Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
17-07-09 No. 125 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
ႳԻ!1.6ϴЀ! έߞ௸धٙ!
Holden Barina 1.6 litre 3 door hatch
Car News Bentley to Celebrate 90th Anniversary ᇽցኊઢΞΪ໊ԑ Lexus Takes Its First Off-Road Win ith LX 570 ঞ סLX 570ॶԩჴுູഏᗉዩถ Mercedes-Benz Sets a New Record for Retail Sales ҁݽMercedes-BenzႭ୵ཾᕼഺཱིᓃ
F1 News 8ԑᏭᏽF1ತ༫ჲ!!!ᐬࢸ९ղӥපࣻ
22 Drive-way
17-07-09 No. 125
Holden Barina 1.6 litre 3 door hatch It is a lovely car to drive. From my memory this is perhaps the fourth manual car that we have test driven. Pricing may be the most important factor within the Barina light car market in Australia. However, it is priced at a fierce cut throat price tag that profit becomes minimal. The price of 3 door hatch starts from $14,490. However, this doesn’t mean the Barina is a sub standard car. On the contrary, it has recently scored 4 stars crash ratings with ANCAP, as a pleasant surprise, coming out from a lot of effort from the Global GM and Holden engineering department. Exterior The Barina is a bread and butter type of light car for Holden. Unlike the other big brother from South Korea “Cruize”, Barina will be the entry level of all Holden ranges. It also carries the corporate signature of the Holden Commodore front grille. And I would say that is the nearest image which they share. Apart from the badge, the new Barina is a different animal. It is stylish but does not have a very distinctive character apart from the front grille. This may not be a bad idea, as different people have different taste and expectation.
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow
very clever and stylish. Audio unit is compatible with MP3 CDs; it works well but not of a premium quality. There is a volume control at the steering wheel. At one stage, I was complaining about the lack of cup holders to my co-worker, however, I found them at the bottom part of the console. Dashboard has a practical layout that people will be able to read clearly. The engine It has an ECOTEC 1.6L DOHC and dual Continuous Variable Cam Phasing. 80kW of power and 144Nm of torque. This update version is on par with the rest of the light car competitors such as Toyota Yaris, Hyundai Accent and KIA Rio. Fuel economy has been improved to 7.0 litre per 100 kms for manual gear box and 7.6 litre for the auto gear box.
As a Holden, the manufacturing quality of Barina is good but not the best. I found some problems with its noise insulation at the left hand rear window. I heard wind noises coming through. Apart from this I would say this is a good car.
Safety The latest update of Barina includes the additional side-impact airbags that was also designed to give extra protection to the thorax and head, in the event of collision. Body structure has also received a long awaited improvement to the body shell. It has three clearly defined load parts that are engineered for absorbing front end collision while still supporting the cage structure of the passenger area. Better high strength steel was used to enhance the “B” structure of the car in further protecting the occupants.
Interior The style of the central console is based on the air conditioning vents. It is
On the road It is smooth and surprisingly powerful. May be it is a light car, I found the 1.6
17-07-09 No. 125
Drive-way ٙൢ!
