Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
01-05-09 No. 114 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Cyber chick that rocks the road
All New
Ford Fiesta
Car News First images of the Lamborghini Murciélago LP 650-4 Roadster ݓѻॶԩีշMurciélago LP 650-4 Roadsterྱޟа
F1 News F1БݓમБӔᡗࡄॳ!!Ⴓέ࡙ᆎд Drive-way
Drive-way ٙྡྷ!
01-05-09 No. 114
Cyber chick that rocks the road - All New Ford Fiesta
The new kinetic looked of the Fiesta Ford is very visual and sensory up front to almost everyone. It has bulging wheel arches, trapezoidal grille and slim line head lights, very tear drop like aerodynamic body, fog lamps, tall indicator lights sitting at the back, rear spoiler with high mount brake lights. It has 3 doors or 5 doors, auto or manual. You either hate it or love its space age setup. I would say people would love it. Once you get behind the gorgeous looking steering wheels, you will interact with its classy European built quality cabin. Then emotionally you will feel you can go faster, conquer the world on becoming the fastest vehicle on the planet with just a 1.6 litre petrol engine. The interior is very practical but stylish. The central console, inspired by Nokia mobile phone key pad, is easy to us. With a joy stick type central knob that almost controls everything, radio, MP3 CD etc. It works very well with a centrally mounted small but neat LCD screen for audio and visual read out. It could be a bit confusing, but it is space age, cyber aged people love those sorts of design. The air conditioning controls are all grouped there neatly with a high quality finishing. The manual gear stick is just at the finger tip. We have test driven the 1.6 litre manual Zetec model 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCT 4-cylinder engine. It produces a healthy 88kW at 6006 Rpm and 152Nm of torque at 4,050 revs. Driving the two wheels in the front, its fuel economy is a healthy 5.7 litres per 100kms.
26 Drive-way
Edmund Chow
Its sport seats are very comfortable with plenty of seating positions to adjust and very supportive as well. Suspension is Macpherson strut front and twist beam at the rear. Suspension is excellent with an Australian road condition tuning in mind. The Zetec model includes sport seats, suspension, 16 inches alloys with front and rear spoilers. Price is just from $20,000 for the Zetec 1.6 petrol manual. More affordable models are from just A$16,000 with options for manual or auto gear box; and safety packages include curtain airbags and electronic stability control. The Zetec model gets an extra knee airbag for the driver. Chassis is one of the stiffest in the class, thus it provides a more dynamic ride without compromising comfort and handling. Noise reduction effort is noticeable, I would say, slightly better than other cars in the same class. However, exhaust note is tuned to a tempting pitch that the driver will definitely enjoy the encouraging driving atmosphere. How does it drive like? Quiet, quick, sporty, ambience and agile. Drive is very nice, in particular with its 5 speed gear box. I seldom like a manual gear box. From memory, apart from the Honda S2000, the 5 speed manual gear box in the new Fiesta is my second favorite. . From a start, good steering from its electric powered steering control has a well balanced feel but surprisingly it gives you some important feed back on road condition. A good manual gear box with clear and precise gear slot plus
01-05-09 No. 114
gear ratio. The clutch is a perfect match with the manual gear box. It is well balanced and would not make its driver feels tired. It has a sportier tune that helps the car to respond better. It remains supple. Engine is extremely smooth and enjoyable to ride on it. No harsh feeling about sudden acceleration or anything. It has a good engine power to body weight ratio, thus making it a zippy and fun car for driving enjoyment. From my first observation, the deeply raked wind screen seems to be from a space age, therefore slightly hard to see the road condition ahead. Yet, the tilt and reach adjustable steering help to compose an excellent work area for any enthusiastic driver. Gorgeous looking steering wheel with neatly layout cruise control and audio control as well. Around the car vision is good except the back is hindered slightly by the chucky C pillar. Lane changing has to be mindful. But it is a joy to just sit in such a good looking car. Who will buy it I think the new Fiesta is sitting nicely at the fast growing light car sector. Personally, the motoring trend is heading towards downsizing for better fuel economy. Thus, the size is ideal for the local one driver one car, home to office then back home setting travelling need. Therefore, judging from its potentials, it can be the newest market leader for the whole segment, with its fresh and trendy body design, good performance, fuel economy and a famous and reliable brand name. It is one big step up for the Ford product line up to challenge the small car market in Australia. Hence, both genders, especially
Drive-way ٙൢ!
