The Accessory Issue

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“As a stylist, I have often found it was just the small touch needed to make a big ma difference.”

April 2017

“Sometimes one single accessory can be the main focus of the whole story”


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A little accessory never hurt nobody On the edge

Military Chic

Adding the right accessories can take your outfit from boring to absolutely stunning. Whether it’s showing your edgy side through big pieces of jewellery to make a statement, or adding some bold colours with handbags. Accessories change up your wardrobe without having to buy new clothes.

Light Metal

Love Bonbon

Begada £100.00

Too Damn Expensive £172.00

J Chung £120.00 Tessa Spielhofer £95.00

Intua £150.00

Tala £230.00

Tessa Spielhofer £375.00

Begada £150.00

Anastasiia Ivanova £166.00

Begada £210.00

Lya Lya £804.00

Liz Nehdi £180.00 Dear Freedom £160.00

Saz £292.00 Konstan na Tzovolou £413.00

Sandra Weil £287.00

Ostel £200.00

De Siena £304.00

Luxurious Tulle Socks From NY


as Palmas de Gran Canaria Fusion of Beauty and History

what to wear






Fashion Focused Accessories for every occasion Nail Lacquer

body care

Sparitual has created a gorgeous range of nail polish

Created with natural and organic ingredi-

suited for every occasion. With

ents, this range is perfect to make your

their mix of party, natural,

skin more healthy, smooth and hydrated.

shimmer and metallic colours

Bath salts help your skin look brighter and

to choose or mix with at the price of $12 or £9.67.

Having the right brushes can make an incredible difference to how your makeup is applied. OCC has created 12 different angled


This range comes in 20 different shades and is used for the body and face to add some glamour to your look. The micronised par cles give a smooth texgi ture and paired with the skin primer lasts you all nigh

brushes for powder, founda on, concealer, blending and shading. All brushes have a smooth texture md are a 100% animal cruelty free.


smoother, a must-have for a dry skin. Their body lo on heals stressed skin and helps to nourish and protect. The texture is very gentle and definitely worth spending a li le extra on the price tag.

Meet the Queen of Diamonds;

Liza Urla

The one thing that possibly wanders through our minds first when it comes to accessories is, jewellery! One par cularly beau ful lady who can’t get enough of it, turned her passion into a blog. Those who want to be up to date with all the news and trends in this sparkling world should definitely visit her web-site.

Jewellery reviews, street styles, interviews, events, and especially introducing new and independ-ent jewellery designers in her rubric Kickgem! - Liza Urla is covering it all. So, if your eyes need a li le bit of shimmer, shine and sparkle, check it


ccessories in art have stolen the main part

Accessories some mes steal the leading role and become a legend. Accessories are simply what makes fashion exci ng and deserve to have a whole issue dedicated to those li le, but important things that create huge difference we’re all been looking for! What about the suspenders and the hat Charlo e Rampling wears in the cult movie "The Night Porter", or the unforge able flower crown on the head of the brilliant ar st Frida Kahlo? All these accessories are burnt into our minds and repeatedly shown on the runways of Paris, sh London and New York.

How can we forget the huge cigare e holder Audrey Hepburn has in "Breakfast at Tiffany's", or the famous gloves that Rita Hayworth has so seduc vely taken off in "Gilda", or Marlene Dietrich's very masculine cylinder in "Blue Angle"?

See you in the next issue!

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