from the supercharged engine. Suspensions have been stiffened 38 and 28 percents front and back respectively to hold the car down for massive energy when travelling in high speed. Rollbar and dampers have received significant improvement as well. Brakes are made 26 percent more efficient for them to haul the car down. In just 2 seconds, the car can stop from 100 kms to a complete stand still. I drove the car from Sydney to Bathurst to Mount Panorama, where the great V8 super car reigns there. Actually, a Jaguar had won some important prices there some years ago. Along my way to Bathurst, I travelled some of the best roads in the Blue Mountain area. I enjoyed those wilderness and hospitality; then making my way to Bathurst. The road conditions changed all the time, in very different forms, but the Jaguar could do its best (from a legal speed perspective). The more that you stepped deeper onto its accelerator, the more you would be entertained. The exhaust noises were like music. It howled louder and louder until you were scared and everyone around you noticed that as well. Not for me, I was prepared to try my best and to utilize my skills and meet up with the challenge to accelerate from 4.9 seconds and beyond. One man, one car and my destiny. Enjoy safe driving and people around you.
11-09-09 No. 133
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ޟרჲདٮϚԙ࣏ΙএءٙޱȂծᎽᎻჲВϞٙ൷ۡ็ޟרԑჲད Ȅר᠍छࢸ(ᑖ࢜) E TypeȇѺΙۡौՖऔՓЅፀޟȄ౪ਢоϤ༫ σघџоີڗΙᎄΠЙٙȂծרौൢᏲޟछࢸࠓौષቋശЍ5ॻቋᓀܖ оΰȄ
ܻಁࠉȄҁலਢȂѺޟϲഀՌଢ଼௶ϐџоྱΙϸ٠ޟሯौȂԃȂձሯौ ҡᓸࣀߏߒޟ౪ȂѺޟSport modeၼଢ଼ԒޟՌଢ଼௶ᔬϐџоᔓօձีථѺ ޟዖ፴ȂՄձһџоցҢѺ՝ܻПөዺޟኦа༈ᔬоӒЙଢ଼ԒޟПԒўᐇΙ ѮᛚȄ
רკၐޱڍШၶȂXKRࣥቄԤȇՄиџоҥ0Ս100ϴ٨ёഀѫੑҢΰ4.9 ऌȄҁலΡѫོӵᐠଔॴਢϗџоཐڗڧѺޟᛁσёഀΨȄ רདྷѺȂӰԪȂѫԤڗொѻўငᡛѺȂרෆᎽᎻලޟXKȂծШၶΰȂѺ ѫΙᓞড়ᒥȄ
၎ٙоӒ፴ޟٙ࢜оሆ၎ٙޟ१໔ȄՄиȂѺџоӫࠐޟЕᔝоีථ ޟٹٙ१ҁᒋϷշЅڧܛѴޟଢ଼ΨȂ௮فಛϐёՍ38%(ࠉᎈ)Ѕ28%( ࡣᎈ)ȇӰԪȂџоڧܛଽഀϴၯΰѴޟଢ଼ΨȄ٩ᅌ࢜Ѕ֜ᎪํоσൽӴ ቨЅȂྷٙفಛёΟ26%ȂѺџоܻڍऌϱ၎ٙҥਢഀ100ϴ٨ҳ ࠆړୄ Ȅ
XKR၆ΰΟΙএᐠడቨᔆᏢܻѺޟ4.2ϴЀV8ЕᔝΰȂծѺޟଢ଼ΨԤԃV12Ȃ ࠓШၶሆѽԤΨȂӰ࣏१໔ሆѽхѺёഀΨࣺᔖӴᡗுࠐȂഀ࡙Ѕёഀ ਢߨٮछࢸܚശᜰޟݧȄтঈ᠍ٙкڧٴᎽᎻѺȂԤԃGT຺ᇺເ ٙΙኺȂᇄXKࣺШၶXKRԤѴԻϷϞέΪޟଢ଼ΨȇӰԪѺޟଢ଼Ψϐႀڗ 313 kW(ܻ6,250ϴᙽਢ)Ѕ560NmׯޟΨ(ܻ4,000ϴᙽਢ) Ȅ
רҥொѻᎽᎻՍBathurstശࡣܰႀMount PanoramaᗉၾȂ٥၇ΙૡҥҏӴ ຺ޟV8ᗉٙ៧ЈήȄณՄȂԤΙڍԑȂԤΙᎄᑖ࢜һᕕுഽցσዩȄ ܁ Mount PanoramaޟၯΰȂר੫ཎഊငछᝋޟᙢόਡၽୢȂ٥၇ޟශमЅσՌ ณޟछᝋхΡડޟ܁Ȅၾၯޟ፴શԤ࡞Ϛӣࠢޟ፴Ѕ੫ܒȂծXKRݠณ ڧЅีථѺᔖԤߒޟ౪(ܻӫݲਢഀޟ३ڙϱ) Ȅ
຺ഀᎽᎻҗሉᎽᎻ຺ເٙޟശσᇶඋȂרད࿋ձᎽᎻ၎ٙһΙོۡ७ᄇ ٥এཐڧȄծЅಗኸޟᢍΨȂѫོܻձौؑѺޟਢঐϗོۄᒀᒀӴ֕౪
ޟרཐདȂ࿋רߞݶယࣜࣜӴήਢȂᎽᎻ߯ޱݠ፬Ѻޟ੫ܒȄ ኀᆓ௶ܚюޟᖐԤԃॱዅૡଢ଼᠙ȂՄѺޟ֡شޟᖐॱ߯ҳړଽ݁ଔپȂ ޢՍձཐڗකৼȂࣥՍਠޟၯΡٱܖཐڗڧѺࡄޟΨȄ٥ਢȂרѫԤٺ юค٘၌ኵоߔ0Ս100ϴ٨ޟёഀཐЅࢅᏽՌྃޟר३ȄΙএظΡȃΙഋ פٙȃΙএತྃᘈȄڧٴձޟᎽᎻዅ፸Ȃծ१ौޟདྷ៖тঈȂԤԃձዥ དྷҡڼΙኺȄ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
18-09-09 No. 134 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
KIA Soul 2
Love at the first and second sight
Car News BMW Presents its First Production Hybrid Models The new Discovery 4
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18-09-09 No. 134
KIA Soul 2
Love at the first and second sight
Generation Y was reported to have a short attention span. But the KIA Soul should grab their full attention, as one of the KIA Soul has sleeked into one of the elite high schools. The result was more students and parents attended the Keys Please information Session on a stormy, wet and cold night. The success of the KIA Soul is very much betting on its extravert and funky style. The ability to slot into the Gen Y’s accessory list is all it can do to make or break KIA’s project bank account. From the first sight of the KIA Soul at its launch in Sydney, I felt in love with it. Six months later on, the love is still there, and as a matter of fact is growing strong. I reckon the size seems to have grown a little bit. The interior is brighter and bigger. I have driven the Suzuki Shrift that is very similar to KIA Soul, but the Soul gives you more than a car. It is more than an accessory; it’s a statement to be on top of everyone. It is you. The very soul of yours being expressed in a unique way, which strikes an impression of your positive existence in this global village. From a safety point of view, the result of its ANCAP crash rating is pretty impressive. The side impact protection is amongst the best. It has scored 15 out of 16 points on side impact crash test. It has dual front, side and full length curtain airbags. Also included in the safety list are active head restraints, ABS, EBD and Brake Assist. In the mid-specification KIA Soul2, it comes with ESP and traction control as well. It has scored an overall rating of 4 stars ANCAP Rating. According to Nick Reid, Product Planning Manager of KIA Australia, the structure of the car is perfectly ok, but Soul was not equipped with passenger
26 Drive-way
Edmund Chow
