Audited 13,688 as at Sep 30,2008
Distribute 22,000 from July 18, 2008 onward in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
24-04-09 No. 113 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
CarNews: News Car жࣨശᇺޟӒၯءٙ!ɯ!Range Rover Vogue AMG ࣏2009ԑ ޟS-Class ڷCL-Class ੫ڙৈ
F1 News F1ΰમ!!ȶऔвȷᆰ੫ᅭߦϛᆎд Drive-way
24-04-09 No. 113
Drive-way ٙൢ!
Land Rover Freelander 2 To be honest I was not expecting much from this car. I know it’s not a fair comparison but I owned a Discovery once and it was not a pleasant experience. I also did a long-term test of the first Freelander and was not impressed. I’m pleased to say the new Freelander 2 is so much better than expected. This car has been completely re-designed from the ground up, which it needed. Its very well put together and thought out. It feels solid on the road and off. This was the turbo-diesel with auto transmission, and from the get-go it was impressive. Fit and finish is excellent, and you really start to warm to the soft-touch knobs and good looking dash design. It is modern and functional and proves that the Japanese are not dominating this sector quite yet. This model had leather interior with well designed seats and plenty of position choices for different sizes. The only problem I encountered was an obtrusive centre console, which pushes your left leg across and you can’t really relax properly. Oddly, this was only a problem on the drivers side, because on the passenger side it didn’t seem to be so obtrusive. All controls are easy to use, falling to hand without much effort or thought. The stereo and heater controls were easy to master and you don’t need to be Einstein to work everything out. It’s a good looking car all round. It had the big 19 inch wheels and really stood out. In fact it looks like a mini Range Rover.
26 Drive-way
But it’s the driving that gets you. The engine is very strong, the turbo coming in just when you need it and with very little lag. In my steep up-hill test it really performed well. The gearbox and engine works beautifully together and the ‘manual’ option is excellent, especially down hills where you need to keep the speed down just in case a ‘speed tax’ device is lurking. Anyone who would not consider a diesel based on past experience should take another look, because in reality the technology has come a long way. They are quiet (inside the cabin at least), efficient, environmentally friendly and performance is now a world away from those truck like beasts of the 70’s and 80’s. Handling was surprisingly good too, and not what you would expect from a ‘soft-roader’. It was very solid and the big tyres gripped well. There was just a hint of understeer and if pushed really hard this high off the ground vehicle settles into a neutral all wheel drift, but its all very controllable and most drivers will not get near its limits. This vehicle is not designed for the ‘boy racers’ after all. Off the road, like its bigger cousins the Discovery 2 and Range Rover, the car performed exceptionally well. It has a button that reduces speed to a crawl for steep tracks which works a treat. No ‘white knuckle’ moments when this nifty device is turned on! As with most all-wheel-drives, low range is not really needed but its there just in case. The car has enough grunt and engineering expertise built-in to get you through almost all slippery situations.
24-04-09 No. 113
тѴ߲߸לȂ19ψσᎈᄐȂ़࠼ስౝӴоଜձRange Roverלޟຫ౪юپȄ ծ߶ᕕௌޟЖࠓޟтޟᎽᎻዅ፸ȄӫΰቨᔆᏢӵሯौਢоྃωਢޟ۽ғ ጂϭΣȂЕᔝߒ౪ுՄԤΨȄӵۃދਢȂтޟጂߒ౪юՓȄݰڷЕᔝ ӫׇछȂᔬ՝ϯޟmanualЙଢ଼ᒵΪϷюՓȂЎڏӵήۃႆแϛሯоճᔬ ໌ਢȂΙএ“speed tax”၆ညӵਁณώհቨё॒Ȅ षӨ՝ϛԤӰо܁ငᐣՄᄇ၎਼ٙގݶϚৣΙޟΡρ౪ӵࠓौѪಁࣺࣼΟ ȂӒӰтޟଽऋ֤໔఼ȄԊᓗȃȃᕗ߳پߨٮՌܻΜΤΪԑфܚ ޟ٥ٲΡ७ᛚЖޟњٙޟӣΙএжࣨϛȄ يԁޟᐇᎽᎻཐឈхΡᡙȂϐϚӔ٥՝ձܚད“ޟၯ७ωҡ”ΟȂтٙ ٘ᄂиσᎈपӴܒيԁȄт༉༉ԤΙ๛ᙽޟөϚٗȂծԃݎଽഀΣ᠉ Ȃଽٙ٘ޟ৴Ꮍϸ໌ΣՌଢ଼ڙӒᎈଢ଼ԒȄџَтϐϚӔ࣏“ڋ ็ᗉٙ”Մ೩ॎޟΟȄ ູഏȂԤԃтڍޟ՝ஆщDiscovery 2 ڷRange RoverΙኺܒᓺູȂരΟ ᜰԒ६᐀ᛇޟދђȂኆࡾ൷џញี၎ᐿߞུᏢԒޟ၆ညȄᇄڏтӒ ᎈଢ଼ءٙΙኺȂճഀᎻߨٮငலࣂΰҢൟȂѫоരΙਢϞሯȄ၎ٙ ၆ԤٗஊޟӨடߞٺձٗоᔖпܚԤᕆྤၯ७ᕗცȄ ԃݎձϫӵ൶ײΙ฿ཌഽӈΙߨٲҁۄၯ७ՄάӵᎌڷюՓܒП ७ٮ१ޟড়৳৴ᎽޟၗȂ٥ོרӒΨ௰ᙨ၎ٙȄтӵଽഀၯΰ٠ՌԃȂӵ ၾၯΰζШσӻኵٙюՓȂиԤSUVܚᐿԤުޟڷࣀȄ ԁኺޟȂLand RoverȄFreelander 2 ுΙࣼиጂސԤܚȄӵޟרၐᎽҧ ߒ௶ϛȂтӪӖࠉέȄ
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ!
