Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
19-02-10 No. 152 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Santa Fe R
Turbo Diesel all wheel drive
Car News International awards: Award-winners - the Mercedes-Benz E-Class New-Look Mazda2 Hatch and Sedan Heads for Australia
Drive-way ٙྡྷ
19-02-10 No. 152
Hyundai Santa Fe
Turbo Diesel all wheel drive
Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
I have really driven two four wheel drive to their maximum capacity. The first one is Freelander 2 and the second one is Santa Fe.
substantially helps towing caravan or small speed boat. That makes it an ideal machine for just doing that kind of recreational activities
Both of these cars have strengths and weaknesses. But these represent a trade off between prestige and affordability. It will not be fair to say which is better than which. Somehow, it is up to you. Will someone be driving a Range Rover as a daily commuter in the desert? The possibility is quite low.
At present, there are three variants the SLX, Elite and the Highlander. All three models come with 5 star ANCAP safety ratings. Different models add up a little bit of conveniences and luxury. The Highlander that becomes a house hold name for its iX35 has all the goodies such as rear parking camera, leather upholstery, powered front seats, better CD/MP3 audio, connectivity to iPod and other AUX audio machines, bigger and better looking 18 inches alloy wheels, rain sensitive wipers and a sun roof for the outdoor adventurers.
Out of practicability, I will buy Santa Fe. It is because it is easy to live with. On the other hand, it is cheaper to run. May be that option points me toward a certain socio economical status that I am not acutely aware of. The 2010 all new Hyundai Santa Fe is a lovely machine. It has its own character, but it has changed its direction and opted for all wheel drive with all diesel lines up as well. Hyundai pointed out that mid-size all wheel drive has a higher patronage than 2 front wheel drive and a rather lazy petrol engine. That’s what the customers have said. Hence, the all wheel drive turbo diesel engine is the only way to go. Yet, most motoring journalist will tell you that turbo diesel is the right way to go for its low speed gigantic torque that allows your car to be more responsive and economical. It uses less fuel as well. The 2.2 litre turbo diesel is as powerful as the 3.3 litre and 2.7 litre petrol that it has replaced. This engine works seamlessly with the all new ground up six speed lightweight auto that
28 Drive-way
The turbo diesel has a revisit on its faster power delivery and more environmentally friendly. It uses new piezo electric injectors that speed things up. It is actually an excellent partner to the common rail turbo diesel system. As we lived with the Santa Fe for a week, my perception has changed dramatically by its diesel engine improvement. Cluttering and rattling noise went down to near nothing, we sticked with the six speed auto but the auto gear box matches perfectly with the turbo diesel engine. Performance starts from a low 1,500 to 2,000 rpm. Therefore, it is a bargain to get it as a high performance machine for daily commuting. Turbo diesel 4 cylinder engine delivers 145kW of power @3800rpm , 436Nm torque for the auto gear box Cabin layout is pretty much the same, but it is practical. Overall surrounding view, in particular the last quarters are better than most similar cars in the
19-02-10 No. 152
Drive-way ٙൢ
same class. Apart from not having the hill start and descend control as its nearest cousin from KIA. It is a thoroughbred four wheel drive.
ഀՌ௶ሆءٙȂΙಢӫࣺ࿋ׇޟछȂџоሆՄܾᖞӴܴଢ଼ਡܘٙڷω פޟဠȄٺѺԙ࣏Ιૡӄࣀଢ଼ਢܚሯޟ౩དޟٙȄ
With a base model price starting from just $39,990 plus on road. It is a good buy.
