Sampad annual review 2012 - 3

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c/o mac Cannon Hill Park Birmingham B12 9QH +44 (0)121 446 3260



Tagore Writing Competition Entries

6,0 06


Artistic Import

Artistic Export


Netherlands Austria Spain Canada

It was a significant year for Sampad and the South Asian arts sector given the prestige and profile of the innovative Mandala production as part of the London 2012 festival, Moving Earth’s contribution to the regional Cultural Olympiad and the launch of the Inspired by Tagore publication internationally.

Moving Earth united 240 dancers from around the region for two spectacular performances as part of Dancing for the Games.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Sampad’s popular and innovative Artists in Schools workshops continued to help artists/creative educators to develop their work with schools. The Moving Earth Leadership Scheme empowered 20 participants to gain new professional skills as part of Moving Earth’s long-term legacy.



No. of artists + organisations worked with


156 329


We will continue to programme high-quality, accessible arts, building on our strong track record of nurturing talent and embracing new audiences and participants across all communities, while also raising the profile and standards of South Asian arts and heritage. My continuing gratitude goes to the staff team, Board and supporters of sampad for their tremendous contribution.





4,43 3


We are also working proactively to address new financial challenges to ensure future sustainability. Our relationship with our key partner, mac birmingham remains strong and vibrant as we work together on strategic initiatives and programme activities.

Cutting-edge 3D technology met South Asian performing arts for the London 2012 Festival, as 12,000 people in the Midlands enjoyed Mandala.

Sampad launched SEPP:Digital, its European placement programme offering exciting digital learning opportunities for creative professionals.

EDUCATION + OUTREACH In 2011/12 20 20





Professional Development





Education + Outreach

Funded by Birmingham City Council’s Next Generation scheme, iProducer saw young people developing filmmaking and digital storytelling skills. During Mini-Mandala, Birmingham residents built up multimedia skills and worked with a South Asian dancer to learn about capturing movement.


Commissioned by Heartlands Hospital, sampad designed a creative programme focussed on local identity, to engage young people in Alum Rock.




Sampad continues to maintain a phenomenal output of high quality programming even as it breaks new ground for South Asian arts through our digital partnerships with universities in Birmingham and our contributions to sector developments and research.









Voluntary income Voluntary income Voluntary income Voluntary incomeEngland, West Midlands Arts income Council 242,500 242,500 Voluntary Arts Council England, West Midlands 242,500 242,500 Arts Council England, West Midlands 242,500 242,500 Arts Council England, West Midlands 242,500 242,500 Birmingham City Council 41,000 41,000 Arts Council England, West Midlands 242,500 242,500 Birmingham City Council 41,000 41,000 Birmingham City Council 41,000 41,000 Birmingham City Council 41,000 41,000 Individual donation 1,000 Birmingham City Council 41,000 41,000 Individual donation donation 1,000 Individual -- 1,000 Individual donation 1,000 Activities for generating funds Individual donation 1,000 Activities for for generating generating funds funds Activities Activities forgenerating generating funds Miscellaneous income 525 Voluntary Voluntary income income Activities for funds Miscellaneous income 525 Miscellaneous income 525 Miscellaneous income 525 Arts Council Artsperformance England, Council England, Westfees Midlands West Midlands 242,500 242,500 242,500 Project and 40,928 Miscellaneous income - - 242,50063,222 525 Project and performance fees 40,928 63,222 Project and performance fees 40,928 Birmingham Birmingham City Council City Council 41,000 41,000 41,00063,222 41,000 Project and performance fees 40,928 63,222 Investment income 1,154 2,205 Project and performance fees 40,928 63,222 Investment income 2,205 Investment income 1,154 Individual Individual donation donation -1,154 1,000 Investment income 1,154 - 1,000 2,205 2,205 Grants and contracts receivable Investment income 1,154 2,205 Grants and contracts receivable Grants and contracts receivable Activities Activities for generating for generating funds funds Grants and contracts receivable Arts Council England 189,368 148,821 Grants and contracts receivable Arts Council England 189,368 148,821 Arts Council England 189,368 148,821 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous income 525 525 Arts Council Englandincome 189,368 148,821 Arts Nation - 2,700 Arts Council England 189,368 148,821 Arts Nation 2,700 Project and Project performance and performance fees fees 40,928 40,928 63,222 63,222 Arts Nation -- 2,700 Arts Nation 2,700 Birmingham City Council 37,32022,600 Arts Nation 2,700 Investment Investment incomeCity income 1,154 1,154 2,20522,600 2,205 Birmingham City Council 37,320 22,600 Birmingham Council 37,320 Birmingham City Council 37,320 22,600 British Council 1,000 Birmingham Council 37,320 22,600 Grants and Grants contracts andCity contracts receivable receivable British Council 1,000 British Council 1,000 British Council 1,000 Bryant Trust 4,000 British Council Arts Council ArtsEngland Council England 189,3684,000 189,368 148,821 1,000 148,821 Bryant Trust 4,000 Bryant Trust -- Bryant Trust 4,000 East Midlands Business - Arts Nation Arts Nation -4,000 2,700 833 2,700 Bryant Trust East Midlands Business 833 East Midlands Business - 833 East Midlands Business 833 Ecorys - Birmingham Leonardo 31,962 Birmingham CityBusiness Council City Council 37,320 37,320 22,60028,446 22,600 East Midlands 833 Ecorys - Leonardo Leonardo 31,96228,446 Ecorys 31,962 28,446 EcorysCouncil - Project Leonardo 28,446 British Council -31,962 1,00013,682 1,000 Education - Ecorys - British Leonardo 31,962 28,446 Education Project 13,682 Education Project -- Bryant Trust Bryant Trust 4,000 4,000 -13,682 Education Project 13,682 Heritage Lottery Fund 34,020 -Education Project 13,682 Heritage Lottery Fund 34,020 Heritage Lottery Fund 34,020 -- East Midlands East Midlands Business Business -34,020 833 833 Heritage Lottery Fund LOCOG 50,000 Heritage Lottery Fund 34,020 LOCOG 50,000 LOCOG 50,000 --- Ecorys - Leonardo Ecorys - Leonardo 31,962 31,962 28,44649,519 28,446 LOCOG 50,000 V Inspired LOCOG 50,000 Inspired 49,519 VVEducation Inspired -- - - 13,68249,519 Education Project Project 13,682 V Inspired 49,519 Total incoming resources 672,252 VHeritage Inspired 49,519 618,053 Heritage Lottery Fund Lottery Fund 34,020 34,020 Total incoming resources 672,252 618,053 Total incoming resources 672,252 618,053 Total incoming resources 672,252 Total incoming resources 672,252 618,053 LOCOG LOCOG 50,000 50,000 - 618,053-

