Type Specimen Book

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Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turi aspic or tota acitatem even ip sum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. Lorem sum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10

5 Old Style

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest,occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecae que cae. Ethitque asimet inverupi que ent. Or re evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11



Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore vit re nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocuborati occabor umquassimpor alicat liacon plam quise volupta que turi aspic con totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. Lor em Or rest, ocuoccabor umqu even que queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

EUROSTILE 7 Geometric



13 Geometric



GARAMOND 15 Old Style

Frederic Goudy

BERKELEY Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu as simpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet mot tivata lia con inve erupient. Lorem que Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

GILL SANS 17 Humanist

19 Grotesque

21 Grotesque



MELIOR 23 Clarendon (Slab)

METAPLUS 25 Humanist

29 Transitional

Old Style

MINION 27 Clarendon (Slab)



33 Old Style

Egyptian (Slab)




39 Grotesque



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Oldstyle Book Oldstyle Book Italic

Oldstyle Italic Oldstyle Medium

Oldstyle Bold Oldstyle Bold Italic

Oldstyle Black Oldstyle Black Italic

Berkeley is an Old Style serif typeface designed in 1937 by Frederic Goudy for the University of California Press at Berkeley. After being designed, the typeface was not used much until the 1980’s when it was finally digitized by ITC.

Designed in 1937 by Frederic Goudy

Some defining characters include uppercase C, Q, X, and W, as well as lowercase d, e, m, and g. The K is a good indicator of Berkeley, since the contrasting thick leg and thing arm meet before the arm touches the main stroke. Berkeley is also good for identity and body copy, since it is very legible.


CASLON Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



William Caslon

AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Regular Italic Italic Oldstyle Figures Regular Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures

Semibold Semibold Italic Semibold Italic Oldstyle Figures Semibold Small Caps

Bold Bold Italic Bold Italic Old Style Figures Bold Old Style Figures

Designed by William Caslon as early as 1722, Caslon is the first English typeface. His works usage diminished until the mid 1800’s Arts and Crafts movement in Britain. It is known to be a good Old Style typeface especially for print.

Designed in 1722 by William Caslon

Adobe Caslon was an offshoot designed by Carol Twombly and was done in 1990. Adobe Caslon can be identified easily by a few select letters including the lowercase a, e, g, and k, as well as uppercase E, R, Q, and W.


Bertram Goodhue


CHELTENHAM Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even quee cae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10


AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Light Condensed Light Condensed Italic

Book Condensed Book Condensed Italic

Bold Condensed Bold Condensed Italic

Ultra Condensed Ultra Condensed Italic

Light Light Italic

Book Book Italic

Bold Bold Italic

Ultra Ultra Italic

The typeface Cheltenham was designed in 1896 by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue and Ingalls Kimball to be used by the Cheltenham Press, a New York newspaper. It is an old style typeface by classification. The New York Times uses condensed bold and condensed bold italic styles of Cheltenham.

Designed in 1896 by Bertram Goodhue

Tony Stan, of International Typeface Corporation, retouched it in 1975. He increased the x-height, and touched up the italics. The letters A, Q, k and y separate it from other typefaces and are the best for indentifying it.


Aldo Novarese

EUROSTILE Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupie vot lorem vint. 10/11


Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic orv tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe eruent. 9/10


AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!�&;:

Condensed Bold Condensed

Oblique Medium

Demi Demi Oblique

Bold Bold Oblique

Extended 2 Bold Extended 2

Designed by Aldo Novarese in 1962, Eurostile is a geometric sans-serif typeface. Under the Italian type foundry, Nebiolo, Novarese designed the typeface and family. Eurostile is one of the easiest typefaces to identify, since it has a rectangular shape with rounded corners in many letters.

Designed in 1962 by Aldo Novarese

Some letters that separate Eurostile from other typefaces can include the uppercase Q, lowercase a and g, and uppercase R and S. The ? symbol and the uppercase O both have a distinct rounded feeling, which separates them from other typefaces.


Zuzana Licko

FILOSOFIA Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu as qsimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet moti lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore que nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocuocca bor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae aci tatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupie 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!�&;:









Designed by Zuzana Licko in 1996, Filosofia is a transitional serif type face. Along with Mrs. Eaves and many other typefaces designed by Licko, it became licensed by Emigre, a type foundry that Licko and her husband Rudy VanderLans had run.

