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Audited 15,879



Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

29-05-09 No. 118 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group

Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151


HiLux ᐠడቨᔆV6ၻЉٙ!

Super charged V6 Ute

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Drive-way ٙൢ!

29-05-09 No. 118

TRD HiLux Super charged V6 Ute

Edmund Chow

Some time ago, we reported the Mitsubishi Triton. People love those kinds of vehicles and we started to find out more. We have been looking for what seems to be a reliable and affordable brand – yes, that is the feeling company.

HiLux is not only a tradesperson’s truck; in many cases, it represents a bold, adventurous character who needs daily commuting but also needs to enjoy weekend dirty bike ride or any outdoor activities that may out grow a car boot.

TRD HiLux is an extraordinary vehicle from Toyota. It is not a passenger vehicle but it draws people’s whole hearted attention. Especially those cash strapped wealthy tradespersons. Before the world wide financial turmoil, tradespersons earned some handsome dollars with their 110% blood and sweat. Then, a little driving entertainment may well be their need. Well it has all the toys, CD, remote central locking, High and Low gears, Sat Nav if you want one.

Well, TRD HiLux has got a V6 supercharged petrol engine from its stable mate TRD Aurion. It was fast and furious, yet, I was wondering why? Does the tradies always hurry for something? The engine is reliable 4.0litre V6 petrol engine 225kW of power with 454Nm of torque. The body is extremely solid with more refined body kit including a more purposeful front grill with fog lamps. Added with dual cab sitting arrangement, it can be used as a family car as well.

The TRD brand is an important part of Toyota which means Toyota Racing and Development. But why marry a truck with a high powered brand that carries a supercharged V6 engine. Image and feelings may be the only reasons for such funny combination.

Power steering, automatic transmission and air conditioning are included as standard, hence, anyone can drive it. On the other side, it still keeps its secret on braking and safety devices, such as front disc brake but still keep using a humble braking drum at the rear axle. Side and curtain airbags are not available, nor traction control in that department as well. Therefore, I would still consider it as a commercial vehicle. But fuel economy is quite acceptable: about 13litre per 100 kms. However, people have to be reasonable. When you haul something, or have loaded with something or go for a sprint, it will use more fuel.

The HiLux provides an important platform for the tradespersons to put their stuff at the tray and a better sitting position than local utes, it is a successful formula for a tradesperson, who wants an invincible go anywhere truck with four wheel traction. The sales figures in Australia indicate that the HiLux is the third best selling vehicle in Australia. If it is a brand, it would have been standing at number 9. More importantly, the blurring up of white and blue collars worker means the

26 Drive-way

How does it drive like? Well, as a fast truck. It is basically a truck, hence, lowering of suspension in the front coil and spring leaves at the back axle helps; but, it still has a higher centre of gravity. Where cornering, it gives you extra confidence; but if you

Drive-way ٙൢ!

29-05-09 No. 118


HiLux ᐠడቨᔆV6ၻЉٙ!

want to race it, forget about it. However, most blokes will race a straight line or just overtaking with full confidence. Well, it can do that kind of job beautifully. It is because the supercharge will help the engine to maximize its torque and power upon acceleration, rather than waiting for a turbo boost in a turbo petrol engine setup. If you are thinking of doing a lot of hauling, you should also consider putting in a heavy duty clutch, as most tradies would not haul too much. As for me, I can just feel how relax a tradesperson will be in such a comfy truck yet a faithful workhorse. ၶԞਢ໢Ȃ‫ר‬ঈൢᏲΟέ๽TritonȂԤ‫ٲ‬᠞‫ߒޱ‬Ұтঈһ൉᠍٥ᆍၻЉٙȂӰ Մ‫ר‬ঈ߯ў൶‫ײ‬ӣ᜸‫ءޟ‬ٙȂ‫ڗײٮ‬ΟΙএџᎬ‫ࠢޟ‬ถɯᙴҤTRD HiLuxȄ TRD HiLux࢐ΙᎄԤ፸‫ء‬ٙȇӰ࣏ѺϚ࢐ΙᎄࡊٙȂࠓ֜ЕΟฒኵҢড়‫ޟ‬᏿ᔜ Ȃ੫տ࢐࡚ᑞ՗ཾ‫݉ޟ‬ЄȄ࿋ߜᒊӠᐠҐีҡਢȂ࡚ᑞ՗ཾ‫݉ޟ‬Є഍о഼ٚ ‫ޟ‬ՖԮᓀўີΙᎄၻЉٙ‫ڧٴ‬Ꮍٙ‫ޟ‬ዅ፸ȂTRD HiLux‫ޟ‬೩രᔖԤᅾԤȇԃ CDॱ៪ȃϛѵߞᚇȃଽճѲ៮‫ݰ‬ᔬЅፏ࢑Ᏺ૞้Ȅ ‫ڏ‬ᄂȂTRD࢐ᙴҤ‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬Ιএᗉٙี৤ഋߞȂծ࣏џоଽ‫ܒ‬૖‫ޟ‬ᐠడቨᔆV6 ‫ݶء‬Еᔝ଩ΰΙᎄၻЉٙ‫ڹ‬ȉ‫ר‬ད࢐Ӱ࣏࠮჋ЅཐឈȂ‫ܚ‬оϗᏲम೻ኺԤ፸ ‫ٱޟ‬௑ю౪Ȅ அҏ‫ޟ‬HiLuxඪ‫ټ‬ΟΙএ१ौ‫ޟ‬ҁѮȂџоᡱ࡚ᑞώΡᘛܹώ‫ڎ‬Ѕ؅ਟܻೲН ϱȇՄᄇ࡚ᑞώΡՄِȂѺ࢐Ιএԙђ‫ޟ‬ПแԒȂՄώΡঈһ൉᠍ᎽᎻΙᎄ ࣼխ‫ܚ‬өฒኳ‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮ٙȄ

ܻᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬᎛୵ኵԅՄِȂHiLux࢐಑έശᄱ᎛‫ءޟ‬ٙ࠮ဴȂՄ୅ԃѺ࢐Ιএᐿ ҳถԅȂѺ߯ӪӖ಑ΞӪȄ౪ϬᙢሴЅҩሴώΡ‫٘ޟ‬Ӌ‫؁‬዁ጙ‫ޟ‬ਢঐȂHiLux ߯ᡐԙϚ൐࢐࡚ᑞώΡ‫ءޟ‬ٙȂІϞѺфߒΟࠍමȃ൲ࠃᓎᆠડȇӣਢሯौР லΰੲЅ൉དྷ໊ҐᎽᎻ‫ދ‬όᐠٙЅഏѴࣀଢ଼‫ޟ‬ώ‫ڎ‬Ȅ࿋ณȂ‫ء‬ٙ​ٙ‫׎‬጑ϐϚ૖ ᅖٗ٥ૡ‫ޟ‬ሯौȄ ՄTRD HiLux᏿ԤΙএଽ‫ܒ‬૖‫ޟ‬ᐠడቨᔆV6‫ݶء‬ЕᔝȂѺ࢐௃TRD Aurion ٥ ၇ಋේႆ‫ޟپ‬ȄӰԪଢ଼Ψত੨ȂՄ‫ོר‬୰Ȉ࡚ᑞώΡሯौԔܻΰၯȉ٥Еᔝ࢐ ΪϷџᎬ‫ޟ‬4.0ϴЀV6Ȃ225kWଢ଼ΨЅ454Nm‫ׯޟ‬ΨȂٙ٘੫տКᄂёΰ੫տ ೩‫ޟ‬ٙ٘ഋӇȂٙࠉ‫ޟ‬၆ႺЅ᜴ᐷȂ‫؁‬ᡗюѺ‫ޟ‬໨ত‫ڨ‬ၾȂёΰΟ಑Π௶‫ޟ‬৴ ՝ȂѺџо཮٘Ιᡐԙ࣏ড়ҢٙȄ ॳ‫ݶ‬ᬠЅՌ՗௶ᔬЅު፡഍࢐኿ྥ၆ညȇӰԪȂ‫ܚ‬ԤΡ഍џоᎽᎻȂՄӰ࣏Ѻ ࢐அҏΰ࢐୦୛ٙȄѺ᏿ԤࠉࠆٙᆅЅٙ‫ࠆޟ׎‬ٙჂȂٙ୏‫ء‬ೡЅๅᛨԒ‫ء‬ೡ ӰԪՄФ‫ۈ‬ȄѺϫ࢐Ιᎄ୦୛ώแٙȂѺ‫ޟ‬ૉ‫ݶ‬П७ߒ౪юՓȂѫҢΰ13ϴ Ѐ߯џоٖ100ϴ٨ȇծҢড়ौᄂሬΙᘈȂ୅ԃтঈौܴ‫ܜ‬ೲ‫ސ‬Ȃ޻ོۡҢΰ ‫؁‬ӻ‫ݶءޟ‬Ȅ ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏Ѻ࢐Ιᎄџо໠ு‫ޟפ‬ೲٙȂӰ࣏அҏΰѺ൷࢐ೲٙȂѺ‫ޟ‬ٙ٘ଽ࡙‫ڷ‬ Ӵ७ϐ෵ЍΟषϓຽᚔȂծϫณԤΙএШၶଽ‫ޟ‬१ЖȂ࿋ᙽ᠉Ѕӵᙽ᠉ਢȂѺ џо๝ϠձΙۡ‫߬ޟ‬ЖȊծԃ‫ݎ‬ձौ਌Ѻ‫پ‬ᗉٙȂ‫ן‬଄ѺጫȂծΙۡԤΡོ஠ Ѻӵ‫ޢ‬ၯΰᗉٙȂ‫ܖ‬ӵ຺ٙਢΙᡗᄂΨȂѺџ๘ᄇоഽӈԤᎷȇӰ࣏ȂѺԤ V6ᐠడቨᔆЕᔝȂџоӵЕᔝ‫ޟ‬ᓞࢲ߯џоีΨȂՄϚҢ้࡟෼ᎈቨᔆᏢᄚ ᄚีΨȄԃ‫ݎ‬ѺौѺငலܴ‫ܜ‬ೲ‫ސ‬Ȃձџ૖ौ඲ΰΙএ१໔઻‫ޟ‬ᚔӫᏢȄ ᄇ‫ר‬ՄِȂѺ࢐࡚ᑞώΡЅ໊Ґਢᇄ݉ЄΙӣюѴ‫ޟڧٴ‬ΙᎄԁٙȄ




Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

14-08-09 No. 129 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151


Corolla Ultima 1.8L


ҏҤ٨แ! Car News The Range Rover Vogue has placed first in the Luxury SUV segment of the Strategic Vision Total Quality Index ູഏၯ๼Vogueᐌᡝ፴શۨॶ ଔ‫ٳ‬ᏵForte LPI Hybrid౅ᐽ‫ء‬ٙ҈Σᕗ߳‫ء‬ٙѿൟ

14-08-09 No. 129

Toyota Corolla Ultima 1.8L

Drive-way ٙൢ Edmund Chow

One of my favorite cars was a corolla. It seems that it never goes out of fashion. I was talking about our 1992 Toyota Corolla 5 door hatch. Recently, we test driven a Corolla Ultima 4 door sedan. I think it is very nice. Then, I began to question about the pricing. It is perhaps the most expensive Corolla ever, as it has leather seats, remote keyless entry and push button for the start or stop of the engine. However, the most impressive feelings that I had with the Corolla was its built quality. Things are solid and well designed.

Satellite Navigation system, of which I believe is a little disappointing; but the audio and air conditioning system is doing its job. Steering wheel is reach and rake adjustable. Driver’s seat can be adjusted by slide, height and rake angle. It does not have lumbar support but, I found the seats are very supportive. The quality of the leather seats is very nice as well. Noise level is generally low on normal; however, if it is travelling on coarse concrete surface, it can be a nightmare about its noise level.

Toyota seemed to have been holding a number of key elements for its on-going success. Quality and workmanship seem to be the best known secrets of Toyota’s world wide success. However, it can fail as well. Yet on average, it is reliable, affordable and seems to be longer lasting.

Everyone knows that I am interested in car safety. This corolla can be crowned as the safest Corolla. My reasons are that it has ABS, EBD, VSC, BA and TC that helps with stopping more effectively and prevents sliding uncontrollably. It comes with ventilated disc brakes for all four wheels. In addition, it is also equipped with full length curtain air bags. All seats are equipped with three-point seat belt and head restrain as well. Those features thus making it a 5 stars crash rating Corolla. Styling of the 4 door sedan is a little bit conservative, but it makes a Corolla to last longer. Completed with a set of alloy rims of 16 inches, it does help the Corolla stands out a little bit.

The Corolla sedan shares with other 5 door hatch models in using the same mechanical platform such as engine and gear box. The engine is a 1.8 litre petrol engine with 100kW at 6,000 rpm and 175 Nm of torque at 4,400. It is not the most powerful in its class, but it is doing its job perfectly. Fuel consumption is around 7.5 litres per 100 kms, combined cycle and as claimed. The styling is very similar to a Volkswagen Jetta and from a distance you can’t tell the difference between them. I was generalizing here, but you’ll get the general impression.

Apart from the auto headlights, auto dim interior rear mirror and rain sensor, the Corolla does provide a very good package for everyone. Toyota offer a three year/100,000 km warranty on their Corolla. However, some other Japanese and Korean companies are offering 5 years unlimited warranty.

Internal setting is elegant but not over the top. It does not come with a

A friend of mine is about to buy a new small family car, will I recommend

28 Drive-way

14-08-09 No. 129

Drive-way ٙൢ

ᙴҤCorolla Ultima 1.8ϴЀѲߞ‫ܘ‬ٙ

Corolla to her? Yes, I will. But on the other side, there are a number of German, Korean and Japanese cars that are also very competitive as well. There are a few things that people have to think about. Do I settle with a 4 speed automatic gear box, or rather a 5th gear or even 6th gear that will help me to save fuel on freeways? What are my driving patterns, short or long trip? How much will I spend if I need spare parts? Are Toyota’s parts cheaper and more reliable? Do I really like a Corolla and what are my options? For me, it is a hard choice. I will start from the pricing difference, the equipment level that I would like to have in my car. Such as: a touch screen satellite navigation system, a reverse camera for reverse parking, plus a colour monitor at the dash. And, something more, all the safety equipments that I can get from a Corolla. If that is your preference then a Corolla is the right choice for you. In general, this is a car that will not fail easily. It is maturing in every aspect such as mechanism and overall design. It is a safe choice. However, other offers are also generous as well. Good luck, do some research before buying your new Corolla. ‫ڏר‬ϛΙഋശདྷ‫ءޟ‬ٙ࢐Ιᎄ1992ԑ‫ޟ‬Corolla 5ߞ௸धٙȂѺԁ჋җሉ഍Ϛ ོԙ࣏ᙟٙȄശߖ‫ר‬ঈၐ໠ΟCorolla Ultima 4ߞ‫ܘ‬ٙȂ‫ר‬ឈு࡞ԁȂџ࢐‫ר‬ ໠ۖད‫ڗ‬ቋᓀ୰ᚠȇѺџ૖࢐ശӪິ‫ޟ‬CorollaȄ೻һฒ௑ȂӰ࣏ѺѓࢂΟฒ ٙୠ߯џีଢ଼ЕᔝЅ໠ᜰٙߞȂઍҪѓᇥ‫ޟ‬৴՝้​้Ȅծശх‫ݠר‬፬‫࢐ޟ‬Ѻ ‫ޟ‬അђΰॸȂՄԤΙᆍ஀‫ھ‬Ѕᓺ౴೩ॎ‫ޟ‬ཐឈȄ

