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Audited 13,688 as at Sep 30,2008

Distribute 22,000 from July 18, 2008 onward in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

23-01-09 No. 100 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



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έ๽ ௸ध‫ܘ‬ٙ



Car News: Star cars line up for Melbourne Motor Show Lexus debuts world's first dedicated luxury hybrid



Drive-way ٙൢ

23-01-09 No. 100

έ๽ ௸ध‫ܘ‬ٙ

MITSUBISHI LANCER Comparing to the Evolution (EVO) 10, a cult car and at the same time a dream car for young drivers, there is somewhere in between — A Ralliart Lancer. This version is just nearly half price comparing to the top model EVO 10, the price starts from just A$42,000. When you look at the price, it may seem to be a little bit too much, think twice. From a safety point of view, it has seven airbags, all the goodies (brakes, ABS and traction control) to stop the car. It goes fast and a good chassis body structure that endures Australian crash ratings and brought home with a 5 star safety badge. It addition, it has one of the most advance transmission gear box (SST) around town that makes Mitsubishi proud of. In terms of power, it is not as fast as the EVO 10, but think about it as an EVO 7 or 8. They are fast, but with a more relaxed turbo system that gives you adequate adenine when overtaking in a split second. We have talked just about everything on the EVO 10 then, last October 2008. Mitsubishi launched the sportback version of the Lancer series. It comes with the Ralliart version as well. It terms of technical specifications, it is as good as the EVO but obviously the All wheel drive system and the stronger engine system are not there. It is

24 Drive-way

VRX SPORT BACK priced for the everyday use of a normal Lancer. As named VRX Sport back, the main focus is at the back of the car. Obviously, a hatch back version of an original sedan will give you extra luggage space. Yes, it does help. Lowering the back seats, which also has a 40/60 split, will give you extra space for all the odd sizes of luggage that you can imagine. It folds pretty flat as well. On the other hand, it comes only with a space saver spare tyre. I think I can put in a regular full size spare in that space. But, the manufacturers may be right. I have no recollection of having a tyre puncture in the past 13 years in Australia, hence, a space saver may be just what I need against my want. However, as an everyday bread and butter car, the Lancer VRX can give you a different perspective on your image. It is much cheaper and more affordable. The car has a very individualistic styling that makes people guessing what are the make and model. An aerodynamic that is different to the others, and it is practical in terms of cabin and luggage space. When comparing to an EVO 9 or the superseded normal Lancer, it is much larger. On a continuating note, the Sport Back gives the Lancer a different identity. A more practical car in terms of handling all kinds of luggage, but just targeted to the convenience of a more multi-purpose and simple practicality. A car of striking styling with a set of 17” alloy wheels that would create a more speed going look. A top rear spoiler sits perfectly and matching the flow of the car, that is hard to imagine how the designer can brilliantly change a sedan to a sport back. The “C” pillar is wider thus creating a more dynamic flow. On the

23-01-09 No. 100

other hand, rear vision is good but not excellent. I think the best rear vision will have to be a cabriolet with its top down. I hope it will come one day. Inside the car, you will get all the goodies from a normal Lancer sedan plus, steering wheel, audio and cruise control. The VRX sport back comes with a pedal shift with a slightly smaller pair of shift pedal in comparing to the EVO 10 auto. The transmission is responsive and it has 6 gears for you to play around with.

Mitsubishi Lancer ‫ ޟ‬ᚊ ό Ϟ ᝘ȂEvolution (EVO) 10Ȃ࢐ ࿋Ϭശ៪࿋࿋‫ࠐޟ‬ΨѲ៮ເ‫ܘ‬ٙȂՄ Ralliart Lancer һ࢐ ΙᎄჲВϞٙȂѺ࢐ӻЍ‫ٳ‬၂ߧԑ‫ޟ‬Жᓞ༞ȂՄቋᓀП७ ȂRalliart Lancer ‫؁‬ᡗѺᒑҕ‫ޟ‬੫ՓȄ Ralliart Lancer ቋᓀ৯Ϛӻѫ࢐ EVO 10 ‫ޟ‬јቋȂ୵ቋघᐬ༫ 42,000Ȅձџ૖ о࣏ິΟΙᘈȂџ࢐Ȃ‫ސ‬Ԥ‫ܚ‬঄Ȅ௃ԊӒ‫ޟ‬኿ྥհюีᘈȂѺԤΜএԊӒ‫ء‬ೡȂ һѓ֤Ο‫ܚ‬Ԥ‫ޟ‬మٙᆠࠢ ( ੫ᆍ‫ޟ‬మٙњ႒ȂABSȂඉၬ‫ف‬ಛ้ )ȄѺёഀΨ஼ Ȃٙ࢜ҏ٘һΪϷত฽ȂоՍȂѺџоሆܾᕕுᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬Ϥ࢑઻ٙ඄ԊӒσዩȄ Ѻһࡸ၆ΰέ๽‫ޟ‬ுཎϞհȂSST ‫ڏ‬ϛΙএശԁ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼௶‫ف‬ಛȄᐌᡝΰѺҐ Ԥଡΰ EVO 10 ٥ૡ‫פ‬Ȃџ࢐Ѻၭ EVO 7 ‫ ܖ‬8 ࠓΪϷ௥ߖȂѺϫณ஼ࠐȂѫ ࢐෼ᎈቨᔆ‫ف‬ಛ๝፡ᄚΟΙᘈᘈȂһٗо๝ձΙᘈᆧ஻‫ږ‬ᐭ‫ޟ‬ཐ‫ڧ‬Ȅ

