Sampad Annual Report 2013-2014

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No. of events/activities no. of events/activities


2013/2014 2012/2013

No. of audiences/participants

no. of audiences/participants






Education & Outreach

78 67

5,055 4,433

Professional Development

1,248 873

189 210



Inspired by My Museum International Writing Competition Entries



Artist import Spain India

Artist export Spain Austria India



Statementof Activities Statement ofFinancial FinancialActivities Activities Statement of Financial Activities Incoming Resources Incoming Resources 2014 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 Incoming 2014 2013 Statement ofStatement Financial of Activities Incoming Resources Resources 2014 2013 Financial Activities Statement of Financial Activities Voluntaryincome income Voluntary ent ofIncoming Financial Activities Statement of Financial Activities ment of Financial Activities Resources 2014 2013 Voluntary income Incoming Resources 2014 ArtsCouncil Council Midlands 242,920 242,500 Arts England, England, West WestResources Midlands Midlands 242,920 242,920 242,500 242,500 Voluntary income 2014 Incoming

g Resources 2014 Incoming Resources Arts Council CouncilCity England, West Midlands 2013 242,920 Birmingham 41,000 ming Resources Birmingham CityCouncil Council 41,000 41,000 2014 2013 Arts England, West Midlands 242,920 Voluntary income


2013 2013

2014 2013 242,500 41,000 41,000 41,000 242,500 Voluntary income Birmingham City City Council 41,000 41,000 Voluntary income Birmingham Council 41,000 41,000 y income Voluntary income Arts Council England, West West Midlands 242,920 242,500 Arts Council England, West Midlands 242,920 242,500 tary income Arts Council England, Midlands 242,920 242,500 ActivitiesWest forgenerating for generating funds funds Council Activities England, Midlands 242,920 242,500 Arts Council England, West Midlands 242,920 242,500 Birmingham City Council Council 41,000 41,000 Birmingham City Council 41,000 41,000 Arts Council England, West Midlands 242,920 242,500 Birmingham City 41,000 41,000 Activities for generating funds Project fees 79,648 40,928 Project and and performance performance fees fees 79,648 79,648 40,928 40,928 Activities for generating funds mingham City Council 41,000 41,000 Birmingham 41,000 41,000 Birmingham CityProject Counciland performance 41,000 41,000 fees City Council 79,648 40,928 Project and performance fees 79,648 40,928 Investment 529 1,154 Investment income income 529 529 1,154 1,154 Activities for Activities for generating funds Activities for generating generating funds funds for for generating funds Investment income 529 1,154 Project and fees 79,648 40,928 Activities forfees generating funds79,648 Investment income 529 1,154 Project and performance 40,928 ies generating funds Project and performance performance fees 79,648 40,928 Grants contracts receivable receivable Grantsand andcontracts ect andand performance fees 79,648 40,928 Project and performance fees 79,648 40,928 Project performance fees 79,648 40,928 Investment income 529 1,154 Grants and contracts receivableincome Investment income 529 1,154 Arts Council England England 189,368 189,368 Arts Council 189,368 - -Investment 529 1,154 Grants and contracts receivable ent income 529 1,154 Investment income 529 1,154 tment income LOCOG 529 1,154 Arts Council England 189,368 50,000 50,000 LOCOG 50,000 Arts Council England 189,368 Grants and contracts receivable Grants and contracts receivable Grants and contracts receivable LOCOG 50,000Birmingham City City Council Council 19,400 19,400 37,320 37,320 Birmingham 19,400 37,320 d contracts receivable LOCOG 50,000 Arts Council England 189,368 Grants and contracts receivable s and contracts receivable Arts Council 189,368 Arts Council England 189,368 Birmingham City Council Council 19,400 37,320 Bryant Trust Trust England - --4,000 4,000 Bryant 4,000 -- Council England 189,368 Birmingham City 19,400 37,320 LOCOG 50,000 - -England Arts Council 189,368 Arts Council England 189,368 LOCOG 50,000 LOCOG -50,000 Bryant Trust 4,000 Ecorys Leonardo Leonardo 69,512 69,512 31,962 31,962 Ecorys 69,512 31,962 COG 50,000 Birmingham-City City Council Council 19,400 37,320 Bryant Trust 4,000 LOCOG 50,000 LOCOG 