and rear passenger seat belt reminder system then. Hence, it just fell short of some marks to make it into 5 stars. So safety is pretty much covered. Why I like the car? Apart from the colour that I like, there was body art (tattoo) as well. The body art was a dragon. It stood out from the other commuters. The car gave me a go-kart feel when driving down the road. The instrument panel was clear and simple to use. I liked the audio system, where by I could just pop in my iPod and be able to choose my music files and listen my music via the dedicated connection cable. It was easy as 1,2 and 3. It saves fuel as well. KIA claims that it uses 6.5 litres per 100km. I couldn’t do it; but hey, not everyone can do it, I often detour for a MacDonald’s. Yet, it has 5 star Green Vehicle that the Government has endorsed. C02 emission is just 154g/km that is what we need for a new car. The power plant is a DOHC 1.6-litre petrol engine with continuously variable valve. Its power is 91kW at 6,300 rpm and torque is 156 Nm @4,200rpm. It has a diesel alternative that gives 94kW and 260Nm of torque. Personally, I like the diesel engine. I felt it could give more power to the car, especially when travelling on low speed. The aircraft take off feel was there, even though, my car was equipped with 225/45 x 18 inches low profile tyres. There was one thing that I didn’t like or rather I would compromise. It was the
18-09-09 No. 134
chucky “C” pillars at the back that it was way too big. Rear vision is compromised, but not when parking if you opt for a rear vision camera. The images will be relayed to the central rear vision mirror; quite handy actually. Secondly it was the design of the light column, that in my opinion was slightly lower than where it should be. But that is just my opinion. Apart from all these, I would like to buy this car. It just makes sense. Small car body, bigger room inside, cheaper to buy and run. And it is a greener car than my old bomb. Make sense? YжфޟԑߧΡࣺ༈тঈѫԤݧޟཎΨȂծKIAһਐਔڗтঈݧޟཎȇӰ ࣏ȂSOULೝᗜዖΣΟᆰࣸޟΙܚᆠ़ޟଽਮȄӰՄȂ࿋ఏܻॳشኸߦήюৰ Keys PleaseᏰಬᎽᎻᖿ৴ޟᏰҡЅড়ߝһԤࣺ࿋ΡኵȄ KIA SOULޟԙђӵܻѺޟѴߒюಀЅ຺౪фޟഅȂՄ֏҈ଢ଼Yжфԑߧ ΡޟЖȂSoulԙఁޟᜰȄΙЈרӵொѻ፹ΰΟSoulȂ߯רདྷΰΟѺ ȄϲএТࡣȂרདྷSOULޟЖԤቨฒȂһᄇѺݠ፬ȄӟຫϛȂѺԁߝ σΟΙᘈᘈȂѴߒһԁቨσΟȂծ٥ѫޟרᒿឈȄרෆᎽᎻSuzuki Swift ȂӵѴߒΰȂѺঈԤ࡞ӻࣺխޟӴПȇџȂSOULԤӻޟ੫ᘈȄSOULٮ ϚձޟЙॶႺȃӇȃএΡࠢਿȃࡇِܚܖфߒސٱޟȂѺ൷фߒࣀҡҡ ޟձȄձޟቀܚᅋޟΙএᐿ੫এᡝȂ۽ܚժЅ⸰ᄥڏڗтӴ౨؆՞ ࡊޟΙᆍПԒȄ ΙএԊӒُ࡙ޟўຟቋSoulȂѺߒޟ౪һࣺ࿋ޟюՓȄӵᐬࢸޟANCAPԊ
Drive-way ٙൢ!
ӈᐠᄺຟቷۻήȂSOULᕕுΟᓺޟԙᕼߒȂٙ٘७ڧܛኡᔞޟกၐϛᕕ ுߖᅖϷޟ15ϷȂՄѺһԤᚖࠉЅᚖࠉءޟೡ߳៖ȂёΰӒߝ࡙ๅᛨ Ԓءೡ߳៖Ȃרᇯ࣏ΰ߳ޟٹ៖ȄڏтП७ȂѺһԤкଢ଼߳៖ࠉޟᓞȃ ABSȃEBDȃBrake AssistȄܻΠԩޟKIA SOUL 2 ЅKIA SOUL 3Ȃࠌѓ ࢂΟESP Ѕtraction controlȄዣொ٥़ٲМᕻቸ݉ޟЄȂᔖ၎ޣၾȂѺ߳ޟ ៖ђЉΙᘈϚߏȄਲ਼ᐃKIAޟҬင౩Nick ReidߒҰȂSOULҏ၎џо ڗ5ޟԙᕼȂӵ๖ᄺΰȂѺߖׇछȂ୲ΙޟωඨԢӵܻSOULؠԤ Ԋ၆ΰॸࡊЅࡣ৴ॸࡊޟԊӒளඪҰᏢȂӰՄཬѶΟڗ5ޟԙᕼȄᖂࢂ ՄِȂרΪϷᅖཎ၎ٙߒޟ౪Ȅ ࣏դרདྷ၎ٙ? ଶΟٙ٘ޟՓѴȂר᠍Ѻޟٙ٘ຮા߆ܜܖȂ߆ΙనᓸȂһӫ၎ٙ ࢸٳޟ੫ՓȂѺџоᇳ៸ҳᚘတȄܻᎽᎻਢȂרཐڗڧωᗉٙΙኺᆧ ږᐭȄቈᏢᒼ఼ݖཿܾҢȂר੫տདྷѺॱޟȂרѫሯඨΰ੫ᇧॱޟዅጣ Ȃ߯רџоᒵᐅޟרiPodॱዅȂᙏפ௦Ȅ ѺΪϷࣸݶءȂKIAߒҰѺѫሯ6.5ϴЀ߯ݶءџоׇٖ100ϴ٨ȂרঈᗶณҐ ᕕு٥এԙᕼȂծϚौרȇӰ࣏ȂרலலڗMacDonald’sȄၗுᇳӱپ ȂѺһΙᎄࢇۺ௰ᙨݶࣸޟԁٙȂኀܹ௶ءѫؐϴ٨154պՄϐȂרᇯ࣏ ཱིٙޟσ༖ܚᗍȄ SOULޟЕᔝDOHC 1.6ϴЀݶءޟЕᔝѓࢂΟϚࢲ፡ᐌޟረȇݶءЕޟଢ଼ Ψ91kWܻ6,300 rpmϴᙽਢȂՄׯΨ156 Nm ܻ4,200rpmϴᙽਢȂؽΡՄ ِȂרШၶΰݠ፬Ѻݶ਼ޟЕᔝȂרཐឈΰѺԤଢ଼ཐȇ੫տӵճഀਢȂ
18-09-09 No. 134
Drive-way ٙൢ
ԤΙᆍᐠଔॴਢޟፐږཐȂ൷ᆗޟרٙΰΟ225/45 x 18 ़ӧޟଢ଼ཐ຺ᖡ ٙᬠȄ רѫԤΙএ፣ᘈȂרឈுSOULџоޟӴПȂ൷ٙ”ޟC”࢘ԤΙᘈႆ σȂഅΰ҆ሯޟȇծࡣຜޟΨࠌࣺᄇΰ৵ΟȄծџ۷೩ॎৱһԞਟ ڗএ୰ᚠȂࡊџоᒵᗊࡣຜኇᙽኬᏢȂٙࡣޟኇџоܻٙϛѵࡣޟ ຜᜢϛኬܹȂרᇯ࣏ശޟٹᒵᐅȄΠȂٙޟΙᄇࡾҰᐷಢܹޟည՝ည ฿࣏ճΟΙᘈȂՄ٥ѫרΙٲฒ༌σޟএΡᢎཐȄ ଶԪϞѴȂרདྷഋٙȇӰ࣏ȂѺࣺ࿋ޟᄂሬЅԤཎࡦȂωٙᙼ٘ޟȂٙ 㿡ȂቋཇސछЅࣸݶȂѴюಀȂٮиདྷ៖ᕗცȂΪϷԤཎࡦȄ
BMW Presents its First Production Hybrid Models BMW is today presenting its first hybrid production cars, versions of the flagship 7 Series and X6 Sports Activity Vehicles, at the Frankfurt motor show. Both use an intelligent combination of combustion engine and electric drive tailored specifically to each model to provide both an exceptional driving experience and impressive efficiency. The BMW ActiveHybrid 7 is the first car in the world to combine a V8 petrol engine, an eight-speed automatic transmission and an electric motor in a mild-hybrid concept. The BMW ActiveHybrid X6 is BMW’s first full-hybrid model and is able to drive entirely under electric power and therefore free of CO2 up to speeds of 60 km/h. Greater efficiency, enhanced supremacy, more luxury: the BMW ActiveHybrid 7 The combination of a highly developed eight-cylinder engine featuring BMW TwinPower Turbo technology and High Precision Injection with a three-phase synchronous electric motor gives the BMW ActiveHybrid 7 overall system output of 342 kW and maximum torque of 700 Newton-metres. The ActiveHybrid 7 is also the first BMW with an Auto Start Stop function fitted to an automatic transmission. Also for the first time, the air conditioning and ventilation may remain operating even with the engine switched off. The thrill of efficiency: the BMW ActiveHybrid X6. BMW is also presenting the BMW ActiveHybrid X6 at the Frankfurt Motor Show. It is the world’s first Sports Activity Coupé with full-hybrid drive.