Designed in 1996 by Zuzana Licko

It was designed to be used for text and display. Some characters that are helpful in identifying Filosofia include, but are not limited to upper case S, G, C, and J, as well as lower case letters g, q, b, and a.


Adrian Frutiger

FRUTIGER Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even quee vot tocae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimporue lia alicat lia con plam quise vot lupta turiaspic totato acitata tem evenecaecai. Ethitque asimet que lorem inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

45 Light 46 Light Italic 47 Light Condensed

55 Roman 56 Italic 57 Condensed

65 Bold 66 Bold Italic 67 Bold Condensed

75 Black 76 Black Italic 77 Black Condensed

87 Extra Black Condensed

95 Ultra Black

Designed in 1968 by Adrian Frutiger, the typeface Frutiger is a clean, simple sans serif typeface that is very legible. Originally the typeface was called Roissy, and released publically by the Stempel type foundry in 1976. It was originally done for airport signage for the famous Charles De Gaulle International Airport in France, but is commonly used today.

Designed in 1968 by Adrian Frutiger

The typeface can be classified in the Humanist style of sans serifs. It is known to be used for many corporate identities, signage, advertising, and small print. Some of its most easily defining letters can include lowercase a, m, s, and y. Other easily identifiable uppercase letters include G, R, W, and A.


Paul Renner

FUTURA Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibote lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con miqi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve eru que pient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even quee cae cae. Et hitate vit asisi loter inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occa bor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas sim por alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic cnor tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!�&;:

Light Light Oblique

Book Book Oblique

Medium Medium Oblique

Heavy Heavy Oblique

Bold Bold Oblique

Extra Bold Extra Bold Oblique

This typeface Futura was designed and released in 1927 by Paul Renner. It is classified as a geometric sans-serif. It was associated with the Bauhaus movement (Renner himself was not connected to the Bauhaus) and design style and commissioned by the Bauer type foundry.

Designed in 1927 by Paul Renner

Extra Bold and Extra Bold Italic styles were designed by Edwin W. Shaar in the 1950’s. The typeface is known to give off a perception of movement, speed, and efficiency. It influenced Adrian Frutiger in his designing of Avenir Typeface. Some of the most identifiable letters include upper case B, G, Z, and O, as well as lowercase e, a, s, p, and y.


Claude Garamond


GARAMOND Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nuliboli lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola que umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vitale asimet motivata lia con inve erupi con pivent. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi con quelia inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas simit por alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10


AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Roman Roman Small Caps & Old Style Figures Italic Italic Oldstyle Figures Bold Bold Oldstyle Figures Bold Italic Bold Italic Oldstyle Figures

Garamond was originally a group of Old Style serif typefaces designed by Claude Garamond of France somewhere in the 1500’s. Garamond’s letters are closely connected to Stempel Garamond. It is evident that the bowl of the a, eye of the e, are good in separating it from similar typefaces. The uppercase W and B also help separate it from similar serif typefaces. One popular use of Garamond includes use in Dr. Seuss books.


Lorem Ipsum Am eum que loreque nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocupada occabor umquassimpor alicat lia pon conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqutada assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet moti vata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Designed in 1500’s by Claude Garamond Apple used a variation of Garamond upon the release of Macintosh as well. Another variation was used in the Harry Potter series. Some versions of Garamond that are easy to mistake for Stempel include, Adobe Garamond, Granjon, Sabon, Garamond Premier, and Garamond Antiqua. Since some variations of the original are either based on Jean Jannon who created a similar variation, or they are newer designs based on the original typeface. These include ITC Garamond, Apple Garamond, Monotype Garamond, among others.


Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta que turiaspic or tota acitatemata even ipsum ecae cae. Etvol ipsum hitate asime tinva lupe ipsuma erupient. 9/10

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, ocota cabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis votor lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet ipsuma inverupient. 10/11


1926 Eric Gill AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz01 23456789,.?’!”&;:

Condensed Bold Condensed Bold Extra Condensed

Light Light Italic

Regular Italic

Bold Bold Italic

Extra Bold Extra Bold Display

Ultra Bold Condensed

Designed by Eric Gill in 1926, Gill Sans is a Humanist sans-serif typeface. Gill was greatly influenced by the type on the maps for the famous London Transport done by his teacher Edward Johnston. Gill Sans was later released in 1928 by Monotype Corporation. The Bold and Condensed have many times been great for package design.

