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11-09-09 No. 133 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



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11-09-09 No. 133

Jaguar XKR Being a motoring journalist wasn’t my plan of life. However, driving dream cars are. From memories, I love a Jaguar Type E. It has to be red and convertible. People can still get a good second hand for $50,000. The next one that I love is the car that I am about to talk about, yet it is at least five times as expensive. I tried to link both of them together. It has all the bells and whistle that I need. It sprints from 0-100kms in just 4.9seconds. A speed that normal people would only experience when a jet liner takes off. I love the XKR so much that I have to travel to Sydney to try it. I had other experience with a XK. Comparing to the XKR, the normal XK behaves just like a pussy cat. The XKR has a big supercharged 4.2 litre V8 engine that makes it so responsive and sprints like a V12, but without the weight. It sprints easily. However, speed is not the only thing that Jaguar cares about. It is the way that people can enjoy driving a great GT super car that matters. Comparing to XK, it has 30% more power. A total of 313kW at 6,250 revs and 560Nm at 400 revs. It was tempting to speed. Everyone may have that experience before. Yet, the fiercest force will only comes out if you want it to be as brutal and savage as you like it to be. Normally, when you put it on the 6 speed ZF automatic gear box, you would just enjoy the cruising and elegance of the great luxury sports car. Or you could put it into a very interactive automatic sports mode at the

28 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow

gearshifts. Another thought about an entire manual control can also be done with the wheel-mounted paddle shifts. The all aluminium chassis is so strong that it helps to cut weight. It was also cleverly configurated into an ideal weight balance for taking on the extra force from the supercharged engine. Suspensions have been stiffened 38 and 28 percents front and back respectively to hold the car down for massive energy when travelling in high speed. Rollbar and dampers have received significant improvement as well. Brakes are made 26 percent more efficient for them to haul the car down. In just 2 seconds, the car can stop from 100 kms to a complete stand still. I drove the car from Sydney to Bathurst to Mount Panorama, where the great V8 super car reigns there. Actually, a Jaguar had won some important prices there some years ago. Along my way to Bathurst, I travelled some of the best roads in the Blue Mountain area. I enjoyed those wilderness and hospitality; then making my way to Bathurst. The road conditions changed all the time, in very different forms, but the Jaguar could do its best (from a legal speed perspective). The more that you stepped deeper onto its accelerator, the more you would be entertained. The exhaust noises were like music. It howled louder and louder until you were scared and everyone around you noticed that as well. Not for me, I was prepared to try my best and to utilize my skills and meet up with the challenge to accelerate from 4.9 seconds and beyond. One man, one car and my destiny. Enjoy safe driving and people around you.

11-09-09 No. 133

Drive-way ٙൢ

‫ޟר‬ჲད‫ٮ‬Ϛ࢐ԙ࣏Ιএ‫ء‬ٙ଄‫ޱ‬ȂծᎽᎻჲВϞٙ൷޻ۡ࢐‫็ޟר‬ԑჲད Ȅ‫ר‬൉᠍छࢸ଑(ᑖ࢜) E TypeȇѺΙۡौ࢐ՖऔՓЅ໠ፀ‫ޟ‬Ȅ౪ਢоϤ࿲༫ ഍σघџоີ‫ڗ‬ΙᎄΠЙٙȂծ‫ר‬ौൢᏲ‫ޟ‬छࢸ଑ࠓौષቋശЍ5ॻቋᓀ‫ܖ‬ оΰȄ

ܻಁࠉȄҁலਢȂѺ‫ޟ‬ϲഀՌଢ଼௶ϐџоྱ៫Ιϸ٠૞‫ޟ‬ሯौȂ୅ԃȂձሯौ ‫؁‬ҡᓸࣀߏ‫ߒޟ‬౪ȂѺ‫ޟ‬Sport modeၼଢ଼Ԓ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼௶ᔬϐџоᔓօձีථѺ ‫ޟ‬ዖ፴ȂՄձһџоցҢѺ՝ܻПөዺ‫ޟ‬ኦа༈ᔬоӒЙଢ଼Ԓ‫ޟ‬ПԒўᐇ௡Ι Ѯ܏ᛚȄ

‫ר‬კၐ஠‫ޱڍ‬ШၶȂXKRࣥቄ഍ԤȇՄиџоҥ0Ս100ϴ٨ёഀѫੑҢΰ4.9 ऌȄҁலΡѫོӵ૞ᐠଔॴਢϗџоཐ‫ڗڧ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬ᛁσёഀΨȄ ‫ר‬൉དྷѺȂӰԪȂѫԤ‫ڗ‬ொѻўငᡛѺȂ‫ר‬ෆᎽᎻල೽‫ޟ‬XKȂծШၶΰȂѺ ѫ჋Ιᓞড়ᒥȄ

