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Audited 13,688 as at Sep 30,2008

Distribute 22,000 from July 18, 2008 onward in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

16-01-09 No. 99 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

One step closer to fully automated driving experience Ռଢ଼ᎽᎻάᗚ໌ѪΙএ१ौ‫ޟ‬٨แ

Volkswagen Tiguan

Car News: Hyundai Genesis named 2009 North American Car of the Year Mazda6 adds value and slashes running costs



Drive-way ٙൢ

16-01-09 No. 99

One step closer to fully automated driving experience Volkswagen Tiguan When Volkswagen introduced the Tiguan, I had a vague memory about its auto park system as it was briefly mentioned at an Australian motor show last year. One of the reasons why I noticed its auto park system was that Lexus LS600hL also had an auto park system as well, that was launched not long ago before the Tiguan. Hence, when VW has got a new car equipped with auto park system, I would definitely like to have a test drive. I have actually been waiting for the car to come down to Melbourne. I have driven the Tiguan for the third time last year. But due to various reasons, I could only get hold of the “Park Assist” version shortly before the 2008 Christmas. It was a wonderful car to drive and worth the wait. As you may agree with me, it is probably the second kind of auto park system in the world but with a much affordable price tag. Well, with reference to pricing, the two systems are about A$190,000 apart in monetary term. The Lexus LS600hL is priced around A$240,000 and the VW is just around $50,000. The real difference is not between the Lexus and Tiguan. The Tiguan has put in a strong case for the fierce competition against the best selling compact four wheel driver sector in Australia such as Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV-4, Subaru Forester, Hyundai Santa Fe and KIA Sportage. Some people may even argue it has put a real threat to the European premium sector as well. This sector consists of the Land Rover Freelander 2, BMW X3, and the new compact 4 wheel drive from Volvo with its front collision avoidance braking device, which was just launched in Sydney Motor Show 2008.

26 Drive-way

The way that the auto park system works is just brilliant. It is very simple and straight forward. Personally, it is easier to use than the Lexus. It has a sensor located on the far (left and right) sides of the front bumper (near to the front wheel guard). Similar to any parking sensors, the dedicated sensors detect a possible space available for parallel (street) parking. When the driver decides to park the car, the driver will have to press “Park Assist System” button located at the central console near to the “ESP” control. The button will then be lighted up. The system is only activated between a travelling speed of 10 to 45kms. The driver will have to decide which side of the road to park. For example, if the driver wants to take the right car parking space in between two cars, the driver will use the indicator (turn signal lever), as normal, to signal to the left. However, it has to be under 45 kms. If not, it will display “Park Assist Finished”. At this stage, the system, by using the front senor on the right will be able to sense a possible space. At the same time, the combo instrument display located on the dashboard will display the symbol of a car driving with forward arrow. This means that the system is looking for a space. Once the system has detected a suitable parking space, it will indicate a blank space on the right parking block on the display. From my experience with the Tiguan, the driver has to drive forward until a blank space has been indicated. The display will then, show the car shaped

16-01-09 No. 99

Drive-way ٙൢ! Ռଢ଼ᎽᎻάᗚ໌ѪΙএ१ौ‫ޟ‬٨แ Volkswagen Tiguan

symbol with a reverse arrow back into the blank space. Then, the driver will have to stop the car, put it into reverse. The system will also show that "Steering interv. Active! Monitor area around vehl". You can now let go of your hands. Trust the system with full faith and respect. It really works. Once you get to this stage, you will be surprised to realize how clever the Tiguan can be. The driver just has to control the speed and braking of the car. The steering wheel is very agile and smooth. The car does all the steering. In less than 20 seconds or so from you put the car into reverse gear, the car will be parked. I have video taped the actions and put it on You Tube. The link is or just key in "Sameway Volkswagen Tiguan". Imagine, the auto park system is also to be equipped with the Volvo obstacle auto braking system, then, we will have one of the safest cars in the world. Not only that, one day, the car is able to drive itself via satellite system just like having a similar GPS navigation system. Then, you can do other things with your hands, or just sleep! What a wonderful world it will be.

I believe the Tiguan Park Assist system is not only meant for any gender specifically such as men or women; or any age group of people, such as inexperienced drivers or elderly drivers. But, it has its advantage on helping people to park safely on busy streets, giving them extra confidence to park the car. It can actually help them to park the car when they just happen having a stiff neck or something like that. Isn’ t it clever? And it is so affordable as well. Enjoy. Geoff Fickling ࿋ Volkswagen σಀ‫ء‬ٙЕ໌ Tiguan ‫ޟ‬ਢঐȂ‫ܻר‬Ιএ‫ء‬ٙ৤។ོΰෆ‫ٷ‬ใ଄ ுσಀ‫ٱီޟ‬ᖂင౩ඪЅ Tiguan ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙђ૖ȂՄ Lexus ঞ‫ ޟס‬LS600hL һܻσಀ௰ю Tiguan ࠉଲυ௰юΟ᏿ԤՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ђ૖ȄӰԪȂ࿋σಀࡇᆎѺ һԤՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ђ૖ਢȂ‫ۡ޻ר‬ौӑ࿝࣏‫פ‬Ȅ ‫ר‬ঈෆငӑࡣ้࡟Ο಑έᎄ TiguanȂϗၐ‫ڗ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙђ૖Ȃ‫ܚ‬оȂ༉༉ܻ ўԑထ፛࿽ਢϗџо‫ڥ‬ு၆ΰՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ ޟ‬TiguanȂ௃Մሴ౱‫ڗ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬ᓺᘈȂ൐൐ Ιᎄ Tiguan ߯࢐ΙᎄԁٙȂ‫ר‬ঈһϐൢᏲΟȂՄҬࠉ‫ޟ‬ΙᎄȂ‫࢐؁‬ԃߏ఺ᖎ ȂӰ࣏ȂѺ࢐жࣨΰ಑ΠᎄՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ཱིޟ‬ٙȂՄѺ‫ޟ‬ቋᓀ‫؁‬ӫ౩ ፙЅቋᓀȂ∪‫ס‬Ѕσಀ‫ޱڍ‬Ϟ໢‫ޟ‬ϷտӓԤ 19 ࿲ȂӰ࣏Ȃ∪‫୵ޟס‬ቋҥ 24 ࿲ ᐬ⭿ଔȂՄσಀघ୵ 5 ࿲Ȃ‫ڏ‬ᄂȂ‫ޟޱڍ‬ᄇЙ഍ѪԤտΡȂσಀ Tiguan ‫ޟ‬ю ౪Ȃх‫ڗ‬ӣ઻‫ޟ‬Рᗺ‫ء‬ٙю౪Οᝒ१‫ࢅޟ‬ᏽȂҏҤ‫ ޟ‬CR-VȂᙴҤ‫ ޟ‬RAV4Ȃ൲ ρ‫ ޟ‬ForesterȂ౪ф‫ ޟ‬Santa Fe Ѕ KIA ൉໯‫ ޟ‬Sportage ഍एณ໢७ᄇΙএ १໔઻‫ޟ‬ᄇЙȂՄᄇܻዉࢸ‫ޟ‬ᄇЙȂѺһᄺԙѪΙএᏽጣȂԃ Land Rover ‫ޟ‬ Freelander 2ȂBMW X3ȂࣥՍཱི௰ю‫ޟ‬൲ᇺ Volvo XC60( ଩ΰራᛤ‫ސ‬Ռଢ଼మ ٙ၆ည ) һσ‫ڧ‬ኇ៪Ȅ



16-01-09 No. 99

Ռଢ଼మٙ‫ޟ‬ђ૖ᙏ‫࢐ޢ‬ЈϗϞհȂᙏ൐Մৠܾ‫ٺ‬ҢՄи‫ޢ‬௥Ο࿋ȂএΡՄِȂ Ѻ Ш∪‫فޟס‬ಛ‫؁‬ԁȄՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ف‬ಛ᏿ԤΙᄇཐᔖᏢȂ՝ܻѾѡࠉᎈࡿ‫ޟ‬՝ညȂᇄ ල೽‫ހޟ‬ٙឌൢཐᔖᏢࣺխȂѺ‫ޟ‬հҢ࢐டߞ୎ᄆၯ᜞‫ހ‬՝‫ުޟ‬໢(ᙏᆎS՝)Ȅ ࿋ᎽᎻ‫ؚۡޱ‬ौ‫ހ‬ٙਢȂтѫौࡸή՝ܻϛѵ‫ޟ‬௡‫ڙ‬Ѯ(“ESP”)ਠ᜞‫ޟ‬டҢࡸ໖Ȃ ٥ࡸ໖߯Ռଢ଼߫ଔȂѫ࢐Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙѫܻٙഀ10Ս45ϴ٨ϞϱҡਝȂᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬௥๿߯ ौ‫ؚۡ‬ୄܻٙѾ‫ܖ‬ѡ‫ޟ‬ၯ᜞Ȅ ‫ٽ‬ԃȂᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ौୄٙ‫ڗ‬ѡ᜞‫ڍ‬ٙϞ໢‫ޟ‬ୄٙ՝Ȃт߯ौԃல‫ޟ‬ኦଢ଼ࡾථᐷ‫ޟ‬௰జ ȂхՌଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ف‬ಛཐᔖѡ୏‫ުޟ‬໢ȂՄ࿋ณٙഀһᔖճܻ45ϴ٨ȂषٙഀႆଽȂ 》Ꮋৰ‫ޟ‬ᡗҰࡎོ߯ᡗҰ“Park Assist Finished”Ȃཎࡦ࢐‫ف‬ಛϚ૖ஈ՗ձ‫ࡾޟ‬х Ȅ ԪਢȂ‫ف‬ಛོ߯‫ٺ‬Ңѡ᜞‫ޟ‬ཐᔖᏢў୎ᄆΙএџ૖‫ހޟ‬ٙު໢ȂӣਢȂ》Ꮋৰ‫ޟ‬ ᡗҰࡎһོᡗҰΙএөࠉ‫ءޟ‬ٙყ‫ל‬Ȃཎࡦ࢐Ȃ‫ء‬ོٙӵѡ७൶‫ުײ‬໢Ȃ࿋൶‫ײ‬ ‫ڗ‬ਢȂᡗҰࡎོ߯ӵѡ᜞ю౪Ιএު໢Ȅ ௃‫ޟר‬ငᡛ‫ܚ‬ுȂ‫ר‬ौᎽٙՍᡗҰࡎ‫ުޟ‬໢ю౪ȂѪΙএࡾөইࡣ‫ޟ‬ყ‫ל‬ю౪Ȃ ϗџоୄٙȂᙽΣইࡣᔬȂՄ‫ف‬ಛһྥരԁȂ้࡟ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬,ᙽইࡣᔬȂ࿋ᎽᎻ‫ᙽޱ‬Σ ইࡣᔬਢȂᡗҰࡎོ߯ю౪“Steering interv. Active! Monitor area around vehl” Ȃཎࡦ࢐ඪᒺᎽᎻ‫੼ޱ‬ཎ໊൜‫ޟ‬Һ೽௑‫ݷ‬Ȅ௃ԪȂձ߯џоܹ໠ᚖЙȂ‫ٺ‬Ңձ‫ޟ‬ ߬ЖЅཱཎȂ‫ڧٴ‬೻এ‫ۉ‬੫‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻငᡛȄ ࿋ձࣺ߬Tiguan‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼ђ૖Ȃձོ߯ငᡛ‫ڗ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬ᐿ੫‫ܒ‬૖Ѕ೩ॎৱ‫ޟ‬ഺഅΨȂՄ ‫ހ‬ٙȂ௃ԪϞࡣȂѫ࢐੼ή௡‫ڙ‬ٙഀЅమٙΟȄ Пөዺ‫ޟ‬Іᔖ࿲Ϸః௦Ѕ໷ᄱȂՄ௃ᙽΣইࡣՍୄԁTiguanѫҢΰЍܻ20ऌម ‫ޟ‬ਢ໢Ȅ

