Audited 13,688 as at Sep 30,2008
Distribute 22,000 from July 18, 2008 onward in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
06-02-09 No. 102 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
HONDA JAZZ Car News: Ferrari goes Solar-powered Toyota not the enter rally championship Lexus RX 350 to make debut at Melbourne Drive-way
06-02-09 No. 102
Drive-way ٙൢ
HONDA JAZZ Jazz has grown slightly bigger in size, width and length; its interior space has also improved as well. The result was simply better travelling comfort for shoulder and head room complimented with a better driving position with height adjustable seat, reach and tilt steering wheel. The big concept of a small car and multi-purpose functionality haven’t change much. It is still comparatively small and highly functional. For example, the passenger doors can be swinged open for a fantastic near 90 degrees to help with loading stuff in and out. Jazz or FIT, as called in the Japan, Hong Kong or other parts of the world, is faithfully served as a small car that is functional for small and tight road conditions such as back yard alleys, old Tokyo lane ways, cramped Hong Kong side streets and other interesting places in Asia. Those cities still command for innovation, driving comfort, low fuel consumption and most importantly a car which has the ability to carry odd size stuff…such as an Australian surf board maybe,or even a tall indoor plant or some tiny bonsai plants. I would not comment the Jazz as a delivery van, because this is not Honda’s intention. But, clearly, the fuel tank is located beneath the bottom part of the front seats, as inherited from the previous model, which means, people can
24 Drive-way
utilize their imagination for ferrying stuffs that they need rather than waiting for a taxi, delivery van or going back home to tow a trailer. The original Jazz can accommodate a mountain bike inside. The seating and loading arrangement is very creative, that is the reason behind that makes the Jazz can now carry a surf board with front passenger seat lowered. Improved design for the second row, 60:40 split, helps owners to accomplish their task in a much easier way and relaxed way as well. In terms of the overall design, it is basically using the same successful formula: a tiny but stylish station wagon with a hatch door at the back. Honda Jazz is still the most popular around the world. It has been produced in 5 countries and selling in 115 countries for over 2.5 millions Jazz / FIT in its first generation production model. Why change if it is a success? May be that was the case with second generation Jazz. Hence, the Jazz is basically a refinement rather than a clean slack of ground up creation. While driving the Jazz, I noticed that it had a class leading 5 speed automatic gear box, which responded quite well to the Australian driving condition that the car could give you a sportier driving feeling. However, the Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT), which has 7 gears, was dropped from the specification list. Fuel consumption is quite good but not excellent, as it returns 9.7litres per 100kms around town in acute travelling condition, lower fuel consumption for around 6.5 litres per 100kms can be achieved in highway travelling.
06-02-09 No. 102
Base model 1.3 litre GLi engine system has been upgraded from i-DSi to iVtec. This makes the 1.3litre base model capable to increase its much needed power range considerably by 12kw to a healthy 73kW by simply adding 2 valves on each cylinder head. Steering and suspension have been improved by a newly designed front suspension. Due to increased weight distribution, electric steering assistance capacity was increased by 50% to cope with the increased weight. This steering and suspension re-design were targeted for improving directional stability and road handing by using coil-spring strut and the acclaimed Honda A-arm. The steering feeling and responsiveness have been addressed; yet, more feedback from the steer system on road conditions would be nice Around town, the tight turning circle makes the Jazz a delight to drive. Near silent idling of the engine was very impressive. The gear box complained slightly when engaged in the wrong selection or when the gear box was still cold. The ride was acceptable, as the 1,115kg Jazz was designed to expect some load at the back, be it passenger(s) or load; hence, it can be bumpy and unsettled a little bit if it is empty at the back. In terms of safety equipment, it was extremely generous with 6 airbags with full length curtain airbags for the higher specs model; but for the base model, it is just a pair of front airbags. Upon researching into overseas technical data, the Australian Jazz was not equipped with VSA Vehicle Stability Assist (ESP
Drive-way ٙൢ
for the Australian terminology). But, it will come once final calibration on the Australian road condition is done. As safety awareness is being heavily promoted by Government agencies and even Korean car manufacturers as well; Jazz as a class leader should take up the challenge. Apart from this, Jazz is a funny and functional car to drive and to own. Enjoy Jazz in music and enjoy Jazz as a cue enjoyable small car.
ҏҤᕒρ Honda Jazz ߝσΟΙᘈᘈȂฒ፣ӵٙߝЅٙᗯ ΰѺᡐσΟȂٙϱഋቨёΟުȂ๖ࣺݎᔖඪଽ ΟᎽٙਢޟഋЅᓞഋުޟཐȄՄᎽᎻৰ࠼ֲޟһӰ࣏ ПөዺџоΰήЅժᕻޟ፡ӰՄџоᕕுޟٹᎽᎻ՝ ညȂծωٙࠓџӻᡐޟ੫Փࠓ๛ॹؠԤଝՓȄ ѺϫณωٙȂࠓϫณνᡐϽȄٽԃȈѺࡊॸޟ՝ٙߞџоߖ 90 ُ࡙ޟ оП߯၆ڣѓᇥЅᚕސȄJazz ܖFITȂжࣨޣӪޟબၯᆋȇ੫տ ࡣࡓω৷ȂѺџоΙΙᔖпԤᎷȊٽԃޟٵݍωࡓȂॷ෫ޟબၯЅڏтӴ ୢޟωၯٖுுЖᔖЙȂ٥ٲσ࠲ѿϫณሯौΙٲഺཱིޟωٙȂᎽᎻਢ ᎌቸཎȄՄճૉݶءȂՄശ१ौџо၆ၷΙࠢސޟޑלۉٲȄ ၗᗶԃԪȂѺጂνᡐϽȂԃѺޟᐽݶᙠܻࠉ৴ۻޟഋȂJazz ٘ࠉޟ һΙኺȄӰԪȂٙкσџоՌϏޟഺཎӫ Jazz ޟᛁσৠ໔оԝᙠސӇ
06-02-09 No. 102
Drive-way ٙൢ ȂՄࣸࠓ้ޟρȂωೲٙࣥܖՍӱড়ܴܜٙȂՄ Jazz ٘ࠉޟՄϐџৠઽΙᎄދόٙȄӰՄȂيΟ৴՝ ೩ॎ ཱིޟJazzȂџоৠઽΙ༵ྤݖᄂϚ࣏ۉȂՄࡣ৴џо 60 Ѕ 40 ޟϷȇܚоȂԆܹࠢސΪϷሆᚬቸ ཎȄ ᐌᡝޟ೩ॎՄِȂJazz ϫณٷᐃѺޟԙђ੫ᘈȂоΙএωѽࠓଽ࡙ᓺޟਡٙПԒٮо௸धޟПԒўഺഅ ᙺۉȄJazz ϫณжࣨᄱޟωٙȄՄѺܻϤএড়ᇧഅȂܻҡȂѺܻ 115 ড়ี୵ȂՄᖂ໔຺ႆ 250 Ȃσ྅ԙђޟПݲџоΙҢӔҢȄӰԪȂΠф Jazz ѫџоᆗശގيޟٹȂՄϚΙএӒཱིޟഺ അȄ ܻᎽᎻѺਢȂีרឈѺ၆ΰӣٙ୲ޟفΙϤࠉഀՌଢ଼௶ݰȂՄᎽᎻਢџоᕕுΪϷפ௦ޟІᔖȂծΰ၆ ΰΜࠉഀՌଢ଼௶ݰࠓೝڥੑΟȄૉݶП७ȂѺܻ࠲ϛᖅԔၾၯΰؐ 100 ϴ٨ 9.7 ϴЀȂՄܻଽഀϴၯਢ Ȃࠌѫ 6.5 ϴЀȄ அᙃ ޟGLi ޟЕᔝᆓ౩فಛҥ i-DSi ࣏iVtecȂՄਝݎёΟ 12kW ࠌЀ࣏ 73kWȄПөЅ௮П७ȂѺ௴ ҢΟΙএޟيПݲўᗗᎪਝݎȂӰՄٙ٘१ΟȂ࣏ΟيএݷȂኅПҢΰΙএཱིޟႫଢ଼ᙽөኞԜ (motor)ȂоඪټѴ 50% ׯޟΨȄՄᑪ௮П७ȂኅПӪ ޟA ௮ᖗЅኆᙋџо၎ٙޟᐇཐȄ࿋ ณȂѺџоඪޟٹټПөཐ߯౩དȄ ܻ࠲ѿϱᎽᎻਢȂѺޟଟᙽُ࡙ಠЍȇӰԪȂᎽᎻਢџоᒝ፬ЖዅཎȄՄݰޟІᔖΰٹȂषᎽᎻޱȂΣᒿ ݰܖࢲݰϫณҐዥ٘ਢȂѺԤΙᘈཎَܖວȄॸֲཐΰॸޟȂ৴՝೩ॎᓺيȂՄџҥܻٙҏ࣏٘Ο ၷ१ޟጢ࢈ȂܚоȂ၎ٙषҐၷ१ਢȂٙΰپਢԤΙএሆޟ܇ཐឈȄ ٙ٘ޟԊӒП७ȂѺޟଽဴѓࢂΟȈϲೡȃѓࢂӒߝ࡙ࡣޟ৴ॸࡊๅᛨԒೡȃՄΣߞގѫԤࠉ৴ᚖԊ ӒೡȂՄٙᛧۡᏢȃVSA ࠓϚѓࢂӵဴϛȂՄኅПࡇᆎघ 2010 ߯џٺҢȄҏҤಠٙޟሴᏲޱȂ ՄҏӴࢇۺЅᗺኅড়ఖӨᎽᎻޱ१ءٙޟӨԊӒ၆രȄӰԪȂҏҤᔖࢅڧᏽσΨ௰ (VSA ܖ ESP) ЅሴᏲዘࢺȂՄᐌᡝՄِȂѺνᡐϽޟᄂҢءٙȂڧٴᎄٙጫȂԤԃӪޟᕒρॱዅΙኺȄ
26 Drive-way
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
08-05-09 No. 115 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Honda Accord Euro 4 cylinder 2.4 litre
CarNews: News Car Swansong For Proven Mazda 3 MPS Land Rover to Enter Indian Mar New-Car Market Set To Improve - Toyota Lexus LF-A Returns To Nurburgring 24 Hour
Drive-way ٙൢ!