the young or young at heart will love this car. However, I think if the XR4 model, which is traditionally a more powerful model, is coming sooner, it will create a bigger market for young males that dominates the high performance funkier small car segment. Ӓ٘шᅖଢ଼ΨޟFord FiestaߨலϞ֜ЕΡЅџᢎޟܒȂѺޟएюޟᎈࡿȂఘ ޟלୀ७ဋȂࢺጣޟלٙᓞᐷЅోᘈԒޟٙ٘അȂٙࠉ᜴ޟᐷȂଽ௮ޟᐷ ЅӵٙԤᘈၓॳۡޟᖎϱညࠆٙᐷȂഅΟΙএΪϷࠉፏޟഅȄѺ џоԤέߞЅϤߞџټᒵᐅȄՄձџоདྷΰѺܖኗѺȂծרདσӻޟΡོ དྷΰѺȄ ࿋ձΣٙȂည٘ᎽᎻዺࡣȂձོ߯དྷΰѺޟዉചԒ೩ॎЅٙᓺޟؾഅђ ȂཐឈΰȂѺџоೝᎽᎻޱுפȂџоሆܾӴоѺޟ1.6ϴЀݶءЕᔝ܂ ݈жࣨΰӈդΙనϴၯȄ ٙޟϱഋΪϷᄂҢЅ൲ԤࣂȂоᒛஅࢺٳଢ଼Ⴋၗ࣏೩ॎ྅ॱޟ܈Ѕު፡ ݖΪϷܾҢȂՄϛѵޟωڙజࡸޟ໖һџоሆܾޟўᒵѮ,፡ၶ้้… ϛѵޟωᡗҰࡎࠌџоᢎࣼޟॱڗኵ้ȂџѺԤΙᘈ༄ཐȂՄԑߧ ΡࠓΙۡฒӈџ֨ᜲўᐇᖃȂު፡ӵ٥၇ڙȄծᐌএڙѮٴԤᓺޟؾ അђȂෙݰజӵΪϷӫᎌޟ՝ညȄ רঈၐΟ1.6ϴЀЙޟݰZetec ဴ 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCT ѲϴЀݶءЕᔝȇѺ џоҡ88kWܻ6,006ϴᙽਢȂһԤ152NmׯޟΨ(ܻ4,050ϴᙽਢȂ၎ٙо ࠉᎈଢ଼Ȃૉݶ໔ѫ5.7ϴЀ߯џׇٖ100ϴ٨Ȅ
01-05-09 No. 114
৴՝ΪϷᎌՄဖഋһԤٗஊܛޟԜΨȄ௮ࠌоഫ߆ՋԒݶޟᔆజȂՄࡣ ᎈࠌҢׯਛ࣏кȂٮоᐬࢸޟӴհюᎌ࿋ޟ፡ᐌȂZetecဴΰၼଢ଼৴ ාȂΙᘈޟᗗᎪ,16ӧޟӫߜᎈȂࠉЅࡣॳۡޟᖎȂቋᓀѫҥघ2༫ ۖȂһтஅᙃဴࠌҥ൦ϲї༫ଔȂߣёޟ೩രԤՌଢ଼ݰȂๅᛨԒ᠄ ЅٙᛧۡᏢȂՄZetecဴࠌџёΰጱᇐԒ᠄ȇџᒝᔖԤᅾԤȄ ٙ࢜ၶڏтءޟٙতȇӰԪȂٙџоᛧۡࠓϚՍཬѶᎌཐЅᐇᖃ ܒȄՄ༛ॱڙޟһ߆ΰΙฬђЉȂרџоᇳӣϛٴޟԤၶᓺߒޟؾ౪ ȂծኀჂ௶ܚюޟᖐೝ፡ՍΪϷਇՆޟᖐጣȇӰԪȂᎽٙፐږਢџ ڧٴ᠙ឈΰڧٴޟȄ Ѻޟٙߒ౪ԃդڹȉ ჿᓗȃшᅖଢ଼ཐݥޟЅІᔖఃᎠȇٙߒ౪يԁȂר੫տ᠍ΰЙ௶ޟ ԒȂרҁலٮϚ᠍Й௶ȂଶΟҏҤޟS2000ເٙѴȂ߯רശདྷFiestaȄ ΙȂѺޟႫΨଢ଼ᙽޟөΪϷҁ֯ȂՄӣਢџоϠΙٲၯ७߬ޟȂত ϗඪЅޟԁݰȂΰΪϷ఼ཿ௶ޟᔬ՝ညЅӫᎌޟᏏᎈШٽȂՄᚔӫᏢޟ १໔һڗԁȇӰԪȂϚོৠܾхڗᎽᎻॾޱȂՄ၎ٙೝ፡ఀՍΙএၶ ࣀዑޟၼଢ଼ІᔖȂІᔖٷȄЕᔝᄱٺѺԙ࣏ΙএԁསȇёഀਢؠԤ јᘈޟಗᕹཐȂӰ࣏ȂЕᔝЅݰޟЈฒፀޟསȂܚоȂѺޟІᔖఃᎠ Ȃ࠲ϛЍԤٹޟհȄ ޟרΙޟӟຫᓺछࠉፏޟቈߒގȂՄџԤᘈ፡ޟרᎽᎻຜጣȄџȂ ѺޟПөዺџоժᕻЅΰή፡ᐌȂӰՄџо൶ڗײΙএيԁޟᎽᎻ՝ညȂѺ
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ!
ޟПѴዺһ೩ॎுΪϷ֜ЕȄֲӵٙϱਢଶࡣПޟຜጣԤᘈ֨ᜲѴȂרཐڗ පЅுЖᔖЙȂؠԤཐߴ≎ڗཐȂծٙᙽጣਢϫሯωЖȄ ።ོີᎄଽ፴શޟωٙ? ᎄٙҁᛧӴ՝ܻΙএีശޟפωٙѿൟȂؽΡՄِȂءٙཾЅᐽޟݶቋਿ Ѕᕗ߳ޟঐߴٺΡີωΙᘈءޟٙȇӰԪȂΙএശ౩དޟф؏Һώ ڎȂΰੲЅήੲޟԁٙȂרᇯ࣏ѺԤளଢ଼ѿൟޟΨȂര఼ཱིޟѴᇼȂيԁ ޟଢ଼Ψߒ౪ȂࣸݶЅџᎬࠢޟถᐣѬȂѺٗџоԙ࣏ѿൟ໔ࠅॖȇӰՄȂר ᇯ࣏ߧԑΡܖЖශԑߧޟԙԑΡһዅܻᗊີȇծᄇܻདྷଽഀߒ౪ޟԑߧظρ ȂהרఖџоᅾڗَפኅП௰юσΨޟFiesta XR4ဴȂӰ࣏ȂѺΙۡ ᕕுӻظρঈ᠍ޟЖȄ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
05-06-09 No. 119 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
ዉࢸശछᝋءޟٙԙ࣏ћρ٤ޟ৴Ꮍɯ! One of the most beautiful European Cars that made it to a James Bond movie –
Ford Mondeo TDCi
CarNews: News Car The magazine 4WheelFun crowns the G-Class as “2009 superstar” ᚕᇬȮ4WheelFunȯᢚៗG-Class ࣏2009ԑ຺: ӣءٙϞശ
Drive-way ٙൢ!
