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Audited 15,879


Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

26-06-09 No. 122 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group


Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Lexus GS


Car News Hyundai taking pre-launch orders for Elantra LPI Hybrid ౪ф‫ء‬ٙϴѧ௥‫ڧ‬ႱॏElantraү‫ءݶ‬ቢ‫౅ݧ‬ᐽႫଢ଼ٙ

F1 News ़୽ሚүમ!!!औвѓ೿ថ Drive-way


26-06-09 No. 122

Lexus GS 460 To be honest, we have limited understanding about the GS range. Well, The GS range probably sits in between the flagship LS range and the IS range; somehow, it’s an embarrassing situation. Not so, when you consider you have the luxury to get the same powerful engine of the big brother LS but potentially the freedom of handling the car as your very own driver’s car, and then we should treat the GS range with respect. Mechanically, it has the same 4.6 litre V8 from the LS range, which produce 255kW at 6,400 revs and 460Nm at 4,100 revs. A healthy increase of 47kW and 43Nm in comparing to its predecessor, it also shares the world leading technology of the eight speed automatic gear box. From this perspective, there are significant improvements on both power and torque. In terms of performance, it sprints from a stand still to 100km/h in just under 5.80 seconds and can reach a top speed limit of 240km/h. A report card handed down for a relatively big car as such is rather outstanding. Styling of the GS has received mild cosmetic makeover on its outlook and bumpers, the integrated steering wheel has an audio/telephone control, and the new blue headlights bring it on par with the hybrid GS series. New auto input jack for portable music devises. New security door system runs as when the car starts to move. For a rather new experience, the front seats are now equipped with cooling function for more comfortable driving experience

26 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow

In terms of our driving experience of the GS, well, we liked the way how it worked. We did not really expect it to be a sports car alike driving; yet, it was very responsive in acceleration. Sound insulation should be best known across all Lexus range, we felt we were cocooned to a void where everything was buzzing outside the window. That’s somehow rather deceiving to realise how speed quietly could have accelerated to over 100km/h legal limit. I can tell you that it was swift and agile in particular over the corners and bends. With stability control remains in action, it helps almost any driver to handle the car like a professional. Well basically, it keeps the car straight and points it to where you want it intended to be. The pedal swift on the steering wheel helps for a more interactive driving experience. But I am satisfied with the updated 8 speed automatic gear box that gives a wider ratio for power to spread around but still maintaining a sports and aggressive character. New 5 spoke alloy wheels plus side mirrors and the door handles all have received some treatments to have made it more aerodynamic, efficient by reducing unwanted wind noise intrusion sleeking into the cabin as well. Road manner is not as conservative or poised to be. It is more lively and engaging than the big brother LS range. Suspension has been tuned to a maximum level of readiness that allows you to feel the road condition - a mixture of comfort but firm, yet never unpleasant. I believe it has also truly received a really good look at the steering system for more communicative experience.

26-06-09 No. 122

Drive-way ٙൢ!

As usual, it has some maximum airbag protection on boasting 10 airbags and pollen filter air conditioning. The other luxury items such as dual zone climate control, excellent audio system, and interior design are just industry standard in Lexus’s term Well, that’s the way we see the GS460. It has a slightly conservative but sportier outlook; but the recent update on engine, gearbox setup and mild cosmetic on its shape all help it to come out to its true stance - a luxury driver’s car. You may not like it, but it is there to entertain you. The price starts from A$138,000 for the V8. ՂᄂϚࡊ੉ՄِȂ‫ר‬ᄇ∪‫ޟס‬GS‫ف‬Ӗџоᇳ࢐ΙӪߞѴᅕȂζ೨ȂGS‫ف‬Ӗѫ ࢐೎ܻ٘LSЅIS‫ف‬Ӗ‫ޟ‬ϛ໢ȂԤᘈᔍ‫׊‬ጫȊ‫ٱ‬ᄂΰȂΙᘈ഍Ϛ࢐ȄѺ᏿ԤՂ σর‫ޟ‬Ι٘ԁ‫ݡ‬ђȂԃѺ‫ޟ‬஼σЕᔝȂծࠓџ‫ٴ‬ԤᎽᎻ‫ޟ‬ՌҥЅዅ፸Ȃ‫ר‬ᇯ ࣏Ȃ‫ר‬ঈ഍ौ൵ཱѺȄ ᐠడΰȂѺӓҢΟLS‫ف‬Ӗ‫ޟ‬V8ЕᔝȂѺ౰ҡ255kW‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨЅ460Nm‫ׯޟ‬ΨȂ Шଔᙟ෡‫ޟ‬ЕᔝȂቨёΟ47kWЅ43NmȄӣਢȂѺһӓҢΟжࣨႻӪ‫ޟ‬8‫ࢲݰ‬ Ռଢ଼‫ݰ‬጑ȂҥԪ௰ᘞȂѺ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨЅ‫ׯ‬Ψ‫׽ޟ‬๡Ȃு‫ڗ‬ΟӒ७‫៫ྱޟ‬Ȅ ߒ౪П७ȂҥᓗХёഀम100ϴ٨ȂѫҢΰ5.8ऌȂՄശଽഀџоႀ‫ڗ‬ਢഀ240 ϴ٨ȂоѺШၶᛁσ‫ᙼ٘ޟ‬ȂѺџоᇳ࢐᏿ԤΙএԁԙᕼߒȄ ѴᢎΰȂѺ௥‫ڧ‬ΟΙۡ‫ي׽ޟ‬Ȃԃ߳៖ਛ(ጥፐᏢ)ȂПөዺܹΰΟॱ៪ЅႫၗ