28 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ! ‫ר‬ϐ‫ܯ‬Ο၎ࢲ฻аȂՄܹΰYou TubeȂ‫ר‬ঈ‫ޟ‬೿๖࢐; ୅षȂTiguan‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙȂӣਢёΰΟ൲ᇺ‫ء‬ٙ‫ࠉޟ‬ራᛤ‫ސ‬Ռଢ଼మٙ‫ف‬ಛȂ٥ቄȂ ‫ר‬ঈџ૖ϐ᏿ԤжΰശԊӒ‫ءޟ‬ٙȄά୅षȂԤΙЈȂཱིΙф‫ءޟ‬ٙϐ၆ΰΙ‫ٲ‬ ᜸խፏ࢑Ᏺ૞‫فޟ‬ಛՄџоՌ՗ᎽᎻȂ٥ਢȂ‫ר‬ঈ߯џоԔܻ‫ڏ‬т‫ސٱ‬Ȃ‫ܖ‬џоܻ ٙΰӻᆃΙᘈȂ٥ਢжࣨ஠ོ‫؁‬छԁȄ ‫ࣺ߬ר‬Tiguan‫ހޟ‬ٙ‫فف‬ಛ‫ٮ‬Ϛ൐൐ࡾᄇӈџ൐Ι‫ܒޟ‬տȂ‫ܖظ‬τȂ‫ܖ‬ӈդ‫ޟ‬ԑ ឭಢտȂԃᎽٙငᡛ฻఻‫ܖ‬ԑឭଽ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻΡρȂծ޻ۡȂѺџоᔓօӈդᎽᎻΡ ρȂܻᖅԔ‫ޟ‬ၾၯΰȂшᅖՌ߬ЖӴ‫ހ‬ήтঈ‫ءޟ‬ٙȄά‫ܖ‬ԤΙЈȂᓛฮϚ૖ӱᓞ ఖࡣПȂծάौୄ‫ءހ‬ٙȂ٥ਢѺོ߯σᲾҢൟȂΪϷᖑ݂?ՄѺһቋཇ‫ސ‬छȂԁ ԁ‫ڧٴ‬Ρҡጫ! Edmund Chow


Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

24-07-09 No. 126 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Frugal Jet fighter

Volkswagen Passat CC 2.0 TDI

Car News Covers Come Off the New Audi A5 Sportback ༹ज़ཱི෡A5७ж ACCC Misses the Point in the Petrol Price War ACCC‫܇‬౱Ο‫ݶء‬෵ቋᏽ‫ޟ‬ዖӵӠᐠ



Drive-way Ů™ྡྷ!

24-07-09 No. 126

Frugal Jet fighter Volkswagen Passat CC 2.0 TDI

Edmund Chow

Volkswagen recent initiative to get into the more premium vehicle market was spear headed by the Passat CC. From a distance it looks similar to Mercedes CLS. I believe the comparison should stop there. Frankly, I have not driven the CLS. But what makes the CC interesting is the fact that it is a totally different species that should stand out elegantly from the VW camp. For a start the Passat has swag of goodies to make it a better car. It has dynamic chassis control, Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Front Assist and Park Assist. Someone thought that all those high end technologies should usually be found in the Swedish car companies such as Volvo and Saab. The choice is simply between a very punchy V6 FSI with all wheel drive or the fugal diesel 2.0TDI. We had done the 2.0TDI and the performance was remarkable. It is hard to tell the importance of the all wheel drive that was missing on our loan car. But we try to compare a Toyota Aurion V6 supercharged, which is also running on front wheel drive. The CC is different and we should say it is a new experience. The high level of torque is available from 1,500 rpm. That kind of torque enables the driver to feel the strong pulling and push momentum of the vehicle. The drive control, the tyre and ESP system all hold the front wheel onto the road and that the massive power is under control. It is extremely important for a front wheel drive car to be able to achieve that. We were actually surprised to know that it was only a front wheel drive. Normally under the legal speed limit, this kind of strong urge will almost satisfy 95% of experienced drivers. The six speed DSG auto gear box



24-07-09 No. 126

matches well with the diesel 2.0TDI as it prepares for instant and speedy up gear or down gear manoeuvre in no time. The paddle shifts help better gear changing as well. The styling of the car It resembles the CLS, but it is an elegant car by itself. It has a smoother aerodynamic, by reducing the height of the car, in comparing the normal Passat. It is easy to tell the difference between Passat and Passat CC. With frameless window and fresh upmarket luxurious equipment, interior and exterior decoration, the Passat CC stands out even amongst Mercedes, BMW and Audi. However, I have a comment about the front styling; I think there is something missing in creating a separate identity. It definitely needs something extremely special or even outrageous. Interior I like the active climate control for the front seats which is available among some important goodies for summer and winter climate control. It ventilates and improves real driving comfort. Better touch screen navigation system has replaced the daggy switch that takes forever to key in your destination. The highlight of the Passat CC May be it is the Active Cruise Control (ACC) and the Front assist. I went for Moe to test drive the car. I put the ACC on 110kms cruise. A truck overtook me and cut into my lane in 20 metres in front of me. The radar of ACC picked up

30 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ!

the signal and instantly reduced the speed to 80kms. This gave me a breathing space of more than 50 metres. I believe this device should be made standard in the near future. Subsequently, we have test driven the new generation 6 Golf, it is also available as an option. Secondly, the Park Assist. I have tried the Park Assist on the VW Tiguan. It can auto park the car seamlessly if you choose to let it parallel park for you on street shopping strip. If you are interested, you can search my demonstration on uTube with the Volkswagen Tiguan. Conclusion The CC is a better car. It is vital for VW to establish it as an upmarket alternative. However, a new model name may help to boost its image as a sport coupe, not just adding CC to the Passat. People are prepared to pay more for its engineering and image. Just like some Porsches are powered by VW engine. Yet, Passat CC 125kW TDI is available from just $54,990; as for the more powerful V6 FSI plus all wheel drive system, it is from $65,990. Why look elsewhere for safety and style? σಀ‫ء‬ٙശߖоPassat CCၐყ҈Σଽ઻ᇺ๼ٙ‫فޟ‬ӖȂሉࣼPassat CCᇄҁ ‫ݽ‬CLSԤᘈࣺխȂծᙱԪՄϐȂ‫ר‬ҐෆၐᎽCLSȂӰԪһϚџоࣺᚠ‫ٮ‬፣Ȃծ Passat CCᇄල೽PassatԤ݂ᡗΰ‫ޟ‬ϷտȂѺ࢐Ԥٗஊ‫ޟ‬Ӌ໔‫ٺ‬Passat CC៸ ҳᚘတȄ

24-07-09 No. 126

ॶӑȂPassat CCԤശཱི‫ޟ‬ԊӒ‫ف‬ಛȂԃٙ࢜‫ޟ‬᝚௮‫ف‬ಛȂԊӒ‫ޟ‬٠૞‫ف‬ಛЅ Ռଢ଼‫ހ‬ٙ‫ف‬ಛȂ٥‫ٲ‬ԊӒ၆ညȂලႇΰѫ឴ܻ࿅‫ءڐ‬ٙϗџо‫ڗײ‬Ȅ ᒵᐅଢ଼ཐߨல‫ޟ‬V6 FSI‫ޟݶࣸܖ‬2.0TDI࢐ߨல֨ᜲ‫ٱޟ‬Ȃ‫ר‬ঈၐ໠2.0 TDIȂ Ѻߒ౪ΪϷюՓȂծࠓҐ૖‫ݠ‬፬V6 FSIЅѺ‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮ђ࢜ȂӰԪȂ‫ר‬ঈѫџо ᇄToyota Aurion V6 superchargedհюΙএӫ౩‫ޟ‬ШၶȂӰ࣏Ѻһ࢐Ιᎄࠉ៮ ‫ࠐޟ‬Ψ‫פ‬ٙȂ‫ר‬ঈѫџоᇳѺ࢐ϚӣȂӰ࣏ȂһӰԪள‫پ‬ΙএӒཱི‫ޟ‬ငᡛȄ Passat CC‫ޟ‬ᛁσ‫ׯ‬ΨЕᔝҥ1,500ᙽഀϐ࢐௶όই੕Ӵࣃ෰ю‫پ‬ȂӰԪȂѺ ‫ޟ‬௰‫ܜ‬ଢ଼ΨΪϷᙴ൲ȂՄѺ‫៮ޟ‬ଢ଼‫ف‬ಛ,ёΰESPЅᎄप഍ีථΟΰ‫׺ޟٹ‬Ӵ ૖ΨȇӰԪȂѺ‫ޟ‬ήዺђЉ౏ࠔȇ‫ܚ‬оȂ‫ר‬ঈၐᎽ၎ٙਢȂһཐ‫ڗ‬Ԥᘈ੫տ ȂᗙᒿᇲӴо࣏Ѻ࢐Ѳ៮Ȃ‫ר‬ঈᇯ࣏95%‫ޟ‬ٙкϐငᅖٗѺ‫ߒޟ‬౪ȄӣਢȂ Ѻ‫ޟ‬ϲࠉഀՌଢ଼௶һϷ଩ӫѺ‫ݶ਼ޟ‬Еᔝߒ౪ȂՌଢ଼‫ݰ‬џоႱก၎ٙ‫ׯޟ‬Ψ ЅٙഀሯौȂᙽᔬ‫ޟ‬ਢ໢σ࣏ᕻωȂӵПөዺਠ‫ޟ‬ኦаᙽᔬһΪϷП߯Ȃх ᎽᎻΪϷሆᚬȄ

Drive-way ٙൢ!

Passat CC‫ޟ‬੫Փ ശσ‫ޟ‬੫ՓȂ‫ר‬џо޻ۡ࢐Ѻ‫ޟ‬кଢ଼٠૞‫ف‬ಛ(ACC)Ȃ‫ר‬໠ٙ‫ڗ‬MoeȂ‫ר‬ӵၯ ΰ‫ٺ‬ҢѺȂ೩ۡӵ110km٠૞Ȃ‫ڏ‬໢Ιᎄೲܻٙ20mࠉູႆ‫ר‬ȂACC‫ޟ‬Ⴊႀ୎ ᄆюȂҳਢ‫װ‬ഀ࡙෵Ս80kmȂ։ਢ‫ࠉڷרٺ‬ٙຽᚔ‫ܜ‬Ս50mȄ೻ኺ‫ޟ‬೩ࢊȂ ‫ࣺ߬ר‬஠‫پ‬ᔖԙ࣏ؐᎄٙ‫ޟ‬அҏ೩രȄ‫ࡣڏ‬Ȃ‫ר‬ᎽᎻཱིΙф‫ޟ‬GolfȂѺζ࢐Ι এᒵё೩ࢊȄ‫ڏ‬ԩȂѺ‫ހޟ‬ٙሄօ‫ف‬ಛζϚᒿȄ‫ٺר‬ҢVW Tiguan‫ހޟ‬ٙሄօ ‫ف‬ಛȂ࡞ৠܾ‫໌ހ‬ၯਠ୦۹᜞‫ޟ‬S՝ȄԤᑹ፸‫ޟ‬᠞‫ޱ‬џоӵYouTubeΰࣼ‫ޟר‬ ҰጒȄ ๖፣Ȉ CC݂ᡗ࢐Ιᎄၶᓺ‫ޟ‬ٙȂVWᔖ၎‫װ‬Ѻ೩࣏ۡଽቋѿൟ‫ޟ‬౰ࠢȄณՄȂΙএ ཱི‫ޟ‬ӪᆎࠓџоඪଽѺ‫࠮ޟ‬჋Մߨ൐൐‫װ‬CCё໌PassatȄ៫ࡊ࢐᜹ཎпю‫؁‬ ӻ‫پ‬ு‫ڗ‬ᓺ፴‫ޟ‬ᐠӇЅ‫ל‬ຫȂғԃԤ‫߳ٲ‬ਢ௦࢐ҥVWЕᔝ௰ଢ଼‫ޟ‬ȂՄPassat CC 125kW TDIࠓѫ୵$54,990ȂࣺШ‫؁‬஼σ଻Ψ‫ޟ‬V6 FSI ࠓ፲ $65,990Ȃ። ഍ོ‫ޣ‬ၾ٥Ιএ‫֜؁‬Е?