05-06-09 No. 119
One of the most beautiful European Cars that made it to a James Bond movie –
Ford Mondeo TDCi
Edmund Chow
When you saw some cars on the James Bond movie, people will call that a hot Bond car. Mondeo was such kind of Bond car that everyone can own. The Mondeo that we had driven was a TDCi Diesel. Surprisingly it ticks all the boxes for a Bond and lovely family car.
hence, the middle passengers and even taller passengers can stretch out more. The general feeling is spacious and comfortable. But on the other hand, the hatch door of the Mondeo is a funny business. You either love it or hate it. If you love it, it is by far the biggest boot ever, if you hate it, it is very hollow.
To start with, the styling is very similar to the current shape of FG Falcon. It gives you somehow elegance, style, practicality and the European flair. You can feel the built quality that is above par with the other Australian stable mate.
As for power, it has 96kW of power, 320Nm of useable torque. Something worth mentioning is the six speed automatic transmission. It is as smooth as silk, seamlessly feeding the power through the auto gear box to the front wheels. I couldn’t find a better automatic gear at this price range. The strong character of the diesel engine could exhibit its enormous pulling power where as the fuel consumption of this turbo diesel is just a miserly 7.5 litre / 100km with a combined city and country drive.
The price of the Modeo model is just A$29,990 with a lot of safety and security updates and equipments. The TDCE sedan or hatch (as tested) with six speed automatic is just A$37,990. But the value is far more than its price. For a start, it has stability control, seven airbags, ABS - anti skid brakes, climate control air conditioning, trip computer, 17 inch alloy wheels, six stack CD player, multi-function steering wheel, parking sensors, rain-sensing wipers, auto headlights and power windows. The whole package fits nicely into the luxury class. Interior is well laid out as well, it gives you a roomy feeling, good and supportive seats. Steering wheel is adjustable on reach and tilt. Something worth mentioning about the rear seating space, it has a better seating arrangement than the Australian Falcon. As it is powered via the front wheels,
28 Drive-way
The general feeling of the diesel engine plus the 6 speed automatic is that it is as strong as a cross box but can spring off like a miniature missile, and it is very flexible over its wide rev range. Yet, its high amount of torque never makes it as a sluggish problem. Instead, it has a lot of grunt but at the same time economical output, what an irony! The steering is superbly sharp even though the driving power is delivered from a front wheel drive car. The suspension is a firm but absorbent preposition. The set up works extremely well with ironing out any bumpy and broken bitumen. It works extremely well with any windy road such as the Great Ocean Road. Hence, it is a joy to sit in those comfy seats.
Drive-way ٙൢ!
05-06-09 No. 119
The engineering, built quality and comfort level are so good that the Mondeo is a real alternative to the locally made Ford Falcon. Yet, don’t let its look deceives you. It is not small. Some people will mistake it with the Ford Falcon with a hatch. So it is your choice. An European made 5 door Falcon hatch or a locally made Ford Falcon with 4 doors. I choose both, one for me and the other for my wife. What about you?
ࡻΨȂПөዺџоᓍཎ፡ΰήЅࠉࡣȂՄѺࡣ৴ޟ՝ညȂרឈுࣺᄇᐬࢸҏ πᇧഅޟFord FalconᗙौᎌȄӰ࣏ȂMondeoҥࠉᎈளଢ଼ءޟٙȇӰԪȂ ЍΟٙϛޟٙȂᡱࡣ৴ॸࡊџоᅾժᇀഋȂՄ๛యؠԤ֨ไཐȇӰՄ ȂᐌᡝΰᎌЅቶබȄՄѪΙП७Ȃ௸धޟٙߞџһџџኗȂӰ࣏ Ȃ҈Ο௸धߞޟȂѺᡗ៩ΟѼσޟၷೲުȂӣਢһџоᇳުުࢾࢾȄ!