Drive-way ٙൢ

࿋‫ר‬ঈϐ஠ࣥቄԤᜰ EVO 10 ഍ϭಝ‫ׇ‬౳ਢȂўԑ 10 Тέ๽Ӕ௰юѪΙᡙ൉ ȂѺ௰ю☠ध ( ௸ध ) ‫ޟ‬෡ԒȂӪ࣏ Sportback. Մтһёΰ Ralliart ‫ގޟ‬ҏȄ Ralliart ‫ގ‬ҏ‫ܚ‬ѓࢂ‫ޟ‬၆രȂၭ EVO ৯ϚӻȂծ݂ᡗӴȂΙϷᓀΙϷೲȂ๿Ӫ ‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮‫ف‬ಛЅ஼ࠐ‫ޟ‬ЕᔝࠓϚَΟȂՄѺ‫ޟ‬ॏቋࠌᇄල೽‫ގ‬Шၶ௥ߖȄ ғԃ‫ڏ‬ӪȂVRX Sport back ‫ޟ‬१ᘈӵܻѺ‫׎ޟ‬ഋȂ݂ᡗӴȂѺၭ‫ܘ‬ٙ‫ޟގ‬Ϸտ ӵܻඪ‫ټ‬Ο‫؁‬ӻ‫ޟ‬՗‫ު؃‬໢Ȅ஠ࡣ৴‫ޟ‬ᎬधܹήȂѺ‫ޟ‬ၷॸ՗‫؃‬໔‫؁‬ӻ‫؁‬σȂ ՄᎬधܹήࡣһࣺ࿋ҁ‫ۄ‬ȂѺџоϷտо 40 Ѕ 60 ‫ޟ‬Ш‫ܹٽ‬ήȂӰԪȂ‫ڥ‬Ԇ՗ ‫ֲॸܖ؃‬Ι՝ॸࡊ้​้഍ΪϷП߯Ȃ՗‫؃‬ᑻӴѮШၶଽȂܹ߯‫ڥ‬Ԇ՗‫؃‬ᚕ‫ސ‬Ȃ ࠌ࡞П߯ȂӴѮ‫ۻ‬ήϱᙠΟΙএࣸ՝‫ޟ‬രҢٙप Space saverȂӰՄԤᘈ‫܏ۉ‬ Ȃծ୰ЖՄِȂҏΡႆўΪӻԑӵᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻငᡛȂ‫ר‬഍Ґෆ‫؁‬඲ΙএരҢٙ पȂ‫ܚ‬оȂരҢٙप‫ޟ‬ᄂҢ‫ܒ‬Ϛଽጫһџо௥‫ڧ‬Ȅ VRX Sport back ࢐έ๽‫ޟ‬ѪΙк҈෡ԒȂၭ‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬ኅড়ϚΙኺ‫࢐ޟ‬ȂVRX Sport back ѪഺΟΙএॳਿȂΙএᐿҳ‫לޟ‬ຫȂ࿋ณȂ࢐ቋཇ‫ސ‬छȄѺ‫ޟ‬ᐿ੫ ॳਿலலхΡ৯དѺ࢐٥୽‫ޟ‬ଽ઻౰ࠢȂѺ‫ࢺءޟ‬ଢ଼ΨᏰһѪഺଽ৫ȂшᅖΟ ཆࠐЅᄂ‫ޟٱؑٱ‬੫፴Ȃӵ‫ء‬ٙՄِȂࠌфߒΟџᎬЅञҢȂՄ VRX Sport back ‫ޟ‬՗‫؃‬጑‫؁‬଩ӫѺᄂ୛ΰ‫ܒޟ‬ਿȄ ᐌᡝΰȂཱིΙф‫ ޟ‬Lancer ‫ف‬Ӗ‫ܖ‬তᙽ෡‫ ޟ‬Lancer ӵᡝᑖΰ࢐‫؁‬σ‫؁‬ቶබȂՄ ཱི‫ ޟ‬Sport Back ࠓ‫؁‬૖ีථٙк‫ޟ‬ഺཎȂЅ଩ӫРல‫ޟ‬ᎽٙሯौȂLancer VRX Sport Back ଩ΰΟ 17 ӧ‫ޟ‬ӫߜᎈ୼ ( ٙ◷ )ȂᕊഅΟΙএ‫פ؁‬ഀ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ ཎభȄ



Drive-way ٙൢ

23-01-09 No. 100

ٙध‫ޟ‬᐀ॳ࣠ይΰёΰΟΙএΪϷᆠᙏࠓଽ໯‫ॳۡޟ‬ᖎȂӰԪȂഺ࡚ΟΙএॳ ႻႫሬ‫ݥ੉ޟ‬Ȃ݂ᡗӴ೩ॎৱ‫ޟ‬ӔഺഅђΨ౏ࠔȂ஠ VRX Sport Back ௰‫ڗ‬Ѫ Ιଽ৫Ȃ‫؁‬ฒడџᔞȂёᗯΟ‫ ޟ‬C ࢘‫ٺ‬ᐌᡝΰ‫ޟ‬೩ॎΰ‫؁‬ΙᡝϽȂณՄȂࠓ฿ ཌែࣘΟࡣຜ‫ُ࡙ޟ‬Ȃ‫ר‬དശ‫ׇ‬छ‫ࡣޟ‬ຜُ࡙Ȃѫོӵබᕱٙ٘ΰϗџо‫ڗײ‬ ȂӰԪȂһฒ༌σ໯Ȃζ೨ȂԤΙЈබᕱ‫ ޟ‬Lancer ོᎽᖝᐬࢸȄ

