Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
11-06-10 No. 168 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Nissan Dualis Series II ST Two Wheel Drive Compact SUV
Edmund Chow
Translate: Driveway Team
A friend of mine has a white Dualis. I always want to have a drive. Luckily, my dream came true just last week. The Dualis is a small hatch back cross over compact SUV. It gives you a high up sitting position, enormous space, and storage of a small wagon, and convenience with the help of a hatch door.
The styling is somehow unique; it is still hanging on the smooth liquid theme. Leaning towards practicality rather than entirely flashy. On the other hand, it has a rapidly growing fan club and its support is only confined by the British factory strict production schedule.
I begin to appreciate the benefits of the Dualis, whereby, it is much easier to get in and out of any traditional wagon or sedan. The press car that we had was a basic model, but it was still very attractive.
The trip computer, complimented with various functions, is placed in between the speedo and tachometer. White on a black LED display, somehow, is easy to read, and handy switches are just within easy reach of my finger tip.
It has recently undergone a new noise job – smarter grille. My impression was that it seemed to be a little bit aggressive. Good for a car, but definitely not as a meaning for driver’s behaviour.
What impressed me most was the ride quality. It was behaving like a well composed European compact four wheel drive. After all, the Dualis did come from Sunderland in England. Steering and suspension are at a very comfortable level that it is actually a treat to ride on the Dualis.
New acoustic wind screen to dampen wind noise and more insulating materials are in place to further curtail engine noise from intruding into the cabin. Eventually, the noise level in side the car can be rated as tranquil.
Steering wheel can provide reach and rake positioning, it should fit everyone. Drive-way
11-06-10 No. 168
Drive-way ٙൢ
Body roll was contained by better chassis design and did manage to reduce any wallowing. It is perhaps the best kept secret of the motoring industry that should a tall car remaining composed when cornering sharply, it will definitely guarantee a strong market share.
Finally, I would say, it is a good buy. If you want European craftsmanship and design combined with Japanese reliability and ride comfort. As mentioned earlier, it is a highly sorted after vehicle for such a highly competitive price range in Australia.
Nissan Australia recently repositioned the pricing and equipment level of the Dualis, after then, it became a stronger market leader in the local compact SUV sector. You may call it a no frills price campaign, with the basic model “ST” 2 wheel drive manual version, just asking for $24,990 or A$26,990 for a drive away price
ޟרΙ՝݉ЄԤΙᎄҩՓޟРDualisȂΙޢоרپདၐᎽΙฬȂ۷ၼޟ Ȃΰޟרںএఖᄂ౪ΟȄDualisΙω௸ޟधӄਡٙȂѺளᎽᎻޱ ၶଽޟᎽᎻ৴՝࣏ڷᗯޟຜഏȂٗஊޟٙϱުȂωਡٙޟᓽސӴ ዺȂ௸धߞޟ೩ॎζΪϷП߯Ȅרۖݠ፬DualisޟӨᆍᓺᘈȂШଔ༈ಛޟਡ ٙܘܖٙȂ໌юڏᡗு࣏ৠܾȄีշོΰרঈၐᎽޟٙശஅҏޟ ဴȂϚႆϫณΪϷ֜ЕΡȄ
The 2.0litre petrol engine is excellent in terms of power and torque level. It matches perfectly with a 6 speed manual gear box. The power output is 102kW at 5200 revs and torque is 198Nm at 4400 revs. Clutch and clod are working beautifully, that makes driving the Dualis a bliss. The engine is matching its prime mission, but better fuel consumer should be achievable. As claimed by Nissan, fuel consumption is just 8.1 litres with its 6 speed manual gear box. It is not a particularly frugal figure but in line with the near 1.5 ton body weight in its class. On the safety side, it has the lots. 5 star ANCAP crash ratings with 4 airbags plus full length curtain airbags for the front and back passengers, Vehicle Dynamic Control, Traction Control System and ABS with brake assist (BA) and Electronic brake force distribution to work together in ensuring a safe ride for you, just in case of any nasty incident might cause any unwanted impact upon you.