࿋ձᢎ፬ћρ٤੫ႫኇਢȂձџདԤтءޟٙȂՄᆋ੫Mondeo TDCiࠓџохձჲདԙઍȊּۉӴȂѺџоӣਢ੫ءޟٙЅձޟড়৳ ءٙȄ
ᜰܻѺޟଢ଼ΨП७ȂѺԤ96kWȂՄׯΨࠓԤ320NmȂѺΰΟϲഀޟՌଢ଼௶ ȂՄߒ౪๛ΙૡޟᄱȂϾΟࠉᎈ๖ᄺȂଢ଼ΨྛྛϚ๘ӴټᔖȂרཐڗȂ ݰӣϛശԁޟೲԒȄՄ਼ݶЕᔝޟѼσׯΨȂһᅾӴೝีථΟȄՄ ૉࠌݶѫ7.5ϴЀׇٖ100ϴ٨ȂоॡୢЅѿୢޟӫᎽᎻݷՄӫॎȄ
ॶӑȂѺޟѴ೩ॎюՓȂՄᇄᐬࢸҏπޟFG FalconΪϷࣺխȂՄᡗюѺ ޟଽȄѴȃᄂҢܒЅᐿԤޟዉࢸȂձџоཐڗڧѺޟഅђΰॸޟ ώȂՄ຺ູΟڏтޟᐬࢸᄇЙȄ
ӰԪȂ਼ݶЕᔝᇄϲഀՌଢ଼௶ޟӫԤԃϖጐΰΟ۾Ȃีৢюߒޟ౪ȂԤԃཌ ЬጐȂଢ଼Ψһџоӵኄിޟଢ଼Ψݿ൜ϱᒯюȂӰԪȂѺϚؠԤ֒ᅗߒޟ౪ ȂІՄߏߏҡࡄȇࠓάࣸݶȂᒞږϞྃȄ
୵ቋП७ȂѺѫҥA$29,990ȂϐѓࢂΟӻޟԊӒ၆ညȂՄרঈܚกၐޟ TDCiܘٙܖϤߞ௸धٙࠌҥA$37,990ଔȂծרџоۡѺܚ຺ސȄ
ᗶณଢ଼Ψҥࠉᎈଢ଼ȂПөዺࡾޟөُ࡙ΪϷᆠྥȂᗗᎪᏢࠓԤਝΨ ֜ԝΟၯ७ޟᎪᕝȂӰԪȂฒ፣េݫЅүၯȂѺџоԃቺҁӴΙኺȄӰԪ Ȃॸֲཐߒ౪юՓȂᆰࣸӪޟσࢷၯGreat Ocean RoadһᜲϚႆѺȄ
ڏԩȂѺϐ၆ΰٙᛧۡᏢȃΜএԊӒ᠄ءȃ٩ᚇΰࠆޟٙفಛȃӒЈঐԒ ު፡ȃٙႫသȃ17ӧޟӫߜᎈȃϲᆅԒCDॱȃӻђПөዺȃހٙཐ ᔖᏢȃߦЫཐᔖЫኦȃՌଢ଼ٙᓞᐷЅႫଢ଼ٙๅȂѺܚѓ֤ޟ೩രٗџᖐᆎ ᇺޟኵȂџоᇳᔖԤᅾԤȄ ٙϱഋങ೩һΪΰॸȂᡱॸࡊཐڗڧපЅቶබݥޟȂ৴՝һԤٗஊޟЛ
ᇧٙώแᏰΰȂ၆൸ޟ፴શЅॸֲޟᎌ࡙ȂMondeoҏӴᇧഅޟFord FalconѪΙᒵᐅȂծϚौᡱѺޟѴߒձȇӰ࣏ȂѺٮϚಠЍȂலலԤ݉Є ᇲོMondeoޟϤߞގȄӰԪȂ٥ΙᎄMondeoձޟЖЫϞᒵȉҏӴޟFord Falcon ܖFord MondeoڹȉՄרџоޟၗȂོີΙᎄMondeoՌϏȂΙᎄ Ford Falcon ێυȂձڹȉ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
16-04-10 No. 160 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
XR 8 Ute
Edmund Chow
Translate: Driveway Team
There is something special when driving a strange car like an utility or simply Ute. There isn’t anything different comparing to a normal sedan, yet, when you look at it, most probably you would think what a waste. Such a gorgeous looking front end of a family sedan oddly attached to a tray or a so called “style-box”. Indeed, when you realized the story behind it, that it was a Victorian farmer’s wife who wanted a car to go the church and during the day, be able to do some odd jobs around the farm, then you would agree with the Australian inventor of the first Utility in the World, that such a wonderful and marvelous specie was conceived in Victoria during the early 1930s. Since then, the practicality of the Ute was never challenged. On the other hand, utility became an important part of Australian and perhaps American culture as well. Following the evolution of its sedan counterpart, utility is not restricted as being just a miniature truck. Rather, it becomes a strong culture of driving comfort, power surge and practicality. Every year, there is an annual
muster of utility in a country town called Delinquent in Southern New South Wales. Thousands of utilities turn up to celebrate the Ute culture. Recently, people race with Ute as well. To a certain extent, it has its advantage over its sedan counter part,. A number of car enthusiasts understand the beauty of Ford’s XR6 Turbo, but when we talk about flexibility of the V8 engine of the XR8, you will be able to appreciate the goodness and power surge of a flawless V8. The FG Falcon V8 is by far one of the best in the world. It pumps out 290kW and 520Nm quad cam Boss engine with 6 speed ZF sequential auto gear box. It comes with 17 inches wheel, incorporating modern safety features such as ABS brakes, traction control, brake force distribution, brake assist and twin airbags etc. You can even order side airbags for it as well. It is enough for a commercially based car. Crash rating should be around 4 stars. Drive-way
16-04-10 No. 160
When you talk about speed, I would like to ask you whether you would risk your life for it. It is not safety that you should be concerned, but it is so fast that you either risk your life or license or just simply both. While planted on the floor, it just unleashed a massive acceleration urge through its back wheels. A matching throttle soundtrack of its roaring engine sang beautifully to the driver’s ears. However, the leaf-spring rear suspension, designed for taking up heavy load, might be its Achilles’ heel because its massive power may slip through its tyres when it came across bumpy and gravel road surface. Fuel usage for a 5.4litre V8 is doing ok for a 13 litres per 100 kms. Cruising around town will certainly require more fuel. Steering is extremely clear and precise, It has a strong chassis to cope with rapid and agile maneuvers. I would say, I like the unpredictable rear end movements. Just imagine joining a highway from a 90 degree side street, while doing it in a 80kms. You will feel that there is a lot of movements at the back. The massive power interacts with basically no weight, but the mechanism at the back. I felt the car was on steroid. I absolutely love it. It is much better than drive more expensive cars with their electronic safety toys. Well you have to be very well experienced and knowing what you are doing and practicing it in a private proofing ground with absolutely no one in that place before you try one. For a good car like this, I hate to call it a pass because I can have two passengers. Apart from that, it is an extreme delight to drive a ute, but still enjoying a lot of fun in the purest form of motoring experience in this great country.