08-05-09 No. 115
Honda Accord Euro 4 cylinder 2.4 litre In some cases, Honda has an Accord just slightly larger than its stable mate Honda Civic, years and years ago. The first generation Accord Euro was even more confusing that it was similar to its slightly smaller than Accord which was the main bread and butter car for Honda in America. Why building two cars with such slight variants? I believe it is the European craftsmanship and quality that Honda Accord was built on. The first generation was refined and welcomed by the market. Some would say it is better than the normal Accord. Why, because it depends on what you want. The new Accord Euro gives you a more muscular and some how a more authoritative look. But that is different from the more pleasant smooth looking Accord. Apart from the engine, the new Euro is batting on its renowned 4 cylinder engine. It is better refined and polished. It pumps out 148kW of power and 234Nm of torque. With a slightly smaller body, it is a sweet but powerful alternative to most turbo engines in the market. It performance is very linear and predictable. Keep the pedal pressured and it will just faithfully keep building its power until 7900 rpm; it was so good that we felt it was a twin turbo. The choice of transmission is either 6 speed manual or 5 speed auto. I believe the 6 speed manual will be a better choice for those love to drive. However, think twice about Melbourne’s nitrous traffic gem, then you would prefer a 5
26 Drive-way
Edmund Chow
speed auto. The manual is slick, weight of clutch is good. But I prefer the 5 speed auto. Gear paddles located at the back of the steering wheel provide a handy change of gear when needed. That is the real reason behind some of my friends’ thought about Honda Euro. It is a dream car. Responsive and a more practical body size make the Euro a better preposition for a driver’s car. Seating arrangement is excellent for the driver and front passenger. Steering wheel is reach and tilt adjustable. Great lumber support for the front passenger’s back. In addition, seating position can be adjusted to the most comfortable setting. However, if you have a 6-foot driver and an adult sitting at the back seats, it will certainly make the back passengers feel cramped. But that is normal to a very wide range of medium size car. Audio is great with aux jacks for i-Pod or MP3, with 12-volt outlets, it powers most electrical equipment seamlessly. The suspension is sporty but not harsh. As such it is a well balanced choice for people who prefer sportiness rather than spongy comfort. I agreed with Honda that Euro should be setting itself up as a premium driver’s car. Noise insulation has been improved to accommodate nosier surface such as coarse-chip road. The tyres performed well in the setup.
08-05-09 No. 115
The exterior of the car makes people feel that it is a bigger car, with longer wheelbase, wider tracks and lower centre of gravity that can improve the car’s response in corning and give a sporty attribute to the car. Electric steering is good except it lacks weight and feedback; it is just on the good but not excellent. The interior is very impressive especially with the in dash Satellite Navigation. Like its bigger brother Accord, the only draw back would be its heavy North American accent that might annoy people with their American pronunciation. But apart from that it is by far the best Sat Nav system in the market. When in reverse, it doubles up as a rear vision monitor. The plastics on the dash and around the door give you a soft pad touch that you would not feel disappointed. Controls are well organized, and ego metric as well. Our recommendation It is a class leading and naturally aspirated 4 cylinder engine that is ultra smooth and powerful. The price is right and with a lot of safety equipments such as ABS, Electronic brake force distribution (EBD), Brake Assist (BA), stability/traction control, two front, side and curtain airbags; all these will certainly help to improve its crash safety rating than its predecessor. I can only say that it is perhaps the best medium size sedan that Honda has ever made. Try it out, you will find its characteristics perhaps slightly better than other Japanese competitors. With a price range starting from $32,990, it can become you dream car as well.
Drive-way ٙൢ!
ΙૡՄِȂо܁HONDAޟAccord༉༉ШڏӣߞৱךCivic฿ཌσٲȂΙфޟ ዉࢸގAccord ࣥՍೃӪּڏӴᇄछࢸޟގCivicࣺխȂAccordٙ Honda ӵ छޟкौٙȄ࣏ϧቄौоڍᆍЏψپҡ၎ٙڹȉ ࣺ߬רHondaᆀྥޟዉࢸࠢޟ፴ڷώȄΙфڧѿൟԁȂΙٲΡࣥՍ ឈுтШΙૡޟAccordԁȂདޣၾনӰ༝ȉ٥൷ؚܻڥձޟሯؑȄ ཱིዉގAccordளձᕤޟࡄ᠌ڷѴᢎཐឈȂᇄҁྤጣనޟ೩ॎԤܚୢ տȄЕᔝȂϫณЕᔝȂཱིዉޟގѲचЕᔝϐӪᖐӵѴȄѺೝڷيᆠᇧ ࡣџᒯю148kW Ψ ڷ234NmׯޟΨȄԤᕤޟל٘ޟѺԃԪџདྷࠓ Ϛ࣏ΡឈӴԙ࣏ӻኵቨᔆЕᔝޟᝯތфޱȄѺޟӨࡾጣܒ੫ܒଽȄ ߯ߞݶٺтӴႀڗ7900ᙽ/ϷមȄтޟюՓߒ౪רٺঈࣥՍᇲᇯ࣏Ѻ ᚖᎈቨᔆȄ ԤϲഀЙଢ଼ڷϤഀՌଢ଼ᡐഀџټᒵᐅȂҏΡࣺ߬ϲഀЙଢ଼ގԁᎽᎻޱ ٹޟϞᒵȄծԃMelbourneޟငலܒ༬ٙઽΣՃኌϛਢȂձџོདྷ ϤഀՌଢ଼ގȄЙଢ଼ޟގᚔӫᏢሆࣴՄྤȂծרᗙདྷϤഀՌଢ଼ގȄᔬਛ ൷ӵПөዺࡣȂܻ߯ඪټձܚџདौޟᔬȄ ݉ޟרЄџՃኌHondaޟઍғনӰȄѺ౩དϞᒵȄః௦ڷᄂҢުޟ װHonda Euro ҈അԙᎽᎻޱϞٙȄ ࠉ௶ॸֲުΪϷюՓȂПөዺџ፡Ȅࠉ௶৴ාᗙॸࡊඪټᎌޟधഋ ܛԜȄӔӫ৴՝ُ࡙ޟശٹᎌ࡙፡Ȅ࿋ณȂԃݎΙএϲЏѧᐠསၷΙএ
08-05-09 No. 115
ԙΡӵࡣ௶৴ාΰȂࡣོۡޱឈு੭બȄծσഋϷϛٙޟЫྥȄ Ԥ12Vᒯюඨ৴о߯ټႫi-Pod or MP3 ॱޟਝٹྃݎȄ তޟܒᗗᎪϚོႆȄӰԪȂѺџоᎌϛӴᅖٗΡঈ༊өၼଢ଼ཐՄӻܻЊ࢙ ޟԁȄרШၶᜓӣHondaዉࢸގEuroۡ՝࣏ᇺϛٙȄᏡॱႤᚔђ ೝඪЀՍᎌᔖಗᕹүၯ७ȂᎈपζഽӈԤёȄ ߝᎈຽȂቶຽޟѴߒٺΡឈுσȄճ१Жޟ೩ॎڏٺӵ᠉ၾᙽөᆠጂ Ȃ࣏ٮ፭Ϡၼଢ଼੫፴ȄႫυᙽөሆࣴՄІᔖيԁՄҐႀׇڗछޟแ࡙Ȅ ϛѮӫፏᏲٺΡಁࠉΙ߫ȂᇄڏσরAccordࣺխȂ୲Ιીᘈछࢸ οॱխॳޟਿٺΡვྮȇծଶԪϞѴȂтϫѿ७ΰശԁޟፏᏲفಛȄ ࿋ইٙਢȂтђш࿋࣏ࡣຜᅿࡎȄ࢙ޟቈᒼዺਟϠձᎌޟញᄥ ཐឈȂ๘ϚོхձѶఖȂڷڙՌרཐឈΪϷيԁȄ רঈ࡚ޟដ հ࣏ΙഋڐՌณ֜4चЕᔝȂѺҁྤԤΨȄԊӒညቆӒЅቋ՝ᎌϛȂԃ ȈABS, EBD, BA,ᛧۡڙȂڍࠉڍԊӒ᠄ȂۡШࠉڏᎆඪټኡ ԊӒШȄHondaᇧഅޟശԁޟϛٙȄᎽΰѺȂձོឈுтШڏтӣپ ՍРҏޟᝯޱތഽΙᝰȄቋᓀϗ$32,990ଔȂѺζџоԙ࣏ձޟ౩དϞٙȄ
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ!
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
10-07-09 No. 124 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Honda City
VTI-L a City for all seasons
Car News Hyundai tops three categories in Vehicle Operating Costs ౪фءٙέএಢտϛӪӖࠉल The Passat CC enchants the world with its style Design awards in Germany and Australia Passat CCѴ֜ЕжࣨޟҬӎ!!!ϷտܻኈЅᐬࢸჴዩ
10-07-09 No. 124
Honda City VTI-L a City for all seasons
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow
It is hard to find something different for the gorgeous looking Honda Jazz but with a little bit more regal or conservative. But Honda presented the “City” that re-vitalized the former 3 doors hatch from the 1980’s. This Honda City is quite totally different from the modern Jazz that it steers itself into the premium light car sedan market.
stern V look statement for a well composed executive look. It results in giving a much bigger and more purposeful posture. Accompanying with the 16” alloy wheels, and a higher waist line together with the tall boot, the packaging is more appealing to people who are after down sizing in preferring smaller cars for easy parking than previously corporate executive large cars.
Pricing is something different from the Honda Jazz, it demands more for the dollar. Yet, it gives you extra in terms of safety equipment and internal appointments. Internal finishing is excellent, as Honda always does a great job in design and workmanship. The VTi-L that we have tested was equipped with telescopic steering, 16 inch alloy wheels, chrome door handles, fog light, better trim and leather bound steering wheel.
For the interior, the height adjustable sitting position is excellent, accompanied with centre arm rest. The multi functional steeling wheel looks familiar with the Jazz and Civic family line. Gauges are more traditional but easy to read. Auto and air conditioning equipments are very friendly and within reach as well. Functionally, the audio system is of a premium grade as in-built audio system is almost impossible to change. Air conditioning works extremely well and doesn’t seem to draw power from the engine at all.
The exterior is totally different from its stable mate the Honda Jazz. However, mechanically, they are pretty much identical. The City offers two models; both are powered by a 1.5litre SOHC i-VTEC engine. 88 kW power and 145 Nm. Fuel economy is compatible to its segment standard. The 5 speed manual or the new 5 speed automatic returns for 6.3 or 6.6 litre respectively on 91 RON fuel consumption. For what you can get for the dollar is a pretty much a more Honda Legend looking but much smaller car with a much affordable price tag. If I may say the Honda Jazz is more feminine, then the Honda City is more masculine. It uses more chrome on the front grille to match with the headlights to form a more
26 Drive-way
On the road. Given the fact that it is a 1.5 litre engine, I think to my preference, it is slightly under power. Well, you pay for your excitement. But this Honda City steers itself to a more relaxed pace and rather noisy character when pushed. I must agree with Honda that this is obviously not a racing car or other legendary Honda car like NSX, S2000, new Legend, Civic Type R etc. But I welcome the idea of a 5 speed auto. Once you are cruising, it is settled. It is smooth and refined. Suspension is nice and the steering is good with its electric assisted power steering. Do I want to buy it? Yes, if I have to compare it with others such as Yaris sedan, Barina sedan which are also in the light car market; however, they are more affordable. Then, the choice is yours. The
10-07-09 No. 124
City is a newer car with 5 speed automatic, ABS, Electronic Brake Force Distribution(EBD), Brake Assist but without traction control. Which one will you choose? City, Yaris or Barina. I will go for City with full length curtain airbags, dual front and side airbags, double load force limiters with pre-tensioners for front seaters. Those are the things that we absolutely need. My suggestion If you need a light premium sedan, then this is the one that you will be looking for. The Honda badge brings a lot of credibility to its pricing. I believe it’s worth it. But if you don’t mind other “slightly” bigger cars, then, I will start looking for Honda Civic sedan, Toyota Corolla, Volkswagen Jetta, KIA Cerato and Mitsubishi Lancer etc.