ႳԻ1.6ϴЀέߞ௸धٙ! litre engine was doing an excellent job even though we had four adults travelling in the car. Road manner was good in cornering and the suspension system worked well to filter rough and coarse road surfaces. The manual gear box worked well with the pull and slot mechanism for the reverse gear. That also added extra security to prevent accidental wrong gear changing. Do I like it? Well, apart from the Holden corporate signature grille, I love this car especially for its pricing and equipment level. But I think its outlook, cosmetically, may not be my cup of tea. However, considering the recent safety upgrade, and the after sales services and support, this Holden Barina is clearly a serious consideration in anyone’s word. ѺΙᎄџདྷޟωٙȂᏹܚЅȂ٥רঈܚޟѲᎄЙ௶ٙȂծѺޟ ߒ౪юՓȄᐬࢸωٙѿൟءޟٙ୵ޟቋΙএ१ौޟӰશȂՄᐭ੨୵ޟቋᏽ ЕՍցዜཌᖡȂ၎ٙ୵ޟቋҥ$14,490ۖȂծճཇ୵ޟቋٮϚфߒѺޟ፴શ ৯ȇࣺІȂѺߖᕕுΟᐬࢸANCAPޟѲԊӒσዩȂџَӒ౨Ңءٙ ϴѧЅᐬࢸႳώแৱঈޟֆΨȄ ѴߒΰȂBarinaΙᎄωءٙȂᇄѺޟσߡরCruizeШၶȂBarinaΙᎄΣ ߞءޟٙȂՄѺࠓΰΟႳޟᔕണЅٙᓞႫሞഅȇרᇳȂ٥Ιএശ ߖޟᜰ߽ȄณՄȂѺঈׇӒϚӣءޟٙȂџ٥ᆍԊ௶һߨϚԁȇӰ࣏ ȂؐΡԤтঈڨࠢޟЅఖȄ
հ࣏ΙᎄႳȂѺޟഅٙђЉЙђΟுȂծࠓԤΙٲሆཌޟႤॱ୰ᚠȂרᇯ࣏ ѾࡣПॸࡊๅՄଔȂଶΟႤॱ୰ᚠȂѺΙഋԁٙȄ ϱഋങ೩ רᇯ࣏Ѻޟ೩ॎ൜ᙓӵު፡юοЌΰȂᙏዓЅσПȂѺॱޟџоኬܹMP3 CDᆅȂџࠓϚശଽࠢޟ፴ȂӵПөዺΰџоॱڙσωࡸޟ໖ȇԤΙ এਢȂרᗙөޟרӣٱວ၎ٙЍΟܹޟݔ՝ညȂծȂר൶ڗײӵڙ ѮശճޟഋӋȂՄᒼޟӴПһങ೩ᙏዓȄ ЕᔝП७ ѺԤΙএECOTEC 1.6L DOHCޟЕᔝȂЅᚖ१໌Ѕ௶ޟ፡ᐌђȂЕᔝ џีю80 kW ଢ଼ΨЅ 144NmׯޟΨȂӰԪȂѺᇄToyota YarisȂHyundai Accent Ѕ KIA RioޟЕᔝᒯҢΪϷߖȂࣸݶП७ȂЙ௶ߒޟ౪ؐԻϴ٨Ȃ ѫҢΰ7.0ϴЀȂՌଢ଼௶ࠌӻ0.6ϴЀՄϐȄ ԊӒП७ ശߖޟԊӒ၆ညඪଽΟ၎ٙޟԊӒ೩രȂѺѓࢂΟ७ޟԊӒءೡȂӵཎѴϛ ȂѺޟ೩ॎѓࢂџо߳៖ဖѓЅᓞഋȂՄ၎ٙޟ๖ᄺΰһёΟȄ౪ਢȂѺϐ ё೩ΟέএഋӋо֜ԝएณޟኡᔞڷඪଽॸࡊॸֲުޟԊӒ࡙Ȃٙ࢜һܹΰ ΟଽܜΨᓁо໌Ι؏߳៖ٙϱॸࡊȄ ٙߒ౪ ѺюۉӴԁȂѺതΙᎄωٙȂࠓџоॸֲѲএԙΡՄଢ଼Ψߒ౪юՓȂһ ᜲџິȄѺޟ1.6ϴЀЕᔝفಛଢ଼ΨЅׯΨߒ౪юՓȂ၎ٙޟၯ७ߒ౪ Ѕӵ᠉ၯߒޟ౪һԤႆᘮၯ७ޟᎪᕝȂЙ௶ᙽইࡣᔬޟ೩ॎһԤ٩ХᒿᇲΣ௶ ޟђȇӰԪȂһுᢚපȄ ר᠍Ѻ༝? ଶΟѺޟٙᓞୈѴȂרᇯ࣏ѺސԤܚޟȄծѴΰȂٮϚޟרདྷ ȂծՃኌڗശߖޟԊӒ߳៖ඪЀЅ౪ਢޟ୵݈Ѕ୵ࡣ݈Ȃרᇯ࣏Ϛџ ܇ޟΙএԁᒵᐅȄ
24 Drive-way
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
28-08-09 No. 131 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Cruze CDX Car News Land Rover's Double Delight At The Auto Express 2009 New Car Awards Land Roverᚖዩᖝߞ
F1 News ȶ༃ࡔȷᆰও!!Б٨ѷ१ྣ5ԑჲ Drive-way
28-08-09 No. 131
Holden Cruze CDX It is so much easier to write about something that has just scored something grand. According to New South Wales RTA (Victorian version of VicRoads), Holden Cruze scored 35.04 marks from a maximum of 37 points from ANCAP. The class also includes Ford Focus, Ford Fiesta, Mazda 2 and Hyundai i30SLX. From a safety perspective, this is the most affordable car yet it brings you a lot of assurance about its safety credential. This makes the Holden Cruze a winner in the 5 stars rating. Please see the enclosed rating from RTA of NSW. The Cruze was first seen in the March 2009 Melbourne International Motor Show. A lot of people show interest in it as it is a small to medium size car. The recent petrol price hike and global financial crisis have brought people’s attention about affordability in the car price and day to day running of a most affordable car. Toyota Corolla is amongst the most popular cars in terms of affordability, reliability and functionality. Hence, it is the best seller in its class. Cruze was seen as an under dog deserving the public’s attention. Cruze is now an imported model from South Korea under the wider General Motors Global production plan. However, it will be a locally manufactured model from as early as next year in Adelaide. This brings the Cruze into a new segment where by it will be the only Australian made small to medium size car. Currently, the smallest Australian made production car is a Toyota Camry, and then come the Holden Commodore, Ford Falcon and Territory. This production schedule will give the Australian community an important decision to support the Holden Cruze as a better choice against all imported models.
