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as at Mar 31,2009

22-05-09 No. 117 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151



Volvo with a different attitude –

C30 T5 from a different perspective

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Drive-way ٙൢ!

22-05-09 No. 117

Volvo with a different attitude – C30 T5 from a different perspective It is hard to find a car that goes fast but at the same time is also really safe. Volvo C30 T5 could be the only exception. It has a slight linkage with the popular TV series called “Saints” in which the gorgeous P1800 was framed for its exception style. Apart from the styling of the rear hatch, the C30 is by all means a modern answer to speed and safety. In Volvo’s terminology, T5 stands for 5 cylinders turbo charged engine. It has a slightly bigger 2.5 litre petro engine working comfortably with a turbocharger that arrives at 162kW and 320Nm of powerful torque. Matched with a six speed manual gear box, the C30 T5 is a pleasure to drive. It can be ordered with a five speed automatic. However, why border? It is a driver’s car for everyone to enjoy interaction with speed. The C30 has 17 inch alloys, xenon headlights, beautiful interior and a rear spoiler to make you think it will go faster. The engine is so good that Ford uses it for the Ford Focus XR5. 0-100km sprint will just need 6.7 seconds. Not a bad record for a hatch back. In terms of safety, it has all that you need when you came up with an active or passive accident. However, you should say your thanksgiving prayer for paying all those wonderful equipments to save your life. All the airbags, anti-lock brakes, electronic brake-force distribution, brake-assist, seat belt pretensioners and traction plus stability control. As usual for Volvo, they put in the whiplash Protection System and Volvo’s Side Impact protection System

26 Drive-way

Edmund Chow

(SIPS) that allows the rigid body to absorb impact from the sides. In general, the body cell can withhold a lot of impact from the front and the rear as well. The glass tailgate that we mentioned earlier comes with a distinctive taillight; the design was a bold move for Volvo, but it is perhaps the state of the art. The front end is unmistakeably a Volvo, yet, it comes with a more assertive Volve grille, plus a C70 style similar set up with lights and fog lamps. It also has a broad shoulder line that creates a brutal stance but that also add an elegant image onto the C30. One thing that I picked up was the optionally available Blind Spot Information System (BLIS) that uses a camera on each of the side mirrors to warn the driver of a vehicle which is travelling in a position where it is difficult to spot. The system will light up a warning lamp near to the inner base of the A pillar. I believe it is very clever and one step towards safe motoring. Interior is very standard Volvo with good audio and a water fall type audio, and air conditional controls. We had driven the C30 when it was first launched in 2007, but the C30 is actually a good investment. Basically, it is targeted towards young drivers. The low front spoiler requires you to be careful when parking. As it is relatively smaller plus a powerful T5 Turbo 5 cylinders engine, it will make you feel it is easier to drive and run faster. Most drivers will forget that they are driving a

൲ᇺ – ᐿԤ‫ܒ‬ਿ‫ޟ‬C30 T5

22-05-09 No. 117

Volvo. Fuel economy is around 9 litres per 100 km; but it has good response on sudden acceleration, wide gear ratio that fits into Australian traffic conditions, thus saving you from changing gears. Steering is good and communicative, it gives clear indication of where I want to go. Manual gear slot is clear and short throw. It is behaving exactly like what a sport car should response. In summary, it is a Volvo for everyone who wants a smaller size car with a youthful zest, but with a proven track record on safety and initiative as well. Ԥਢঐઍ‫ᜲ࡞ޟ‬ў൶‫ײ‬Ιᎄџо໠ு‫פ‬ՄЅάԊӒ‫ءޟ‬ٙȂ൲ᇺџ૖࢐୲Ι ‫ٽޟ‬υȂC30 T5ᇄ70ԑф‫़ޟ‬ᇭႫຜа”߰ထ”‫ظ‬кُ‫ܚ‬Ң‫ءޟ‬ٙ(൲ᇺVolvo P1800)ԤΙᘈࣺխ,ծଶΟٙ‫ޟ׎‬അ࠮ѴȂC30 T5џ૖࢐൲ᇺٙኅᄇ‫ء‬ٙഀ࡙ ЅԊӒ‫ޟ‬Ιএ๎ਰȄ ܻ൲ᇺ‫ޟ‬фဴ၇ȂT5фߒΟϤ‫ء‬च‫ޟ‬෼ᎈ ᔆЕᔝȂՄѺ໷ྤ‫ޟ‬ЕᔝϾ଩Ο Ιএࣺுઉᄔ‫ޟ‬෼ᎈ ᔆᏢȂՄ଩ΰϲࠉഀ‫ޟ‬Й௶‫ܖ‬Ϥࠉഀ‫ޟ‬Ռଢ଼௮ȂծԤ ҆ौ༝ȉЙ௶ϗџоઍғ‫ڗڧٴ‬C30ඪ‫ޟټ‬ᎽᎻዅ፸. Ȅ ‫ܚ‬กၐ‫ޟ‬C30 T5Ȃ଩ΰΟ17ӧ‫ޟ‬ӫߜᎈ୼Ȃ੫ӎ‫ޟ‬ٙᓞᐷಢӫȂछᝋ‫ޟ‬ϱഋ ၆ⰖЅΙএٙ‫ॳۡ׎‬ᖎȂѺᡱձད‫ڗ‬Ѻџо໠ு‫פ؁‬ȂՄᄂሬΰȂѺ‫ޟ‬Ϥ‫ء‬ च‫ޟ‬෼ᎈ ᔆЕᔝ๝ѴঅΟᆋ੫‫ޟ‬Ford Focus XR5ȄӰՄȂѺ‫ߒޟ‬౪࢐ҥ0Ս 100ϴ٨ѫҢΰ6.7ऌȂᄇΙᎄ௸܎ٙ࢐Ιএࣺ࿋ԁ‫ޟ‬ԙᕼȄ

28 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ!

