Dissolution sp 2013

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Recap 1) What were Henry’s problems? 2) Why were they problems? 3) What was his solution? (think of the video) Two main Christian religious categories: C______ and P_______

Henry makes himself head of the Church of England It solved his need for an heir because‌

It solved his need for money because‌.

He divorced Catherine of Aragon and married Anne Boleyn, hoping for a son!

He took over the monasteries. He closed the monasteries from 1536-39 and took all their gold, silver and land. They fell into ruin or were turned into private houses.

Why did Henry close the monasteries? • Aims – To explain why Henry closed the monasteries – To evaluate whether or not this was fair. Key words:

Dissolution= The closing down or process of dissolving. Monastery=

Q: What do they mean?

What is a monastery?

AA community community of of persons, persons, especially especially monks, monks, bound bound by by vows vows to to aa religious religious life life and and often often living living in in partial partial or or complete complete seclusion. seclusion.

How should Monks live?? •… •… •….

Try to think of 3 ways monks lived

Monks Rules- you must: – Live as poor people – Not marry or have sex – Look after the poor, the sick and the old – Give food and shelter to travellers – Eat simply and wear simple rough clothes – Copy out precious manuscripts

Did Henry did portray them this way?

I need money!! Now that the Church is under my control I can take some of theirs!

-How could Henry get away with it? -How could he make sure people didn’t complain?

Cash in the Abbey!


-What did Cromwell’s report say?

-Was it an honest report?

-What did they take from the monks?

What Henry did • Henry wanted to raise money for himself and for a war against France. • To do this, he thought of a plan! • He asked Thomas Cromwell (his chief advisor) to write a report about the Monks that lived in the Catholic Monasteries! Henry wanted the monks to look bad so people would support him when he took away their money! • The plan worked. Lots of money was raised and people believed what the report said!

The inspectors’ instructions Tell me about; • Monks or nuns breaking rules • Monks or nuns who want to leave their monasteries. • Any superstitious activities – look out for relics! • Each monastery’s income and debts

Thomas Cromwell, a Protestant, and the king’s chief adviser thought closing the monasteries was a very good idea.

Report Activity • Read through the reports on your sheet.  Decide which are bad and which are good reports on your sheets. 1. Individually write down the rules being broken in each of the bad reports. e.g. In Source A the monks are described as idle but are making large profits 2. Why might these reports might be mistrusted?

You are a reporter… • Write a newspaper article explaining what has been going on and what you have found out! SCANDAL! – Would the public be happy about the report writing? – What things were contained in the reports – the monk’s behaviour Today news broke that King Henry is planning to close the monasteries because…. The reports contained some shocking information on the behaviour of some monks and nuns. For example…. It is likely that the reports are true/false because…


‘Henry’s closing of the Monasteries and selling precious items was fair and necessary.’

Yes Yes II think think itit was was fair fair because…. because…. (Henry (Henry has has to to pay pay for for war…?) war…?)

No No II think think it’s it’s unfair unfair because… because…

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