ᙴٙ‫ء‬ٙϴѧԁ჋ѓ֤ΟΙ‫ٲ‬ԙђ‫ޟ‬ӰશȂ‫ء‬ٙ‫ࠢޟ‬፴Ѕ၆൞‫ޟ‬Йώ഍࢐ᓁ១ Ιૡ‫ٱޟ‬ᄂȂ‫ٮ‬иһড়ൕИᐎȄծѺ‫ءޟ‬ٙһོีҡ୰ᚠȂѫ࢐ҁ֯ΰȂѺ࢐ ШၶञҢȂቋᓀШၶӫ౩ȂЅџо໠ுߝδΙᘈȄ ౪ਢ‫ޟ‬CorollaᇄϤߞ௸धٙӓҢЕᔝЅ༈ଢ଼‫ݰ‬጑ȂЕᔝ࢐1.8ϴЀ‫ݶءޟ‬෡Ԓ ,џоีю100kWȂՄ175Nm‫ׯޟ‬ΨȂӵӣ઻‫ء‬ٙϛȂѺϚ࢐ശ஼ࠐ‫ޟ‬Ιষ Ȃծࠓ࢐‫܆‬Жો​ોȂӈ഼ӈࡪ‫ޟ‬ञҢࠢ፴Ȃૉ‫ݶ‬П७ȂѺѫҢΰ7.5ϴЀ߯џ ٖ‫ׇ‬100ϴ٨(ѿୢЅϴၯΰ౅ӫॎᆗ)Ȃџоᆗ࢐ࣸ‫。ݶ‬ Ѵ࠮ΰᇄኈ୽‫ޟ‬σಀ‫ء‬ٙΪϷࣺխȂሉࣼȂ഍ШၶᜲϷᒱ٥࢐ࣥቄถυȂ೻ѫ ࢐‫ޟר‬ᢎཐȂծձџоσघ݂ҩ‫ޟר‬ཎࡦȄ ٙ඄‫ޟ‬၆Ⱆᓺ໯Ȃծ‫ٮ‬Ϛ࢐Њ஼੨ȇၐٙ‫ޟ‬෡Ԓ‫ؠٮ‬Ԥ၆ΰፏ࢑Ᏺ૞Ȃх‫ר‬Ԥ ΙᘈѶఖȄՄॱ៪Ѕު፡഍ߒ౪юՓȂПөዺџоΰήЅժᕻӴ፡ᐌᎽᎻُ࡙ Ȃ৴՝ᗶ‫ؠ‬Ԥधഋ‫ܥܛޟ‬፡࿽ȂࠓΪϷ๲ᎌȂՄઍҪᖁᇧЙώΰॸȄႤॱП७ ȂӵΙૡЅଽഀϴၯΰ࢐юՓ‫ޟ‬Ȃџ࢐ႄΰಗᕹ‫౅ޟ‬Ꮧπၯ७ਢ߯σ҈‫׷‬Ԛ。 ࡞ӻ݉Є഍‫ޣ‬ၾȂ‫ר‬ശ൉᠍ፙЅ‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ೩രȂ‫ר‬ད‫ܚר‬ၐᎽ‫ޟ‬Corollaџ ૖࢐ശԊӒ‫ޟ‬ȇӰ࣏ȂӵࠆٙЅ٩ྤٙ‫ޟ‬೩രȂѺ഍ӒഋѓΰȂԃABSȃ EBDȃVSCȃBAЅTCȄࠆٙᆅ഍Ңΰ೽Ж‫ࠢޟ‬፴Ȃ‫ܚ‬Ԥ৴՝഍ԤέᘈԒ‫ޟ‬Ԋ ӒளЅᓞ‫݌‬ȂՄߞ᜞‫ࡊॸޟ‬഍‫ڗڧ‬Ӓߝ(ࠉࡣ৴)‫ޟ‬ๅᛨԒ੉ೡ‫߳ܚ‬៖Ȃ‫ٮ‬иு ‫ڗ‬Ϥ࢑઻‫ޟ‬٩ኡᔞԊӒᄸៗȄএΡՄِȂѺ‫ޟ‬Ѵ࠮ԤΙᘈҁᄂȂծࠓхѺৠܾ ೝ௥ઽȄѺ‫؁‬၆ΰΟѲѫӫߜ‫ޟ‬ᎈ୼Ȃ‫ܚ‬оȂһхѺएюΙᘈȄ



31-07-09 No. 129 14-08-09 127

ଶΟՌଢ଼‫ޟ‬ٙᓞᐷȃٙϱ‫ޟ‬٩ઌҬ‫ࡣޟ‬ຜᜢ ЅՌଢ଼ཐᔖЫኦȂѺ࢐Ιএ࡞ԁ‫ޟ‬Ԋ௶Ȃᙴ Ҥ‫؁‬ඪ‫ټ‬3ԑ10࿲ϴ٨‫߳ޟ‬ᜌȂծഋӋ‫ޟ‬Р ҏЅᗺ୽‫ء‬ٙኅϐඪ‫ټ‬Ϥԑ‫ޟ‬নኅ߳ᜌȄ ‫ר‬ԤΙএ݉ЄौີΙᎄཱིٙȂ‫ོר‬Ϛོϭಝ тີCorollaȂ๎ਰ࢐޻ۡ‫ޟ‬ȂծѪΙП७Ȃ ‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬ኈȃРЅᗺ୽‫ء‬ٙ഍ߒ౪юՓ。 Ԥඁএ‫ٱ‬௑σড়ሯौՃኌ‫ޟ‬Ȃ‫ר‬ᅖཎѺ‫ޟ‬Ѳ ࠉഀՌଢ଼௶༝ȉёΰϤഀЅϲഀ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼௶ོ Ϛོх‫ءޟר‬ٙӵϴၯΰ‫ݶࣸ؁‬ЅࣸӻЍȉ ‫ޟר‬ᎽᎻಬᄛ࢐ࡩኺ‫ޟ‬ȉ၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ႭӇቋਿԃ դȉᙴҤ‫ޟ‬ႭӇШၶཇۣ༝ЅџᎬȉ‫ר‬ઍ‫ޟ‬ ൉᠍CorollaȂՄԤ‫ؠ‬Ԥ‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬ᒵᐅȉᄇ‫ר‬Մ ِȂѺ࢐ΙএᜲᚠȂ‫ོר‬௃୵ቋЅٙϱ‫ޟ‬೩ രΣЙȂ‫ר‬൉᠍ፏ࢑Ᏺ૞ЅইٙࡣຜࡎᄍȂ Ѕ౪ਢCorollaඪ‫ޟټ‬ԊӒ೩രȂԃ೻࢐ձ‫ޟ‬ ौؑȂ٥ኺCorolla߯ശӫձ‫ޟ‬ЖཎȄ ᖂ๖࢐ȂѺϚོৠܾᚽٙȂШၶञҢȂՄӵ Corolla‫ޟ‬ٙ‫ีف‬৤ΰȂѺϐӵΙএԙዣ‫ޟ‬໦ ࢲȂ‫ٽ‬ҢѺ‫ޟ‬ЕᔝЅ‫ݰ‬጑้​้ȂՄѿ७ΰ‫ڏ‬ т‫ޟ‬ኅড়഍Ԥ࡞ӻ‫ޟ‬ᓺඏȄӰԪȂઢσড়ԁ ၼȂୈΙᘈं‫ـ‬Ȃձ߯ີுЖԊ౩ுȂџ૖ ശತ഍࢐ີCorolla。