28 Drive-way
The drive system is a 300 kW V8 with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology and two electric synchronous motors developing 67 kW and, respectively, 63 kW. Maximum system output is 357 kW; peak torque is 780 Newton-metres. The vehicle accelerates to 100 km/h in 5.6 seconds. Average fuel consumption in the EU5 test cycle is 9.9 litres/100 kilometres.
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
02-10-09 No. 136 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
xDrive 30d X5 SAV with a go BMW
Car News Barnstorming M Models Get Set for Australian Debut Upgraded Lexus IS F
F1 News ࠛछႳཱིёۃថۇᏽ Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ
02-10-09 No. 136
SAV with a go – BMW X5 xDrive 30d We have seen the updated New BMW X5 for a short while. It is hard to pinpoint its difference. On the outside, the new panels and better design are to make it a bit fresh. It is still a luxury all-wheel drive Sport Activity Vehicle (SAV); a wagon with a new twin turbo diesel engine line up as well. However, that particular engine will perhaps change your perception upon the BMW X5 Diesel series Unlike other companies that make four wheel drive, BMW knows exactly what people want. The BMW X5 is manufactured in USA and Germany. The work ethics and culture of both nations are that practicality is paramount. Either you succeed or fail without any grey area or grace in that matter. Since 2004, the then new X5 stroke an unprecedented success then, the rest was history. The ethnos of BMW is speed, drivability and ultimate driving experience. Well, with safety and luxury in mind as well. The X5 has several engines line up. For petrol engine, it has in-line six-cylinder or V8. As for its renowned diesel engines, they can now offer either a single turbo or a twin turbo of its 3.0 litre diesel. BMW knows that people need choices. Go fast or even faster, therefore the twin turbo X5 xDrive 35d 3.0 litre diesel is that sort of sport sedan in a SAV body. Officially, 70% of customers who bought the X5 would opt for diesel engine. Unofficially, sales personnel down at the South Yarra dealership said that 98% of their customers would choose diesel engines. Well, that’s perfectly
Edmund Chow
understandable. Gone are the days for smelly and rattling diesel engine. In addition, with BMW’s advance engine making technology, the diesel engines are perhaps the most fuel efficient and very environmental friendly against its petrol counterparts. Instant acceleration from the traffic light may become a little drag race for some people who want to entertain themselves with. However, do think about the other road users and legal limit. On the contrary, no one wants to drive a big bulk of car that takes forever to climb up to the legal speed as well. The 173kW 3.0d goes reasonably fast, 0-100kms just takes 8.1seconds. The new addition, twin big brother, twin turbo diesel version, 3.0sd will just take 7.0 second. However, if your driving behaviour is similar to mine, I would rather enjoy more luxury items in the car rather than just speed. 8.1seconds is a very high standard or even benchmarking for most other new cars on the road. 520Nm of torque is all available from just a low 2,000rpm. From memory, the accelerator is just the right weight for me to interact with the accelerating system. For some other brands, which I thought are based on pure mechanical leverage; it could take me a harder determination and physical effort to step on the throttle to get them going. The 6 speed ZF gearbox is complimented brilliantly with a new electronic joystick-alike gear selector. The left hand shift gate allows interactive but semi automatic gear changing at your own pleasure. While the right hand shift gate controls drive (D), Neutral (N), and Reverse (R). The Park (P) can now be
3.0ݶ෴Еᔝ ӻђᡗҰࡎ
ٙഀᡗҰ ϛѮᙏघᄂҢ
26 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ!
02-10-09 No. 136
ȞM1 Motorsȟ
ኵڗܻዉࢸٙᆰও߳Ꮄޟடড়Ȃȶҗႀওٙȷ)M1 Motors*џᒝ࿋ϛߒޟ ߒޱȄᐃޣȂԪ۹॒ޟΡങᔮᎃJoe ChanȂᏵтӵॷ෫Ϧׅওٙώհё ΰӵᐬࢸBMWٙᐊӈᆰওഋಢߝޟӻԑওٙငᡛȂॶӑӵBox Hill ޟ Cambridge StreetтޟওٙҡཎȂࡣپ᎐ՍStation StreetȂڗശߖᘗ ᎐ՍNunawadingୢ៉ีтওٙཾٱޟдȄ M1 MotorsҗႀওٙȂኅܘႀ8000ӻȂଶΟԤӎౡᐌዓޟᆰওᕗცѴȂ ٮരԤ6ѮءٙЀ६Ѯȃӻӑ໌ቈᏢڷᆰওၥଉȂ࣏ءٙᅸᜲȂྥጂЅפ௦ ӴᡛюЩޟӴПЅ՝ညȂٮџ։ਢൢቋᇄٙкȂхӨٙкԊЖᅖཎȄ M1 MotorsҗႀওٙඪټΙમԒЅפ௦ׂ࿋ޟᆰও݈Ȉҥᐠݶȃ߳Ꮄ ݈ȃӨᆰওٽԃЕᔝȃफ़ΨȃվȃႫᏢȃࣥՍᎈपȃႫԱȃюᡛ ٙાȃᗊٙࠉᔮᡛ݈ȃءٙЈณ၆ȃछৠᙚཱིȃٙ٘ওғЅቢݶȂ้ ΙᔖӒȄ M1 MotorsҗႀওٙΙޢԈȶடཾءٙᆰওȃᅾЖ࣏ௌ݈ȷ۠ޟԟȂ ߬ѫԤΙޢоࡊ࣏ӑȂٮඪټடཾȃଽ፴શءޟٙᆰও݈ϗमഽϞၾȄ ݈གछӨσনኅȂׇӒᆎுΰȶ߬ЖϞᒵȷȄ࣏ΟᓺඏӨ՝ٙкȂM1 Motorඪټоήൖ᎐ᇬኊσᓺඏȈ ᎈपۡ՝$19.90 ءٙ߳Ꮄᆰ$70.00ଔȞԪᓺඏՍҏԑထȟ җႀওٙ ႫၗȈ9873 3668/0402 799 038 Ӵ֭ȈUnit 3, 50 Rooks Road, Nunawading 3131
Ӵ֭ȈUnit 3, 50 Rooks Road, Nunawading 3131 ႫၗȈ03 9873 3668
ങᔮᎃ Joe
Chan к౩ — 0402 799 038
31Րᚳනژ၃ᢚ σᓺඏ
90 !ᎈपۡ՝ $19. 00 !߳Ꮄ݈ $70. ଔ
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Drive-way ٙൢ
02-10-09 No. 136
activated with the “P” button just on top of the gear selector. It is quite unique and practical as well. Talking about road handling and safety: I like the new xDrive system. It helps to maintain perfect traction control on virtually all kinds of road conditions. A smart sensor system can detect and distribute optimum power when most needed. This will ensure best possible road holding and forward thrust. On the other hand, its advance adaptive drive system provides greater agility and suppresses any nasty roll over tendency. I felt the car was more balanced and my rear passengers did not feel any road sickness and enjoyed a more comfortable ride. In addition, with a safety first mission statement at the back of BMW’s mind, no active and passive safety will be compromised in all X5 series. Yet, the X5 put on a sports kit such as alloy side steps and a set of 19 inches premium Continental rubber tyres with a set of dazzling alloys. So, it matches its outstanding style as a sport activity vehicle. BMW knows that 99% of people will not take their premium off-roader to the bush or four wheel drive track. So, the X5 will not go off-road. It does not compromise its functionality; rather, it enhances its performance and ability to deal with speed and handling. It was an amazing experience for us to test drive the X5 for a week. Yet, it is something that we appreciate amongst our past experience with Range Rover and Mercedes Benz ML class. No matter, whether you like it or not, it is such an important and popular vehicle that is proven to be one of the best in its class.