၎ٙҬࠉԤSLXȂElite ڷHighlanderέဴȂܚԤဴޟڎരANCAP 5 ԊӒտȂѫϚႆϚӣဴޟӵ߯ցܒӣᇺܒΰོԤܚ৯տȄHighlander ڎരٙހٙីᓞȇઍҪϱႺȇࠉ௶৴ා፡ಒӫᎽᎻ٘ޟޱᡝԢ㣶ȇё ׇछޟCD/MP3ॱଉ೩രȂџоՌҥiPodڏڷтAUXॱଉ೩രȇσȃ छᢎޟ18़ӧӫߜᎈपȇԪѴᗙԤߦЫཐᔖߦڷڕΙএЈๅџоԁӴٴ ڧИѴᓎޟᆠிȄ
רϐငၐᎽႆڍϚӣޟѲٙоᡝᡛтঈޟശσΨȄΙٙ Freelander 2ȂՄΠٙSanta FeȄڍٙԤڏᐿ੫ޟΨ໔ᓺູܒ ծӣਢζԤڏ৵ᘈȄӵߜᓀڧܛΨڷᇺࣂڍᘈΰȂѺঈࣺ࿋Ϛᒿ ȂᜲϷଽήȂӰԪȂ᠌ؚۡӵձՌϏޟЙ၇ȄԤؠԤΡོᒵᐅӵؓᅑϛؐЈ ᎽᎻȶၯߏȷ࿋ၼᒯώڎȉኺޟџۏܒᄂϚଽȄϚႆԃݎՃኌڗᄂҢ ᐇհܒȂོרᒵᐅີSanta FeȂӰ࣏Ѻࣺ࿋ৠܾΰЙȂӣਢζШၶࣸᓀȞࣸ ݶȂᆰওາζၶճȟȂϚႆΙᘈζџᡱ໌רΣΟΙএרՌϏؠٮԤཎᜋ ޟڗငᔼོޥӴ՝ቹȄ 2010ԑӒཱིޟ౪фSanta FeΙࣺ࿋ଜΡޟٙȂѺԤڏՌϏᐿ੫ޟᄘ࡙Ȃ ծѺϐငᡐΟѲᎈଢ଼ٙݶ਼ڷᐠٙޟЀПөȄ౪фءٙϴѧਲ਼ᐃࡊ ޟІ㕞ࡾюϛᡝᑖޟѲᎈଢ଼ٙШ٥ᆍࠉᎈଢ଼ёᄚ֍֍ีݶءޟଢ଼ᐠٙ ߔ᠍ڧȄ ӰԪȂѲᎈଢ଼਼ݶᎈቨᔆЕᔝΙءٙี୲ޟΙПөȄٱᄂΰȂ ϚЍٙൢޱོ֙ວձ਼ݶᎈቨᔆЕᔝΙএ๘ᄇϚᒿޟᒵᐅ——ճഀ ׯઐޟѼσଢ଼ΨٺձءޟٙၼёޟငᔼԤਝȄ2.2Ѐᎈቨᔆ਼ݶЕᔝ ӣ3.3Ѐڷ2.7ЀȞҬࠉϐೝڥфȟݶءޟЕᔝΙኺࠐԤΨȄ၎ЕᔝསΟ6
ᎈቨᔆ਼ݶЕᔝђ࣏ࠐиёᕗ߳ȂѺٺҢཱིޟᔆႫႫᐠёפЕᔝޟ ၼȂᇄॗᎈቨᔆ਼ݶᐠቢৢفಛ࡞ԁӴ๖ӫӵΟΙଔȄ࿋רᎽᎻΟ၎ٙ ΙںϞࡣȂרᄇܻڏӵЕᔝ໌П७ݲࣼޟԤΟ࡞σޟᢎȄᏡॱࣺ࿋ճȂϲ ഀЙՌଢ଼ΙᡝᡐഀᇄЕᔝӫுׇछฒીȂᙽഀ 1500ڗ2000 rpmȞ4च ᎈቨᔆ਼ݶЕᔝӵᙽഀ࣏3800rpmਢџඪټ145kW ޟଢ଼ΨȂ436Nm ׯޟΨ ȟȄӰԪȂѺհ࣏РலҡࣀޟҺၼၷώڎՄِࣺ࿋ቋޟȄ ٙϱ၆ⰖၶϞϞࠉޟٙؠԤϧ䈥ЊσޟᡐȂϚႆࣺ࿋ᄂҢܒȄᖃᢎՄِȂ ੫տٙࡣഋޟ೩ॎШΙૡޟӣٙौԁுӻȄଶΟᇄڏӣޟଔٳѲ ࣺٙШીЍΟΰήۃڙȂծฒ༌σȄ၎ٙஅҏގȞᎌގȟቋਿᐬᄌ $39,990ଔቋȂѴёᎴၯາȂএࣺ࿋Ϛᒿޟቋ՝Ȅ
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
26-02-10 No. 153 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
First drive in Sunbury and Mt Macedon Melbourne region
Drive-way ٙൢ
26-02-10 No. 153
First drive in Sunbury and Mt Macedon Melbourne region
A recent compact SUV research commissioned by Hyundai earlier this month (February 2010), with a relatively small research sample of 700 intenders indicated that more new car buyers were migrating into the compact SUV segment in a slow but steady increasing pace. The sales figures of compact SUV were up from 8.45% in 2008 to 84,598 units in 2009 representing a 9% of all vehicle total sales in Australia. As the promising research results points out that all new iX35 fit into a rosy niche market in its compact SUV segment, which is nicely targeted for professional with young siblings and female driver aged from 25 - 49. Inspired by the concept car “iX.onic”, the reincarnated body is no doubt a sleek crossover with a dynamic outlook. The theme of Re-imagination surely gives the iX35 an outstanding appearance in its segment. Designed at Hyundai Design Centre in Russelsheim in Germany, the aerodynamic bodywork is anything but boring. It captures the unique fluidic sculpture architecture in post modern body design era with double Z body side panels, swept back headlights, a heavily rake back A-pillar to mimic superb slippery water and air flow for ultimate energy saving but added a distinctive European and energetic appearance. In addition, its prominent flared wheel arches highlighted its athletic and aggressive attitude. The introduction of a much distinctive hexagonal front grille will gradually become a key signature for the Hyundai family With the introduction of the all new R series turbo diesel engine and its 6
28 Drive-way
Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team
speed automatic gear box, a famous futurist and eco adventurer Hans Tholstrup took the iX35 for a spin. Using just a single tank of 70.23 litres diesel travelled to and from Adelaide from RACV Noble Park in Melbourne in around 22 hours. This excellent result translated to a remarkable 4.85 litre per 100 kilometers record for a non hybrid All Wheel Drive car. Hans said that the new diesel engine with the advance in house developed six speed auto gear box helps other average drivers in saving fuel that previously only a miserly five speed manual gear box might deliver. The six speed auto will do the thinking for most drivers who are not used to driving economically. It is almost “fool proofed”. In addition, he said Australians had to do more with less to save the environment. The remarkable result in Hans’ eco challenge demonstrated that iX35 has an important point to make. It is more comfortable with