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
04-09-09 No. 132 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Range Rover Sport TDV8 with
Stormer Pack F1 News F1Шցਢમܜଽগᓎഽ
04-09-09 No. 132
Range Rover Sport TDV8 with Stormer Pack
When we were test driving the Range Rover Sport some two years ago, we were amazed at its functionality. Up till now, we are still interested to talk about its extraordinary capabilities. It is just the benchmark of modern four wheel drive vehicle. It climbs and descents without any trouble. It corners like no others do. It accelerates like a sport car, with more than 2 tons of weight. We were confused why such a good car exits on this earth. Well, back to reality, it is not an ordinary car. It requires the owner to have a healthy and wealthy bank account and can easily pay around A$110,000 for the luxury and privilege to own it. Recently, Range Rover wants to give more to the most favour “Sport”. I like the Vogue of its sheer luxury, but Sport is my favour. It is down to earth and practical. The “Stormer” pack features a pair of newly designed front and rear bumpers. Matching the energy storming theme, a rear spoiler has also been added as well. New chrome decorated exhaust pipes plus a front parking distance safety control. The Range Rover Sport has a top of the range TDV8. I like diesel engines. From my experience in driving mini buses, they are reliable and tough. However, the beauty of the engine is that it produces 640Nm of massive torque at a low speed while also generating 200kW of power at 4,400 rpm. A Holden Commodore or Toyota Aurion can produce like 200kW, but the 640Nm torque is extremely useful for low speed crawling and hauling stuff in nearly all kinds of terrain. The TDV8 is also responsible for quick acceleration that makes other drivers feeling a little bit surprised.
28 Drive-way
Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow
Apart from the “Stormer” pack, the car is pretty much the same as with ordinary Range Rover Sport. The Range Rover Sport Stormer Pack gives potential customers a fresh look about the legendary Range Rover Sport. However, I believe the Sport will be phrasing out as soon as the Discovery 4 is making its way to Australia. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Range Rover Sport with the Stormer pack. It is a nice car to drive, in particular with the display of its four wheel drive system on the console screen. Also, the in-car audio visual DVD and TV system is just sensational. Whenever I drive a Range Rover, I have to put on a particular DVD for its story and sound effect. But that promptes me to talk about another area. The 6 stack DVD system needs some upgrade to match up with the forever increasing widely use of iPod and iPhone products. People have been talking about the mighty four wheel drive system that Range Rover and Land Rover enjoyed having since its release some years ago. It is perceived as the best four wheel drive system that includes smart control with its simple pictured terrain control dial to provide exceptional automated assistance for the car to carry out its job. No matter what, where the driver wants to go, it will obey. For example, sand, gravel, grass, snow and mud, it will conquer the road like no others.
Drive-way ٙൢ!
04-09-09 No. 132
Yet, its off road ability is pretty much tied up with its approach and departure angels of both ends. Hence, we were worried about wrecking the car by bigger, taller and more aerodynamic front and rear bumper. But, the Stormer design is nice and lively. Frankly, how many four wheel drive owners will use their four wheel drives to beat the brush? I dare to say perhaps just 1%. Therefore, the refreshing “Stormer” kit is just what we need in the urban jungle. In particular, to our neighboring suburb – Toorak. That is why all Four Wheel Drive cars are called Toorak Tractor.