ϲࠉഀޟZFՌଢ଼௶ᔬᇄႫυၽᔛᐠޟڙᏢΪϷࣺխݰޟෙȂٺҢП७ȂѾЙ ७џоҢјՌଢ଼௶ޟПݲўᒵڥձ᠍ࢲݰޟȂՄѡЙ७ޟڙџоᒵҢࢋۡޟD (ࠉᎽᎻ)ȃN(ުᔬ)ȃR(ইٙ)ЅP(ୄ)ހȂџоѫࡸήӵᐇᖃజޟഥᆒࡸޟ໖Ȃ٥ ᆍ೩ॎᐿ੫ЅᄂҢȄ ፙЅၾၯΰߒޟ౪ЅԊӒП७ȂרདྷBMWޟxDriveفಛȂѺхڗBMW X5৯Ϛ ӻџоӵӈդޟၯ७ΰႀׇڗछޟඉၬЅӴђȂѺޟᖑ݂กᏢџо㺵กڗ Ѕӣਢټᔖശޟٹଢ଼ΨȂӰՄȂӴЅࠉޟፐږଢ଼ΨϚོཬѶȄѪΙП७Ȃ Ѻޟӑ໌ཐᔖޟᎽᎻفಛඪټΟః௦ޟၯ७౩ЅӣਢᔆΟᙚᅌޟ༊өȇཐ ឈΰȂBMW X5ޟٙߒ౪Шၶҁ֯ޟȂоՍࡣר৴ࡊॸޟϚৠܾཷٙȇ џошϷڧٴΙএᇺᎌޟਡแȄӔޱȂBMWԊӒՍΰ۠ޟԟȂкଢ଼Ѕೝଢ଼ޟ ԊӒ೩ࢊϚོհюӈџڞׂޟȄ Մёΰၼଢ଼Ӈޟٙ٘ယȃ၃ယȃ19ӧӫߜᎈоЅΰྃࠢContinentalޟᎈ पȂхΡᄇBMW X5ቨёΟΙᘈ़ޟཐឈȇٺѺяᡗΟ࠲ѿၼଢ଼৴Ꮍ(SAV) ॳޟਿȄBMWኅП݂ԻϷϞΞΪΞޟٙкོདྷтঈޟᇺ৴ᎽȂՄϚོڗ όݓЅѲၯΰऄόഏၯ৷ȇӰԪȂBMW X5ؠԤᙚόູᔐޟђȂѺࠓᄇഀ ࡙ЅᎽᎻߒ౪ΰయϚׂڞȄ ᎽᎻBMW X5ޟငᡛޟּۉȇרঈӣਢݠ፬ႆўᎽᎻRange Rover ູഏၯ ЅMercedes Benz ҁی(ݽႻ)ޟMLٙفȂฒ፣ձӣཎᇄ֏ȂBMW X5ϫ ณΙᎄ१ौЅࢺءޟٙȂՄרџоᇳȂѺڏϛശ१ौϞΙষȄ ࡣ௶ॸࡊடҢު፡
ӵၯ७ΰȂӒཱིޟX5ϏΰѿԤΙࢲਢȂጂᄂ࡞ᜲўࡾюѺঈޟϷտȄѴ ߒΰȂཱིޟѴЅ೩ॎўٺѺёΰΙᘈ఼ཱིޟཐឈȂѺॹฒᅸ୰ϫณΙᎄᇺ ޟѲٙȂоۡޟ՝ȂѺٙкޟၼଢ଼৴ᎽSport Activity Vehicle (SAV)Ȅ ӣਢȂѺһΰӒཱིޟᚖ਼ݶᎈቨᔆЕᔝȇӰՄȂཱིЕᔝһོхձΙᄇ BMW਼ݶЕᔝޟᢎཐȄ BMWࡊޣИޟઍғሯौȂBMW X5ӣਢӵछЅኈᇧഅȂՄޟڍώհ ౩܈ЅМϽоᄂ࣏१ȂܚоѫԤԙђܖѶఁȂ๘ᄇؠԤԸՓӴளڐܖџ ِȄՌBMW X5юȂѺڗڧѬฒࠉߔ᠍ޟٽȂڏтٱޟϚႆᐣѬΰ ޟᘈᅎȂޟᇧٙհॳоഀ࡙ȂᎽᎻॳਿЅᎽᎻޟငᡛ࣏σࠉᚠȇ࿋ณȂһ ӫԊӒЅᇺᎌޟ౩܈Ȅ BMW X5ԤኵϚӣЕᔝџᒵᐅȇџоᒵޢϲءचܖV8的ݶءЕᔝȂ਼ݶП७ࠌ џоᒵܖӒཱིޟᚖ਼ݶᎈቨᔆЕᔝȄBMWᡱࡊИџоᒵפഀЅџפഀΙ ᘈޟЕᔝȂӰՄȂX5 xDrive 35d 3.0਼ဴݶȂ߯ܤΰѲٙ٘ޟເܘٙȄ ۢПޟኵᐃᇯ࣏ԻϷϞΜΪޟBMWȁX5ࡊᒵᗊ਼ݶЕᔝȂՄਲ਼ᐃΙ՝ӵSouth Yarraф౩୦ޟBMW୵݉ЄߒҰȈԻϷϞΞΪΤࡊޟᗊີΰ਼ݶЕᔝޟ X5Ȅ٥๘ᄇџоΟ၌ޟȇႆўޟଆვڨݶ਼ޟЅ٘ีޟᎪଢ଼ٙ٘ෆх ᎽٙΡρఖՄࠓ؏Ȃ౪ӵёΰBMWӑ໌ޟЕᔝᇧഅऋȂBMWݶ਼ޟЕᔝџ ശԤਝЅᕗ߳ءޟٙȂᇄݶءЕᔝࣺШȂݶءЕᔝџࣺܭَלȄ ԤഋӋᎽᎻΡρоҺᐷ՝հ࣏ທᓞШᗉȂծᖂौЅΡЅڏтޟၾၯٺҢޱ ޟԊӒȄѪΙП७ȂᎽᎻΙᎄಏ१ءޟٙȂоνԑϗџоёഀՍӫޟݲഀ࡙Ȃ һϚڨၾȄBMW X5о173 kW 3.0ϴЀޟଢ଼ΨȂѫҢΰ8.1ऌ߯ႀڗ100ϴ٨ޟ ഀ࡙ȂՄരᚖᎈޟ3.0sdȂΰΙቹዂȂѫҢ7ऌȄԃȂձޟᎽᎻಬᄛᇄר ࣺߖޟၗȂձџШၶڧٴٙϱޟӨᆍᇺ೩ࢊȄѪΙП७Ȃ8.1ऌޟёഀߒ౪ Ȃᄇ࡞ӻཱིءٙՄِȂϐྃޟٹྥȄBMW X5ޟᛁσ520 NmׯΨܻ2,000 ϴᙽਢϐџоӒഋюȄᏹܚЅȂѺޟёഀယޟཐᔖޟΨ࡙ΰٹȂՄڏтޟ ࠢถӰоӒᐠడޟڙёഀȂࠓৠܾхΡཐڗາΨЅಣȄ
28 Drive-way
ᙏघޟϛѮ ٙޟߞՌଢ଼ᜰڙ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
09-10-09 No. 137 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Eco Smart Test Drive Report Hyundai iMax 5 speed automatic turbo diesel
F1 News ᆰ੫ᅭРҏࡌд Drive-way
09-10-09 No. 137
Eco Smart This time, we did a test drive on one of its newest members that has an even more environmental friendly foot print, the Smart Fortwo MHD. Its fuel consumption was down six percent to just a 4.7 litres for 100km, on a combined city and country run as claimed by Mercedes. Emission saving is just outstanding for 112gm of CO2 a kilometre. The result is achieved by a dual mode starter / generator and battery system to shut its tiny three-cylinder engine, when the car is braked to a stop. It will then restart when the driver’s foot is lifted away from the brake pedal. This means that it is not emitting any unnecessary carbon dioxide when the car is in waiting mode. My experience with the stop start function was that it was peaceful and quiet when I braked the car to a halt, the engine simply stopped. If I take the trouble to put the automatic gear box to neutral and pull the hand brake, then, take my foot away, the engine still runs. Most drivers driving automatic cars will not put the car into neutral when halt for a traffic light or traffic jam. Although it sounds funny, the Smart idea is perfectly simple and correct. However, I found the brake pedal system a bit heavy and mechanical, thus taking some extra efforts to step onto it. It is just a little bit annoying. When pulling away into motion, it is smooth. On the whole, it is all good for the environment, thus worth your while to consider this new environmental friendly, small and personal car.