ଔ‫ٳ‬ᏵForte LPI Hybrid౅ᐽ‫ء‬ٙ҈Σᕗ߳‫ء‬ٙѿൟ ଔ‫ءٳ‬ٙϴѧॶԩӵॶᅭ৤юᄯή಑Ιഋ୦Ң౅ᐽႫυ‫ء‬ٙ---Forte ү‫ءݶ‬ቢ ‫(ݧ‬LPI)౅ᐽ‫ء‬ٙȂԪ෡‫ء‬ٙ࢐ଔ‫ٳ‬ᄯήശཱི෡‫ءޟ‬ٙȂѓࢂΟѲߞ‫ܘݶء‬ٙ ЅKOUPເٙȄଔ‫ءٳ‬ٙϴѧ࣏ΟंีԪ෡ᕗ߳‫ޟ‬Forte LPI౅ᐽ‫ء‬ٙȂӓ߆Ο ຺ႆ˭˰এТȃૉၥ˭ν˯ԻቇᗺⷱȞघˬቇ˳ν࿲छϯȟȄ Ѻ᏿Ԥ஼ࠐ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ‫ܒ‬૖Ѕᓺູ‫ޟ‬ճૉ‫ݶ‬໔࣏17.8km/LȂᆇ௶໔༉99 g/kmȂ࢈ ԪѺೝ኿ᄴ࣏ ‘຺ճኀ௶‫ء‬ٙ’ (SULEV) Ȅ Ԫ෡ཱིٙ௴Ңˬ.˱ЀGamma LPIЕᔝȂ଩ᐿҳंี‫ޟ‬ᡐഀ጑ (CVT)Ѕ౅ᐽ‫ف‬ ಛȂӔёΰႫυኞ҈ȃᡐᔆᏢȃᙽ඲ᏢЅᎤႫԱȄ Forte Hybrid LPI‫ف‬ಛ Ԫ෡‫ء‬ٙӣਢ‫ڎ‬രЕᔝЅႫυኞ҈ȇ࿋‫ء‬ٙ෵ഀਢȂ௴Ң੫տ‫ޟ‬८ཱི ٙђ ૖ᙽ඲૖ྛȄ ౅ᐽ‫ف‬ಛ଩രଔ‫ޟٳ‬ISGђ૖Ȃ࿋‫ء‬ٙ኷ୄϚଢ଼ਢȂЕᔝོՌଢ଼ᜰ௬‫پ‬෵Ѝૉ ‫ݶ‬Ѕᆇ௶‫ء‬ٙӵਢഀ˴km/h‫ܖ‬оΰ՗ᎻਢȂӵᎽᎻ‫ ޱ‬ٙਢȂISG߯ଔհҢȄ ѪΙкौ੫ᘈ൷࢐CVTᡐഀᏢȂ଩1.6 Gamma LPIЕᔝȂ‫଻ٺ‬Ψ‫؁‬஼ࠐЅࣸ‫ݶ‬ ‫؁ݎ‬ᡗ‫ݧ‬ȂӔёΰ E-gear૖Ռଢ଼፡ᐌശσ‫ݶࣸޟ‬ਝ‫ݎ‬Ȅ ᚞Ѵ‫ޟ‬ᕗ߳੫ᘈ Forte LPI౅ᐽ‫ء‬ٙ߳੼Ο౪ਢForte‫ܘݶء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ເٙਢ‫ۦ‬Ѵ࠮Ȃቨ೩ު੉ଢ଼Ψ Ᏸনશ෵ЍߢΨЅ‫׽‬๡ࣸ‫ݶ‬ਝ‫ݎ‬Ȅ ଔ‫ءٳ‬ٙ໱ღ੕Ѵѿൟီ‫ٱ‬Soon-Nam LeeᇳȈȶ೻෡‫ء‬ٙࢋଽ‫ܒ‬૖ά଩രࣸ ‫ݶ‬ऋ‫׬‬Ȃ࣏ᎽᎻ‫ࣸޱ‬ΟϚЍᓀȄ‫ר‬ঈࣺ߬౅ᐽ‫ء‬ٙ஠ོᜌ݂ଔ‫ܚٳ‬юࠢ‫ءޟ‬ ٙ࢐‫ސ‬Ԥ‫ܚ‬঄‫ޟ‬Ȅȷ

30 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ


Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

04-12-09 No. 145 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Test Drive Report Cruze Tops Independent Bumper Test Mazda6 Crowned Best Medium Car at 2009 Drive Car of The Year Awards



04-12-09 No. 145

Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow Translate: Driveway Team

We have test driven the second generation Toyota Prius a little bit more than a year ago. My comment back then was that I felt like driving a super Corolla but a miser at the browser. The only improvement needed about that car was its too comfortable soft suspension system. Earlier in the Melbourne Motor Show in March 2009, the third generation arrived with an important mission. Its arrival was to cement the leading status of Toyota’s Hybrid technology, which was once remarked as gimmick by other world leader car manufacturers. But now, the Toyota Prius camp has succeeded in claiming its hybrid car as the world’s leading platform for fuel saving and environmentally friendly.

well laid out, but it is quite shallow. However, there are still some under floor storage around the spare wheel area.

The Third generation Prius comes with a better and more refined preposition. A more space age outfit. It has some of the most interesting features such as air conditioning powered by its roof solar panel to save power from the engine and battery. There is also the head up windscreen display for the techno figures. Auto parking and reverse camera for the high end iTech specification. Other safety features such as 7 airbags including knee protection, ABS, traction control, smart seat belt and pre-crash safety system to even apply the brakes when needed. Improved fuel economy was down by 0.4litre per 100km to a very impressive 3.9litre per 100 kms, self parking system and leather seats.

Transmission is done through a CVT setting, though smooth in most cases, it can be engaging when the driver decides to step on the throttle for more responsive driving. Suspension is still a little bit biased to the soft setting, as the car was designed for a rather comfort and inner city travelling in mind. Sound deadening materials need to be used for improving noise disturbance in exchange for weight reduction.

The size of the Prius is contained at its more functional mid size pear drop shape, thanks to its 5 doors hatch presentation. Seats are very flexible, split fold at the back, in making room for long and odd objects. The cargo bay is

What is different? Recent figures revealed that the battery for Prius being used as a taxi in Queensland finished only after a run of 550,000kms. It is far superior to earlier

28 Drive-way

Thanks to its famous electric and petrol combination power train. The Prius pumps out 100kw of power (60kW from its electric motor and using a bigger 1.8litre 4 cylinder petrol engine) and produces 142 Nm at 4000rpm. Fuel efficiency is around 4.0litre per 100kms, reduced from 4.4litre. Its uses mainly the electric motor for pulling the car from a stand still and can still use the electric motor on the EV mode under 35km/h. Such kind of arrangement helps to cut harmful carbon emission and fuel consumption.

Wheel turning can be more interactive, however, the electric steering was not as responsive as I first experienced, but it can be fun to see the car park itself nicely.

04-12-09 No. 145

expectation. However, local production of the Hybrid Camry will commence in 2010, so people who prefer a mid to larger size family car but still want the Hybrid fuel saving and reduced carbon emission may have another option. It’s your choice, the technology is here, but the price of the base model starts from $39,900 and the iTech model from $53,500. To a certain extent it could be twice as much as a normal small to mid size car. This pricing factor may perhaps be the only issue that drives some potential family customers away. But, think about saving the world – priceless.