ijııĺ Ꮞᅭҏ ୽ሬ‫ء‬ٙ৤ ȮӣၯΡȯ஠ོଚю 2009 Ꮞᅭҏ୽ሬ‫ء‬ٙ৤ Σൟ‫ڔ‬Ȃ၏௑፜੼ཎ ή෈ Driveway ٙൢ

ٙ඄ϱȂ௃ Lancer ‫ޟ‬ПөዺΰȂձ഍џо‫៪ॱڗײ‬௡‫ڙ‬Ѕ٠૞‫ف‬ಛ้​้ȂՄ ӵПөዺ‫ޟ‬ध७ȂѺܹΰΟΙᄇ‫ᙽޟ‬ᔬኦаȂᡝᑖШ EVO ಠЍΟΙᘈȂՄϫ ณП߯ԁҢȂ‫ݰ‬጑ІᔖᕡഀȂՄѺһѓ֤Οϲࠉഀ‫ࢲݰ‬ȂӰԪȂᎽᎻዅ፸ฒጏ . ശࡣȂॱ៪‫ف‬ಛһϚӣγ៪Ȅ

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26 Drive-way

[03] 9584 3333

Chris Lim 0421 818 600


Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

26-03-10 No. 157 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151 Info@sameway.com.au


Outlander VRX

We have evaluated quite a lot of SUV / 4WD. However, the Mitsubishi Outlander VRX is perhaps a really interesting car that we have come across. When I was driving the car for a week, I was wondering what was the most important factor that made the Outlander becoming my dream SUV. Appearance Everyone knows that the restyling of the front grille has given the Outlander a fresh and up-market look. You may realize that it looks like its little brother the Evo 10. The more aggressive snout matches its stand out character as a fierce warrior. Everything is about image, it makes its image more up market and can catch the eyes of the young professionals. The much needed but highly successful plastic surgery has given the Outlander a new lease of life. Under the bonnet The refined VRX has a better and slightly improved performance engine,

28 Drive-way

Edmund Chow

Translate: Driveway Team

sipping premium petrol, it pumps out 169kW of power at 6,250rpm. Torque has been improved to 291Nm @3,750 rpm as well. Following the introduction of Super All Wheel Drive, the VRX also has been given the similar all wheel drive system that offers Tarmac, Snow and Lock modes, but it misses out the gravel road condition option from the Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 10. In addition, it uses electric rather than hydraulic to apportion and limit wheel spin. How it drives like I love it, the acceleration is punchier. Steering is more responsive than the previous model. The refined V6 gives a much sporty feeling while flooring the throttle. The 6 speed auto comes with a paddle gear shift and could respond much quicker than the previous model. Fuel consumption is rather reasonable than thirsty.

26-03-10 No. 157

Better sound dampening materials are used to provide a more peaceful and quiet cabin. A decent cabin space and better cabin trim materials are being used to refresh the Outlander. Suspensions are slightly revisited to help it becoming more stable and body roll is extremely limited. We have tried to turn the stability control off, but the locked 4WD system still gives a secure feeling on almost every road conditions. On the other hand, normal highway tyres would restrict drivers to go for a more serious bush bashing road condition. Other things to look at It has everything that you need. Electric sun roof, leather heated seats, climate control. A multi-functional touch screen satellite navigation audio system with reverse camera connection. The serious sound system is hooked up to Rockford Fosgate system with a huge subwoofer at the back. Other minor but practical accessories such as Bluetooth and smart key entry are standard.

Drive-way ٙൢ ‫ר‬ϐၐᎽႆΙۡኵ໔‫ޟ‬ٙȂ ՄMitsubishi Outlander VRX࿭ᄂ࢐Ιᎄ૖х‫ר‬ӱ ‫ڨ‬ฒጏ‫ޟ‬ԁٙȂ ‫ר‬໠၎ٙϐ຺ႆϲЈȂ Մ‫ؐר‬Ј഍ӵࡦՃ‫ـ‬ത࢐঺‫ٲ‬Ӱશх ‫רڗ‬ᐌЈ഍ӵ࣏ѺӵีҩРჲ‫?ڹ‬ Ѵ࠮П७ ಀ‫ޣںܚ‬Ȃ Mitsubishi Outlanderٙᓞ‫ޟ‬അ࠮ԤΟ१σ‫׽ޟ‬ଢ଼Ȃᡐு‫؁‬ё఼ཱི Ȃζ૖ႀ‫ڗ‬ଽੑາ‫ࢅޟޱ‬ণौؑȂձџ૖ᕣ၌‫ڗ‬ٙᓞ‫ޟ‬അ࠮࢐‫ם‬ਝӣኅ Mitsubishi‫ޟ‬Lancer Evo 10ȂѴߒতዌȂྃ‫ڏ‬஼୊ԤΨȄ ౪ϬΡີٙ࡞‫ݧ‬१ ‫ל‬ຫȂӰՄѺ‫ޟ‬፲ࣺ‫؁‬૖Еଔΰࢺ‫ོޥ‬ЅԑሆடཾΡρ‫ݧޟ‬ཎȂ೻ΙএȶѴ ऋᐌ‫ל‬Й೚ȷጂᄂଔ‫ڗ‬Ο८‫ޟܒڼ‬հҢȂ ‫ٺ‬Outlander᝷៉ೝᎽٙ‫ޱ‬௥ઽЅ᏿ ᔜȄ

Will I buy it/ Yes, definitely. It is around $50,000 drive away. Cabin is flexible, stylish and looks like an EVO 10. It has a practical split tailgate that helps loading supermarket shoppings into the car without worrying falling off. I feel that the re-styled and re-visited engine and the 4 wheel drive system all adds up to a more stylish and snippy car.