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow
The price will be from $20,990 for 1.8 petrol, 2.0 litre diesel from $23,990 and a top of the range petrol manual model – CDX will be $23,990 as well. A six speed automatic gear box will cost $2,000 to all models. This price range is very much in line with KIA Cerato and Hyundai i30 hence; it is very much a practical decision in regard to its after sales service network and its standard, brand name loyalty and cost of spare parts. Ford Focus is another car that I like in the segment. So it is your choice whether you support the Oval Blue (Ford) (Mazda 2 is a close cousin of Ford) or the Red Lion (Holden) or Hyundai i30SLX from South Korea as well. Coming back to safety under this price segment; Cruze has a lot to offer such as Electronic Stability Control, electronic brake assist system, dual active head restraints, dual front airbags, side or curtain airbags and seatbelt pre-tensioners. It also has ABS that gives people a safety mind. A few short notes before we go 1. Appearance is something different, dynamic and pleasant; it fits its pricing and Holden image. I feel the up market elements in its exterior and interior. 2. Sound insulations should improve over harsh surface, but I trust that will be addressed when it is made locally early next year. 3. Engine is a healthy 1.8 litre or 2.0 litre diesel. Holden claims that the 104kW
28-08-09 No. 131
petrol engine will bring a 7.0 per 100 km for the manual and an extra 0.5litre for the automatic. As for real fuel savings, the diesel will bring 5.7 and 6.8 litres for the manual and auto gear box respectively. 4. The petrol model that we test drove gave us a pretty good impression but the 6 speed automatic gear box tends to run on higher gear ratio then, it got whiny under moderate acceleration. I like the option of 6 speed automatic; however, I believe the car can run on 5 speed plus an overdrive option at the press of a button for the 6th gear. In this way, there will be a better balance of the actual acceleration and real fuel savings on top gear. 5 Steering and chassis are strong and solid in wilfully following my commands We have yet to test the diesel model; but the petrol CDX is a luxury with both front seat warmer and almost all accessories that we can get. Will I buy it? Yes, if I have to make a decision now. For a Red Holden factor or something? I think Holden deserve a serious look at and support, for bringing a very high quality model line up and production line back to Australia where petrol price is high, and where someone prefer a small to medium size car rather than a big V6 or V8. Don’t you agree with me? Drop in a Holden dealership and see for yourself.