Drive-way ٙൢ!
88 kW ޟଢ଼ΨЅ145 NmׯޟΨȂѺΰϤࠉഀЙ௶ЅӒཱིޟϤࠉഀՌଢ଼௶Ȅ ЕᔝᒵҢලޟ91 RONݶءȂՄџоᕕுؐ100ϴ٨ϷտҢΰ6.3ܖ6.6ϴЀ ݶءȄ! ձпюߜޟᓀџоᇳີӱΙഋߝࣺᇄҏҤ٨แLegendծᕻωΟގޟҏȄ ԃȂרᇳHonda JazzτܒϽءޟٙȂ٥ቄHonda City߯ܒظϽΙᘈءޟ ٙȄѺҢΰᗡሞޟٙᓞួ࢞ΰΙᄇٙᓞᐷȂלԙΙএVԅޟΙᡝϽഅȂӰ ՄלԙΟΙএԙዣޟࢇΡষޟѴᇼȇ๖ݎΙএᡝלσޟᒿឈծԤࡄᝒ ȂѺΰ16ӧޟӫߜᎈ,Ѕ౪ਢࢺޟଽဖጣёΰଽ⫶ޟٙȂ ΙএΪϷᓺܘޟيٙȂՄᎌӫ᠍ৠܾހٙЅܹణϴѧϷσٙ݉ޟЄȄ
ӵѿ७ΰ࡞ᜲўײΙഋԁҏҤJazzࠓάԤΙᘈࣂܖԙዣΙᘈءޟٙȂՄ ҏҤӔ௰ю1980ԑф“ޟCity”έߞٙȂՄԪٙһᇄӣߞޟJazzȂԤΙᘈϷտȂ Ѻкौ൶ײΙএШၶଽິᔬԩޟѿൟȄ City୵ޟቋШJazz݁ິȂՄࡊџоᕕுѴޟԊӒ೩രЅٙϱޟ၆ⰖȂշ ҏҤޟΙөଽ፴શ೩ॎЅޟᆠЙђȄרঈܚၐᎽޟCity VTi-LȂരԤժᕻ Ѕΰή፡ᐌޟђȂ16ӧޟӫߜᎈȃᗡװߞޟЙȃ᜴ᐷȃᓺޟؾ৴ා ҀਟЅઍҪᬠᕗȄ ѴᢎᇄJazzׇӒϚΙኺȂծءٙޟᐠడ๖ᄺඁнׇӒΙኺȄCityඪڍټ এԒȂҢΰΙኺޟЕᔝȂ1.5ϴЀSOHC i-VTECݶءЕᔝȂՄџҡ
10-07-09 No. 124
ٙϱഋȂѺޟ৴ාџо፡ᐌՍӫᎌޟଽ࡙ȂຜഏᓺيȂһΰЙȂΪϷ ᡝຮᎽٙޱȂѓΰઍҪޟᬠᕗᇄӣߞޟJazz Ѕ Civic৯ϚӻӣюΙᙾȄᒼݖһ ৠܾᎧȂު፡ЅॱһӵժЙޟጒ൜ϱȂॱᒵҢΰଽᔬޟࠢȂՄΟ ު፡ਢһϚৠܾᄆឈѺҢΰӈդޟЕᔝଢ଼ΨȄ ၯ७ߒ౪ ѺѫҢΰ1.5ϴЀݶءޟЕᔝȂרᇯ࣏ಠωΟΙᘈȂծձߜޟᓀ࿋ณΙএ १ौޟӰશȄծרᇯ࣏Honda CityШၶΰӄޟٙᆍȂ࿋ёഀਢȂЕᔝᏡॱ ၶσȂ࿋ณȂCityᇄӣߞޟເٙفӖϚџӣРՄِȂԃNSXȂS2000Ȃnew LegendȂCivic Type R้้Ȃծݠࠓר፬Ѻޟ5ࠉഀՌଢ଼௶Ȅ࿋Ѻӵၯΰ٠ ਢȂѺߒޟ౪ϷᄱЅԤ࡙ȂᗗᎪޟђЉΟுȂՄᙽөΰޟႫΨ௰ଢ଼ ᙽөفಛһߒ౪ྥᛱȄ ԃձ୰רौϚौີѺȂོרᇳձޟএΡԁȂCityΙᎄཱིٙȂՄѺԤϤ ࠉഀՌଢ଼௶ȂՄһԤABSȂElectronic Brake Force Distribution(EBD) ȂBrake AssistԤᜰྷٙޟԊӒفಛȂ୲ᐿીмΟtraction controlඉၬ၆ညȄծོר ີϧቄ? CityȂYaris ܖBarinaȂོרᒵCityȂӰ࣏ȂѺԤӒߝޟๅᛨԒೡȃ ᚖࠉЅᚖࠉೡЅႱષԒᚖђҢԊӒளȇרᇯ࣏҆ሯޟԊӒ೩രȄ ࡚ޟרដ ԃձौᗊີΙᎄଽ፴શܘޟٙȂձџоᒵᐅΙᎄȇӰ࣏ȂҏҤޟถυџ оᡱձཐސڗԤܚȄٱᄂՄِȂѺһଽ፴ࠢȂՄԃݎȂձџоσΙ ᘈܘޟٙȂձ߯џоҏҤࡦCivicۖܖᒵᐅᙴҤCorollaȂσಀJettaȂ KIA CeratoЅέLancerȄ
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ!
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
07-08-09 No. 128 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
New Honda Odyssey –
4th Generation Car News मጂۡӵᐬࢸ௰юRCZ
07-08-09 No. 128
New Honda Odyssey – 4th Generation My next door neighbour is a die hard Honda supporter having got Accord Euro, CR-V and an Odyssey. What interested me is the fact that the Odyssey has won a number of prizes over the best people mover title in the last couple of years. Almost everyone knows (from reading this column), I love my egg-shaped Toyota Tarago 1992 with 450,000kms on the clock. So you know how much I love it. It is a kind of sour-lemon feeling that Odyssey has been winning the best people mover award for a long time. Eventually, my interest in the Odyssey grows over the year. My perception about the Odyssey was that it was spacious. Equipped with the aero pack with more aggressive, modern or cult image, I believe this is the kind of macho image that most male drivers would prefer. This is not to say that the Odyssey does not appeal to female drivers, but a more aggressive modelling does make a stance rather than the humble early Odyssey models released a few years back. Basically, the aero pack includes Aero front and rear bumpers, aero side skirts and front fog lights. I love it because of the amount of chrome used on the front grille and bumpers make it stand out more. You would feel its aerodynamics by just admiring it from a distance. My favour topic – Safety The 2009 Odyssey for the first time has upgraded with Honda’s version of traction control of which they call it as “Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA). It helps tremendously with road safety and increases driver’s confidence in handling difficult situation. In the coming years, it will be mandated for new cars to be equipped with similar system to reduce road accidents. The other thing that I like is the Motion adaptive electric power steering. When things get out of control, the system helps with steering and works seamlessly with the VSA to correct steering problems in order to avoid accidents. Pedestrian’s safety has
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow
been looked at as well. There is the revolutionary G-Con technology that helps with absorbing the impact on pedestrians and help creating a better crumple zone to protect the occupants of the car. In such case, the unlikelihood of physical injuries will be minimized. Last but not the least, the centre seat of the second row has been upgraded to a three- point seat belt. It has also increased anchorage for child seat and baby capsule as well. Another impressive feature is the full length air curtain that stretches from the first to the third row to provide extra protective support to prevent head injury for all outbound occupants. What other features that I like? I like the interior decorations, the wood grain décor. The simple but well arranged air conditioning unit. The gear knob, located near to the console, is so ego metrically close to the dash. It includes overdrive button neatly incorporated in the tiny but functional knob. I like the speed read out and its presentation. It is neat and very attractive. I also like the powered third row that can be folded into the luggage well just by pressing of a button. It helps creating a generous luggage carrying capacity. What I don’t like? I am surprised to see that Honda prefers to put in a classical analogue looking CD radio unit to the Odyssey. May be the Sat Naf system is too expensive in their price list that it is not offered any more; but it completely destroyed the design of the interior. I would recommend putting back a touch screen audio visual entertainment unit with reverse parking monitor. My reason is simple; the Odyssey is such a long car that can sits 7 passengers comfortably, hence rear vision should be limited. Therefore it warrants a reverse parking monitor system.