Designed in 1927 by Eric Gill

The BBC and Church of England have adopted Gill Sans as their corporate typefaces. The lower case g, a, and r separate Gill Sans from some similar typefaces. The oblique style has a few characters that have distinct differences from similar typefaces in the w and z.


Max Miedinger


HELVETICA NEUE Lorem Ipsum Am eutm que nulibo lore ssequatur. Ora rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia conata mi que plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even quee cae cae. Et hitate vit asisi nata inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10


AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!�&;:

27 Ultra Light Condensed 27 Ultra Light Condensed Oblique 75 Bold 75 Bold Outline 76 Bold Italic

65 Medium 66 Medium Italic

93 Black Extended 93 Black Extended Oblique

83 Heavy Extended 83 Heavy Extended Oblique

73 Bold Extended 73 Bold Extended Oblique

63 Medium Extended 63 Medium Extended Oblique

53 Extended 53 Extended Oblique

43 Light Extended 43 Light Extended Oblique

33 Thin Extended 33 Thin Extended Oblique

23 Ultra Light Extended 23 Ultra Light Extended Oblique

95 Black 96 Black Italic

85 Heavy 86 Heavy Italic

37 Thin Condensed 37 Thin Condensed Oblique 47 Light Condensed 47 Light Condensed Oblique 57 Condensed 57 Condensed Oblique 67 Medium Condensed 67 Medium Condensed Oblique 77 Bold Condensed 77 Bold Condensed Oblique 87 Heavy Condensed 87 Heavy Condensed Oblique 97 Black Condensed 97 Black Condensed Oblique 107 Extra Black Condensed 107 Extra Black Condensed Oblique 25 Ultra Light 26 Ultra Light Italic 35 Thin 36 Thin Italic 45 Light 46 Light Italic 55 Roman 56 Italic


Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Helvetica is an amazingly popular grotesque typeface developed in 1957 by type designers Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffman of Switzerland. It was originally designed to compete with Akzidenz Grotesque and was then titled “Neue Hass Grotesk,” but in 1960 it was renamed Helvetica.

Designed in 1957 by Max Miedinger Helvetica Neue is just a reworked version that has some slight height and width modifications done by Stempel AG, a company owned by Linotype. Known to have 51 total styles, Helvetica Neue can be identified by the counter shape in the lower-case a, the spur of the G, and many horizontal and vertical cuts into strokes as opposed to diagonals.


Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even quee cae cae. Et hitate vit asisi lia inve erupient. 11/12


1994 Tobias Frere-Jones AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:



Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10

Regular Regular Condensed Regular Compressed

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Bold Bold Condensed Bold Compressed

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even quee cae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Light Light Condensed Light Compressed

MELIOR Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Black Black Condensed Black Compressed

Designed by Tobias Frere-Jones in 1994, the typeface Interstate classified as a Neo-grotesque, sans-serif typeface licensed by the Font Bureau. Interstate strongly resembles the type of signage alphabet used for the US Federal Highway Administration in 1949, which in turn made the name Interstate seem appropriate.

Designed in 1994 by Tobias Frere-Jones

Although the typeface was designed for signage, it has certain typographical characteristics that make it a good choice for print and screen uses. Interstate holds a high level of legibility due to large open counters. For example, the lowercase g, o p, and q. Other characters that separate Interstate from similar looking type include uppercase G, Q, K, and S.


Hermann Zapf

AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz012 3456789,.?’!”&;:

Bold Bold Italic

Medium Italic

Designed by Hermann Zapf in 1952, the typeface Melior is known for its strong square like serifs. Zapf intended to create a typeface that would be effective for newspaper and other uses that require a high standard of legibility. It is classified as a Clarendon Slab Serif.

Designed in 1952 by Hermann Zapf

It has an elegant feel and is a great choice for print body type, but doesn’t. It was officially released by the Stempel foundry. Identifiable characters include uppercase J, K, B, and Q, as well as lowercase r, q, a, and w.


META PLUS Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu as simpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acit atem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet mot tivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even quee cae cae. Et hitate vit asisi volora inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, ocus cabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta up que turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que que nul lorem ssequatur. Volor rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



Erik Spiekermann

AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Black Roman Black Italic

Bold Roman Bold Italic Bold Caps Bold Caps Italic

Book Roman Book Italic Book Caps Book Caps Italic

Medium Roman Medium Italic Medium Caps Medium Caps Italic

Normal Roman Normal Italic Normal Caps Normal Caps Italic

Designed by Erik Spiekermann of Germany in 1993, MetaPlus is a highly regarded sans-serif typeface in the design community. MetaPlus was an expansion on Spiekermann’s Meta originally created in 1991.