26-06-09 No. 122

௡‫ڙ‬ȂӒཱི‫ޟ‬ᙢӎٙᓞᐷࠌᇄ‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬ঞ‫فס‬ӖࣼቆΟȂӒཱི‫ޟ‬Ѵညॱ៪ඨᓞȂ ЅՌଢ଼ΰᚇ‫ޟ‬ԊӒٙߞ‫ف‬ಛȂՄࠉ৴՝Ȃһё၆Οު፡Ȃх‫ࡊॸڗ‬๲ᎌ࡙໌Ι ഋு‫׽ڗ‬๡Ȅ ‫ר‬ঈᄇ၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻငᡛ഍ߒҰᅖཎȂ‫ר‬ঈ‫ؠٮ‬ԤᄇѺԆӻσ‫הޟ‬ఖȂӰ࣏Ȃ‫ר‬ ঈᇲо࣏Ѻ࢐ΙᎄσЕᔝ‫ءޟ‬ٙȇՄࣺІȂѺ‫ޟ‬ІᔖЅёഀ૖Ψࠓх‫ר‬ঈхಁ ࣺࣼȂٙ඄‫ޟ‬Ⴄॱ೩രᓺ‫ي‬ȂоՍх‫ר‬ঈሉᚔΟߞๅѴ‫ޟ‬ᖅᅳ‫ޟ‬഍ѿᏡॱȂՄ ёഀՍ100ϴ٨ਢȂһѫ࢐ᙽٞ໢‫ٱޟ‬Ȃ‫ר‬џоᇳѺІᔖః௦ȂՄ࿋՗ٙᛧۡᏢ ‫ۦ‬ώհਢȂѺџохձᎽٙਢ჋ᗉٙЙΙኺȂ߬ЖΪٗȂஅҏΰȂᆎЖԃཎȄ! ! Пөዺΰ‫ࢲݰޟ‬ኦаџохձ‫ޟ‬ϣଢ଼‫ܒ‬ᎽᎻ‫఺؁‬ዅ፸ȂՄӰ࣏Ѻ᏿ԤΤএ‫ࢲݰ‬ ȂӰԪȂᏏᎈШ‫؁ٽ‬џшӋีථѺ‫ޟ‬ᄂΨȂՄϫณ߳ࡻΙএଢ଼ཐЅ൲໌‫ܒޟڥ‬ өȂӒཱི‫ޟ‬ϤൽԒӫߜᎄ୼ȂѴ୏ᜢЅٙߞ‫װ‬Й഍Ӱ࣏ު੉ଢ଼ΨᏰ‫׽ޟ‬๡ȂՄ ໌Ι؏෵Ѝ໌Σٙ඄ϱ‫ޟ‬ᏡॱȄ Ѻ‫ޟ‬ᐌᡝߒ౪Ȃ‫ٮ‬Ϛ࢐჋Ѵ࠮٥ૡ߳ԈȂІՄ࢐ҡଢ଼ԤमȂᇄσর‫ޟ‬LS‫ف‬Ӗ ࣺШၶȂGS࢐ՌᎽ‫ޟ‬౩དϞٙȄѺ‫ޟ‬᝚௮ЅᗗᎪђ૖ߒ౪ΰॸȂџоᡱᎽٙ ‫ޱ‬ཐ‫ڗڧ‬ၯ७‫ޟ‬௑‫ݷ‬Ȃ‫ٮ‬ѓ֤Ο๲ᎌཐȂӰԪȂ଩ΰΟІᔖᓺ‫ޟي‬ПөዺȂѺ ࢐Ιഋ፬ЖਇҬ‫ޟ‬ԁٙȄ ၭ‫ڏ‬т∪‫ס‬ΙኺȂѺ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ߳៖ђЉΪٗȂΪএ‫ء‬ೡЅު‫ء‬Ⴄᘮ‫ߞٺ‬ϱ‫੉ުޟ‬ ‫఼ཱི؁‬Ȅϱഋ‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬၆Ⱆ‫ޟס∪࢐؁‬ᇺ๼ѓ၆஼໶ ‫ר‬ঈᇯ࣏ȂѺ‫ޟ‬Ѵ࠮ԤѺᐿ੫Ѕᇺ๼ࠓଽ௾‫ܒޟ‬ਿȂࠓԤϱѴΙۡ‫׽ޟ‬๡ȄӰ