Drive-way ٙൢ

26-03-10 No. 157

Еᔝᑻϱ VRX଩ΰ฿հ‫ݶءޟي׽‬V6ЕᔝȂώհߒ౪฿Ԥቨ஼Ȃӵ‫ݧ‬Σᓺ፴‫ޟݶء‬௑ ‫ݷ‬ήȂџоีю169kW ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψ( 6,250rpm)ȇ‫ׯ‬Ψџႀ 291Nm (3,750ϴᙽ)Ȅ ӰኅПЕΣS-AWDȂ ౪෡‫ޟ‬VRXζ଩ΰΟ᜸խMitsubishi Lancer EVO 10‫ޟ‬Ѳ ៮‫ف‬ಛȂ ԃࢧ‫ݶ‬ၯȃഡӴЅ࡯ԒᚇΰӒѲ៮዁ԒȂ ծࠓЍΟ࿥үၯ‫ޟ‬዁ԒȂ ӣਢѺһܹణΟ‫ݶ‬ᔆԒ௡‫ڙ‬Ȃ ‫׽‬ҢΟႫυПԒў೎౩ٙᎈप҈ྤ‫ޟ‬௑‫ݷ‬Ȅ ၯ७ߒ౪ԃդ ёഀ‫؁‬൲ፐࠐȂПөዺߒ౪‫؁‬ಠጝȄӒཱིV6Еᔝ‫ޟ‬VRXȂ࿋ҢΨ፽ᅾ‫ݶ‬ёഀ ਢȂཐ‫࡙ࠐڗ‬ΪٗȂՄཱི‫ޟ‬ϲࠉഀՌଢ଼௶Ѕ՝ܻПөዺ‫ڍ‬ਠ‫ᙽޟ‬ᔬኦаߒ౪ю ಀȂџᕕுౝ‫݂פ‬ਭ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻཐȄૉ‫ݶ‬໔џо௥‫ڧ‬Ȃٙ඄ϱ‫ޟ‬෵ॱ‫ސ‬ਟШΰ෡ߒ ౪‫؁‬юՓȂ ӰՄٙ඄ӵ՗ٙਢᡗுჿᓗԊ၏Ȅٙϱ‫ޟ‬၆ⰖһԤΙۡ‫ ཱི؁ޟ‬Ȃ ‫ٺ‬ٙ඄ϱ഍ၶΙमЅ఼ཱིȄٙ‫ޟ‬᝚௮ᗗᎪ഍ԤЍ೨‫ޟ‬፡ਮоम՗ٙ‫؁‬ᛧۡՄٙ ٘༊ࠌ࡙ϚЊ݂ᡗȄ‫ר‬ෆ஠՗ٙᛧۡᏢᜰΰȂԪਢѲ៮‫ف‬ಛϫџоӵӨᆍϚӣ ‫ޟ‬ၯ७௑‫ߒݷ‬౪ᓺ‫ي‬Ȅٙኅ኿଩‫୑ޟ‬өϴၯ՗ᎻҢഊ‫ޟ‬ٙपߒ౪ΙૡȂӰԪȂ ୅षौՃኌ՗Ꮋេ‫ݫ‬ၯ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬Ȃџ૖ሯौ଩‫؁‬ӫᎌ‫ޟ‬ٙपȄ ‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬Ճኌ ၎Ԥ‫ޟ‬഍ԤΟȂႫଢ଼ЈๅȂџёዥ‫ޟ‬ᚖࠉ৴ઍҪ৴ාȂӒЈ߮‫ުޟ‬፡Ȃӻђ૖ ॱ៪Ȃፏ࢑Ᏺ૞Ȃջٙᢒୠ‫ޟ‬໠ߞЅ໠ٙђ૖оЅইٙࡣຜᅿᄆђ૖ȂՄ Rockford Fosgate ॱ៪‫ف‬ಛһѓࢂΟΙএӵ՗‫؃‬ᑻ‫ࠐ຺ޟ‬ճॱൌѰȄ ‫ີོ֏࢐ר‬Ѻ ๎ਰ࢐޻ۡ‫ޟ‬ȄཱིٙѫሯौघϤ࿲ᐬᄌ߯џ໠ٖȂٙ඄ϱഋ೩ॎᐠଢ଼ӻᡐȂһ ᇄEvo 10ΪϷࣺխȂՄӵѪΙএቹ७ȂѺ‫ޟ‬ј໠Ԓٙ‫׎‬ೲ‫ݖ‬ΪϷᄂҢȂП߯ ᘛܹᚕ‫ސ‬Ѕ຺ѿРலᗊ‫ސ‬ȂՄϚሯᐊ኏ѺঈོແဣӴΰȄ‫ר‬ཐឈΰѺӰ࣏Ѵ‫ל‬ ΰ‫׽ޟ‬ଢ଼ȂЕᔝ‫ޟ‬ও‫׽‬ЅѲ៮‫ف‬ಛ‫ཱི؁ޟ‬ȂхOutlander‫؁‬Ԥѿൟᝯ‫ތ‬ΨȄ