standard electric adjustable driver seat, cheaper to run, save the environment and fits in the idea of safety, efficiency and appealing styling and practicality as well in the compact SUV segment. When, evaluating the all new Santa Fe, the R series turbo diesel engine was already mated with the 6 speed auto gear box had already demonstrated its distinctive performance. The iX35 borrows the whole set up from Santa Fe. The result was clearly remarkable. It is smooth and clever thinking. The turbo diesel engine with the 6 speed automatic gear box were only available in the
26-02-10 No. 153
all wheel drive option in the mid and top of the range “Highlander” model. It made my driving experience just a piece of cake when drive on rough and gravel road conditions. At the launch, we were given different models of petrol and turbo diesel to get a taste how was it like in just a few hours. The turbo diesel worked extremely well with the auto gearbox. I didn’t fiddle with the +/- options much, yet the box’s clever thinking just gave me a perfect ride. In low speed or stand still acceleration, the merits of the new turbo diesel engine not only saved fuel but the massive torque also performs as if it was a petrol V6. Roll on acceleration was just easy and enormous power was on demand. Ride quality including suspension set up was excellent. Road and wind noise was minimal. An expecting 5 stars ANCAP ratings will seal its leading and commanding position in the compact SUV market. There are two petrol engines the 2.0 litre for the front wheel drive or 2.4 litre for the all wheel drive. My general recollection of the 2.0 litre petrol engine was that it was leaning heavily towards fuel savings, thus characterizing a more gentle response to acceleration. The 2.4litre as equipped on the mid range the 130kW and 227Nm 2.4 litre petrol engine is more responsive to tour around the tracks and cruising on open road. It hits various road conditions with flare. Yet, floor acceleration will give you an exceptional good performance in both stand still or roll on acceleration. By all means it is an enjoyable car to drive yet more interactive with its extremely inviting 6 speed
Drive-way ٙൢ
auto gear box that will surely give you a highly desirable and enjoyable driving experience. As for the safety features, high tensile steel is used in all common stressed area. Reinforced body chassis is created with rigid cabin and crush zones on its blueprint front and rear with side impact intrusion bars are built in feature for all doors. Other safety features such as ABS brakes with 4 channel Electronic brake force distribution (EBD), highly acclaimed and much needed extra safety features ESP stability control incorporating Traction Control System (TCS) that will certainly adds an extra peace of mind to yourself or whoever driving the gorgeous looking iX35. However, two minor points that needed attention. Firstly, steering column should be able to provide both reach and tilt adjustment. Secondly, as the spokesman of Hyundai, Mr Ben Hershman,pointed out, “Hyundai has always been about re-imagining, leading but not following”. I totally agreed with him. Following that line of thought, a more affordable GPS satellite system for the mid and high spec models will definitely put more icing on the lovely Black Forest cake “iX35” that was conceived in Russelsheim in Germany. Enjoy the iX35 with a highly Eco stance, built quality and outstanding safety credentials. Most importantly a price, not necessary the cheapest, that will fitting almost everyone’s hip pocket. From now on, there is actually no more excuse for young professionals looking for a second hand compact SUV. The iX35 is just the right package for salary sacrificing that its owner will enjoy.