Passat CC‫ޟ‬Ѵ࠮ ѺᇄCLSԤᘈࣺխȂծѺҏ٘࢐ΙᎄΪϷଽ໯‫ءޟ‬ٙȂՄѺ‫ޟ‬ฒ਱ԒѲߞ೩ॎ Ȃॹฒᅸ୰Ȃ‫ٺ‬Ѻࡾө‫؁‬ଽ‫ޟ‬ᔬ՝Ȃٙ඄ϱഋһ࢐ᇺ๼‫઻ޟ‬ኵȂџоᇄҁ‫ݽ‬Ȃ ᝘଻Ѕ༹㢪้Ϸ৳‫ת‬ᙄȄծ‫ר‬ϫณཐ‫ڗ‬ȂѺ‫ޟ‬ٙᓞഅ࠮৯ΟΙᘈᘈȂ࢐ીЍΟ ࣥቄ‫ר ?ڹ‬ᇯ࣏ѺሯौΙএ‫؁‬ᐿ੫‫ޟ‬Ռ‫ܒר‬ਿഅ࠮Ȃо‫؁‬ᡗҰюѺ‫ڨࠢޟ‬Ȅ! ‫ר‬൉᠍Ѻ‫ࠉޟ‬৴੉ঐԒ፡࿽Ȃџоᇳ࢐ьླྀেళȂѺџох৴՝ആ੉Ѕླྀ‫ڷ‬ ȂӰԪȂ‫ٺ‬ᎽᎻઍ‫࢐ޟ‬Ιএ‫ڧٴ‬Ȅ၎ٙһᒵΰΟӒཱི‫ࡎޟ‬ញፏ࢑Ᏺ૞Ȃ‫ڥ‬ጚ ΟᙟԒ‫ޟ‬ఋ໖ȂПܾ߯ҢȄ




Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

27-11-09 No. 144 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151




Car News All-new Kia Soul awarded 2010 'Top Safety Pick'



27-11-09 No. 144

Volkswagen Touareg R50

Drive-way ٙൢ Geoff Fickling Translate: Driveway Team

At just under $135,000, it sounds expensive, but when you consider the opposition, which includes the Porsche Cayenne Turbo S and the Mercedes ML63, it’s actually a lot of vehicle for the money.

some doing to induce a slide of any kind. Electronic Stability Program is standard fitment anyway if you ever happened to overdo it or needed to avoid something.

Let’s start with the heart of the matter, a huge 10-cylinder turbo diesel. You have probably seen the ad on TV where the Tourareg tows a jumbo jet – well, once you drive one you will understand how. 258kW of power and - get this a gigantic 850Nm of torque through all four wheels. That’s not just ‘stump-pulling’ power, that’s the whole forest!

This is supposed to be 4WD with off-road capabilities, and VW has added ABSplus, which has been developed to reduce braking distance on loose surfaces by 20%. Amazingly, for a vehicle that will probably never go off the highway, it also has low and high range and an electronic centre differential lock for slippery off-road conditions. I did not take it off the road, but from what I hear, it is a formidable performer in rough conditions.

The twin turbo diesel V10 is the most powerful engine VW has ever made. It’s a very impressive piece of engineering and you never tire of it. It’s lucky we have our speed limits really because in this car it is difficult not to put your foot down just to hear that wonderful engine note and feel that grunt. It’s all harnessed through Volkswagen’s 4MOTION system and a super smooth 6-speed Tiptronic gearbox. The R50 looks the part too, very purposeful and sporty. The wheels, massive 21 inch items, look great, and the air suspension helps give the car impressive grip and no-fuss cornering, with three different settings, from 140 to 280mm in height and Normal, Comfort and Sport settings. It’s not easy to find a piece of road to really test a car like this, but on my test route with some off-camber corners and tight turns, the front end wanted to break away first and the rear never came close. This is preferable in any vehicle, but it took

28 Drive-way

The VW comes with a mind-boggling array of gadgets and add-ons and is a genuine luxury high performance SUV. From the ‘R’ logos on the headrests to the supportive and huge Napa leather seats to the aluminium pedal covers, polished metal features and a great dash display, it shouts ‘special’. Everything is in easy reach and typically German design, so much so that you find yourself saying over and over, ‘that makes sense!’ Satellite navigation is an option, but has a premium sound system as you would expect complete with MP3 capability and 10 speakers. The feeling you get from the R50 is one of invincibility, probably not a great thing for some drivers. However, I would choose this accomplished beast over other contenders in the same class, the BM’s, the Mercs and yes, even the Porsche.

Drive-way ٙൢ

27-11-09 No. 144

σಀTouareg R50घ$135,000ᐬᄌϚ‫ڗ‬Ȃ೻ቋਿ䘧ΰўШၶ݁ິȂϚႆԃ‫ݎ‬ௌ рಠՃᄆΙήᇄ၎ٙ೎ܻӣΙᝯ‫ތ‬Ӵ՝‫ڏޟ‬тࠢถٙԃ߳ਢ௦ഷঢ়Turbo S‫ڷ‬ ‫ی‬ႻML63Ȃௌོี౪‫ڏ‬ᄂԤϚЍٙ഍ӵ೻এቋ՝ѾѡȄ

Ϛႆौᇯઍୈ‫ڗ‬೻Ιᘈሯौпю࡞σ‫ޟ‬ֆΨȄႫυᛧۡ‫ف‬ಛ࢐኿଩‫ޟ‬Ȃӵௌ໠ ႆᓞ‫ޟ‬ਢঐ‫ܖ‬ሯौᗗ໠Ι‫ٲ‬ራᛤ‫ޟސ‬ਢঐ൷ᡗுਿѴ१ौΟȄ

ᡱ‫ר‬ঈӑ‫ࣼ​ࣼپ‬೻෡ٙ‫ޟ‬ਯЖ—Ѽσ‫ޟ‬10च෼ᎈቨᔆ਼‫ีݶ‬ଢ଼ᐠȄௌџ૖ࣼ ‫ڗ‬Ο٥ࠌႫຜኄ֙—ΙᎄTouraregܴ๿σ࠮ቢ੉Ԓࡊᐠࠉ՗Ȃ೻ࣼΰўԤᘈၓ ஻ȂϚႆௌԃ‫ݎ‬ԤᐠོკၐᎽᎻѺ‫ޟ‬ၗȂௌ൷ོ݂ҩ‫ڏ‬ϛ‫ޟ‬ၾ౩ΟȄ258kW ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨѴё௃ѲএᎈυΰȞѲ៮ȟ౰ҡ‫ޟ‬ᛁσ‫ޟ‬850Nm‫ׯ‬ΨȂ೻Ϛ༉༉࢐‫ܦ‬ ਲ਼٥ૡ‫ޟ‬Ψ໔Ȃ‫ڏ‬ᄂΨᙏ‫ޢ‬џо஠ᐌএි‫ݓ‬೿ਲ਼‫ܦ‬ଔȊ

၎ٙঙ‫ڎ‬Ѳ៮ٙᇄູഏٙ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψ‫ܒڷ‬૖Ȃӣਢσಀӵ၎ٙ࠮ΰቨёΟ٩ᚇԫ‫ڙ‬ ଢ଼‫ف‬ಛȞABSplusȟȂ၎၆ည‫ف‬ಛೝ໠ีᔖҢܻӵϚ஀‫ޟھ‬ၯ७ΰџо෵Ѝ 20%‫ޟ‬㧣ٙຽᚔȄхΡᡙ೥‫࢐ޟ‬Ȃᄇܻ೻ኺΙᎄζ೨җሉ഍Ϛོ໠ᚔଽഀϴၯ ‫ޟ‬ٙᎄՄِȂѺӣኺ‫ڎ‬രଽճጒ൜ᒵᐅоЅႫυϛѵ৯ഀᏢᚇоᔖпᜲоᎽᎻ ‫ྦྤޟ‬ၾၯȄ‫ؠٮר‬ԤკၐႆູഏȂϚႆᐃ‫ޣܚר‬Ȃӵඌӛ‫ޟ‬ᕗცనӇήȂ၎ ٙ๘ᄇԤ๿஼σ‫ޟ‬ᏽାߒ౪ΨȄ

V10ᚖ෼ᎈቨᔆ਼‫ีݶ‬ଢ଼ᐠ࢐σಀ‫ء‬ٙԤѬо‫پ‬ശ㻽஼σ‫ޟ‬ЕᔝȂѺ੼๝Ρ‫ޟ‬ ӟຫ࢐ԃԪ‫ړ౏ޟ‬оՍௌΙҍ໠ΰΟ൷җሉ഍ϚོვॾѺȄ঄ுኊ۷‫࢐ޟ‬ᐬ ࢸ‫ޟ‬Һ೽‫ݲ‬ೣԤٙഀ३‫ڙ‬ȂӰ㻽ΙҍᎽᎻ೻ᎄٙȂ൷ᡱΡ௑ϚՌ࿱Ӵདौ‫װ‬ ‫ߞݶ‬፾‫ۻڗ‬ȂԤਢѫϚႆ࢐㻽Οಯ᠙٥ᐭଢ଼ΡЖ‫ޟ‬Еᔝ㴕ଢ଼໪໪ᖐȄ೽ႆ‫ٮ‬ ցҢσಀ‫ޟ‬4MOTIONӒᎈ៮ଢ଼‫ف‬ಛ‫ࢺ઻຺ڷ‬ᄱ‫ޟ‬6ഀЙ/Ռଢ଼Ιᡝᡐഀ጑Ȃ೻ ΙᎽᎻ‫פ‬ཐϗ૖ுо‫ׇ‬छ‫ޟ‬ᡝ౪Ȅ

σಀ‫ء‬ٙඪ‫ټ‬Ι‫ف‬ӖхΡᜲоည߬‫ޟ‬ωಠ࿽‫ߣڷ‬ё೩രȂ࢐ઍғ‫ޟ‬ᇺ๼ଽ‫ܒ‬૖ ູഏٙȄ௃৴ාᓞ‫݌‬ΰ‫ޟ‬R኿ᇬ‫ڗ‬ቶσ‫ޟ‬៖धઽ۴ઍҪ৴ාȂӔ‫ڗ‬᎟ӫߜ፽‫ݖ‬ ဋȂߜ឴ӎᐩ‫ޟ‬੫‫ܒ‬Ȃࣺ࿋ԁ‫ޟ‬ቈᒼᡗҰዺȂฒ೎ϚᡗҰ๿‫ڏ‬ᐿ੫‫ॳޟ‬ਿȄ‫ڐ‬ ࠮‫ޟ‬ኈ୽೩ॎॳጒȂ‫ܚ‬Ԥ‫ޟ‬ΙϸញЙџЅȂߨலৠܾඡ௡ȂоՍܻௌོี౪Ռ ϏΙႇάΙႇӴᇳȈȶ೻ࣺ࿋݂සȊȷፏ࢑Ᏺ૞࢐џᒵ଩ညȂϚႆ‫ڏ‬ளMP3 ђ૖‫ڷ‬10ᖐၾ‫ޟ‬ଽ઻ॱ៪ᡝಛ๘ᄇ૖ಒӫௌ‫෈ޟ‬ఖȄ