30 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ ࿋ձᎽᎻѴᢎޟۉӻҢഊءٙȞᙏᆎUteȟਢȂձܖ೨ོឈு࢚ٲӴПԤᘈ ੫տȄᇄලޟࣺٙШȂѺؠٮԤࣥቄЊσޟϚӣȂณՄȂ࿋ձࣼѺޟ ѴᢎޟਢঐȂձܖ೨ོឈுኺޟ೩ॎΙᆍȶາȷ——ᆠछޟٙ٘ࠉᆒ Ȃխড়৳ٙޟٙഋϷࠓѠӴΙএೲٙȞѩୈॳਿζԙ [style-box]ȟȂᡗுԤᘈڋϚগϚȄٱᄂΰȂԃݎձആႆԪٙࣼڗ٥धࡣ ٱ࢈ޟȞΙӪၻൟкێޟυהఖԤΙᎄءٙџоᡱԂࢋўఀஆୈᔔ ኪ[ϚՍܻњٙ٥ૡಏ१]ȂάџоҁР㠰ӵၻൟ㠰ٺҢȂཆΙٲᄂҢࣀޟॎ ȟȂձ൷ོᇯӣ٥՝ᇧഅюжࣨΰΙᎄӻҢഊءٙޟᐬࢸี݂ޟޱདݲȄ ൷ኺȂӵ20жक30ԑфߑޟᆰӻցٳԎȂԃԪޟּۉᄺࡦശತҡΟछԁ άϚџࡦដءޟཱིٙড়ఊȄ Ռ٥ਢоپȂӻҢഊءٙޟᄂҢܒҐڗڧႆӈդڏтٙᎄࢅޟᏽȄᇄԪӣ ਢȂѺζԙ࣏Οᐬσցڷٳछࢸ໐؆МϽޟΙএ१ौಢԙഋӋȄӵڏٙٙ ޟᡐ८ႆแϛȂӻҢഊءٙϐณϚџ༉༉ೝۡဎ࣏ωޟњٙΟȂѺלԙ ΟΙᆍᎽᎻᎌܒȃђӻҢഊڷܒΨ໔ࠐ࣏ܒΙᡝءޟٙዘࢺМϽȄ ؐԑӵཱིࠒࡄᅭρԎࠒഋޟΙএӪѩDelinquentޟ໐؆࠲ᚊོᖞΙএԑ࡙ ޟӻҢഊءོٙȂԙԻΰνޟӻҢഊءٙڷѺঈޟԤޱᆹӵΙȂኊ ઢΙ੫ޟМϽȄߖԑپȂࣥՍԤΡᎽᎻӻҢഊءٙپᗉٙȄӵ࢚ٲП७ ȂѺޟᓺ༖ׇӒ຺юΟনӑٙഋϷޟ೩ॎȄ Ιএءٙདྷԁࣺޱ࿋ᕣ၌XR6ᎈЕᔝޟᏄΨȂϚႆȂ࿋רঈᇳڗXR8ܚര ޟV8ЕᔝޟࣀܒਢȂձོݠ፬ׇڗछฒ࿃ޟV8ЕᔝܚளޟپࠐޟΨ໔ڷ छԁޟཐឈፐᔞȄFG Falcon V8ٟϬ࣏ХжࣨΰശԁޟЕᔝϞΙȂས6ഀ ZF៉Ռଢ଼ᡐഀҡޟശσଢ଼Ψ࣏290kWȂശσׯΨ࣏520nmȄѺരΟ 17़ӧٙᎈȂӨᆍ౪фϽޟԊӒ೩ࢊ፝ԃABSࠆٙȂЕΨفڙಛȂڙଢ଼ ΨϷفಛȂࠆٙሄօفಛȂᚖԊӒ᠄้ȂձᗙџоӵᗊີਢौؑቨёԊ Ӓ᠄ȄٙᆌԊӒຟσघӵ4ѾѡȂषҢհල୦ཾҢഊȂѺٗஊٺΟȄ
05-03-10 No. 154 ᇳڗഀ࡙Ȃ٥൷ौؚܻڥᎽᎻޱΟȂԃݎձཎ፰ΰڼܒўࠃᓎޟၗȄၭءٙ ҏ٘ޟԊӒܒฒᜰȂѫϚႆձषΙۡौࢅᏽѺྃޟ३ޟၗȂ٥ኺᘸૡٞౡ ޟഀ࡙Ȃৼܐձுࠃҵ௬ޱܖڼܒೝӤᎽྱॳޟᓎўკၐΟȞ࡞Ԥџޱڍ ׇޖȟȄ࿋ձήޟߞݶਢঐȂձོཐڗΙσޟёഀ࡙௰ଢ଼ࡣᎈȂЕᔝޟ Ѽσៜቁᖐᄇܻ࢚ٲདྷږᐭڷഀ࡙ޟᎽᎻپޱᇳΙᆍฒШछּڧٴޟȄ ளԤᓁݖኆаࡣޟ௮၆ညفಛȂ੫࣏ܛၷ१॒Մ೩ॎȂӵᛪँܖүၯ७ ΰᎻਢȂѼσޟհҢΨོೝᙽಋՍؐএᎈपȄᄇܻΙএ5.4ЀޟV8Еᔝپᇳ Ȃؐ100ϴ٨ੑૉ13Ѐޟݶૉݶ໔ᗙџоޟڧȄϚႆԃݎӵѿୢ㠰ޟၗ Ȃৼܐૉݶ໔ོቨσȄ Пөዺޟᐇࣺ࿋఼ྥڷጂȂྃσۻޟዺȂџоࣀӴᔖпӨᆍଢ଼հȄר ᠍ٙ٥ϚџႱޟޣၼଢ଼Ȃၐདо80ϴ٨/ਢޟഀ࡙Ιএᇄଽഀϴၯֶُ90 ࡙ޟၯႻΣଽഀϴၯȂ٥դ้ږޟᐭȄר๘ᄇ᠍ᎄٙȂᎽᎻѺޟཐ ឈШᎽᎻ٥ٲቋਿ݁ິޟരܚᒝޟႫυԊӒفಛءޟٙौԁுӻȊϚႆձ ष࿋ઍདौკၐޟၗȂࠌΙۡौڎരࣺ࿋ᙴ൲ޟငᡛȂ݂ҩՌϏӵཆϧቄȂ ٮӵؠԤΡؽޟΡުӴΰӑᄂ፺ႆඁႇӔᇳȄ ᄇܻኺޟԁٙȂרᇯ࣏ᇳѺতႆᜰٮϚϴҁȂӰ࣏רԤڍএॸࡊȄଶԪ ϞѴȂᎽᎻӻҢഊءٙᗙΪϷхΡଽᑹٱޟ——ӵএσޟড়ᎽᎻ ኺᜲுΙَޟ፴ᐔٙȂڧٴϚЍޟዅ፸Ȅ
HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre 1 Unit 3, 50 Rooks Rd, Nunawading 3131
32 ԑᙴ൲ওٙငᡛ ങᔮᎃ Joe
Chan к౩
Σഡᆍ $70 ଔ *
ءٙۡ߳Ꮄ $70 ଔ * Ѫё HTU
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9873 3668 / 0402 799 038
* 24 15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
16-07-10 No. 173 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Edmund Chow
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Translate: Driveway Team
For many, a model line up going for 50 years is quite unthinkable. Like many overseas Chinese who are used to live in Hong Kong, Falcon is not a stranger. The Australian made Falcon has been around in Hong Kong in many forms, but arguably, the station wagon version of a Hong Kong Police Ford Falcon impressed me most. It is still one of the greatest looking cars. To celebrate the Ford Falcon 50th birthday, I can only tell you a little secret. If you have money for a Porsche 911 Carrera S, You may enjoy the Ford FPV Falcon F6e slightly a bit more but with much less cash. The reason is that it is fast and comes very close to the V8 Super Car range. It produces a very awesome 310kW of power and 565 Nm of torque. Hence, its gear acceleration is better than most European sport sedan, something like M and AMG etc.