Drive-way ٙൢ
26-02-10 No. 153
2010ԑ2ТȂҥ౪фءٙϴѧܚୈޟΙ፡ࢥᡗҰȂӵᐬࢸູູپӻࡊޟИ༊ өܻᗊີωSUVȄਲ਼ᐃႱกȂততܹωSUVٙѿൟཱིޟ౪фiX350Ȟ кौࡊИတԑឭӵ25-49ྑϞޟᙛཾτڷܒԑሆΡȟȂڏ୵ࠉශೝΪϷ ࣼԁȄӵ྅܈ٙȶiX.onicȷΙ౩܈ᙥഝϞήȂiX350ޟѴᢎӎிюಀȂଢ଼ ࢺᄱȄ၎ٙҥ՝ܻኈRüsselsheimޟ౪ф೩ॎϛЖᆠЖ҈അȂಒӫުଢ଼Ψ Ᏸޟׇٙ٘छฒીȂᐿ੫ࢺޟጣᡝ༭לȂڎര౪фཐᆓޟ೩ॎȂᚖZԅלٙ٘ ७ݖȂࡣࠉσᐷȂσ᠉࡙᐀ॳ࣠ይȂᆠޟЫࢺଢ଼ᔣࢺުڷ ஊࣸྛȂԤᐿ੫ޟዉࢸٙॳਿڷΨ໔ޟѴᢎȄԪѴȂࡿޟלٙᎈ ࢜ᡝ౪Ο၎ٙޟၼଢ଼ܒӣΨ໔ܒȄߨலᐿ੫ޟϲࠉלਿ࢞ം؏ԙ࣏౪фء ٙσড়৳ޟΙএ१ौ੫Ȅ iX35ӵωSUVٙѿൟϛڎԤྃޟᝯތΨȂѺॸֲᎌȂരྥႫଢ଼џ ፡৴ාȂၼԙҏճȂಒӫᕗ߳౩܈ȂԤхΡᡙᢩޟѴᢎȂӵԊӒܒȂ ᄂҢܒȂਝܒΰഽΙᝰȄ
оཐڧϚӣޟᡝᡛȄีଢ଼ᐠԤڍᆍೣਿȂ࣏ࠉᎈଢ଼ܚരޟ2.0Ѐีݶءଢ଼ ᐠȂоЅ࣏Ѳٙܚരޟ2.4Ѐีݶءଢ଼ᐠȄࠉޱ१ܻࣸᐽਟȂӰՄё ഀІᔖШၶྣڷȄࡣޱȞђ130kWʟׯΨ27Nmȟᎌӫ໐؆ϴၯູܖഏၾ ၯȄᎈቨᔆ਼ีݶଢ଼ᐠᇄՌଢ଼ᡐഀ๖ӫுࣺ࿋ׇछȄӵճഀܖంଢ଼ёഀ ਢȂཱིޟᎈቨᔆ਼ีݶଢ଼ᐠᡗҰΟڏԁ——Ϛ༉ࣸΟᐽݶȂиᛁσޟ ׯΨۥԃݶءV6ีଢ଼ᐠȇΙϸᇄᎽᎻࣺᜰࠢޟ፴Ȟѓࢂ௮၆ညȟ࡞ᓺؾ ȇӵᎻਢȂၾၯоЅॳᖐᏡॱྃωȂٮႀڗANCAP5ࡾȄ ՍܻԊӒܒП७ȂӵܚԤڧᔆഋ՝௴ҢΟማӫߜȞڎԤ࡞ଽתޟ ࡙ڷ٩ᆻᇟܒȟȇޟھ࣏ٙ٘ۻዺڷ๖ᄂޟٙȇܚԤߞޟϱ֤٩ ७Σ߭ኡᔞ२ȄଶԪϞѴᗙѓࢂABS٩ܲԫفಛЅᇄϞࣺ๖ӫޟ4ၾႫυڙ ଢ଼ΨϷفಛ(EBD)ȂESPᛧۡفڙಛЅᇄϞࣺ๖ӫޟЕΨفڙಛ (TCS)ȂΙϸᡱձޟᎽᎻॻཐԊЖȄ
iX35Е໌ΟӒཱིޟRفӖᎈቨᔆ਼ีݶଢ଼ᐠڷ6ഀՌଢ଼ᡐഀȞሳԤSanta FeঅᠧޟཎڨȟȂலΙསѫԤӵ٥ٲϛଽᔬޟȶູഏȷѲٙفӖϛ ϗџоَڗȄᏎᅭҏޟRACVϴ༪ٙࠉߡ܁ኈኈȂΙএپӱȞघ22ωਢ ȟϚႆੑૉΟΙच਼ݶȞघ70.23ϴЀȟȄ൷Ιᎄߨӫଢ଼ΨѲٙՄِȂڏ ငᔼࣸܒݶџَΙයȈ85ЀؐᎻ100ϴ٨Ϛႆૉݶ4.85ЀȄΙঅᠧᡗณ ᖑ݂ϞᖞȄӣਢȂѺளΡӒཱིޟᎽᎻཐڧȂฒ፣ҁۄσၾᗙՀဗωၯ ᔖпՌԃȂᙏޢωຊΙᆅȄ ӵཱིٙีշོΰȂרঈӵඁωਢϱுоၐᎽϚӣဴޟȞݶ਼ڷݶءȟȂ
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30 Drive-way
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9873 3668 / 0402 799 038
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
21-05-10 No. 166 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
A star is born in the medium large sedan market Edmund Chow Sometime ago, Korean cars were cheap imports for the young singles to commute from point A to B. It was the same story for the famous Japanese brands in 1970s. Hyundai group is now the fifth largest motoring company in the world. Recently, JD Power company in UK researched some of the most popular brands for new car reliability, Hyundai scored fourth just behind the premium brands such as Lexus, Porsche and Cadillac. Hyundai’s story may be a Cinderella story, but it is all about blood, sweat, tear, creativity and perseverance. I was invited to the launch of the i45. I had a short acquaintance with the car few months ago. It was different except that it wasn’t wearing a BMW or Mercedes badge. I was being critical. All motoring journalists or writers will do the same – be critical. After a nice meal, good coca cola drink and comfortable hotel accommodation, my mood changed to liking the i45. Not really! After the
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official presentation, I was so surprised to learn that the exterior was chosen by a team of top executives. But it was actually designed by a young American designer Andre Hudson. The theme of the car was fluidic sculpture, but with character and power. It was the second series of fluidic scripture from Hyundai; the first product was the iX35 compact four wheel drive. But, I would say, it stemmed out from Hyundai’s best selling Genesis sedan and the gorgeous looking Genesis coupe in USA. To cut a long story short, the i45 was designed to stand out from the crowd. Indeed, it is attractive and err – very post modern – just like a liquid sculpture. It is strange, but the strangeness is actually a master level of creativity. It has bits and pieces of Honda City’s grille, BMW’s boot, Mercedes CLS’s body and a similar looking but functional head light set. It is a great coupe styled 4 door sedan. Frankly, it is beautiful and unique: don’t get me wrong it is definitely not a copy but a genuine creation. A true creation of liquefied smooth design with a strong character, not only it looks great but also warrants for a low 0.28 drag aerodynamic result. I should ask Andre Hudson to talk more about his car in details. Drive-way
21-05-10 No. 166