30 Drive-way
ٙശߖতত໌ႆΙޟٲᡐ८Ȃਿ࢞ޟ೩ॎ࣏ᆠ݂Ȃޟרӟຫ ڎ༖Ȃᄇθٙυҏ٘پᇳϚᒿȂϚႆ൷ᎽᎻޟޱ࣏پᖿ൷Ѫ࿋տ፣ ΟȄཱིޟᖐॱϛࡎޟᄍΰޟᖐॱ६ճॳȂ߳ྣਟԃդ໌Ι؏ЍЕᔝᏡ ॱᔠ໌ΟٙᑻȄശࡣȂӵ٥٥ᎄءٙ൞ᆎԊۡȄӒཱིޟᖐᏰ᐀ॳ࣠ይߢႤ ΟॳΨᏡॱȂ๘ጢਟٺޟҢճΟЕᔝ֞ޟᚕᖐȂࣺޱڍ๖ӫԤਝӴ߳ࡻ ΟٙϱഋޟԊᓗᕗცȄ ٙ٘Ѵᢎ೩ॎᐿΙฒΠȂ߳ࡻΟࢺ㣶ଢ଼ޟкᚠȂϚႆࣺᄇθຜឈཐۢΰ ޟᝋݧ१ᄂҢܒȄѪΙП७ȂҥܻڏЛࡻޟᇧഅ୦ᝒਿࡸྱ़ώኅޟ ҡਢࢺแߒҡȂٙଜΙఊޟΡኵቨߝٞഀȄڎരӻђޟแॎᆗᐠ ՝ܻഀ࡙ߒᙽڷഀߒϞȂ༃ҩᄇШޟLEDᡗҰࡎȂᎧଔپΪϷৠܾȂᐇ ζѫሯਘਘЙࡾȂሆՄܾᖞȄ ϚႆרӟຫശٷޟณᎽᎻਢޟଽ፴໔ཐڧȄѺߒޟ౪ࣼپӣዉࢸω ѲࣺٙխȂതȂDualisՌ़ܻኈ៌Ȅᙽө၆ညڷ௮၆ညٺு
Drive-way ٙൢ
05-03-10 No. 168 11-06-10 154
ᐌᎄٙӵᎻޟႆแϛ߳ࡻӵΙএࣺ࿋ᎌޟЫҁȂПөዺޟ՝ညᙽڷөُ ࡙ڗԁȂᔖ၎ᎌӫܚԤޟᎽᎻޱȄٙ٘ۻዺ೩ॎԤ؏໌ܚȂஊԤ ਝӴЍᘛȄ ζ೨ءٙᇧഅζΰശ߳ޟȂ๘ᄇஊᡱڏլሴ࡞σޟѿൟШٽȄ РᐬσցٳϷϴѧРࠉ१ཱི፡ᐌΟDualis୵ޟቋܒڷညտȂDualisҥ Ԫԙ࣏ᐬࢸϛωӄਡٙѿൟϛޟσሴᏲޱȄ१ཱིۡ՝ࡣ୵ޟቋࣺ࿋ᄂӵ ȂஅҏဴȶSTȷࠉᎈଢ଼Йଢ଼ގଔ୵ቋ࣏ᐬᄌ$24,990Ȃȶٖቋȷ࣏ᐬᄌ $26,990Ȅ 2ЀݶءޟЕᔝӵଢ଼ΨׯڷΨП७ђਝΙࢺȂӣࢺഀЙଢ଼ᡐഀསுЈฒ ᖁȂശσଢ଼Ψ࣏102kW / 5200 revsȂശσׯΨ࣏198Nm / 4400ᙽȄᎽᎻ၎ٙ ޟᡝᡛࣺ࿋хΡඛਇȄЕᔝޟкौӈڷҬׇछӴႀڗΟȂϚႆӵᐽݶ ΰԤ໌Ι؏ඪଽȄਲ਼ᐃРۢޟПኵᐃȂϲഀЙଢ଼ᡐഀޟᐽݶੑૉ ࣏8.1ЀȂϚᆗࣸݶޟٙȂϚႆইᗙಒӫᇄڏ1.5Ꮰޟᡝ१ޟȄ ԊӒП७ޟђ፞ٙζୈு࡞ٗȈANCAP ٙᆌኡᔞຟ࣏ۡϤȂѲএԊ Ӓ᠄оЅ࣏ࠉࡣ௶ॸࡊՃኌՄ೩ॎԊ၆ޟӒߝᛨԒԊӒ᠄ȃٙᎄଢ଼ᄘ فڙಛȃЕΨفڙಛȃABSفಛࠆڷٙሄօفಛڷႫυڙଢ଼ΨϷفಛ ȂΙଔӫώհ࣏ᎽᎻޱඪٗټஊޟԊӒ߳ራоጂ߳ฒΙѶȂ։ٺΙี ҡٙᆌȂζ༌减Սശωแ࡙Ȅ ᖂՄِϞȂԃݎձଡؑޟዉࢸޟڷ೩ॎӣРҏ߬ޟӈᇄᎌࣺ๖ӫ ޟཐޟڧၗȂ٥麽רᇯ࣏ٙுᗊີȂӵᐬࢸӣޟٙᎄѿൟϛȂ ٙܒޟቋШ๘ᄇԤᝯތΨȄ
HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre
* 24 15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
Audited 15,879
Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide
as at Mar 31,2009
06-08-10 No. 176 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group
Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151
Edmund Chow
Translate: Driveway Team
I wouldn’t be surprised to notice that nearly all Micra’s have young female drivers. The car is fresh in every aspect. The size is right for city dwellers, young uni students and young female professionals. Unlike most other manufacturers, the Micra is perhaps a combination of modern and retro classic. The styling is like a huge British hard hat with distinctive features in its frog eyes like headlights, leaving a modest smile with its front grille and under bumper fresh air in take. The rear of the car also employs hatch back composition for its easy accessibility, but retaining a rather modest head room for its rear passengers. On the whole, the Micra is cute. You couldn’t find anything like it. As shown by its brochure, it is heavily dependent on young female’s approval. It talks about styling and fashion. Small and zippy for tight parking space in the city, and most importantly Nissan stresses on safety features. All those key elements relate straight to the need of female drivers.