While driving down the road, you may miss the FPV F6e, as it shares the same body shell and chassis with the current Ford Falcon. But sometime you may net a strange looking Falcon with an outstanding, good looking and eye patching décor on a Falcon. Then, it is most likely a FPV vehicle. It was a great disappointment for our team to meet our F6e press car, where it was covered uniformly with dark metallic grey. But that was done purposefully, a V8 supercar like performance vehicle with the engine stronger than the XR6 Turbo, but with its turbo slightly tuned down for a daily ride. You may say that it is an elite sportsperson in an office suite. Having a secretive identity, more or less like a normal looking executive car but with all the goodies such as 19 inches alloy wheels and 310kW of power that can easily outperform others. FPV F6e has a mission. It is to draw executive people’s attention that the
28 Drive-way
16-07-10 No. 173
perfectly tuned turbo straight line 6 cylinder engine is the best option on earth for them. The reason is technology, the front and the back body weight balance. A lighter engine but powerfully charged vehicle will give you a perfect recipe for a sports car performance. With its massive 565 Nm of torque, it is quite difficult to manage its performance. For example, while turning a near 90 degree angle with 80km on the clock, it will certainly swing, spin and sway its tail everywhere, even with its stability control in place as standard equipment. But the acceleration is picture perfect, which is what most young people and super car enthusiasts are talking about including: the magnificent punching acceleration, crispy front wheel steering, and mighty rear wheel drive matching with a power drift. Needless to say, a 5 star crash rating shared by the Falcon range. Power drift, a racing technique that leads to adulation and has inspired many in Japan, around the world, and been promoted in a number of block buster Hollywood movies. It is what Ford Australia trying to do, provide an option to those who want subtly in plain clothed sports sedan but power and handling that outright the import European executive sports sedans As it is fast, FPV F6e is equipped with Brembo braking system. But there is an option for premium brake system for around $5,000. Taking that extra option will definitely not a bad idea for a high speed performance car like this one. Other standard items include front, side and curtain airbags, ABS with EBD and brake assist, and lap-sash seatbelts for all passengers. If you ask me, would you buy it? Yes, if you need to prove yourself as a good behaved driver with some cash, but occasionally, want to overtake the front