50,000 Birmingham 19,400 37,320 Birmingham City Council 19,400 37,320 Ecorys Leonardo 69,512 31,962 G G Westons Westons Trust Trust 5,000 5,000 5,000 --mingham CityCity Council 19,400 37,320 Bryant Trust City Council 4,000 Ecorys - Leonardo Birmingham 69,512 31,962 19,400 37,320 Birmingham Council 19,400 37,320 Bryant Trust 4,000 Bryant Trust 4,000 G Westons Westons Trust 5,000 Lottery Lottery Fund Fund 7,589 7,589 34,020 34,020 Hertage 7,589 34,020 ant Trust - 4,000 Ecorys -- Leonardo 69,512 31,962 G Trust 5,000 -- Bryant Trust Hertage 4,000 Bryant 4,000 Ecorys Trust Leonardo 69,512 31,962 Ecorys Leonardo 69,512 31,962 Hertage Lottery Lottery Fund 7,589 34,020 University ofofBirmingham Birmingham 1,500 1,500 - -G Trust 5,000 -rys - Leonardo 69,512 31,962 University 1,500 Hertage Fund 7,589 34,020 Ecorys - Leonardo 69,512 31,962 Ecorys - Leonardo 69,512 31,962 G Westons Westons Trust 5,000 G Westons Trust 5,000 University ofTrust Birmingham 1,500 W AACadbury Trust G 4,000 4,000 - ---Hertage Lottery Fund 7,589 34,020 Trust 5,000 - W Cadbury 4,000 University of Birmingham 1,500 Gestons Westons Trust 5,000 Westons Trust 5,000 Hertage Lottery Fund 7,589 34,020 Hertage Lottery Fund 7,589 34,020 WA A Cadbury Cadbury Trust 4,000 University of Birmingham Birmingham 1,500 tage Lottery Fund 7,589 Hertage Lottery Fund 7,589 34,020 W Trust 4,000 -Hertage Lottery Fund34,020 7,589 34,020 Total Total incoming incoming resources resources 471,098 471,098 672,252 672,252 University of 1,500 -471,098 672,252 University of Birmingham 1,500 WA A Cadbury Cadbury Trust 4,000 versity of Birmingham 1,500 - University of Birmingham 1,500 W Trust 4,000 -- University of Birmingham 1,500 Total incoming resources 471,098 672,252 Total incoming resources 471,098 672,252 W A Cadbury Trust 4,000 Trust 4,000 - WCadbury A Cadbury Trust 4,000 A Cadbury Trust 4,000 Total W incoming resources 471,098 672,252 471,098 672,252 Total incoming resources Total incoming resources 471,098 672,252 471,098 oming resources ncoming resources 471,098 672,252 Total incoming resources672,252 471,098 672,252 Outreach Outreach 49% Income Income Outreach49% 49% Performance Performance Outreach 18% 18% 49% Income Performance Outreach 18% 51% 51%Arts ArtsCouncil Council 49% Income 51% Arts Council Outreach 49% Income International International England England 15% Performance 18% Outreach 49% International 15% Income Performance15% 51% 18% Arts 51% England Arts Council Council Performance 18% Outreach 49% Income Outreach Outreach 49% 49% me Education Education 7% 7% 51% Arts Council International England 15% Performance Outreach18% Education 7% 49% Income 51% Arts Council International England 15% 36% 36%Resources Resources 36% Resources International England 15% Performance 18% Performance18% 18% Fundraising Performance 7% Fundraising Arts charitable Council Education 7% International England from from charitable 51% Arts Performance15% 18% Council 51% Fundraising uncil Education 7% 7% from charitable Council 36% Resources 7% Education 7% 36%activities Resources International England 15% activities International15% 15% Governance International dland Education 3% Governance 36% Resources 7% activities Fundraising International 15% from 3% Governance 7% Fundraising Fundraising 3% from charitable charitable 36% England Resources 7% from charitable Education 7% Education7%7% Education activities Fundraising 1% Training Training 3% Governance Education 7% 7% from charitable activities 36%Birmingham Resources 1% ources 13% Training 1% Birmingham 13% ces 3% Governance Governance activities Birmingham 13% 36% Resources 3% activities 7% 7% Fundraising Fundraising maritable charitable City from charitable City Council Council Training 7% Fundraising 3% City Council from charitable Fundraising 7% 1% Governance Birmingham Training 1% 13% Expenditure Expenditure 1% Training Birmingham 13% Expenditure vities activities s Governance3%3% Governance 3% Governance Birmingham 13% activities Governance Training 1% 3% City Birmingham 13% City Council Council Expenditure City Council Expenditure Training1%1% Training 1% Expenditure Training City Council mingham Training 1% 13% Birmingham gham Resources Resources Expended Expended 2014 2014 2013 2013 Expenditure 13% Birmingham