28 Drive-way
Let’s talk about drive and handling Micra has a 1.4 litres engine, 72kW and 137Nm of torque. The engine is paired only with a 4 speed automatic gear box option. The combination is simple and fool proof. Fuel consumption is 6.8 litres per 100kms. Bearing in mind that Micra is not intended for GTR or 370Z drivers. Micra is a beautiful shopping trolley or perhaps a pretty personal transporter. Hence, it gives you creature comfort in a generous space in such a small confinement. It has a very tight 8.8 metres turning circle therefore its young driver can park its small car having a total length of just 3.725 metres. How it drives like Micra is fun to drive with a relatively small body. But its four wheels are designed to stretch out to all its extreme four corners. In a large car, track and width are not important. But for a small car like Micra, it helps to stabilize the car and allow it to be one of the most stable and agile cars in its class. It is undoubtedly a front wheel drive car, but it has its character of a positive but
06-08-10 No. 176
definitive temperament. Negotiating around tight corners and hunting down a tight parking space are its strong gifts. The automatic works really well with the engine, as it is using a relatively small engine. When firing up for an overtaking, it can be noisy, but it adds a powerful roar to its healthy character. The automatic is quite responsive, as it helps its driver in getting a place quicker. Interior It is classy and friendly to its driver’s finger nails. Being a bloke, I am very much in doubt with the colour scheme with the speed, delivery and temperature of the air conditioning knobs. It is in ivory and without much indication of where it is pointing. Strange, but who cares. Apart from this all the instruments panel, CD, i-pod and blue tooth connection to mobile phone are all handy and well placed. Safety features There are twin airbags for the important people in the front. Dual front side and curtain airbags are available as option for the most costly “City Collection” model. ABS, Electronic Brake Force distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist are standard across the range. Other safety features such as active front head rest and height adjustable front pre-tensioning seat belts will help whenever its driver comes across a risky scene. On the other hand, learning vital driving skills is equally important as well. My comment If you (my young female readers) or students just got a license, this Micra