07-08-09 No. 128
How does it feel? I love the car. Even though it is not on my wishing list, the car responses beautifully with its clever i-VTEC engine system with a 5 speed automatic gear box. It matches its rather aggressive stance. The engine is just a four cylinder 132kW engine but it has the beauty of both worlds, functional, quick response but also economical as well. Honda claimed a combine 8.9litre for 100kms for urban and freeway travelling. Would I buy it? I would recommend my next door neighbour to trade in his older version. Safety comes first. My preference does not mean anything if it is not safety orientated. Enjoy life and upgrade you car with traction control, ABS and better airbag system. Strict road safety regulations for new cars will be introduced very soon. So, pick one for your love ones. Safe motoring. ޟ ר᎑ ۨ Ι এ Ϊ Ϸ ᇯ ઍ ޟҏ Ҥ Л ࡻ ޱȂѺ ޟড় Ρ Ԥ Accord EuroȃCR-V Ѕ Odyssey。ശхרཐᑹ፸ޟȂOdyssey ӻԑថுӻޟӻҢࡊٙσዩ . רདޟר ޱޣၾءޟרٙΙᎄᙴҤ Tarago 1992 ԑюኅȂՄѺϐٖΟ 45 ϴ٨ȇձᔖ၎ޣ ၾרӻདྷѺȊӰԪȂ࿋ Odyssey ӻԑᕕዩਢȂרЖ၇ᖂԤΙᘈሖࢺࢺޟཐឈȄܚо רᄇ Odyssey ޟᑹ፸һᇄРቨȊ רᄇ Odyssey ޟӟຫѺΪϷ㿡Ȃ౪ਢѺёΰΟΙএࢺጣޟѓ၆ȂᡱѺёΟΙ ᘈࡄᝒȃ౪фЅԤΙএѪޟཐឈȄࣺ߬רএ҈ᄇ Odyssey ԤցޟȂӰ࣏ظ ٙкौؑтঈޟ৴ᎽԤΙᘈতڨޟၾȂٮϚᇳ Odyssey ᄇτٙкؠԤΙᘈ֜ЕΨ ȂӰ࣏౪ਢ ޟOdyssey ᖂШӻԑࠉޟਡٙԤӻ֜ޟЕΨȇձџоಠཎሉݠ፬ ၎੫ՓޟԁٙȄ ޟרዥ૿ၗᚠ – ԊӒ 2009 ԑ ޟOdyssey ϐॶ࡙ΰΟҏҤ ޟVSA ٙඉၬԊӒᏢȂѺџоЍءٙҺ ཎѴȂٮቨᎽᎻޱ७ᄇӠᓎᜰᓞਢޟᐇ߬ЖȄܻپԑȂٙඉၬԊӒᏢһೝॏ ཱི࣏ۡٙ҆ޟԊӒ೩രȂҏҤһีΟѺ Motion Adaptive Electric Power steeringȂ
Drive-way ٙൢ ѺӫٙඉၬԊӒᏢଔٺҢȂоमџо໌Ι؏ޭғПѴዺُ࡙᠉ᙽޟоᗗջҺཎ ѴȄٙᎄһΟΡЅॸࡊޟ٩ኡ೩ॎȂоमџоЍΡڧޟ༌แ࡙Ȃӣਢᇧഅ Ιএ٩ኡޟጥፐୢȂ໌Ι؏߳៖ॸࡊȄΠ௶ֲ՝ёΰΟ็ڋ৴՝ޟԊӒளԚ՝Ȃ Մϛ௶৴՝һҢέᘈԒԊӒளȂശхݠר፬ޟӒཱི ޟOdyssey ϐΰΟӒൽԒๅ ᛨೡȂџо໌Ι؏߳៖ٙࡊॸޟȄ ଶԪϞѴȂרശ᠍ࣥቄȉ ר᠍Ѻޟϱഋ೩ॎȂѺޟУ፴װЙЅ၆ԒᡗюѺޟଽິ٘ӋȄު፡ЅڏѴࡸޟ໖ ൷ЙԁҢȄᙽװޟݰЙ๖ӫΟ຺Шᔬޟಠωࡸ໖ȂՄѺޟ՝ညΪϷߖϛѵѮһᎬ ߖᎽᎻޱȂӰԪȂΪϷߔӫӨᆍᡝޟᎽᎻޱሯौȇቈᏢߒһ೩ॎுΪϷӫҢЅᓺȄ ശхרᗩޟџέ௶՝ޟႫଢ଼ԝᄧђȂѫሯሆࡸΙএࡸ໖ȂѺ߯џоܻ 10 ऌ ѾѡޟਢϱԝᄧܻٙޟዀϱȂܹҁΟޟ՝ည߯џоσσቨёޟৠ໔Ȅ ܚרϚ᠍ޟӴП רᄇҏҤΰΟΙএѠڐԒٖޟବԒ ޟCD ॱفಛཐڗΪϷᡙȂџፏᏲف ಛ୵ቋЊଽ݁ጫȄծѺׇӒકᚽΟѺޟछཐȂר੨ᇯ࣏ኅПሯौёΰΙএញࡎԒޟ ॱفಛȂٮሯौԤইٙޟᅿຜࡎђȇӰ࣏ Odyssey һԤΙ࡙ۡߝޟȂࡣຜޟђһ ᔖࣺ࿋Ԥ३ȂܚоȂইٙޟᅿຜࡎђѫོቨёՃኌີٙ߬ޟޱЖՄϐȄ Ꮍٙޟཐڧ ר᠍ѺȂᗶณרϚོՃኌᗊີѺȂծѺޟЕᔝІᔖᓺȂi-VTEC ЕᔝفಛЅ 5 ࠉഀ ޟՌଢ଼௶ӫհுЈฒᖁȂӰԪȂһӫѺࡄޟౡޟѴȂ132kW ޟЕᔝІᔖѓ֤Ο ౪ᄂжࣨޟᓺᘈȂІᔖః௦ЅࣸݶȇՄҏҤһีߒΟ 8.9 ϴЀݶءџоٖ ׇ100 ϴ٨ ٹޟᕼȄ ོרϚོີ Odyssey ȉ ོྃרΨ௰ᙨޟר᎑ۨўີཱི ޟOdysseyȄԊӒΙȂषϚоᎽٙԊӒ࣏σࠉ ᚠȂޟרএΡԁڏᄂٮϚ१ौȇӰԪȂרჂᓾσড়ўᗊີཱིٙ੫տሯौԤٙඉၬ ԊӒᏢ traction controlȃABS ЅӻޟԊӒೡȄࢇۺϐॏ݂ۡԑ߯ЕΣཱིٙ҆၆ ΰٙඉၬԊӒᏢ traction controlȂӰԪौհԁྥരȂᗊີΙഋཱིٙձޟमདྷᒑЄȂ ઢӨ՝ᎽٙԊӒȂၯၯ՜Ȅ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
13-11-09 No. 142 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Car News Belt Up: VACC Urges Motorists to Check the Safety of Seatbelts and Restraints
13-11-09 No. 142
Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
I remembered that we reported the Type R in 2007, when it first arrived from its factory in Swindon, England. A rather unusual arrangement for a Japanese brand imported to Australia. Nevertheless, its heart and soul are still from Japan, just carefully assembled in England. We tried to capture the essence of the cult and fun Type R. Therefore, we took some night photos in a famous laneway near the Parliament in inner city Melbourne. Two years later, the Type R is still a popular and famous hot hatch. It has its update, amongst its competitor, Golf GTi, Focus XR5, Holden Astra Turbo; the Type R has a forever increasing fan club population. The price is around A$39,990 plus on road. It is not a cheap hot hatch, but the driving quality is just not too far away from its famous stable mate Honda S2000. The naturally aspirated 2.0Litre 4 cylinder i-VTEC engine pumps out 148kW of power at 7,800rpm and 193Nm of torque at 5,600rpm. The weight of the car is just not that heavy, that gives a better weight to power ratio to its advantage. Hence, the magical i-VTEC engine can sprint freely towards 8,000rpm. It hits 100km/h in just 6.6seconds and can go a top speed of 235km/h. Fuel consumption is 9.3litres per 100km on premium unleaded petrol. A high rev range is normally where the fun comes from. It is lively, eager and engaging. Labelling it as a “pocket rocket” is not a taboo to the Type R at all. In terms of suspension, it uses McPherson struts in the front and torsion beam at the back. It seems to be agile and complimented seamlessly with the go fast character of the futuristic styling of Type R. However, such kind of
28 Drive-way
suspension will wear you down for extended driving especially on second grade country road. Steering is fantastic. As it is electrically assisted but still passes on the road information to the driver. In addition, telescopic reach and tilt adjustment will ensure a perfect driving position to enjoy the ride. The Alcantara bucket seats are ready for 4 points seat belt. It is a just a suction fit for my body, but, it is extremely comfortable and supportive. In terms of safety issue, it is equipped with dual front and dual side airbags, curtain airbags and Front seat pre-tensioner seat belt. ABS brakes with Honda’s VSA vehicle stability assist and EBS – electronic brake force distribution and brake assist. Hence, safety is pretty well looked after. I’ve mentioned the ride of the Type R is just a short distance from Honda’s renowned S2000 sports car. My reason was its engaging close slot 6 speed gear box. The engine is flexible enough for almost every gear to explore the powerful engine. Although the actual power of the outgoing Type R and the current 2.0litre I-VTEC is just a minimal increase of 1kW. However, the engine, power train and the manual gear box are just where the fun is. Even if you put in 1st gear, the car will sprint to 8,000rpm. Obviously, I do not recommend this, but you can sing along with such a fantastic car. Would I recommend it, yes, if you are thinking of getting a GTi, XR5 etc. It is fun to go along with the Honda magic I-VTEC engine. But, the rear vision is
Drive-way ٙൢ
13-11-09 No. 142