ԊӒП७ȂѺԤ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ‫ف‬ಛᔖԤᅾԤȂՄ࿲ΙีҡཎѴਢȂᎽᎻΡсᔖ࿋ཐᗂ ᇕЈȂтঈϐີΟΙᎄԁԊӒ‫ޟ‬ٙȄѺϐ၆ΰΟ‫ܚ‬Ԥ‫ءޟ‬ೡȂABS٩ᚇࠆٙȃ ࠆٙΨ࡙Ϸ଩ȃࠆٙሄօȂႱષԊӒளЅ‫ٷ‬ඉၬ՗ٙԊӒ၆ညȄՄ൲ᇺ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ ‫ޱ‬ᓛЅᓛ໶߳៖၆ညһ࢐ॶۧΙࡾ‫ޟ‬Ȃ൲ᇺΙөᄇԊӒΪϷ१ຜȂC30 T5 ‫ޟ‬ ٙ୏߳៖၆ညSide Impact protection System (SIPS)ᄕ‫ۻ‬Ӵ߳៖ᎽᎻЅॸࡊ‫ޟ‬ ԊӈȂՄٙ࢜һџо‫ڧܛ‬஼σ‫ࠉޟ‬ȃࡣЅٙ୏‫ޟ‬ኡᔞȄ ฿ࠉඪЅ‫ޟ‬ᆈσ‫࣠ޟ‬ይٙ‫׎‬ๅ࢐ΙএσᖚЅᐿ੫‫ޟ‬೩ॎȂծࠓ࢐࿋ࠉ‫ޟ‬Ιএ᛺ ೚հࠢȄٙࠉ‫ޟ‬അ࠮࢐൲ᇺ‫ޟ‬ᐿড়੫ՓȂՄ฿ԤΙᘈ‫ࠉ؁‬ፏȃࠍౡ‫ڨޟ‬ၾȂՄ һԤ൲ᇺC70‫ࣺޟ‬խ‫ޟ‬ಢӫȂՄٙ٘ԤΙএቶᗯ‫ޟ‬ٙ޸ȂӰՄഺഅΟΙএಗᕹ Ѕᓺ໯‫ޟ‬അ࠮Ȅ ‫ר‬ঈ੫տ੼ཎΟѺ‫ޟ‬ٙ୏‫ޡޟ‬ᘈඪҰᏢȂѺആႆΙএᜢᓞўਐਔٙਠ‫ءޟ‬ٙଢ଼ ᄘȂҢA࢘‫ޟ‬ᐷӎᡗҰоឌ֙ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬Ԥᜰٙਠ‫ޟ‬ӠᐠȂ‫ר‬ᇯ࣏࢐ԊӒЅᄂҢȄ ᘱҀ࠮‫ޟ‬ϛ௡Ѯ଩ΰ൲ᇺ‫ޟ‬ᓺ፴ॱ៪Ȅ ‫ר‬ঈෆӵ2007ԑC30‫ีޟ‬շོΰၐᎽȂѺઍ‫࢐ޟ‬ΙᎄԁٙȄՄѺஅҏΰ‫ޟ‬᎛ ୵ᄇຫ࢐ԑߧ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬Ȅٙᓞ‫ޟ‬ᘙࢺᏢԤᘈճȂᎽᎻਢौၶ࣏ωЖȇӰ࣏೻Ι ᎄ଩രΟT5෼ᎈቨᔆЕᔝོхձϚՌឈӴູ໠ູ‫פ‬Ȃᡱձ‫ן‬଄Οғ٘೎ӵ൲ ᇺ࿋ϛȄૉ‫ݶ‬໔࢐100ϴ٨ѫሯौ9ϴЀႫ‫ݶ‬Ȃ࿋ձएณёഀਢһԤ࡞ԁ‫ޟ‬І ᔖȂቶᗯ‫௶ޟ‬ᔬШ‫ٽ‬һ࡞ᎌӫᐬࢸ‫ޟ‬Һ೽௑‫ݷ‬ȂϚሯौᓜᓜ඲ᔬȄПөዺ‫ޟ‬ᐇ ௡ΙࢺȇЙ‫ݰ‬඲ᔬһ఼૒߻ဣȄѺ‫ߒޟ‬౪‫ڏڷ‬тເٙϚࣺղӆȄ C30࢐Ιᎄಠٙ‫ٮ‬᏿Ԥԑሆ੉਀ȂάџоᡱձԊӒӴ‫פॳ੽ڧٴ‬ཐ‫ޟ‬ԁٙȄ


Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

03-07-09 No. 123 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

An urban explorer


൲ᇺ!Volvo XC70 D5 Car News Maserati Quattroporte Is Best Of The Best ~ Again! Maserati QuattroporteӔ࡙ԙ࣏ശ‫ءٹ‬ٙϛ‫ޟ‬ശ‫ءٹ‬ٙȊ Lexus Launches World's Most Efficient Luxury Hybrid SUV ⇿‫ॶס‬৤Ӓ౨ശ‫ڎ‬ਝ૖‫ޟ‬ᇺ๼౅ᐽਡ՗ٙ Lamborghini confirms commitment to China ‫ݓ‬᝘஀ѻϐ໌ॖϛ୽ѿൟ Drive-way


03-07-09 No. 123

An urban explorer Volvo XC70 D5 I have to confess that I am a true Volvo believer and I had two Volvos before. Hence, I might be biased. But who will not fall in love with a new Volvo? The answer is: certainly there are some around, but not much. The new Volvos have better style and curves. I believe it is to help the car company to rejuvenate its image and at the same time to consolidate excellent innovation in design, safety and engineering. We can say that XC70 is the bigger brother of V70; yet, it is quite different. XC90 is of course a different kettle of fish. The choice is a normal wagon, a high performance AWD XC70 or a more SUV body style XC90? The XC70 is based on the V70 but with a higher seating position, and then add on an All Wheel Drive system. It is simple and refined that you may think that XC70 is an off roader. But don’t be disappointed, it is very capable for travelling to a civilized campsite around town. The styling of the car, let me be frank, I like it. It has some major changes done in the front and rear. The styling is very modern and matches the more energetic little brother C30, with a more stylish shape of the light cluster. People coming from an Asian country and around my age somehow normally prefer bigger car, but not a ship; then this car is for you. I have also to remind you of its lot of excellent safety credentials as well. It is spacious inside out, gives you better view from the electrically adjusted comfortable captain seat. Ground clearance is good, but people don’t have to climb in and jump out like a SUV.

26 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ! Edmund Chow

The interior is well appointed with easy to read organic shape reading clusters. Waterfall styled audio and air conditioning controls. It is still fresh and will probably going to be a Volvo modern classic. As for the car’s performance, we are right on the dot with the D5. It has a revised 2.4 litre five cylinder turbo-diesel engine that produces 138kW and 400Nm. Matching the meaty power and torque is the six speed Geartronic automatic with simulated manual mode gear box. The Safety and equipment list can be as long as a Christmas wishing list. But it is all there. Worth mentioning is the Side Impact Protection system. Both sides of the car are traditionally the weak part of all cars. With the Side Impact Protection system in place, Volvo has put in extra effort to make the cabin stronger to save all occupants Another safety feature is the Collision Warning with Auto-Brake (CWAB). It can detect a possible collision when driving on a high way. It will warn the driver with light and apply pressure to the brake. Should the impact become avoidable, it will brake the car for the driver. On the road, I have mentioned it is bigger and spacious, but behaving like a sport wagon. I think this is a fair comment. The turbo diesel gives life and muscle to accentuate the true character of XC70 D5 – an urban explorer. Equipped with long travel suspension system, ride quality is excellent when it

03-07-09 No. 123

Drive-way ٙൢ!

൲ᇺ!Volvo XC70 D5 ࠲ѿѲ៮!! comes across unmade road and pothole; travelling in it is a treat. The engine noise is contained but high way cruising is even better. When you think about who is its competitor, you will know that it is probably one of its kind in Australia. Enjoy. ‫҆ר‬໸‫ܛ‬ᇯ‫࢐ר‬Volvo‫ޟ‬᏿៖‫ޱ‬Ѕ‫ר‬ෆ᏿Ԥ‫ڍ‬ഋVolvoȄӰԪȂ‫ר‬џ૖ོԤᘈ୑ ৯Ȅծ።ΡϚོЖଢ଼‫ڹ‬ȉџ૖ѫԤЍኵΡϚོଢ଼ৠȂծኵҬџ૖ѫ࢐Ιȃ‫ڍ‬ ՝֑ȊӒཱི‫ޟ‬Volvo᏿Ԥ‫؁‬ᓺ໯‫ॳޟ‬ਿЅٙ٘ጣనȄ‫ר‬དོ҆ۡ‫ཱི؁‬Volvo‫ھ‬Ԥ ‫ޟ‬ԙዣ‫ל‬ຫȂӣਢȂଶԊӒЅһོё఺Ѻ‫ޟ‬೩ॎЅᐠడώแ‫ޟ‬ᓺ౴Ȅ ‫ר‬ঈџоད჋XC70࢐V70‫ޟ‬σߡরȂծѺঈһ࢐ԤᘈϚΙኺȇ࿋ณȂXC90‫؁‬ ࢐ѪΙࠢᆍȄέ‫ޱ‬Ϟ໢ȂѺོᒵᐅΙഋਡ՗ٙȂ‫ܖ‬ଽ‫ܒ‬૖‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮ٙ‫ܖ‬Ιᎄσ ࠮‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮ٙȉXC70࢐ਲ਼ᐃV70೩ॎȂծ࿋ณ࢐ёΰ‫؁‬ଽ‫ޟ‬ᎽᎻ՝ညЅѲ៮‫ޟ‬ ᙽଢ଼၆ညȂѺ࢐ᙏ൐ЅᆠѽȂձџ૖о࣏Ѻ࢐ູഏᏽٙȂџ࢐ȂϚौѶఖȂ Ӱ࣏ȂѺџо೎౩໠‫܁‬Ι‫ٲ‬ᕊӴ‫ޟ‬ၾၯȄ ԤᜰѺ‫ޟ‬Ѵ࠮ȂՂᄂᇳȂ‫ר‬ΪϷ൉᠍ѺȂ݂ᡗΰȂѺ‫ࠉޟ‬Ѕࡣ഍Ԥ१σ‫׽ޟ‬ ๡ȂՄһ൲Ԥ౪фཐȂٙ‫ޟ׎‬ᐷ጑അ࠮һᇄӣߞ‫ޟ‬ᚖߞ᜜ເٙC30ΙኺࠉፏЅ ൲࠲ѿଢ଼ཐȄ ௃‫࠲ࢸٳ‬ѿಋҕ‫ڗ‬ᐬࢸЅᇄՌϏԑឭࣺघ‫݉ޟ‬Є഍ԤΙᘈ୑ԁσٙȂծձһ џ૖Ϛ‫ה‬ఖЊσȂӰԪȂXC70߯ғӫձཎȄӣਢȂϚौ‫ן‬଄Ѻ‫ޟ‬Ө໶ᓺ‫ي‬Ԋ ӒᖐఖȂٙ඄ϱ഍ΪϷ ᗯȂՄႫଢ଼‫ޟ‬৴՝џо፡࿽Ιএ౩ད‫ޟ‬՝ညȂຽӴ ‫ޟ‬ຽᚔһΪϷӫᎌȂϚོሯौୈю‫ދ‬Σٙ඄‫ܖ‬ौၰю‫ޟپ‬ӠᓎᜢᓞȄ