28 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ!

ԪȂѺ࢐Ιᎄᇺ๼‫ޟ‬ເ‫ܘ‬ٙȂձџ૖Ϛ൉᠍ѺȂѺభӵ٥၇้࡟ձΙଔў‫ٴ‬ ‫ڧ‬ᎽᎻ‫ޟ‬ᐠོȇ୵ቋѫ࢐ҥ$138,000ଔȄ


Audited 15,879


Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

15-01-10 No. 147 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group


Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151


IS250C Car News Hyundai Records Best-Ever Yearly Sales Results



15-01-10 No. 147

Lexus IS250C The first thing you notice with the interior of the IS250 is that it is beautifully laid out. Everything naturally falls to hand. After driving an overly-complicated German car for a few days prior, this was very welcome. Speaking of German cars, and in particular BMW, it is obvious who Lexus is rivalling here, and when you compare pricing, you cannot go past the IS250 convertible. Having driven a hard top version, I was keen to sample how the convertible felt. The three piece metal top folded away in record time, and was very smooth. The only downside is the boot space is compromised to make way for the folding roof, but it is not by any means small. On the plus side, with the roof down and the windows up, there is little wind buffeting. On the road, the car feels taut and you can feel most of the bumps on an uneven road, however it is not uncomfortable and really, it adds to the open air experience. Steering is excellent and precise, and I noticed the steering wheel is the perfect size and shape. Handling wise, it is very predictable, but fun. It’s good that Lexus has stayed with rear wheel drive. The front end bites the tarmac with no hint of a loss of adhesion, and a testament to the engineers is the way the rear end is in total harmony with the front. Turn off the Electronic Stability Program and the rear will move around a little but it’s all very predictable and safe. The seats were terrific, supportive yet comfortable, and it was easy to find a

28 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ! Geoff Fickling Translate: Driveway Team

position that suits your personal preference. In fact, I would have been happy in several different configurations, which shows just how well thought out the Lexus is for the driver. Rear seat room is not great, but again people who want and enjoy a car like this will be aware it is not designed to be a people-mover. The heart of the matter is the well-proven and reliable 2.5 litre V6. It is sweet and extremely smooth, with 153Kw and an abundance of torque, propelling the drop-top with minimum fuss. Apparently there is a 3.5 due out soon, and although I would prefer the sort of power this will offer, the 2.5 litre is absolutely fine, even with the additional 130 kilograms the convertible carries over than the sedan. There is automatic or paddle shift modes for the beautiful six-speed gearbox, which is great because it actually allows the driver to select the gear he wants rather than the computer stepping in to spoil things. This is a car for genuine enjoyment, and on a not-too-hot sunny day there is nothing better than letting the top down and heading out of town away from the traffic. The way Lexus are going, they will be luring in a lot more customers in the next few years. I give it 9 out of 10.