limited by the two tier rear windscreen. Finally, the price may be a deterring factor for some young drivers, but most perspective owners are cash strapped. So why wait, go for a test drive. It is a go kart type of fun driving. רுӵ2007ԑȂ࿋ҏҤ Civic Type Rശߑҥ՝़ܻSwindonޟώኅၼܰᐬ ࢸϞਢȂרෆငൢၾႆѺȄᄇܻРٙࠢถՄِȂኺ໌οڗᐬࢸޟПԒᡗு Шၶ੫տȄณՄȂѺޟਯЖڷቀϫณྛՌРҏȂѫϚႆڗΟ़໌ ᆠЖӴಢ၆ጫΟȄרঈၐყਐਔ၎ٙشዥԤ፸ޟҏ፴੫ᘈȂӰԪᒵᐅӵᏎᅭ ҏѿୢོߣߖޟΙএӪࡓޟၾីܯΟΙۇٲශࣺаȄ ਢႤڍԑȂҏҤType RϫณΙᎄӪȃര௸ޟߔ᠍ڧधເٙȄӵڏᝯތᄇ ЙԃଽᅭЉGTiȃᆋ੫XR5ȃႳ Astra TurboޟᕗᙓήȂѺԤΟ໌Ι؏ཱིޟ ȇ၎ٙޟདྷԁޱΡኵζӵϚᘞӴΰЀȄቋਿσघ$39,990ѴёΰၯາȂኺ ޟቋਿϚᆗۣ߯ȂϚႆڏᎽᎻܒϐϚܻٳҏҤശӪޟS2000Ȅ ၎ٙരՌณ֜2ϴЀ4चޟi – VTECЕᔝȂڏശσଢ଼Ψ࣏148kW/7,800 rpm ȂശσׯΨ࣏193Nm/5,600rpmȄءٙՌ٘ޟ१໔ؠٮԤ٥䈥ؖ१ȂѺޟᓺ༖ ӵܻඪټΟၶޟٹ१໔ڷђШȄёएюޟȂшᅖ៳Ψޟi – VTECЕᔝџ оՌҥӴፐږՍ8000 rpmȄѺ㴕ଢ଼ѫሯ6.6ऌ൷џоႀڗ100ϴ٨ޟਢഀȂശ ଽਢഀџႀ235ϴ٨/ωਢȂٞౡޟഀ࡙Пџᡝ౪ᎽᎻޟዅ፸ȇՄૉݶ໔࣏9.3 ϴЀ/ؐ100ϴ٨Ȟᓺ፴ฒ႗ݶءȟȄ၎ٙଢ଼ٞ௦ȂхΡఖ֜ڎྃٮЕΨȂ ᆎڏȶοೡЬጐȷΙᘈζϚ࣏ႆȄ ӵ௮၆ညП७Ȃ၎ٙࠉ࢜௴Ңഫ߆Ջᖗ؋Ȃࡣ࢜௴ҢׯΨᖗ؋Ȅኺ ޟ೩ॎٺுٙυӵᎽᎻޟႆแϛഀ࡙ٞౡࠓՌณࢺᄱȂׇӒಒӫType Rё
ଢ଼ཱིޟዘࢺএܒȄϚႆȂኺޟਗ਼೩ॎӵձߝഊਡᎻܻΠ໐؆ϴၯ ਢȂོᡱձཐឈפڗौዛȄ ၎ٙᙽޟө၆ညࣺ࿋—ޟႫυሄօȂծϫณџоၯݷၥଉ༈ሎᎽᎻޱȄ ԪѴȂيԁޟժᕻڷܒ༊ఇ፡ᐌጂׇ߳छޟᎽᎻॸֲڧٴȄఝԒ৴ාരѲ ᘈԒԊӒளȄѫΙএᎌ࡙оЅᄇΡᡝޟЛࡻߨலڗ՝ȂᇄרՄِȂ ۥԃΙএׇӒಒӫ٘רᡝᎈᄐ֜ޟᐠȄ ӵԊӒܒП७ȂѺരΟᚖࠉ՝Ȃᚖ७ԊӒ᠄ȂๅᛨԒ᠄௶ࠉڷႱ ᆧᎈԊӒளȄABS㧣ٙفಛѴёҏҤᐿԤޟVSAٙᎄᛧۡڞܒօڷႫυҺف ಛ—Ⴋυڙଢ଼ΨϷڷ㧣ٙሄօȄӰԪȂԊӒࣺܒ࿋ϚᒿޟȄ רϞࠉϐငඪЅႆType RޟᎽᎻཐڧӣҏҤӪޟS2000ເٙϐࣺ࿋ޟߖ ΟȂר䈥ᇳޟ౩ҥڏሳ֜ڎЕΨޟᆧ6ഀᡐഀȄ၎Еᔝࣺ࿋ࣀȂඁ нؐΙ᐀џоีଢ଼ڏσޟଢ଼ΨȄᗶณType Rᄂሬភܹюޟଢ଼Ψڷਢήޟ2 ϴЀI – VTECࣺШȂѫඪЀΟ1kWȄծีଢ଼ᐠȂଢ଼Ψ༈ଚڷЙଢ଼ᡐഀᎽ Ꮋޟዅ፸ϞܚӵȄ։ٺձѫٺҢΙᔬȂ၎ٙޟፐږΨ໔ႀڗ8000ᙽȄᡗณ ȂרϚඪኺᎽᎻȂծԤኺΙᎄჲВૡޟᗉٙձџоΙၯᅈ୮Ȅ ԃݎձՃኌᗊີGTi, XR5ϞȂ٥䈥ོר௰ᙨҏҤٙȂшᅖ៳ΨޟҏҤI VTECЕᔝོளௌᑹᏭޟᎽᎻཐڧȄϚႆȂࡣПຜഏོڧ३ܻࡣПᚖቹ᐀ॳ ࣠ይȄശࡣȂᄇܻ࢚ٲԑሆޟᎽᎻپޱᇳȂቋਿП७џོхтঈХ؏Ȃσӻ ኵႱޟٙкོᡗுਔᜆَنȄࢋณԃԪȂ㻽դᗙौ้ڹȉሂᆧўၐᎽ֑ ȂོԃӣᎽᎻଽњٙ٥ૡږޟᐭԤ፸Ȅ
175/70/R13 $60 175/65/R14 $65 205/65/R15 $85 ΜЈᕊཾ 757 Station St. Box Hill VIC 3128
Ⴋၗ ༈ઍ
03 9899 1388 Drive-way
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
18-06-10 No. 169 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Civic VTi Edmund Chow
Translate: Driveway Team
It has been a little while since we have visited the Honda Civic VTi. To the Asian markets in Australia, there are mostly three brands that sells well, Honda, Toyota and Mazda. There are a lot of reasons behind this: Excellent salesmanship, excellent product and excellent after sales service. Honda and Toyota are in line ball in most areas, but Honda has a bigger advantage, people thought it had a better engine. Although the tested car is a base model VTi with automatic transmission, it is by no means an average car. Time passes where the other camps have already put out their latest model, the VTi is still faithful and going strong. If you look at it, it retains sleek aerodynamics. An elegant but slightly aggressive outlook with a thoughtfully designed front grille shows its real quality. In terms of practicality, I think the transverse windscreen wiper is by far the most generous wiper in its class. It covers more than 15% of coverage than
28 Drive-way
traditional wiper, allowing the driver to have a better look to on coming traffic. Other practical things will be the two tier speedometer and the tachometer. The speedometer is located rather close to the bottom end of the windscreen that makes it easier for the driver to check on. With its larger LED display, it is the second best comparing to the more expensive “head on” display. The more traditional part, bottom tier, of the instrument panel displays minor information such as gear position etc. On the road, the VTi has a lot to offer. It is inviting. The size is just right for various street and shopping centre carparks. Regarding its on road performance, it is excellent in terms of cars in the same class. Kick downs is very responsive and acceleration is also a delight. Suspension is tuned towards comfort rather than firm. It wants you to feel comfortable than harsh. Thus the suspension sands away nasty potholes and bumps. In such case, its double wish bone suspension design is helping to create a more comfortable
18-06-10 No. 169
ride than offer a driver’s dream car. The electric steer is directive and precise as with other Honda products but bear in mind this is not a sports car like the famous Honda S2000. It has all the usual safety features like VSA vehicle stability assist, Honda’s term for Electronic Stability Control and ABS brakes. Curtain airbags and the usual side and front airbags are generously equipped. One thing worth mentioning was the supportive seats. It creates a very comfortable driving position with good materials chosen. Other instruments are thoughtfully well placed. The automatic gear box knob is located half way between the instrumental panel and the floor, just sitting nicely side by side with the hand brakes. I believe this is one of the best ergonometric design.
Drive-way ٙൢ ᗶณרঈޟၐٙΙএஅᙃގҏȇџȂѺٮϚҁҁฒۉȄڏтءޟٙϴѧϐ ௰юΟཱིဴޟȂܚоҏҤࡦޟҢড়ࠓԤቨฒȄձಠཎᄆࣼȂѺުޟ ࢺଢ଼ΨᏰڏᄂџоೝᇯ࣏ॶۧΙࡾȄёΰٙᓞޟഅԤΙএ៧ȂѺጂᄂџ оᡗюѺޟઍғᓺᘈЅࠢ፴Ȅ ᄂҢ࣏ܒюีᘈȂѺߦޟᔢџоᆗுΰശᄙޟȄѺШڏтߦޟᔢޟ᙭ᇐ ७ቨёΟശЍԻϷϞΪϤȂᡱᎽᎻΡρџоΙҬΟณȄڏ੫ᘈԃᚖቹԒޟቈᒼ ࣏ݖ੫ᘈȄഀ࡙ᒼоኵԅԒᡗҰȂоΰቹၶߖ᐀ॳ࣠ይȂШശᓺؾЅቋᓀ݁ິ ৢޟԒᡗҰѫ৯ΟΙᘈᘈȂ՝ܻήቹၶ༈ಛഋӋȂѺࠓᐌቆӴങӖΟЫྣȂ ૉݶЅ௶ᔬ้ࢲݰ१ौٙၥਟȄ
Honda’s famous silky smooth transversely placed engine that drives the front wheels, the cabin is thus enormously big and practical. It allows a flat floor leaving out the rear axle tunnel altogether thus helps with sitting three adult passengers comfortably at the back. With Honda’s thoughtfulness, the Civic carries a full size spare wheel, but the luggage space is then slightly compromised. With a practical design for a sedan with flair and accompanied with a good tradition and attitude, the Civic is a good choice for many practical minded owners. δႂΟޟҏҤࡦȂᄇܻᐬࢸٳޟ၂ѿൟȂҏҤȃᙴҤЅٱுߨல१ौ ࠢޟถȄ࿋ณȂѺঈԤѺঈᓺЅԙђٱ࢈ޟȂՄ࢚แ࡙ΰᓺޟؾ௰ষ ȂԙђޟࠢЅᓺ݈ࡣ୵ޟيȂҏҤЅᙴҤӵ࢚ٲࠢሴΰΪϷߖ ޟȂՄҏҤԤΙএ१ौޟᓺᘈȂӰ࣏ᎽᎻΡρᇯ࣏ҏҤޟЕᔝШၶᓺȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
18-06-10 No. 169
ٙߒޟ౪ȂࡦᡗுৠюՓȂՄ๘ϚѶᙄȂѺޟᡝᑖσωШၶᎌӫਢή ӨၯЅ୦ൟޟୄٙ՝Ȅӵၯΰޟٙߒ౪Ȃרᇯ࣏ӣϛޟശᓺؾȂѺ ޟІᔖߨலః௦ȂёഀһᆗᆎЖԃཎȂᗗᎪ௮П७Шၶΰөᎌ ࣏१ȂӰՄȂᎻਢȂШၶџоւΟេӴЅӴ७કࢾޟᎪᕝȂѺٮϚ ᄴᐇᖃޟჲВϞٙȄѺޟႫଢ଼ଢ଼ПөዺྥጂޟȂծϚौᇲོȂѺٮϚ ҏҤޟᚊόϞS2000ፀເٙȂѺ࿋ณѓࢂΟҏҤޟVSAඉၬԊӒفಛ ȂҏҤޟՌଢ଼ྷٙ٩ᚇۡᏢȂڏтޟԊӒ೩രԃӨԒӨኺޟԊӒ᠄һѓࢂ ӵϱȄ ᄇᎽᎻΡρՄِȂ৴՝ޟᎌ࡙Ս࣏१ौȂҏҤ௴ҢΟΰࠢޟٹ፴ȂоՍר ཐڗѺԤٗஊܥܛޟΨȂڏтޟቈᒼһԊܹӵΪϷӫᎌޟ՝ညȄՌଢ଼௶ᔬ՝ ܻቈᒼݖЅӴѮޟϛ՝ညȂՄতԁᇄЙࠆ௶ٮȂרᇯ࣏ΙএӫΡᡝώ แᏰׂޟԊ௶Ȅ ҏҤ๛ᆬΙኺᄱޟЕᔝȂоᐗညޟ՝ညଢ଼ࠉᎈȂӰՄٺᎽᎻᑻࣸΟѼ σޟິުȂՄࡣ৴һӰԪுоࣸ௬༈ଢ଼ȂܚоȂࡣ৴ֲॸޟ՝ညЅ ᎌ࡙һඪଽΟ࡞ӻȂࡦоΙএྥޟരҢᎈपȂծࠓӰՄཬѶΟΙٲິ ޟᄂҢުȄ оΙএߨலᄂሬЅᓺޟي೩ॎȂٮӫ༈ಛЅᄘ࡙ȂҏҤࡦᄇ१ᄂҢޟ ᎽᎻΡρΙΰޟٹᒵᐅȄ
ASHWOOD MOTORS Automotive Service & Repairs
ᐬࢸடཾᆰওৱ ءٙ߳Ꮄ - Major & Minor Servicing/Log Book Services ءٙᆰও - General Repair EFIᔮࢥᇄᆰও - EFI Tuning ٙفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - Brake System Service & Repair վࠓفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - Cooling System Service & Repair ABCفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - ABS System Service & Repair юᡛٙા - R.W.C.