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30 Drive-way

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as at Mar 31,2009

30-04-10 No. 162 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group


Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151 Info@sameway.com.au

Mitsubishi Edmund Chow

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Do we need an electric car in Australia? A media launch of the Mitsubishi i-MiEV will give you some ideas about the future of motoring. One hundred years have slipped away, yet the future seems to approve the idea of an electric motor over the fossil fueled combustion engine currently. The determination factor is green house gas emission or CO2. Recently in early 2010, the first Australian built hybrid vehicle Camry was rolled out from its Altona plant by Toyota Motors Australia. This new vehicle is about A$40,000 and seems to be the way for the near future. Yet, there are still world wide discussions about the future form of transport such as bio-diesel fueled vehicle, hybrid and electric or other fuel forms, such as hydrogen fuel cell. The i-MiEV that was shown last year at the Australia international Motor Show


in Melbourne led the discussion over the importance of the future of motoring in Australia. On 22 April, I was invited to the media launch of the i-MiEV. After a lengthy explanation to all core matters, I was convinced that electric cars would be the future. The reason behind it is just green house gas emission. According to Mitsubishi, the i-MiEV will produce no emission whereas a hybrid will still produce 1kg of CO2 for the same distance travelled. Although at the present form, the range that a fully charged electric car such as the i-MiEV will only be able to achieve 100 – 160kms, electricity consumption cost and related supportive infrastructure are still more affordable than hydrogen fuel cell. Australia unlike other countries is heavily dependent on fossil fuel energy such as black and brown coal for generating electricity, and supplemented by hydro-electric power and wind farm generators. The use of present form of electricity may not be the ideal scenario, but the growing numbers of wind farm may help to ease the problem. Drive-way


30-04-10 No. 162

Drive-way ٙൢ

The i-MiEV will be available in Australia soon as a finalized product. Its implication will be clean environment by clean energy. It will not emit harmful CO2, instead its overall environmental impact may be reduced to zero. As a careful production regime will be in place to ensure it is fully recyclable.

price of the battery to come down. Just like the price of a 40inches plasma TV that was sold for A$20,000 7 years ago, but coming down to just A$3,000 recently. The future is here, we just wait for the price to embrace the brave new world.

But what about travelling an extra mile? The research about the Australian profile indicates that most people in the capital cities just travel below 100kms for their daily city commute. Hence, the present technology proves that the i-MiEV will do a good job for the Australian commuters. On the positive side, cheap electricity fuel is available at your driveway, or just a supportive office block that can give you a 15amp (normal air conditioning unit) charge up. Hence, people can travel from Geelong to Victoria and get charged on their way back. Is it an ideal scenario? Well, yes! A normal charge will be 7 hours from 0 to full charge. But it requires less time to re-charge from anywhere to full. In future, if there are fast charge stations in Australia, then, it will require just 15 to 30 minutes to charge up to 80%. Cheaper battery fuel and technology in the future will help us to juice the power of cleanness for the benefit of green daily commute. The future for CO2 emitting vehicles such as petrol and diesel passenger vehicles will be reduced to none.

ᐬࢸሯौႫΨ௰ଢ଼‫ޟ‬ႫΨٙ༝?ശߖέ๽‫ء‬ٙ‫ཱིޟ‬ᆸีൢོΰ,၎ϴѧആ៩Ο ݂Р‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ЈᐠȄ

I went for a drive with the PR manager of Mitsubishi and a fellow motoring journalist. To my surprise, it went very well. I didn’t feel anything strange, except it was just silent in the cabin. The ride was OK as it wasn’t targeted towards performance. One of the present hurdles for the Mitsubishi i-MiEV will be its selling price, approximately A$60,000 each. Apart from that, we just have to wait for the

30 Drive-way

൦‫ڀ‬ԑ,ᄚᄚ‫ٖྦޟ‬Ο,ѿ७‫ีޟ‬৤ПөᄚᄚӴϰ೨ΟႫଢ଼ٙ‫ޟ‬ҡԆު໢, Մоү‫࣏ݶ‬ҏ‫ءޟ‬ٙࠓٖ‫໌ڗ‬ϽѼᎈ‫ޟ‬ᅾᓞ,ಁࠉ։ߖೝ్‫ޟ؜‬኉๖ѫӵо ү‫࣏ݶ‬ҏ‫ءޟ‬ٙϫณ௶ܹԤ৛‫ޟ‬Π੊ϽᆇȄ ΰТᐬࢸᙴҤ‫ء‬ٙኅ໠ۖҡ౰୵ቋѫ࣏Ѳ࿲༫‫౅ޟ‬૖ɆᙴҤ‫ٹ‬छ‫ܘ‬ٙ ɇToyota Camry,Ѻџ૖࢐σ༖‫ܚ‬ᗍ;ծӒ౨ϫณԤӨԒӨኺ‫ޟ‬ଆ፣,ў௤ ଆӨᆍ‫ל‬Ԓ‫ءޟ‬ٙᐽᐶԃҡϽԒ‫ݶ਼ޟ‬,౅૖(‫ݶء‬๖ӫႫΨ),સႫΨЅఱ‫ء‬ ៮ଢ଼้​้Ȅ ўԑέТܻᏎᅭҏᖞ՗‫ޟ‬ᐬࢸ୽ሬ‫ء‬ٙ৤។ོΰ,i-MiEVෆငࣺ߫,һ஠Ѫ ᜸૖ྛ‫ޟ‬ଆ፣ள‫ڗ‬ѪΙএሴ୿。ѲТ22Р,‫ר‬ᔖᗜ୤ёi-MiEV‫ཱིޟ‬ᆸีൢོ ,ငႆߝਢ໢‫ޟ‬ᖿ၌,‫ר‬ೝᇳ݈Ο,‫ר‬ᇯ࣏‫ء‬ٙ‫ࠉޟ‬ഊ,ѫӵܻႫଢ଼ٙ‫٘ޟ‬ ΰ,‫ڏ‬धࡣ‫ྛޟ‬ҥһѫӵܻԤ৛ᕗც‫ޟ‬ኀ‫ܹ௶ء‬ΰ。ਲ਼ᐃέ๽‫ޟ‬ၥਟߒҰ, Ιᎄ౅૖ٙȾႫଢ଼ЅႫ‫៮ݶ‬ଢ଼‫ءޟ‬ٙȿ,౅૖ٙᇄi-MiEVӵ՗Ꮋࣺӣ‫ޟ‬ၯแ ਢ,ϫོ௶ܹ1ϴО‫ޟ‬Π੊Ͻᆇ,џоi-MiEVࠓϚོีܹӈդ੉ᡝ。i-MiEV౪ ӵ‫ޟ‬ҡ౰ೣਿ,о‫ׇ‬ӒшႫ‫ݷޑޟ‬,Ѻџо՗Ꮋ100Ս160ϴ٨,џоᐌᡝΰ ႫΨੑາ‫ޟ‬ቋਿЅԤᜰ‫ޟ‬Лධ‫ف‬ಛॎᆗ,Ѻ‫ޟ‬ቋᓀϫณШఱ੉࣏ᐽਟ‫ءޟ‬ٙ ‫ۣ߯؁‬Ȅ