Getting into the car, not only did I feel familiar with its up market equipment level. It is inviting, actually a strong resemblance to Volvo and Mercedes with central console design and decoration, and the clever appointment with piano black inside door panels and leather. Basically, it has its own up market functional character. The Korean team contributes to the interior and it matches the exterior just like peas in a pod, and a truly identical twins. The only thing that was left out was the satellite navigation system with a big touch screen colour monitor in the central console. On the premium end of the range model, it has electrical adjustable front seats, leather and a panorama full length glass sunroof, and 18 inches alloy with full size spare wheel. Good looking couldn’t sell too far. The i45 is that kind of an interesting car that normally you will find it in as a European car… I don’t want to be that specific. It has a very healthy 2.4 litre 4 cylinder GDI (Gasoline Direct injection) petrol engine, pumping out 148kW of power and 250Nm of torque. On the contrary, it is extremely fugal in fuel consumption of just 7.9L per 100kms, paired with Hyundai’s new in-house developed 6 speed automatic gear box. It is light and small and doesn’t take up much valuable space into the cabin. The gear box is extremely responsive. When trying it out on the northern countryside and freeway travelling in Brisbane, the gear box matched superbly with the engine. Kick downs responded swiftly and smoothly. The power and the gear made the car behaved just like a V6. The steering wheel is also equipped with paddle shift which makes manual adjustment for overtaking much easier. The gearbox allows manual override with +/-; but I don’t see the need of it, except engine braking for better control to suit my own driving style. The i45 isn’t perfect for a lot of reasons. For example as mentioned earlier it misses out big touch screen satellite navigation system, DVD with TV play
30 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ back, to dub as a colour monitor for reverse parking, reverse camera, auto park assist, active cruise control etc. However, if those options were in place that would account for at least another A$30,000 in the other luxury brands. On the contrary, the i45 has all the safety features that everyone needs, 4 airbags and two full length curtain airbags covering the front and rear passengers. Other equipments such as ABS and Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Traction Control, Brake Assist and Electronic Brake force Distribution etc. On the other hand, i45 just starts from ($29,950) for a six speed manual and go all the way to ($39,750) for the Premium. Its competitors are Toyota Camry, Honda Accord and Volkswagen Passat and some others. For a certain reason, I think the i45 deserves a closer look before anyone decides to buy a new car. I will talk to you more, when we get the car for a week or a two? ߖԑپȂᗺٙРҏٙϞࡣԙ࣏ԑሆΡޟᛀڋȂȶ౪фȷٙޟѿൟӋζ ູູپσȂӵ࡙ߔ᠍ڧΰϚճܻ٥ٲȃ∪้סӪถٙȄ ၎౪фi45ޟѴᢎ೩ॎюՌΙ՝ԑሆޟछ೩ॎৱԊኈᏇȆᓓኈිȂ౪фϽȃ ଢ଼ཐȃࢺጣޟഺཱི೩ॎᡱڏಳᑗՄюȄѺޟഅᒊӫΟႀᎢጒࠉޟᆒȂ ࡣޟരȂیႻޟٙ٘Ȃᐿ੫ᅔ߫ȂΙᎄࣺ࿋ϚᒿޟϛѲߞᎽٙȄ ֲ໌ٙ၇оࡣȂרཐឈڗΙᆍዣொᒑϸཐȂᇄآᅭیڷآႻޟڙѮЅϱႺ ࡞ࣺխȂஅҏՄِȂϱഋޟ೩ॎڷ೩രಒӫҬࠉޟѿൟቋྥȈᓁฤ੦ ᅘ༃Փ፴Ӵ७ڷݖҪ८ȂӵଽᔬဴϛȂᗙരΟႫυџ፡ࠉ৴ාȂӒශ ЈๅоЅ18़ψӫߜരҢᎈपȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
05-03-10 No. 166 21-05-10 154
౪фi45ര2.4Ѐ4चGDI ݶءЕᔝȂџีю148kW ޟଢ଼Ψڷ250Nm ׯޟΨ ȂԪѴསΟ౪фՌޟശཱིϲഀՌଢ଼ᡐഀȂѺଔپᗙ࡞ࣸݶȂؐ100ϴ ٨Ϛႆૉݶ7.9ЀȄ ࿋רӵҀ၇ੲޟଽഀϴၯڷѕഋ໐؆ၾၯΰၐᎽޟਢঐ ȂีרឈᡐഀӣЕᔝӫுࣺ࿋ԁȂంଢ଼ٞഀࠓҁᛧȂ٥ཐឈԃӣᎽᎻ രΟV6ЕᔝޟٙΙኺȄПөዺӫ᐀జᡱЙଢ଼ᎽᎻਢ຺ٙࢺ࣏ᄱৠܾȄ јՌଢ଼ᡐഀϰ೨Йଢ଼፡ȂஊԤਝޟڙЕᔝڙޟଢ଼ȂШၶᎌӫޟר ٙॳਿȄ ౪фi45ׇߨٮछฒીȂ೨ӻӵڏтཱིٙϛџَོޟڗ೩രԃញᄥࡎፏᏲ فಛȃDVDளႫຜђኇຜفಛȃইٙីᓞȃՌଢ଼ୄٙሄօفಛ้ȂѺ ϚڎരȄϚႆ൷ԊӒܒՄِȂѺڎരΟΙૡΡঈᎽٙܚሯौޟӒৈ೩ࢊ ——4এԊӒ᠄ȂڍএᛨԒ᠄о߳៖ࠉࡣ௶ܚԤࡊॸޟȂ٩ܲԫڙଢ଼فಛ ȃႫυᛧۡفڙಛȃࠆٙሄօفಛȃЕΨفڙಛ้Ȅ ౪фi45୵ቋՌ $29,950ȞϲഀЙଢ଼ȟՍ$39,750 ȞଽᔬȟȂѺޟᝯތᄇЙ࣏ ӣޟᙴҤٹछȂҏҤሧȃσಀ۴ᙡ੫้Ȅ
HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre
* 24 15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