ջາᡛٙ ඪټфҢٙ (ඪࠉႱघ) Ϛ፣σωώแ ֯ՍЍԤέএТ Warranty
ώհਢȓ໊ΙՍϤ 8:00am – 6:00pm ໊ϲ8:30am – 3:00pm ໊Р By Appointment
Ӵ֭ȓ5 Lytton St. Burwood 3125(Melway 60 K7) Ⴋၗȓ03)9808 4222 Йඪȓ0425 747 158(/ဃ/़ᇭ)(Snakie Fan)
on P
ton R Clea
ᐠడᆰওȂۡ߳ᎴЅ၆ ءٙႫυᆰও ءٙछৠ݈ டཾ٩ูЅॱԊ၆ ੫೩after hour service
Mel79 C5 Cen tre R d
ry C
Unit 1, 2 - 4 Meriton Place, Clayton South Vic 3169 Tel: (03) 9543 3053 Mobile: 0433 180 517 30 Drive-way
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
02-07-10 No. 171 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Edmund Chow
Translate: Driveway Team
It is easy to celebrate for a Honda, especially, the revamped new CRV. Our right hand side neighbour has a older 2006 version and the right hand side young family has a 2009 model. It is easy, always easy to think about choosing a Honda product. It is relatively affordable. But Honda does not compromise anything on quality, reliability and innovation. The CRV-10 is one of my favourite cars for the first half of this year. I took it for an extended ride for an extended loan time. There is no doubt about my journey. I travelled 600 kms for a round trip to The Grampians, one of the best places of adventure, camping, abseiling, rock climbing and hiking. No matter what order you would like to put it, it is an adventurer’s playground. I stayed with Acacia Caravan Park which is managed by Uniting Church Camping. I met up with my coworkers in attending a conference about the future of outdoor activities and camping. There was no better car than driving a Honda CRV in attending that conference. It matched the adventurer’s theme
28 Drive-way
seamlessly. I drove to the Grampians from Inner Eastern Suburb. I arrived 15 minutes after my coworkers. That was not because the CRV was doing anything bad, but rather my power nap was just 3 times longer than expected. To critize my Honda is just doing a dis-service to something that I know so well. The styling of the 2010 updated CRV is fresh and appealing yet it is moving towards modern classics. It is hard to find any other competitors in the market in giving you that brilliant flair that seemed to be non existent from other camps. There are two distinctive characters of the CRV that makes it a sell out classic. Firstly, it has a unique two tiers front grille. It is hard to find something that is violating the law of design. On the other hand, a leader has the right to invent rather than improvise. The chrome grille actually joins the headlight clusters to form a happy face. Secondly, the side profile of the CRV is also very classical.
02-07-10 No. 171
Albeit, it comes with a price. The slopping third quarter window indeed has created a complete profile of the car disregarding the functionality of the window. It is just beautiful and elegant, yet, a pricy compromise with rear left hand side lane departure check, but you can certainly make good with the left side mirrors, it is big and precise. The other things are just uniquely Honda. A reliable brand that thinks about the needs and wants of its owner. What more do you want? It is already there. Honda has thrown in leather upholstery with central arm rest, reclining back seats with a useful arm rest incorporating cup holders, leather steering wheel, seat warmer, foot park brake, good sound system, good craftsmanship and fittings are all there. On the safety side, it has everything that you will not need when you are young, handsome, beautifully and invincible. On the other hand, Honda is 100% on its safety record, not only it gives assurance that all the safety equipments are there. There is no other thing that I need except a much needed satellite navigation system for my adventure. Added to each safety features are a bigger and better looking alloy wheels. It seemed the revisiting to the suspension department has added more live and fine tuning the handling of this remarkable car. On my way to and from the Grampians, I came across four speed cameras, unfortunately, I was equipped with a very handy steering wheel incorporated cruise control. It became an inseparable part of my journey. As for the much anticipated fuel consumption, it is a full tank of normal unlead petrol for a surprising 550kms with a combined city and country drive. Want more to be excited? Just drive a CRV and you will know why it is so popular amongst lady drivers and a little more mature driver just like me.
Drive-way ٙൢ ҏҤٙᖂᡱΡݠ፬ޟȂ੫տᎄငႆيϞࡣཱིޟҏҤCRVȄרড়ѡ ޟ᎑ۨԤΙᎄ06ԑޟҏҤCRVȂԪѴϚሉޟΙড়ࠌᗊີΟ09ԑȄᒵᗊ ҏҤٙپϚོᡱΡឈுາသ๐ȂΙП७Ӱ࣏ቋਿ॒ᐊுଔȂѪΙП७Ȃҏ ҤϴѧζϚོӰ࣏ቋਿޟӰશ൷ӵ፴໔ȃܒڷഺཱིΰԤܚХ؏ܖώਟȄ ҏҤCRV-10Ϭԑΰјԑоרپശ᠍ޟΙٙȂרѺငᐣΟΙԩߝਢ ȃߝຽᚔޟਡȈ600ϴ٨پӱਿ៌ࡵড়ϴ༪——এӵᓎȃഏᕊȃۭ ६ȃᛇۭȃิόП७ኵΙኵΠޟԁўȂϚ፣ձ᠍٥ᆍᓎПԒȂӴП๘ ᄇࠃᓎড়ޟዅ༪Ȅרӵҥȶᖒӫఀོഏᕊȷܚငᕊޟȶߡњՙܴٳٙϴ༪ȷ 㠰ႆۇȂӵԪȂޟרڷרӣٱঈΙଔёΟΙএᜰܻҐޟپИѴࣀଢ଼ڷഏᕊ ีᗍ༖ོޟដȄᄇܻپרᇳȂᎽᎻҏҤCRVёኺོޟដӔӫᎌϚ ႆޟΟȂ၎ٙӣࠃᓎΙкᚠӫޟЈฒᖁȄרᏎᅭҏݍୢٙࠉ܁ਿ ៌ࡵড়ϴ༪ޟȂϚႆᒶڗΟ15ϷមȂߨٮᇳרᎽᎻޟCRVԤࣥቄϚԁ ȂѫϚႆרӵਡഊႆแϛޟӄਢШרႱਟޟौߝ3ॻȄ ӵרᕣ၌ҏҤԤCRVԤԃԪӻޟᓺᘈࠉޟඪήȂᄇڏю॒७ޟຟቋٮϚ ΙӇԁٱȄ2010ԑငႆޟ໌ҏҤCRVӵॳਿΰࣺ࿋ཱིᑗȂڎ౪фϽȄѺ ٥ቄӎிჴҬȂཐରȂоՍܻӵԃϬӣޟٙᎄѿൟΰȂձ࡞ᜲڗײ џоᇄѺϾޟᝯޱތȄ ҏҤٙϞܚоၯԁȂ٥Ӱ࣏ѺڎരڍএᇄಀϚӣޟ੫፴ȄڏΙȂѺԤᐿ ΙฒΠޟᚖቹࠉਿ࢞Ȃձᄂӵ࡞ᜲڗײૡӣ༈ಛ೩ॎ౩ࣺ܈ႂधޟ೩ॎȇ ѪΙП७پᇳȂհ࣏ٙᎄᇧഅཾޟሴॖޱ࿋ณԤ᠌ցഺཱིȞϚᖝਢଔཎޟ ٥ΙᆍȟȄᗡሞ໌࢞ਿӣڍਠޟٙࠉσᐷӵΙȂࣼΰў൷ΙરᖛΙ ኺȄڏΠȂCRVޟ७അζࣺ࿋ငڐȂᏑᆓԤфቋޟȄᄡپๅИޟђ ҢഊϚፙȂёߝޟέഋϷޟๅᄂሬΰඪЀׇڷΟᐌᎄٙޟѴᢎᎈᄐȄ Ѻࣼΰў٥ኺޟछᝋڷଽິȂ࿋ณфቋ൷࿋ձంଢ଼ਢȂѾࡣٙџᆀ ϚσটȂϚႆԃݎӫѾ٥άσάྥጂޟᜢձџоሆᚬޟཤۡȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
02-07-10 No. 171
ԪѴȂҏҤശ࣏੫տޟΙᘈ൷ӵܻѺхΡ߬ᒦȂஊᎽᎻُ࡙ޟޱՃኌڏ ሯؑȂձஊདޟڗӵڏϛΟȄϱഋޟҪ८၆ⰖѓࢂΟϛѵЙȂಒӫΡ ᡝԢ㣶೩ॎࡣޟ৴ளԤџܹည૯ޟݔЙȄઍҪПөዺȂџёዥ৴ාȂယ ԒЙࠆȂᓺॱޟؾ೩രȂᆠޟώڷ၆രȂΙϸڗԁȄӵԊӒܒ П७ȂѺڎരΙϸձџሯौޟȂ࿋ณѓࢂ٥ٲӵձᗙԑሆ़߸ȃᛐฒ ࣧਢܚϚོҢޟڗђȇѪΙП७ȂҏҤٙӵԊӒᓃП७џоᇳԻϷϞ ΙԻޟԁȂ࿋ณϚ༉༉Ӱ࣏Ѻ߳ᜌരѿ७ΰџоَޟڗΙϸԊӒ೩ࢊȄ ᄇܻרՄِȂଶΟӵᓎႆแϛܚሯޟፏᏲفಛϞѴȂCRVࣥቄ ϚીΟȄ ӣԊӒܒࣺϾޟσԁࣼޟӫߜᎈपȂٺுءٙีଢ଼ਢޟᎽᎻ ᡝᡛᡐுёࣀԤ፸Ȅӵ܁ࠉרਿ៌ࡵޟਡഊϛڗΟѲএ຺ഀីᓞȂ ۷ၼרޟԊӒႆᜰȂौᘪђܻ၎ٙПөዺޟᐇࣺ࿋ࣀȂٮиٺר Ң٠فಛȂԙ࣏ΟרਡഊϛϚџીЍޟΙഋӋȄՍθૉܒݶП७ȂΙᅖ चޟฒ႗ݶءџо550ϴ٨ȞᆣӫΟ࠲ѿڷ໐؆ၾၯȟȄ ሯौپᘈږᐭޟቄȉ٥൷ўີΙᎄCRV֑Ȃኺձ൷ོ݂ҩ࣏ࣥቄѺ ڧτρঈڷרΙኺԙዣޟᗊٙߔ᠍ޟޱΟȄ
Kia Young Drivers Program A Victorian based driver education program designed to change the driving attitudes and habits of young people is being praised by parents, experts and educators alike. Kia Young Drivers was born following a change in focus by Drive Skill International, a corporate driver training group tasked with curbing poor habits within corporate fleets. After seeing a reduction in some clients' vehicle insurance claims of up to 78% the organisation decided to diversify and try to make a difference with young drivers. In early 2007, with 20 years of corporate experience, Kia Young Drivers began targeting young teens who either had or were soon eligible to get their learner permit. Since then the program has taken off with more than 3000 students expected to take part in the course during 2010, an increase of 1000 students from 2009.