Designed in 1993 by Erik Spiekermann

It was originally designed for postage stamps for the German Federal Post, but never used. MetaPlus was supposed to be readable from an angle and in smaller point sizes. In 1998 the family was renamed back to Meta. Some defining letters include uppercase Q, Z, K, and F, as well as lowercase t, g, p, and y.


Robert Slimbach

MINION Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu as simpor alicat lia con mi plam quis ato volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet moti vata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lorem oc nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocuppado occabor umquassimpor alicat liama conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspicti totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. Que lupta. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turi aspic or tota acitatem even ip sum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Display Display Italic

Regular Italic

Semibold Semibold Italic

Bold Bold Italic


Designed by an American named Robert Slimbach in 1990, the typeface Minion is a useful Old Style serif that was done for Adobe Systems. The name Minion comes from the naming system for type sizes. On that naming scale, Minion is located between nonpareil and brevier. The typeface was inspired by other Old Style faces of the late Renaissance.

Designed in 1990 by Robert Slimbach

Some characters useful in separating Minion from similar typefaces include the ampersand, as well as uppercase letters A, Q, K, and B, as well as lowercase letters g, z, t, and f. The typeface has been used for Brown University’s logo, Wake Forest University’s primary serif typeface, and as the body type in the famous design book “The Elements of Typographic Style,” written by Robert Bringhurst.


Zuzana Licko

MRSEAVES Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu asos simpor alicat lia con mi plam quis que volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatemphis evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que loremi nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocupado occabor umquassimpor alicat lia con conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverup isum lupe vent. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turi aspic or tota acitatem even ip sum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Roman Italic Petite Caps Small Caps fractions Bold


Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occaboras umquas sim por alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisita con que inve erupient. 11/12

Just Ligatures Roman Just Ligatures Italic Just Ligatures Bold

Designed by Zuzana Licko in 1996, Mrs Eaves is a transitional serif typeface. It became licensed by Emigre, a type foundry that Licko and her husband Rudy VanderLans had run. Fractions and Just Ligatures are some of the other styles. Just Ligatures useful in dealing with ligature issues when used for large type. Fractions is quite useful in situations where fractions need to be shown.

Designed in 1996 by Zuzana Licko Some of the characters that separate it from similar faces include the lowercase g due to its ear and lower counter, the uppercase C’s serifs at the top and bottom, and the lack of a serif at the W’s apex. Also, the uppercase G’s spur is useful in identifying the typeface. The tail of the Q, the serif on the horizontal stroke of the 7, and the contrast between thick and thin strokes of the upper case U separate MrsEaves from similar typefaces.



Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola lup umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi que plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve eru uocub viepient. 12/13

1757 John Baskerville AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Roman Small Caps & Oldstyle figures Italic Italic Oldstyle Figures

Bold Bold Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures Bold Italic Bold Italic Oldstyle Figures

Designed by John Baskerville in 1757, New Baskerville is a transitional serif typeface. Baskerville was greatly influenced by the work of William Caslon in creating the typeface. It differs from Caslon’s work, since Baskerville had increase contrast between think and thin strokes, and sharpened the serifs, as well as making the curved, rounded letters more vertical.

Designed in 1757 by John Baskerville

John Baskerville is famous for his work of his folio Bible, done in 1763, using his typeface. The uppercase Q makes a great indicator of New Baskerville. Other characters that separate New Baskerville from similar typefaces include uppercase A, B, Q, K, W, and G, as well as lowercase g, v, and s. The typeface was reworked by ITC some years as well.


Hermann Zapf

PALATINO Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabolauta umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi que plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve up que erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi con que inve turi erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, con cabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con platam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at a que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquasit simpor alicat liapa con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Light Light Italic

Medium Medium Italic

Roman Italic Italic Oldstyle Figures

Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures

Bold Bold Oldstyle Figures Bold Italic Bold Italic Oldstyle Figures

Palatino is an Old Style serif typeface that in 1948, Hermann Zapf designed and was released by the Linotype Foundry. It was named after Giambattista Palatino, an Italian master of Calligraphy and known to be based on some of the Humanist fonts of the Italian Renaissance. Microsoft had also released a similar typeface called Book Antigua.