15-01-10 No. 147

൷∪‫ס‬IS250‫ޟ‬ϱഋ೩ॎ၆ႺՄِȂ๝Ρ‫ޟ‬಑Ιཐឈ࢐ࣺ࿋‫ޟ‬ԤᏄΨȂ‫ׇ‬छฒ ࿃‫ޟ‬շ‫׋‬ȂΙϸ഍ᡗு٥ቄுՌณᔖЙȄӵᎽᎻ೻ᎄٙϞࠉ‫ޟ‬ඁЈϱΙ‫ޢ‬໠ ‫࢐ޟ‬٥ᆍ೩ॎႆܻፒᚕ‫ޟ‬ኈ୽ٙȂӰԪ૖ஊᎽᎻѺ࢐ΙӇ࡞‫ٱޟߔ᠍ڧ‬Ȅፙ ‫ڗ‬ኈ୽‫ء‬ٙȂЎ‫࢐ڏ‬᝘଻——∪‫ޟס‬ᝯ‫ތ‬ᄇЙȂ࿋ձШၶቋਿࡣȂձ๘ᄇϚ ོདᒿႆ೻෡IS250බᕱٙȄ Ϟࠉ‫ר‬ෆᎽᎻႆ೻Ιٙ࠮‫ޟ‬฽ഥ‫ގ‬ҏȂ‫ܚ‬о‫؁ר‬ዥ૿ܻკၐබᕱٙ‫ޟ‬ཐឈȄ έ༵ߜ឴ٙഥ૖ӵശ฻‫ޟ‬ਢ໢ϱࣺ࿋໷ցࢺᄱӴ‫׷‬᠒ଔ‫پ‬Ȅ୲Ι‫ޟ‬ીᘈ࢐ҥ ܻौ੼՝๝‫׷‬᠒ଔ‫ߜޟپ‬឴ഥȂࡣര጑‫ުޟ‬໢‫ڗڧ‬ΙۡӴ߭լȂծ๘Ϛ࢐ࡾ ‫ުڏ‬໢੭ωȄ௃ғ७ՄِȂᗶณٙഥೝ‫׷‬᠒ଔ‫پ‬ՄٙๅϚೝ཮ήȂࠓ‫ؠ‬ཐ‫ڗ‬ ԤϧቄॳΨᎪଢ଼Ȅ ΰၯᎽᎻ‫ޟ‬ਢঐȂ၎ٙ๝Ρ‫ޟ‬ཐឈ࢐ᖀᆧ‫ޟ‬Ȃ࿋ձӵϚҁ‫ޟۄ‬ၾၯΰ՗Ꮋ‫ޟ‬ ਢঐȂձོཐ‫ڗ‬Ԥ‫ٲ‬᜺ᛪȂ࿋ณ೻‫ߨٮ‬ઍ‫ڗޟ‬ΟᡱΡϚ๲݈‫ޟ‬แ࡙Ȃᄂሬΰ ȂѺџоቨ఺ձ៩ЈᎽٙ‫ޟ‬ཐឈ‫ڷ‬ငᡛȄձџоཐ‫ڗڧ‬ӵΙএϚҁ‫ޟۄ‬ၾၯ ‫ޟ‬᜺ᛪശȂծѺ࢐Ϛ࢐Ϛ๲݈Ȃઍ‫ޟ‬ȂѺ఺ё‫ڗ‬៩Ј‫ޟ‬ငᡛȄПөዺᙽө࡞ ԁȂࣺ࿋ྥጂȂ‫ٮ‬и‫ีר‬౪Ѻ‫ޟ‬σω‫࢐ޑלڷ‬ԃԪ‫ׇޟ‬छȄ