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Mel79 C5 Cen tre R d
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Unit 1, 2 - 4 Meriton Place, Clayton South Vic 3169 Tel: (03) 9543 3053 Mobile: 0433 180 517 30 Drive-way
Kia Young Drivers Chief Instructor, Geoff Fickling, says the key to reaching young drivers is in understanding how they think. "All young drivers fall into two categories depending their core belief or 'Motorvation' as we call it. They are all born with this Motorvation, based on their interest in cars, personality type and gender," Mr Fickling said. "We have 'Demure Drivers' who believe they'll be safe because they're more careful than other drivers, and we have 'Dominant Drivers', the most aggressive of whom we call 'Driveaholics', who believe they'll be safe because they're more skilled than other drivers. "While Demure Drivers are reasonably cautious, they have no idea of what to do if things go wrong, and are scared to learn. Dominant Drivers, on the other hand, are generally more skilled, but they feel invincible, which leads to risk-taking.
Drive-way ٙൢ
02-07-10 No. 171
"There is a lot of comment in the media at the moment about how best to save our youth from themselves on the road. Increasing speed limits and encouraging advanced driver training is the deadliest of combinations. The key is understanding young people's behaviour types and the attitudes associated with them. "Motorvate Training achieves this by concentrating on attitude and behaviour change before addressing skill and knowledge development. Because we understand how young drivers think, research shows that Motorvate Training can dramatically reduce crash rates." The one day courses run for six hours fitting neatly into a normal school day. Kia Motors Australia has provided the program with five cars. Two Rios with ABS and two without which help reinforce the benefits of technology while teaching depth perception, speed judgement and vision. The fifth vehicle is an eight-seat Grand Carnival people mover to assist with logistics. Kia Motors Australia President and CEO Mr MK Kim said the program has a very distinct point of difference and is a worthy project to support. "Being the father of an 'L' plate driver myself, I hold any program which helps young drivers make more responsible decisions on the road in high regard," he said. "By supporting this program we are undoubtedly saving lives, and not just the lives of young drivers but also the innocent 'others' who are often a part of accidents by just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Kia Rio is also the right car for the job. It's our entry level vehicle so it's highly likely that quite a few of the people attending the course will be able to afford a car like this very early in their driving life."
ASHWOOD MOTORS Automotive Service & Repairs
ᐬࢸடཾᆰওৱ ءٙ߳Ꮄ - Major & Minor Servicing/Log Book Services ءٙᆰও - General Repair EFIᔮࢥᇄᆰও - EFI Tuning ٙفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - Brake System Service & Repair վࠓفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - Cooling System Service & Repair ABCفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - ABS System Service & Repair юᡛٙા - R.W.C.
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Ӵ֭ȓ5 Lytton St. Burwood 3125(Melway 60 K7) Ⴋၗȓ03)9808 4222 Йඪȓ0425 747 158(/ဃ/़ᇭ)(Snakie Fan)
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HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre டওኡȂႫသ፡Փቢݶ ቨ೩ڍএӑ໌≎ܘݶ
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ᆠဃᇭȃᇭȃዘᇭ ߜᇭȃ़ᇭ
Ӵ֭Ļ15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 ႫၗĻ!9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
Audited 15,879
as at Mar 31,2009
Distributed in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane & Adelaide
08-10-10 No. 185 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group Tel: 03 9888 7199 Fax: 03 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East VIC 3151
Ιᎄӵӣ ءٙ ϛ ใԤ ޟ
Edmund Chow
Translate: Driveway Team
Unlike other Japanese cars, the current Honda Accord Euro is a rare gem in its class.
beautifully, but then again it is such a perfect car that it would have charged you a whole lot more if its name starts with an M or B.
You may ask, “What about the other aspects?” It is absolutely a delight.
Honda’s engineers have put in an enormous amount of work with its DOHC i-VTEC petrol engine. It has an explosive kind of response, a little bit like a turbo charge engine but the beauty is that it doesn’t have any turbo lag. The engine will only become livelier if it has passed 3,500 rpm. But 148kW of power is peaked near 7,000 rpm and 234Nm of torque is performed around 4,100 to 4,300rpm. That is a very health trait for a mid size natural aspirated car.
The power of the car is more than adequate to fuel the car; not only that, it has a very good response to your throttle input. Steering is sharp, well balanced and weighted as well. It has speed responsive power assist, hence it is fun to the driver rather than lacking any driver’s input. Apart from that I feel the 6-speed manual gear box is better than the 5-speed manual. I wouldn’t normally prefer the manual gear box but the Euro is completely different. I have a general feeling that not all cars are equal. As this Accord Euro let you bring out the fun and joy in driving a manual gear box. Obviously, the whole setting of the car is so important in order to make it works
28 Drive-way
As for the car itself, I am amazed by the set up of the suspension. It is firm but never hard. It does its job around the corner that you will get a sense of security and want to be entertained a bit more. When you give up on some of the road conditions, the VSA will help you to regain that sense of confidence.
08-10-10 No. 185
Driveway ٙൢ
However, never drive too quickly. The car will save you with its safety devises, but other road users may not aware that you are out of control. In general, my gut feeling about this car is that it is a well posed and balanced driver’s car. I wouldn’t mind driving it through a heavy traffic jam, not that I like to do the clutch in and out, up shift and down shit. But, given the fact that the manual gear box is so entertaining, I totally would like to compromise my bias for an automatic Accord Euro with this all time favour 6-speed manual. I know Honda wouldn’t mind me saying this, do you know that the standard Accord is slightly longer than a current model Commodore sedan? The Accord Euro has a better size, apart from not having the sophisticated 6-cylinder engine that it can shut down into 3 cylinders. Trust me, if you want to have more fun (but not speed) try this. ၭڏтޟРҏءٙϚΙኺȂ౪ޟҏҤAccord EuroΙᎄӵӣءٙϛใԤ ޟȄ ձζ೨ོ୰ȈȶڏтП७ߒ౪ԃդ?ȷএΡཐڧП७ȂѺ๘ᄇߨӣγȄ ၎ءٙޟଢ଼ΨШܚሯޟшؘȂиٮϚХܻԪȂѺᄇޟߞݶယІᔖһ ຺ΡΙ้Ȃᙽөᆠྥҁ֯ȂܚሯޟΨ࡙һӫᎌȂϚོਢሆਢ१ȂѴёٙഀ ІᔖሄօȂٺுᎽᎻޱџоሆᚬӴีථѺޟ੫ՓȄ ଶԪϞѴȂרᄇѺޟϲഀЙ௶һ௰ટരमȂӟຫϛШϤഀޟЙ௶ІᔖԁȄ רҁலԁՌଢ଼௶ȂծҏҤAccord EuroޟЙ௶ߒ౪ϞԁȂхژרҬࣺࣼȄӵ پࣼרȂؐΙഋٙߒޟ౪ϚΙኺȂ Accord EuroஊளюᎽᎻЙ௶ޟዅ፸Ȅ
݂ᡗӴȂӒٙڏޟтഋӋ೩ॎுڗԁȂоमؐΙഋӋᆧӫհȂ ีථюҏҤޟᆠડȂٺѺԙ࣏ШኈڍޟএӪถیڷႻׇछءޟٙȄ רᄇ၎ٙޟ௮ᗗᎪ௰ટരमޟȂѺᄂࠓٮϚቊȂӵ᠉ԢޟၯΰȂѺ ߒޟ౪ᡗюᄇᎽᎻܛޟޱᒛȂඪټΪٗޟԊӒཐȄՄٺுᎽᎻޱџо ΣΙᘈȂ ڧٴԁٙޟ੫ߒ౪ȄծԤਢȂձܹణΟ࢚ٲϚيၯݷΰޟᎽᎻ߬ ЖܖႄΰएีݷਢȂҏҤޟVSAءٙԊӒفಛོᔓօձ१ࢃՌ߬Ȃծ֙܆ Ө՝ȂϚौפٙȂҏҤᗶณџоඪټԊӒفಛȂڏтޟၾၯٺҢࠓޱԤџ ϚޣၾءٙϐѶȂ٩ጒܻҐณᗙ҆ौޟȄ ᖂᡝΰȂרЖۻ၇ཐڗAccord EuroޟђΨЅߒ౪ࣺ࿋ޟȂшϷϠΟ ᎽᎻڧٴޱᎽᎻޟዅ፸ȄרϚོϭཎӵᖅԔޟҺஇٙݷήᎽᎻ၎ٙȂ ইϚᇳר᠍Ϛୄ᐀ȂٖٖୄୄȂѫ၎ٙޟЙ௶Ϟџоᡱ܇ר٥ ٲӰશܚளྮޟپȄרΙөөᎽᎻՌଢ଼௶Ȃ ՄΙૡޟՌ௶ޟё௶՝Ȃ һϚڥфЙ௶ޟAccord EuroȂӰ࣏ѺጂᄂᎄԁٙȄ ޣרၾҏҤϚོϭཎרആ៩ΙএٱᄂȂѺޟྥٙHonda AccordȂٮϚ ҏܚൢᏲޟHonda Accord EuroȂ၎ٙޟᖂߝ࡙ШCommodoreᗙौߝΙᘈ ȂӰՄȂ Accord EuroџоٴԤΙᎄઍғޟϛءٙޟࣀܒȄᗶณȂѺѫ ΰέءचЕᔝȂϚෆҢΰࣀџᡐђޟϲءचЕᔝȂծࣺרȂᎽᎻ၎ٙ ӵܻᎽᎻޟዅ፸ՄϚഀ࡙Ȅ
ASHWOOD MOTORS Automotive Service & Repairs
ᐬࢸடཾᆰওৱ ءٙ߳Ꮄ - Major & Minor Servicing/Log Book Services ءٙᆰও - General Repair EFIᔮࢥᇄᆰও - EFI Tuning ٙفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - Brake System Service & Repair վࠓفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - Cooling System Service & Repair ABCفಛᔮࢥᇄᆰও - ABS System Service & Repair юᡛٙા - R.W.C.