ٙ඄ϱഋ᏿Ԥΰॸ೩ॎЅछᏰЖࡦȂѺ‫ޟ‬ഀ࡙ߒЅᡗҰᏢৠܾᎧ᠞ȂՄᘱҀ խ‫៪ॱޟ‬Ѕު፡഍ᘛ೩ᓺछȂџоᇳுΰ࢐౪фछᏰΰ‫ޟ‬င‫ڐ‬Ȅ ‫ר‬กၐ၎ٙਢี౪ȂѺ‫ߒޟ‬౪юՓȂѺ‫ޟ‬2.4ϴЀϤ‫ء‬च਼‫ݶ‬෼ᎈቨᔆЕᔝ౰ ҡ138 kW ଢ଼ΨЅ 400Nm‫ׯޟ‬ΨȂՄGeartronic‫ޟ‬ϲഀՌଢ଼௶ࠌџоᔖпѺ஼ ࠐ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨЅ‫ׯ‬ΨȂՌଢ଼௶һџоᡱᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬оЙଢ଼፡ఀᡐԙЙ௶Ȅ Volvo‫ޟ‬ԊӒ೩രџоԤԃထ፛࿽‫ޟ‬ᙄ‫఼ސ‬൐ΙኺߝȂծѺџ૖࢐ശᙴ൲‫ޟ‬Ι ᕗȂശ঄ுΙඪ‫ޟ‬џ૖࢐Ѻٙ୏І࿦ኡ၆ညȂ༈ಛΰȂ‫ء‬ٙ‫୏ڍ‬഍࢐ശ૒৵ ‫ޟ‬ഋӋȂёΰ୏७Ѵኡ‫ف‬ಛȂVolvoࡇᆎџоё஼‫ء‬ٙ‫߳ޟ‬៖հҢ,‫ٮ‬иσൽ࡙ ෵Ѝॸࡊ‫ڧޟ‬༌Ш౥Ȅ ѪΙএ஼໶Ȃ߯࢐Ѻ‫ޟ‬࿦ኡឌҰࢋкଢ଼ྷٙ‫ف‬ಛȂٙΰ‫ޟ‬Ⴋသџо௤ᅿ‫ڗ‬Ι এџ૖‫ޟ‬ӠᓎᜢᓞਢȂѺ߯оឌҰᐷឌ֙ٙкȂ‫ٮ‬໠ܻۖࠆٙ‫ف‬ಛёᔆȂ୅ ԃٙк‫ؠ‬Ԥհюࣺᔖ‫ޟ‬ІᔖȂՄཎѴ‫ٮ‬ฒ‫ݲ‬ᗗջਢȂࠆٙ‫ف‬ಛོ߯Ռଢ଼஠ٙ ࠆୄȄ ӵၯ७ΰȂ‫ר‬ෆඪЅѺ࢐ШၶΰᡝᑖσȂՄٙ඄ϱഋ ᗯȂծࠓᇄਡ՗ເٙ Ιኺ‫ޟ‬ІᔖఃᎠȄ‫ר‬དȂ೻࢐ΙএՌᢎ‫ٱޟ‬ᄂ݂ᜌȇӰ࣏ȂѺ‫ޟ‬෼ᎈቨᔆ਼ ‫ݶ‬Еᔝϐߒ౪Ο၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ᐿ੫‫ܒ‬ਿɯΙᎄ࠲ѿѲ៮ٙȂѺ‫ߝޟ‬แ᝚௮‫ف‬ಛȂх ‫ڗ‬Ѻџоሆܾᔖпេ‫ݫ‬ၯЅӣਢхॸࡊཐ‫ޟࡊॸڗڧ‬๲ᎌȄ Еᔝ‫ޟ‬ᏡॱΪϷ ճȂՄ٠૞ਢ‫ߒ؁‬౪юՓȂ୅ԃձད൶‫ײ‬Ѻ‫ޟ‬ᄇЙȂџ૖ȂXC70ӵᐬࢸ࢐୲ Ι‫ޟ‬ᒵᐅȄ