Resources 2014 2013 City CouncilExpended City Council Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Resources Expended 2014 2013 Resources Expended 2014 Expenditure 2013 Resources Expended 2014 2013 33,559 33,559 Fundraising Fundraising costs costs 36,854 36,854 Resources Expended 2014 2013 33,559 Fundraising costs 36,854 urces Expended 2014 2013 es Expended 2014 2013 33,559 Fundraising costs 36,854 Resources Expended 2014 2013 Resources Expended 2014 2013 Charitable Charitable activities activities Fundraising costs 33,559 36,854 33,559 Fundraising costs 36,854 Charitable activitiesFundraising costs 33,559 36,854

Council uncil

479,671 479,671 Performance Performance programme programme33,559 84,746 84,746 Charitable activities 479,671 Performance 84,746 aising costs 36,854 Charitable activities Charitable activities 33,559 ng costs 36,854 33,559 Fundraising costs programme 36,854 33,559 Fundraising costs Charitable activities 46,738 46,738 Education Education 31,576 31,576 479,671 Performance programme 84,746 46,738 Education 31,576 Performance programme 84,746 Performance programme 84,746 479,671 able activities Performance programme 84,746 69,617 69,617 Outreach Outreach 222,472 222,472 e activities Charitable activitiesCharitable activities 46,738 Education 31,576 69,617 Outreach 222,472 Education 31,576 Education 31,576 46,738 479,671 Performance programme 84,746 Education 31,576 2,214 2,214 Training Training 3,130 3,130 479,671 ormance programme 84,746 479,671 Performance programme 84,746 Performance 84,746 69,617 Outreach 222,472 2,214 Training 3,130 Outreach 222,472 Outreach 222,472 69,617 46,738 Education 31,576 programme Outreach 222,472 46,738 cation 31,576 International International 68,835 68,835 71,034 71,034 46,738 Education 31,576 Education 31,576 2,214 Training 3,130 Training 3,130 International 68,835 71,034 Training 3,130 2,214 69,617 Outreach 222,472 Training 3,130 69,617 reach Governance 222,472 69,617 Outreach 222,472 Outreach 222,472 International 68,835 71,034 International 68,835 Governance costs costs International 68,835 71,034 2,214 Training 3,130 Governance costs International 68,835 2,214 ning 3,130 2,214 Training 3,130 Training 3,130 Audit Audit fee fee 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 nternational 68,835 71,034 Governance costs Governance costs Governance Audit fee 3,500 3,500 costs costs rnational Governance 68,835 71,034 International 68,835 International 68,835 71,034 299 299 773 773 Legal Legal and and professional professional fees fees Audit fee 3,500 Audit fee 3,500 3,500 299 773 Legal and professional fees nance costs Audit fee 3,500 Audit fee 3,500 3,500 nce costs Governance AA A proportion proportion Director’s Director’s Staff Staff costs costs 10,910 10,910 11,205 11,205 Governance costs 299 costsofof Legal and professional fees 299 773 Legal and fees 299 Audit 3,500 3,500 proportion of Director’s Staff costs 10,910 11,205 299 773 Legal and professional professional fees Legal and professional fees it feefee 3,500 3,500 Audit fee 3,500 A proportion of Director’s Staff costs 10,910 Audit fee 3,500 3,500 A proportion of Director’s Staff 10,910 11,205 299costs 773 Legal andTotal professional fees Total resources resources expended expended 459,027 459,027 721,606 721,606 A proportion of Director’s Staff costs 10,910 A proportion of Director’s Staff costs 10,910 11,205 299 773 al and professional fees Total resources expended 459,027 721,606 299 773 and professional11,205 fees299 Legal andStaff professional fees A proportion of Director’s costsLegal 10,910 Total resources expended 459,027 oportion of Director’s Staffexpended costs 10,910 11,205 Total resources 459,027 721,606 Total expended 459,027 Aresources proportion of Director’s Staff costs 10,910 Total resources expended 459,027 721,606 A proportion of Director’s Staff costs 10,910 11,205 12,071 12,071 Net Net movement movement of of funds funds -49,354 -49,354 esources Net expended 459,027 721,606 12,071 movement of funds -49,354 ources expended 459,027expended 721,606 Total resources 459,027 12,071 Net Total resources of expended 459,027 721,606 12,071 Net movement movement funds -49,354 12,071 Net movement movement of of funds funds 12,071 Net of funds -49,354 12,071 ovement of funds -49,354 12,071 ement of funds -49,354 12,071 Net movement of funds 2013 2013 Fund Fund Balances Balances at End End of of Year 2014 2014 12,071 Net movement ofat funds -49,354 2013 Fund Balances at End ofYear Year 2014