ջາᡛٙ ඪټфҢٙ (ඪࠉႱघ) Ϛ፣σωώแ ֯ՍЍԤέএТ Warranty
ώհਢȓ໊ΙՍϤ 8:00am – 6:00pm ໊ϲ8:30am – 3:00pm ໊Р By Appointment
Ӵ֭ȓ5 Lytton St. Burwood 3125(Melway 60 K7) Ⴋၗȓ03)9808 4222 Йඪȓ0425 747 158(/ဃ/़ᇭ)(Snakie Fan)
HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre
* 24 15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
30 Drive-way
Audited 16,462
as at Sept 31,2010
Distributed in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane & Adelaide
04-02-11 No. 198 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group Tel: 03 9888 7199 Fax: 03 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East VIC 3151
Edmund Chow When we attended the Sydney Motor Show in 2009, the Insight concept prototype was a major attraction from Honda. It promised a lot yet, a week later, it started production in Japan. It even became an all time favour of the Japanese market. Long queue means later arrival for our Australian market. People criticize the Insight as it shares a similar shape with the Toyota Prius, but the resemblance stopped there. Honda’s argument for a hybrid was to improve efficiency with an electric motor by recycling those braking energy into more productive use in assisting the car to drive off or to overtake. Whereas the other camp was thinking of utilizing all the electric power for pure take off, the vehicle thus being labored by bigger and heavier battery packs. At first, I presumed Honda would switch camp. Insight uses technology that is similar to its anonymous Hybrid Civic model. It comes with Integrated Motor Assist that uses clever computer system to
Translate: Driveway Team
monitor the use of additional electric motor to help the car in achieving less carbon dioxide emission. The car is based on the chassis widely used on Honda Jazz and City. This helps to cut the price of Insight; as such, the body size of Insight is slightly smaller than Prius, as in Toyota’s language, a longer 5 door Yaris. However, don’t be disappointed as luggage space is still there. I picked up some friends at the airport, we were wondering how two large suitcases and two small hand carry luggage could have fitted into this small medium size hatch. As we pulled down the rear split fold seats, we could travel with two passengers and the above mentioned luggage with ease. How does it drive like? It is not extremely powerful as it is not the intention of Honda; but wait for the sportier Honda CR-Z, speed with hybrid engine is coming to town soon. The integrated electric and petrol engine is based on a 1.3-litre petrol four cylinder engine which produces 73kW of power and 167Nm of torque, with a 10kW Drive-way
04-02-11 No. 198
electrically assisted motor. It uses a continuously variable transmission (CVT) automatic gear box. Ride quality is excellent and smooth. Some would say too smooth and even hesitant. Laws of physics tell us that speed requires force that will translate into using more energy, hence don’t be surprise that this is not a Honda S2000 two door convertible legendary 2 door sports car. There are three driving programs available; however, most experienced drivers will normally use Eco Assist, and you will be aware of the energy that you are using in driving the car. Drivers will notice this by the change of background colour of the near head up level digital speedometer. If it is green then it is using less power, if it is blue then more power is being used. Secondly, Econ mode can be accessed via a green push button on the right hand side of the dashboard. It literally means slower pickup and more gentle acceleration. Interestingly the engine will go on idle when stopped while the compressor of the air conditioner will be disengaged leaving the fan still working. It saves energy, though when in hot summer days, I would rather leave it running in normal condition, meaning I just want the air conditioner running all the time. Thirdly, there is also the EcoGuide that calculates the power being used for that trip; five trees will be displayed if the car has been driven in an energy saving fashion. This incentive helps to educate drivers to improve their driving manner, such as slower and steadier acceleration and well planned braking in order to avoid waste of energy. Out of a pure driving experience with the car, I think the world will be a better place with more hybrid engines; yet, there are still many arguments between the development costs of hybrid cars versus high functional diesel cars. I believe there is no easy answer, however the intention is green. No matter
28 Drive-way
Driveway ٙൢ what we do and which theory that we support, the answer is green energy and minimized wastage of our limited resources of fossil fuel. Honda has made a stance, will you join in? ࿋רঈёΟ2009ԑொѻٙȂҏҤޟInsight྅܈নٙҏҤ᠋՝ޟശσ ֜ЕᘈȄծѺܛᒛΟ࡞ӻȂΙএࡣȂѺۖӵРҏҡȄѺࣥՍԙ࣏ΟР ҏѿൟޟശᄱዥ፲ءٙȄӰ࣏ӵҏπInsightྃϞߔ᠍ڧȂ௶้ߝޟᓸཎ ڨ้ߝਢȂѺϗџоิചרঈޟᐬࢸѿൟȄ ࡞ӻΡ׳ຟInsightѴխᙴҤPriusȂծࣺխϞࠌڗԪ࣏ХȄҏҤޟ፣ᘈ Ȃ࣏ΟඪଽӫਝޟႫଢ଼ႀڙڷଢ଼໔ўӱԝӻџټҡܒҢഊޟႫ ΨྛȂڞօInsightўଢ଼຺ܖٙȄՄѪΙଲᕊȂӵདшϷӴٺҢસႫΨў ଔଢ଼ȂӰԪѪΙଲᕊሯौ॒σЅູູپ१ޟႫԱಢȄଔߑȂר೩ҏҤ ᙽөࣺӣ౩܈Ȅ InsightٺҢխѺߖнୡӪHybrid CivicޟȂѺளԤIntegrated Motor AssistԙႫᐠሄօفಛȂٺҢᖑ݂ޟႫသفಛپᅿٺҢѴޟႫଢ଼ኞԜȂ оᔓօᄂ౪ЍΠϽᆇܹ௶ޟȄٙஅܻኄٺݿҢӵҏҤJazzڷCityޟ ٙ࢜ۻዺȄԤօܻ६ճInsightޟቋਿȂӰԪȂءٙޟᡝᑖЏψωܻ Prius ȂӵᙴҤޟᇭِўߒႀџоᇳΙᎄၶߝޟϤߞYarisȄϚႆȂϚौѶఖȂӰ ࣏ުϫณԆӵȄרΙ݉ٲЄଚॴᐠȂרঈདޣၾԃդڍএσ ڍڷএωЙඪԊܹڗএωϛءޟٙϱȄ࿋רঈܜήࡣ௶џ᠒Ѕϲ ѲܶϷޟ৴ාਢȂ߯רџоᇄڍӪॸࡊЅтঈޟሆᚬӴӱড়ΟȄ Ѻԃդଢ଼ڹȉ Ѻޟଢ଼ΨٮϚࠐȂӰ࣏٥ٮϚҏҤޟཎყȂծӨ՝џо้ёԤଢ଼ཐ ޟҏҤCR - ZޟӫЕᔝȂѺޟഀ࡙ཐߨலϞһ࡞ڗپפᐬࢸȄԙޟႫΨ
Driveway ٙൢ
04-02-11 No. 198
ีݶءڷଢ଼ᐠஅܻΙএ1.3ЀѲचีݶءଢ଼ᐠᐠಢҡ73kWޟଢ଼Ψђڷ 167NmׯΨȇᇄ 10kWႫଢ଼ሄօኞԜȄѺ௴Ң៉џᡐᡐഀᏢȞCVTȟՌଢ଼ᡐ ഀȄॸֲ፴໔ᓺيȂᄱȄԤΡོᇳЊᄱȂࣥՍ࡞१ޟนᒣཐȄސ౩ۡࡡ ֙ວרঈȂኺޟഀ࡙ٺҢଢ଼ΨȂᙽϽԙ࣏ٺҢӻޟྛȂӰԪॹרϚ ཐڗӬᡙȂӰ࣏ϚٮΙᎄ༈ޟܒۉҏҤS2000ᚖߞබᕱᚖߞເٙȄ ၎ٙԤέএଢ଼แוџҢȂծȂശԤငᡛޟѧᐠΙૡོٺҢEco Assistҡᄘ ڞօȂձོޣၾձޟ࿋ձଢ଼ءٙਢٺҢΟӻЍྛȄѧᐠོݧཎڗএᡐϽ , Ӱ࣏٨แߒܚᡗҰޟኵጆഀ࡙ኵԅधශޟՓഛོȄԃݎѺᆦՓޟ ѺٺҢЍޟႫྛȂԃݎѺᙢՓٺޟҢӻޟྛȄڏԩȂEconင ᔼԒȂџႆࡸήΙএ՝ܻѡቈߒޟݖᆦՓࡸ໖ȄѺޟԅ७ཎࡦȂё ࢙ڷӴޟଔଢ଼ЅёഀȂ੫տีଢ଼ᐠӵࡧഀਢѺོୄήپȂު፡ᔆᕻᐠୄ ώհȂު፡ॳޟਉϫӵώհȄѺ࿋ณџоࣸྛȂณՄȂ࿋ႄއڗዥޟেР ȂרჿᡱѺၼӵғலݷήȂཎڨרѫདު፡ၼӒਢඪټҏҤ Ӫޟӕঝު፡ȄέȂζԤEcoGuideޟଢ଼ΨॎᆗȂषԤϤෑᐙᡗҰӵቈߒ ݖΰ, ٥ᡗюᎽᎻޱԤΙএሂӵਢޟۦᎽᎻಬᄛȄԤօܻᐭᓾȂఀ ىѧᐠᎽᎻᄘ࡙ȂԃጥᄚՄᛧۡޟёഀٺڷҢׂೣგڙޟܒଢ଼Ȃᗗջ າྛȄ юܻΙᆍસᆞޟᎽᎻငᡛȂרᇯ࣏жོࣨΙএԁޟӴПȂӻޟӫଢ଼Ψ ีଢ଼ᐠȂծȂϫณԤ࡞ӻތ፣ᜰܻӫଢ଼Ψءٙޟีԙҏᇄଽђݶ਼ޟ ءٙȂ።ശޟٹПਰȄؠࣺ߬רԤΙএᙏ๎ޟਰȂծڏҢཎᆦՓᕗ ߳ȄϚᆓרঈୈϧቄȂٲ౩፣ȂרঈོЛࡻȂ๎ਰᆦՓྛȂЍາ Ԥ३ޟϽүܒᐽਟၥྛȄҏҤհюΟҳൟȂձོёΣ༝ȉ
ശ१ौٱӇġġၻᐍཱིԑσ੫ቋ Ұጒٙσ఼ೲ
ࣸଽႀ $9,000 ᐠོᜲഇ
6ࠉഀᚖђݰ – ଽഀЅճഀᛇދ
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*சᄑӤLand Rover Financial Services෩ڻȂႍгҦ࣏Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd ABN 84 004 352 238ߞசࡡ๕ȄCapital Finance Australia Ltd ACN 069 663 136ऎภ෩߰ڻȄภҪ෩ڻПԪசႤф၃੮ߞৄ ภ߰ȂڭѽգߞݪݯўՑ෩ڻᓉႤȄቮᜳѾӡфێҁᛔȄᔹงݺ28/2/2011ѤȄႍژᗁழኊ࣏$47,990Ȅࠛ៳ᆗҩҐ$1,800Ȅ׀ತ࣏8.99%Ȃѽ60ৎѡߞᘘภงȂҒף$4,799ߞงѾภȂڭ൵ࢢϘงѽ$19,196ϘըჅᜳѾภȄ ӎዃݙט෩фߞգݪݯՑ٠ژภहᅆѧತȂҞѽӡϭԕўՑҝਣӯȈภѽ5Ր$30,000ऎงȂѽՐ׀ਿ8.99%ᇖȄަྍȈݙ෩ߞڻcomparison rateहᅆѧತҪକ֯ऎ෩ڻϘৎڼЄȂփӏӅҒݙףգߞգᝯ՜ȂЙԢߞᘘภงф ภࠛᛝҞକᐱ७ЙहԢߞहᅆѧತȄ†ြषႿ$9,000ཪȂ࣏ੲᑂDefender 90ߞዄў࢙៉ழኊ$48,990ऎڼȄࠛ៳ᆗҩҐ$900ཪȄLand Rover Australia࠲ܼࠜݕଡ଼ҍႍᔹߞᡋ׀Ȃփ๑༷֯ࡈڰҍԇ഼֣ߢȄᔹҪᏋӡݺ1/1/2011 28/2/2011งаᘉф෩ۤߞྲژȄ