Drive-way ٙൢ
ൢᏲΙٲԤӪఖޟࠢΙԑ፬ЖዅٱȂਲ਼ᐃཱིࠒࡄᅭࣸޟၾၯีޟշȂ ܻࠒᗺҡޟႳHolden CruzeڥுΟܻ25,000༫оήޟശٹኡᔞกၐȂڥ 37Ϸ࣏ᅖϷϛޟ35.04ϷȄӰՄȂԙ࣏ശߒޟٹ౪ޱȾᎧཱིࠒࡄᅭࣸޟ ၾၯޟШၶߒȿȄ CruzeॶӑܻҏԑέТӋਢॶَܻᏎᅭҏሬءٙ។ོϛȂ࡞ӻΡᄇѺཐ ڗΪϷࢺࠔޟᑹ፸ȇӰ࣏ȂѺΙᎄϛωءޟٙȂശߖݶءޟቋਿଽӌȂ ՄσӻኵΡהఖџоᎽᎻΙᎄШၶࣸءޟݶٙȄՄ౪ਢȂToyota Corolla ശءޟߔ᠍ڧٙȂฒ፣ӵቋᓀȃџᎬЅђΰߒ౪юՓȇӰՄ౩ԙണӴԙ ࣏ശٹ୵ءٙȄՄCruze߯ԙ࣏ശࢅޟٹᏽޱȂӰԪȂһᔖுσಀݧޟཎȄ Cruze౪ਢΙᎄҥࠒᗺΣοဴޟȂՄ݂ԑߑོ߯ӵछҢءٙღޟӒ ౨ҡҁѮϛܻٙࠒᐬࢸߡޟኈႪுҡȇһӣਢԙ࣏୲Ιӵᐬࢸюޟϛω ءٙȄᐬࢸӨࣨఖCruzeޟю౪оЛࡻҏӴءޟٙᇧഅཾ。 Cruze୵ޟቋҥ20,990༫ۖȂџоີڗ1.8ϴЀޟЙଢ଼௶ᔬȄՄ2.0ϴЀޟ ਼ݶЕᔝࠌҥ23,990༫ଔȇϲഀޟՌଢ଼௶Ѫё2,000༫ȄѺ୵ޟቋᇄKIA Cerato Ѕ౪фHyundai i30ࣼቆȂӰԪ Ȃᒵᐅ၎έٙ џຟեѺ݈ࡣ୵ޟ ȂྥЅࠢถ܆ޟЖݷȇ࿋ณһѓࢂΟႭӇ୵ޟቋȄFordᆋ੫ ޟFocusһ ݠܚר፬ޟȄձޟᒵᐅџᙢՓޟᆋ੫ЅѺߖޟᒑٱுMazdaȃऔՓޟ ྾υႳHoldenࠒܖᗺޟHyundai i30SLXȄ ࿋רঈӱ୵ࡸڗቋՄຟեءٙԊӒޟਢঐȂCruzeඪټΟ࡞ӻޟԊӒ೩രԃ ٙᛧۡᏢESCȃࠆٙሄօȃᚖԊӒᓞȃϲএԊӒءೡЅႱષԒԊӒளȂՄ ࿋ณѓࢂΟABSٙᎈ٩ᚇ೩രȄ Ιٲᙏޟौٱ 1. ѴΰȂCruzeԤѺޟ੫ᘈȂшᅖଢ଼ཐЅҁџᒑȂѺ୵ޟቋЅΪϷ ӫႳHoldenȂרһཐڗڧ೩ॎৱߒܚႀޟΰࠢ፴ޟϱѴ၆ႺȄ 2. ႤॱП७Ȃӵಗᕹޟၯ७ΰᎻਢȂѺԤޟᎷӴȄծࣺ߬רȂ࿋ӵᐬ ࢸᇧഅਢᔖ၎џоΙᘈޟȄ 3. Еᔝ1.8ϴЀܖݶء2.0ϴЀݶ਼ޟЕᔝȂݶءЕᔝџีю104 kWޟଢ଼Ψ ȂՄџоுڗ7.0ϴЀЅѪё0.5ϴЀ(Ռଢ଼௶)߯џׇԙ100ϴ٨ȂՄ਼ݶЕᔝ ࠌϷտ5.7Ѕ6.8ϴЀџоׇԙ100ϴ٨Ȅ 4.רঈܚกၐݶءޟЕᔝȂϠרঈΙএ࡞ԁޟӟຫȂծϲഀޟՌଢ଼௶ӵҁல ޟᄱԒёഀਢȂԤᘈࡧᄚޟཐឈȄӰԪרᇯ࣏о5ࠉഀёΰ6ݰհ຺࣏Ш ݰЅоӵݰෙΰёࡸ໖ਢΙএШၶᄂሬޟᒵᐅȂһџоϫณٺCruzeӵ٠ഀ ࡙ਢڥுശݶࣸޟٹਝݎȄ 5. ПөዺЅٙ࢜רᇯ࣏࡞ಜᄂȂٮ᠙ࡾޟרڼථȂߒ౪Ϛ߹Ȅծרঈϫהఖ џоกၐ਼ဴݶȂծܚกၐޟCDXဴശᇺޟԒȄӰԪȂһёΰΟ ёዥԒ৴ාȄӵьЈਢȂ࡞དӻᗂHolden ޟಠЖȂՄܚԤޟᇺӇϐ၆ΰ ΟȂџᒝѓᛳԤȄ ີ֏ོרѺ? ԃȂ౪ӵौרհΙএؚۡȇີོרѺȂӰ࣏Holdenޟጢ࢈ȂџጫȄ רឈுHoldenᔖ၎ڗڧ१ຜЅσಀޟЛࡻȇӰ࣏ѺளپΟ࡞ଽ፴શޟ ࠢȂՄғ࿋ݶءቋਿଽ݁ޟਢঐڏܖтΡ᠍ШၶಠωءޟٙȂՄϚཎᎽ ᎻσޟV6 ܖV8ЕᔝءޟٙȂԃձϚӣཎޟר፣ᘈȂձσџڗф౩୦Ιࣼ ၎݂ٙ߯ҩޟרཎࡦȄ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
16-10-09 No. 138 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Car News Honda Jazz Named the UK’s Most Reliable Used Small Car All-new Toyota Genuine Followme Makes In-car Navigation Portable REVOLTE: Luxury, ecology and a touch of cheek! Kia Motors to demonstrate exciting EcoDynamics
16-10-09 No. 138
Commodore SS-V AFM When you have not driven a Commodore for a while the VE is a pleasant surprise, because it really is a world-class car. Why you would spend way over $100k on a European badge when you can have one of these, with everything, for under $60k? The most important part of this car is of course the engine, a very sweet and light 6 litre V8 that in normal form produces 270kW at peak revs and 530Nm of torque. However, these figures have been deliberately reduced, to 260 kW and 517Nm, by Holden to assist the new AFM (Active Fuel Management) system, which cleverly changes the V8 into a 4 cylinder once the car is in cruise mode. You can’t choose to put the car