ଶўЕᔝϞѴȂR50ӵ‫ڏ‬тП७ζ࡞‫ڗ‬՝Ȃ၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ӨএഋϷ഍‫ڎ‬Ԥ࡞஼‫ޟ‬ବᄇ ‫ڷܒ‬ၼଢ଼‫ܒ‬Ȅ21़ӧ‫ޟ‬σٙᎈࣼΰўࣺ࿋ϚᒿȂު੉᝚௮၆ညȞଽ࡙џ፡࿽ ጒ൜঄௃140Ս280యԽȂԤල೽ȃ๲ᎌ‫ڷ‬ၼଢ଼έᆍϚӣ‫ޟ‬೩ညȟ፭ϠΟ‫ء‬ٙ юՓ‫׺ޟ‬ӴΨȂ‫ٺ‬ுᙽ᠉џоሆՄܾᖞȄདौ‫ڗײ‬Ι೎џоઍғกၐ೻ᎄٙ ‫ܒ‬૖‫ޟ‬ၾၯ࢐ΙӇሳ࣏Ϛৠܾ‫ٱޟ‬Ȃӵ‫ޟר‬ၐᎽၯ㣶ϞϛԤΙ‫᠉לࡿߨٲ‬ၾ ‫᠉ᙽࡨڷ‬ၾȂ၎ٙࠓ՗Ꮋுࣺ࿋ҁᛧȄ೻ᄇܻӈդٙᎄ‫پ‬ᇳ഍࢐࡞ሯौ‫ޟ‬Ȃ

ᎽᎻR50‫ܚ‬ᕕு‫ڷڧٴޟ‬ᡝᡛ࢐ᐿ੫иฒኳ‫ޟ‬Ȃ೻ᄇܻ࢚‫ٲ‬ᎽᎻ‫پޱ‬䇣ζ೨ᆗ Ϛΰϧ䈥ȂϚႆᇄ‫ר‬ՄِȂࣺᄇܻ‫ڏڷ‬೎ܻӣΙ้઻‫ڏޟ‬тࠢถٙȞϚ፣࢐䖐 ଻ᗙ࢐‫ی‬ႻȂ঺‫߳࢐ܐ‬ਢ௦ȟȂ‫ר‬഍ོᒵᐅ೻෡ԙዣ‫ޟ‬นԃౡᛚૡ‫ޟ‬R50Ȅ


175/70/R13 $60 175/65/R14 $65 205/65/R15 $85 ΜЈᕊཾ 757 Station St. Box Hill VIC 3128

Ⴋၗ ༈ઍ

03 9899 1388 Drive-way



Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

12-03-10 No. 155 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group




Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Golf GTI

The GTi has always been a great little package and just gets better every year. You would not think they could improve it but the 2010 model is a brilliant drive. It also looks good, nice and low with a huge wheel and tyre package. To drive, it’s just so much fun and does everything right - I would even venture to say it is more of a driver’s car than the WRX or Mitsubishi Evo. In fact, if it was all-wheel-drive, it would not be as exciting to drive. The handling is just superb and for a front wheel drive it has incredibly sharp turn in. It is not easy to find a good enough road to really test this car, its limits are so high and it just does everything so effortlessly. I tried entering tight corners at increasingly higher speeds (within the speed limits of course), and the little GTi just took it all in with no hint of losing traction. The rear end stays planted too but with just enough looseness to make it fun but not scary. People often describe some cars as having ‘go-kart like’ handling, but the GTi

28 Drive-way

Geoff Fickling

Translate: Driveway Team

makes you seriously feel like you could keep up with a go-kart on one of those tight little tracks! There is a choice of ‘comfort’ or ‘sport’ damper settings, and sport is seriously hard but your teeth will fall out on our rough Victorian roads. The comfort setting is fine for most situations. The huge brakes are effective, and at parking speeds you have to be careful because if you happen to brush them, it just stops dead and nearly throws you through the windscreen. At open road speeds and with some testing corners however, the brakes show how good they are, very confidence-boosting with plenty of feel. Unlike many cars these days, you have to push really hard to get the ABS to work, which is great. The first thing you notice is the seats, being very supportive with an enormous range of positions and heights. Many taller drivers find small cars difficult to even get into these days, but VW are very generous and thoughtful with this

12-03-10 No. 155

Drive-way ٙൢ

aspect. A seven-footer could fit without drama. All of the controls make perfect sense and are within easy reach (great stereo too) and the steering wheel has a race-car-style flat bottom, and a good meaty feel to it. You instantly feel right at home in this car. Power and torque is up on the previous model, 155kW and 280Nm. There is no shortage of willing grunt from the 2.0 litre turbocharged engine, and it pulls strongly even in the higher gears of the six-speed. In the lower gears, it goes like a scalded cat if you want it to. The great thing is, like all well engineered cars, you can either drive it like a sports car or a shopping jeep; it will do both and everything in between. You could also take it to a track day and surprise a lot of people. The turbo has very little lag, and the engine responds instantly to the slightest push on the accelerator. All in all, a beautifully engineered and thought out car, and for anyone looking for a ‘pocket rocket’, you need to look no further than this. σಀଽᅭЉGTIհ࣏Ι෡‫ׇ‬छ‫ޟ‬ϛω࠮ٙΙ‫ޢ‬о‫پ‬഍ӵԑԑ໌؏Ȅձ‫ܖ‬೨ᇯ࣏ Ѻϐငင‫ڗڐ‬ΟྃमȂ‫ؠ‬Ԥϧቄ૖ஊ᝷៉‫ޟ໌׽‬ӴПΟȇϚႆ‫ٱ‬ᄂᜌ݂Ȃձ ‫ޟ‬ད‫ݲ‬ԤᇲȂσಀଽᅭЉGTI 2010ԑཱི෡ٙ଩ΰσٙᎈ‫ڷ‬ᎈपৈӇȂฒ፣Ѵ ᢎ‫ڷ‬ϱӵ഍ࣺ࿋‫ູڟ‬Ȋ ᎽᎻ၎ٙԤ๿࡞ӻ‫ޟ‬ዅ፸Ȃ‫ٮ‬иΙϸ഍ᡗு٥ቄछԁȄ‫ࣥר‬ՍමᇳӣWRX‫ܖ‬ ‫ޱ‬έ๽ EvoࣺШȂѺ๘ᄇ࢐ॶᒵٙȄ‫ٱ‬ᄂΰȂԃ‫ݎ‬Ѻ‫ݎ‬ઍᡐԙѲ៮ٙȂᎽᎻѺ Іই‫ؠ‬Ԥ٥ቄӻ‫ޟ‬ᡙ൉ΟȄᐌഋٙ‫ޟ‬ᐇ௡ࣺ࿋റюȂࠉᎈ៮ଢ଼ၼ՗‫ޟ‬௑‫ݷ‬ю нཎਟ‫ޟ‬ԁȂՂᄂᇳȂ‫ڗײ‬Ιన૖ஊઍғกၐ၎ٙ‫ܒ‬૖‫ޟ‬ၾၯᗙઍϚৠܾȄ Ѻ‫ྃޟ‬३ЊଽΟȂоՍܻᄇܻ٥‫ٲ‬ලႇ‫ޟ‬กၐ‫پ‬ᇳȂѺ‫ׇ‬ԙுࢋৠܾάԁȄ



Drive-way ٙൢ

12-03-10 No. 155

‫ר‬ၐყёഀࡨᙽ᠉Ȟ࿋ณӵٙഀ३‫ڙ‬оϱȟȂѺ࡬ѽ‫ڗ‬՝Ȃ‫ؠ‬Ԥ๛య‫ޟ‬৯ᒿȂ ‫׎‬ഋࣺ࿋ᛧ࿋ȂԤ๿࡬‫ڗ‬ԁ೎‫ޟ‬Ι๛๛ྤଢ଼Ȃᡱձឈுшᅖ‫ږ‬ᐭዅ፸ࠓϚՍܻ ᔃԫȄ Ρঈငல‫ל‬ৠԤ‫ٲ‬ٙሯौԃӣᎽᎻњΛٙ٥ૡᐇ௡ȂᡗณGTI૖ஊ๝ձ೻ኺ‫ޟ‬ ཐឈȈᎽᎻ๿њΛٙӵ੭બ‫ޟ‬ᗉၾΰॴႻȄGTIӣਢ‫ڎ‬ര‫ڍ‬ᆍ෵ᎪᏢ೩ညᒵᐅ Ȃ๲ᎌ࠮‫ڷ‬ၼଢ଼࠮Ȃၼଢ଼࠮࡞ᜲȂ࿋ձᎽᎻӵᆰԎ٥‫ٲ‬ШၶϚҁ‫ޟۄ‬ၾၯΰ‫ޟ‬ ਢঐȂձོཐឈՌϏ‫ޟ‬бᏏ‫פ‬ೝᎪ௬ΟȇՄ๲ᎌ࠮ࠌᎌҢܻσӻኵ‫ޟ‬ၯ‫ݷ‬Ȅ ࠆٙΪϷԤਝȂоՍܻ࿋ձоୄٙਢഀ՗Ꮋਢ҆໸࿲ϷωЖȂ฿Ԥញ࿦Ȃᐌএ ٙ൷ོ‫ׇ‬ӒୄХȞԤਢࣥՍོԤΙᆍौ஠ձңюٙๅѴ‫ޟ‬ཐឈȟȄӵ໠ܹၾၯ ‫᠉ڷ‬ၾΰ‫ޟ‬Ι‫ٲ‬กၐߒ݂ࠆࣺٙ࿋юՓȇϚ჋౪ӵ࡞ӻٙȂձ҆໸ߨலҢΨӴ ፾ࠆٙϗ૖‫ٺ‬ுABS‫ف‬ಛώհȂ೻ΙᘈΰȂѺᡗณልልሴӑȄ ձॶӑ‫ݧ‬ཎ‫࢐ོޟڗ‬৴ා——Ԥ๿Ϛӣ‫࠼ֲޟ‬೩ॎӣଽ࡙Ȃࣺ࿋‫ڎ‬രΡᡝԢጣ Лධ‫ܒ‬ȄϚЍ٘؅ଽσ‫ޟ‬ѧᐠ‫܁܁‬ཐ‫ڗ‬ौད๲ᎌӴᎽᎻω࠮ٙᙏ‫ᜲ࢐ޢ‬оᄂ౪ ȞԤਢঐ೿ֲ໌ў഍࡞֨ᜲȟȂϚႆӵ೻ΙП७Ȃσಀ‫ء‬ٙᡗณࣺ࿋ϚᒿȂ࣏ ࡊИདுΪϷ‫ڗں‬ȂΙএ7Џଽ‫ظޟ‬υֲ໌ўϞࡣ‫ؠ‬Ԥ๛య‫ޟ‬ϚᎌȄ‫ܚ‬Ԥ‫ޟ‬ᐇ ௡഍ࣺ࿋ӫ౩ȂΪϷৠܾΰЙȞॱ៪‫ف‬ಛ‫෕࢐؁‬ு‫ؠ‬ၗᇳȟȂПөዺ‫ۻޟ‬ഋҁ ྤȂញཐಠᑶȂ‫ڎ‬രᗉٙॳਿȄᎽᎻ೻ᎄٙȂᡱձԤΙᆍᇽՍԃᘪ‫ޟ‬ཐឈȄ ଢ଼Ψ‫ׯڷ‬ΨᇄϞࠉ‫ޟ‬ٙ࠮ΙኺȂϷտ࣏155kW‫ڷ‬280nmȄ2.0Ѐ‫ޟ‬෼ᎈቨᔆЕ ᔝώհଔ‫ܒپ‬૖ࣺ࿋ԁȂีю࡞ӻΡዅཎ᠙‫ޟڗ‬ԃӣᗉٙంଢ଼ਢ٥ៜ໪໪‫៪ޟ‬ ᖐȂ࿋ձϲഀ௶ᔬϛ‫ޟ‬ଽ௶ᔬᎽᎻਢȂࠌ೻ᆍᖐ៪ਝ‫ོݎ‬஼ࠐȄԃ‫ݎ‬ϸ඲‫ڗ‬ճ ௶ᔬȂձौ࢐᜹ཎ‫ޟ‬ၗȂζོีюԃӣᒥ‫ڧ‬ᡙਢีю‫ڬޟ‬ᘏᖐȄശ঄ுᢚ፬‫ޟ‬ Ιᘈ࢐Ȃԃӣ‫ܚ‬ԤᆠЖ೩ॎ‫ءޟ‬ٙ٥ኺȂձࢋџо჋ᎽᎻΙᎄເٙ٥ኺ໠ζџ о჋ᎽᎻΙᎄᗊ‫ސ‬ӡලٙ٥ኺ໠Ȃฒ፣঺Ιᆍ໠‫ݲ‬഍૖ࢺᄱՌԃȂுЖᔖЙȇ ձࣥՍџоएี‫ۉ‬དӴ‫װ‬Ѻ໠‫ڗ‬ᗉၾΰўȂᡱΡঈσӬΙᡙȄ෼ᎈ‫ޟ‬ᅗࡣ‫ߨܒ‬ லωȂ࿋ձሆሆӴ፾‫ߞݶ‬ϞࡣȂЕᔝџоҳ଻౰ҡӱᔖȄ