Drive-way ٙൢ

05-03-10 No. 162 30-04-10 154

problem ᐬࢸϚխ‫ڏ‬т୽ড়,Ѻߨல‫ٷ‬Ꭼү‫ݶ‬᜸‫ޟ‬ᐽਟԃ༃ྯЅ෋Փ‫࣓ྯޟ‬,ЅоЫ ΨЅॳΨีႫሄօีΨ。Մ౪ਢ‫ีޟ‬Ⴋ௑‫ߨٮݷ‬ശ౩ད‫ޟ‬П‫ݲ‬,ծቨё‫ڏ‬т ‫ีޟ‬ႫП‫ݲ‬џ૖၌‫ؚ‬୰ᚠproblem。

plasmaႫຜ࢐Π࿲ᐬ༫,џ࢐౪ӵѫ࢐ένᐬ༫。Ӱ࣏Ґ‫پ‬ϐᖝ‫ڗ‬,ѫ࢐‫ר‬ ঈϫӵ้࡟ቋᓀήྤ。

౪ਢ‫ޟ‬έ๽i-MiEVџܻߖ෈Ϟϱо‫ׇ‬ԙ‫ޟ‬౰ࠢܰႀᐬࢸ,Ѻ‫ޟ‬ኇ៪࢐о‫఼؁‬ዓ ‫ޟ‬૖ྛў௰ଢ଼ɆႫٙɇ。Ӱ࣏ѺϚོ௶ܹԤ৛‫ޟ‬Π੊Ͻᆇ,‫ڏ‬ᇧഅႆแһџ ૖ᄇᕗცકᚽӒฒኇ៪;Ӱ࣏,ᇧհϛЅ஠‫ސޟپ‬ਟ‫ڏ‬ӒഋџоඉᕗӔҢȄ ୅ԃᎽٙ‫ޱ‬ሯौ໠ߝഊٙ?ं‫ـ‬ൢ֙ࡾю,ᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬ΰੲΙఊؐЈᎽٙճܻ100 ϴ٨‫ޟ‬ၯแΰੲ;ӰԪ,о౪ਢ‫ޟ‬ऋ‫׬‬i-MiEVσџоഽӈԤᎷ,ՄᎽٙ‫ޱ‬σџ оܻӱড়ࡣܻড়ϛ‫ޟ‬ٙၾΰ‫ٺ‬i-MiEVоᄚഀшႫ,‫ܖ׻‬ӵᒲϴࡉо15Ԋஉ(൐ ՝)໌՗шႫ。ӰՄ,шႫࡣ,ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬һџоҥGeelong໠ٙ‫܁‬ᏎᅭҏѿϛЖ ΰੲȄ ೻࢐ശԁ‫ޟ‬௑‫ݷ‬༝ȉӰ࣏ල೽‫ޟ‬шႫਢ໢7ωਢ,ծ୅ԃᗙҐҢӎႫΨ‫ޟ‬ਢঐ ,߯ϚሯौΜωਢ。Մӵџَ‫ޟ‬஠‫پ‬,ᐬࢸོ࡚ҳΙ‫פٲ‬ഀ‫ޟ‬шႫમ;ӰԪ ,шႫਢ໢߯ѫሯ15Ս30Ϸម߯џошՍԻӋϞΤΪ,Ґ‫پ‬шႫԱЅऋ‫؁׬‬ ёලЅϽ‫ޟ‬ਢঐ,ᎽٙΡρ߯џо‫؁ڧٴ‬ӻ‫ޟ‬ᆦՓҺ೽ਡแ。Ґ‫پ‬ሯؑᐽᐶ Ⴋ‫ݶ‬Ѕ਼‫࣏ݶ‬ᐽਟ‫ٮ‬ӣਢ௶ܹΠ੊Ͻᆇ‫ࡊޟ‬Ң‫ء‬ٙџоᇳ࢐ฒ。 ‫ר‬ᇄέ๽‫ޟ‬ϴᜰင౩ЅѪΙ՝‫ء‬ٙ଄‫ޱ‬ΙӣၐᎽ၎ٙ,‫ีר‬ឈ՗ٙᄱ໷,‫ٮ‬ ҐԤ‫ۉ‬౴‫ޟ‬ཐឈ。࿋ณ,Ӱ࣏ЍΟ༈ಛЕᔝ‫ีܚ‬ю‫ޟ‬Ꮱॱ,ٙ඄ΪϷჿᓗ, ՗ٙߒ౪ю౪,ѫ࢐၎ٙ‫ߨٮ‬о‫ܒ‬૖௮ࡕ。 ౪ਢMitsubishi i-MiEV‫ޟ‬१σՃᡛ࢐Ѻ‫୵ޟ‬ቋ,ؐᎄٙ‫୵ޟ‬ቋघ࣏ϲ࿲ᐬ༫; ଶԪϞѴ,‫ר‬ঈѫԤ้࡟‫ء‬ٙҢ‫ޟ‬੫ᆍႫԱቋਿӱဣ,‫ٽ‬ԃ7ԑࠉ຺ᖡ‫ޟ‬