Drive-way ٙൢ

Priusϫณ߳੼ΟѺ‫ޟ‬Ϥߞ௸ध‫ޟ‬೩ॎȂ৴՝џоಋଢ଼ȂӰՄџоԊܹၶߝ‫ޟ‬ ‫ࠢސ‬Ȃ՗‫؃‬ᑻһԤٗஊ‫ޟ‬՝ညȇџ࢐Ӱ࣏ԊܹႫԱЅരҢᎈະȂ‫ܚ‬о฿࣏఻Ο ΙᘈȂծӵӴѮήȂһԤٗஊ‫ޟ‬ᓽ‫ུސ‬ਿȄ жࣨ๿Ӫ‫ݶءޟ‬ЅႫଢ଼៮ଢ଼‫ف‬ಛȂѺџีю100kw ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψ (60kWҥႫଢ଼ኞԜ ‫଻ܖ‬ႀ଩ӫΙএШᙟ෡‫؁‬σ‫ޟ‬1.8ϴЀ‫ݶء‬Еᔝ) Մ‫ׯ‬ΨࠌԤᛁσ‫ޟ‬142 NmȂ ૉ‫࢐ݶ‬घ4.0ϴЀٖ‫ׇ‬100ϴ٨Ȃ࿽ࣸΟघ0.4ϴЀȄѺ‫ޟ‬଩ӫଢ଼հ࢐ॶӑоႫ ଢ଼៮ଢ଼‫ء‬ٙȂՄо‫ݶء‬ሄօȂӵέᆍ‫៮ޟ‬ଢ଼೩ۡϛȂѺџоӵਢഀ35ϴ٨ή ൐൐оႫΨ៮ଢ଼՗ᎻȂӰՄȂ‫؁‬෵Ѝ௶ܹΠ੊Ͻ࣓Ѕσൽ෵Ѝૉ‫ݶ‬Ȅ

ўԑෆၐᎽ಑Πф‫ޟ‬Toyota PriusȂ‫ޟר‬ཐ‫ߨ࢐ڧ‬லϞ֜Еȇૉ‫ߨݶ‬லϞճȂ Մ‫ר‬এΡᇯ࣏࢐຺઻‫ޟ‬CorollaȂ୲Ιሯौ‫ݧ‬ཎ‫࢐ޟ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬᝚௮ᗗᎪ୑ө๲ᎌЅ ฿࣏࢙೺ȄҏԑέТȂᏎᅭҏ‫ء‬ٙ৤។‫ܤܚ‬៩‫ޟ‬಑έфToyota PriusȂ‫ڗڧ‬Ө ࣨ‫ݧޟ‬ຜȂՄѺ‫پޟ‬ᖝџоᇳ࢐෇ᙴҤ‫ء‬ٙྒྷۡΟѺሴᏲжࣨ‫ݶءޟ‬ЅႫΨ ౅៮‫ޟ‬ऋ‫׬‬Ӵ՝ȄՄႆўȂᙴҤ‫౅ޟ‬૖ऋ‫׬‬ѫ࢐ೝ‫ء‬ٙώཾᇲຟ࣏Ι‫ܣ߆ٲ‬ Մ‫ؼ‬ȇ౪ӵᙴҤ‫౅ޟ‬૖Ӵ՝Ȃϐԙ࣏‫ڏ‬т‫ء‬ٙώኅ‫ॼܚ‬ਝ‫ޟ‬ᄇຫȂ‫ٮ‬ԙ࣏ૉ ‫ݶ‬Ѕᕗ߳‫ޟ‬жࣨሴᏲȄ

ᙽଢ଼П७ȂѺоџᡐ‫ݰޟ؁‬጑៮ଢ଼ȂӰՄȂᙽᔬΪϷ໷ᄱȂһџоӰᔖᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ ‫ޟ‬ौؑՄᡐுІᔖః௦Ȅ᝚௮ϫณ࢐୑ө࢙೺ծӰ࣏Ѻкौ࢐ᔖп࠲ѿᎽᎻȂ ӰՄһฒџࠔߨȂٙϱ‫ޟ‬Ⴄॱ‫ސ‬ਟџ૖Ӱ࣏ौྱ៫ٙ٘१໔‫ޟ‬ጢ࢈ȂӰՄȂ੫ տо‫ݶء‬Еᔝ՗ᎻਢȂԤᘈនॱȄᙽөП७ȂѺџо‫؁‬ԁΙᘈȂծএΡᇯ࣏Ӱ ࣏ѺᒵҢΟႫଢ଼ሄօЅ଩ӫՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙȂӰՄȂᙽө࢐ԤΙᘈϚ఼඾ȂџоȂѺ ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙђ૖һџ଄ΙђȄ

಑έф‫ޟ‬PriusȂ‫ٴ‬Ԥ‫ޟޟٹ؁‬ѴߒЅϱొȂЅ‫؁‬шᅖЊުऋВ‫ޟ‬ѓ၆Ѕ‫ڨ‬ၾ ȂԃѺѓࢂΟΙএЊ໨૖‫֜ޟ‬ԝ‫ݖ‬о៮ଢ଼ٙϱ‫ުޟ‬፡Ȃ‫ڏ‬ԩȂѺ‫ৢ׹ޟ‬Ԓ᐀ ॳ࣠ይഀ࡙ߒȂџоᡱᎽᎻΡсடЖᎽᎻȂᙴҤᐿড়ี৤‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙЅࡣຜ ‫ف‬ಛ഍ΪϷ֜Е‫ٮ‬ϐѓࢂӵଽऋ‫׬‬ৈ၆ϛ(iTech)Ȃ‫ڏ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ೩രѓࢂȈ7এ ԊӒ੉ೡȃABSȃඉၬᎽᎻ‫ف‬ಛȃᖑ݂ԊӒளЅ࿦ኡႱกԊӒ၆ညȂ၎၆ည ‫؁‬џоӵӠࡨϛՌଢ଼ࠆٙ. Մૉ‫ݶ‬П७ȂѺϐ෵Ս3.9ϴЀٖ‫ׇ‬100ϴ٨Ȃ‫ڏ‬т П७Ȃ៫ࡊџоᒵᐅઍҪ৴ාȄ

ѺԤࣥቄԁ೎ ߖ෈ԤൢᏲࡾю݀ρ៌ࣸ‫ޟ‬Ι໢‫ء‬ٙϴѧԤΙᎄPriusٖΟ55࿲ϴ٨ϗሯौ‫؁‬ ඲‫ء‬ٙႫԱȂӰՄ၎໶юՓ‫ߒޟ‬౪ȂШႱ෈‫؁‬౩དȄѪΙП७Ȃᆰࣸҡ౰‫ޟ‬ Hybrid Camry஠ܻ݂ԑ‫׹‬౰ȇӰԪӨ՝‫ה‬ఖџоᎽᎻσ࠮‫ܘ‬ٙ‫݉ޟ‬Єџоϫ ณ‫ݶࣸڧٴ‬Ѕᕗ߳‫ޟ‬ዅ፸Ȅଽऋ‫׬‬ϐႀ‫ڗ‬ԙዣ‫ޟ‬໦ࢲȂծ୵ቋࠌҥ$39,900 Ս ଽऋ‫ޟގ׬‬$53,500ȄࣺᄇΙ‫ٲ‬ල೽ٙȂPrius‫୵ޟ‬ቋџ૖࢐Ѻঈ‫ޟ‬ᚖॻȂӰԪ Ȃ୵ቋџ૖࢐୲Ι‫ޟ‬୰ᚠȇџ࢐оᕗ߳ўࢁ௿жࣨ‫ڹ‬ȉฒቋȊ




Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

23-04-10 No. 161 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151



Edmund Chow The 3rd Generation of Prado is still a very attractive preposition. It has strong engine and reputable mechanic setup that makes it an excellent contender for the best medium four wheel drive in Australia. We have test driven the five door manual and the three door automatic versions. Both of them gave us a different impression. Obviously, it was a good impression. It is more updated with various electronic driving aids and extra airbags even though some of them are only available as option pack. Nevertheless, it is more advance than its predecessors since 2003. Both three doors and five doors versions have 4 cylinder engines of 3.0 litre common rail turbo diesels. The five speed auto gearbox uses dogleg gated shift. It is handy for people who are used to the reliable layout of the gear location. However, some might prefer the +/- mode available as from other manufacturers.