Drive-way ٙൢ

ᎽᎻ࠼༖Ȅ‫ٱ‬ᄂΰȂᄇܻ‫ڏ‬Ι‫ٲ‬Ϛӣ‫ޟ‬଩ညȂ‫ר‬഍ཐ‫࡞ڗ‬๲ЖȂ೻࡬࡬ߒ݂Ο ∪‫ס‬ӵ೩ॎΰ࣏ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬Ճኌுࣺ࿋‫ڗں‬Ȅࡣ৴ު໢Ϛ࢐࡞σȂծӣኺ‫ޟ‬Ȃདौ ‫ڧٴ‬೻ኺ‫ޟ‬ٙ‫ޟ‬Ρ഍‫ޣ‬ၾබᕱٙ‫ޟ‬೩ॎ๘Ϛ࢐‫װ‬ၼၷ໔հ࣏಑ΙՃኌ‫ޟ‬Ȅ ၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ਯЖ࢐‫ׇ‬๡ԙዣ‫ٮ‬иџᎬ‫ޟ‬2.5ЀV6ЕᔝȄѺ๝ΡඛਇϞཐȂၼ՗ߨல ҁᛧȂശσଢ଼Ψ࣏153KwȂѴё஼σ‫ׯޟ‬ઐΨȄߒ७ΰԤΙএ։஠ิൟ‫ޟ‬3.5 ЀЕᔝȂᏑᆓ‫࡟෈ר‬٥ኺ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨȂϚႆҬࠉ‫ޟ‬2.5ЀЕᔝࠓ࢐ࣺ࿋෕‫——ޟ‬։ ‫ٺ‬ᇄ᜜ٙ‫ޟ‬ЕᔝࣺШȂබᕱٙ‫ޟ‬ौ१130ϴОȄ‫ׇ‬छ‫ޟ‬ϲഀᡐഀ጑ȂԤՌଢ଼‫ܖ‬ Йଢ଼௶᐀‫ڍ‬ᆍᒵᐅȂ೻࢐ࣺ࿋෕‫ޟ‬ȂӰ࣏Ѻᄂሬΰϰ೨ᎽᎻষՌкᒵᐅт‫ה‬ఖ ‫ޟ‬ȂՄϚ࢐ҥႫသϭΣཤઓཐឈȄ ೻࢐Ιএџоઍғᡱձ‫ڗڧٴ‬Жડඛਇ‫ءޟ‬ٙȂӵ໨ӎᕌេȃϚЊ‫އ‬ዥ‫ޟ‬Рυ 㠰Ȃ‫ؠ‬ԤϧቄШ໠ΰබᕱٙሉᚔ࠲ѿҺ೽ўॡѴ‫؁‬ᡱΡϛཎ‫ٱޟ‬ΟȄ൷∪‫ס‬ٙ Ҭࠉ‫ีޟ‬৤ПөȂ‫ࣺ߬ר‬ӵҐ‫ޟپ‬ඁԑ㠰Ѻ஠֜Е‫؁‬ӻ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ȂΪϞΤΞȊ

ᐇ௡೎౩ΪϷ݂සȂ೻࢐џоႱਟ‫ޟڗ‬ȂϚႆшᅖዅ፸Ȅ೻࢐ԁ‫ٱ‬Ȃ∪‫ס‬஠ ࡣᎈ៮ଢ଼‫ޟ‬ђ૖߳੼Οή‫࢐پ‬ΙӇԁ‫ٱ‬Ȅࠉᎈ‫ߣ⋀ޟ‬Ψ࡞஼Ȃџоᆧຮࢧ‫ݶ‬ ၯ७Ȃώแৱᄂሬᜌ݂ࡣᎈᇄࠉᎈӵᖂᡝΰΪϷ‫ڞ‬፡Ȅԃ‫ݎ‬ᜰഖႫυᛧۡแ ԒȂࡣᎈ‫ࡣޟ‬П஠ོԤ‫ٲ‬ಋଢ଼Ȃծ೻Ιϸ഍ӵཎਟϞϛȂиΪϷԊӒȄ ৴ා‫ޟ‬೩ॎࣺ࿋෕ȂԤٗஊ‫ޟ‬Лࡻ࡙‫ڷ‬๲ᎌ࡙Ȃ‫ٮ‬и࡞ৠܾ‫ڗײ‬ᎌӫՌϏ‫ޟ‬




Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

09-04-10 No. 159 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

RX450h Edmund Chow

Translate: Driveway Team

It is difficult to say anything against the Lexus RX450h. We had tested the RX400h sometime ago. And we fell in love with the RX450h again. It is not cheap but we always ask ourselves, does it worth paying around A$13,000 more for the hybrid set up rather than just getting the RX350? In Australia, you can basically do anything if you obey the rules, regulations and the laws. People are now more cautious about the environment than some years ago. The owners of those hybrid vehicles are actually leaders in making a stance about our attitude towards global warming. It is similar to the “keep daily water usage to 155 litres” statement. Basically the RX450h retains the similar image of a sporty mid size SUV. It is sporty and beautifully appointed with all the useful gadgets. My personal impression is that Lexus truly sets itself up amongst BMW and Mercedes Benz. I would say it is somewhere in between or even better in one or two items.

