Henry's problems sp 2013

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Recap! What can you remember from last lesson?

SAY WHAT YOU SEE‌ But not exactly!

A volunteer comes to the board and sits in front of it. Members of the audience put up their hands and describe the picture to the person without saying the name of the object/place etc.


What problems did Henry VIII face?

-To identify and explain the problems that Henry faced. -To decide how Henry should deal with these problems.

A portrait of Henry VIII (15091547) painted around 1545. What can we tell about Henry VIII from this painting? How did Henry want to be seen?

What do we already know about Henry?

In pairs you need to decide which problems are the real ones Henry faced and which ones are in there to try and catch you out! Henry was bankrupt There was a civil war He had too much money to spend The French had better tanks Henry needed a divorce The Catholic church was very powerful His son wanted him to step down as King Henry needed a son

Real problems Henry faced

Fake problems

I am bankrupt!

The French have better tanks…

I need a divorce!

I have so much money…

I desperately need a son! There is a Civil War… The Catholic Church is so powerful!

My son wants me to step down as King…

Watch the following clip and think… 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =BdE7LyxdTAg

Why did Henry want a son?  Why was divorce a problem?  What did Henry do to solve his problem? 

Time to think like a king…

You need to imagine the letter I would write to my agony aunt to try and help me solve my problems!

Don’t forgot that I have FOUR problems…but which is my biggest problem?

Letter to agony aunt  

  

Dear …. I have a number of problems. I hope you can help! The first problems is that… Secondly, the problem is… Another problem is that…

You can use page 35 to help. Explain why each is a problem!

Now for peer assessment… Swap with the person next to you.  Read through the letter and write underneath it two stars and a wish. 

Two things they did well.

One way to improve next time.

Extension Write a response to Henry VIII’s letter advising him how to solve his problems.  Think about how he could solve the problems, is one problem linked to another? 

Dear Henry My advice to you is…. This will solve your problems because…

How to succeed in this task… 

OK – You will have listed some of the problems that Henry faced.

Good – You will have begun to explain Henry’s problems.

Very good – You will have explained each of the problems that Henry faced, you will have made valid suggestions to help the problems.

Excellent – You will have clearly explained each of Henry’s problems and offered realistic solutions to them. You will have linked this work to your wider knowledge of the period that we are studying. Self assess your own work

Review 

What would be the best solutions to Henry’s problems?

Could any solution solve more than one problem?

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