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as at Mar 31,2009

07-05-10 No. 163 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



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Mitsubishi Lancer


Edmund Chow High school and uni students often ask me about a good looking but forceful car. I told them about buying a new Lancer but put on all the body kits, huge alloy wheels and even the aluminum bonnet. That might seem to be a little bit silly to certain people. However, it is actually a smart choice. The mean-looking-fighter-theme inspired grille of the Great Evolution 10 image matches extremely well with its strong 5 stars crash rating that comes with 7 airbags and all the safety features such as ABS, traction control. On the other hand, a more affordable but still forceful choice will be the Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart. To a certain degree, it retains nearly everything from Evolution 10. The only difference is the 6 speed auto gear box and a double scroll turbo. Hence, the downside is a slight hesitation with its power build up. The 6 speed auto gear box is better than the Volkswagen DSG but is less responsive than the Porsche. Also, in the “Sport” mode the power build up is extended to a wider spectrum for a more responsive handling.

28 Drive-way

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However, an override with the manual mode will perhaps help you to achieve whatever outcome you want. Thus, in that sense, while driving the Ralliart, you will still retain the strong feeling of the Evolution 10, just lagging behind slightly though. Technically, the engine of the Ralliart is just 177kW, whereas the Evolution is 217kW. Torque is down 23Nm to 343Nm. The car is as responsive as the Evolution 10, but the single scroll will only be lively from 2,500 to 4,000rpm. On the other hand it can surge to the optimum power up to 7,000rpm. But think about this, it is much safer not be get caught speeding with a smaller turbo. The ride quality is targeted towards a softer end, which is slightly more comfortable than the Evolution 10. On the other hand, its downside is more body roll. The all wheel drive system matches very well with the engine output

07-05-10 No. 163

and transmission. It has gravel, snow and road (tarmac) modes; I actually like the 6 speed auto that also comes with the steering wheel mounted paddle shifts. It is very easy to use and smooth for the auto gear box, but I believe it is totally fair for Mitsubishi to charge an extra A$30,000 for better handling for the Evolution 10. As there is a price for everything in its excellence form, the seed that you sow will bring you a better reap . The Ralliart that we evaluated has a hatch back setting. It is convenient to put stuffs through the hatch door. The back seat can be spitted to 40:60. But it seems to me that it is rather shallow even though it has a space saver spare tyre.

Drive-way ٙൢ ԙ ᕼ ϣ ࣺ ᎃ ኇ Ȃ Մ Ѻ һ Ԥ Μ এ ੉ ೡ Ȃ ‫ ڏ‬т ‫ ޟ‬Ԋ Ӓ ೩ ࢊ о ABSЅ ඉ ၬ ‫ ف‬ಛ traction controlȄ ѪѴȂRalliart࢐ΙএԤࠐһၶཇۣ‫ޟ‬џ‫ڥ‬ᒵᐅȇӵ࢚แ࡙ΰȂѺ৯Ϛӻ߳੼ ΟEvolution 10‫ޟ‬σഋӋႭӇȂ୲Ι‫׽‬ᡐΟ‫࢐ޟ‬ѺҢΰΟ൐઻‫ޟ‬෼ᎈቨᔆᏢȂ ӰՄӵёഀਢȂѺሯौӻΙᘈ‫ޟ‬ਢ໢Ȅϲഀ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼௶࢐Шσಀ‫ޟ‬DSGԁΙᘈ Ȃࠓ᠙ᆸШ߳ਢ௦‫ޟ‬৯ΙᘈᘈȄӵSportၼଢ଼‫ޟ‬዁ԒȂѺ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼௶ᡱ௶ᔬ߳੼ ߝΙᘈਢ໢ȇоՍӵཐឈΰȂѺ࢐Ԥၶ‫ޟٹ‬ІᔖȄѪΙ७ȂᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬џоҢЙଢ଼ ‫ޟ‬Пўႀ‫ڗ‬౩ད‫ޟ‬ਝ‫ݎ‬ȇӰՄȂRalliartџоഋ੼Evolution 10‫ޟ‬஼੨ኇυȂѫ ࢐฿ཌᄚΟΙᘈȄ