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30 Drive-way

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9873 3668 / 0402 799 038


Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

14-05-10 No. 164 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Volkswagen R36 Edmund Chow

Translate: Driveway Team

The R36 Passat is the fast production car from Volkswagen. It is difficult to spot the difference between a normal Passat and the R36. It many cases they look similar but when you notice the large V chrome grille, special black paint with large alloy wheels, it may just be the R36. Having an extra 400cc of power, the engine with 220kW/350Nm can shove the car from 0 to 100km/h in just under 6 seconds. Not bad for a car that is almost 1.8tonne and with it original plan a genuine daily commuter. In addition, it has an on demand 4 wheel drive function from a famous parts supplier “Haldex”. When cornering, it is surely footed. Grip is excellent. It transfers appropriate torque to its rear axle by the “Haldex” coupling. It behaves what it should be doing. The share of power from the front to the rear is just perfect. It is not a sheep in a wolf’s skin. It is really something. Sufficient feel about the steering wheel feeds well back

A car that you will like.

to the driver. The driver also enjoys a good commanding driving position as well. The internal of the car is ok, but you will get leather steering wheel with aluminum trim. 12-way powered front sport seats with adjustable side bolsters. In addition, it is available with 3 levels of seat warmer. Steer wheel with reach and height adjustable function, and having two large gear shift paddles on the side. The only thing that VW has to look into is perhaps an electric adjustable steering wheel. Multi-purpose display with Sat-Nav. I like the electric park brake with hold function. Built quality is extraordinarily good. Unlike most other brands, you get what you pay. The automatic double clutch gear box is excellent. I don’t need to do anything with it, it is upfront and sensitive but when you want some engine brake, just touch the left paddle shift for a little while, then when things settled down a Drive-way


14-05-10 No. 164

while, it will get back to the automatic mode. Hence, it is a truly smart semi-automatic. As for the suspension, it is leaning on the firm side. As most manufacturers will tend to do, lower the body and get a stiffer suspension. It is almost a text book example of success. As for the safety department, it is very comprehensive. Normal gear such as eight airbags, stability control, ABS, parking sensors and type pressure monitor are included. Safety rating is 5 star in Euro NCAP and subsequently in Australia as well Do I like it? Yes, and it is something that we can talk about. It is German engineering, comparing to the normal Passat. This is a surprise to discover how good it is. Because people will feel comfort and confidence in driving such a car. A little bit of power to do the overtaking, but still enjoying a large storage capacity for the weekend adventure. R36۴ᙡ੫࢐σಀ‫ء‬ٙϴѧҡ౰‫ޟ‬ήҡ౰㣶ശ‫פ‬ȃюኅ໔ശσ‫ءޟ‬ٙȂΙૡ࡞ ᜲࣼюѺᇄල೽࠮‫ޟ‬۴ᙡ੫Ԥϧቄ৯տȄϚႆ࿋ձ‫ݧ‬ཎ‫ڗ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬σ࠮Vԅᗡሞ໌ ੉οȂᐿ੫‫ޟ‬༃Փٙ٘‫຺ڷ‬σ‫ޟ‬ӫߜٙᎈਢȂձ൷џо޻ۡѺ൷࢐R36Ȅ ‫ڎ‬ര᚞Ѵ‫ޟ‬400cc଻Ψ‫ޟ‬Еᔝ(220kW/350Nm)௃ᓗХёഀႀ‫ڗ‬100ϴ٨/ωਢ ‫ޟ‬ഀ࡙ѫሯ6ऌȄᄇܻΙᎄ৯Ϛӻ१1.8ᏠȂনҏҢഊ࣏РலΰήੲᎽᎻ‫ءޟ‬ ٙ‫پ‬ᇳȂ೻ኺ‫ޟ‬ԙᕼᆗ࢐࡞Ϛᒿ‫ޟ‬ΟȄ ԪѴȂᔖᗊີ‫ޟޱ‬ሯؑȂ၎ٙ‫ڎ‬രΟҥ๿Ӫ‫ޟ‬ഋӇҡኅ୦ȶHaldexȷ‫ܚ‬ඪ‫ټ‬ Ѳ៮ђ૖Ȅӵ‫᠉ܬ‬ਢ‫׺‬ӴΨ࡞஼Ȃ࡬‫ڗ‬ԁ೎‫ׯޟ‬Ψ೽ႆȶHaldexȷᖒ໅Ꮲೝ

30 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ

Drive-way ٙൢ

05-03-10 No. 162 30-04-10 154

ᙽಋ‫ڗ‬Οࡣٙ໅ΰȂΨ໔‫֯ޟ‬ᒋཐࣺ࿋‫ׇ‬छȂ๘ᄇ‫ޟ‬ೲઍቋᄂȊӵᎽᎻ‫ޟ‬ႆแ ϛȂᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ӵཐ‫ڧ‬௃Пөዺΰ༈ሎՄ‫ޟپ‬ᐇᖃཐ‫ޟ‬ӣਢȂζ૖߳ࡻ๿๘‫ޟٹ‬௡ ‫࠼ڙ‬༖Ȅ ٙ٘ϱഋ‫ޟ‬೩ॎ‫ڷ‬፴໔഍ࣺ࿋ϚᒿȂ࿋ઍ࢐Ι้ቋᓀΙ้ೲȈ‫ڎ‬രଽ࡙‫ࠉڷ‬ժ ৤࡙፡࿽ђ૖‫ޟ‬Ҫ፴᎟ӫߜПөዺȂ୏ਠள‫ڍ‬এσ‫ޟ‬඲ᔬ؋ȞϚႆԃ‫ݎ‬σಀ૖ ӵႫυ፡࿽Пөዺ೻ΙᘈΰӔ‫໌׽‬Ιή൷‫؁‬ԁΟȟȇࠉઍҪ౅ӫၼଢ଼࠮৴ාџ 12Пө፡࿽‫ڎٮ‬രέᆍϚӣቹ࡙‫ޟ‬৴ාёዥђ૖ȇளፏ࢑Ᏺ૞‫ف‬ಛ‫ޟ‬ӻђ૖ ᡗҰࡎȄ‫ר‬এΡ൉᠍ள኷ୄђ૖‫ޟ‬Ⴋυୄٙࠆٙ၆ညȄ ᚖᚔӫᏢՌଢ଼ᔬᡐഀᏢࣺ࿋ϚᒿȂ‫ר‬Ϛሯौ᚞ѴӴўୈӈդ‫ٱ‬௑ȂѺࣺ࿋‫ޟ‬ః ཐ‫ޢڷ‬௥Ȅ࿋‫ר‬ሯौЕᔝୄХώհΙή‫ޟ‬ਢঐȂѫሯौ࿦ΙήѾ᜞‫ޟ‬Пөዺ඲ ᔬኦаΙོ‫ڋ‬ȂᓍࡣȂ࿋Ιϸҁᓗή‫پ‬Ȃ൷ོᙽԙՌଢ଼዁ԒȄӰԪȂ‫ר‬џоᇳ ೻࢐Ιএઍғᖑ݂‫ޟ‬јՌଢ଼ᡐഀᏢȄՍܻኆᙋ᝚௮၆ညഋӋȂ‫؁‬༊ఇܻٙ࢜‫ޟ‬ ‫ڍ‬᜞ȂӣσഋӋኅড়ོ༊өўୈ‫ޟ‬٥ኺȂ६ճٙ٘‫ۻ‬ዺ‫ٺ‬ு᝚ࢆ၆ည‫஀؁‬฽Ȃ ೻ኺ‫ޟ‬೩ॎඁн൷࢐Ιএԙђ‫ڐޟ‬ጒȄ ၎ٙӵԊӒ‫ܒ‬૖П७ШၶፒᚕȂ‫ڎ‬രΤএԊӒ੉᠄ȃᛧۡ௡‫فڙ‬ಛȃ٩ྤࠆٙ ‫ف‬ಛȃୄٙ༈ཐᏢоЅᎈप੉ᔆᅿ௡၆ညȄਲ਼ᐃዉࢸNCAPกၐ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ‫ܒ‬૖џ ႀϤ࢑Ȃӵᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬กၐ๖‫ݎ‬ζΙኺȄ ‫ר‬൉᠍Ѻቄȉ ๎ਰ࢐޻ۡ‫ޟ‬ȄՄи࡞঄ுΙᇳȂᇄල೽‫ޟ‬۴ᙡ੫ࣺШȂ೻Ι෡ٙ࢐ኈ‫ޟڙ‬Е ᔝ‫ف‬ಛȂӰԪюнཎਟ‫ޟ‬ԁȂᎽᎻ೻ᎄٙ૖๝Ρоٗஊ‫ޟ‬๲ᎌཐ‫ڷ‬Ռ߬ЖȄ຺ ٙ‫ޟ‬ਢঐ଻ΨғԁȂԃ‫ݎ‬དौ‫ں‬ґўॡၽȂٙϱ‫ުޟ‬໢ζஊσȂџᒝ࢐‫ڍ‬Ӓ‫ڏ‬ छ‫ޟ‬ԁٙȄ

HING CHEONG PROFINISH Accident Repair Centre


* 24 15 Pilgrim Court, Ringwood, VIC 3134 9873 1886 Hak Kouch 0408 336 388




Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

21-05-10 No. 165 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

New kid in Town From a Famous Stable

Volkswagen Golf Wagon 118

Edmund Chow We can praise the Volkswagen for a number of its good attributes. For example, the pricing is right, the German quality is excellent and so on and so forth. But I think the VW wagon has an important mission to accomplish. I would say that is about safety and practicality.


Translate: Driveway Team

Station wagon is not a very attractive term in the Australian motoring landscape. That is because customers prefer a high seating and commenting driving position than a car like traditional wagon body. A substantial amount of people would prefer a SUV for a four wheel drive alike vehicle. But the Golf wagon is different. Belted under its arm is its best car of the year award across its entire range. Hence, there is no reason why Volkswagen wouldn’t grip all the limelight from its complete range.

or small to medium size 4 wheel drive type of vehicle will give you better handling for winding and twisty hilly roads and even for the super highways. Physics does not change, car fashions come and go. For the real Volkswagen support, a spacious back is just perfect to tackle the practical needs, while still enjoying the powerful but frugal engines. Not to mention about the size, it is easy for anyone to have a go. In addition, the extra cargo area that grows out of the standard Golf is just 432mm longer and 45mm higher. It is useful and mindful about some basics on practicality in mind, with tie downs as the European designed cargo net can be deployed in two positions just to suit your need. Beneath the rear luggage cover, it can take on 505 litres of space, when folded flat with the rear seats it can accommodate 1,495litres of luggage space.