V Inspired V Inspired INCOME Resources Total incoming Totalfrom incoming resourcesresources 75% Resources from from 75% Resources charitable 75% Resources from 75% Resources charitable charitable 75% activities from

charitable charitable activities activities activities

activities Arts Council il 21% Resources Resources from from 75%Arts 75% Arts Council il Council il 21% 21% England charitable charitable Arts Council 21% Arts Council il il England 21% England activities activities England England m 4% Birmingham Arts21% Council Arts il Birmingham mil Councilil m 21% 4% Birmingham 4% City Council Birmingham 4% England England Birmingham m City Council City Council ililm 4%

Performances 66% - 49,519 49,519 Performances Performances 66% 66% Performances International 66% 10% Performances 672,252 672,252 618,053 618,053 66% International International 10% 10% International Outreach 10% 10% International 10% Outreach 10% Outreach 10% Outreach 10% Education 6% Performances Performances 66% 10% 66% Outreach Education 6% 6% Education Education 6% International International 5% Fundraising 10% 10% Education 6% 5% Fundraising 5% Fundraising Outreach Outreach 5% 10% 10% Fundraising 2% Governance 5% Fundraising 2% Governance 2% Governance Education Education 6% <1% 6% 2% Governance Training 2% Governance <1% Training <1% Training 5% 5% Fundraising Fundraising <1% Training <1% Training 2%


Governance Governance EXPENDITURE <1% <1% Training Training

CityCouncil Council City il il

m m 4% Birmingham 4% Birmingham

City Council City il Council il

SAMPAD PERSONNEL BOARD DIRECTORS 2012/2013 Ranjit Sondhi CBE, Chair; Nasheima Sheikh, Vice Chair; Martin Connor, Treasurer + Secretary; Barry Matthews; Elaine Benbow; Jonathan Coane; Andy Howell; Jane Lutz; Jo Newman; Abdul Rashid; Suman Sud; Roger Woods l Finance, General Purpose + Personnel Sub-committee member l Artistic + Education Sub-committee member

OBSERVERS Birmingham City Council: Arts Council England:

Helen Tomkins Rachael Griffin and Segun Lee-French

SAMPAD STAFF 2012-2013 Piali Ray OBE, Director; Clayton Shaw, Operations Manager; Urmala Jassal, Programme Manager; Simi Obra, Marketing + PR Officer; Buzby Bywater, Special Project + Admin Officer; Jan Bessent, Finance + Management Administrator; Anne Cockitt, Arts Project Co-ordinator; Kavita Walia, Arts Project Co-ordinator; Rabiyah K Latif, Education Co-ordinator; Katy Wade, Project Co-ordinator University of Birmingham Cultural Internship Matthew Rolfe European Training Services: Petra Safarikova, Nadine Großkreuz, Miriam Pagano, Vincenza Rubini, Adolfo Nieto Streetly Academy: Sukhdeep Sehint