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow
Ϭ໊ȂרঈོፙЅڍᎄෆငၐᎽءޟٙȇܚоȂѫፙЅᄇѺঈีཱིޟ౪Ѕ ཐڧȄ Smart Fortwo MHDড়ఊϛΙᎄശᕗཱི߳ޟԙষȂѺޟૉݶ໔ѫ4.7ϴЀ߯ џоׇٖ100ϴ٨ (Σο୦ܚඪޟټኵᐃ) Ȅኀܹ௶ء໔ѫؐϴ٨112պȄ এԙݎӰ࣏ȂFortwo MHD௴ҢΟΙএᚖҢޟЕᔝଔଢ଼ЅีႫᐠЅႫԱفಛ ȄӰՄȂ࿋ᎽᎻΡρήୄٙݖоम၎ׇٙӒୄۡਢȂ၎فಛᜰ௬ΟѫԤ έএءचޟಠЍЕᔝȇӰԪȂѺϚོܻୄٙਢีܹኀȄ ޟרཐڧȂ࿋၎ٙୄХਢȂٙԊ၏ЅჿᓗޟȄԃȂר၎ٙ௶ޟᔬ ᙽΣުᔬࡣȂՄယಋယਢȂЕᔝϫณོᙽଢ଼ȄᢎᄆܚுȂσഋӋᎽ ᎻՌଢ଼௶ᔬءٙޟΡρོܻୄٙਢယӵယΰȂӰԪȂᜰ௬Еᔝࣼխ џરȂڏᄂSmartޟ྅ׇ܈ӒᙏЅғጂޟȄџȂӵกၐϛȂีר౪၎ٙ ޟယԤΙᘈؖ१ЅሯौޟࠐٺήўȂܚоཐឈԤᘈଆვȇџȂ࿋Е ᔝଔଢ଼ਢȂѺάலޟᄱȄᐌᡝΰȂѺᄇᕗ߳ଔΟΙۡޟհҢȂ࿋ձў ՃኌΙᎄࢋᕗ߳άಠЍѽ࣡ᝧءޟٙਢȂσџՃኌSmart Fortwo MHDȄ
Drive-way ٙྡྷ
09-10-09 No. 137
Hyundai iMax 5 speed automatic turbo diesel We are seriously considering buying a new people mover. The iMax is in many ways similar to our ageing 1992 Toyota Tarago. It has short bonnet and carries 7 passengers. Hence, the family has a very good look at the iMax. Fuel economy is good, just 9.8 litres per 100kms. We took it down to the Mornington Peninsula for a camping holiday. To survive our strictest family test, we looked at every aspect of the car. The third row of passenger seat is a reclinable bench seat. Unlike most people movers, it cannot be removed, folded up or flat. However, we can still take several large size suite cases without any trouble. Sitting arrangement is comfortable with extra supportive cushions and dual sliding doors on both sides of the car. Spitted 40 and 60, the second row sliding seats are very easy for people to alight. But the 40 and 60 split is on the wrong side. Most probably, it was designed for the left hand drive market.
Edmund Chow
Other functional specification are 2.5litres (2497cc), with 125kW @3,800rpm, 392Nm@ 2,000 to 2,500rpm with an In-line 4 cylinders turbo diesel engine. Five speed +/- adjustable automatic gear box. Front mounted engine driving rear wheels. As for its safety credential, it is equipped with dual front passenger SRS airbags. All seats are equipped with 3 points retractable seat belts. Additional pretensioners, load limiters and height adjustable upper mounts seatbelt function are available on both front seats. It would be nice to see it having front side and full curtain airbags. Obviously, it is a major step towards the ideal world in comparing to our 1992 Tarago. The iMax is more comfortable, has better safety features and fuel economy. We love to keep the iMax, sadly we have to return the car back to Hyundai after a lovely term break holiday. It brought us such a good memory.
We discovered the iMax is a much larger car. Hence it provides much more leg rooms and comfort to our valued passengers. But on the other hand, going to tight parking space may be a little bit challenging. In terms of safety, it is almost equipped with everything we need. It has ABS braking system, electronic brake distribution (EBD) and ESP stability with traction control. In addition, it also has a four-star crash rating from Australian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP).
Ó´Ö! Unit 3, 50 Rooks Road,
Nunawading 3131 á‚Ťá —! 03 9873 3668
ŕ´™á”ŽáŽƒ Joe
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Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
16-10-09 No. 138 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Car News Honda Jazz Named the UK’s Most Reliable Used Small Car All-new Toyota Genuine Followme Makes In-car Navigation Portable REVOLTE: Luxury, ecology and a touch of cheek! Kia Motors to demonstrate exciting EcoDynamics
16-10-09 No. 138
Commodore SS-V AFM When you have not driven a Commodore for a while the VE is a pleasant surprise, because it really is a world-class car. Why you would spend way over $100k on a European badge when you can have one of these, with everything, for under $60k? The most important part of this car is of course the engine, a very sweet and light 6 litre V8 that in normal form produces 270kW at peak revs and 530Nm of torque. However, these figures have been deliberately reduced, to 260 kW and 517Nm, by Holden to assist the new AFM (Active Fuel Management) system, which cleverly changes the V8 into a 4 cylinder once the car is in cruise mode. You can’t choose to put the car in 4 cylinder mode, the system automatically works when the engine is not being stressed, as in uphill acceleration. The AFM system is beautifully engineered, because the only way you can tell it is changing from 8 to 4 cylinders is on a very smooth road, but normally you would not notice. Of course, the main aim of the system is fuel economy, and if you are careful with your right foot, you should be able to achieve around 13 litres per 100 km, which is excellent for what is normally a very large V8 engine in a big family sedan. The system is only available in automatic transmission mode, which will not worry most buyers. I don’t know why you would purchase a V8 with the intention of not using it because of fuel use concerns, but I suppose the advantage of this system is
26 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ! Geoff Fickling Translate: Driveway Team
that the power is there if and when you need it. Things like overtaking are a breeze with over 250kW on tap, which makes it a much safer vehicle to be in for that sort of situation. Some may now prefer the V6, especially as the system is now available also on that model, but having driven a big roaring V8 again, I wouldn’t! Handling-wise, it is very well sorted with excellent balance. The front end sticks to the road well, a huge improvement over previous Holden ‘sport’ models which tended to understeer (slide at the front) when pushed hard. The rear stays put too, but this has always been the case even with previous models. You can throw the car into corners and feel quite secure, especially with the now standard Electronic Stability Control. Road feel is good, and despite the big wheel/tyre combination, the cabin being well insulated from road noise. You can still hear the big tyres on the SS model, but it is not intrusive at all. The brakes are massive and pull the big car up with no fuss at all. Smooth and with a good solid feel, which tells the story of the whole car really, it’s very well put together. Inside, the leather seats are supportive and deep with good large side bolsters to keep you in place. The controls are functional and fall to hand without having to think too much. That’s good design. There are plenty of places to store bits and pieces. Rear seat passengers get a great deal too, and the boot is good for some serious luggage.