25-06-10 No. 170 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
An interview with
Andre Hudson about the Hyundai i45 ౪фءٙi45ޟ೩ॎৱட Edmund Chow
Following our conversation with Andre at the launch of i45 in Brisbane, we have a rare opportunity to interview Andre Hudson, the designer about his multi awarding winning Hyundai i45. רᇄAndreӵҀ٨ҏෆԤΙٲᄇၗȂ౪ӵרӔԤᐠོ୰тᜰܻߖσዥЅᕕዩฒኵޟ౪фi45 E: Edmund
A: Andre Hudson
Translate: Driveway Team
E: When I check with my report on the Hyundai Genesis Coupe way back in Melbourne Motor Show in March 2008, the Genesis Coupe already demonstrated a very smooth, fresh, powerful and displayed its high quality stance as a car enjoying cutting edge design. On the other hand, the i45 continues to attract people's attention as a stunning looking car and pushing its beauty boundary to an even higher level. Personally speaking I felt the i45 already surpassed the new Mercedes Benz E class. Is there a generic link between the both (Genesis Coupe and i45)? A: Though these two cars are very different products they both represent our evolution of ‘Fluidic Sculpture’. Both cars offer dramatic side profiles with theme lines that have beautiful gesture. It is the unique unexpected surfacing that happens between these lines that give them such a beautiful surface quality. This surfacing creates a beautiful play of light and shadow. E: You used the term fluidic sculpture with the i45, Can you tell us what does it actually mean? Is it a new design trend for all products? Andre Hudson Drive-way
25-06-10 No. 170
A: 'Fluidic' is inspired by nature and the harmony of the organic elements found throughout it. We see examples of this type around us every day. Whether it is how wind shapes a snow drift, or how water can shape sand and stone, there is a beautiful fluidic tension in the surfaces that result. ’Sculpture’ symbolizes our artistic and creative process in which we express our design passion. E: Can you tell our readers a little bit about your career background? I understand that you were a designer for the GM group a few years back? A: Yes, I began my career with GM in Detroit and also worked at the GM Advanced Design UK studio for three years. I was fortunate to work on some great vehicles including the Chevy SSR, Cadillac Sixteen and Cien, as well as the Saturn Sky roadster. E: As a design manager of Hyundai North America studio, one of the fastest growing car manufacturer, a value brand in the world, what is your belief in design language? Do you put strong emphasis on practicality or do you stress on the beauty of the car? or simply a little bit of both world? A: Depending on the product, practicality plays either less or more of a role. I do believe that today’s consumer automatically expects safety, reliability and with Hyundai, value. I think with good design you can give your costumers all that is expected and wrap it in an overall beautiful package. Just because you are smart with your money doesn’t mean you have to settle for something that is less desirable. The i45 gives you all of this. E: The Hyundai Genesis Coupe concept was a more attractive car than the real production car. Does the i45 gave up something in exchange for practicality or even fitting the budget? From your hand drawn sketches, it appears to me that a set of 20 inches alloy wheel plus low profile tyres would match better than the present production car. Is there a story behind it? A: In production there are always some compromises but usually with good reasons. Large wheels always make a vehicle look better but wreak havoc on handling and are expensive. Also, you have to decide what is going to be better for your customers, say 20” wheels or six airbags. With my family in the car I’d prefer the airbags.