in 4 cylinder mode, the system automatically works when the engine is not being stressed, as in uphill acceleration. The AFM system is beautifully engineered, because the only way you can tell it is changing from 8 to 4 cylinders is on a very smooth road, but normally you would not notice. Of course, the main aim of the system is fuel economy, and if you are careful with your right foot, you should be able to achieve around 13 litres per 100 km, which is excellent for what is normally a very large V8 engine in a big family sedan. The system is only available in automatic transmission mode, which will not worry most buyers. I don’t know why you would purchase a V8 with the intention of not using it because of fuel use concerns, but I suppose the advantage of this system is
26 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ! Geoff Fickling Translate: Driveway Team
that the power is there if and when you need it. Things like overtaking are a breeze with over 250kW on tap, which makes it a much safer vehicle to be in for that sort of situation. Some may now prefer the V6, especially as the system is now available also on that model, but having driven a big roaring V8 again, I wouldn’t! Handling-wise, it is very well sorted with excellent balance. The front end sticks to the road well, a huge improvement over previous Holden ‘sport’ models which tended to understeer (slide at the front) when pushed hard. The rear stays put too, but this has always been the case even with previous models. You can throw the car into corners and feel quite secure, especially with the now standard Electronic Stability Control. Road feel is good, and despite the big wheel/tyre combination, the cabin being well insulated from road noise. You can still hear the big tyres on the SS model, but it is not intrusive at all. The brakes are massive and pull the big car up with no fuss at all. Smooth and with a good solid feel, which tells the story of the whole car really, it’s very well put together. Inside, the leather seats are supportive and deep with good large side bolsters to keep you in place. The controls are functional and fall to hand without having to think too much. That’s good design. There are plenty of places to store bits and pieces. Rear seat passengers get a great deal too, and the boot is good for some serious luggage.
