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as at Mar 31,2009

30-07-10 No. 175 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Edmund Chow Suzuki Kizashi XLS - 2.4 litre 4 cylinderWe came across the Kizashi in the Australian Motor Show in 2008. What we could say was that how come the Suzuki people could have designed such a gorgeous looking car? It is prestigious, well designed and a composed piece of art. Two years later on, we met the car in real action. We had the XLS, which is the top of the range with leather seats and sunroof. What impressed us most was the craftsmanship and details in every department. It just doesn’t look like a Suzuki. It should have been a VW or Honda. Unmistakably, it is a 100% top end Suzuki with a lot of extra effort and blood, sweat and tears of happiness and success. The car could handle extremely well. Steering was nice, the engine partnered nicely with the 6 speed CVT gear box which gave you a lot of power, mid range was ok for everything except some extra punches that might really be

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needed for sudden impulsive overtaking. That can easily be fixed by putting in a V6 engine, but it will be heavier and not as that balanced. Given the fact that the Kizashi is just slipping 7.9L/100Km on normal unleaded petrol, I suggest remain using a 4 cylinder engine is the best proposition for the Kizashi. The engine responded very swiftly, 0 to 100kms was claimed to be just 7 seconds. It gives you what you need but not you want for such a well priced and well designed car. The cabin is comfortable for 4 adult passengers, but obviously it was designed for 5 adults. Head room is generous for people not too tall, such as 185mm. The reason is because of the comfy leather seats and the mechanism for the lovely sunroof both have taken up some precious headroom for the Kizashi. The engine is fired up by a stop start button. The design of the console is nice, tidy and elegant, I must say. The response of the engine matches seamlessly Drive-way


30-07-10 No. 175

Drive-way ٙൢ

with the 6 speed CVT gear box; with the steering wheel and mounting paddle shift for extra interaction with the car.

Ӵᔖ࣏ȈSuzuki‫ޟ‬೩ॎΡষ௃঺㠰ு‫ڗ‬᡹ཐџо೩ॎю೻ኺшᅖछཐ‫ޟ‬ٙȉ Ιᎄᓺ໯ȃ౪ф‫ޟ‬᛺೚ࠢȄ

The steering wheel is magnificent for a front wheel drive car. It really does it job nicely. I can’t say it is a sports car, but definitely it behaves like a sports sedan with a decent and well located high brake. Yes, a nice sports sedan is the word for the Kizashi.

‫ר‬ঈӵ‫ڍ‬ԑࡣ‫ޟ‬ϬЈತܻᇄKizashiԤ‫౏؁‬Σ‫ޟ‬௥ញȄ೻ΙԩၐᎽ‫࢐ޟ‬᏿ԤЈ ๅЅҪֲා‫ޟ‬ശଽ઻‫ގ‬ҏXLSȄՄശх‫ר‬ঈԤ౏‫ړ‬ӟຫ‫࢐ޟ‬ٙ٘ϱѴಠጝ‫ٮ‬ ‫ޟູڟ‬Йώȇ‫ׇ‬ӒϚ჋ΙᎄSuzukiȂѺ‫؁‬჋Ιᎄσಀ‫ܖ‬ҏҤȄծѺጂᄂ൷࢐ ΙᎄᅖၷЖՖȃпюȃԮЫȃಁోᇄ൉ਇ‫ޟ‬SuzukiȄ

The suspension for the Kizashi is well tuned for the Australian road condition. What makes me think about the Kizashi is that it has such a Japanese flair that it should have taken some important awards or prices or something. Don’t get me wrong, I’m supporting the underdog, just like most Australians do. The car deserves some awards for its design, handling, style and most importantly the price that it is asking. If you don’t tick the boxes for leather and sunroof, it is just A$27,990 with A$4,000 on top for on-road costs. It is really a good car with a lot of things that you will definitely enjoy for years to come. But the real problem of Kizashi is its arrival timing. It should have arrived around the coming of VW Jetta or the current model Corolla Sedan. I felt sorry for the car: it seems to me that most of the attention that it was seeking came just 2 – 3 years late. However, arriving late is much better than never. It applies to the motoring world, don’t speed too.