Audited 15,879

Distribute in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide

as at Mar 31,2009

21-08-09 No. 130 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Volvo C70 a car simply to enjoy life with Car News ଔ‫ݧٳ‬ၥ໠ีᕗ߳‫ء‬ٙ

21-08-09 No. 130

Volvo C70 a car simply to enjoy life with Some 50 years ago, an engineer from Volvo invented safety belt for cars and he did not keep the patent for himself. 50 years onwards, it would have saved at least 1 million passengers from agony and possible death. Well, the safety aspect of Volvo grows bigger and wider. I was invited to the C70 launch some years ago. C70 still holds a strong place in my motoring journalism experience. I was working with something before the C70 launch; out of safety reason the project manager of C70 drove the car on our first leg to the Great Ocean Road. You would not say something like this, but I took that opportunity to ask and speak freely to the project manager; hence, I knew the C70 as were my own car. C70 is safe, stylish and energetic. We even request a C70 for my friends’ wedding two years ago. Its recent upgrade only has made things a little bit more perfect. As a journalist, I have sampled some of the fine motor cars in Australia. Unlike other European brands, the C70 is very down to earth. I believe Volvo has a motto about putting passengers’ safety in front of everything else. Frankly, safety is everyone’s major concern. With the introduction of “Lane Departure Warning system plus Driver Alert Control” it helps drivers to be fully aware of any vehicle activities beyond the blind spot of the side mirrors. There are sound and light flashing near them. How it works is that a camera or radar would keep capturing information underneath the side mirrors. Then, on relaying information to the sound system, and light will also flash if there is any movement. It is simple, but logical and very useful. However, the real beauty of this system is that if the

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driver fails into fatigue and does not activate the indicator before leaving the lane, a message will come asking the driver to take a break, at the same time warning lights and sound will alert the driver. Volvo believes this will save lives. Another upgraded feature is Volvo's renowned Dynamic Stability Traction Control (DSTC). A yaw sensor monitor for both anti-lock braking (ABS) and traction control systems to determine whether the vehicle is staying on the line. In addition, once the system senses any irregularities, it will apply brakes to all of the four wheels to keep the car stable and pointing in the right direction. The system will also help with regulating any over steer movements or reduce the engine output on the front wheels if required. Another main feature of the C70 is its powerful Turbo 5 cylinder engine, which is being used in Ford Focus XR5. The engine is still very lively and full of energy. The concept of Turbo 5 cylinders is perhaps one way of showing the European way of thinking. Sufficiency is beauty. There are V8 engines in the Volvo range but the company prefers balanced thinking rather than following others blindly for over indulgence in speeding. If you ask me, would I buy C70 hard top convertible sports car? As a previous Volvo owner, my answer is definitely yes. It is a fine car and you can enjoy plenty of sunshine from a flick of the switch. Why would you go for anything else, apart from having one of the safest cars in the world? Arrive alive and enjoy it.

21-08-09 No. 130

Drive-way ٙൢ!

If you ask me, would I buy C70 hard top convertible sports car? As a previous Volvo owner, my answer is definitely yes. It is a fine car and you can enjoy plenty of sunshine from a flick of the switch. Why would you go for anything else? apart from having one of the safest car in the world. Arrive alive and enjoy it.

юᗴᙠ‫ޟ‬ӠᐠȄѺ‫ޟ‬ন౩ΪϷᙏ൐Ȃӵߞ୏ᜢ‫ޟ‬ή७Ԋ၆ΟΙএᜢᓞЅཐᔖᏢ Ȃ࿋၎‫ف‬ಛ௤ก‫ڗ‬ӈդ‫ޟ‬౴ኺਢȂѺ߯џоีюឌൢȂন౩ΪϷᙏ൐иᄂҢȇ Մശ१ौ‫࢐ޟ‬Ȃ୅ԃᎽᎻΡҐԤ‫ٺ‬ҢࡾථᐷՄᙽ՗ٙጣਢȂ࿋‫ف‬ಛ௤ก‫ڗ‬ၯጣ ‫׽‬ᡐਢȂѺһོีюឌ֙Ȃ፜ᎽᎻΡୄٙӄ਀Ѕีюᖐ៪फ़‫ٺ‬ᎽᎻΡ‫ݧ‬ཎ՗ٙ ԊӒȂ൲ᇺၖЖࣺ߬၎໶೩രџоᡱᎽٙ‫ޱ‬ᗗջཎѴȄ