16-10-09 No. 138
ԃݎௌԤΙࢲਢؠԤᎽᎻႆCommodoreޟၗȂ٥ቄᎽᎻ Commodore VE ོձΙᆍхΡΪϷඛޟפᡙȄѺឈுџоᆗுΰжࣨΙࢺޟড়ҢٙȂ ᇄ߆ڏາ຺ႆ10ᐬᄌӵ٥ٲዉࢸٙΰȂձդϚၐၐCommodore VEفӖϛ ޟӈդΙȉΙᔖӒᅖٗձޟሯؑȂቋਿΰճܻ6ᐬᄌȊ ၎ٙϛശ१ौޟഋӋ൷ѺޟЕᔝɯ6ϴЀV8 Ȟശσଢ଼Ψ࣏270kW / ശσׯΨ ࣏530Nm ȟȂ ϚႆȂҥܻCommodore VEᔖҢΟHoldenശཱིޟкଢ଼ݶȞ Active Fuel ManagementȟفಛȂٲኵᐃೝᙱབӴ६ճՍ260 kW ڷ 517NmȄ࿋ءٙ໌Σ٠ᎻਢȂ၎فಛџоѽּӴV8፡ᐌ࣏4चȄ ձฒ ݲՌкᒵᐅЕᔝᙽ࣏4चȂϚႆӵЕᔝϚڧᔆਢȂفಛོՌଢ଼ԃԪୈȄ AFMفಛ೩ॎுࣺ࿋ᆠಠׇछȂ࿋ձӵҁޟۄσၾΰਢȂձོี౪Еᔝ8 चᡐԙΟ4चȂϚႆலձϚོݧཎڗΙᘈȄ࿋ณȂ၎فಛശкौޟҬ ငᔼࣸݶȂԃݎձᎽᎻᎌ࿋ޟၗȂᔖ၎џоႀؐڗ100ϴ٨ѫૉݶघ13ϴЀ ȂᄇܻΙএΤचޟড়৳σܘٙپᇳࣺ࿋ϚᒿݎޟਝΟȊ၎فಛҬࠉѫᎌ ҢܻՌଢ଼᐀ޟٙȂϚႆᄇܻσӻኵີٙپޱᇳᔖ၎Ϛ࡞σޟ୰ᚠȄ
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ሯौࡨᙽ᠉ਢȂٙᎄོԤ௰ᓞޟݷю౪ȂӵΙᘈΰȂཱིٙԤΟσൽ࡙ޟ ඪଽȂᇄԞӑဴޟΙኺȂࡣᎈޑᄘيԁȄ੫տരΟ౪ήྥႫυᛧ ۡڙȂᡱձӵࡨᙽ᠉ਢџоཐ࡞ڗԊӒ߳ᓎȄ ᎽٙᎻޟཐឈࣺ࿋ϚᒿȂᏑᆓᎈप࡞σȂծٙϱႤॱਝ࡞ݎԁȂඁн᠙Ϛ ڗᎈपᇄӴ७ኞᔢޟᏡॱȂ㧣ࣺٙ࿋ھࣀȂϚོᡱΡӵࡨ㧣ٙਢЙԔယ༄ Ȅଢ଼ھذڷঙޟڎཐڧȂᡝᡛю၎ٙᐌᡝΰ೩ॎޟᆠಠᎌҢȄ ܘٙϱഋȂधഋٗஊܛԜޟઍҪ৴ාڷёቶޟЙོᡱձޟᎽᎻֲ࣏ॸܖ ᎌȄϱഋޟӨᆍڙΪϷᄂҢζ࡞ৠܾዣጛΰЙȂ൞ᆎׇछޟ೩ॎȄٙ ϱԤ࡞ӻџоП߯ᓽުޟސڷ೩ॎȂࡣ৴ζ࡞ቶබȂٗஊσȂӔϚҢ ᐊЖюߞਢޟσȄ
ϚЍΡᒵᐅΟV8ࠓάӰ࣏ዖཎᜋ㠰ՃኌݶڗቋޟӰશՄϚўငலᎽᎻȂϚ ႆȂ၎فಛޟᓺ༖ӵܻฒ፣դਢդӴȂ࿋ձሯौٗஊσޟଢ଼ΨਢȂѺџо ඪټȇٽԃѺџоᡱձӵ຺ٙਢሆᚬԊӒȄ੫տ࿋кଢ଼فݶಛӵ V6ΰζӣኺᎌҢޟ࿋ήȂԤٲᗊٙޱܖޱ༊өܻV6ȂϚႆרᇯ࣏V8֜ڎЕ ΨȊ ᐌ౩೩ॎᄺഅԊ௶݂සȂᡝᡛюΟྃԁޟҁᒋȄHoldenԞࠉޟၼଢ଼ٙȂӵ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
23-10-09 No. 139 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Mercedes Benz ML 320 CDI
A noble adventurer Test Drive Report Sales and Orders Triple for Newly Positioned BMW 323i
F1 News ᆰ੫ᅭРҏࡌд
Drive-way ٙൢ
23-10-09 No. 139
Mercedes Benz ML 320 CDI – A noble adventurer A good friend of mine has driven a ML class for some years, the desire to test drive one remains the top priority of my professional motor journaling career. Some would say that the first generation ML class was a big and chuppy wagon. That was exactly right. Despite this, it has its unique classical and stylish style. It was originally designed as a multipurpose wagon that gave a more upright sitting position. A little bit like the Ford Territory, it uses a number of ready made mechanical components. The ML class is totally different from the rest of the Mercedes family. I may dare to say, it is perhaps one of the most popular members of the oldest motor company in the world. The second generation ML class is more refined in giving a much slimmer aerodynamic style. It seems that it has shredded a large amount of weight. Yet, it is more dynamic and directional. The designer purposefully enhanced its unique noble outdoor adventurer character. Revised aerodynamics makes a huge difference in reducing wind noise and improves fuel consumption. Average diesel fuel consumption is just around 9.6litre per 100km. The common rail 6 cylinder turbo diesel engine produces 165kW of power and a maximum torque of 510 Nm. Top speed is set at 215km/h. The ML class, I would say is one of the most luxurious members of the SUV four wheel drive available in the Australian market. The interior is well appointed by wood grain lining deco and expensive leather and other trimming materials. Even the bottle or cup holder has its warm yellowish light
28 Drive-way
Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
illuminated. One of my co-worker found it difficult to pin point the location of the gear shift. It is a retro styling lever on the right hand side of the steering column. “Direct Select” Paddle shift is also available behind the steering column, hence, the gear lever is just a minor accessory for Drive, Park or Reverse. Yet, the 7G-Tronic 7 speed auto detects the best ratio for nearly every road condition. It is smooth as silk for a relax drive but also it can be dynamic for a sporty driving experience. The turbo-diesel engine works extremely well with the 7 speed auto that some people found it hard to believe it was actually a diesel engine. That is without the sluggish engine response and annoying engine clatter. The interface of the multi-lingual instrumental panel can be switched to Chinese or other world languages. Personally, I prefer a touch screen mode of the satellite navigation system rather than the circular four directional switch. But the screen can also be dubbed as a reversing monitor when selected in reverse gear for parking. The stylish interior is much better than other competitors. I mean this is normal to its standard. It is hard to find some company to go past Mercedes. The ML can take on the air suspension and off road pro engineering option pack. The air suspension gives a better ride feeling to all its occupants. Indeed, its original rigid uni-body chassis structure with fully independent double wishbone front and multilink rear suspension, gives superb riding quality to its occupants. The only exception was when it was travelling on
23-10-09 No. 139
highway and came across expansion joints. Even those annoying noise was subdued by good insulation and noise dampening materials. The 4-matic permanent all-wheel-drive gives assurance to its driver that the system handles both on and off bitumen travelling with flying colours. As for the outdoor adventurer, the off road pro engineering will require an extra A$10,000 to its very reasonable selling price The powerful V6 turbo diesel vehicle gives another peace of mind through its passive safety equipments, such as ABS, brake assist with 4 channel brake assist and traction control with ESP electron stability program, dual stage airbags with front, rear side airbags and curtain airbags as well. In concluding, the ML 320 CDI is perhaps the best SUV in the world. With low fuel consumption yet it is powerful, swift but stable, affordable but luxury. When we look at all the traits of the car, we can only say it is a Mercedes. Whenever you look at it, its shining three point star will only shine better in the current luxury SUV market. ޟרΙএԁ݉ЄΙޢᎽᎻMLفӖیޟႻءٙԤԁඁԑΟȂӵޟרᙛཾءٙ ޱҡిϛȂרΙהޢఖџоᒑՌၐᎽኺޟٙȄ ԤΙٲΡܖ೨ོᇳΙфMLفӖیႻ൷Ιᎄάσάؠ፸ޟਡٙȂ๘ ᄇғጂޟຟቋȄϚႆԃ௶ݎଶΙᘈϚፙȂѺ๘ᄇڎരՌϏᐿ੫ޟ༈ಛ߫ڷ ᝋॳޟਿȄΙфٙശߑೝ೩ॎ࣏ӻҢഊਡٙȂԤᘈխܻᆋ੫ޟTerritory