28 Drive-way



Translate: Driveway Team

The chassis design is very traditional while retaining the live rear axle and a conventional separate chassis. Although the set up does not allow further development into making it a crispier steering, but it remains well balanced for overall driving safety and comfort. However, we think it is still a driver’s car when someone wants to go into some serious four wheel drive bush bashing. Personally, I like the three doors version, as it enjoys a shorter wheel base but still getting the same powerful engine line up. The customer’s preference for petrol and diesel engine is getting close to a 6:4 ratio. According to Toyota’s prediction, only 10 percents of its Prado will be used for serious four wheel driving; and Toyota also predicts 10% of its customers will opt for the three doors short wheel base. The other advantage of the short wheel base is its short overhang in approach and departure angle. This will increase people’s interest in getting a powerful engine as opposed to a more 8 seater SUV setup. Sometimes, small and short is actually strong and powerful. From

23-04-10 No. 161

memories, only Mitsubishi has a short wheel base in its previous model of Pajero. Hence, the introduction of the short wheel base 3 doors version is actually a sensible selling point. However, I find the front doors a little bit short. They seem to have come from the 5 doors spare parts bin. Traditionally, a three door version will be similar to a coupe set up with longer doors. Hence it’s an excellent shoulder check position. But the standardizing of the front door creates serious difficulties for the second row passengers to climb out of the vehicle. On the other hand, people may not need that accessibility to the back, because they just don’t need it. While we further investigated into some knobs and switches, we discovered the innovative Multi-terrain monitor (MTM). There are four cameras (front, both sides and the rear) which allow drivers to have a bird eye view upon those blind corners in tackling some difficult landscape. Those images are able to be fed through the 4.2 inches screen at the central console on what’s happening. There are other useful functions such as hill-start assist control, down-hill assist control and crawl control. It has various electronic safety devises such as Adaptive variable suspension, Multi-terrain selection and kinetic adaptive suspension system. Apart from that are the usual ESC, all-terrain traction control, ABS with EBA and EBD as well. It is a big decision to choose between a three doors or a five doors version. It is because the usable space varies a lot with those different models. However, mechanically they are almost identical. Hence the choice is yours,

Drive-way ٙൢ short or long. But the answer is always going to be – it is practical and simply no fuss. ᙴҤPardo಑έфᄇܻີড়Մِ‫ٷ‬ณ࢐ȶ֜ЕΨȷ‫ޟ‬фӪຠȄѺ‫ڎ‬ര஼ࠐ‫ޟ‬Е ᔝȂᐠడ‫ܒ‬૖ΪϷᓺ‫ؾ‬Ȃ೻‫ڍ‬ᘈࣺ๖ӫ‫ڏٺ‬ԙ࣏ᐬࢸϛ࠮Ѳ៮ٙ‫ޟ‬ԤΨᝯ‫ޱތ‬ ϞΙȄ‫ר‬ঈၐᎽΟϤߞЙଢ଼‫ڷ‬έߞՌଢ଼‫ڍ‬এٙ࠮Ȃ੼ήΟᄠณϚӣ‫ޟ‬ӟຫȂ࿋ ณȂ഍࢐ԁӟຫ൷࢐ΟȄ၎ٙ଩രΟശཱི‫ޟ‬ႫυᎽᎻᏲ૞‫ف‬ಛ‫؁ڷ‬ӻ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ੉ ᠄Ȟ࢚‫࢐ٲ‬џᒵ଩ညȟȂՄиȂӣ2003ԑюኅ‫ࠉޟ‬෡ࣺٙШȂѺԤΟ࡞σ‫ޟ‬ ‫໌׽‬Ȅ ฒ፣࢐έߞᗙ࢐Ϥߞ‫ޟ‬ٙ࠮഍଩രΟ3Ѐ4च෼ᎈቨᔆ਼‫ݶ‬Еᔝ‫ڷ‬Ϥ᐀Ռଢ଼ᡐ ഀ጑Ȅ೻ᄇܻ࢚‫ٲ‬Ρ‫پ‬ᇳ‫ܖ‬೨࡞П߯ȂϚႆѪΙ‫ٲ‬Ρ‫ܖ‬೨ོ൉᠍‫ڏ‬т‫ء‬ٙᇧഅ ୦‫ޟ‬+ / - ᡐ᐀዁ԒȄ ٙ٘਱࢜೩ॎΪϷ༈ಛȂ‫ٷ‬ณ߳੼Ο៮ଢ଼ࡣᐝ‫ڷ‬லೣᐿҳ‫ۻޟ‬ዺȄᗶณ၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ ೩ॎ३‫ڙ‬Ο‫ڏ‬ӵПө᡹ଢ଼‫ܒ‬ΰ‫໌ޟ‬Ι؏ඪଽȂծ൷ᐌᡝ՗ٙԊӒ‫ܒ‬ȃ๲ᎌ‫ڷܒ‬ ҁᒋ‫ܒ‬ՄِȂᗙ࢐ࣺ࿋ԁ‫ޟ‬Ȅ࿋ณԤ‫ٲ‬ΡོᎽᎻѺ໌՗ଽᜲ࡙‫ޟ‬ᘎ‫ູݓ‬ഏȂϚ ႆ‫ר‬ঈϫณᇯ࣏೻࢐Ι෡ၷࡊٙШၶӫᎌȄ ൷এΡՄِȂ‫ר‬൉᠍έߞ‫ޟ‬ٙ࠮ȂѺ٘ᙼၶωȂଢ଼Ψ‫ܒ‬૖ࠓΙኺ஼σȄࡊИᒵ ᐅ‫ݶء‬Еᔝᗙ࢐਼‫ݶ‬Еᔝ‫ޟ‬Ш‫ٽ‬σ྅࣏6:4Ȅਲ਼ᐃᙴҤ‫ޟ‬ႱกȂѫԤ10%‫ޟ‬ PardoᎽᎻ‫ོޱ‬ઍғᎽᎻ၎ٙୈᜲ࡙ၶσ‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮ູഏਡ՗ȇӣਢᗙႱกσघ 10%‫ີޟ‬ড়ོШၶϛཎέߞ‫ޟ‬฻෡Ȅ฻໅ຽٙ‫ޟ‬ԁ೎ӵܻంଢ଼ਢ‫ޟ‬ຽᚔौ฻Ȃ ُ࡙ौωȇШଔ8৴‫ޟ‬೩ညȂΡঈ‫ה؁‬ఖԤΙএ஼ࠐ‫ޟ‬Еᔝଢ଼ΨȄԤਢȂ฻ω ཎ‫ڨ‬๿஼σȂ଄ᏹϛȂѫԤέ๽Pajaroӵ‫ڏ‬Ϟࠉ‫ဴ࠮ޟ‬ΰԤႆ೻ኺ‫ޟ‬ٙ࠮Ȅᄂ ሬΰȂ฻໅ຽٙғ࢐σ፲ᘈϞΙȄ