According to Volkswagen, the Golf wagon is one of the best sellers in Europe and German. Well, for all sorts of right reasons. A bit lower than SUV

In terms of technology, I still think the park assist (automatic parking function) is value for money. Apart from that, I like the Anti-slip regulation (ASR) that will

28 Drive-way

21-05-10 No. 165

cut in when the car senses a lose of tyre gripping in a split seconds. Then, the electronic differential lock (EDL) will accompany with the traditional but reliable Electronic Stabilisation Program (ESP) to intervene with the nasty situation. The hopefully will save you from an accident. The ABS will work together with the Electronic Brake force distribution if you brake hard suddenly, it will prevent the car from swerving to the on coming traffic or a nasty obstacle etc. Six airbags will deploy if nothing can save the car from an impact. Then, the rigid body which has been designed to protect the driver and passengers will absorb the imminent impact. There will be a happy ending if you are driving a new car with this sort of safety equipment level. Most importantly, we need to upgrade our driving skills as well. The 1.4litre TSi petrol engine is a major breakthrough in using super charger and turbo charger to ensure sufficient power, as well as enjoying its outstanding fuel economy of just 6.3Litre per 100 kms. But that is not the end of the story, the TSi engine behaves and drives like a confident and vivid 2 litre engine. Engine power is 118kW at 5,900 revs and a healthy 240Nm available from 1,750 revs. As for driving comfort, I like the sound dampening materials in the car and also the acoustic windscreen that absorbs wind sound and engine noise from the front. Suspension is firm but just right. It can manage very well in keeping the wagon in its happy mode but not giving out nasty, strange and hollow sound. How does it drive like? Unlike most cars that become bigger but worse, the wagon retains the clear attributes of a fun driving driver’s car. It has precise and sharp steering, complimented with the TSi dual charged petrol. You will

Drive-way ٙൢ only feel it is bigger and longer than the GTi, but it is nearly as good as its acclaimed brothers or sisters. Just think about driving it to the country side. It will help you to re-kindle family memories through quality time together with your love ones, spouse or children. Just enjoy a bit of a fun with a versatile car like the VW Golf Wagon. σಀ‫ء‬ٙԤΙ‫࡞ٲ‬঄ுᢚප‫ޟ‬ӴПȂШԃѺ‫ޟ‬ቋਿࣺ࿋ӫ౩Ȃኈ୽ٙ‫ޟ‬፴໔Ι ࢺ้ȄϚႆ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏σಀٙᗙԤѪΙএሯौֆΨ‫ׇ‬๡‫ޟ‬१ौ‫ڼٺ‬Ȃ٥൷࢐ԊӒ‫ܒ‬ ᇄᄂҢ‫ܒ‬Ȅ ਡ՗ٙӵᐬࢸ‫ءޟ‬ٙᇧഅ‫ڷ‬᎛୵՗ཾϛ‫ߨٮ‬ΙএΪϷ֜ЕΡ‫ޟ‬ٙ࠮ȄӰ࣏ࣺၶ ܻ᜸խ༈ಛೲٙ‫ޟ‬ٙ‫ޟל‬ਡ՗ٙȂσഋϷ‫ޟ‬ᗊີ‫؁ޱ‬൉᠍ଽ৴ා‫ڷ‬хΡ๲݈‫ޟ‬ ᎽᎻ࠼༖ȂՄΙഋӋ൉དྷѲ៮ٙᡝᡛ‫ޟ‬੫ۡΡတ‫؁‬༊өܻᗊີSUVȄϚႆσ ಀଽᅭЉਡ՗ٙ࢐Ϛӣ‫ޟ‬ȂѺ࢐೻Ι᜸տϛ‫ޟ‬ԑ࡙ശ‫ٹ‬ٙ࠮Ȅ ਲ਼ᐃσಀ‫ء‬ٙϴѧ‫ޟ‬ᇳ‫ݲ‬ȂଽᅭЉਡ՗ٙӵኈ୽ΝՍዉࢸ഍࢐᎛໔ശԁ‫ءޟ‬ٙ ȄѺШSUVоЅ٥‫ٲ‬ϛω࠮‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮ٙौ࿤Ι‫ٲ‬ȂϚႆष፣ᄇпσॳ‫ޟ‬Ј੉Ȃ ‫᠉ܖ‬Ԣ‫ޟ‬ΰ‫ۃ‬ၯоЅଽഀϴၯᎽᎻȂଽᅭЉਡ՗ٙ‫ޟ‬ᐇ௡ौ‫؁‬ёৠܾΰЙȄӵ Ϛኇ៪Еᔝ஼σ଻Ψ‫ܒ‬૖‫ࠉޟ‬ඪήȂσಀ੫Ԥ‫ޟ‬Ρ‫ڷܒ‬ᄂҢ‫ܒ‬೩ॎ——ᘗσ‫ޟ‬ ٙ‫׎‬ഋӋȂቨё‫ޟ‬՗‫؃‬጑ഋӋШ༈ಛ‫ޟ‬ଽᅭЉौߝю43.2ᚄԽ‫ڷ‬ौଽю4.5ᚄ ԽȄ൷ᄂҢ‫ܒ‬೻ΙᘈՄِȂ೻ኺ‫ޟ‬Ճኌ࢐ࣺ࿋ಠጝ‫ޟڗں‬ȄዉԒ೩ॎॳਿ‫ࡣޟ‬ ٙ጑‫ڎ‬രџ၆ή505Ѐ՗‫ޟ؃‬σު໢Ȃԃ‫ࡣװݎ‬৴ාөࠉ‫׷‬᠒ࡣџ၆ή1,495 Ѐ‫ޟ‬՗‫؃‬Ȅ ൷ଽཱིऋ‫׬‬ՄِȂ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏ୄٙሄօ‫ف‬ಛȞՌଢ଼ୄٙђ૖ȟ࢐ቋԤ‫ܚ‬঄‫ޟ‬ȄଶԪ ϞѴȂ‫ר‬൉᠍Ѻ‫ءޟ‬ٙ٩ྤᙽ௡‫فڙ‬ಛȞASRȟȂ࿋៮ଢ଼ٙᎈю౪ྤᙽ‫ޟ‬Ι



Drive-way ٙൢ

21-05-10 No. 165

ᕡ໢Ȃ௡‫فڙ‬ಛ೽ႆ௡‫ีڙ‬ଢ଼ᐠ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψᒯю‫ܖ‬ᄇྤᙽٙᎈࢊо‫ڙ‬ଢ଼Ψ‫ڙ׻پ‬ ٙᎈ‫ᙽྤޟ‬Ȃо‫ٺ‬ٙᎈ߳ࡻശσ‫ߣޟ‬๿‫׺‬ӴΨȄӵีҡӠᓎ‫ݷޑ‬ਢȂႫυ৯ ഀᚇХᏢȞEDLȟ଩ӫ༈ಛ‫ޟ‬Ⴋυᛧۡ‫ف‬ಛȞESPȟΙӣཆႱᎽᎻȂ‫ה‬ఖԤџ ૖ਗӱΙൟٙᆌ‫ีޟ‬ҡȄӵσΨᆧࡨࠆٙ‫ޟ‬௑‫ݷ‬ήȂ٩ྤྷٙ‫ف‬ಛ‫ڷ‬Ⴋυ௡ ‫ڙڙ‬ଢ଼ΨϷ଩‫ف‬ಛࣺϣӫհȂ٩Хю౪‫ڍ‬ٙ७ᄇ७ࣺኡ‫ޟ‬ඍቑශຫȄӵ࿲Ι Ԥџ૖ีҡ‫ࠉޟ࢈ٱ‬ඪήȂϲএԊӒ‫ོ᠄ء‬৤໠Ȃӣਢ஀‫ޟھ‬ٙ٘џо߳ᜌ ஠ᎽᎻ‫ޟڗڧܚࡊॸڷޱ‬ፐᔞ෵ՍശωȄᎽᎻ๿‫ڎ‬ര೻ኺଽԊӒђ૖‫ཱིޟ‬ٙ ‫ܚ‬ள‫ޟپ‬๖‫ݎ‬Ռณ࢐хΡ‫ݠ‬ኑ‫ޟ‬ȂϚႆശ१ौ‫ר࢐ޟ‬ঈሯौඪଽՌ٘‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ ‫׬‬೚ЫྥȄ 1.4Ѐ‫ޟ‬TSi‫ݶء‬Еᔝ࢐Ιএ१σ‫ޟ‬एકȂၼҢΟᐠడቨᔆ‫ڷ‬෼ᎈቨᔆ‫׬‬೚Ȃ‫ٺ‬ ‫ڏ‬ӵள‫پ‬஼ࠐ଻Ψ‫ޟ‬ӣਢ߳ᜌΟԤਝ‫ޟ‬ᐽ‫ݶ‬౥Ȉؐ՗‫ٺ‬100ϴ٨Ϛႆૉ‫ݶ‬6.3 ЀȄϚႆᗙϚѫ೻ኺȂTSi1.4Ѐ‫ޟ‬Еᔝ๝ձ‫ޟ‬ཐឈԃӣ2Ѐ‫ޟ‬ЕᔝΙኺȈଢ଼Ψ ࣏118kW/5,900ᙽȂ‫ׯ‬Ψ࣏240Nm/1,750ᙽȄ ՍܻᎽᎻ‫ޟ‬๲ᎌ‫ܒ‬Ȃ‫ר‬൉᠍٩Ꮱॱࠉ᐀ॳ࣠ይџоߢႤॳᖐоЅЕᔝ‫៪ޟ‬ᖐ Ȅ᝚࢜‫ف‬ಛ࡬‫ڗ‬ԁ೎‫ھ஀ޟ‬Ȃ߳ᜌΟٙᎄӵ՗‫ٺ‬ႆแϛџоᛧۡՄϚՍܻี ю٥ᆍхΡଆვ‫ޟ܏ۉޟ‬ᖐॱȄ ᎽᎻѺ‫ޟ‬ᡝᡛԃդ‫ڹ‬ȉԃ‫ڏ‬тٙ٥ᆍູٙ٘σ‫ܒ‬૖ູ৯‫ޟ‬ཐឈϚӣȂ၎ٙϫ ณ߳੼ΟᎽᎻ‫ޟ‬ዅ፸‫ܒ‬ȄПөዺ‫ޟ‬ᐇ௡ᆠটՄ߻ဣȂTSi෼ᎈቨᔆЕᔝ‫ܒ‬૖х ΡᜓნȄձѫོឈுѺШσಀGTiᡝᑖौσΙ‫ٲ‬Ȃٙ٘ौߝΙ‫ٲ‬Ȃծᄂሬ‫ܒ‬૖ ‫ڷ‬σಀӣ᜸‫ޟߔ᠍ڧ‬ٙ࠮ΙኺԁȄ ད჋ΙήᎽᎻ๿σಀଽᅭЉਡ՗ٙ‫ی‬Ⴛӵ໐໢ȂΙၯ՗‫پ‬ȂӣདྷΡȃড়Ρ‫ܖ‬ ࡆυঈӓ࡙᠍ዅ‫ޟ‬ਢӎȂ੼Ԇήछԁ‫ޟ‬ӱᏹȂ‫ڧٴ‬ฒᅾ‫ޟ‬ዅ፸Ȃ٥࢐ӻቄ֜ ЕΡ‫ޟ‬ΙӇ‫ٱ‬୭Ȋ

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as at Mar 31,2009

20-08-10 No. 178 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151


New Polo TSI

Edmund Chow

Translate: Driveway Team

I have to return the car to Volkswagen after test drive, but I was hesitated to do so. It is because the Polo is one of the most loveliest cars that I had from Volkswagen.

claimed 5.5L per 100km, the car is a clear miser for fuel and saver for the environment. On the other hand, it uses premium unleaded petrol. Apart from that, it is perhaps the best that you can get from a small or light car.