Drive-way ٙൢ
ȂٺҢΟϚЍ౪ԙޟᐠడႭഋӇȄMLفӖׇӒϚӣܻیႻড়ఊڏޟтٙȂ רමኺᇳȂѺζ೨жࣨΰᐣѬശ࣏ோδءޟٙϴѧϛശءޟߔ᠍ڧٙفӖ ϞΙȄ ΠфMLفӖیႻٙӵഅΰԤΟ࡞σޟᡐϽȂᔖҢΟުଢ଼ΨᏰޟন౩Ȃ ࣏ᆠጝȂጣనζࢺ࣏ᄱȂٮиڎଢ଼ΨཐࡾڷөܒȄ၎೩ॎԟӵ፡Ѻᐿ ΙฒΠޟଽິᇄИѴࠃᓎঙޟڎ੫፴ȄᔖҢΟငႆওғުޟଢ଼ΨᏰন౩Ȃӵ ६ճॳᖐᏡॱڷඪଽٺݶءҢΰԤΟ݂ᡗޟȂҁ֯ؐᎻ100ϴ٨ޟૉ ݶ໔༉࣏9.6ϴЀȄശ࣏லَޟ6चᎈቨᔆݶ෴Еᔝџҡԙޟശଽᙽഀ࣏ 165kWڷശσׯΨ࣏510 NmȂശଽਢഀႀ215ϴ٨ / ωਢȄ רџоኺᇳȂӵҬࠉޟᐬࢸءٙѿൟΰȂMLفӖശᇺޟSUVѲٙϞ ΙȄѺޟϱഋ၆ⰖׇȂ௴ҢΟᄂУ౩ڃȃቋਿ݁ິޟҪ८ڏڷт၆Ⴚސ Ȃ൷Ыݔ৴Ԥྣླྀޟష༁Փྱ݂ӎȄޟרΙএӣีٱ౪࡞ᜲ௶ڗײᔬޟ՝ ညȂѺޟ՝ညڏᄂӵПөዺޟѡЙȄ௶ᔬࣺ࿋ᙏȂѫᎽᎻȃުᔬȃୄ ٙڷইٙȄਲ਼ᐃၯ७ڷᄂሬᎽᎻޟݷȂ7G-Tronic Μ௶ᔬџоՌଢ଼ڗײശӫ ᎌޟШȄ הఖԤܹᚬᎽᎻᡝᡛޟΡོี౪ѺᎻଔپҁᛧࢺᄱԤԃ๛ᆬޟཐឈȇՄఖ ԤᎽᎻၼଢ଼ᗉٙޟཐޟڧΡོี౪ѺᎻଔپଢ଼ΨࠐҥܻᘸૡٞౡȄԤ ٺٲҢีޱ౪࿋ᎈቨᔆݶ෴Еᔝᇄ7ഀՌଢ଼ᔬࣺ๖ӫϞࡣၼுࣺ࿋ԁȂо Սܻձඁнᜲоࣺ߬ᄂሬΰ਼ݶЕᔝ——ࢋؠԤᄚ֍֍ޟЕᔝంଢ଼Іᔖζ ؠԤଆვޟЕᔝ୨Ꮭ⎧ᖐȄ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
30-10-09 No. 140 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Head turning Art
in Motion
Road test report on the all new Kia Koup 2.0 litre CVVT 4 cylinder sport coupe in 5 speed manual and 4 speed automatic
It is extremely hard to find any problems with the gorgeous looking KIA Cerato Koup. Forget about other coupes that are currently available at its class, they are history in the past. I am sure faithful supporters of Holden Astra Coupe, Toyota Celica and Honda Integra and the Hyundai Tiburon will definitely switch camps as well. First, I am a well known supporter of automatic gear box, because, I enjoy an occasional sip to my warm coffee while drinking. Hence, I am biased towards automatics. It is easy to criticise the Koup for failing to give you a much needed fifth gear, as it was supposed to be running a little bit smoother over a long drive and saves tiny little bit of fuel as well. But KIA has put in a lot of efforts in twisting and re-mapping their ever faithful geartronic 4 speed automatic gear box. After refinement, the result is not only remarkable but also very impressive. I can drive it like an average person, going to train stop and coming back home in a very relax and gentle fashion. Or I can floor heavily onto the accelerator, treat it as a V8 supercar and wah la, it sprints like a leopard and roars like a lion. Its power is solid and comes with a good sounding effect as well. It was not over the top like loud and noisy, but the well insulated cabin can still allow you to hear the sweet notes from the exhaust
pipe which seduced so many Italian marquees supporters. Although there are only four gears, the gear box can still invite you to play with its +/- semi automatic interactive gear box over engine brake or that sudden overtaking. It is truly swiftie and precise. The manual gear box is also very attractive. At first, I hated it, as I love automatics. But this manual gear box, its power band mainly comes from the first three gears. The enormous torque and power can just explode at the first gear, so, I hardly use the first gear but instead just using the second gear to roll the car into action. The manual box to a certain extend is not as exciting as the automatic gear box but the second to third gear lays out the fun of this manual car. As I was told that a great deal of work has been put on the four speed auto in order to make it more inviting. Whereas the manual is quite normal. Well, it is good for every day run, but not as quick and clear as the Tiburon. I think KIA should consider putting that box into the Koup instead. As the Tiburon has a much shorter thrown manual and clearer slot setting as well, but the price of the Koup is a bargain. More muscles will be put on the Koup, I believe, once the 6 speed automatic has arrived town
30-10-09 No. 140
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
On the whole, the road manners on the manual and automatic both pointed to a high quality of riding comforts. Its suspension and chassis did an excellent job to make it as composed as possible. Late lane changes on a high speed and brutal cornering on suburb streets allowed us to experience how the car come to play with us. We actually love the car. As we believe if it hasn’t got ESP, traction control and ABS. We should miss a lot of highway exits or perhaps came across some mishaps as well. But thankfully, it is faithful. As we have mentioned in the past, the mechanical set up is far better than the price that a customer could pay for. Underneath the bonnet, the Koup shares the same engine setup with the sedan. The front wheel drive 2.0 litre Theta II CVVT 4 cylinder petrol engine produces a more than healthy 115kW @6,200 rpm and 194Nm at 4,300rpm. As rumours spread, bigger and more powerful engine and 6 speed auto gear box will come soon. To our surprise, the car actually turns people’s head. It styling are in line if not exceeding with most expensive cars. Some car salesperson told us that it looked like an Audi A5 coupe. But whenever, we stopped at traffic lights, people were pointing and staring at us and all seemed to compliment with a smile. The design line, I believe, the Koup flows better than the 4 door sedan. At a lower height, it gives a strong stance of aggressive, mean and energizing the whole image of the car. I believe the design team headed by chief design officer Peter Schreyer should get a lot of credit on this gorgeous looking car.