Designed in 1948 by Hermann Zapf

It is difficult to tell the two typefaces apart, but in Palatino, the S is not as wide and the legs on upper-case k and R are slightly thinner. According to a TypeWar. com study, the upper-case letters X, Y, E, F, and L are the letters that separate Palatino from similar typefaces.


Frank Pierpont

ROCKWELL Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even quee cae cae. Et hitate vit asisi conue inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!�&;:

Light Light Italic

Regular Italic

Condensed Bold Condensed

Bold Bold Italic

Extra Bold

Designed by Frank Pierpont of the Monotype foundry in 1934, Rockwell is a slab serif typeface, also called Egyptian. The typeface was based on a condensed slab serif known as Litho Antique. The Monotype foundry actually had the typeface designed at their in-house studio with Pierpont at the helm.

Designed in 1934 by Frank Pierpont

Rockwell tends to be a geometric slab serif due to the rectangular “slab-like” serifs, and tends to be used for display as opposed to body copy. The typeface has almost no contrast between the weights of its strokes. Some defining letters include the lowercase a, n, d, and r, as well as uppercase G, R, E, and Q. The typeface often gives off a feeling of honesty and is great for headings.


Jackson Burke


TRADE GOTHIC Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or restum, occabola umqut assimpora alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tao que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia inve. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocucon occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi qye conato inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur.Or rest, occabor umquas sim por alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or totaque acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10


AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

Light Light Oblique

Medium Oblique

Bold Bold Oblique

Bold No. 2 Bold No. 2 Oblique

Condensed No. 18 Condensed No. 18 Oblique

Bold Condensed No. 20 Bold Condensed No. 20 Oblique

Designed by Jackson Burke in 1948, Trade Gothic is a Sans Serif classified in the Gothic style. Trade Gothic was released by the Linotype foundry and is now distributed by Linotype and MyFonts. It is known to be a simple grotesk typeface that is commonly used for books, magazines, and newspapers.

Designed in 1948 by Jackson Burke

The reason Trade Gothic is so good for print is the counter’s large space that increases legibility. Some characters that separate it from similar typefaces include lowercase a, y q, and k, as well as uppercase G, Q, R, and W.


Adrian Frutiger

UNIVERS Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nulibo lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabola umqu assimpor alicat lia con mi plam quis at volupta turiaspic to tae que acitatem evenecaecae. Et hitate vit asimet motivata lia con inve erupient. 12/13

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que lore nullore ssequatur. Or rest, ocu occabor umquassimpor alicat lia conplam quise volupta que turi aspic totae acitatem even queecae cae. Et hitate vit asisi inve erupient. 11/12

Lorem Ipsum Am eum que nul lore ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquassimpor lia alicat lia con plam quis vot lupta turiaspic totae acitata tem evenecaecae. Ethitque asimet inverupient. 10/11

Lorem Ipsum Am eum at que nul lorem ssequatur. Or rest, occabor umquas simpor alicat lia con plam quis volupta turiaspic or tota acitatem even ipsum ecae cae. Et hitate asime tinva lupe erupient. 9/10



AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz0123 456789,.?’!”&;:

57 Condensed 57 Condensed Oblique

55 Oblique 55 Roman

53 Extended 53 Extended Oblique

47 Light Condensed Oblique 47 Light Condensed

45 Light 45 Light Oblique

93 Extra Black Extended 93 Extra Black Extended Oblique

75 Black 75 Black Oblique

73 Black Extended 73 Black Extended Oblique

67 Bold Condensed 67 Bold Condensed Oblique

65 Bold 65 Bold Oblique

63 Bold Extended 63 Bold Extended Oblique

Univers was designed in 1954 by Adrian Frutiger and released in 1957 by Deberney & Peignot. It was part of a group of neo-grotesque sans-serif Swiss typefaces that includes the famous Helvetica, although Univers has a little smaller x-height. Frutiger redesigned it in 1997 under the name Linotype Univers, since Linotype is it’s current owner.

Designed in 1954 by Adrian Frutiger Compared to Helvetica and Akzidenz Grotesk, the tail of letter a, and the top of 1 are not as round. The upper case G is formed without a spur, the arms of K join at the stem, the tail of Q runs along the baseline, the top of the t is angled, and the upper-case Y has a straight descender. Those letters are useful in separating Univers from similar typefaces.



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