ޟٹ೩ॎȂоϛѵޟఋׯПԒЅᙏܾޟყߒᡗҰӻᆍޟၾၯݷȂоՌଢ଼ޟ፡ ੫ۡޟၯўׇԙӈȂӰԪฒ፣ؓӴȃүӴȃ૩ӴȃഡӴЅݫӴȂѺ ོሆՄܾᖞӴΙΙ݈܂Ȅ ծσড়ོ݂ҩȂѺޟᓺѲູഏΨȂڷѺޟΰόЅήόޟᛇُ࡙ྃދ ϞԤᜰȂרঈ୲ৼོᄩྒ၎ٙȂӰԪѫԤᜋ़१़ȂѫԤಠЖݠ፬ՄϚў ΡϞᜲȇѺޟ೩ॎΪϷᓺؾЅਣޟȄ ՂᄂՄِȂԤӻЍᎽᎻѲٙޟΡོٙڗѲၯ৷ȉרσᖚՄِȂσघѫԤ ԻӋϞ൦ȇӰԪȂרᇯ࣏ႪᎩ໙ޟѓ၆ശӫרঈএ࠲ѿිݓȂ੫տ࣏ ڗ᎑ୢ݉ޟЄȂӰԪѲٙһӪ࣏Toorakୢܜܴޟٙ
ڍԑࠉ࿋רঈกၐRange Rover Sport TDV8ਢȂרঈϐငཐڗѺޟञσߒ ᡙȊޢՍҬࠉȂרঈϫณᢚნѺޟ੫юߒ౪ȇרঈᇯ࣏ѺᙏޢѲٙޟ ྒྷஆ៧кȂѺџоሆՄܾᖞӴދόЅή৶ఇޟόۃȃᙽ᠉ُܡԤоҁၯȂᗶ ณٙ१຺ູڍᏠȂࠓёഀਢԤԃ຺ເٙȂרঈཐڗ၎ᆍԁٙѫᔖԆӵܻડ ၗ࢈ٱϛȇծӱڗ౪ᄂȂѺޟԤޱሯौԤΙএ࿋ԤޟሚԆȂӰ࣏Ѻޟ ୵ቋघ11ᐬ༫ȂձϗџоԤ۷ԤЅᎽᎻѺȂശߖȂRange Rover`ଡёΙ ຺ٲເٙڨޟၾȂёΰΟၼଢ଼ޟȂӰՄѹىΟRange Rover Sport TDV8 ёΰޟႪᎩѓ၆ Stormer PackȄ ႪᎩѓ၆ Stormer Packѓ֤ࠉࡣശཱི೩ॎޟ٩ኡᄹܖᆎ ߳ᓎᄹȂӫႪᎩ ໙ޟкᚠȂٙһёΰտጝॳۡޟᖎȂӒཱིޟሞሚኀ൙ȂѪёΰࠉހٙཐ ᔖᏢȂרঈܚกၐޟRange Rover SportΰΟV8ءचݶ਼ޟᎈቨᔆЕᔝȄ רདྷ਼ݶЕᔝȂӰ࣏ᎽᎻωࡊٙਢȂݠ߯ר፬ѺޟञҢЅџᎬȂՄѺ ޟᓺᘈӵܻѺџоีю640 NmׯޟΨȂՄܻ4,000ᙽഀਢһԤ200 kWޟଢ଼Ψ Ȃѿ७ΰޟႳHolden Commodore ЅᙴҤ Toyota Aurionџҡ200 kWȂ ծѺޟ640Nm߯џоٺRange Rover Sportӵ৯ϚӻӵӨᆍၾၯΰоճഀϛދ Ѕܜଢ଼१ސȂ၎ЕᔝޟёഀᓾһٗоٺਠΡΡߒᡙȄ ଶΟႪᎩ໙Ϟ༖ޟѓ၆ȂѺஅҏΰᇄලޟRange Rover SportฒȂཱིѓ ၆ϏхཱིࡊᕕுѴޟΙ఼ཱིٲཐڧȂӰ࣏רᇯ࣏ӒཱིޟDiscovery 4һ։ ܰႀᐬࢸȄ ϚौᇲོȂרདྷႪᎩ໙Ϟ༖ѓ၆ཱིޟٙȂѺΙ ᎄᆎЖԃཎޟԁٙȂ ੫տᎽᎻޱџоᢎࣼѺޟѲᎈޟଢ଼հȂՄиȂѺޟٙΰኇॱЅႫຜ೩ര੫ տюՓȂؐഇרᎽᎻRange RoveȂרΙۡौኬܹרЖ“ޟЅдυ”ȂӰ࣏ ȂѺٱ࢈ޟЅॱ੫տюՓȄһӰ࣏ԃԪȂרདፙፙٙΰॱޟȂרདѺޟ ॱһሯӫРઉ१ौޟគ ݎiPod Ѕ iPhoneࠢȄ σӻኵູޟഏᎽᎻདྷԁޱོ᠍ູഏၯޟᓺ፴ѲفಛȂѺೝᇯ࣏ശ
ҍழԧᇌ ๕ЄᏇ३ 175/70/R13 $68 175/65/R14 $75 205/65/R15 $85 ΜЈᕊཾ 757 Station St. Box Hill VIC 3128
Ⴋၗ ༈ઍ
03 9899 1388 Drive-way