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Featured Artists I Artwork Acquisitions I Commission work
Business Interior I Consultation Services I Project Management
A Hong Kong based, experienced and resourceful art consultancy firm provides imaginative, cost - effective solutions to the crucial question of how art can reinforce and enhance corporate style.

Project scope of works: Design and supply all paintings, wall-art and sculptures; sourcing and selection of decorative items for shelves as well as dinning tableware and floral arrangement etc.
Project Completion: April 2021
Location: Wetland Seasons Park, Tin Sheung Wai
Employer: Sun Hung Kai Properties
Presented by: State-Of-The-Arts Consultancy
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© Copyright 2021 by State-Of-The-Arts Gallery Ltd
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四季山水的主題創作 生生四季
Wetland Seasons Park 毗鄰香港濕地公園,環境清幽, 充滿綠意生趣。其會所公共空間呈示的數十件藝術品 ,涵括繪畫、雕塑及裝置種種,均契合自然及保育主 題,各有特色亦彼此相依。

Endless Seasons
Adjacent to Hong Kong Wetland Park, Wetland Seasons Park enjoys a green and tranquil environment. A dozens of art works, including paintings, sculptures and installations, have been displayed in its club house and other public areas Inspired by natural conservation and environmental protection, all art works in Wetland Seasons Park have their own characteristics while at the same time share the same central idea