Drive-way ٙൢ manufacturers. The most important deciding factor to the consumer is the design. And not just the aesthetics but how the car functions and interfaces with your everyday life. E: Are you confident in setting the pace for design languages in the automotive industries? If so, where do you normally get your inspirations? A: As designers it is your job to create the environment we will all be living in years to come. If you think about it, there are design studios around the globe today filled with ideas, drawings and models of products that will shape all of our lives. As far as inspiration, it can come from anywhere. So of my most recent inspirations have come from a visit to the local aquarium, a thumb through a book on Zeppelin’s from the 1930’s and watching the latest fashion trends on television.
E: ࿋ ר१ ཱི ӱ Ռ Ϗ ӵ 2008 ԑ 3 Т Ꮞ ᅭ ҏ ءٙ ΰ ܚቸ ޟᜰ ܻ ౪ ф Genesis Coupe ޟൢ֙ਢȂีר౪ѺᆹΟଢ଼ȃཱིᑗڷΨ໔ܻΙᡝȂᡝ ᡛΟࣺ࿋ଽ፴໔ޟശཱི೩ॎ౩ڷ܈ዘࢺȄѪΙП७Ȃ౪ф i45 ȶᏄΨȷ ΙຠΰЀڗΟΙএӒཱིޟଽ࡙Ȃо߫ڏᝋޟѴᢎ֜Еಀӻޟ፲ড়Ȅ൷এ ΡཐឈՄِȂרᇯ࣏ i45 ޟ೩ॎϐင຺ູΟیႻ E ClassȄ୰ڍٙ )Genesis Coupe ڷi45* ϞԤࣥቄࣺӣϞȉ A: ᗶณڍٙϚӣޟࠢȂծѺঈᡝ౪Οרঈࡇܚᆎޟȶࢺጣ༭ ȷ८ڼȄڍٙҰΟоΙၾᘀ݂ޟкᚠጣనўלഅٙ٘ڍਠޟ छᝋޟٙᡝ੫ȄӰՄȂѺޟᐿ੫ٙ٘७ݖӰՄϠΟ٥ٲछᝋޟ੫ՓȄ ٥ٲٙ٘ޟ७ݖഺഅΟΙٲछᝋޟӎᇄኇޟಢӫȄ E: ձҢΟ“శϽீ”ړΙএཱིӪຠўלৠi45Ȃձџо֙ວרঈѺޟᄂ፴ཎࡦ ༝?٥Ιএཱི(ޟ౪фءٙ)೩ॎዘࢺ༝? A: “శϽ”! ΙএоσՌณЅӨԤᐠᡝϛܚѓ֤ڷޟᒙՄϛܚᕕுޟంҰ ȂרঈӵРலҡࣀϛџоᢎᄆڗȂฒ፣ॳԃդў༭അΙ⅞ॳഡȂܖЫ ԃդў༭അؓЅүޟѴߒȂ٥၇ԤΙٲछᝋޟశϽΨٺ٥ߒٲ७ுо֕ ౪юپȄ“ீߒ”ړ౪ΟרঈоЅഺഅޟႆแўߒႀרঈᄇ೩ॎޟዥףȄ E: ձџо֙ວרঈձޟ೩ॎৱҡి༝?ޣרၾԞࠉձҢءٙءޟٙ೩ॎৱȄ