2013 2012 15,591 36,854 15,591 Fundraising costs costs 36,854 15,591 Fundraising 36,854 15,591 Fundraising costs 36,854 15,591 Fundraising costs 36,854 Charitable activities Charitable activities Charitable activities 15,591 15,591 Fundraising Fundraising costs costs 36,854 36,854 Performance programme 479,671 167,812 Charitable activities Charitable activities Performance programme programme 479,671 167,812 167,812 Performance 479,671 Education 46,738 102,301 167,812 Performance programme 479,671 Charitable Charitable activitiesactivities Performance programme 479,671 167,812 Education 46,738 102,301 102,301 Education 46,738 Outreach 69,617 103,088 102,301 Education 46,738 Performance Performance programme programme 479,671 479,671 167,812 167,812 Education 46,738 102,301 Outreach 69,617 103,088 103,088 Outreach 69,617 Education Education 46,738 46,738 102,301 102,301 Training 2,214 49,139 103,088 Outreach 69,617 Outreach 69,617 103,088 Training 2,214 49,139 49,139 Training 2,214 Outreach Outreach 69,617 69,617 103,08860,340 103,088 International 71,034 49,139 Training 2,214 Training 2,214 49,139 International 60,340 71,034 International 60,340 71,034 Training Training 2,21471,034 2,214 49,139 60,340 49,139 International International 60,340 71,034 Governance costs International International 60,340 60,340 71,034 71,034 Governance costs costs Governance Audit fee 3,500 3,500 Governance costs Governance costs Governance Governance costs costs Audit fee 3,500 3,500 Audit fee 3,500 3,500 773 74 Audit fee 3,500 3,500 Legal and professional fees Audit fee Audit and fee Audit fee 3,5003,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 773 74 773 74 Legal and professional feesStaff costs Legal professional fees 773 A proportion of Director’s 11,205 10,854 Legal and professional fees fees 773 7474 773 773 7410,854 74 Legal and professional fees Legal and Legal professional and professional fees proportion of Director’s Staff costs costs 11,205 10,854 AA proportion of Director’s Staff 11,205 A proportion of Director’s Staff costs 11,205 10,854 proportion A proportion ofofDirector’s of Director’s Staff costs Staff costs 11,205 11,205 10,854 10,854 AA proportion Director’s Staff costs 11,205 10,854 Total resources expended 721,606 512,699 Total resources expended 721,606 512,699 Total resources expended 721,606 512,699 Total resources expended 721,606 512,699 Total resources Total resources expended expended 721,606 721,606 512,699 512,699 Total resources expended 721,606 512,699 -49,354 Net movement of funds 105,354 -49,354 Net movement of funds 105,354 -49,354 Net movement of funds 105,354 -49,354 -49,354 105,354 Net movement Net movement of of funds 105,354 -49,354 Netmovement movement offunds funds 105,354 -49,354 Net offunds 105,354

FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR Restricted funds Restricted Restricted funds Restricted funds funds Restricted funds Restricted funds Designated funds Restricted funds Designated Designated funds Designated funds funds Designated funds Designated funds Unrestricted funds Designated funds Unrestricted Unrestricted funds Unrestricted funds funds Unrestricted funds Unrestricted funds Unrestricted funds



31,037 8,182 31,037 31,037 8,182 8,182 31,03731,037 8,182 8,182 31,037 8,182 75,000 67,909 31,037 8,182 75,000 67,909 67,909 75,00075,000 75,000 67,909 67,909 75,000 67,909 189,248 189,248 169,840 75,000 67,909 189,248 169,840 169,840 189,248 169,840 189,248 169,840 189,248 169,840 189,248 169,840

Trustees’ expenses amounting to £229.50 inyear the Trustees’travel travel Trustees’ expenses travel amounting expensestoamounting £229.50 were towere £229.50 paidpaid in the were paidyear in the year Trustees’travel travelexpenses expensesamounting amountingto to£229.50 £229.50were werepaid paidininthe theyear year Trustees’ Trustees’ travel expenses amounting £229.50 were paid in the year Trustees’ travel expenses amounting to to £229.50 were paid in the year

Auditors: Clement Keys Auditors: Clement Auditors: Keys Clement Keys Auditors: Clement ClementKeys Keys Auditors: Auditors: Clement Keys Auditors: Clement Keys

Sampad is a registered charity no. 1088995. Cover photograph by Adrian Burrows.



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