Driveway ٙൢ is an excellent start for a good motoring journey. It is because of all its airbags and safety equipments. Most importantly, it has its own style of no chasing the mini or beetle retro look. It enables its driver to stand out from the crowd. Driving on, it is good enough for a young princess. I will recommend it to my daughter. ݂ᡗӴȂ৯ϚӻܚԤMicraޟᎽᎻΡρτܒȂ၎ٙڗප໋ΪϷ఼ ཱིޟȂѺޟٙ٘σωһᎌӫ࠲ѿۨޟ՞ΡȂԃԑߧޟσᏰҡЅতώհޟ τΰੲΙఊȄ ᇄڏтءޟࣺٙࠢШၶȂРMicraඥӫΟ౪фЅඈѠڨࠢޟȂѺޟѴלԁ ΙഥѼ़ޟלԒᙄൾȂՄѺޟΙᚖٙᓞσᐷ߯ߧຐಁ࿘ȂՄѺޟٙᓞΰ ήΣЌёଔ߯پΙএ֤ᇋޟરȄٙഋӋܹణΟ༈ಛޟٙȂՄଔ Ң௸धٙߞȂօඪԆѓᇥЅڏтࠢސȂՄиϫณџоඪټΙএШၶ౩དࡣޟ ৴ॸࡊॸֲުȄ ᐌᡝΰȂMicra፸ጝџདྷޟȂձ࡞ᜲӔڗײխءޟٙȂءٙϭಝਪϛȂ רᢎᄆڗѺׇӒоτᎽᎻΡρޟᢎཐΣЙȄѺፙЅѴלЅਢ၆Ȃٙ٘ಠЍ ᎌӫୄܹӵ੭બ࠲ޟѿທၾȂٮиРءٙྃΨӴඪЅᆍᆍޟԊӒ೩രȄ ᡱרঈፙЅᎽᎻЅᐇհ ѺΰΙএ1.4ϴОޟЕᔝȂԤ72kWЅ137NmׯޟΨȂЕᔝѫΰѲࠉഀޟ Ռଢ଼௶ȂᐌᡝԊ௶ΰᙏЅϚོюᒿޟȄૉݶ໔ؐ100ϴ٨ѫҢΰ6.8ϴ ЀݶءȄӨ՝ཎȂѺϚӣኅޟGTRЅ370ZເٙȄӰԪȂѺΙᎄछᝋ ޟᗊސٙЅؽΡҺώڎȂ፭ϠᎽٙޱӵ੭બުޟ၇ഺհΟΙএᎌޟٙ ȄѺԤΙএЍޟ8.8Խޟଟఋј৷ЅѫԤ3.725Խޟᖂٙߝȇୄހ၎ٙ߯ ܾԃІඡȄ
Driveway ٙൢ
06-08-10 No. 176
Ѻߒޟ౪ԃդ ᎽᎻѺᆎЖԃཎޟӰ࣏ѺᡝᑖШၶಠЍȂѲᎈӵ೩ॎΰྃϞөѲএُဣժ ȄՄᡝᑖШၶσޟٙᎄȂѺঈޟᎈຽЅٙᗯШၶΰϚ१ौȂՄᄇಠЍޟ MicraȂѲᎈޟժࠌԤྃσޟᛧۡȂӣਢȂٺѺӵӣءޟٙϛᛧۡЅІ ᔖ߯ః௦ȄॹฒՄ୰ȂѺΙᎄࠉᎈଢ଼ءޟٙȂԤѺࠉޟ੫ܒЅߒ౪Ȃ ծᙽөః௦ՄཪષΙএબωޟୄٙ՝ৠܾȄ ٥Ռଢ଼ݰᇄЕᔝΪϷϾȂЕᔝᆗШၶಠωȂծձौ຺ٙਢȂѺџԤ ΙᘈᖐȂծ٥ڲহᖐΙএஶߒޟȄІᔖః௦ޟՌଢ଼௶џоᡱѺޟк Ρפ௦ӴܰႀӻޟҬޟӴȄ ٙϱഋ೩ॎ רདѺޟ೩ॎᄇτкΡޟЙࡾҦ࡞ЄȄհ࣏ΙএσظΡȂ࡞רᛄᅸѺޟՓ ிڃསȂ٥ު፡ॳޟഀȃଚॳ՝ညЅྣ้έএࡸ໖Ȅ٥έএຫбՓࡸ໖ רᇯ࣏Ԥ፸ޟȂծ።ᆓڹȉଶԪϞѴȂܚԤޟCDॱȃiPodЅᙢбӫЙ ᐠӵЈฒᖁޟ՝ညȄ ԊӒ೩ര Ѻ࿋ณѓࢂࠉ৴ޟᚖԊӒءೡȂһѓࢂᚖࠉࠌ৴ЅๅᛨԒءೡȂѫौձёᓀ ᒵᗊɆ࠲ѿفӖɇ߯џоԤȂՄABSȃEBDࠆٙଢ଼ΨϷࠆڷٙሄօࠌӒ ጣѓ֤ӵϱȄڏтޟ೩രѓࢂԊӒкଢ଼ᓞȂџо፡ଽ࡙ЅԤႱષђޟ ࠉԊӒளȂΙۡџоᔓօᎽٙޱಳᚔᓎცȂڏт१ौٱȂᎽᎻ҆ޱሯӵᏰ ಬᎽᎻਢҢЖᏰಬȂӰ࣏ᎽᎻѽЅငᡛӣኺ१ौȄ ࡚ޟרដ ԃ(רঈޟԑሆτܖ)ޱতՃڗᎽᎻஈྱޟᏰҡȂᎄٙΙএԁޟਡแ ޟଔۖᘈȄӰ࣏ѺϐԤԊӒءೡ้ྥ೩രȇശ१ौޟȂѺԤᐿ੫ܒޟ ਿՄϚҽവ”Mini”Ѕ”Beetle”ޟඈѠഅȄѺџ༇ຜӣတȂܚо៉ᎽᎻȂᄇ ড়ϛޟϴкঈȂѺϐΙᎄ࡞ԁءޟٙȂࣥרՍџо࡚ដޟרτڋȄ
New Kia Sportage the all-new urban-friendly compact SUV With a new bodyshell, new engines and fresh, bold styling that introduces a new kind of dynamic aesthetics, the latest Kia Sportage is an urban-friendly compact SUV that is ideal for today's consumers - using less fuel and emitting less CO2. Longer, wider and lower than the previous model (by 90mm, 15mm and 60mm respectively), the all-new design successfully retains the key SUV features the command drive position, heightened sense of security and powerful road presence - which made the second generation Kia Sportage so popular. The second-generation Sportage was introduced in 2004 and marked a huge step forward for Kia. Over the next five years, it attracted thousands of customers who had not previously considered buying a Kia, and achieved local sales of