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12-02-10 No. 151 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



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12-02-10 No. 151

Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team

ŎŪůŪġńŰŰűŦųġŅ Fifteen years ago, we went to London, Oxford and Paris. Mini cars were most welcomed in those countries. Out of a large variety of mini cars on the street, obviously, mini was the most attractive in those cities. To certain people, Mini represents practicality. It was revolutionary way back then, when you compared them with Morris Minor and the original VW Beetle. The Mini was still smaller than both of them. When, we first saw the Mini Cooper D, it was something different. A piece of art that we thought we knew but seemed to be a little bit strange. However, the Mini Cooper D was very attractive. Everyone on the street knew that it was a retro car, but there were something different. The car was actually much larger than the original Mini. Driving the Mini Cooper was again giving the person something totally different. It is not powered by the normal petrol engine. It was powered by a turbo diesel engine. This engine plus all of its accessories helps to lower its fuel consumption rate to just 3.9Litre per 100kms, as claimed by BMW. However, its massive torque was able to unleash between 1,500 to 2,000 rpm. Hence, a lot of drivers wouldn’t know the difference between the petrol and the diesel engine. But, actually, it takes a little bit less than 10 seconds to pull the car from stand still to 100kms.

28 Drive-way

One of the most important tricks that help to lower the fuel consumption was by simply cut down the engine when idling. When the gear is in neutral, the engine will stop. When the clutch is depressed again, the engine fires up. The Stop Start technology was widely used by other companies as well. I came across similar technology with Land Rover and Smart. The Mini uses similar technology, but generally, I feel, it can give a pass to that function. Strictly personal, a high tech Mini shouldn’t be doing that to cut down a mere few percentage of fuel consumption that trades off for quicker response. But if that is what you are thinking about, the truth is you can shut down the stop start function and still enjoy your crispy fun driving. Other thing that might interest you was that, it is practical to sit four people in the car. A little bit more room than the Smart but 75% more expensive than it. As the real fuel consumption is just marginally less than the Toyota Prius, you might still want to hang on to the real deal of conventional cutting edge technology but not giving up to the hybrid electro-combustion motoring age. Enjoy the Mini Cooper D, it worths every cent.

12-02-10 No. 151

Drive-way ٙൢ

15ԑࠉȂ‫ר‬ঈෆў‫ڗ‬গභȂвࢻ‫ڷ‬БᏍȂӵ೻‫୽ٲ‬ড়‫࠲ڷ‬ѿϛȂω࠮ࣺٙ࿋ ‫ߔ᠍ڧ‬ȄՄӵσທωࡓϛ‫ޟ‬ಀӻω࠮ٙϛȂయฒᅸ୰ȂMini࢐ശЕΡ‫ݧ‬Ҭ‫ޟ‬Ȅ ᄇܻ࢚‫ٲ‬੫ۡ‫ޟ‬ΡတՄِȂMini࢐ᄂҢ‫ޟܒ‬фߒȂӵ೻న८‫ޟܒڼ‬ω࠮ٙंี ၾၯΰȂ࿋ձӱᓞШၶMiniӣೃ٨඼ω᜜ٙоЅσಀശߑ‫ޟ‬ҦᙫਢȂձོี౪ MiniШѺঈ‫ޟ‬ᡝᑖ഍ौωȄ

ଢ଼Ȟଔ؏-ୄٙȟ‫׬‬೚ኄ‫ݿ‬ӵ‫ڏ‬т‫ء‬ٙᇧഅ୦‫ܚ‬ҡ౰‫ءޟ‬ٙϛೝኄ‫ޟݿ‬ᔖҢȂ ‫ٽ‬ԃӵၯߏ‫ڷ‬SmartϛȂ‫ר‬൷ႄ‫ڗ‬ႆ᜸խ‫׬ޟ‬೚ȄMini‫ٺ‬Ң᜸խ‫׬ޟ‬೚ȂϚႆ ܻ‫ר‬ՄِȂMiniᔖ࿋຺ູ೻Ιђ૖ȄΙএ‫ڎ‬രଽऋ‫ޟ׬‬MiniϚᔖ၎೻ኺୈȂ࣏ Οѫ෵Ѝ‫ٲ‬೨ᐽਟੑૉᏲमЕᔝ‫פޟ‬ഀІᔖ૖Ψ६ճȄϚႆȂԃ‫ݎ‬ձζ೻ቄᇯ ࣏Ȃ٥ቄ‫ٱ‬ᄂ࢐ձџᜰഖ೻Ιђ૖Ȃӣਢ‫ٷ‬ณџо‫ڧٴ‬ᎽᎻ‫ޟ‬ሆ૒ዅ፸Ȅ