28 Drive-way

Over the years, its performance in fuel savings and power output has improved un- proportionally. Engine power has a 10 percent increase but still enjoy a 28 percent of combined fuel consumption, with at the same time a 23 per decrease in CO2 emission. The reason behind is the introduction of a high expansion engine cycle called Atkinson, which gives a higher compression ratio than a conventional cycle engine. That gives a maximum combustion effect. In addition, it incorporates direct ignition, Lexus/Toyota’s dual VVT-I and Quad-Cam Multi-vales to make it works. In other words, it has a combined total power of 220kW from a V6 petrol engine and two electric motors to give it a total power output of 220kW. A standard V6 Aurion sedan is just giving out 200kW of power. On the other hand, fuel consumption is claimed to be 6.3 litres per 100km. CO2 emission has come down to 148g/km which is even lower than a standard Toyota Corolla of producing 175g/km.

09-04-10 No. 159

Drive-way ٙൢ

There are a few impressive equipments that I like. Firstly the active cruise control, which is similar to the Volkswagen that it will respond to intruding vehicle into your pathway and will slow down the car for you as to avoid a possible collision. Secondly, the head up display. As driver should be concentrating on the traffic conditions, a head up display will minimize unnecessary looking away for important information such as variable speed restriction during school hours. How does it drive like? Smooth. It really depends on how you would like to drive the car. You may feel a bit big and experiencing a slight body roll, but that’s ok. It’s the law of physics telling us so, we shouldn’t be driving too fast either. My overall impression is that, it is a practical but luxury car with all the extras that I need but then again making my statement as a leader in fighting excessive green house gas emission. On the other hand, I don’t have to compromise on creature comforts while driving, except perhaps there might have been an oversight of rear large ceiling mount DVD screen and heating control on seats for my precious cargo at the back – our daughter. ࡞ᜲӵLexus‫ޟ‬ᚘೖ၇‫଼ײ‬ᓞȂRX450h৯Ϛӻџоᇳ࢐‫ׇ‬छȂ‫ר‬ঈෆ໠ΰ෡ RX400hȂ౪ӵѫԤᇳ࢐Ӕ࡙ቫήདྷ‫ݬ‬ȄѺ‫ޟ‬ॏቋΙᘈ഍ϚཇۣȂ‫ר‬ঈ‫ڭ‬᜞഍ ல௮๿Ιএ୰ᚠȈࣺᄇ‫ีݶء‬ଢ଼‫ޟ‬RX350Ȃ࣏Ο౅૖(Ⴋ‫ݶ‬ЕᔝЅႫኞ҈៮ଢ଼) 而ӻпΟ‫ޟ‬$13,000Ȃ࢐֏‫ސ‬Ԥ‫ܚ‬঄ȉ ձषӵᐬࢸᒳԈ‫ܚ‬Ԥ‫ࡡݲޟ‬Ȃձσџདୈ߯ўୈȄՄ౪Ϭ‫୽ޟ‬ҕȂШଔႆў ኵԑȂσ഍ᄇᕗც߳៖഍౰ҡΟΙۡ‫ޟ‬ᇯᜋȇӰՄȂᗊີ౅૖ٙ‫ޟ‬ٙкȂӵ ࢚এแ࡙ΰ࢐ᕗც߳៖ΰ‫ޟ‬Ι‫ٲ‬ሴᏲ‫ޱ‬ȄӰ࣏тঈᄇᕗცΰ‫ޟ‬Ιএғຜ‫ޟ‬ᄘ ࡙ȂԤԃᆰࣸӨѿҕ‫ܚ‬ᒳԈ‫ؐޟ‬ΡؐРҢЫϚ຺ႆ155ϴЀ‫ޟ‬নࠌΙኺᝒᙱȄ