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From that perspective, it is extremely successful in making a serious and extremely important design statement for the Korean brand. No doubt, the Koup is actually fun to drive with its quicker steering ratio, a stiffer dynamic chassis and a more balanced all round suspension setting. Complemented with 17 inches alloy wheels, it is both fun and exciting to play with. If I want to find some bones in an egg, I would say, the Koup needs some LED lights to illuminate onto its gear stick area. The Koup has a well designed set of clearly clustered instrumental panels, that do restrict any light falls onto the gear stick area. If it is gently articulated with a weak LED light, it will create a more balanced and harmonious cabin environment in the evening. The other thing is that, it may seem awkward in any design languages, however, I strongly do think that a rear wiper is warranted for the rear windshield, given the fact that people used to use them with their hatch back cars. Apart from that, with all the generously appointed safety equipments, it particular the reach and tilt adjustable steering wheel that was non-existent in older Japanese car, we should only be worrying about the long waiting queue for the exceptionally valued for money KIA Koup. ᝋޟKIA Cerato Koupωٙΰձ࡞ᜲڗײϧ麽ીᘈȂՍܻ٥ڏٲт ڷޟѺܻӣΙޟωٙԙ ΟᐣѬޟΙഋϷȂџоೝܧ፝သࡣΟȄר ࣺ߬Ȃฒ፣Holden AstraȃToyota CelicaȃHonda IntegraᗙHyundai TiburonޟЛࡻޱӵញڗٙࡣȂ๘ᄇོᙽಋЛࡻଲᕊȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
30-10-09 No. 140
ॶӑȂғԃ࡞ӻΡܚዣޟޣȂרՌଢ଼௶ᔬޟЛࡻޱȂΙഋϷনӰרџо ӵ٥ᆍᎽᎻႆแϛᓍਢെΙٲዥڪ୫Ȃ१ौרޟᄇܻՌଢ଼௶ޟөȄᗶ ณԤΡ׳ຟKoupؠԤலΡঈܚሯौޟϤᔬȞߝഊເၯࢺ࣏ᄱݶࣸٮȟ ȂծᄂሬΰKIAӵ4ഀՌଢ଼ᔬΰࣺ࿋ήђЉȂڏ๖ݎхΡӬᡙٮӟຫړȄԃ லΡΙኺȂרџоᎽᎻѺўЬٙમپӱȂΪϷޟᎌᙏȇרζџоᎽᎻ V8຺ٙ٥ኺౡߞݶȂԃӣᘸڷ྾ΙኺᏭΨیເȄٙҏ٘ଢ଼ΨΪٗՄ ᏡॱࠓϚσȄٙޟ೩ॎߨலԁȂϚႆٷณџоᡱձ᠙ڗٙυีଢ଼ਢ٥Ιړ ޟៜቁȄᗶณѫԤ4ᔬȂծ๖ӫ+/- јᐿҳՌଢ଼ϣଢ଼ᔬȂᡱձӵࠆٙܖएณ຺ٙ ਢџо࡞ᆠጂȄ Йଢ଼ᔬӣኺ࡞֜ڎЕΨȄଔߑרଆვѺȂϚႆᎄٙޟЙଢ଼ᔬࠓԤᘈϚӣȂ ѺޟΨ໔ளкौپՌࠉέᔬȄҥܻӵΙᔬ ଢ଼ਢྃσׯޟΨᡱᙽኵΰЀ࡞פ ȂӰԪȂרඁнϚٺҢΙᔬȂՄٺҢΠᔬంଢ଼ءٙȄᗶณЙଢ଼ϚԃՌଢ଼Ȃ ϚႆΠᔬڷέ᐀ϫณѺ߫ޟᘈȄЙଢ଼ШၶΙૡȂϚႆؐЈΰήੲٷณϚ ᒿȂᗶณϚԃTiburon٥ኺפഀୁဣȄרᇯ࣏KIAᔖ࿋٥এЕᔝܹΣ KoupϛȂϚႆቋਿΰுིପȂࣺ߬ר࿋6ഀՌଢ଼ΰѿϞࡣȂKoupོᡐு ԤΨȄ ᖂᡝΰȂ൷ᎽᎻՄِȂฒ፣Йଢ଼ᗙՌଢ଼౪ΟၶଽЫྥޟᎌཐȂѺ ޟਗ਼೩രۻڷዺᡱࣼڏΰў࣏ᄂؖᛧȄฒ፣פഀᙽጣᗙॡୢທၾ ᠉ܬᔖпՌԃȄ։ٺѺؠԤESPȃtraction controlڷABSȂרঈζٷณ
᠍ѺȂѺ܆ᄂޟȂғԃרঈоࠉඪЅޟȂٙޟᐌᡝܒሉଽܻࡊܚ ЛпޟቋਿȄ ӵЕᔝဋϞήȂKoupᇄܘٙޟӓҢӣΙЕᔝȂࠉᎈଢ଼2.0ϴЀ Theta II CVVT4चЕᔝҡޟശσଢ଼Ψӵ6,200ᙽਢҡ115kW,ՄശσׯΨܻ4,300 ᙽਢႀڗ194NmȄԤੑᇳȂσȃԤΨޟЕᔝڷ6ഀՌଢ଼௶ᔬ։ΰѿȄ ٙюнཎѴޟЕีюྃଽݧҬᙄȄ࢚ءٲٙ୵Ρ֙ວΟרঈȂѺࣼଔ پ༹ज़A5ٙȄ࿋רঈӵҺᐷୄήਢȂΡঈխнள৾ᆰޟཌરࡾ ᘈݧڷຜᎄٙȄ೩ॎΰȂרᔖ࣏ѺШ4ߞގҏԁȂ Koupޟ೩ॎШ4ߞގё ࢺᄱ—ଽ࡙฿ճȂࠓΡΙᆍёᑖྃȃюՓڷԤΨޟཐڧȄࣺ߬רоPeter Schreyer࣏ॶޟ೩ॎωಢ࣏ᎄٙޟ೩ॎቨΟϚЍ߫ᘈȄ൷ΙᘈՄِȂѺ ྃڏԙђޟҰΟᗺٙᇯઍՄ१ौޟ೩ॎएકȄЧஷညᅸޟȂҥܻKoup Іᔖః௦Ȃଢ଼ᄘޟٙ٘ۻዺڎڷҁᒋཐޟਗ਼೩ညȂѴё17ӧޟӫߜٙ ᎈȂᎽᎻѺտԤΙฬዅ፸Ȅ ԃߨݎौᚘೖ㠰ࢅ଼ᓞޟၗȂרᇯ࣏KoupሯौӵѺޟᡐഀ؋ୢΰቨёΙٲ LEDधӎྱ݂ȂኺџоٺுۇᎽᎻёҁᒋڷᎌȇרᗙ੨ᇯ࣏ӵࡣ᐀ ॳ࣠ይΰᔖ࿋Ԋ၆ΙএߦژȄרঈ୲ΙሯौᐊЖޟ൷ᗊີኺԁܒቋШޟٙ џሯौ௶࡞ߝޟȄ
175/70/R13 $60 175/65/R14 $65 205/65/R15 $85 ΜЈᕊཾ 757 Station St. Box Hill VIC 3128
Ⴋၗ ༈ઍ
03 9899 1388 Drive-way