50ӻԑࠉȂVolvo൲ᇺ‫ޟ‬Ι՝‫ء‬ٙώแৱี݂Ο‫ء‬ٙԊӒளȂՄт‫ٮ‬ҐԤ஠Ԫ டցຝыȂоՍ‫ڏ‬т‫ءޟ‬ٙϴѧџоӵѺঈ‫ءޟ‬ٙΰ‫ٺ‬ҢȄ50ԑϐႆўȂт ‫ޟ‬ฒ‫ޟؽ‬՗࣏Ȃџ૖ϐ‫ٺ‬ΙԻ࿲Ρջ‫ڧ‬ฮवЅԫι‫ࡄޟ‬૏ȂՄ൲ᇺ‫ء‬ܻٙ‫ء‬ ٙԊӒ‫ޟ‬ଓᝦؐР঍ቨȄ

൲ᇺЕΣΟཱིΙф‫ޟ‬՗ٙඉၬ‫ف‬ಛ(DSTC)Ȃٙϱ‫ޟ‬ႫသϚୄӴᅿᄆ՗ٙ‫ޟ‬ᛧ ۡ‫ܒ‬Ȃ࢐֏ࡸΙۡ‫ߒޟ‬౪՗Ꮋ‫?ڹ‬

‫ר‬ෆೝᗜ፜୤ёC70‫ཱིޟ‬ٙีշོȂC70ϐငӵ‫ר‬հ࣏଄‫ޟޱ‬ҡిϛլԤΙএ १ौӴ՝ȄܻีշོࡣȂӰ࣏٘ᡝϚᎌȂ‫ܚ‬о‫ר‬፜൲ᇺ‫ޟ‬໶Ҭင౩࣏‫ר‬ᎽᎻ ᓞΙࢲၯȂҏᔖ‫ؠ‬Ԥࣥቄџቸ‫ޟ‬ӴПȂџ࢐Ȃ‫װࠓר‬ණᐠོ୰Ο၎໶Ҭင౩ Ι‫౏ٲ‬Σ‫ޟ‬୰ᚠȂӰԪȂ‫ר‬ᄇC70џᒝᕣԃࡾඡȄ Ѻϫณ࢐᏿Ԥ൲ᇺ‫ޟ‬ᐿ੫੉፴ЅᏄΨȂ‫ר‬ঈࣥՍौؑΟΙഋC70հ࣏݉Є‫ޟ‬๖ ஔ߆ٙȇ౪ਢ‫ཱི؁ޟ‬໶Ҭѫོ‫ٺ‬Ѻ‫؁‬ᓆΰ఺߆Ȅհ࣏Ιএ଄‫ޱ‬Ȃ‫ר‬ෆᎽᎻฒ ኵᓺ‫ءؾ‬ٙȂՄ൲ᇺ‫ޟ‬੫፴࢐ᄂඏȂ‫ࣺ߬ר‬Ѻঈ‫ޟ‬Ҭ኿࢐оᎽᎻΡρЅॸࡊ ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ࣏৴ѡሜȂ‫ڏ‬ᄂһ࢐ಀΡ‫ޟ‬ᓺӑԩ‫ו‬Ȅ

୅ष௤ก‫ڗ‬ю౪Ι‫ٲ‬౴ኺȂѺ‫ڏ‬ϛΙᎈོՌଢ଼ࠆٙȂх‫ءڗ‬ٙϫณࡸΙۡ‫ޟ‬П ө՗ᎻȂՄ၎‫ف‬ಛһོਗ௿Ι‫ٲ‬ٙ٘Ѷ௡‫ޟ‬௑‫ݷ‬ȂЅࡸ࿋ਢ‫ޟ‬ሯौȂ෵ЍЕᔝ ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼ΨᒯюȂ‫ءٺ‬ٙᛧۡή‫پ‬Ȅ ѪΙএкौ‫ޟ‬໶Ҭ࢐൲ᇺC70‫ޟ‬஼ࠐϤ‫ء‬च෼ᎈቨᔆЕᔝȂѺһೝᆋ੫ϴѧҢ ܻᆋ੫Focus XR5٘ΰȂЕᔝߒ౪юՓ‫ٮ‬ҡᓸࣀߏȂ‫ٺ‬ҢϤ‫ء‬चЕᔝ‫ޟ‬྅‫܈‬џ ૖ѫԤዉࢸΡϗԤ၎ᆍࡦᆰПԒȂٗஊ߯࢐छኈȄ൲ᇺ഍ԤV8ЕᔝȂծϴѧ ๿१ҁᒋ‫ٮ‬Ϛོᓍ‫ݰ‬ംࢺȂϚོҏґইညӴ‫ޡ‬Ҭଡؑഀ࡙Մ‫ן‬଄՗ٙԊӒȄ ୅षձ୰‫ר‬ȂོϚོີC70฽ഥԝᕻԒ௽ፀເٙȂհ࣏൲ᇺ‫ࠉޟ‬ٙкȂ‫ོר‬Ȃ ՄѺ࢐Ιᎄᐿ੫‫ءޟ‬ٙȂѫሯࡸήΙএࡸ໖Ȃձ߯џо‫ڧٴ‬໨ӎЅ఼ॳȂձᗙ ሯѪհтᒵ༝ȉ೻џ૖࢐жࣨΰശԊӒ‫ءޟ‬ٙȂԊӒᎽᎻЅ‫ڧٴ‬ҡ‫֑ڼ‬Ȋ