Drive-way ٙൢ

23-04-10 No. 161

ϚႆȂ‫ีר‬౪೻෡έߞٙ‫ߞࠉޟ‬ӣϤߞ٥෡‫࡙ߝߞࠉޟ‬৯ϚӻȂ೩ॎுԤ‫ٲ‬બ ωȂ༈ಛ‫ޟ‬έߞٙࠉߞོёߝϐП७Ρ໌юȂ൷೻෡ٙՄِȂࡣ௶‫ࡊॸޟ‬དौ ֲ໌ў‫࢐ܐ‬ौາᘈђЉȊ ௃ѪΙП७‫پ‬ᖿȂ‫ר‬ឈுΡঈџ૖‫ؠ‬Ԥ‫ٺ‬Ң‫௶ࡣڗ‬৴ා‫҆ޟ‬ौȂ࿋‫ר‬ঈ໌Ι؏ ၐᡛΟΙ‫ٲ‬ఋ໖‫ڷ‬໠ᜰϞࡣȂ‫ר‬ঈี౪Οഺཱི‫ޟ‬ӻП՝ᅿຜᏢȈӵࠉࡣ‫ڍ‬ਠӨ ԤѲএី჋ᓞоᔓօᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ӵΙ‫ٲ‬Шၶ੫੆‫ޟ‬Ӵ‫ל‬ΰᎽᎻਢ૖ஊᗗջ‫ޡ‬ᘈȂ೻ ‫ٲ‬ᅿຜყ჋џо೽ႆϛѵ௡‫ڙ‬ᇃΰ4.2़ψ‫ޟ‬ᒉᄍࣼுΙ఼ΠཿȄ ၎ٙᗙ‫ڎ‬രϚЍ࡞ᄂҢ‫ޟ‬ђ૖Ȃ፝ԃ‫ۃ‬ၾଔ؏ሄօ௡‫ڙ‬Ȃή‫ڞۃ‬օ௡‫ڷڙ‬Ռଢ଼ ‫ۃދ‬ሄօ‫ف‬ಛȄԊӒ‫ܒ‬૖П७ζΪϷϚᒿȂଶўலَ‫ޟ‬٩ܲԫ‫ڙ‬ଢ଼‫ف‬ಛABSȃ Ⴋυ㧣ٙሄօ‫ف‬ಛEBAȃႫυ‫ڙ‬ଢ଼ΨϷ଩‫ف‬ಛEBDȃ౞ЕΨ௡‫فڙ‬ಛTRCϞ ѴȂᗙԤٙ٘ᛧۡ௡‫فڙ‬ಛVSC‫ڷ‬ଢ଼Ψᎌᔖ᝚௮၆ည‫ف‬ಛ้Ȅ ӵᗊີ၎෡ٙਢȂᒵᐅέߞٙᗙ࢐Ϥߞٙ࢐Ιএࣺ࿋१σ‫ؚۡޟ‬ȂӰ࣏Ϛӣ‫ޟ‬ ٙ࠮૖ஊ‫ٺ‬Ң‫ުޟ‬໢ϚӣȄϚႆȂ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏Ѻঈ‫ޟ‬ᐠడ଩ည‫ڷ‬ၼ՗഍ࣺ࿋ϚᒿȄ ӰԪȂᒵᐅ঺෡൷ौࣼձՌϏឈு঺෡‫؁‬ёᄂҢȂ‫ٺ‬Ңଔ‫؁پ‬ёᙏ൐ܾᔗΟȄ



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ᐠడᆰওȂۡ෈߳ᎴЅ‫׽‬၆ ‫ء‬ٙႫυᆰও ‫ء‬ٙछৠ݈୛ டཾ٩ูЅॱ៪Ԋ၆ ੫೩after hour service

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Unit 1, 2 - 4 Meriton Place, Clayton South Vic 3169 Tel: (03) 9543 3053 Mobile: 0433 180 517 30 Drive-way


Audited 15,879

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as at Mar 31,2009

23-07-10 No. 174 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151



hybrid Edmund Chow

Translate: Driveway Team

When you look at the new Camry hybrid, there isn’t much difference. A slightly different and cyber feel front grille, and some front make over with futuristic design of its fog lamps. Apart from that, it is pretty much similar to the normal 4 cylinder Camry. There are plenty of hybrid badges around the car that remind you what you are driving at that moment.

emission, it is acceptable to scarify something for the whole mankind. Hence, a station wagon version of the Hybrid may help to get more sales. For the record, the fuel economy is as low as an average 6.0L/100km. With 140kW of combined hybrid power and just doing 142g/km of CO2 harmful emission, it is perhaps a treat to the environment.

The two noticeable differences are the hand brake and the limited luggage space being occupied by the highly charged battery for the electric motor that partly drives the car. The current petrol only Camry is equipped with foot park brake, where as the Hybrid Camry switches back to hand brake. For my personal preference, I like hand brake which gives me something to do and a lot of assurance that something is working.

Apart from wearing the badge of hybrid, the car does run very smoothly. When you depress the stop / start button, it still remains in dead silence. That strange silence often challenges people’s basic instinct of a noisy engine start. But when you see the small light up sign at the dash then you can drive on, it turns smoothly and accelerate stealthy, without making a noise. That kind of quietness often prompts people to thinking of adding some noise, so that pedestrians will be able to notice the arrival of a Hybrid or electric car driving around them. My other observation is that the inter-changeable mode of drive train sometimes does seem to be noticeable slightly.

The battery pack in the boot takes up valuable luggage space, that’s understandable, but it isn’t a piece of good news for young parents who want luggage space for the pram. When saving money on fuel and harmful carbon



23-07-10 No. 174

Drive-way ٙൢ

Hybrid Camry picks up a lot of safety features that a modern car should have. It has Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM) that incorporates traction control. Vehicle stability control (VSC), Anti-skid braking (ABS) and Electronic Brake-force distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist.

ӵٙ‫׎‬጑‫ޟ‬ႫԱಢӇլҢΟΙᘈ‫ޟ‬՗‫ު؃‬໢Ȃ٥࢐џоΟ၌‫ޟ‬ȂծᄇΙ‫ٲ‬ԑ ߧЉஏྃሯӻΙΛ՗‫؃‬՝ȂоԊܹтঈ‫ޟ‬ᔉ‫ڋ‬Й௰ٙȂ߯Ԥ݂ᡗΰ‫ᜲ֨ޟ‬Ȅ ծ࣏ΟӒΡ᜸‫ޟ‬۷ᆋȂ‫ר‬དтঈ࢐݂ҩ‫ޟ‬. ӰՄȂᙴҤџ૖ሯौՃኌଡёΙ෡ ౅૖‫ٹ‬छਡ՗ٙ࠮ဴȄ

Other little things such as six airbags are just something that the driver does not have to pay attention to, as it has become a standard across the motoring industry.

ଶΟٙ٘‫౅ޟ‬૖ᔕണȂ၎ٙ՗ٙਢΪϷᄱ໷Ȃ࿋ձࡸή໠/ᜰ‫ࡸޟ‬໖Ȃٙ඄ϱ ϫณԫ஛ΙаȂ၎ᘈฒᖐฒՓ‫ޟ‬ჿᓗலலࢅᏽᎽٙΡ‫ޟ‬ҏ૖Ȃ Ӱ࣏Ȃ ӨᎽᎻ Ρρ഍ӵइఖΙ‫ٲ‬ЕᔝᕍॱȂ՝ծ࿋ձ‫ݧ‬ཎ‫ڗ‬ӵቈᏢߒΰ߫ଔΟȪReadyȫ ȞྥരȟᐷਢȂᎽᎻ‫ٺޱ‬џоΣ᐀ܹήЙච໠ٙȂѺၼᙽਢΪϷჿᓗᄱ໷Ȃ ёഀਢԤΙᘈୀટ‫ޟ‬ཐឈȂӰ࣏Ѻ࢐Ϛଢ଼ᖐՓխ‫ޟ‬ӵྤ՗๿。٥Ιᆍฒᖐฒ Փ‫ྤޟ‬՗Ȃх‫ڗ‬Һ೽ԊӒ‫ޟ‬ᜰ‫ݧ‬Ρρ࡚ដٙኅሯौё၆Ι‫៪ॱٲ‬оम՗Ρџ о‫ݧ‬ཎ‫ڗ‬ԤΙᎄ౅૖ٙ‫ܖ‬સႫٙӵߣߖ՗ᎻϛȄ࿋‫ء‬ٙӵճഀҢႫΨ௰ଢ଼ё ഀՍҢ‫ݶء‬Еᔝีଢ଼ਢ,ӵᙽ௥ਢԤΙᘈᎪଢ଼Ȃծၭල೽ᙽᔬ‫ؠ‬ԤϷտȄ