Fund Balances at End End of of 2014 Year Balances at Year Fund Balances at of Restricted Restricted funds funds Fund 17,801 17,801 Fund Balances at End End of Year Year 2014 Restricted funds 17,801 2013 Balances at End of Year 2014 Restricted funds Designated Designated funds funds 62,104 62,104 2013 lancesFund at End offunds YearFund Restricted funds at End Restricted funds 17,801 Balances of Year Designated funds 62,104 Restricted 17,801 Balances at End of2014 Year 2014


36,854 479,671 479,671 46,738 46,738 479,671 69,617 69,617 46,738 2,214 2,214 69,617 71,034 71,034 2,214 71,034 3,500 3,500 773 773 3,500 11,205 11,205 773 721,606 721,606 11,205 721,606 -49,354 -49,354 -49,354


2014 2013 2013 8,182 8,182 2013 8,182 8,182 17,801 67,909 67,909 8,182 17,801 8,182 2013 2014 67,909 8,182 2013 67,909 Designated funds 62,104 8,182 cted funds 17,801 169,840 169,840 67,909 Unrestricted Unrestricted funds funds Designated funds 178,097 178,097 62,104 67,909 Designated funds 62,104 8,182 67,909 d funds 17,801 Designated funds 169,840 62,104 Unrestricted funds Restricted 178,097 8,182 funds 17,801 169,840 Unrestricted funds 178,097 67,909 nated funds 62,104 8,182 Restricted funds 17,801 169,840 Unrestricted funds 178,097 169,840 Unrestricted funds 178,097 67,909 ed funds Trustees’ 62,104 169,840 Unrestricted fundsamounting 67,909 178,097 Designated funds 62,104 Trustees’ travel travelexpenses expenses amounting toto £208.00 £208.00 were werepaid paidininthe the year year Auditors: Auditors:Clement Clement Keys Keys 169,840 tricted funds 178,097 67,909 Designated funds 62,104 to £208.00 were paid in the year were Auditors: Clement Trustees’ travel expenses amounting to £208.00 paid in the year KeysAuditors: Clement Keys 169,840 ted funds Trustees’ travel expenses amounting 178,097 Trustees’ travel expenses amounting to £208.00 paid in the year KeysAuditors: Clement Keys 169,840 Unrestricted funds 178,097 Trustees’ travel expenses to £208.00 were paid in the year were Auditors: Clement 169,840 Unrestricted funds amounting 178,097

Trustees’ travelto expenses £208.00 paid inClement the yearKeys Auditors: Clement Keys ’ travel expenses amounting £208.00 amounting were paid into the year were Auditors: vel expenses amounting to £208.00 were paid in the year Auditors: Clement Keys were paid in the year Trustees’ travel expenses amounting to £208.00 Auditors: Clement Keys Trustees’ travel expenses amounting to £208.00 were paid in the year Auditors: Clement Keys

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