more than 6900 units - including more than 1900 in 2009. Now, under the direction of Kia Motor's Chief Design Officer Peter Schreyer, the Kia design teams have created a third-generation Sportage incorporating Kia's new design DNA and many features from the 2007 Kia Kue concept car. The new Sportage can be immediately identifiable as a Kia and stands out from potential rivals in an increasingly crowded segment of the automotive market. "With the new Sportage, we have created an all-new, five-seater compact SUV with maximised customer appeal. It is urban-friendly and in tune with changing consumer expectations and demands," commented Mr MK Kim, President and CEO of Kia Motors Australia. "Despite the recent and ongoing global economic difficulties, Kia's market research indicates that demand for compact SUVs will grow steadily over the next five years as many customers down-size their vehicles and the introduction of new models focuses attention on this segment. "Customer research with the new Sportage generated entirely positive responses and we are confident that our latest model will ignificantly increase Kia's share of the compact SUV in the Australian market." New Sportage is significantly sleeker and lighter than the previous model, with an aerodynamic drag figure of Cd 0.37 (down from 0.40) and a significant weight loss of 91kg compared with the previous model - enhancing fuel economy and refinement.
ᑹ ܿ
Accident Repair Centre டওኡȂႫသ፡Փቢݶ ቨ೩ڍএӑ໌≎ܘݶ
фൢܚԤ߳ᓎ டΡڞօ၌ؚ߳ᓎᜲᚠ
ও౩ϱȂඪټջາվȃॳݶᬠфҢٙ* ငᡛᙴ൲ȃቋᓀϴၾȃᓺ፴݈ γඏ֯џᕕҗδ߳Ң
Ӵ֭Ļ15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 ႫၗĻ!9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388
30 Drive-way
ٙᙽЙ!!ᔮࢥᐠӇ!!፴໔߳ᜌ!!ቋᓀϴၾ!!פ௦џᎬ ջາඪ ټΔওٙԁੑ! Δᓺרफ! ΔࣸਢϚາΨ ႫသႫԱ Δӣᖐάӣ! Δׂ࿋άџᎬ! Δٱԁ୦໔ ᔮࢥ݈ ȞᆠȈဃᇭȃᇭȃ़ᇭູڷᇭȟ
*ߣளనӇ ᆠဃᇭȃᇭȃዘᇭ
Cantex Auto Centre
Box Hill
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ٙ ٘ ও ౩ ϛ Ж
੫೩Ȉ BBQ Gasྯ ш݈ ႆᡬ ཱིᡬ݈
)ᄇՌଢ଼ЕᔝڎԤ८ޟܒᆇԒ఼ࢿݲȂᎌҢܻᐽਟܖৢݧϽݶᏢȇф౩ٙҢႫԱȄ* Blackburn CANTEX
Canterbury Rd Melway 47 G12
(03) 9877 2620 / (03) 9894 2856 15 Canterbury Rd., Blackburn South, Vic 3130
06-08-10 No. 176
σ੫ቋᅾӵ ಁَ࣏ᄂ
Garry and Warren Smith Mazda
3 Neo Manual
2 Neo Manual
Garry and Warren Smith Mazda ྱலᕊР 715 Springvale Road, Mulgrave LMCT 506 ΙՍϲ 8:30am - 6:00pm Service@Mulgrave 715 Springvale Road Andrew Ng
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Tel: (03) 8562 5555 Fax: (03) 9561 4070 ։ᖒ
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