My impression on the quality of the ride is impressive. It retains the high level of suspension tuned for the Australian road condition. Also, steering is powered by an electric power system which steering works precisely whenever the driver wants it to be. Rear vision camera and parking sensors and premium audio sound system are all optional for extra confidence whilst parking. On the central console, the multi-functional display is easy to read especially, when you are interested to check on various information such as when will the electricity be captured and regenerated by the braking system, but remember to keep your eyes on the road. When you take a closer look, a Camry Hybrid may be a real alternative to lower our harmful carbon dioxide or green house gas emission, made out everyday by all motorists in Melbourne, in a reasonably short foreseeable future. With the size of a mid to large size cabin that the Camry Hybrid is on offer, it is the only car that entices other car manufacturers to think twice of alternative energy. The Camry Hybrid is not a super car and never has pretended to be one. However, Camry Hybrid may go another step for the plug-in technology, so that you can re-charge your battery while you are resting at home, or staying on a street side parking. The future is coming soon. The Hybrid Camry is a real start to solve the world’s problem at a baby step and is waiting for the others to join soon. Did I tell you about the all electric car a couple of weeks back? ࿋ձ‫ݧ‬ຜӒཱི‫ޟ‬ᙴҤ‫ٹ‬छ౅૖ٙȞ‫ݶء‬Еᔝ଩ΰႫଢ଼଻ႀȟȂߒ७ΰձࣼϚ ‫݂ڗ‬ᡗ‫ޟ‬ϷտȂѺ‫ޟ‬Ѵᇼቨ఺ΟΙᘈ‫ޟ‬ऋВ‫ޟ‬Ы጑Σ੉ο‫ޟ‬၆ႺȂ‫ٮ‬ёΰΟ ΙᘈҐ‫پ‬ཐ‫᜴ޟ‬ᐷȂᓍԪϞѴȂѺၭල೽‫ގ‬ҏ‫ޟ‬ᙴҤ‫ٹ‬छ‫ؠ‬ԤӻσϷտȂѴ ᢎΰȂѫ࢐ӻΟ࡞ӻ‫౅ޟ‬૖ٙᔕണȂฒਢฒ‫ړ‬ඪᒺձ‫ޟ‬৴Ꮍ࢐ᕗཱི߳ິȄ ‫ޟר‬ᢎᄆȂѫԤ‫ڍ‬এϷտȂ٥࢐Ѻ‫ޟ‬ЙྷЅٙ‫׎‬጑‫ޟ‬Ԥ३ު໢Ȃ٥࢐Ӱ࣏ட ࣏଻ႀՄ೩‫ޟ‬ႫԱϐլᐃΟ฿ӻ‫ުޟ‬໢. ౪ਢ‫ގݶء‬ҏ‫ٹޟ‬छ࢐଩ΰҢѾယ௡ ‫ޟڙ‬ယ፽‫ހ‬ٙචȂՄ౅૖‫ߕࠌގ‬ӱЙච‫ޟ‬೩ॎȂএΡՄِȂ‫୑ר‬དྷЙචȂӰ ࣏Ѻ‫רٺ‬ӵ௡‫ڙ‬ΰ‫؁‬Ԥ߬ЖЅџо೎౩੫੆ၯ७௑‫ݷ‬Ȅ

30 Drive-way

౅૖‫ٹ‬छһԊ၆ΰ౪ф‫ء‬ٙᔖԤ‫ޟ‬ӨᆍԊӒ೩രΙএ‫ء‬ٙଢ଼Ψᆣӫᆓ౩‫ف‬ಛ ȂѺѓ֤Ο౞ЕΨȃ‫ء‬ٙ՗ٙᛧۡ၆ညȃABSٙᎈՌଢ଼ࠆٙȃEBDࠆٙଢ଼Ψ Ϸ଩ЅBAࠆٙሄօȄ ‫ڏ‬тԊӒ೩രѓࢂϲএԊӒ‫ء‬ೡ࢐ᎽᎻΡρϚሯӵᗊٙਢᐇЖȂӰ࣏ϐઽΣ Ө‫ء‬ٙኅড়‫ޟ‬኿ྥԊӒ၆ညȄ ‫ר‬ᄇ՗ٙਢ‫ޟ‬๲ᎌ࡙ྃϞཐ‫ڗ‬ᅖཎȂѺ߳੼Οᄇᐬࢸၯ७ᗗᎪП७‫ޟ‬೩ۡȄ ᙽөП७࢐ҥႫΨ៮ଢ଼‫ޟ‬ȂһΪϷᆠྥȂٙ‫ࡣޟ׎‬ຜᜢᓞЅୄ‫ءހ‬ٙཐᔖᏢ ࢐ߣё‫ޟ‬೩രȂё၆ϞЫࡣ޻ۡ‫؁‬ுЖᔖЙȄ ӵϛѵቈᏢѮΰȂѺ‫ޟ‬ӻђ૖ᡗҰᏢ,఼඾ӴᡗҰӨԒӨኺ‫ޟ‬ၥਟȂѺ࿋ณџ о֙ວձȂ՗ٙЅࠆٙਢȂѺ‫ٺ‬ҢΟЅӱԝΟӻЍ‫ءޟ‬ΨȂծᎽٙਢ࿋‫ݧ‬ຜ ၯ७௑‫ݷ‬Ȅ ࿋ձಠЖᢎᄆਢȂΙᎄ౅૖‫ٹ‬छ࢐Ιএӵ฻෈ϱઍғ‫ޟ‬Ѫ᜸ᒵᐅ‫ء‬ٙȂўԤ ਝӴ६ճӒ౨ӰᎽٙՄ౰ҡ‫ޟ‬Ԥ৛Ι੊Ͻ࣓‫ء‬ᡝ‫ܹ௶ޟ‬Ȃо‫ٹ‬छ‫ޟ‬ٙ඄σω Ѕ೩രՄِȂѺઍ‫ޟ‬џоႁ‫ڏٺ‬т‫ءޟ‬ٙҡ౰୦१ཱིՃኌҡ౰‫ٺ‬ҢѪ᜸૖ྛ ‫ءޟ‬ٙȄ ౅૖‫ٹ‬छ‫ٮ‬Ϛ࢐Ιᎄ຺઻‫ء‬ٙȂѺһ௃Ґ୅၆ႆȂծоᙴҤ‫ޟ‬ऋ‫׬‬ȂѺσџ ଡёёඨӵড়шႫ‫ޟ‬ђ૖plug-inȂ٥ਢȂᎽᎻΡρ߯џоӵড়шႫ‫ܖ‬ӵၯਠ ‫ޟ‬ୄٙ՝шႫȄҐ‫ོ߯פ࡞پ‬६ᖝȂ౅૖‫ٹ‬छ࢐Ιএઍғ‫ޟ‬໠ۖоಠ؏‫؏ޟ‬ Ӄў၌‫ؚ‬ኀ੉Ѕ૖ྛ฻ી‫ޟ‬୰ᚠȂᙴҤһӵ้࡟‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬ኅ୦‫ޟ‬୤ϠȄ‫ר‬ෆင ֙ວձႫଢ଼‫ء‬ٙ‫ีޟ‬৤༝ȉ

05-03-10 No. 174 23-07-10 154

σ੫ቋᅾӵ ಁَ࣏ᄂ

Garry and Warren Smith Mazda

3 Neo Manual

2 Neo Manual







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