16-10-09 No. 138
ԃݎௌԤΙࢲਢؠԤᎽᎻႆCommodoreޟၗȂ٥ቄᎽᎻ Commodore VE ོձΙᆍхΡΪϷඛޟפᡙȄѺឈுџоᆗுΰжࣨΙࢺޟড়ҢٙȂ ᇄ߆ڏາ຺ႆ10ᐬᄌӵ٥ٲዉࢸٙΰȂձդϚၐၐCommodore VEفӖϛ ޟӈդΙȉΙᔖӒᅖٗձޟሯؑȂቋਿΰճܻ6ᐬᄌȊ ၎ٙϛശ१ौޟഋӋ൷ѺޟЕᔝɯ6ϴЀV8 Ȟശσଢ଼Ψ࣏270kW / ശσׯΨ ࣏530Nm ȟȂ ϚႆȂҥܻCommodore VEᔖҢΟHoldenശཱིޟкଢ଼ݶȞ Active Fuel ManagementȟفಛȂٲኵᐃೝᙱབӴ६ճՍ260 kW ڷ 517NmȄ࿋ءٙ໌Σ٠ᎻਢȂ၎فಛџоѽּӴV8፡ᐌ࣏4चȄ ձฒ ݲՌкᒵᐅЕᔝᙽ࣏4चȂϚႆӵЕᔝϚڧᔆਢȂفಛོՌଢ଼ԃԪୈȄ AFMفಛ೩ॎுࣺ࿋ᆠಠׇछȂ࿋ձӵҁޟۄσၾΰਢȂձོี౪Еᔝ8 चᡐԙΟ4चȂϚႆலձϚོݧཎڗΙᘈȄ࿋ณȂ၎فಛശкौޟҬ ငᔼࣸݶȂԃݎձᎽᎻᎌ࿋ޟၗȂᔖ၎џоႀؐڗ100ϴ٨ѫૉݶघ13ϴЀ ȂᄇܻΙএΤचޟড়৳σܘٙپᇳࣺ࿋ϚᒿݎޟਝΟȊ၎فಛҬࠉѫᎌ ҢܻՌଢ଼᐀ޟٙȂϚႆᄇܻσӻኵີٙپޱᇳᔖ၎Ϛ࡞σޟ୰ᚠȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ!
ሯौࡨᙽ᠉ਢȂٙᎄོԤ௰ᓞޟݷю౪ȂӵΙᘈΰȂཱིٙԤΟσൽ࡙ޟ ඪଽȂᇄԞӑဴޟΙኺȂࡣᎈޑᄘيԁȄ੫տരΟ౪ήྥႫυᛧ ۡڙȂᡱձӵࡨᙽ᠉ਢџоཐ࡞ڗԊӒ߳ᓎȄ ᎽٙᎻޟཐឈࣺ࿋ϚᒿȂᏑᆓᎈप࡞σȂծٙϱႤॱਝ࡞ݎԁȂඁн᠙Ϛ ڗᎈपᇄӴ७ኞᔢޟᏡॱȂ㧣ࣺٙ࿋ھࣀȂϚོᡱΡӵࡨ㧣ٙਢЙԔယ༄ Ȅଢ଼ھذڷঙޟڎཐڧȂᡝᡛю၎ٙᐌᡝΰ೩ॎޟᆠಠᎌҢȄ ܘٙϱഋȂधഋٗஊܛԜޟઍҪ৴ාڷёቶޟЙོᡱձޟᎽᎻֲ࣏ॸܖ ᎌȄϱഋޟӨᆍڙΪϷᄂҢζ࡞ৠܾዣጛΰЙȂ൞ᆎׇछޟ೩ॎȄٙ ϱԤ࡞ӻџоП߯ᓽުޟސڷ೩ॎȂࡣ৴ζ࡞ቶබȂٗஊσȂӔϚҢ ᐊЖюߞਢޟσȄ
ϚЍΡᒵᐅΟV8ࠓάӰ࣏ዖཎᜋ㠰ՃኌݶڗቋޟӰશՄϚўငலᎽᎻȂϚ ႆȂ၎فಛޟᓺ༖ӵܻฒ፣դਢդӴȂ࿋ձሯौٗஊσޟଢ଼ΨਢȂѺџо ඪټȇٽԃѺџоᡱձӵ຺ٙਢሆᚬԊӒȄ੫տ࿋кଢ଼فݶಛӵ V6ΰζӣኺᎌҢޟ࿋ήȂԤٲᗊٙޱܖޱ༊өܻV6ȂϚႆרᇯ࣏V8֜ڎЕ ΨȊ ᐌ౩೩ॎᄺഅԊ௶݂සȂᡝᡛюΟྃԁޟҁᒋȄHoldenԞࠉޟၼଢ଼ٙȂӵ