Kizashi‫ޟ‬ᐇ௡ߨலԁȂЕᔝᇄϲࠉഀCVT௶ᔬ଩ӫுۣȂ‫ٮ‬ᡱѺีථюшٗ ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨȇϛࢲһԤ࡞ԁ‫ߒޟ‬౪Ȃծ࿋ձሯौёഀ‫຺ܖ‬ٙਢ߯ሯौҢΨ‫ޟ‬፽ή ‫ߞݶ‬ϗџоȂ‫ڏ‬ᄂѫौܹΣΙѮV6Еᔝ൷џо၌‫ؚ‬೻এ୰ᚠȂծᐌᎄٙ൷ོ ‫؁‬१ЅϚҁᒋȄՄ‫ٱ‬ᄂΰKizashi‫ޟ‬ૉ‫ݶ‬໔‫ٮ‬ϚଽȂҢල೽‫ޟ‬ฒ႗‫ݶء‬ѫሯ7.9 ϴЀ߯џоເ100ϴ٨Ȃ‫ܚ‬о‫ר‬ᔖ࣏4‫ء‬चЕᔝᇄѺ࢐ശϾ଩‫ޟ‬ȄЕᔝІᔖ᡹ ఃȂເ0Ս100ϴ٨ѫሯ7ऌȄKizashiџоᇳ࢐ቋཇ‫ސ‬छ‫ޟ‬ΙᎄԁٙȄ

Every year, there are roughly just over one million of new cars going away from various showrooms. There should be a lot of Suzuki Kizashi selling than what the company has forecasted. ӵ2008ԑ‫ޟ‬ᐬࢸ‫ء‬ٙ৤ϛȂ‫ר‬ঈϐငᇄKizashiَႆ७Ȃ࿋ਢ‫ר‬ঈ഍౴οӣᖐ

30 Drive-way

ϱ᠖џоᡱѲএԙԑΡ๲ᎌ‫ޟ‬ԊֲȂծѺ‫ޟ‬೩ॎ࢐џоֲϤএԙԑΡȄϱ᠖ ଽ࡙џоৠઽϚଽܻ185cm‫ࡊॸޟ‬ȇӰ࣏٥๲ᎌ‫ޟ‬Ҫֲා‫ڷ‬Ⴋଢ଼‫ޟ‬Јๅϐլ ᐃΟΙۡ‫ުޟ‬໢Ȅ ంଢ଼Еᔝ࢐ҢΙএ೩ॎᆠछȃωѽȃछᢎ‫ޟ‬ంଢ଼‫ڙ‬ȄϲࠉഀCVT௶ᔬ‫ڷ‬ᗉٙ Ԓ඲ᔬኦаᡱᐌᎄٙԤ‫؁‬ӻϣଢ଼Ȅ ПөዺЅࠉᎈ௰ଢ଼хѺ‫ׇ؁‬๡Ȅ‫ר‬Ϛᇯ࣏Ѻ࢐ΙᎄເٙȂѺ‫؁‬ઍ‫࢐ޟ‬჋Ιᎄ ເ‫ܘ‬ٙȂ‫ؠ‬ᒿȂເ‫ܘ‬ٙ࢐‫؁‬ӫᎌ‫ޟ‬Ӫຠў‫ל‬ৠKizashiȄ Kizashi‫ޟ‬᝚௮ϐင፡࿽‫ߨڗ‬லᎌӫᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬ၯ७௑‫ݷ‬Ȅᡱ‫ר‬ឈு܏࢐Ȉ࣏ࣥቄ Kizashi‫ؠٮ‬Ԥு‫ڗ‬ӈդΙএዩ໶ȉ‫ר‬൷჋σӻኵᐬࢸΡΙኺЛࡻ৵༖‫ޥ‬တȄ

Drive-way ٙൢ

30-07-10 No. 175

Ѻᔖ၎ᕕு೩ॎȃᐇ௡ȃॳਿ‫ܖ‬ཇ้ۣσዩȄԃ‫ݎ‬ձϚሯौҪֲා‫ڷ‬ЈๅȂ ѫौпюᐬᄌ$27990‫ٮ‬$4000Ө໶ิ଄າ߯џ᏿ԤΙᎄԁٙȄծ࢐ശσ‫ޟ‬୰ ᚠ࢐Kizashiี୵ਢ໢ᒶΟᘈȂѺᔖ၎஠௰ю‫ޟ‬ਢ໢‫ڷ‬σಀ‫ཱིޟ‬JettaЅശཱི෡ ‫ޟ‬ᙴҤCorolla௰ю‫ޟ‬ਢ໢‫ߖܜ‬Ȅ‫ר‬ཐ‫ᜲڗ‬ႆ‫࢐ޟ‬ѺϐငᒶΟȂծ߹ᇭԤϡȈ ᒶ‫ڗ‬ᖂШ‫ޟڗؠ‬ԁȄ ಗ౱եॎȂؐԑԤ຺ႆΙԻ࿲ᎄཱིٙ୵юȂ࿋ϛᔖԤΙۡኵ໔࢐Suzuki KizashiȄ

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