E: Recently Hyundai scored an excellent result in JD Power report in the new car performance and reliability, Do you think attractive design, stressing on the exterior of the car, actually help selling new cars like i30, iX35 and i45? A: Of course. With so much competition in the market today vehicles are offering very much the same features and build quality has come so far for every
30 Drive-way
A: ࿋ณџоȂءޟרٙҡిܻۖछۻ੫ࡡޟҢءٙϴѧȂרһϠ՝ ़ܻޟҢϴѧޟሴӑ೩ॎࡉȂӵ٥Οέԑ。רһߨலଽᑹџо ϠΙءٲٙ೩ॎԃChevy SSRȂCadillac SixteenЅCienȂٮиԤSaturn SkyroadsterເٙȄ
Drive-way ٙൢ
05-03-10 No. 170 25-06-10 154
E: ձ౪фءٙѕछࢸഺհࡉޟ೩ॎင౩Ȃ౪фءٙжࣨΰቨߝശءޟפ ٙҡ୦ϞΙȂһΙএලᛳσಀϽቋᓀءٙࠢޟถȂձᄇءޟࣺ߬ܚٙ ೩ॎᇭِࣥቄ?ڹձ፡ᄂҢءܖܒٙޟछཐܖ?ڹӨԤΙᘈ?ڹ A: ٥ौࣼ٥ΙএࠢȂᄂҢܖۡܒӻܖЍᐊ࿋ΟΙএُՓȂࣺ߬ר౪Ϭ ޟੑາޱՌଢ଼ӴఖԊӒȃџᎬȇՄӵ౪фءٙП७ޟቋȄרདȂᕕு Ιএԁޟ೩ॎȂձџоϠձޟੑາޱтঈܚइఖޟȂᓍࡣѓ֤ΟѺঈӵ Ιএछᝋޟѓ၆ۻήѫӰ࣏ձҢձߜޟᓀȂٮϚфߒձሯौڧעΙٮٲ ߨശ౩དސٱޟՄi45൷џоϠձΙϸᄂҢЅछᝋݍޟՙȄ E: ౪фءٙޟഺжဴເܘٙ྅܈ٙGenesis CoupeΙᎈШҡဴछᝋ ଢ଼ΡءޟٙȂӵi45ޟݷήȂѺԤܹణΟ࢚ݍٲՙоٽڥԃᄂҢЅᇧٙ ޟԤ३Ⴑᆗ༝?ձҢЙජᛲޟყаȂi45џҢΰΟ20़ӧޟӫߜᎈЅ ຺ᖡޟᎈपȂѴᢎΰШଔ౪ӵ୵ဴޟӫᎌȂӵधࡣ֏ԤΙٱ࢈ٲ ωඨԢ?ڹ
छᏰΰȂծ٥ᎄٙޟӨኺђٮԃդᇄᎽٙޱРலҡࣀޟ๖Ԥ १ौޟᜰ߽Ȅ E: ձ֏Ԥ߬ЖџоሴᏲءٙޟ೩ॎᇭِ?ڹԃџоޟၗȂձ٥၇ᕕு ཐ?ڹ A: հ࣏Ι՝೩ॎৱȂ٥ޟרώհӈўഺհΙএרঈџоҡࣀӻԑޟᕗ ცȂषձࡦདΙήȂ౪ϬӒ౨Ԥ࡞ӻءޟٙ೩ॎϛЖȂшᅖཎ܈Ȃᛲ ყЅᇧࠢޟོхרڗঈޟҡܖڼӻܖЍԤܚᡐ.मܻޟרཐȂѺ پՌ࡞ӻП७.ՄശཱིޟཐپՌΙএ᎑ߖޟЫఊᓢȂࢥࣼΙҏਪਢڗࣼܚ ޟቆࢧݓԒޟ1930ԑфॴဠЅӵႫຜᐠࠉݠ፬ശཱིޟਢ၆ߒᅋȄ
A: ӵҡϛȂ࿋ณོԤΙޟڞׂٲӴПȂծலԤΙٲԁޟ౩ҥ.σӫߜᎈ ငலхءٙؾ߸ȂџࠓӵᐇᖃΰΙএᝒ१કᚽޟܒીοȂӣਢ Ȃձौ࣏ձࡊޟདȂٽԃ20़ޟڴᎈܖϲএԊӒءೡȂԃȂޟר ড়ΡၭרӵΙଔȂרჿᒵڥϲএԊӒءೡȄ E: ߖȂ౪фᕕுΟJDPowerੑາޱҕཎ፡ࢥϴѧޟӵءٙߒ౪ЅџᎬޟܒ ٹᑖȂձᇯ࣏֜Еޟ೩ॎЅ፡ءٙޟѴᢎȂᄂሬΰᔓօੑ୵ິϴѧཱིޟ ٙԃi30ȂiX35Ѕi45༝? A: ࿋ณȂ౪ӵءޟٙѿൟᝯތ٥ቄᐭ੨Ȃ࡞ӻءޟٙඪࣺټխޟ೩രȂ ӰՄȂӨءٙኅড়१፴શ.ΙএശޟؚۡӰશء܁܁ٙޟ೩ॎȄϚ
HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre
* 24 15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388