Drive-way ٙൢ vehicle with speed and style, and you would get back into the left lane with good manner for others to pass. I believe this is all about being a 50 year old - asa true gentle person (men and women) who has the energy and experience to make the world a better place to live. ᄇܻ࡞ӻΡپᇳȂΙᆍٙࢺ50ԑΙӇᜲоདٱޟȇᄇܻ٥ٲෆငӵ ॷ෫֒ႆޟѴΡپᇳȂFalconএӪԅ๘ᄇϚ५ҡȄᐬσցٳޟᆋ੫ Falconӵॷ෫ೝҢհϚӣޟҢഊȂϚႆЧஷညᅸޟȂॷ෫ឌဍٺҢޟᆋ੫ FalconਡٙശхרᏹޟړȂਢՍϬРȂѺϫณΙᎄѴᢎюಀޟٙȄ ࣏Οኊઢᆋ੫Falcon50ྑޟҡРȂרџо֙ວձΙএωફȄԃݎձԤᓀີ Ιᎄ߳ਢ௦ 911 Carrera SޟၗȂ٥ቄձইϚԃ߆ЍޟᓀўٴԤܒቋШԁ ޟᆋ੫FPV Falcon F6eȄרϞܚоኺᇳޟনӰӵܻѺଔࣺپ࿋פȂӣV8 פٙفӖ࡞ߖȂџҡюՓޟ310kWଢ଼Ψ ڷ565 Nm ׯΨȄӰԪȂӵ௶ᔬё ഀП७ȂѺौႆσഋӋޟዉࢸၼଢ଼ܘٙȂԃ M ڷAMGϞȄ ԃݎձӵၯΰٙޟਢঐȂձԤџོᒿႆFPV F6eȂӰ࣏Ѵᢎۻڷዺ೩ॎ ΰپᇳѺӣҬࠉޟᆋ੫FalconඁнΙኺȄϚႆԃݎձڎര٥ΙᚖኋಁޟၗȂձ ࡞џོีឈѺڏᄂྃڎϱొȂኺޟٙσ྅൷FPVٙΟȄ ࿋רঈശߑΙಁࣼีڗշོΰޟF6eਢȂཐឈ࡞ڗѶఖ——ᐌএٙ٘νጕΙ ࡡޟ༃Ըߜ឴ՓȂϚႆѺԤҬޟቄୈޟȄӵܒΰԁШV8ᗉٙޟѺȂڏ ЕᔝϞσ຺ႆXR6ᎈቨᔆЕᔝȂծڏᎈቨᔆ฿฿Ԥٲ६ճоᎌᔖҁਢޟ ΰήੲᎽᎻȂԁШΙএऎȶΰੲՙ၆ȷޟȶၼଢ଼ষȷȄѴᢎΰӣලٙࣼ ΰўխнؠԤࣥቄϚӣȂծᄂሬΰڎരડફޟΙ७Ȃ19़ӧޟӫߜᎈपȂ 310kWޟଢ଼ΨȂ้้ٲᡱѺሆܾӴ൷ᄔᡗюϚΙૡޟσȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
16-07-10 No. 173
FPV F6e ԤኺޟΙএ——ڼٺᡱΡঈҬӎฐٮݧᇯџᎈޢϲचЕᔝ এжࣨΰശᎌӫтঈޟȄϞܚоኺᇳޟনӰӵܻڏоЅࠉࡣٙ٘ १໔ޟҁᒋȄࣺᄇሆ߯ծࠓџоٙᎄඪࣺټ࿋σޟଢ଼ΨޟЕᔝளᎽ ᎻޱȶᎽᎻᗉٙȷૡޟཐឈȄσޟ565 Nm ׯΨٺுᎽᎻޱΙۡौڎരٗஊ ޟΨϗஊᎽༀȄٽԃȂ࿋ձӵਢഀ80ϴ٨ޟၯΰएณୈ90࡙᠉ᙽޢਢȂ ձོཐឈڗ։ٺѺޟႫυᛧۡفಛȂٙٷณϚۡөឝଢ଼࡞ޟȄϚ ႆᇄԪࣺᄇޟѺޟёഀ๘ᄇׇछȂζ࣏ࣥቄ٥ቄӻԑሆΡڷᗉٙଜঈ ོࢻࢻዅၾޟΙᘈ——ࠐޟёഀΨȂୁࠉޟᎈᙽөоЅσࡣޟᎈଢ଼Ψ ឝಋȄ࿋ณȂӵഀ࡙ϞѴȂӣFalcon فӖڏޟтٙΙኺȂڎര5ޟኡ้ Ȃζߒ݂ΟѺڎԤྃଽޟԊӒܒȄ ଢ଼ΨឝಋȞցҢσΨٙޟΨңޟႆ᠉ПݲȟΙᆍӵРҏڷӒжࣨڧ ڗ௰தޟᗉٙȂӵ࡞ӻԁ༶σаϛζԤኺᐭଢ଼ΡЖޟᜢᓞȄࢋஊ ڗڧٴᎽᎻȶᗉٙȷૡܘٙޟΨ໔ཐڷᐇཐȂάϚሯौ៛٘ӵ੭ωުޟ ϱȂΙᘈғᆋ੫ᐬࢸϷϴѧהఖџоႀޟڗҬȄ Ӱ࣏FPV F6eӵഀ࡙ΰࣺ࿋ϞפȂӰԪѺ௴ҢѲࣀ༬ࠆٙفಛȄ࿋ณձᗙџо ᒵᐅЀȂѫሯёӻ5000ᐬᄌȂᄇܻԃԪפഀޟٙᎄΙএϚᒿޟᒵᐅȄ ڏтѓࢂࠉȃڷᛨԒԊӒ᠄ȂளႫυڙଢ଼ΨϷفಛޟ٩ܲԫڙଢ଼ فಛࠆڷٙሄօفಛȂоЅܚԤࡊॸޟԤέᘈԒԊӒளȄ ԃݎձ୰ོ֏רᗊີᎄٙȂޟרӱ๎ۡޟȂѺΙᎄџоᡱձӵҁ ਢ߳ࡻيԁޟᎽᎻॳ࡙ޟٙȂฒ፣ձୋᅭདौӵ຺ٙਢ౪Ιήഀ࡙ॳڷ ਿȂᗙӵଝӱѾၾਢџоᙄᇼӴᡱ՝ڏтٙᎄȂѺџоᅖٗձޟᎽᎻ ሯؑȄרএΡᇯ࣏Ѻџо౪ձհ࣏ΙএϛԑΡޟᏄΨȂΙএઍғޟȃԤ џоᡱжࣨᡐுᎌӫۨ՞ޟΨᇄငᡛ࡙ॳޟጭጭޟಡρ/ᓺޟτρȄ
ᑹ ܿ ٙ ٘ ও ౩ ϛ Ж
HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre டওኡȂႫသ፡Փቢݶ ቨ೩ڍএӑ໌≎ܘݶ
фൢܚԤ߳ᓎ டΡڞօ၌ؚ߳ᓎᜲᚠ
ءٙ߳Ꮄ - Major & Minor Servicing/Log Book Services ءٙᆰও - General Repair EFIᔮࢥᇄᆰও - EFI Tuning ٙفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - Brake System Service & Repair վࠓفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - Cooling System Service & Repair ABCفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - ABS System Service & Repair юᡛٙા - R.W.C.
ငᡛᙴ൲ȃቋᓀϴၾȃᓺ፴݈ γඏ֯џᕕҗδ߳Ң
*ߣளనӇ ᆠဃᇭȃᇭȃዘᇭ
Ϛ፣σωώแ ֯ՍЍԤέএТ Warranty
Ӵ֭ȓ5 Lytton St. Burwood 3125(Melway 60 K7) Ⴋၗȓ03)9808 4222 Йඪȓ0425 747 158(/ဃ/़ᇭ)(Snakie Fan)
Ӵ֭Ļ15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 ႫၗĻ!9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
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Mel79 C5 Cen tre R d
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Unit 1, 2 - 4 Meriton Place, Clayton South Vic 3169 Tel: (03) 9543 3053 Mobile: 0433 180 517 30 Drive-way