၎ٙоӒ᎟፴‫ޟ‬ٙ࢜о෵ሆ၎ٙ‫ޟ‬१໔ȄՄиȂѺџо଩ӫ஼ࠐ‫ޟ‬Еᔝоีථ ‫ޟٹ؁‬ٙ१ҁᒋϷշЅ‫ڧܛ‬᚞Ѵ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨȂ᝚௮‫ف‬ಛϐё฽Ս38%(ࠉᎈ)Ѕ28%( ࡣᎈ)ȇӰԪȂџо‫ڧܛ‬ଽഀϴၯΰ᚞Ѵ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨȄ٩ᅌ࢜Ѕ֜Ꭺํ഍оσൽӴ ቨ஼Ѕ‫׽‬๡Ȃྷٙ‫ف‬ಛё஼Ο26%ȂѺџоܻ‫ڍ‬ऌϱ஠၎ٙҥਢഀ100ϴ٨ҳ ‫ࠆړ‬ୄ Ȅ

XKR၆ΰΟΙএᐠడቨᔆᏢܻѺ‫ޟ‬4.2ϴЀV8ЕᔝΰȂծѺ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨԤԃV12Ȃ ࠓШၶሆѽԤΨȂӰ࣏१໔ሆѽхѺёഀΨࣺᔖӴ‫؁‬ᡗு஼ࠐȂഀ࡙Ѕёഀ ਢ໢‫ߨٮ‬छࢸ଑‫ܚ‬ശᜰ‫ޟݧ‬Ȅтঈ൉᠍ٙк‫ڧٴ‬ᎽᎻѺȂԤԃGT຺઻ᇺ๼ເ ٙΙኺȂᇄXKࣺШၶXKRԤ᚞ѴԻϷϞέΪ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨȇӰԪѺ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψϐႀ‫ڗ‬ 313 kW(ܻ6,250ϴᙽਢ)Ѕ560Nm‫ׯޟ‬Ψ(ܻ4,000ϴᙽਢ) Ȅ

‫ר‬ҥொѻᎽᎻՍBathurstശࡣܰႀMount PanoramaᗉၾȂ٥၇Ιૡ഍ҥҏӴ ‫઻຺ޟ‬V8ᗉٙ໰៧ЈήȄณՄȂԤΙ‫ڍ‬ԑȂԤΙᎄᑖ࢜һᕕுഽցσዩȄ ‫܁‬ Mount Panorama‫ޟ‬ၯΰȂ‫ר‬੫ཎഊငछᝋ‫ޟ‬ᙢόਡၽୢȂ٥၇‫ޟ‬ශमЅσՌ ณ‫ޟ‬छᝋ࢐хΡડ‫ޟ܁‬Ȅၾၯ‫ޟ‬፴શԤ࡞Ϛӣ‫ࠢޟ‬፴Ѕ੫‫ܒ‬ȂծXKR‫ݠ‬ณ௥ ‫ڧ‬ЅีථѺᔖԤ‫ߒޟ‬౪(ܻӫ‫ݲ‬ਢഀ‫ޟ‬३‫ڙ‬ϱ) Ȅ

຺ഀᎽᎻҗሉ࢐ᎽᎻ຺઻ເٙ‫ޟ‬ശσᇶඋȂ‫ר‬ད࿋ձᎽᎻ၎ٙһΙོۡ७ᄇ ٥এཐ‫ڧ‬Ȅծ஼਄Ѕಗኸ‫ޟ‬ᢍΨȂѫོܻձौؑѺ‫ޟ‬ਢঐϗོ‫ۄ‬ᒀᒀӴ֕౪

‫ޟר‬ཐད࢐Ȃ࿋‫ר‬஠‫ߞݶ‬ယ፽ࣜ​ࣜӴ፾ήਢȂᎽᎻ‫߯ޱ‬૖‫ݠ؁‬፬Ѻ‫ޟ‬੫‫ܒ‬Ȅ ኀ੉ᆓ‫௶ܚ‬ю‫ޟ‬ᖐ੏Ԥԃॱዅૡଢ଼᠙ȂՄѺ‫ޟ֡شޟ‬ᖐॱ߯ҳ‫ړ‬ଽ݁ଔ‫پ‬Ȃ ‫ޢ‬Սձཐ‫ڗ‬කৼȂࣥՍਠ᜞‫ޟ‬ၯΡ‫ٱܖ‬഍ཐ‫ڗڧ‬Ѻ‫ࡄޟ‬ΨȄ٥ਢȂ‫ר‬ѫԤ‫ٺ‬ юค٘၌ኵоߔ௥0Ս100ϴ٨‫ޟ‬ёഀཐЅࢅᏽՌ‫ྃޟר‬३ȄΙএ‫ظ‬ΡȃΙഋ ‫פ‬ٙȃΙএತྃᘈȄ‫ڧٴ‬ձ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻዅ፸Ȃծ‫؁‬१ौ‫࢐ޟ‬དྷ៖тঈȂԤԃձዥ དྷҡ‫ڼ‬ΙኺȄ



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