Noticeably, it is a small car. But a clever design put the car into a mid size perspective. You feel the size of the car only when you are seated with your family in the car. For the driver and front passenger, you will not feel any kind of agoraphobia. It has excellent head and leg rooms for a 6-footer.

Although you have learnt about the fuel savings of the car, not too many cars can get to this mark. The latest Hybrid from Japan claimed for 4L/100kms. The Ford small car claimed for 3.9L for 100kms. Yet, you will feel security and assurance from this Polo. Well, German fame and technology obviously work very well with this South African made smallest brother from the Volkswagen Group.

It has a multidimensional front grille and headlight cluster. It looks similar to Golf but only smaller. In general, I have a similar feeling that the Polo is actually a smaller version of the Golf. The press car that I have driven carried a 1.2- litre turbo with 77kW/175Nm engine. The car responded very quickly to sudden harsh acceleration. With a

28 Drive-way

The steering is clear, the suspension works very well with the MacPherson struts in the front while there is a very reliable and practical torsion beam axle at the back. Six-speed manual is very functional, with a press down and push forward reverse gear, a simple but practical way to avoid possible confusion.

20-08-10 No. 178

All the safety features are included. That includes two areas. The preventative active safety includes Electronic differential lock, Anti-Slip regulation, Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP), Brake Assist and Electronic Brake pressure Distribution. On the other hand, the protective protection features, one of the most advance seat belt pre-tensioner. Preparing the passenger into the six airbags, that is available across the range. It also has an Australian 5 stars ANCAP crash rating. Most of my readers know about my preference about cars. The more skillful and experienced you are on the road with more safety features onboard the car will help the passengers escape serious accident. As the Polo incorporates the energy saving notion, on the central multi functional display it shows the gear level that you are driving plus an arrow to remind you that up-shifting a gear is beneficial to your pocket and the environment. Built quality is solid and convincing that it is a German designed car, no doubt about it. But the most important selling point of this car, apart from styling and German engineering, is its low selling price. With some dealers, the Polo can be around A$16,990 for the 77kW TSI.

Driveway ٙൢ ࣏࢐Ιᎄϛ࠮‫ء‬ٙȄ࿋ձ‫ޟ‬ড়ΡၭձΙଔॸֲ၎ٙਢȂ٥ਢձѫོཐ‫ڗ‬Ѻઍ ғσωȂᄇܻࠉ৴‫ࡊॸޟޟ‬Ȃтঈ๘ᄇϚོཐ‫ߴࠁڗ‬ϚԊȂӰ࣏ᄇܻ٘ଽ6़ ֐‫ܖ‬ΙԽΤ‫ޟ‬σ‫ظ‬Ρ഍ོ‫ڧٴ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬ᓞഋЅٗഋު໢ Ȅ ཱིٙѓࢂΟΙএӻ१ُ࡙‫ޟ‬ٙᓞួ࢞Ѕٙᓞᐷಢӫ. Ѻ‫ޟ‬Ѵ࠮ΪϷࡸߖGolf(ଽ ൲࠮)ծѫ࢐ಠЍΙᘈȄӰԪȂ‫ר‬ѫџоᇳѺ࢐ಠЍΙᘈ‫ޟ‬GolfȄ ‫ר‬ঈ‫ءޟޟ‬ٙ၆ԤΙএ1.2ϴЀ‫ޟ‬ᚖ१෼ᎈቨᔆЕᔝЅ77kW‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨЅ175Nm ‫ׯޟ‬ΨȄ၎ٙІᔖః௦ȂᄇएՄ‫ޟپڏ‬ёഀһІᔖٞഀ。ኅПᇯ࣏Ѻ‫ޟ‬ૉ‫ݶ‬ ໔࢐5.5ϴЀџоٖ100ϴ٨ȇ၎݂ٙᡗӴ࢐Ιএૉ‫ޟݶ‬Ԉ଒ѷЅᄇᕗცΰһ Ԥ߳៖Ȅ‫ڏ‬тП७ȂѺҢᓺ፴ฒ႗‫ݶء‬ȂଶԪϞѴȂѺџ૖࢐ಠٙ‫ܖ‬ሆ࠮ٙ ϛȂձџоີ‫ڗ‬ശԁ‫ޟ‬ΙᎄȄ ᗶณȂձ‫ޣ‬ၾ၎ٙࣸ‫ޟݶ‬ΙᕗȂծ‫ٮ‬Ϛ࢐‫ܚ‬Ԥ‫ޟ‬ٙ഍џоႀ‫ڗ‬٥ΙএԙᕼȄ ശཱི‫౅ޟ‬૖‫ء‬ٙџоႀ‫ڗ‬4ϴЀٖ100ϴ٨Ȃᆋ੫‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ωٙᇳџоҢ3.9ϴٖ 100ϴ٨Ȃծձོཐ‫ڗ‬σಀ‫ء‬ٙџо๝ϠӨٙк‫ޟ‬ԊӒЅ߳ᜌȄ࿋ณȂኈ୽‫ء‬ ٙ‫ޟ‬Ӫ੉Ѕऋ‫݂׬‬ᡗӴᄇ೻ᎄ௃ࠒߨᇧഅσಀ‫ء‬ٙ໱ღ‫ޟ‬ωٙଔΟ࡞σ‫ޟ‬ғ ७հҢȄ

It is hard to comment on the drawbacks of this Polo, because it has just been crowned as the World Car of the year. However, you can say, you may rather prefer a bigger car, such as its smart brother the award winning Golf Mark 6.

၎ٙ‫ᙽޟ‬ө఼඾ȂᗗᎪЅ᝚௮ߨல଩ӫૉ‫ޟݶ‬ഫ߆ՋԒࠉЛЅࡣഋ௴ҢΟߨ லџᎬ‫ׯޟ‬؋Ȅϲࠉഀ‫ޟ‬Йଢ଼௶ߨலϞԤ፸ȂᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬џоࡸήЙଢ଼௶ᫌϞࡣ ௰ࠉ߯џоᙽΣࡣই௶ᔬȇΙএᙏ൐ծᄂሬ‫ޟ‬П‫ݲ‬ўᗗջΣᒿ௶ᔬȄ

࿋‫ר‬ौҺᗙ‫ޟר‬σಀ‫ء‬ٙϠѺ‫ޟ‬ф౩ਢȂ‫ר‬ΪϷนᒣᔖ֏Һᗙ၎ٙȂӰ࣏Ȃ σಀ‫ޟ‬Polo࠮ဴ(᝘ၯ࠮)࢐‫ר‬ശ൉དྷ‫ޟ‬σಀ‫ء‬ٙȄ

‫ܚ‬Ԥ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ௩ࢊ഍ϐѓࢂΟȂ٥ѓࢂΟ‫ڍ‬П७Ȃџоᗗջ‫ޟ‬кଢ଼ԊӒ೩രԃ Ⴋυ‫ࡣޟ‬ᎈଢ଼Ψᚇȃ٩υ҈ྤ၆ညȃESPႫυ‫ޟ‬ᛧۡ‫ف‬ಛȃBAࠆٙሄօ‫ڷ‬ EBDႫυࠆٙଢ଼ΨϷ଩ȂѪΙП७ȂѺԤΙ‫߳ٲ‬៖၆ညԃȃႱષԒ‫ޟ‬ԊӒள ЅϲএԊӒ੉ೡȂ٥࢐ᐌএ‫ف‬Ӗ഍ѓࢂ‫ޟ‬ȄӣਢȂѺᕕுᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ೩രᇯ




Driveway ٙൢ

20-08-10 No. 178

џ5࢑઻‫ޟ‬ԊӒኡᔞԊӒၥਿANCAPȂಀӻ‫ޟ‬᠞‫ޱ‬഍ོ‫ޣ‬ၾ‫ޟר‬൉དྷȄ‫׬‬ѽ ȃᙴ൲ၯ७ငᡛЅ‫؁‬ӻ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ೩ࢊ޻ོۡᔓօᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ಳᚔӠᐠȄ ғԃPoloѓ֤Ο࿽ࣸ૖ྛ‫ޟ‬кᚠȂങ೩ܻ՗ٙ‫ޟ‬ӻђ૖ቈᒼȂѺᡗҰΟ၎ٙ ғӵ՗Ꮋ‫ޟ‬ၥਟȂ‫ٮ‬ӣਢҢጐᓞඪҰձᔖ၎ΰΙএᔬ՝Ȃо࿽ࣸߜᓀЅࣸ‫ݶ‬ Ȅᇧٙ‫ޟ‬፴໔࢐КᄂЅхձཐ‫ڗڧ‬Ѻ࢐ኈ୽‫ޟ‬೩ॎȂయฒᅸ୰Ȃծ၎ٙശσ ‫ޟ‬፲ᘈȂଶࠓѴ࠮Ѕώแ೩ॎΰȂџоᇳ࢐Ѻ‫୵ޟ‬ቋճཇȂӵ࢚‫ٲ‬ф౩୦Ȃ ձџо$16,990ᐬ༫߯џоີ‫ڗ‬77 kW‫ޟ‬Й௶‫ޟ‬TSI‫ގ‬Ȅ ౪ਢ࡞ᜲ‫ޟ‬ўຟ፣Polo‫ޟ‬ીᘈȂӰ࣏Ѻতೝࠅୖ࣏жࣨϞٙȂџ૖ձჿџᒵ σΙᘈᘈ‫ءޟ‬ٙȂ٥ቄ٥߯࢐ӣኺ֜ЕӨٙкЅᕕዩฒኵ‫ޟ‬ӣኅ಑ϲфGolfȄ

New Ford Design Director Calls Australia Home The leading designer was appointed Director of Design, Ford Asia Pacific and Africa, in June 2010. In this position, he has overall responsibility for the design of new products developed within the Australasia, Asia and Africa regions. He is based in Ford's Asia Pacific and Africa Product Development Centre in Melbourne, Australia, and reports directly to Martin Smith, Executive Design Director, Ford of Europe.

In 1997, Svensson moved back to the UK after a prior assignment in Ford North America to be the B-platform Exterior Design Manager in the Ford of Europe Design Studio based in Dunton, England. He continued in this role through 2001, during which he oversaw the development of the Ford Fiesta and Ford Fusion.

Since joining Ford in 1992, Svensson has held a number of key positions in the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, and now in Australia. Svensson was previously Chief Designer, Commercial Vehicles (CV), Ford of Europe, a position he held since 2007. He had cross-platform responsibility for all next-generation commercial vehicles, including global programs, as well as both Interior and Exterior Design responsibilities. Based in the UK, he was also studio head for the UK Dunton Design Studio. From 2001 to 2007, Svensson was Chief Designer for Pre-Programs. During this period he was instrumental in the development of the Design Strategy Group, responsible for concept and pre-program execution for Ford of Europe Design. Highlights included pre-program development of third-generation Focus, second-generation C-Max and Ka, sixth-generation Fiesta as well as concept cars such as the Ford Visos. His work in this area also included collaborating with the film industry, such as supporting the development of the Pink FAB1 car for the 2004 movie Thunderbirds.

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30 Drive-way


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0400 359 361 ़/ဃ/୽/ᆋ୊ᇭ

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0411 637 301 ़/୽/ဃ/ዘ/ູ/࢛ৃ༬ᇭ



Audited 16,462

as at Sept 30,2010

Distributed in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane & Adelaide

05-11-10 No. 189 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group Tel: 03 9888 7199 Fax: 03 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East VIC 3151


Mark 6


Edmund Chow We have reported a lot of new Mark 6 Golf, but we never get enough. Basically, the engines and gearboxes play an important part in twitting the 6th generation to a more competitive but still class leading position. The major differences between both generations are the subtle design refinement, body panel improvement, enhanced suspension setting in terms of spring and damper ratio and a refreshing cabin surface with higher touch and visual quality. The Mark 6, retains traditional yet fashionable DNA of the Golf family. It continues to feature horizontal face, distinctive wheel arches and most importantly a distinctive “C” pillar. That is what a traditional Golf processes. There isn’t any imitation that can bring out the essence of a strong Golf. A Golf has a distinctive fair and style that is unmistakably stunning. Overall impression is that, its design has followed the previous Mark 5, but the subtle refinements are obvious rather than dramatic. It carries a slightly more aggressive but gracious look, on the other hand it is still unmistakably sporty as well.