ջາᡛٙ ඪټфҢٙ (ඪࠉႱघ)
ώհਢȓ໊ΙՍϤ 8:00am – 6:00pm ໊ϲ8:30am – 3:00pm ໊Р By Appointment
ᐠడᆰওȂۡ߳ᎴЅ၆ ءٙႫυᆰও ءٙछৠ݈ டཾ٩ูЅॱԊ၆ ੫೩after hour service
Automotive Service & Repairs
16-07-10 No. 173
Drive-way ٙൢ
The three-point seat belt, invented by Volvo, celebrates 50 years of saving lives Thursday 13 August marks the 50th anniversary of the life-saving V-shaped, three-point seat belt, invented by Volvo Engineer Nils Bohlin in 1959, and Volvo’s visionary open patent which granted free use of the design to all other car manufacturers. The design is as obvious as it is intelligent. Easily fastened with one hand, it secures the seat’s occupant in place with a belt across the chest and another across the hips, a vast improvement on the previous two-point waist restraint. Today, the simple click-clack front-and-back has been recognised worldwide as the most widely used and significant safety innovation in the automobile's more than 120 year long history. It is estimated that more than a million people owe their lives to the seat belt, and it has saved many times that number of people from serious injury. It is also recognized as one of the eight patents to have the greatest significance for humanity during the hundred years from 1885 to 1985. “The decision to release the three point seat belt patent was visionary and in line with Volvo’s guiding principle of safety. Not only has it saved lives but it has also put a little bit of Volvo in every car” says Alan Desselss, Managing Director, Volvo Car Australia. Research indicates that vehicle occupants have a 50 per cent better chance of surviving a crash, if they are wearing a seat belt, reducing the risk of fatalities and serious injuries from collisions. The real breakthrough in legislation actually came from Victoria, which was the first state worldwide to draw up legislation in 1970 requiring not just the fitting of seatbelts, but also their actual use. In the first year of law, traffic fatalities in the state dropped by 18 per cent. New South Wales followed with similar legislation a year later and today, everyone, but taxi drivers, are legally required across Australia to wear seatbelts front and back. “The seat belt was the first really effective step in tackling car safety,” says Robert McDonald, Head of NRMA Insurance Research Centre. The future of the seatbelt is constantly evolving. Volvo is exploring ways to improve their design and make the process of wearing a seat belt easier and even safer. A four point attachment is under discussion as is a motorised belt that tightens the belt and places the driver in the right position in potentially hazardous situations.