There are other creature comforts such as Optional Rockford Fosgate sound system for $750 or an audio with a smart sunroof for $2350. However, the gorgeous looking multi-communication pack with sat-nav is just $4750. From memory it is more affordable than the Volvo C70 sat-nav. Anyway, don’t get angry with yourself by not getting the touch screen sat nav. Well, good looking or good driving, it is up to you. The Lancer Ralliart seems to be small in size but actually it is not. No matter whether you like it slow or fast, the quality of the car speaks for itself. I prefer safe and slow but definitely good looking too. ϛᏰЅσᏰҡல୰‫ר‬٥ΙഋٙശԤѴ࠮ЅԤᄂΨȂ‫ר‬ᝎ֙тঈີΙഋέ๽ LancerȂծࡸ၆ΰٙ٘‫ޟ‬σѓ൜ٙ٘ഋӇȂσЏጆ‫ޟ‬ӫߜᎈ୼ࣥՍٙᓞ‫ޟ‬ٙ ᓞᇐ഍඲ΰEvolution 10‫ဴ࠮ޟ‬ȂࣼխԤᘈߡQȂ‫ࠓר‬ཐឈ࢐ΰΰ‫ޟ‬ᒵᐅȄ Evolution 10‫ޟ‬Ԥᘈ٣੉ᏽାᐠѴ࠮‫ޟ‬ٙᓞഅ࠮Ȃ‫ڏ‬ᄂᇄѺ‫ޟ‬Ϥ࢑઻ኡᔞกၐ



Drive-way ٙൢ

07-05-10 No. 163

‫׬‬೚ΰȂRalliartѫԤ177kWȂՄEvolution ࢐217kWȇ‫ׯ‬Ψ෵Ο23NmȂᡐԙ 343NmȄ ၎ٙ᏿Ԥ᜸խEvolution 10‫ޟ‬ІᔖȂծѺ‫ޟ‬൐઻෼ᎈቨᔆᏢѫ૖ӵ 2,500Ս4,000ϴᙽਢߒ౪ᄂΨȂՄശσ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψӵ7,000ᙽȂծ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏ᄇσഋӋ ‫ޟ‬Ꮍٙ‫ޱ‬ȂѺϐင࢐ٗஊԤᎷȂһϚོሆܾೝᆴ෡Ȅ ՗ٙ๲ᎌ௑࡙Ȃ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏࢐՝ܻ࢙೺‫ޟ‬П՝Ȃཎࡦ࢐ШଔEvolution 10ȂѺШၶ ᎌӫРலᎽٙȂ၎ٙ࢐ΙᎄѲ៮ٙ。ӰԪኅПһհюӫᎌ‫ޟ‬፡ᐌȂо଩ӫЕ ᔝ‫ޟ‬ᒯюЅᙽଢ଼‫ޟ‬ሯौ。ӰՄȂѲ៮‫فޟ‬ಛһᄇ࿥үၯȂഡӴЅᛓߧӴԤϚ ӣ‫ޟ‬Іᔖ。‫ר‬ӣਢһྃϞ‫ݠ‬፬՝ܻПөዺࡣ‫ڍ‬ਠ‫ޟ‬ኦао଩ӫϲࠉഀ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼ ௶һΪϷᄱ໷ȂծΙϷᓀΙϷೲȂEvolutionષቋӻέ࿲༫Ȃ‫ܚ‬оਝ‫ݎ‬Ԥ݂ᡗ ‫ޟܒ‬ϚӣȄ ‫ר‬ঈกၐ‫ޟ‬Ralliart࢐Ϥߞ௸ध‫ޟ‬෡ԒȂ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏‫ڥ‬Ԇ‫ݍ‬ՙ࢐ߨலϞП߯。Մध ࡣ‫ޟ‬৴՝џоҢѲΪЅϲΪ‫ޟ‬Ш‫ٽ‬Ϸ໠ᇐΰȂծ՗‫؃‬ᑻџоᆗுΰ࢐ၶ఻; ᗶณȂᑻήϐငѫ࢐ܹΰሆ࠮‫ޟ‬ᡊಠരҢٙपȄ



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ᐠడᆰওȂۡ෈߳ᎴЅ‫׽‬၆ ‫ء‬ٙႫυᆰও ‫ء‬ٙछৠ݈୛ டཾ٩ูЅॱ៪Ԋ၆ ੫೩after hour service

Mel79 C5 Cen tre R d

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Unit 1, 2 - 4 Meriton Place, Clayton South Vic 3169 Tel: (03) 9543 3053 Mobile: 0433 180 517 30 Drive-way

‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬๲ᎌ‫ޟܒ‬೩രԃ຺ࠐ‫ޟ‬Rockford Fosgateॱ៪‫ٮ‬ёΰٙ‫׎‬጑ϛ‫຺ޟ‬ճॱ Ȃߒ౪ΪϷюՓȂቋᓀѫ࢐ёΰ$750。ՄЈๅࠌѫ࢐$2,350。ծ‫֙܆‬Ө՝Ȃ ձີLancerਢȂΙۡौ଩ΰѺ‫ޟ‬ሆញԒፏ࢑Ᏺ૞ᡗҰࡎȂӟຫϛȂѺШ൲ᇺ ‫ޟ‬C70ሆញԒፏ࢑Ᏺ૞ᡗҰࡎቋཇ‫ސ‬छȂծ޻ۡϚџоᒿႆѺ‫ޟ‬ᡗҰࡎ;Ӱ࣏ ȂѺ஠ོхٙ඄ϛ‫ޟ‬छཐσ҈‫׷‬ԚȄ ശࡣȂѴ࠮߸߲ЅᎽᎻюՓ࢐ձџоՌϏ‫ޟؚۡ‬ȂLancer Ralliartџ࢐ᇳ࢐ಠ Ѝ‫ޟ‬ເ‫ܘ‬ٙȂծᄂሬΰ;Ѻ޻ۡϚ࢐。ฒ፣ձौ‫פ‬,ौᄚȂ၎ٙ‫ޟ‬፴શџоᜌ ݂ՌϏ‫ޟ‬ᄂΨ。‫ר‬ჿ᜹‫ڥ‬ԊӒЅᄚΙᘈȂծ޻ۡौѴ࠮߸߲ЅሂΰዘࢺȄ

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