Drive-way ٙൢ

09-04-10 No. 159

அҏΰȂཱི෡‫ޟ‬RX450h߳੼Οΰ෡‫ࣀޟ‬ዑȃ໠ਭȃၼଢ଼ড়‫੉ޟ‬༖Ȃһѓ֤Ο ᆍᆍᖑ݂ᄂҢωѽЅᆠጝ‫ޟ‬೩രȄএΡՄِȂѺџᒝᇄҁ‫ݽ‬Ѕ᝘଻‫ٮ‬Ꮍቆ៮ Ȃӵ࢚‫ٲ‬ಠ࿽ΰџ૖ϐ຺ູ٥‫ٲ‬ኈ୽ࠢถȄ ᇄΰ෡ࣺШၶȂฒ፣ӵࣸ‫ݶ‬Ѕଢ଼Ψᒯюΰ഍ԤϚ൶ல‫ࣺޟ‬Іө࡙‫׽ޟ‬๡Ȅᐌ ᡝଢ଼ΨΰѺԤԻϷϞΪ‫ޟ‬ቨߝȂџ࢐ᗙџо‫ڧٴ‬࿽ࣸΟԻϷϞГΤ‫ޟ‬ኀ੉௶ ܹ。धࡣ‫࢐ٱ࢈ޟ‬Ӱ࣏ҢΟAtkinson‫ޟ‬ଽᔆᐽᐶऋ‫׬‬ȇёΰ଩ӫΟᙴҤ‫ޟ‬ᚖ१ ໌ю‫ء‬ᆓ౩‫ف‬ಛVVT-IЅоؐ‫ء‬च଩ΰѲ੉ረȂоम‫ݶء‬џо‫ׇ‬ӒᐶᅾȂ‫ٮ‬џ оႀ‫ݶࣸڗ‬Ѕቨёଢ଼Ψ‫ޟ‬Ҭ኿Ȅ ᄂሬΰȂѺ௃V6‫ݶء‬ЕᔝЅ‫ڍ‬ѮႫଢ଼଻ႀ(ኞ҈)ӫӓџоีю220kW‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψ ȂՄToyota Aurion V6ѫีю200kWȂѪΙП७ȂѺ‫ޟ‬ૉ‫ݶ‬ѫ࢐6.3ϴЀ߯џ ٖ100ϴ٨Ȃኀ‫ܹؐ௶ء‬ϴ٨ѫ࢐148պȂШӣኅ‫ޟ‬CorollaᗙЍȄ ౪෡‫ءޟ‬ٙȂ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏ശх‫ר‬ཐᑹ፸‫࢐ޟ‬кଢ଼‫ޟ‬٠૞‫ف‬ಛȂѺᇄσಀ‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬೩ ॎ৯ϚӻȄ٠૞‫ف‬ಛంҢਢȂѺོ௤ก‫ڗ‬ٙࠉԤ‫ء‬ٙ‫ސܖ‬ӇඨΣȂӰՄѺོ Ռଢ଼෵ഀ௃ՄᗗջΙএџ૖ོีҡ‫ޟ‬ཎѴ‫࢈ٱ‬Ȅ಑ΠȂѺ೩Ԥ᐀ॳ࣠ይΰᡗ ҰᏢȂԤᜰ‫҆ޟ‬໸Ꮍٙၥਟ഍ོᡗҰܻΰ७ȂӰՄџоӒડೱ‫ܻޟݧ‬ၯ७‫ޟ‬ ௑‫ݷ‬Ȃһ࿋ณџоࡸџᡐٙഀ‫ޟ‬௑‫ݷ‬ՄωЖ໠ٙȂ‫ٽ‬ԃȈӰᔖᏰਮਢ໢Մ‫׽‬ ᡐ‫ޟ‬ٙഀȄ Ѻߒ౪ԃդ‫ڹ‬ȉΪϷ໷ྤȂՄ१ौ࢐ᎽᎻ‫ޟޱ‬ᎽᎻಬᄛȂձџ૖ཐ‫ڗ‬ѺσΟ ΙᘈЅԤΙᘈٙ٘‫ޟ‬ᅌଢ଼Ȃծ‫ࠓר‬ᇯ࣏࢐ฒ༌σ໯ȇՄࡸྱ‫ސ‬౩ᏰՄ፣Ȃ‫ר‬ ঈһ౩Ϛᔖ၎໠‫פ‬ٙȄᐌᡝΰȂ‫ޟר‬ཐឈ࢐Ѻ࢐ΪϷᄂҢȂӣਢѓ֤Οᇺ๼ ٙ‫ܚ‬ሯ‫ޟ‬নશȄᇄԪӣਢȂϚѶᎽٙ‫ޱ‬ᄇᕗ߳‫ޟ‬१ौࡇِȄѪΙП७Ȃ‫ٮר‬ ϚོӰ࣏ᕗ߳ՄཬѶΟΙ‫ڧٴ‬Ȃծџ૖࢐ΙਢσཎȂኅП‫ٮ‬ҐӵॸࡊΰࠉП ၆ΰDVDᡗຜࡎЅ৴ා‫ޟ‬ьЈёዥ೩രȄ



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Unit 1, 2 - 4 Meriton Place, Clayton South Vic 3169 Tel: (03) 9543 3053 Mobile: 0433 180 517

1 Unit 3, 50 Rooks Rd, Nunawading 3131

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