ശཱིёΣ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ೩ࢊԤȈᙽጣԊӒឌ֙‫ف‬ಛЅᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ឌൢ‫ف‬ಛȂѺџоᔓօ ᎽᎻΡсё஼੼ཎӵߞ୏ᜢਠ‫ࣀޟ‬ଢ଼ȂՄџоҢឌ֙ଉဴЅߞ୏‫ޟ‬ᐷဴᡗҰ




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as at Mar 31,2009

05-03-10 No. 154 Editor: Geoff Fickling, Edmund Chow Design: Driveway Design Group



Tel: 03) 9888 7199 Fax: 03) 9888 7299 Suite 7, Level 1, 2-8 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Geoff Fickling

Translate: Driveway Team

I owned a Volvo a long time ago. It was a rusty old 240 sedan and I had to sell it because other drivers cut me off and tailgated me. Times have changed, and these days Volvo has a much better image. First impressions: the interior is beautifully presented and the fit and finish is excellent, with attention to detail and quality materials. There is one glaring problem however, and I personally could not live with it. For some reason, the steering wheel is not directly in line with the driver, it is offset to the right. You find yourself reaching further with your left hand to the wheel than your right, which feels strange. I may be picky but I found this annoying. This is actually a shame because overall, the car is very good. I’d say it’s one of the best SUV’s on the market. It is supremely comfortable, and one of the most surprising things is its ability on the road. It seemed the faster you went

on winding fast roads, the better it liked it. It just sweeps along and eats up bends with ease, and feels very solid and safe, which is of course Volvo’s thing. All-wheel-drive vehicles tend to understeer (push wide at the front) in corners when pushed hard, but the Volvo is designed by clever engineers and there’s not much of that in evidence. There is plenty of grip and is solid at the rear as well. The car comes standard with Electronic Stability Control so it’s all taken care of anyway if it all goes ‘pear-shaped’. Power is not a problem thanks to a superb turbocharged five cylinder diesel which produces a healthy 151Kw and a massive 420Nm of torque, which could pull tree stumps out. It sounds great too. There is a petrol six available also, which produces 210Kw and an excellent 400Nm of torque. The XC60 has a clever all-wheel-drive system which engages fully on takeoff,



05-03-10 No. 154

then only engages 5% to the rear wheels once on the move, assisting with reducing fuel consumption. The Geartronic gearbox is a six speed, and is wonderfully smooth. The changes are almost imperceptible. Of course, Volvo’s big selling feature is its safety, and this one has everything, including millions of airbags, optional Collision Warning/automatic braking, lane departure and a ‘blindspot’ warning. I found the latter two a little over-the-top, with obvious things like buses next to you triggering a beeping noise and causing lights to flash. In my opinion, no driver should need these things. At one stage I used a smooth ‘line’ through a bend on a single lane road (not going over the centre line of course), which set the Lane Departure warning beeper off. It would be better if it just worked on straight open roads or freeways if the driver has mistakenly crossed the dividing line. There is more to like than dislike in its ability on the road and its power and power delivery, as well as the safety aspects, but you are paying a premium. ‘Volvo people’ will love this car however. If it wasn’t that nagging problem of the weird steering wheel position, it would be a great car. ࡞δоࠉ‫ר‬ෆငԤႆΙᎄVolvoȂ٥࢐ΙᎄՂԒ‫ޟ‬иҡΟ㠯‫ޟ‬240࠮᜜ٙȂ‫ר‬Ϛ ுϚ፲௬ѺȄณՄਢфӵᡐȂԃϬ‫ޟ‬Volvoӵ‫ל‬ຫП७ϐณԤΟ࡞σ‫׽ޟ‬ᢎȄ ᄇVolvo XC60‫ޟ‬಑ΙӟຫȈϱഋ၆Ⱆ೩ॎΪϷᅔ߫Ȃฒ፣࢐؅ਟ‫ࠢޟ‬፴ᗙ࢐ ಠ࿽‫ݧޟ‬१഍ࣺ࿋‫ׇ‬छȄϚႆԤΙᘈᡱ‫ר‬ฒ‫ݲ‬௥‫ —— ڧ‬Ϛ‫࣏ޣ‬դȂ࿋ᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬

30 Drive-way

Drive-way ٙൢ ֲήਢȂПөዺᇄ‫ٮڏ‬ϚӵΙన‫ޢ‬ጣΰȂՄ࢐୑өΟѡ᜞Ȅ‫ר‬џ૖࢐ࢅণΟ Ι‫ٲ‬Ȃծ‫ޟר‬ጂี౪೻এ୰ᚠШၶхΡϚౝȄ ൷ԪՄِȂ೻এીഞᙏ‫࢐ޢ‬Ϛ૖௥‫ڧ‬ȂӰ࣏ӵᖂᡝΰȂ၎ࣺٙ࿋ϚᒿȄ‫ר‬ᇯ ࣏൷Ҭࠉ‫ޟ‬SUVٙѿՄِȂѺџоᆗுΰ࢐ശԁ‫ޟ‬ٙ࠮ϞΙȄѺ‫ֲॸޟ‬ᡝᡛ ຺઻๲ᎌȂՄ‫ڏ‬ӵᎽༀϚӣၾၯ‫ޟݷޑ‬૖Ψ‫࢐؁‬ԁுхΡӬᡙȂӵᇘ⫃Ԣ‫׷‬ ‫ޟ‬ϴၯΰȂխнձ໠ுູ‫פ‬ȂཐឈູԁȄѺᔢ๿Ӵ७ॴႻȂ૖ΪϷሆᚬӴᔖ ᄇ٥‫᠉ٲ‬Ԣ‫ޟ‬ၾၯȂ‫ٮ‬иᡱձཐ‫ࣺڗ‬࿋‫ޟ‬ᛧ‫ڷھ‬ԊӒȞVolvo‫ޟ‬੫ᘈϞΙȟ Ȅσӻኵ‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮ٙӵᙽ᠉‫ޟ‬ႆแϛԃ‫ݎ‬ႆౡȂ‫ོ܁܁‬ю౪ᙽөϚٗ‫ޟ‬௑‫ݷ‬Ȃ ծҥଽ݂‫ޟ‬ώแৱ‫ܚ‬೩ॎ‫ޟ‬Volvoӵ೻ΙП७ࠌौԁுӻȈ‫׺‬ӴΨஊ஼σȂ ࡣПζ࡞ᛧ‫ھ‬Ȅ೻෡ٙ‫؁‬኿଩ΟႫυᛧۡ௡‫فڙ‬ಛȂ‫ܚ‬оӵӈդ௑‫ݷ‬ή഍ฒ ሯᐊЖȄ ೻෡ٙ‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψ๘ᄇϚ࢐এ୰ᚠȂ೻ौᘪђܻ٥‫ޟູڟ‬෼ᎈቨᔆ਼‫ݶ‬ЕᔝȞϤ चȟȂџ౰ҡ151Kwଢ଼Ψ‫ڷޟ‬420Nm‫ׯޟ‬ΨȂ൷ᆗौ‫װ‬Ιএᐙኽ௃Ӵ㠰‫ܦ‬ю ‫پ‬഍Ϛ࢐ϧቄᜲ‫ٱ‬Ȃ೻᠙ଔ‫ࣺپ‬࿋ϚᒿȄԪѴᗙԤѪΙএ଩ညџ‫ټ‬ᒵᐅȞϲ च‫ݶء‬ЕᔝȟȂџ౰ҡ210Kw‫ޟ‬ଢ଼Ψ‫ ڷ‬400nm‫ׯޟ‬ΨȄ XC60ԤΙএࣺ࿋ᖑ݂‫ޟ‬Ѳ៮‫ف‬ಛ૖ӵٙυంଢ଼ਢшϷีଢ଼ȂΙҍٙυ໠ۖၼ ՗Ȃ൷ѫོၼ՗5%Ȃо࿽ࣸᐽ‫ݶ‬ੑૉȄ଩ӫЙՌΙᡝ 6ഀᡐഀ጑Ȃٙᎄ‫ޟ‬՗ Ꮋҽष՗໴ࢺЫȄ ࿋ณȂVolvoശσ‫ޟ‬፲ᘈ൷࢐Ѻ‫ޟ‬ԊӒ‫ܒ‬Ȃѓࢂ࡞ӻএԊӒ੉᠄Ȃ࿦ኡឌ֙/Ռ ଢ଼㧣ٙȞџᒵ଩ညȟȂٙၾ୑ᚔ‫ޡڷ‬ᘈႱឌȄ‫ีר‬౪ࡣ‫ޱڍ‬ђ૖ᗶԁծԤਢ ҐջԤ‫ٲ‬ЊႆȂШПᇳȂ݂ᡗԃБρ٥ኺσ‫ޟ‬ٙᡝᎬߖ၎ٙ՗ᎻਢȂ഍ོഅ ԙႱឌॱ៪ଔӣឌҰᐷରᛗȄӵ‫پࣼר‬ȂᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬Ϛሯौ೻‫ݍٲ‬ՙȄ‫ר‬ෆკၐ ӵ൐՗ၾΰᔢ๿᜞ጣᙽ᠉Ȟ࿋ณϚႆϛЖጣȟȂ๖‫ݎ‬ЕีΟٙၾ୑ᚔႱឌඪ

05-03-10 No. 154 ҰᖐȂ‫ר‬ឈுԃ‫ݎ‬೻এђ૖џоѫӵᎽᎻ‫ޱ‬ӵ‫ޢ‬ጣϴ‫ܖ‬ଽഀϴၯΰ՗Ꮋਢᒿ ᇲӴູႆϷࣨጣਢϗంଢ଼൷‫؁‬ԁΟȄ ࿋ณȂԃ‫ݎ‬ौᄇ၎ٙ‫ޟ‬ђ૖ȃଢ଼ΨоЅԊӒ‫ܒ‬հюຟቋȂ൉᠍‫ޟ‬ӴПौሉӻ ܻϚ൉᠍‫ޟ‬ӴПȂϚႆձሯौЛп߳ᓎາȄȶVolvoΡȷȞVolvo‫ޟ‬ٙଜȟ࿋ ณོ൉᠍೻ᎄٙȄԃ‫ݎ‬Ϛ࢐٥এхΡྮ඘‫ޟ‬Пөዺ୑ಋ୰ᚠȂ೻ᗙઍ࢐Ιᎄ ԁٙȄ

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