Translate: Driveway Team

For the Inside of the car, works has been done in preparing for better driving position and head and shoulder space. Almost everyone can find an enjoyable driving position, which is rather unique. Not every car manufacturers can provide generous cabin space but Golf achieves this goal. People normally get what they buy, but Golf gives it all to its customer, the only difference is the engine size. The “free” standard safety pack comes with seven airbags, electronic stability control, anti-lock brakes, electronic brakeforce distribution and traction control. It even has five star crash rating from European authority and our Australian ANCAP. The range of engines is available in 77kw, 90kw or 118kw or the only diesel option 103TDI. Safety features are all standard, I presume, safety is not compromised in any shape of form. However, engine power and types of transmission is rather up to personal taste. Our test car, 118kW TSI had the designated name for the petrol twin charger Driveway


05-11-10 No. 189

model. It was one of the world’s mass production twin charger engine, meaning supercharged and turbo charged. Different charger will work perfectly according to speed. It was so efficient that fuel economy improved from 8.6litre per 100km from the 110kW 2.0 litre engine with automatic, down to 6.5Litre per 100km for the 7 speeds DSG from the twin charger of a small 1.4 litre twin charger petrol engine.

Driveway ٙൢ ϭಝσಀ(ᆋρ)Golf࢐ΙӇዅ‫ٱ‬ȂԤਢ‫؁‬ཐ‫ڗ‬ԤΙᘈཎนҐᅾȄஅҏΰȂ಑ϲ ф‫ޟ‬ЕᔝЅՌଢ଼௶഍Ԥ‫ߒޟٹ؁‬౪ȂϫณΪϷԤᝯ‫ތ‬ΨЅሴᏲӣ઻ٙᏫ‫ޟ‬՝ည Ȅശкौ‫ޟ‬Ϸտӵܻ‫؁‬ᆠಠ೩ॎΰ‫ޟ‬ওႺȂٙ٘‫ޟ‬७‫ي׽ޟٹ؁ݖ‬Ȃ᝚௮‫ޟ‬ኆ ᙋЅ֜ํ഍Ԥ‫ޟٹ؁‬Ш౥ȂᇄЅΙএ‫఼ཱི؁‬Ѕ‫؁‬൲፴ཐ‫ޟ‬ຜឈЅញཐ‫ޟ‬ٙ඄Ȅ

With the introduction of a less powerful but equally competent 77kW petrol Golf, the competition for market share in Australia has been elevated to all out, close battles for Volkeswagen representing the German versus the Korean.

಑ϲф‫ޟ‬GolfȂѓ֤ΟσಀGolf‫ޟ‬ᒸ༈அӰȂѺϫณ߳ࡻΟЫҁ‫ޟ‬ᖛЌȂᐿ੫ ‫ޟ‬ٙᎈࡿߞഅ࠮Ѕശ१ौ‫ޟ‬ٙ‫ޟ׎‬ɆCɇ࢘Ȃ٥߯࢐Golf༈ಛ‫ޟ‬кौԙђӰશ ,‫ڏ‬т‫ޟ‬ኅ‫ܘ‬һฒ‫ݲ‬ҽവ;Մσಀ‫੉ޟ‬༖࢐ฒџ֏ᇯӴхΡᘐ‫ޟ܁‬ȄᐌᡝΰȂ Ѻ߳੼Οϐ‫܁‬಑Ϥф‫ޟ‬ᓺᘈȂՄཌಠ‫ޟ‬ওႺ࢐ᆠጝՄϚ࢐ᡱΡᡙ೥‫ޟ‬ȄѺ‫ޟ‬Ѵ ࠮ԤΙᘈᚑࠐȂծ߳੼Οᓺ໯‫੉ޟ‬፴ȂծശࡣѺϫณ࢐шᅖࣀΨȄ

Being the bread and butter of the Volkswagen Group, Golf as a famous household legend around the world, Golf is a premium production car, meaning it has good built quality and design but also an excellent large production car at the same time. In such instance, built quality, design, passenger safety, parts reliability and mechanical supremacy is a must for the continuous success of Golf, not just for money but the glory of German engineering

၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ϱഋȂѺඪ‫ټ‬Οᓞഋ‫޸ڗ‬ᆼഋު໢ȂՄӨॸࡊ഍џо‫ڧٴ‬Ιএ‫ॸޟٹ؁‬ ٙዅ፸Ȃ٥࢐ߨலϞᐿ੫‫ࠢޟ‬ᆍȄ‫ٱ‬ᄂΰ‫ܚߨٮ‬Ԥ‫ء‬ٙ഍џоඪ‫ټ‬ኄᗯ‫ުޟ‬໢ ȂՄσಀ‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ɆջາɇԊӒৈ၆ϐѓࢂΟ7এԊӒ‫ء‬ೡȂESCȂABSȂEBD ЅTCԊӒ‫ف‬ಛȂՄѺһᕕுዉࢸЅᐬࢸANCAP‫ޟ‬Ϥ࢑઻٩ኡຟ࢑Ȅ‫ف‬ӖϛԤ 77kwȂ90kw‫ܖ‬118kwȂՄ਼‫ݶ‬П‫ݶ‬ѫԤ103TDI‫ټ‬ᒵᐅȄ௃ԪџَȂԊӒ‫ف‬ಛ ࢐ѓᛳ࿲ԤȂՄЕᔝЅ༈ଢ଼ࠌ࢐឴ܻএΡ൉ԁȄ

How does its drive like? The car is the best in the Golf range, an overall refinement in drive train and engine power. The slightly detuned 118TSi from the “GT” matched seamlessly with its 7 speed DSG automatic gear box, glides in highway traffic and fired up for impulsive floor acceleration for overtaking, in no time. Suspension is composed and well tuned for both daily and sporty attacks for hilly corners. On the other hand, modern cabin space is generous that Super Car and larger sedan would envy. If you want to buy the car, it is because of German engineering and safety, the price may be slightly over the par, purely on the price tag, but it is definitely worth it.

‫ר‬ঈ‫ޟ‬ၐٙ࢐118kW TSIȂѺ߳ࡻΟᚖቨᔆ‫ޟ‬ӪᆎȂѺһ࢐Ӓ౨σ໔ҡ౰ᚖቨ ᔆЕᔝ‫ءޟ‬ٙȂѺѓ֤Ο຺઻ᐠడቨᔆЅ෼ᎈቨᔆЕᔝѿൟȄϚӣ‫ޟ‬ਢഀȂ၎ ٙႫသ‫ف‬ಛོ‫ٺ‬ҢϚӣ‫ޟ‬Еᔝў଩ӫٙഀ‫ޟ‬ौؑȂӰՄȂѺ‫ޟ‬ૉ‫ݶ‬໔џоҥҏ ‫ޟپ‬2.0ϴЀЕᔝ‫ܚ‬ሯ‫ޟ‬8.6ϴЀ६Ս6.5ϴЀٖ100ϴ٨ȂӰ࣏ȂѺ‫׽‬ҢΟ1.4ϴ Ѐ‫ޟ‬ᚖቨᔆ‫ݶء‬ЕᔝȄ

28 Driveway

ശߖ௰ю‫ޟ‬77 kW‫ݶء‬GolfȂᗶณଢ଼Ψ፡ճΟΙᘈȂծߒ౪ϫณш‫ؘ‬ȂӰՄȂ ӵѿൟ‫ޟ‬լ౥ΰኈ୽σಀᄇᗺ୽‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬ᝯ‫ތ‬ϐ‫ڗ‬Ոཀྵᏽ‫ޟ‬ҩዥϽ໦ࢲȄ

Driveway ٙൢ

05-11-10 No. 189

Golf࠮ဴ࢐σಀ‫ء‬ٙ‫ޟ‬к҈࠮ဴȂһ࢐Ιএড়ൕИᐎ‫ޟ‬ᓺ፴ࠢถȂཎ։ѺԤΰ ‫ࠢޟٹ‬፴Ѕ೩ॎ‫ٮ‬ϫณ࢐σ໔ҡ౰‫ဴ࠮ޟ‬ȂӰՄࠢ፴࢐Ԥ߳ᜌ‫ޟ‬ȄᇄԪӣਢȂ ‫ء‬ٙᇧഅ፴શȃ೩ॎȃॸࡊ‫ޟ‬ԊӒȃႭӇ‫ޟ‬џᎬแ࡙Ѕᓺ‫ޟي‬ᐠడ೩ॎ഍஠ Golf࠮ဴள‫ڗ‬Ιএࡻ៉ሴᏲတ໰‫ޟ‬໦ࢲȄ٥‫ٮ‬Ϛ࢐ߜᓀΰ‫ޟ‬ቋཇ‫ސ‬छՄ࢐ີড় џоཐ‫ޟڗڧ‬ኈ୽๿Ӫ‫ޟ‬ᓺ፴ऋ‫׬‬Ȅ Ꮍٙߒ౪ԃդ? ၎ٙ࢐Golf࠮ဴ‫ڏ‬ϛശԁ‫ဴ࠮ޟ‬ȂЕᔝЅᙽଢ଼П७഍Ԥ‫ޟٹ؁‬ওႺЅߒ౪ȄՄ 118 TSi࢐௃ɆGTɇ࠮ဴଢ଼Ψή፡‫ޟ‬ЕᔝȂѺᇄ7ࠉഀ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼௶ᔬЈ՘ฒᖁ‫ޟ‬ ӫհȂᡱ၎ٙӵ຺઻ϴၯΰ‫ྤޟ‬๢Ѕएณ‫ޟ‬ᅾ‫ݶ‬ёഀ഍ॹϚนᒣӴ຺ٙԃலȂ ᝚௮ӵРல՗ٙЅόၯΰ᠉ԢόၯΰॳႻႫᇧ഍ԤᆎЖԃཎ‫ޟ‬ᛧۡ؏‫。ݲ‬ѪΙ П७ȂѺ‫ޟ‬ٙ඄ΪϷቶබȂоम຺઻ເٙЅσ࠮‫ܘ‬ٙ഍ᡴဏϚ‫ؼ‬Ȃ୅ԃձौີ ೻ഋٙȂ࢐Ӱ࣏Ѻ‫ޟ‬ኈ୽ऋ‫׬‬ЅԊӒ‫ܒ‬૖ȂՄቋᓀџ૖ߒ७ΰ࢐ଽΙᘈȂծ๘ ᄇ‫ܚ຺ސ‬঄Ȅ

Volkswagen: The Transporter Single Cab The Volkswagen Transporter is now also available as a Single Cab, offering transportation solutions for large volume and heavy loads as well as versatility for a broad range of business needs. This new addition to the Transporter range comes as a long wheel base 2.0 TDI 103kW 6-speed manual and can be optioned with Volkswagen’s new generation 7-speed DSG gearbox. When you rely on transportation, you make sure that both personnel and cargo get to their destination safely. Therefore the Volkswagen Transporter Single Cab also offers the extensive list of standard safety features that the

Transporter range has been renowned for. Standard equipment includes ESP (Electronic Stabilisation Programme), ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System), ASR (Anti Slip Regulation), MSR (Engine Drag Torque Control), EDL (Electronic Differential Lock) and Hill Holder. The Single Cab is equipped with a double bench seat and separate driver seat as standard allowing for 3 people. The manual Single Cab also offers excellent combined fuel consumption of 8.1 litres/100km and CO2 emissions of 214g/km. The DSG variant returns combined fuel consumption figures of 8.5 litres/100km and CO2 emissions of 224g/km.



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