࿋‫ר‬ঈ಑Ιԩࣼ‫ڗ‬Mini Cooper D‫ޟ‬ਢঐȂឈுѺࣼΰўԤ‫ٲ‬Ϛӣ൶லȂҽष Ι Ӈ ‫ ר‬ঈ о ࣏ Ռ Ϗ ዣ ‫ ޟ ޣ‬᛺ ೚ ࠢ ࠓ Ԥ ‫ ٲ‬೨ ‫ ޟ ܏ ۉ‬ཐ ឈ Ȅ Ϛ ႆ Ȃ ೻ ෡ Mini Cooper D‫ٷ‬ณΪϷ֜ЕΡȂؐΙΡٖӵທΰ‫ޟ‬Ρ഍‫ޣ‬ၾѺ࢐ΙᎄඈѠ࠮‫ޟ‬ٙ ȂծάԤ‫ٲ‬ϚΙኺȂѺᄂሬΰौШശߑ‫ޟ‬Miniौσΰ೨ӻȄ

ѪΙӇௌџ૖ཐᑹ፸‫࢐ٱޟ‬Ѻџо‫ܛ‬ၷѲӪԙΡॸࡊȂШSmart฿฿ӻΟΙ‫ٲ‬ ު໢ȂϚႆӵቋਿΰζ࢐ᡙΡ‫ޟ‬ȂШSmartौິю75%Ȅհ࣏ઍғࣸ‫ݶ‬ٙȞࣸ ‫ݶ‬໔ѫѫ౱ЍܻᙴҤPriusȟȂௌϫԤ‫ה‬ఖџоӵ‫ڧٴ‬༈ಛԌᆒ‫׬‬೚‫ޟ‬ӣਢȂ Ϛܹణ‫ڎ‬രҐ‫پ‬ਢф‫ޟܒ‬ω࠮ϱᐽᐠёႫԱ‫ޟ‬ፒӫ࠮ω‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻᡝᡛȄ‫پפ‬ ᅾ௑‫ڧٴ‬ᎽᎻMini Cooper D֑ȂѺ࢐ઍғ‫ސޟ‬Ԥ‫ܚ‬঄Ȅ

ᎽᎻMini Cooper DӔԩ๝ϠᎽᎻ‫ׇޱ‬ӒϚӣ‫ޟ‬ཐ‫ڧ‬ȄѺ௴Ң‫ޟ‬Ϛ࢐Ιૡ‫ءޟ‬ ‫ีݶ‬ଢ଼ᐠȂՄ࢐௴Ң෼ᎈቨᔆ਼‫ีݶ‬ଢ଼ᐠȄᐃ᝘଻ᆎȂ೻෡ีଢ଼ᐠёΰ‫ڏ‬т ሄօ೩ര଩ӇΙଔȂσσԤօܻ६ճᐽ‫ݶ‬ੑૉ౥Ȃؐ100ϴ٨༉ૉ‫ݶ‬3.9LȄϚ ႆȂ‫ڏ‬ᛁσ‫ׯޟ‬ઐ૖ஊភܹ1,500 Ս2,000ᙽኵʝϷȄӰԪȂϚЍᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬џ૖ ཐឈϚю‫ีݶ਼ڷݶء‬ଢ଼ᐠ‫ޟ‬ୢտȄծᄂሬΰȂୢտᗙ࢐Ԇӵ‫ޟ‬Ȃӵ၎෡Е ᔝήȂีଢ଼‫ء‬ٙ௃ᓗХ‫ڗ‬100ϴ٨/ωਢ‫ޟ‬ഀ࡙ѫሯϚ‫ڗ‬10ऌមȄ Ԥօܻ६ճ‫ݶ‬ૉ‫ޟ‬ശ१ौ‫ޟ‬П‫ݲ‬ϞΙȂ൷࢐෵Ѝีଢ଼ᐠުᙽ‫ޟ‬ਢ໢Ȅ࿋௶ᔬ ՝ܻުᔬਢȂЕᔝོ኷ୄၼհȂ࿋ӔԩࡸήᚔӫᏢȂЕᔝ൷ོีଢ଼ȄีႫం



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